Confirmation Test? Who knows Tonight – Read CCC 1285, 1286, 1287. Homework: Textbook 87-90 Test...

Confirmation Test? Who knows Tonight – Read CCC 1285, 1286, 1287. Homework: Textbook 87-90 Test information Makeup test Project Citations Plagiarism 121-03 121-02 121-07

Transcript of Confirmation Test? Who knows Tonight – Read CCC 1285, 1286, 1287. Homework: Textbook 87-90 Test...

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Test? Who knowsTonight – Read CCC 1285, 1286, 1287.Homework: Textbook 87-90

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Page 2: Confirmation Test? Who knows Tonight – Read CCC 1285, 1286, 1287. Homework: Textbook 87-90 Test information Makeup test Project Citations Plagiarism 121-03.

What is Confirmation?

Describe the Christian life. Is it hard?

Look at the Early Church. The very beginning. Was it hard?

What was needed?

It took the Holy Spirit to get them going. Today it is no different.

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What is Confirmation?

Baptism we are initiated. What are the main graces from baptism? Washing of sin and new life in the Holy Spirit. Is this the end of our journey? No – it is just the beginning.

We are continually moving toward perfection – holiness. Is that realized in this world? No, eternal life.

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What is Confirmation?

Christ knows living this life is far from easy.

Temptation is everywhere, right? This is why there are 7 sacraments,

not just one – each giving graces to aid us in our life.

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What is Confirmation?

It completes the graces of Baptism Was first administered by the Apostles

Pentecost like baptism. Apostles begin the work of the Church after receiving the

outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Strengthens us in the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit –

more perfectly bound in the Church. Essential elements of the Sacrament:

Anointing with Chrism Words of bishop

The confirmed are called to share in Christ’s messianic mission as they journey through life.

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What is Confirmation?

Think about Confirmation. Think about all you know of it.

If you were to pick a particular virtue a person is given in Confirmation, what would it be? Courage.

Courage is given. To do the right thing, to defend truth, to profess

faith. **Confirmation gives the tools which enable

one to live the Catholic faith to its fullness.

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Christ, Messiah, Anointed One

Old Testament themes and Jesus

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What does it mean to say that Christians are messianic people?

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Jesus the “Christ”

Through the OT, the people waited for… The promised Messiah. What does Messiah

mean? (Greek, Christ) Anointed

Term was used in the OT for: Priests, kings, prophets,

Signifying their office and also the divine aspect of their calling.

The prophets told of one Messiah to come, God’s Anointed One in which His Spirit would come to rest.

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Is 11:1-2

There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse (A descendant of David), and a branch shall grow out of his roots.

And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

This prophecy speaks of the gifts of the Holy Spirit which would characterize the Messiah.

Where do we see this prophecy fulfilled? Baptism in the River – The HS comes down upon him

Peter says in our passage from Acts: Let all the house of Israel therefore know assuredly that God has

made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus. – Acts 2:36

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The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit came upon Christ, but was not reserved only for him. It was intended for all of God’s chosen people.

God’s chosen people are called the messianic people.

Beginning at Pentecost and continuing to today and tomorrow, through the sacrament of Confirmation,

Christians have been anointed to share in Jesus’ kingly, priestly, and prophetic mission and strengthened by and through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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The History of Confirmation

Apostles to today

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The Promised Spirit

Jesus promised to send the Apostles his Spirit. He said he must go so they could receive it.

Acts 2:2-4 Suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all

the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them.

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

What is the role of the Holy Spirit here? What does it do?

Provides them with the strength to participate in doing his will (which is what, among other things?) and proclaiming His Word to all who would hear and believe.

They were transformed! They were then filled with courage! The same takes place in the lives of Christians today in the Sacrament. Acts 2:38

Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

They received the same promised gifts that the Apostles received from Christ. The apostles are giving what Christ gave them to give.

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Anointing of the Holy Spirit/Laying on of Hands

Acts 8:14-17 (laying on of hands after Baptism to confer gifts of HS) When the apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the

word of God, they sent to them Peter and John, who came down and prayed for them

that they might receive the Holy Spirit; for it had not yet fallen on any of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit.

What can we get from this? Separate sacraments – separate graces – separate actions

From Divinae Consortium Naturae (1971) Henceforth, the Apostles – following the will of Christ – communicated to

the newly baptized Christians the gift of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands. This gift was to complete the grace of baptism. This explains why, in the letter to the Hebrews, the doctrine on Baptism and the laying on of hands is mentioned among the first elements of Christian formation.

Hebrews 6:2

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The Origin of the Sacrament

What is the original form? And who is the original recipient?

Laying on of hands used by the Apostles to convey the HS to the newly baptized. (even called the laying on of hands in NT)

Early Church addition The early Church adds perfumed oil (Chrism) to better

signify what? Anointing of the Holy Spirit Oil strongly signified and showed the name ‘Christian’ and its

meaning. Follower of Christ, the anointed one. See it?

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The Word Confirmation

The word Confirmation comes from 4th century St. Ambrose of Milan He described this anointing:

You have received the spiritual sign, the sign of wisdom; God the Father has sealed you, Christ the Lord has confirmed you and has given you the gift of the Spirit in your heart.

This gives a meaning of completing or confirming the faith that began at baptism.

The Eastern Rites of the Church call it Chrismation Named after the Oil of Chrism used in anointing.

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When was it Celebrated?

First few centuries Celebrated immediately after Baptism. Referred to as Double Sacrament (why?) Eastern Rites still do this, even with infants.

Today, the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church (Roman Catholic) holds confirmation to a later age Exceptions: infant in danger of death, adult initiation, and some

diocese starting to place them together again. Confirmed by a BISHOP ordinarily in the West

Why? To show unity with the Bishop and the whole Church. Who is the bishop? The successor of the Apostles. They are a

sign of unity in the Church and Christ and his authority (see St. Ignatius of Antioch’s letters)

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When was it Celebrated?

Why did they begin to separate baptism and confirmation? 4th century, what major event happens? What happens to # of Christians then? Who is being baptized, and where are they going? So what ends up being the practical problem?

The bishop can’t get everywhere to complete Baptism with the Sacrament of Confirmation There was always this connection and completion. Birth and life. Grace of the holy spirit for both. Two

sacraments to give it. Two different ways of celebrating the Sacrament

come forth from this issue…

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When was it Celebrated?

The West wanted to keep the Bishop involved with Confirmation. Why? Bishop maintains Church’s unity, sign of

catholicity, connected to the Apostles. His presence at confirmation shows

something. It shows the New Christians unity with the

Church – With the Apostles. What then was done in the West?

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When was it Celebrated?

Double anointing with Chrism One time by priest at baptism Was the sign of one’s participation in

Christ’s PPK office. 2nd completed the first

Done by bishop at confirmation.

For adults going through RCIA, there is only ONE anointing.

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When was it Celebrated?

What did the East do? They wanted to maintain the unity of the 3 sacraments of

initiation, that were connected from the very beginning. They then continued this practice by having the priest who

conferred the Sacrament How then do they signify and show the unity with the Bishop,

which is of great importance? Anoint only with Chrism. Why is this important? Chrism is consecrated every year on Holy Thursday Mass by the

Bishop of the diocese. That oil is then split up by ALL the Churches in the diocese and used the entire year, until the next Holy Thursday mass.

So all Chrism is consecrated by the bishop and used by all the parishes in the diocese, showing the unity of the Churches in the Apostle’s successor

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Graphic Organizer

Name Origin MeaningLaying on of Hands



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Sacraments of Initiation

History in the Western Church

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Sacraments of Initiation - History

Original (Acts) – Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist. Birth – Life – Sustenance

Separation of Baptism from Confirmation Why?

Period btw B and C grew through Centuries Some never received the Sacrament

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Sacraments of Initiation - History

By the Reformation, many reformers spoke out against the Sacrament, saying it took away from Baptism. (16th Century)

Response was a Church Council (Trent) that re-emphasized the importance of the Sacrament. page 98 in book. Very important Receive after age of reason. 7-12, no later than 12. Eucharist was 14. So still B-C-E like Pentecost etc.

This connection btw the three still important.

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Sacraments of Initiation - History

1910 Pius X Allows for first communion to be age of

reason (7). Why? It was 14. Original order of Initiation then gets

twisted a little Baptism – Eucharist - Confirmation

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Sacraments of Initiation - History

Now Anywhere btw 7-18 (age of discretion) Some emphasize B-C-E order Some emphasize the connection btw Christian Maturity and

Confirmation This connects the age of person to their growth in the faith

YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FAITH IS NOT A REQUIREMENT FOR THE SACRAMENT! you don’t need to pass a test or show something for the grace to be

effective. A Reason why infants can receive the Sacraments – open heart. Ex opere Operato What the person needs is to be in a state of grace to receive the graces

of the sacrament. Therefore, preparation should take place to know what one is taking on

so that they can fully receive and participate in the graces of the sacrament.

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Gifts of the Holy Spirit

‘By the Sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.’ – CCC 1285


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Sacrament of Confirmation

Pentecost story is amazing Everyone speaking in different

languages, everyone being healed, etc. It may be hard to imagine the same

Spirit made present in Sacrament of Confirmation today.

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Sacrament of Confirmation

Over the past 2000 years, every day since then, HS has inspired Christians in different ways that are necessary for the time.

Different times, different individuals, different charisms needed.

It makes sense that at the founding moment of the Church the gifts were particularly amazing.

Whatever the OUTWARD manifestation of the HS, ALL who seek Christ in Confirmation receive the GIFTS OF THE HS

These gifts strengthen our inward disposition in the Faith of Jesus Christ

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Graphic Organizer

Folly Dullness Rashness Fear Ignorance Hardness of Heart Pride

Gift Opposite







Fear of the Lord

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7 gifts – know them to make full use of them. WISDOM





Tasting or intimately experiencing the mind and nature of God

Making correct judgments in light of God’s will

To know God and savor his Presence

To understand that true happiness comes from God alone

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7 gifts – know them to make full use of them. Understanding





The ability to get down divine mysteries such as the nature of God and divine Truths

To understand divine mysteries

A greater understanding of divine mysteries and the events of our own live in light of the life of ChristChrist opened minds of disciples on the road to Emmaus to understand OT prophecies that referred to Him

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7 gifts – know them to make full use of them. Counsel





Being instructed by the HS as to what actions are morally right

To know what one should do or not do in every situation that requires a moral decisionHelps us know what actions to take in this confusing world

St. T.M. discerned voc. to marriage rather than priesthood even though he felt those were higher callings

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7 gifts – know them to make full use of them. Fortitude





Courage to defend and live the demands of our Christian life in a hostile environment

To be faithful to our vocations as followers of Christ

Strengthening of the will in the face of fear

Martyrs who suffered death rather than deny Christ

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7 gifts – know them to make full use of them. Knowledge





Supernatural understanding that all creation, our good actions, and all the good that has been achieved in history comes from God and is directed toward him.

To help us understand life as God sees it

It gives one a deeper knowledge of revealed truths

Seeing God behind beauty and order of nature

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7 gifts – know them to make full use of them. Piety





Understanding that we are sons and daughters of God (divine filiation)

To see God as our Father and our neighbors as bro and sis

Aligns our relationship with God and neighbor by letting us see God as ‘abba’ and neighbor as bro and sis

Bl. Mother Teresa saw Christ in the sick and dying on the streets in India

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7 gifts – know them to make full use of them. Fear of the Lord





Love of God and fear of displeasing him

The desire to please God, both out of love and out of fear of just punishmentAffection for God and contrition when we have done wrong

Making acts of love and saying Act of Contrition at the end of the day.

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• Test moved to Friday 34 objective, 2 essays. Info on moodle• Section Review this week. Due by Thurs. night. Up tomorrow.• Continue reading text book. Should have chapter finished by Thurs.• Homework – Read and get down (write in notebook if you want) the other Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Charts. You are to know them.• How was Friday’s class? Question on the Questions?

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Sacrament of Confirmation

Remember, sacraments are encounters with Christ

Efficacious signs (?) They cause a change in the person receiving

In Confirmation, the person receives special graces We call them the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Seven gifts are: Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude,

knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

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CCC 1316

Confirmation is not necessary for salvation in the same way baptism is…

HOWEVER, the gifts given help the Catholic in his/her journey toward heaven.

It IS necessary to receive this Sacrament to complete the baptismal grace. (CCC 1306)

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CCC 1306 Every baptized person not yet confirmed can and

should receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Since Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist form a

unity, it follows that ‘the faithful are obliged to receive this sacrament at the appropriate time,’ for without Confirmation and Eucharist, Baptism is certainly valid and efficacious, but Christian initiation remains incomplete.

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Why would one need these gifts?

As Christians, we are called to follow Christ – to the Cross.

By giving these gifts, the Christian is able to bear struggles, temptations, sufferings encountered in life.

They complete and help perfect the virtues of the person receiving.

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Sacrament of Fullness

Why? Fullness of

Baptismal graces Received the

imprint, or seal, of the Holy Spirit in a unique way.

Fullness of HS, Fullness of gifts

needed to live the Christian vocation in the world.

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Effects of Confirmation

Baptismal grace is perfected – enabling person to be apostle of Christ

Indelible mark imprinted on soul (seal) Because of this, received once, it is permanent

Person is rooted more deeply as a child of father (divine filiation) and more closely united with Christ

Gifts of the HS increase Bond w Church is perfected Special graces to spread and defend faith by word

and deed.

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Celebration of Confirmation

Matter, Form, Minister

Recap: 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit

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Recap: 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

What are they? Explain what the gift of wisdom does. How does the gift of understanding

assist in the Christian life? Fortitude – Pre-Vatican II

Cheek slap Soldiers

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First Confirmations in NT Apostles Laying on of Hands Prayed for outpouring of HS

Today Bishop (successor to the Apostles) Lays his hands on recipient Prays God will send spirit


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Share in life and mission of Christ Anointed One

Appropriately, Oil – Chrism Oil

Olive Oil mixed with Balsam

Chrism Mass Oil Consecrated by Bishop Oil of Catechumens and Oil

of the Sick too

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Chrism Oil

Two meanings from Scripture Isaiah

Anointing with Oil sign of abundance and joy

St. Paul Balsam (fragrant

perfume) symbol of Aroma of Christ

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Forehead is anointed at the moment of ‘laying on of hands’

Eastern Rites Eyes, nose, ears, lips,

chest, back, hands, feet are also anointed.

Show entire person is consecrated to Christ

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The words from Pentecost “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy


Words signify the moment the HS is poured upon the person.

Bishop says these words as he lays hands on the person.

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Bishop After Pentecost – Apostles In early churches founded by Apostles,

it was the local bishop. Power to give Sacrament comes down

through bishops, in unbroken chain of succession from Apostles

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Most Catholics baptized as infants are confirmed later by bishop.

Bishop can delegate his authority to priests in certain situations Priest then are extraordinary ministers of

Confirmation. Easter Vigil, or emergency, or other times

Eastern Rite Priest administers all three Sacraments of Initiation What then is the sign of unity?

Chrism Oil

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Confirmation Sponsor

Fulfills same role as baptismal sponsor Highly appropriate for this reason, says

the CCC, that when possible the godparent should also be sponsor.

Role of Sponsor Make sure the Confirmed acts as true

witness of Christ and is faithful to the life he is called by the Sacrament

Should be a practicing Catholic

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Confirmation Name

Common practice to choose the name of a saint who they admire.

Early Christianity did this – sign of complete change in life – pagan name to Christian name.

Fell out of practice bc Baptism of Children took it over and gave Christian names from the beginning.

5th Century Monks – Take on a new name to be sign of new vocation

New Name expresses new identity. Great help to study life of saints

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Ordinarily During Mass After Gospel, Candidates are presented Bishop selects a reading from scripture that

is appropriate and gives Instruction All renew Baptismal promises and profess

faith (responsible for what was once done by parents)

Silent prayer then prayer detailing the gifts

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Bishop extends hands over those to be confirmed

Prays HS will descend upon them All-powerful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, by

water and the Spirit you freed your sons and daughters from sin and gave them new life. Send your Holy Spirit upon them to be their helper and guide. Give them the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of right judgment and courage, the spirit of knowledge and reverence. Fill them with the spirit of wonder and awe in your presence. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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Candidates then approach the bishop individually w/ sponsor behind them

Sponsor has hand on shoulder Bishop dips right thumb in Chrism, Makes sign of Cross on forehead of

Candidate saying: (Laying on of Hands and anointing) “(Name), be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Amen, Amen, peace be with you, and with your

spirit. Liturgy of the Eucharist


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How can the choice of a Confirmation sponsor show the connection between Confirmation and Baptism?

What is the purpose of taking a Confirmation name?

Why is it fitting that persons receiving Confirmation who were baptized as infants make a profession of faith and renew baptismal promises?

What is Sacred Chrism?

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Write a paragraph explaining how the present mode of celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation can be directly connected to the Sacrament as demonstrated in the Acts of the Apostles.

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Living in the Footsteps of Christ

Homework: 100-104

Section Review – Should be up by 10:00 PM (due Thursday)

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Living in the Footsteps of Christ

Christ - Anointed One Who was anointed in OT?

Priests, kings, prophets

Christ fulfills all these roles He is King of Heaven and Earth Eternal High Priest Word of God made flesh – culminating all the prophets

and the one for whom they prepared the way.

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Living in the Footsteps of Christ

Confirmation is a reminder that we… Share in his mission of… Priest, Prophet, King.

We are also anointed Signifies our initiation into this divine mission.

Confirmed receive two powers: Power to live a life of personal holiness in an

unholy world Power to spread the faith by word and example.

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The ‘Kingly’ Aspect

Calls Christians to cooperate in the mission of the Church According to state in life With gifts they have been given

Church is the Body of Christ/his Kingdom on Earth So each has gifts to be used for Church/ the good of the world

As it is, there are many parts, yet one body…Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, then healers, helpers, administrators, speakers in various tongues. (1Cor 12:20, 27,8)

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The ‘Kingly’ Aspect

Everyone has a role What happens when one part of the body fails?

Is it isolated? It affects all parts and the function of the whole

How can one come to a better understanding of THEIR particular vocation in the Church? Prayer and discernment

Proper use of our gifts (what is this?) leads to personal fulfillment and happiness.

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The ‘Priestly’ Aspect

First we think of the ministerial priesthood. Ordained to celebrate sacraments.

Main function of the priest is to offer sacrifice and prayer. Parish priest does this: Mass.

Every Christian is called to participate in Christ’s priestly ministry. How? Take every aspect of life (prayer, work, family, friendships,

hobbies, struggles, temptations) and unite them to the sacrifice of Christ on Cross

The mass is a good place to do it. Doing this, every human activity and the WORLD can be

identified and brought into the priesthood of JC and consecrated to God.

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The ‘Prophetic’ Aspect

OT God called certain people to reveal truth. Finds its fulfillment in Jesus. Jesus is the Greatest of Prophets.

New Prophetic Mission in Jesus Preach the gospel message to the ends of the

earth. Called to be a Christian witness in the world. Which parts of life? When? Which part of the


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Preparation for the Sacrament

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Preparation for the Sacrament

For this great mission, adequate preparation is required to help orient one towards this Christian vocation

Minimum Requirements Received Baptism State of grace Age of reason Intention to receive the sacrament

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State of Grace

Proper Disposition To receive the grace Mortal sin

Indelible mark on soul, but Graces wouldn’t be infused until one is open

to the grace (properly disposed) Make a good confession, receive the graces

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7-17 – set by local bishop Capable of spiritual maturity and response

to God’s call to Christian life Presupposes then that the person has

received instruction in the Faith Prep includes

meaning of Sacrament Gifts given obligations

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Living out the Sacrament

Not the end of a journey only; mainly the beginning.

Can now fully practice the faith as members of Church

Pentecost – training, prep, instruction, gifts of spirit, living it courageously. Same here. model

Receiving the sacrament taking on the role of the Apostles to live and spread the faith.

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Graces received prepare us to practice the Apostolate: work of evangelization. Can take a more public form – missionary

work Or simply – sharing faith with those

around us.

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SO what does Living out the Sacrament mean?

Doing apostolate With fellow Catholics and those outside the faith Spreading the kingdom Christian vocation is a vocation to the


Also – participating in the sacraments. Attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days,

Growing closer to Christ in a conscious way through these activities.

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Two Questions for Notebook

Write a paragraph in your own words about how the confirmed are called to participate in P,P,K mission of Christ.

Free write for about a page on how a true conviction of one’s divine filiation (seeing God as dad) would aid in practicing the apostolate.