Conflicts In The Home

Conflicts In The Home Year 7- Resource Package Group Members; Cassie Feldman, Laura Bosch, Shaun Mulick, Emma Lucas



Transcript of Conflicts In The Home

Conflicts In The Home Year 7- Resource Package

Group Members; Cassie Feldman, Laura Bosch, Shaun Mulick, Emma Lucas

Conflicts In The Home

Video -

Conflicts In The HomeWhy should students be taught about how to

manage conflicts in the home?Fisher (2004) states that the family is the most important relationship structure that most of us have in our lives. But we do not get any formal training in how to succeed in a family or no training in how to live in a family (Fisher, 2004). So it is necessary for teachers to provide students with opportunities to learn how to function in a family environment.

Lane ( 1995) suggests that there are objectives in why we teach students about managing conflict:

• To help students become aware of different strategies in resolving conflict.

• To empower students with confidence through practicing and clear communicating skills.

• To utilise students actual experiences in conflict resolution.

• To teach students about anger management, communication, listening, reflecting skills.

• To offer students a safe and nurturing environment.

What are the implications of teaching conflict in the home for educators?Some implications teachers may encounter when teaching students about his topic are:

• Some pupils may be uncomfortable with talking about certain conflicts as it may reflect on a prior experience .

• Students may develop misconception due to anxiety and confusion. This may be due to cognitive difficulties and/or the learning environment they are involved in etc.

• Questioning or discussion techniques may be eliminated if students response is what they think the teacher may want to hear.

(Newton , 1997)

• Parents may have a problems with children learning about certain conflict issues in the home so it is important the teacher acknowledges these concerns and takes them into account when preparing a lesson.

ResilienceWhat is resilience and why is it important?Walsh (2003) defines resilience as ‘the ability to withstand and rebound from disruptive

challenges’ and argues that it involves key processes over time that fosters the ability to ‘struggle well, surmount obstacles, and go on to live and love fully’. Gordon (1996) also suggests that resilience is ‘the ability to thrive, mature and increase competence in the face of adverse circumstances’. These author’s viewpoints infer that resilience is something more than just the ability to deal with adversity. The two definitions also hint that there is not just a focus upon dealing with the negative concerns at hand but also a focus on positive qualities or outcomes.

The environmental influences within which they now live are very different and far more complex than have ever been experienced in the past. Consequently children and young people need to develop the necessary skills to adequately cope with these environmental influences. Allen (2006) supports this contention of a very different and more complex world by asserting that ‘today’s students will move through multiple careers in their lifetime, many will live in different communities without knowing their neighbours and will not have the support of extended family’

Allen (2006) outlines just how important the development of this skill is. He stresses that ‘the development of young people’s resilience is more important than ever, as they have to manage the rate of change, unpredictability and increased isolation in our communities

How does this resource assist in developing Resilience? This Resource (Scenario Cards) assists in developing Resilience in that it gives the students the

opportunity to have a hands on experience in different conflict situations. It also allows students to look at situations in a different way, which will allow them to be more prepared when they encounter such a situation in life. Looking at different perspectives of a situation will allow students to rebound from challenges and arguments.

Resolve It ! ‘Addressing Conflict in

the Home Through Interactive Role-

Play’What are the Scenario Cards used

for? The Scenario Cards are used to provide students with a stimulus for their interactive role play. Students will perform the role play and use their journals to reflect on their performance and on what they learnt in doing this activity. The students will use the Six Thinking Hats to reflect in their journal.

How do you use the Scenario Cards in the Classroom? The Scenario Cards are used in the classroom to help student with conflicts that they may encounter in their home lives. The teacher reads the scenario to the students and have them act this action out in an interpretive type role play. Once the students have performed this task the teacher is also provided with Teacher Talk Cards to help create a discussion within the classroom. Students then reflect using the Six Thinking Hats in their journal.

EXAMPLE – Role Play

Conflict with siblings: You invite your friend over to play but

your older brother/sister comes to play too and takes your friends off you.

Teacher NotesShaun’s PART

Follow – Up Activities/ Variations• Hats could be worn throughout the role-play and have the

‘actors’ act according to the hat that they are wearing at the time. For example, if a students is wearing the ‘red’ hat they would only be allowed to act or respond in an emotional way. After the play, students could discuss how effective each hat was to the successful resolution of the conflict.

• The journal could be adapted to suit particular students who would prefer to reflect their understandings of the topic in a more visual manner. Space could be provided for students to respond to each ‘hat’ by drawing, or a P.M.I chart could be filled in.

• Each week two students could be selected to write a brief passage in the school newsletter about their class’ recent findings or understandings associated to the topic. Students could briefly discuss what was discussed, what was learnt and how everyone could apply a certain skill or attitude in a similar situation. Alternatively, this could be done on a class wiki, the school website or in another familiar medium.

• This activity is designed to be a once-a-week whole-class activity however this could be changed to suit your classroom schedule. Students could work in small groups (particularly if they are uncomfortable about acting in front of their classmates).

• The learning manager should wear the ‘blue hat’ until students are familiar with the important role this hat plays in the management of the activity. After a while, students could take turns in managing the situation themselves.

Learning Management Plan

And Habits Of Mind

How does this resource support the implementation of the Learning Management Plan on Conflicts In The Home and Habits of Mind?

Learning Management PlanThis resource supports the implementation of the Learning Management Plan by:

Habits of MindThis resource supports a number of Habits of Mind:• Respond Appropriately to Feedback• Maintain An Open Mind• Restrain Impulsivity• Respond Appropriately to Other’s Feelings and Level of Knowledge• Take a Position When the Situations Warrants it• Push the Limits of Your Knowledge and Abilities• Generate Trust and Maintain Your Own Standards of Evaluation• Generate a New Way of Viewing a Situation that are Outside the Boundaries• Evaluate the Effectiveness of your Actions

Positive Attitudes And Mental Health

Promotion How does the resource promote Positive Attitudes and Mental Health Promotion?

Positive Attitudes• Equips students with the ability to learn and grow through their fears and frustrations

and interact appropriately with others .• Students will see the importance of maintaining a positive attitude even in difficult

situations.• Students will understand the power of words and will see the importance of speaking

positive words to others.• Students will learn how their thoughts affect their attitudes and actions and see the

importance of having positive thoughts.(Wise Skills Resources, 1997)

Mental Health Promotion• Mayo Clinic Staff (2009) support this assertion by suggesting that people who are less resilient ‘may

dwell on problems, feel victimized, become overwhelmed and turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as substance abuse’ and that they may be even more inclined to develop mental health problems. So the scenario cards when developing resilience, they are also promoting metal health.

• The scenario cards help student look at a situation in a different perspective. So to overcome these health issues they also refer in part to the positive qualities and outcomes.

• Promotes Social and Emotional Well being


ResourcesAllen, J., Murray, M. & Simmons, K., (2006) How to Succeed with Developing Resilience;

Curriculum Cooperation, Australia

Educational Documentary (2004) Every Young Person Has Challenges, Ages 8-12; Five Star Educational; Accessed on the 20th May 2009

Fisher, E (2004) The art of managing everyday conflict: understanding emotions and power struggles; Greenwood Publishing Group, Santa Barbara

Gordon, K (1996) Infant and Toddler Resilience: Knowledge, Predictions, Policy, and Practice; Southern Illinios University

Lane, P (1995) Conflict Resolution For Kids; Taylor 7 Francis, London

Mayo Clinic Staff (2009) Resilience: Build Skills to Endure Hardship; Accessed on the 20th May 2009

Marzano, R & Pickering , D (1997) Dimensions of Learning: Teacher’s Manual; McRel, Colorado

Newton, M (1997) A Study into the Effectiveness of Conflict Teaching and the Implications for me as a Teacher and for my Pupils; Accessed on the 20th May 2009;

Walsh, F. (2003). Family resilience: A framework for clinical practice; Family Process

Wise Skills Resources (1997) Positive Attitudes; Accessed on the 20th May 2009; http://www. mages/WiseWords_Samples.pdf