Configuration Guide SP02

Support Package 2 for Duet Enterprise 2.0 SAP Configuration Guide Version 1.0 March 2013


Configuration Guide SP02

Transcript of Configuration Guide SP02

Support Package 2 for Duet Enterprise 2.0 SAP Configuration Guide

Version 1.0

March 2013

Introduction Before you begin

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Introduction Before you begin

Table of Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Before you begin.......................................................................................................................................... 1

Important SAP Notes.............................................................................................................................. 1

Coordination between SAP and Microsoft ......................................................................................................... 1 Configuring Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP.................................................................................. 3

Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................... 3

Information Required from the Microsoft Administrator ............................................................................... 3

Using Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP Wizard ......................................................................... 3 Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise ................................................................................................................... 4

Pre-Configuration Steps ................................................................................................................................ 4

Activating Services................................................................................................................................. 4

Setting Profile Parameters for SSO ........................................................................................................... 5

Setting Profile Parameters for SSL ........................................................................................................... 5

Checking the Cryptolib Version ................................................................................................................ 5

Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Authorizations ....................................................................................................................................... 6

Configuring Duet Enterprise .......................................................................................................................... 7

Setting up Users on SAP NetWeaver Gateway ........................................................................................... 7

Activating BC Sets ................................................................................................................................. 8

Connection Settings: SAP NetWeaver Gateway to SAP Systems ................................................................. 10

Connection Settings: SAP NetWeaver Gateway to Microsoft SharePoint ...................................................... 11

Setting-up Role Synchronization ............................................................................................................ 15

Configuring Notification Mails ................................................................................................................ 18

Configuring Duet Enterprise Specific Content ................................................................................................. 19

Configuring Workflow ................................................................................................................................. 19

Create a System Alias .......................................................................................................................... 19

Activate Task Provider .......................................................................................................................... 19

Activate Workflow Service ..................................................................................................................... 20

Maintain Task Names and Decision Options ............................................................................................. 21

Create BadI Implementations to fetch List of Users for Roles ..................................................................... 21

Configuring Reporting ................................................................................................................................. 23

Activate Reporting BC Set ..................................................................................................................... 24

Configuring Report Delivery Formats ...................................................................................................... 26

Introduction Before you begin

Defining the Number Range Interval for Reporting Objects ....................................................................... 26

Create End Points for Reporting Services ................................................................................................ 27

Retrieve/Create URL for Logical Port....................................................................................................... 27

Create a Logical Port ............................................................................................................................ 28

Managing SAP System Aliases ............................................................................................................... 28

Configuring GSDO Groups for Event Subscription ..................................................................................... 29

Configuring Subscriptions for Report Results ........................................................................................... 30

Check Event Handler ............................................................................................................................ 30

Check Adapter Class ............................................................................................................................ 31

Creating Roles ..................................................................................................................................... 31

Report Administration .......................................................................................................................... 32

Manage Peripheral Settings ................................................................................................................... 32 Deployment Worksheet ..................................................................................................................................... 33

Table 1 – Information provided by the SharePoint Server administrator ............................................................ 33

Table 2 – Information provided by the SAP administrator ................................................................................ 34

Table 3 - Accounts needed for SharePoint Server ........................................................................................... 34



Introduction Duet Enterprise 2.0 for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP enables customers and partners a way to consume and extend SAP applications through Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Technical Preview. The product brings together the two different worlds of process (SAP Applications) and collaboration (Microsoft SharePoint), by providing an interoperability layer (SAP NetWeaver Gateway) that ensures all the “basic plumbing” between the two systems is addressed, so that customers and partners can focus on innovation. Besides the ability to create Duet Enterprise composite solutions, ready-to-use capabilities ensure quick time to value. For example, ability to use data from SAP applications to collaborate on the fly, or enable SAP workflow items to surface in Microsoft SharePoint or Outlook. SAP NetWeaver Gateway is a framework that connects Duet Enterprise business users to SAP systems. For more information, refer to SAP NetWeaver Gateway Overview, on SAP Help Portal. This guide describes the system configuration activities and provides the steps for customizing settings for Duet Enterprise 2.0 Technical Preview. This guide does not contain the installation and configuration procedures for Duet Enterprise on the Microsoft SharePoint server. The SharePoint related procedures are included in the Duet Enterprise Deployment Guide for SharePoint Administrators. Contact Microsoft for the relevant documentation. This section contains:

Before you begin Coordination between SAP and Microsoft

Before you begin Duet Enterprise 2.0 Technical Preview is a joint product of SAP and Microsoft. It must be deployed on both SAP NetWeaver Gateway and on servers running Microsoft SharePoint Server 15 Technical Preview by the SharePoint administrator. Before you start the configuration, make sure you have read the Duet Enterprise 2.0 SAP Installation Guide, where you can learn about the hardware and software requirements, the prerequisites, and general installation procedure. Also ensure that IW_DUETE component is installed in your landscape.

Important SAP Notes Make sure you read and implement the following SAP Note. You can find SAP Notes on SAP Service Marketplace at:

SAP Note Number


1718520 Duet Enterprise 2.0: Release Information Note

Coordination between SAP and Microsoft Deploying Duet Enterprise 2.0 is a coordinated effort between Microsoft and SAP. To complete certain procedures, information must be shared between the administrators deploying the product. For this purpose, the Duet Enterprise Deployment Worksheet has been created which contains all the information that will be shared between the SAP and the Microsoft administrator.

Introduction Coordination between SAP and Microsoft


Even if one person is deploying Duet Enterprise 2.0 in both the SharePoint and SAP environments, the deployment worksheet makes it easier to keep track of the information that will be needed in a later procedure. Note also, that some information provided by the SharePoint administrator will be used by the SharePoint administrator in a later procedure. Procedures where information must be gathered to/from the worksheet are marked with the


Configuring Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP Prerequisites


Configuring Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP The wizard enables you to configure Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP. This section, together with the prerequisites, covers all the steps necessary to configure Duet Enterprise 2.0 in your landscape. While running the wizard, you can skip some steps, if they should not be automated due to security / traceability reasons (for example, when you only want to run the wizard in your Sandbox / Test environment, but only part of it in your productive environment). Also, if you encounter an error for a certain step, skip this step, perform it manually, and continue using the wizard. The wizard performs all the configuration steps on SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and some required steps on the SAP system (like establishing trusts or creating logical ports). At any point on the wizard, you can use the Check Configuration Status button on the wizard menu to check the state of the Duet Enterprise system. This button launches the Duet Enterprise Configuration Checks (/n/iwses/check_tool), which provides detailed status about each configuration step in the wizard. For more information about the wizard, refer to the how-to guide and video available on the Duet Enterprise Self Paced Learning Map. Note: If the wizard runs smoothly, there is no need to continue with the manual tasks that are outlined in next section of this document.

Prerequisites Before you run this wizard, ensure that the following prerequisites are met: To run the setup wizard, ensure that your user is assigned the role template

/IWSES/RT_LCM. You have the required basic information from the Microsoft SharePoint administrator, to run

the wizard. For more information, refer to Information Required from the Microsoft Administrator.

You have read and implemented all notes appearing under the SAP Note 1806700.

Information Required from the Microsoft Administrator

Before you start the wizard, you require some basic information from the Microsoft SharePoint administrator. You can obtain this information using the Duet Enterprise Deployment Worksheet. Information that has to be handed over to the SharePoint administrator is clearly mentioned throughout the wizard.

Using Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP Wizard 1. Open transaction /n/iwses/lcm. 2. Follow the instructions on the wizard to configure Duet Enterprise 2.0.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Pre-Configuration Steps


Additional help and explanation is available for each step by clicking the icon.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Pre-Configuration Steps After you install Duet Enterprise and before you begin the configuration, ensure you perform the following activities:

Configuring SAP NetWeaver Gateway system Activating Services Setting Profile Parameters for SSO Setting Profile Parameters for SSL Checking the Cryptolib Version

Activating Services During a new installation, many SAP NetWeaver services are installed. You must activate them manually, on both SAP NetWeaver Gateway and SAP system. To activate the services on SAP NetWeaver Gateway, proceed as follows: 1. In the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, open transaction SICF.

The Maintain service page appears.

2. In the Hierarchy Type field, enter SERVICE.

3. Click the Execute icon.

4. Expand the default_host node until you reach /sap/opu/sdata/iwses. 5. Right-click on iwses and select Activate Service.

You are prompted to confirm if you want to activate the service.

6. Click .

7. Repeat the above procedure for the following services: /sap/public/opu /sap/opu/sdata/iwcnt /sap/opu/sdata/iwfnd /sap/opu/sdata/sap /sap/opu/odata /sap/bc/srt/wsil /sap/bc/srt/xip/sap /sap/bc/srt/wsdl /sap/bc/srt/rfc /sap/public/bc /sap/public/myssocntl /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/appl_soap_management

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Prerequisites


Setting Profile Parameters for SSO In both your SAP system and in the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, you set the following SSO profile parameters to the values mentioned below:

Profile Parameter Value

login/accept_sso2_ticket 1

login/create_sso2_ticket 2

You maintain these profile parameters via transaction RZ10. For information on profile parameters and profile parameter maintenance, refer to, on SAP Help Portal.

Setting Profile Parameters for SSL To set the profile parameters for SSL, refer to, on SAP Help Portal.

Checking the Cryptolib Version Make sure the SAP Cryptolib is on the right level (You need SSFLIB Version 1.555.32 or higher) To check the Cryptolib level:

1. On the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, open transaction STRUST. The Trust Manager page appears.

2. From the Menu bar, select Environment > Display SSF Version. An information message appears. The SSFLIB version is displayed on the first line of the message.

Prerequisites Before you start configuring Duet Enterprise 2.0, ensure that the following prerequisites are met: Enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0, SP08 or higher is installed in your

landscape. You have the required authorizations to configure Duet Enterprise 2.0. For more information,

refer to Authorizations section. You have the required basic information from the Microsoft SharePoint administrator, to

configure Duet Enterprise 2.0 Technical Preview. For details on what information is required by the SharePoint administrator, refer to the Deployment Worksheet.

End-users and groups are created (at least one user and group; used for activating BC sets). When you complete the installation and post installation configurations, you must activate

the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system to activate all the services. For more information on how to activate the SAP NetWeaver Gateway services, refer to Activating SAP NetWeaver Gateway.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Prerequisites


Authorizations On the SAP system the following permissions are required to create RFC destinations, and exchange certificate:

Authorization Template Permissions













Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


Configuring Duet Enterprise This section provides the step-by-step instructions for manually configuring Duet Enterprise. Note: You must perform the steps in the order listed. This section includes:

Setting Up Users on SAP NetWeaver Gateway Activating BC Sets Connection Settings: SAP NetWeaver Gateway to SAP Systems Connection Settings: SAP NetWeaver Gateway to Microsoft SharePoint Setting Up Role Synchronization Configuring Notification Mails

Setting up Users on SAP NetWeaver Gateway After installation, you create users and assign authorizations on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system. Use the predefined templates to create administrator, developer and user roles. Note: After installation, there are no end-users on SAP NetWeaver Gateway. Since all SAP system end-users have to be available on SAP NetWeaver Gateway as well, it is recommended to connect the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system to a Central User Administration or SAP Identity Management and synchronize the user. If that is not possible, you have to create the users manually. The list of tasks that you perform is as follows:

1. Create an administrator role and assign a user to it on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system. For more information on how to create and assign administrator roles, refer to User, Developer and Administrator Authorizations.

2. You then create users’ roles and profiles. For more information, refer to the section SAP NetWeaver Gateway User Role in User, Developer and Administrator Authorizations. Note: For the users performing the Grant user access to SAP workflow tasks procedure in SharePoint ONLY, make sure you assign the authorization object S_Service to the role.

3. Create a service user to access OData endpoint from Microsoft SharePoint. For more information, refer to Create a Service User to Access OData Endpoints from SharePoint. For Duet Enterprise 2.0, you use the following role templates to create roles:

Template Name Template For

/IWFND/RT_ADMIN SAP NetWeaver Gateway Framework Administrator

/IWFND/RT_DEVELOPER SAP NetWeaver Gateway Developer

/IWCNT/RT_ADMIN_REP SAP NetWeaver Gateway Reporting Management Administrator

/IWSES/RT_USER_REP Duet Enterprise 2.0 Reporting Template

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


/IWBEP/RT_SUB_USR Workflow Admin On-behalf Subscription on SAP backend system

/IWWRK/RT_WF_SUB_USR Workflow Service Subscription on SAP backend system If you want to search for roles from SharePoint, ensure you are assigned the following authorization object, with the respective attributes:

Authorization Object Authorization Fields Value



Activating BC Sets A Business Configuration Set (BC Set) is a management tool that allows users to record, save, and share customized settings. By creating a BC Set, the user is provided with a snapshot of the customized settings of a system that can be used later on as a template. Duet Enterprise 2.0 provides BC sets to make the content-specific configuration easier by automating several of the procedures. It is recommended that you use and activate these BC sets.

Note: You do not need to activate the BC sets to perform configuration. You can perform all configurations manually.

This section describes how to activate the /IWSES/BC_GENERAL BC set. After activating the BC Set, you can continue with the regular deployment flow. Procedures that have been automated by the BC set contain a note asking you to skip them. To activate the /IWSES/BC_GENERAL BC set: 1. On the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, open transaction SCPR20.

The Business Configuration Sets: Activation page appears. 2. In the BC Set field, press F4. 3. Select the /IWSES/BC_GENERAL BC set. 4. Click the Activate BC Set icon.

The Prompt for Customizing Request page appears. 5. In the Request field, press F4.

6. Select a customizing request and click the checkmark. The Activation Options page appears.

7. In the Select Activation Mode section, select the Expert Mode radio button.

8. Click the checkmark.

The /IWSES/BC_GENERAL BC set is activated. Checkpoint: Refer to chapter Defining Consumer Issuer Certificate to check if customizing entries are done.

The following are the BC sets for reporting and rolesync: /IWSES/BC_REPORTING /IWSES/BC_ROLESYNC

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


For information on activating the above BC Sets, refer to the Configuring Duet Enterprise Specific Content section.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


Connection Settings: SAP NetWeaver Gateway to SAP Systems You configure settings for SAP NetWeaver Gateway components and define how these settings interface with your existing SAP Business Suite system. To define the connection settings, proceed as follows:

1. Define trust between for SAP system and SAP NetWeaver Gateway host. For more information, refer to Defining Trust between the SAP NetWeaver Gateway Host and Your SAP Systems for Type 3 Connections.

2. Create a Type 3 connection from the SAP NetWeaver Gateway host to the SAP Business Suite system. For more information, refer to Creating a Type 3 RFC Destination on SAP NetWeaver Gateway Host to SAP System.

3. Configure SAP Business Suite (backend) system to accept SAP assertion tickets from the SAP NetWeaver Gateway host for message-based Web service communication. For more information, refer to Configuring SAP System to Accept Assertion Tickets from SAP NetWeaver Gateway.

4. Configure SAP NetWeaver Gateway host to accept SAP assertion tickets from the SAP Business Suite (backend) system for message-based Web service communication. For more information, refer to Configuring the SAP NetWeaver Gateway Host to Accept Assertion Tickets from SAP Business Suite Systems.

5. Specify where the SAP system alias should point to. For more information, refer to Create System Alias for Applications.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


Connection Settings: SAP NetWeaver Gateway to Microsoft SharePoint SharePoint communicates with the SAP NetWeaver Gateway via OData calls. In this section you define and configure settings for connecting the SAP NetWeaver Gateway to the SharePoint server. You configure settings for SAP NetWeaver Gateway components and define how these settings interface with the SharePoint server. Prerequisites: To enable communication between SharePoint and Gateway systems, an SSL trust has to be established between the two systems. Services need to be created and released on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway server. For more information on how to establish trust between the two systems, refer to the Authentication section in the SAP Security Guide. Procedure: To configure the setting between SAP NetWeaver Gateway and SharePoint, proceed as follows: 1. Configure the SLD. For more information, refer Configuring the SLD. 2. Define consumer issuer certificate. For more information, refer to Defining Consumer Issuer

Certificate. 3. Create bgRFC supervisor destination. For more information, refer to Creating the bgRFC

Supervisor Destination. 4. Create RFC destination for outbound queues. For more information, refer to Creating a

bgRFC Destination for Outbound Queues. 5. Register RFC destination. For more information, refer to Registering the bgRFC Destination

for the Outbound Queue. 6. Create and register inbound bgrfc destination for subscription and notification. For more

information, refer to Maintaining Inbound bgRFC Queue to the Hub System. 7. Check bgRFC configurations. For more information, refer to Checking bgRFC Configurations. 8. Create Type G RFC destinations. For more information, refer to Creating a Type G RFC

Destination. 9. Activate SharePoint Server as consumer. For more information, refer to Activating the

SharePoint Server as a Consumer.

Configuring the SLD System Landscape Directory (SLD) contains component information, a landscape description, and a name reservation, based on the standard Common Information Model (CIM), which is independent of your implementation. SLD communicates with a client application using HTTP. Optionally, you can configure SAP NetWeaver Gateway to connect to the SLD and to send data periodically about the system landscape. Note: Connecting SAP NetWeaver Gateway to an SLD is optional. You can connect SAP NetWeaver Gateway to an SLD only if there is an SLD in your system landscape. To establish connection to SLD from SAP NetWeaver Gateway: 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


2. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData Channel Configuration Connection Settings Connect SAP NetWeaver Gateway to SLD


3. Click the Execute icon to configure the connection.

For more information regarding the SLD, refer to the following link on the SAP Help Portal: Architecture Overview of Data Supplier. For more information on how to register an ABAP-based SAP system and its clients in the landscape description of the SLD, refer to the following link on the SAP Help Portal: Registering ABAP-Based SAP Systems.

Defining Consumer Issuer Certificate Note: If you activated the IWSES/BC_GENERAL BC set, these settings should already be available. There is no need to perform this procedure. You must configure the SAP NetWeaver Gateway host to identify the X.509 certificate issuer for the users in a specific consumer server. By doing so, you enable the SAP NetWeaver Gateway host to map users correctly between the specific consumer and SAP NetWeaver Gateway. To define consumer issuer certificate: 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO. 2. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway Former

Development Generic Channel Configuration Connection Settings SAP NetWeaver Gateway to Consumer Define Consumer Issuer Certificate .

3. Click the Execute icon. The Define Consumer Details page appears.

4. Click New Entries. 5. In the Consumer Type field, press F4, and select SHAREPOINT_DE. 6. In the Issuer Name field, enter SharePoint.

Note: This entry is case sensitive. 7. In the Issuer Certificate field, enter the issuer certificate for the root certificate. For example,

in case of Duet SSO root certificate, enter CN=Duet Root Certificate Authority. 8. Click Save.

SAP NetWeaver Gateway maps users in a specific consumer server to SAP NetWeaver Gateway users based on the X.509 certificate.

Creating a Type G RFC Destination SAP NetWeaver Gateway system communicates with the SharePoint Server via ABAP RFC calls (type G RFC destination).

To complete this step, you will require input from the SharePoint administrator. Open the Duet Enterprise 2.0 Deployment Worksheet.

To create a type G RFC destination in a SharePoint on-premise landscape, proceed as follows:

1. In the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, open transaction SPRO.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


2. Choose SAP Reference IMG. 3. Select SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData

Channel Configuration Connection Settings SAP NetWeaver Gateway to Consumer Create RFC Destination for Outbound Queues .

4. Choose Execute. The Configuration of RFC Connections page appears.

5. Choose Create. 6. In the RFC Destination field, enter SHAREPOINT_DE_<RFC Destination name>. 7. In the Connection Type field, press F4 and select G (HTTP Connection to External

Server). 8. Under the Technical Settings tab, in the Description field, enter the desired description. 9. Press Enter.

An information popup appears. 10. Choose the checkmark to continue. 11. In the Target Host field, enter the SharePoint host name. 12. In the Service No. field, enter the SharePoint port number.

Note: Leave this field blank if you are using the default port number for HTTP/HTTPS. 13. Leave the Path Prefix field blank. 14. In the Logon & Security tab, choose the Basic Authentication radio button. 15. Enter the publisher account credentials (username and password). 16. In the Security Options section, if you have selected the Active radio button for SSL,

choose the SSL Certificate as ANONYM SSL Client (Anonymous). 17. Enter the security settings as required. 18. Choose Save.

Note: Create a type G RFC destination for each web app in your SharePoint landscape. To create a type G RFC destination in a SharePoint online landscape, proceed as follows:

1. In the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, open transaction SPRO. 2. Choose SAP Reference IMG. 3. Select SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData

Channel Configuration Connection Settings SAP NetWeaver Gateway to Consumer Create RFC Destination for Outbound Queues .

4. Choose Execute. The Configuration of RFC Connections page appears.

5. Choose Create. 6. In the RFC Destination field, enter SHAREPOINT_DE_<RFC Destination name>. 7. In the Connection Type field, press F4 and select G (HTTP Connection to External

Server). 8. Under the Technical Settings tab, in the Description field, enter the desired description. 9. Press Enter.

An information popup appears. 10. Choose the checkmark to continue.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


11. In the Target Host field, enter the SharePoint host name. 12. In the Service No. field, enter the SharePoint port number.

Note: Leave this field blank if you are using the default port number for HTTP/HTTPS. 13. Leave the Path Prefix field blank. 14. In the HTTP Proxy Options section, enter the Proxy Host and Proxy Service. 15. In the Logon & Security tab, choose the Do Not Send Logon Ticket radio button. 16. In the Security Options section, if you have selected the Active radio button for SSL,

choose the SSL Certificate as ANONYM SSL Client (Anonymous). 17. Enter the security settings as required. 18. Choose Save.

Note: Create a type G RFC destination for each web app in your SharePoint landscape.

Activating the SharePoint Server as a Consumer Prerequisites Make sure that you have installed and configured the SharePoint server to connect to SAP NetWeaver Gateway. To activate the SharePoint server on SAP NetWeaver Gateway:

1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO. 2. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway Former

Development Generic Channel Configuration Consumer Settings Activate or Deactivate Consumers .

3. Click Execute. The Change View “Consumer Activation” Overview page appears.

4. Click New Entries. 5. In the Identifier field, enter SHAREPOINT_DE. 6. Select the Active checkbox.

7. Click Save.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


Setting-up Role Synchronization You perform role synchronization in the SAP NetWeaver Gateway host to enable the system to update its information about role assignments and permissions you have assigned to users.

To complete this step, you will require input from the SharePoint administrator. Open the Duet Enterprise 2.0 Deployment Worksheet. Prerequisites

Ensure you map the SharePoint users with the SAP Business Suite users. For more information on how to map users, refer to User Management section in the SAP Security Guide. Procedure In this section, you will perform the following:

1. Create a Service User to Access OData Endpoints from SharePoint 2. Activate Role Sync BC Set 3. Check Data Model 4. Check SAP System Alias 5. Enable Consumer Role Settings

Create a Service User to Access OData Endpoints from SharePoint To create a rolesync user: 1. On SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, open transaction SU01. 2. Enter a user name, for example, SP_Access.

3. Click Create.

4. Maintain all required data including password. 5. Do not assign any roles.

6. Click Save.

Checkpoint: Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system using the user you just created. By providing the password you just maintained, you should see the SAP Easy Access page.

Activate Role Sync BC Set To activate the /IWSES/BC_ROLESYNC BC set:

1. On the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, open transaction SCPR20. The Business Configuration Sets: Activation page appears.

2. In the BC Set field, press F4. 3. Select the /IWSES/BC_ROLESYNC BC set. 4. Click the Activate BC Set icon.

The Prompt for Customizing Request page appears. 5. In the Request field, press F4.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


6. Select a customizing request and click the checkmark.

The Activation Options page appears. 7. In the Select Activation Mode section, select the Expert Mode radio button.

8. Click the checkmark.

9. The /IWSES/BC_ROLESYNC BC set is activated. A warning message might be displayed concerning tables without data. This message can be ignored.

Note: For a SharePoint online installation, ensure you maintain the RoleSync Service User name in the following IMG:

1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system and open transaction simgh.

2. Navigate to the IMG Duet Enterprise Implementation Guide Configuration Consumer Role Settings.

3. Click Execute. 4. For detail instructions, refer to the help documents beside the IMG.

Check Data Model Note: If you activated the role sync BC sets /IWSES/BC_ROLESYNC, the roles should already be available. There is no need to perform this procedure. 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO.

2. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData Channel Development with IW_BEP Registration Assign Data Provider to Data Model .

3. Click Execute. 4. Confirm the pop-up.

5. Check that the following configuration appears in the table:

Model Identifier Type Software Version

Class/Interface Model Name


(Adaption) Data Provider




(Adaption) Data Provider



Check SAP System Alias Note: If you activated the role sync BC sets /IWSES/BC_ROLESYNC, the roles should already be available. There is no need to perform this procedure. 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


2. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData Channel Development with IW_BEP Registration Assign SAP System Aliases to OData Service .

3. Click Execute.

4. Check that the following configuration appears in the table: Service Doc. Identifier: /IWSES/ROLESERVICE_0001 SAP System Alias: Ensure the system alias to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system

exists. For example, LOCAL.

Enable Consumer Role Settings Use this procedure to:

Assign roles to consumers: This activity allows you to specify the roles that should be exposed in SharePoint. Note: You can assign roles from multiple SAP backend systems to be consumed by SharePoint.

Synchronize roles to consumers: This activity allows you to synchronize user roles from SAP and expose them to be consumed by SharePoint. This activity runs the report /IWSES/R_RS_HANDLER.

To enable consumer role settings: 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction simgh.

2. Select the IMG structure Duet Enterprise Implementation Guide. 3. Choose Display IMG Structure icon. 4. Navigate to Duet Enterprise Implementation Guide Consumer Role Settings . 5. Execute the IMGs under this node. For more information on each IMG, refer to the help

documents beside the IMG.

Note: For synchronizing SAP roles on a regular basis, you can go to transaction sm37 to schedule the report /IWSES/R_RS_HANDLER and run it periodically as a job. Ensure you run this job before the SharePoint administrator runs the job Duet Enterprise Profile Synchronization for User Profile Service Application on SharePoint.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise


Configuring Notification Mails This activity allows you to configure settings for e-mails that are sent from the SAP NetWeaver Gateway to SharePoint. To configure the notification mails: 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO. 2. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway Former

Development Generic Channel Configuration Connection Settings SAP NetWeaver Gateway to Consumer Configure Notification Mails .

3. Click the Execute icon. The SAPconnect: Administration (system status) page appears.

4. Click the INT node and then click Create.

The SAPconnect: Select Node Type page appears. 5. Select the SMTP radio button and click the checkmark.

A wizard for creating nodes appears. 6. In the Node field, enter the desired node’s name. 7. In the Description field, enter the node’s description. 8. Click Continue.

9. In the Mail-Host field, enter the address of the server containing the e-mail addresses of the SharePoint users.

10. In the Mail-Port field, enter the SMTP port to connect to this server and click Continue. 11. Select the Internet radio button and click Continue. 12. In the Address area text box, enter the domain of the users' e-mail addresses. Enter "*"

for the user names (for example, * Click Continue.

13. Accept the default options and click Continue until the wizard is completed.

When the wizard is completed the SAPconnect: Administration (system status) page appears.

14. Click Job.

The SAP connect: Active and Scheduled Send Jobs page appears. 15. Click Create and select the Schedule for INT option.

16. Click Continue.

The Send Job: Select Variant page appears. 17. Click Continue to precede with the default options.

18. Specify the interval that defines how often notification mails queued must be sent from the

SAP NetWeaver Gateway system to the consumer.

19. Click Save.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Duet Enterprise Specific Content


Configuring Duet Enterprise Specific Content This section provides the step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring Workflow, Reporting and Starter Services scenarios for Duet Enterprise. This section includes:

Configuring Workflow Configuring Reporting

Configuring Workflow This section explains how to configure Workflow for use with Duet Enterprise scenarios. If you want to obtain notifications, you need to configure the Backend Enablement and Event Provisioning (BEP) before configuring Workflow. This is because Workflow for SAP NetWeaver Gateway depends on the BEP mechanism. For more information on how to configure BEP, see Backend Event Publisher (BEP) Configuration. If you do not configure the BEP, you will be able to use all Workflow functionality except for Push notifications. Prerequisites

To perform the Workflow configurations, ensure you have an administrator role on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system. For more information on how to create an administrator role, see Creating an Administrator Role for Workflow.

Configure the SAP (backend) systems to connect to SAP NetWeaver Gateway system. For more information, refer to Connection Settings on the Backend System.

To send notifications, create a user role in the SAP Business Suite system. For more information, see Configuring User Authorizations for Push Notifications.

If you want to send notifications tasks between the ECC SAP system and consumer applications, see Running Scheduled Reports.

If you want to configure the Workflow process on the BEP add-on, see Workflow Settings.

Create a System Alias After you create an RFC destination of type G, you then create a system alias. An SAP system alias maps together: A logical RFC destination pointing to an SAP business system A Web service provider system pointing to the same SAP business system The software version of that SAP business system. The supported versions are shipped by

SAP and cannot be changed. For information on how to create a system alias, see Creating the System Alias for Applications.

Activate Task Provider You perform this activity on the SAP Business Suite system to ensure that the Duet Enterprise workflow services surface in SharePoint for push scenarios:

1. Log on to the SAP Business Suite system. 2. Select transaction SPRO. 3. Choose SAP Reference IMG.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Workflow


4. Select SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Gateway Service Enablement Content Workflow Settings.

5. Select Task Provider Customizing. 6. Choose New Entries. 7. In the Providers table, enter the Provider ID as BWF_D. 8. Select the Active checkbox against the provider ID. 9. Choose Save.

Activate Workflow Service Once you create a system alias, you activate the workflow and subscription service. Note: You can activate the services from multiple SAP backend systems.

1. In the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system go to transaction SPRO, open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData Channel Development with IW_BEP Registration Activate and Maintain Services .

2. Click on the Activity icon. The service catalog appears with a list of services in the current system.

3. Choose (Add Service) to find your service from the backend system.

4. Enter the System Alias of your backend system and choose Enter. 5. Enter the Technical Service Name as /IWWRK/DUET_WORKFLOW_CORE, to activate the

workflow service.

The list of services in your backend system appears. Click on the Technical Service Name to see details of the service.

6. Enter a package name and choose Add Service. A message displays: Service ‘/IWWRK/DUET_WORKFLOW_CORE’ successfully created.

7. Return to the service catalog with F3. Your service is part of the list now.

8. Click on the Technical Service Name to see detailed information. 9. If your service is not yet active (green traffic light) choose Activate ICF Node. 10. If you want to add multiple system aliases to the /IWWRK/DUET_WORKFLOW_CORE service,

choose (Create System Alias Assignment). 11. Choose New Entries. 12. Browse and select the DUET_WORKFLOW_CORE Service Doc. Identifier. For example, if

you are saving the service in a local object, the service doc. Identifier will be ZDUET_WORKFLOW_CORE_0001.

13. Choose the Default checkbox if you want this system alias as the default value. Note: Only one system alias should be marked as default.

14. In the SAP System Alias column, enter the required system alias. 15. Choose Save. 16. To add more system aliases, repeat steps 11-14.

17. To activate the subscription service, select the following entry:

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Workflow


a. Technical Service Name :/IWFND/SUBSCRIPTIONMANAGEMENT b. Version: 2

18. To add multiple system aliases to /IWFND/SUBSCRIPTIONMANAGEMENT service, choose

(Create System Alias Assignment). 19. Choose New Entries. 20. Browse and select the /IWFND/SUBSCRIPTIONMANAGEMENT_002 Service Doc. Identifier.

21. In the SAP System Alias column, enter the required system alias. 22. Choose the Default checkbox if you want this system alias as the default value.

Note: Only one system alias should be marked as default. 23. Choose Save. 24. To add more system aliases, repeat steps 19-23.

Note: Provide the same system aliases for both /IWWRK/DUET_WORKFLOW_CORE and /IWFND/SUBSCRIPTIONMANAGEMENT service.

25. To view the service document, select the required service and choose Call Browser. The service document can now be retrieved, for example via the URL http://<host>:<port>/sap/opu/odata/IWWRK/DUET_WORKFLOW_CORE/?$format=xml The corresponding service metadata document can be retrieved, for example, via the URL http://<host>:<port>/sap/opu/odata/sap/DUET_WORKFLOW_CORE/$metadata?sap-client=<client>&$format=xml

Maintain Task Names and Decision Options This activity allows you to maintain Workflow tasks that need to be included in the task filter together with their names and decision keys. For more information, refer to the section Maintain Task Names and Decision Options in Workflow Settings.

Create BadI Implementations to fetch List of Users for Roles An administrator can subscribe on behalf of a user or for a set of users i.e. a role. In case of role based subscription, only the user who is assigned to this role can create and receive workflow tasks in SharePoint. The role can be either in the SAP backend or on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system. If the role is on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, then you need to create a BAdI implementation and use the class /IWBEP/CL_MGW_PUSH_ROL_MAP_RMT as the implementing class.

Note: Execute this task during role based subscriptions, only when the roles are on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system.

In order to create the implementation, proceed as follows:

1. Log on to the SAP backend system. 2. Select transaction SPRO. 3. Choose SAP Reference IMG.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Workflow


4. Select SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Gateway Service Enablement Content General Settings Create BAdI Implementation to Fetch List of Users for Roles.

5. Click execute. 6. In the BAdI Implementations screen, click Create. 7. Choose Continue. 8. In the Create Enhancement Implementation screen, provide a value for the Enhancement

Implementation. 9. Provide a sort text. 10. In the Create Object Directory Entry, select a package and choose Save. 11. On the Enhancement Implementation Screen, enter the following:

a. BAdI Implementation: Provide a name for the BAdI implementation b. Implementation Class: /IWBEP/CL_MGW_PUSH_ROL_MAP_RMT

12. Choose Continue. 13. Save and activate the BAdI.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Reporting


Configuring Reporting Create Type H RFC Destination to SAP NetWeaver Gateway Note: If you want to use SSL, make sure that you have imported the SAP NetWeaver Gateway SSL server certificate in the SAP system. In that case, execute all the steps below. If you are not using SSL certificate, proceed with step 10. To import the SSL certificate from SAP NetWeaver Gateway to the SAP Business Suite system:

1. On the SAP Business Suite system, open transaction STRUST. 2. Right-click SSL client SSL Client (Anonymous) and select Create.

Note: If SSL client (Anonymous) already exists in your system, you can skip this step.

3. Click the checkmark. 4. Double-click the certificate displayed.

5. Click Import Certificate. The Import Certificate page appears.

6. Enter the SAP NetWeaver Gateway SSL server certificate. Note: The imported certificate must be in .CER format.

7. Click the checkmark. 8. Click Add to Certificate List. 9. Click Save.

Note: This destination will be used by logical ports in Workflow and Reporting to connect to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway.

10. On the SAP Business Suite system, open transaction SM59.

The Configuration of RFC Connections page appears.

11. Click Create.

12. Enter the following: Field Value to enter

RFC Destination Enter an RFC destination name in the following format: <SystemID>CLNT<Client>-HTTP. For example, IWCLNT100.

Connection type H

Description Enter a description. For example, HTTP Destination to SAP NetWeaver Gateway Server.

13. Click Save.

14. Select the Technical Settings tab and enter the following:

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Reporting


Field Explanation Target Host Enter the (message) server name of the SAP NetWeaver

Gateway. For example, Service No. Enter the SAP NETWEAVER GATEWAY HTTP(s) Port

number. For example, 8000. Note: For HTTPS, enter the SSL port.

15. If relevant, select the Logon & Security tab. 16. Enter the security settings as required. 17. Choose Save. Checkpoint: Perform a connection test. The test without the Path Prefix should result in Return code 404.

Note: If you want to perform a connection test, enter a Path prefix (for example, /sap/public/info) and perform the test. The result should be 200. After the test make sure to remove the prefix again. If you get an ICM SSL error, make sure that you have imported the SAP NetWeaver Gateway SSL certificate in the correct Cert List and have restarted the ICM via transaction SMICM: Administration > ICM > Exit Soft > Global.

Activate Reporting BC Set To activate the /IWSES/BC_REPORTING BC set: 1. On the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, open transaction SCPR20.

The Business Configuration Sets: Activation page appears. 2. In the BC Set field, press F4. 3. Select the /IWSES/BC_REPORTING set. 4. Click the Activate BC Set icon.

The Prompt for Customizing Request table appears. 5. In the Request field, press F4.

6. Select a customizing request and click the checkmark. The Enter Variable Field Values table appears.

7. Fill in the fields in the table according to the following:

Field Description Example

Alias for BW reports This BC set will configure several BW reports. If you have a BW system connected you should specify a System Alias for it.


Alias for Local Demo reports

This BC set will configure two reports that run locally on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway server. Specify a name for the local system alias.


Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Reporting


Alias for LOCAL system Reporting configuration needs a LOCAL system alias. You should leave the alias as LOCAL


Object Group for Reporting

This BC set will create a Business Object Group for Reporting. You can leave the name IWSES_REPT for the SharePoint Integration Report


Rep Category for Local Demo Reports

The reports on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway will be grouped under this Category ID.


Rep Category for Sales&Des Reports

The reports for BW will be grouped under this Category ID.


RFC to local system Via the F4 help select the RFC destination that points to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system


RFC: Leave Empty This RFC destination has to be left empty due to the way this BC set is configured.

RFC: RFC Destination of connected BW

Via the F4 help select the RFC destination that points to a connected BW system


Role for BW Reports All users in this role will be assigned to the BW reports. You can select the role via the F4 help.


Role for Local Demo Reports

All users in this role will be assigned to the local reports. You can select the role via the F4 help (this can be the same as in Role for BW Reports)


8. Click Copy Values.

The Activation Options page appears. 9. In the Select Activation Mode section, select the Expert Mode radio button.

10. Click the checkmark.

The /IWSES/BC_REPORTING BC set is activated. If a warning message is displayed concerning tables without data, ignore it. Note: To use the local reports:

a. Open transaction SE38. The ABAP Editor: Initial Screen appears.

b. In the Program field, enter /IWCNT/DEMO_REP_LP_CONFIG. c. Click Execute.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Reporting


This program will configure the required RFC destinations and logical ports. Note: If an error message is displayed while trying to use the local report, go to SAP Note 1458454 and implement the correction instructions described there.

Once the BC Set is successfully activated, you must do the following: 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO. 2. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway Former

Development Generic Channel Administration General Settings Manage GSDO Groups .

3. Click the Execute icon.

The Change View “Manage GSDO Groups”: Overview page appears. 4. Select the Active checkbox for the IWSES_REPT GSDO group.

5. Click Save.

Configuring Report Delivery Formats 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO. 2. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway Content

Reporting Administration Peripheral Settings Manage Source Systems, Report Types and Formats .

3. Click the Execute icon. 4. From the Dialog Structure, choose Manage Source Systems. 5. Choose the system for which you want to define the delivery format, for example, ERP. 6. From the Dialog Structure, choose Manage Report Types. 7. Select the required report type, for example AL (ALV Report). 8. From the Dialog Structure, choose Manage Formats. 9. Choose New Entries. 10. Use the F1 help to select the required delivery format, for example MEND (XML Document). 11. If you want the above format to be the default format for the selected report type, select the

Default checkbox. 12. Repeat step 4-11 to define more delivery formats for the BW and ERP systems.

Defining the Number Range Interval for Reporting Objects You must define the number range interval for the shared memory to be accessed by all processes. Note: If you have activated the Reporting BC set, you do not have to perform this procedure for the reports on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system. To define the interval for the number range: 1. Log on to the SAP system where the desired reports reside.

The Number Range Object Maintenance page is displayed. 2. Go to transaction /nSNRO.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Reporting


3. In the Object field, enter /OSP/JOBNR and click Number Ranges. 4. Click Change intervals, and then click Insert interval. 5. In the Intervals table, enter the following values:

Field Value to enter

No. 01

From number 0000001

To Number 9999999

6. Click Insert, and save the setting. 7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 by entering the following in the Object field:

/OSP/ERPNR - If you use an ERP system RSOSPSETNM – If you use a BW system RSOSPTSKNM – If you use a BW system

Create End Points for Reporting Services You must create end points for the services used by SharePoint. The configuration defines the link between SharePoint and SAP NetWeaver Gateway. To create and activate the endpoints, proceed as follows: 1. On the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, open transaction soamanager.

The SOA management page appears. 2. Navigate to Technical Administration tab page Profiles . 3. Click Import. 4. Find the profile DUET_ENTERPRISE_2_ASSERTION.XML file on the DVD and click Import.

Retrieve/Create URL for Logical Port 1. On the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, open transaction SOAMANAGER. 2. In the SOA Management page, select the Service Administration tab. 3. Click the Web Service Configuration link.

The Web Service Configuration page is displayed. 4. In the Search Pattern field, enter the endpoint RepAdapterWSVi_Document 5. Click Go. 6. Select the RepAdapterWSVi_Document service and click Apply Selection. 7. Click on the Configurations tab and select the endpoint, e.g. if you used the profiles to

automatically create the endpoints, select the Endpoint Binding_T_HTTPS_A_HTTP with creation type Created based on profile

8. Click Display. 9. In the Configuration of Web Service section, select the Transport Settings tab. 10. Write down the URL displayed in the Calculated Access URL field.

Note: The path should be similar to the following: /sap/bc/srt/pm/iwcnt/repadapterwsvi_document/001/duet_enterprise_assertion/1/binding_t_https_a_http__-iwcnt_-repadapterwsvi_document_duet_enterprise_assertion where 001 is the client of the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Reporting


Create a Logical Port 1. On the SAP system, open transaction LPCONFIG.

The Display/Create Logical Port page appears. 2. In the Proxy Class field, enter /OSP/CO_REP_ADAPTER_WSVI_DOCUM. 3. In the Logical Port field, enter a name. This can be any alphanumeric string without

spaces. 4. Select the Default Port checkbox. 5. Click Create. 6. In the General Settings section, select the Call Parameters tab. 7. In the HTTP Destination field, press F4 to select the RFC destination previously created, for

example, IWCLNT100. 8. In the Path Suffix field, enter the path obtained in the previous procedure:

/sap/bc/srt/pm/iwcnt/repadapterwsvi_document/001/duet_enterprise_assertion/1/binding_t_https_a_http__-iwcnt_-repadapterwsvi_document_duet_enterprise_assertion where 001 is the client of the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system.

9. Click Save.

10. Click Execute.

Managing SAP System Aliases Note: If you activated the /IWSES/BC_REPORTING BC set, these settings should already be available. There is no need to perform this procedure. Make sure that IWSES_REPT is activated.

Prerequisites Before performing this procedure, make sure that the RFC destinations to the SAP systems have been created and that the trust has been defined. Procedure Create SAP System Alias Use this procedure to create a system alias for the following:

Local SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, for example, LOCAL. Each of the SAP backend systems on which the reports are executed (ERP and BW). For

example, if you use the ERP system, create a system alias for the ERP system. To create a system alias, proceed as follows: 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO. 2. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData

Channel Configuration Connection Settings SAP NetWeaver Gateway to SAP System Manage SAP System Aliases .

3. Click the Execute icon.

4. Choose New Entries. 5. Enter the following details for the system alias:

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Reporting


Field Description

SAP System Alias Enter a desired name, for example, LOCAL

Description Enter a description, for example, LOCAL SYSTEM ALIAS

Local GW Select the checkbox

RFC Destination Leave it blank if you are creating a LOCAL system alias

Provide the RFC destination name used to connect to the SAP backend system, ERP or BW

WS Provider System Leave it blank

Software Version Select DEFAULT

6. Click Save. Note: Since Workflow with Software Version DEFAULT must use the System alias <SID>_<CLIENT>, this naming cannot be used for Reporting if both point to the same SAP system.

Assign System Alias to GSDO Group 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO.

2. In the IMG structure, open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway Former Development Generic Channel Configuration Connection Settings SAP NetWeaver Gateway to SAP System Manage GSDO Groups .

3. Click the Execute icon. 4. In the Manage GSDO Groups table, select IWSES_REPT. 5. In the Dialog Structure section, double-click Assign SAP System Aliases. 6. Click New Entries. 7. In the SAP System Aliases column, press F4. 8. Select the system alias created before, e.g. LOCAL. 9. In the User Role column, leave the field empty to have all roles assigned to Reporting. 10. Select the Active checkbox for the IWSES_REPT GSDO group. 11. Choose Save.

Configuring GSDO Groups for Event Subscription You configure the subscription of events by adding the GSDO types into a GSDO group that points to the SAP system in which the data for the GSDO is available. Proceed as follows to configure a GSDO group for subscription:

1. In the SAP NetWeaver Gateway host go to transaction SPRO and open the SAP Reference IMG.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Reporting


2. Navigate to SAP NetWeaver Gateway Former Development Generic Channel Administration General Settings Manage GSDO Groups .

3. Click on the Activity icon. A list of GSDO groups appears.

4. Select the GSDO group IWSES_REPT and select Assign GSDOs in the dialog structure. 5. Choose New Entries and select the GSDO IWF_SUBSCRIPTION for the event subscription. 6. Select the Active option to activate the GSDO group. 7. Save your settings.

Configuring Subscriptions for Report Results Subscription is required to get the report results upon execution of a report. You need to configure subscription settings for GSDO. Proceed as follows: 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO.

2. In transaction SPRO, open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway Former Development Generic Channel Configuration Subscription

Settings Maintain Subscription Settings for GSDO . 3. Click on the Activity icon. 4. Choose New Entries. 5. Enter the following details in the Maintain Subscription Settings for GSDO screen:

Field Description


SAP System Alias Name of the system alias, for example, LOCAL


Description DE 2.0 Event for Report Result Set


Local Subs Check this option

6. Save your settings.

Check Event Handler Note: If you activated the /IWSES/BC_REPORTING BC set, these settings should already be available. There is no need to perform this procedure. To check the event handler: 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO. 1. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway Former

Development Former Generic Channel Development Outbound Flow Events Event Handler Registration .

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Reporting


2. Click the Execute icon. 3. Select the /IWFND/CL_EVT_OBJ_C_NOTIF Event Type and the

/IWSES/REPORT_RESULT_NOTIF Handler ID. Note: If this configuration does not exist, you must create it manually.

4. In the Dialog Structure section, click Assignment to objects. 5. Check that the REPORT_RESULT_SET GSDO appears in the Assignment to objects list

Check Adapter Class Note: If you activated the /IWSES/BC_REPORTING BC set, these settings should already be available. There is no need to perform this procedure. To check the adapter class: 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO. 2. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway Former

Development Former Generic Channel Development Outbound Flow Content Publisher Consumer Adapter Classes .

3. Click the Execute icon. The Content Publisher Consumer Adapter Class table appears.

4. Check that the following configuration appears in the table: o Consumer Type: SHAREPOINT_DE

o Content Publisher Operation Type: /SEH/SEND_REPT



Note: If this configuration does not exist, you must create it manually.

Creating Roles You must create roles for Reporting Management and assign these roles to the Reporting Management GSDO group. The Reporting Management users should be assigned to these roles so that they will be able to receive report templates and will be able to execute the reports. Note:

1. You must be a SAP NetWeaver Gateway administrator or have an SAP user administrator to create the roles.

2. The roles must be defined/created on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway server. To create roles, proceed as follows:

1. Open transaction pfcg in the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system. 2. Enter a name for the role in the Role field. 3. Choose Single Role. 4. Save the role. 5. Choose the Authorization tab page.

Manually Configuring Duet Enterprise Configuring Reporting


6. Choose Change Authorization. 7. Choose the template mentioned in the Role Templates section. 8. Choose Generate to create a new role.

For information on changing roles, see Changing Standard Roles.

Role Templates

Use the predefined role templates mentioned below to create user roles for Reporting:


Report Administration The following configurations must be performed on the Reporting Administrator to retrieve the data requested by the users:

Manage Source Systems, Report Types and Formats Manage Reports and their Properties Manage Categories Manage Context Variables Configure System Time points Manage System Time points and Data Change Events

Manage Peripheral Settings Note: These settings will be applied to all SAP NetWeaver Gateway reports. 1. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, and open transaction SPRO.

2. Open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP NetWeaver Gateway Content Reporting Administration Peripheral Settings Define General Settings .

3. Click the Execute icon.

The Define General Settings page appears.

4. In the Setting Value field, enter the relevant value, for example, 100.

5. Click Save.

Deployment Worksheet Table 1 – Information provided by the SharePoint Server administrator


Deployment Worksheet Record data in this worksheet to enable SharePoint and SAP administrators to exchange information required during deployment of Duet Enterprise 2.0.

Table 1 – Information provided by the SharePoint Server administrator

Information needed Example Value

URL of Web application for Duet Enterprise sites

Publisher account username and password for the above Web application

SSL certificate file name and location \\contoso\Certificates\DuetSSLCert.cer

Duet Root Certificate name and location

CN= Duet Root Authority Certificate


Information required for Role Sync Information

needed Example Value

AD DS Server name


Tip: This must be the NetBIOS name of the computer that is running the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) where the user accounts that are used by SharePoint Server are stored.

Port number of AD DS 389 AD DS account and password Attribute in AD DS where SAP username is maintained

This name is an attribute in AD DS. For example, sAMAccountName.

User Base Domain Name

Deployment Worksheet Table 2 – Information provided by the SAP administrator


User Profile Service Application name

Name of the User Profile Service Application that you will use for Duet Enterprise.

Table 2 – Information provided by the SAP administrator

Information needed Example Value

SSL Certificate location and file name

LSI URL for Workflow


Metadata URL for Workflow


LSI URL for Reporting https://<host>:<port>/sap/opu/sdata/iwses/Reporting

Metadata URL for Reporting


LSI URL for RoleSync


Metadata URL for RoleSync


LSI URL for Subscription


Metadata URL for Subscription


Table 3 - Accounts needed for SharePoint Server

Information needed Notes Value

Service User Account

You use this service user account for the following:

To run setup.exe and DuetConfig.exe files. The service user format is domain\username. Example: contoso\admin1

To run the application pool for the Web application used for the Duet Enterprise 2.0 sites.

To assign to the SharePoint 2013 Timer service. This is the account name, in the format

Deployment Worksheet Table 3 - Accounts needed for SharePoint Server


domain\username. For example, contoso\timersvc. Note: The same service user, with the mapping, should be maintained on the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system.

Users who can access SAP content

You can use the nt authority\authenticated users account to grant access to all authenticated users or provide the list of Windows users/groups that will be granted access.