Congratulations on your purchase of a Franchise from CMR ...€¦  · Web viewCongratulations on...

.. , Congratulations on your purchase of a Franchise from CMR Market Coupons! Community Market Coupons has been successfully providing direct mail coupon books in many communities since 2001 and you now have the opportunity to have your own business which you can grow as much as you want. The information in this manual will provide you with everything that you need to be successful in launching your own direct mail coupon book.

Transcript of Congratulations on your purchase of a Franchise from CMR ...€¦  · Web viewCongratulations on...

Page 1: Congratulations on your purchase of a Franchise from CMR ...€¦  · Web viewCongratulations on your purchase of a Franchise from CMR Market Coupons! Community Market Coupons has

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Congratulations on your purchase of a Franchise from CMR Market Coupons!Community Market Coupons has been successfully providing direct mail coupon books in many communities since 2001 and you now have the opportunity to have your own business which you can grow as much as you want. The information in this manual will provide you with everything that you need to be successful in launching your own direct mail coupon book.

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Community Market Resources

CMR Market Coupons Guidelines to a Successful Business

Your Requirements

Page 3: Congratulations on your purchase of a Franchise from CMR ...€¦  · Web viewCongratulations on your purchase of a Franchise from CMR Market Coupons! Community Market Coupons has

There are only a few things that you will need to do before you are ready to launch your new business.

• You will need a graphics designer• You will need a printing company• You will need a bulk mail permit number• You will need routing numbers for your territory

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PrintersSelecting a printer is another critical part of your new business. CMR has an established printing company that has been publishing CMR Market Coupons books since 2001.Press & Argus Newspaper in Howell Michigan has done an outstanding job of printing the books on time, bundling the books per routing number, and making timely deliveries.

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Printing Your BookOnce you have completed selling all 24 to 32 ads for your book, and all of your clients have approved their ad copies, and all changes that are required have been completed, you are ready to go to print. You will need to organize the files as you want them to appear in your book, starting with the front cover ad and working to the back cover with all of the pages in between in the proper order. Your graphics artist can e-mail the files of your ads You can obtain an FTP Address from the printer (this is the e-mail address that the printer will use to receive your files). You will also need to provide the routing numbers and zip codes that you will be mailing your books to. The printer will provide you with your printing costs after they receive the files, and you will need to pay them prior to printing. Allow approximately 5 days for printing and shipping. The printer will ship your 10,000 books either to your home or to the post office that you designate. You will need to remain in contact with the printerin order to find out when your shipment will arrive.

NOTE: The Post Office will need the appropriate forms prior to accepting your shipment.

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Routing NumbersIn order for the Post Office to deliver your CMR Market Coupons books to the areas that you determine to be the most beneficial for your customers, you must provide Routing Numbers. This information can be obtained from the Post Office that will be mailing your books.The best way to strategically do your mailing is to obtain a city map from the local Chamber of Commerce. Take the map to the Post Office and ask them to list the routing numbers on the map along with the total household count for each route.

R-1 - 550 homes

R-2 - 600 homesWith this information, you can determine which routes to mail to in order to meet your 10,000 household commitment to your customers.

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Bulk Mail PermitIn order to distribute your CMR Market Coupons books through the United States Post Office, you will need to obtain a Bulk Mail Permit. This can be done by visiting your post office that will be mailing your booklets, and asking for the appropriate forms for application. The cost of this permit is approximately $300.00, with an annual renewal fee of approximately $150.00.

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Graphics DesignThe Graphics Designer is a very important part of your new business. If you are talented with graphics arts and have the equipment, you can attempt to do this yourself. CMR recommends, however that you use a good professional graphics artist.

The Graphics artist will do the ad layouts, using information and ad copy (i.e. logos, pictures, or other items that the customer would like to appear in their ad).

CMR has found graphics to be as inexpensive as $.3S:-OO per ad. Try to stay away from artists that charge an hourly rate. The average rate for a graphics artist is about per hour.

Graphics Artists can be found by searching the local classified ads under services, or you can ask your local printer for a recommendation (even if your not using the printer to publish your book).

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CMR can help with graphics artist services that are experienced in preparing ads for the CMR Market Coupons book. Contact CMR for recommendations.

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······ Selling Your Adverti sements

Following is a list of potential advertisers that CMR has found to have the most success with:

» Plumbers» A» B» c» D» E» F

» Pizzerias» G

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Selling Your AdvertisementsPlan on a 6 week sales campaign for each territory that you own. Timing is critical as many advertisers will have certain sales campaigns of their own that they want to advertise. Missing a deadline for mailing can cause you to lose a return customer. As a part of your sales pitch, you will tell your customer that this is a quarterly book for December through February or the winter book. In order to make that deadline, you must have everything completed by the second week in November. Your book must be mailed by the end of November. Therefore, you must start selling by the 1st of October for the winter book, and so on for each subsequent book.

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Selling Your AdvertisementsTips on Planning your Sales Strategy

Keeping your deadlines in mind, it is best to plan on what you have to sell in the time frame that you have to sell it. Remember that you have a front cover, a back cover, an inside front cover, and an inside back cover that will bring a premium price. Target the covers first if you have the opportunity.

Another thing to help with selling is offering a 4 time run. Because your are only paying for the graphics once, you can offer a discounted price ($275.00 per run) with a return commitment.

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Selling Your AdvertisementsCold Calls:We have provided a sample of one of the flyers that we use as a selling aid.

You can have your graphics artist design a similar flyer that is customized for your area. We have also provided $sample boolf'for you to use as a demonstration and selling aid. After you print your first book, you will want to retain copies of your own book to use for this purpose.

Sales Pitch:Start out with "Hi, my name is and I'm with CMR Market Coupons. (Have one of your copies of our books in your hand.) We have been successfully providing small communities with our strategically mailed coupon books for many years, and we are now in your community. This book is being mailed to 10,000 homes right here around your business, and we would like to see if we can place an ad for your business in our next book?

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Selling Your AdvertisementsCustomer Objections

When customers present an excuse not to advertise, it is important to be prepared with the correct response for removing the objection.

Example Objections:Customer: "I'm already using another direct mail book". CMR Rep: "That's great! How is it working for you?

Listen to what they say. They will probably say they are happy.CMR Rep: Other businesses have felt the same way, but when they tried CMR Market Coupons, they found it to be very successful for them. We are different because we focus on mailing to the households that are around the businesses in our book. We also believe in keeping the book relatively small with only 24 to 32 ads per book, which makes it easy to use for the recipient. And for only$319.00 for a full page ad with full color, you will receive three months of advertising. This is a quarterly book, so you can date your ads to cover the full three months. So, can we reserve a spot for you and place you in the winter book?

Don't say anything after that. Wait for the customer to respond."The First One that talks, Loses"

This adage applies whenever asking for a sale.

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Selling Your AdvertisementsClosing the Sale

When the customer agrees to advertise with you, you will need to get an ad copy form so that you can design an ad for them. Ask them if they have anything that they have done in the past, with another advertiser. You can take that and redesign the ad to fit in your book. If they don't have previous material, you can take the information that they want to appear in the ad and simply write it out on a note pad. If they have a logo that they want to appear, you can get it from a business card, letterhead, flyer or any other printed material that they may have.You will need to complete the insertion order form appropriately, and have the customer sign it. Inform the customer that payment is due upon receipt of ad proof. You will have the proof for them within a few days. Be sure to thank the customer for their business.