Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to...

Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973

Transcript of Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to...

Page 1: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

Conflict - 1945-1975U.S. War – 1964-1973

Page 2: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

Overview of the Vietnam WarWhy is Vietnam still a painful war to remember?Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember?Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember?Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember?

• Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost”

• It showed Americans that our power is limited

Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C. Est. 1982

Page 3: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

The French in VietnamWho were the participants in early conflicts Who were the participants in early conflicts Who were the participants in early conflicts Who were the participants in early conflicts

in Indochina?in Indochina?in Indochina?in Indochina?

• France had long control over Southeast Asia (aka French Indochina)

• WWII – Hitler allowed Japan to set up military bases

• 1941-Vietnamese nationalists led by Ho Chi Minh create the Vietnam Independence League (aka Viet Minh)

• War between France and Vietnam after WWII; U.S. supports France

• French defeated; Geneva Accords signed in 1954 and France leaves

• Country becomes divided over government style

Page 4: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

U.S. Intervention in Vietnam BeginsWhat was EisenhowerWhat was EisenhowerWhat was EisenhowerWhat was Eisenhower’’’’s Domino Theory and why did it dominate U.S. policy s Domino Theory and why did it dominate U.S. policy s Domino Theory and why did it dominate U.S. policy s Domino Theory and why did it dominate U.S. policy

in Vietnam? What fueled this theory?in Vietnam? What fueled this theory?in Vietnam? What fueled this theory?in Vietnam? What fueled this theory?

• Truman’s (1945-1953) doctrine of containment in place by 1953

• Eisenhower added his own spin to containment with his Domino Theory

• After Geneva Accords, U.S. supported Ngo Dinh Diem’s government in the South (lesser of 2 evils)

• President Kennedy increased the number of military advisors

• Diem was assassinated on Nov. 1, 1963 (3 weeks before Kennedy)

Political Cartoon showing Johnson’s uncertainty with how to

proceed with Vietnam

Page 5: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

U.S. Presence Escalates in VietnamWhy did Johnson feel so much pressure to continue efforts in VieWhy did Johnson feel so much pressure to continue efforts in VieWhy did Johnson feel so much pressure to continue efforts in VieWhy did Johnson feel so much pressure to continue efforts in Vietnam even tnam even tnam even tnam even

though he thought it was though he thought it was though he thought it was though he thought it was ““““the biggest mess I ever saw?the biggest mess I ever saw?the biggest mess I ever saw?the biggest mess I ever saw?

• The U.S. and Johnson did not want to appear weak against communism

• The Gulf of Tonkin incident in the summer of 1964 officially pulled the U.S. into the Vietnam War

U.S. Soldiers deploying to Vietnam in 1964

Page 6: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

Hardship and Disillusionment on the War FrontsWhat Strategies did the outnumbered Viet Cong use to fight the UWhat Strategies did the outnumbered Viet Cong use to fight the UWhat Strategies did the outnumbered Viet Cong use to fight the UWhat Strategies did the outnumbered Viet Cong use to fight the U.S. Army?.S. Army?.S. Army?.S. Army?

• Guerilla warfare tactics, land mines, and booby traps made fighting unpredictable

• Vietnam’s wet, often dense terrain made movement difficult and uncomfortable

• It was hard to distinguish friends from enemies; many Vietnamese did not welcome U.S. troops

A soldier crawling through elephant grass and dense jungle

Page 7: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

• Ho Chi Minh appealed to the Vietnamese people’s intense national identity

• He linked the Communist struggle with Vietnam’s long history of resisting outsiders

Vietnamese Nationalism and DeterminationWhy did so many Vietnamese in both the North and the Sough suppoWhy did so many Vietnamese in both the North and the Sough suppoWhy did so many Vietnamese in both the North and the Sough suppoWhy did so many Vietnamese in both the North and the Sough support rt rt rt


A new generation is trained.

Page 8: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

American Public Support for the War WanesWhy did so many Americans become disillusioned with the war in VWhy did so many Americans become disillusioned with the war in VWhy did so many Americans become disillusioned with the war in VWhy did so many Americans become disillusioned with the war in Vietnam?ietnam?ietnam?ietnam?

• The Civil Rights movement increased American protests (protestors did not like the war either)

• People did not like Johnson’s decision to send more troops

• Horrific images in magazines and on TV reinforced the growing anti-war sentiment

• People felt we were fighting another countries civil war.

Page 9: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

Protesting the Vietnam WarWhat were the reasons people agreed with or disagreed with the war?

Doves• Violence is out of

control• We are losing the war• War was preventing

growth of social reforms at home

• Draft System is wrong• Can’t trust the

government to tell the truth

• Typically younger and/or Democratic

Hawks• U.S can’t appear weak • We are winning the war• Winning is more

important than domestic reform

• Youth today need to honor their country

• People need to trust the government

• Typically older and/or Republican

Page 10: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed
Page 11: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

Fighting a Losing BattleWhat was the What was the What was the What was the TetTetTetTet Offensive and why did this devastate U.S. war effortsOffensive and why did this devastate U.S. war effortsOffensive and why did this devastate U.S. war effortsOffensive and why did this devastate U.S. war efforts

• The Tet Offensive (Jan. 31, 1968) communist soldiers launched a surprise offensive attack in the south

• The Viet Cong were defeated, but the surprise attack left the U.S. government shaken and the soldiers and people became even more disillusioned

President Johnson after the Tet Offensive

Page 12: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

Nixon and VietnamWhat did Nixon do in Vietnam and was he effective?What did Nixon do in Vietnam and was he effective?What did Nixon do in Vietnam and was he effective?What did Nixon do in Vietnam and was he effective?

• A Republican with political experience

• 1968-Campaigned on a policy of Vietnamization (gradual withdrawal) and “Peace with Honor”

• Secretly started bombing neutral Laos and Cambodia to clear the Ho Chi Minh trail

• Reporters uncovered this and it hurt his reputation (Pentagon Papers)

• 1973 – All troops to be replaced

Nixon analyzing the situation in Vietnam

Page 13: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

Violence Escalates at Home and Abroad

Why is 1968 considered the height of violence and protest?Why is 1968 considered the height of violence and protest?Why is 1968 considered the height of violence and protest?Why is 1968 considered the height of violence and protest?• 1968-Assassination of

MLK; many race riots follow

• 1968- Assassination of Robert Kennedy; the democratic presidential hopeful and brother of JFK

• 1968-Tet Offensive• 1969-Woodstock (anti-

war music and sentiment)• 1970-Kent State Shootings Kent State University May

4th, 1970

Page 14: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

The U.S. Pulls Out and the Vietnam War EndsWhat happened after the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam?What happened after the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam?What happened after the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam?What happened after the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam?

• Jan. 27, 1973 Paris PeaceAccord is signed

• 1974-1975 North Vietnam invades the South and all of Vietnam becomes communist on April 30th

• Communists also take neighboring Cambodia

• Today, the Communist Party of Vietnam still rules today and is the ONLY legal political partySaigon, South Vietnam April 29, 1975 as

North Vietnamese troops approach

Page 15: Conflict - 1945-1975 U.S. War – 1964-1973 of the Vietnam War Why is Vietnam still a painful war to remember? • Longest war in U.S. history and only war we “lost” • It showed

Legacies of the Vietnam WarWhy has the Vietnam War left a bitter taste in the mouths of manWhy has the Vietnam War left a bitter taste in the mouths of manWhy has the Vietnam War left a bitter taste in the mouths of manWhy has the Vietnam War left a bitter taste in the mouths of many y y y

Americans? What Lessons were learned?Americans? What Lessons were learned?Americans? What Lessons were learned?Americans? What Lessons were learned?

• Showed limitations of our military• Showed how deep the generational /

ideological divide was in the country • Many veterans returned changed –

physically and psychologically• Chemicals (Napalm and Agent Orange)

were used and the use of them debated• Free access of the media (limited thereafter)• 1973 War Powers Act