Conference establishes standards, investigates latest … · 2014-02-24 · each presentation. CHFA...

Industry news and marketing information for Canada’s natural health suppliers September October 2012 Conference establishes standards, investigates latest technologies Dale Lo Tel: 905/857-2253 [email protected] The Media Planners give you ad rates, publishing dates, deadlines, and more. Contact Dale to have the Media Planner sent to you. The CNHR and CNS 2013 Media Planners are ready. Vancouver played host to the 2012 International Academic Conference on Phytopharmaceutical Analysis and The Third Academic Annual Meeting of TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Society in May. The goal of the meet- ing was to establish standards, discuss technologies and discuss the future of the natural health products. Participants in the conference includ- ed Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corp. (CPC), in association with the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Society (WFCMS), the Chinese National Engineering Laboratory for TCM Standardization Technology, the United States Pharmacopoeia Convention and Agilent Technologies Inc. The convention established the fol- lowing goals: • To harmonize the international medi- cine quality control standards of natural health products and phytopharmaceu- tical formulations. • To set up innovative technologies and advanced methods for phytopharma- ceutical analysis. Companies looking to get updated on the current regulatory status are invited to attend The Regulatory Environment in Canada, a forum run- ning from 7:30 am to noon on Thursday September 20 during CHFA East. This regulatory forum is an oppor- tunity to get informed and involved with the latest updates on strategic topics in the NHP and food regulato- ry field. Interact directly with senior officials from NHPD, Food Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch Inspectorate, as well as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Staff from the CHFA will provide a brief update on recent and future regulatory activities of the CHFA, including key sector initiatives mov- ing forward. Time will be allotted for questions and comments following each presentation. CHFA members participating in the Regulatory Environment In Canada session are invited to remain for a members-only luncheon from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm and a follow-up dis- cussion. For full details on this forum, please go to • NutraLab Canada Ltd. has been recog- nized as one of Canada’s Top 50 Fastest Growing Companies. A contract manu- facturer providing OEM and private label service for nutraceuticals, NutraLab passed an independent, certified third- party audit with flying colours, scoring an exceptionally high 91.2 per cent and placing in Preferred Supplier rank. Moreover, NutraLab Canada has been nominated as one of Canada’s Top 10 Most Admired Corporate Cultures this year. For more information, please visit to learn more about the company. • To discuss the future of natural health products and establish programs to fur- ther improve and set higher international quality control standards for botanical products to ensure: a) Consistency in deriving uniform botanical extracts from raw material; b) Optimizing the qualita- tive and quantitative analysis of natural health products, thereby guaranteeing products of highest quality. NutraLab makes both top 50 and top 10 lists Forum will offer regulatory update at CHFA East

Transcript of Conference establishes standards, investigates latest … · 2014-02-24 · each presentation. CHFA...

Page 1: Conference establishes standards, investigates latest … · 2014-02-24 · each presentation. CHFA members participating in the Regulatory Environment In Canada session are invited

Industry news andmarketing informationfor Canada’s naturalhealth suppliers



Conference establishes standards, investigates latest technologies

Dale LoTel: 905/857-2253

[email protected]

The Media Planners give you ad rates, publishing dates, deadlines, and more.

Contact Dale to have the Media Planner sent to you.

The CNHR and CNS 2013

Media Planners are ready.

Vancouver played host to the 2012International Academic Conference onPhytopharmaceutical Analysis and TheThird Academic Annual Meeting ofTCM Pharmaceutical AnalysisSpecialty Committee of the WorldFederation of Chinese MedicineSociety in May. The goal of the meet-ing was to establish standards, discusstechnologies and discuss the future ofthe natural health products.

Participants in the conference includ-ed Canadian PhytopharmaceuticalsCorp. (CPC), in association with theTCM Pharmaceutical AnalysisSpecialty Committee of the WorldFederation of Chinese MedicineSociety (WFCMS), the ChineseNational Engineering Laboratory forTCM Standardization Technology, theUnited States PharmacopoeiaConvention and Agilent TechnologiesInc.

The convention established the fol-lowing goals:• To harmonize the international medi-cine quality control standards of naturalhealth products and phytopharmaceu-tical formulations.• To set up innovative technologies andadvanced methods for phytopharma-ceutical analysis.

Companies looking to get updatedon the current regulatory status areinvited to attend The RegulatoryEnvironment in Canada, a forum run-ning from 7:30 am to noon onThursday September 20 duringCHFA East.

This regulatory forum is an oppor-tunity to get informed and involvedwith the latest updates on strategictopics in the NHP and food regulato-ry field. Interact directly with seniorofficials from NHPD, FoodDirectorate, Health Products andFood Branch Inspectorate, as well asthe Canadian Food InspectionAgency.

Staff from the CHFA will provide abrief update on recent and futureregulatory activities of the CHFA,including key sector initiatives mov-ing forward. Time will be allotted forquestions and comments followingeach presentation.

CHFA members participating in theRegulatory Environment In Canadasession are invited to remain for amembers-only luncheon from 12:30pm to 1:30 pm and a follow-up dis-cussion. For full details on this forum,please go to •

NutraLab Canada Ltd. has been recog-nized as one of Canada’s Top 50 FastestGrowing Companies. A contract manu-facturer providing OEM and private labelservice for nutraceuticals, NutraLabpassed an independent, certified third-party audit with flying colours, scoringan exceptionally high 91.2 per cent andplacing in Preferred Supplier rank.Moreover, NutraLab Canada has beennominated as one of Canada’s Top 10Most Admired Corporate Cultures thisyear.

For more information, please to learn more about thecompany.

• To discuss the future of natural healthproducts and establish programs to fur-ther improve and set higher internationalquality control standards for botanicalproducts to ensure: a) Consistency inderiving uniform botanical extracts fromraw material; b) Optimizing the qualita-tive and quantitative analysis of naturalhealth products, thereby guaranteeingproducts of highest quality.

NutraLab makes both top 50 and top 10 lists

Forum will offer regulatory update

at CHFA East

Page 2: Conference establishes standards, investigates latest … · 2014-02-24 · each presentation. CHFA members participating in the Regulatory Environment In Canada session are invited

budget of anysize, and workto it. You don’tneed to breakthe bank toreach your audi-ence: smallerads are moreaffordable andthey still put youin front of the eyes of your customers. But to not advertise because youcan’t go big is a very shortsightedbusiness strategy, as it guaranteesthat NO ONE will see your sales mes-sage. Canadian hockey great WayneGretzky put it all in perspective whenhe once said, “You miss 100 per centof the shots you don’t take.” (Alongwith a brilliant hockey mind, “TheGreat One” seemed to also have agood understanding about the adver-tising business.)

Ask for value-added featuresBy putting your message out there,

at least you’re giving your buyingaudience a chance to learn aboutyour company, your products andyour services.

This logic applies to either con-sumer or trade advertising.Sometimes, the media outlet or news-paper or magazine will work with youto augment your ad dollars by offer-ing “value-added” features. Forexample, with CNHR and CNS, weoffer our advertisers things likeexpanded coverage in Trade Talk andfree exposure in our Product Profilesection. Value-added features arejust one way to help stretch your addollars further and give your compa-ny more exposure to your buyingaudience.

As summer comes to an end andthe busy fall season is upon us, I lookforward to seeing everyone at CHFAEast in Toronto, September 20 to 23.Until then, please feel free to emailme with any questions or comments,

Healthy Regards,

Dale Lo


September-October 2012

Industry news and marketing

information for Canada’s

natural health suppliers.

5707 Forgets Rd.

Wyebridge, ON, L0K 2E0

General inquiries:

Tel: (705) 527-1118

E-mail: [email protected]

PublisherDale Lo: 905/857-2253

Email: [email protected]

EditorDelia Carnide: 519/829-2733

Email: [email protected]

Associate Editor/PublisherBruce W. Cole: 705/526-8444

Email: [email protected]

General ManagerDonna Lundrigan: 705/527-1118

E-mail: [email protected]

Advertising SalesDale Lo: 905/857-2253

Email: [email protected]

Nicole Saltsman: 705/549-7081

Email: [email protected]

Printed in Canada. All rights reserved.

The contents may not be reproduced, in any format, in

whole or in part, without the express written consent of

the Publisher. Not responsible for print claims of adver-

tisers. Readers requesting confidentiality of subscrip-

tion information, please notify publisher in writing.

Magazine Production:

Wye Design: Penny Francis:

[email protected]

Printing: Rose Printing, Orillia, ON

Distribution: Andrews Mailing Service

CNS is published by CNHR Inc.

Publisher’s Letter

Does advertising work? This isthe question everyone asksbefore they commit dollars to

an advertising campaign. And it’s avalid question. Personally, I have nodoubt advertising works. Working onthe ad side at CNHR for all theseyears has shown me many examplesof advertising working for suppliers.

Recently, something happened thatonly confirmed in my mind that adver-tising does work. For the past eightyears, I have driven by my local hard-ware store. One day – out of the blue– I noticed a large sign posted outfront indicating they fill up BBQpropane tanks. Never before had Iseen this sign. My first thought was,“Wow… is this ever convenient forme. It’s closer to the house thanwhere we usually go, and the price isbetter.”

“No one knew...”A few days later, I stopped in to

have our tank re-filled. While theyoung man filled the tank, I men-tioned in passing how glad I was theynow have propane. He looked upfrom his task and said, “We’ve alwayshad the propane here, the problemwas no one knew it.”

When I asked him if he thought thenew sign out front was working, hesaid, “Without question. You can’tbelieve how many people have comein to have their BBQ tanks re-filledsince we put it up.”

This made me think of the story Iwrote last issue, about the ingredientsupplier who was very surprisedwhen he realized many of his long-time regular customers didn’t knowthe full extent of his company’s prod-uct offering because he never adver-tised it.

Advertising does work. But to makeit work for you it must have consisten-cy, so your message will be seen andread by many. Some companies feelif they can’t go “big,” let’s not bother.I disagree with this thought. It’simportant to have your message infront of your audience with regularity,regardless of ad size. Create a

There’s no great mystery

about advertising: it works!by Dale Lo

Page 3: Conference establishes standards, investigates latest … · 2014-02-24 · each presentation. CHFA members participating in the Regulatory Environment In Canada session are invited


CHFA East is not just for retailers: there are many companieswho will be exhibiting at the conference on September 22and 23 who cater to natural health industry suppliers. Beloware some of the companies who will be exhibiting.

Bill Beauty & Health Products Ltd. P38Canadian Analytical Laboratories (CAL) Inc.  425Canadian Natural Supplier (CNS) Magazine P14Dicentra Inc. 2606Empress Packaging 2319Lintec Label & Print Solutions 932NHP Consulting Inc. 2603NHP Licensing Solutions 634Nutraceuticals International Group 2331NutraLab Canada Ltd. o/a Honson Ingredients 635PNP Pharmaceuticals Inc.  1736Private Label Nutraceuticals 1636Quality Compliance Laboratories Inc. 211Rhema Health Products Ltd. 2321

MapleLife Nutrition and Formula is a thriving and rapidlygrowing manufacturer and international distributor, offer-ing a wide range of natural health products and supple-ments. It has been recognized as a global brand, com-mitted to providing innovative and premium products tomeet the needs of our customers. The company is look-ing for brokers and distributors. Please visit MapleLife atCHFA East in Booth 635 to learn about the opportunities.

Toronto-based C.K. Foods Inc., a Canadian supplier of func-tional and nutritional raw materials to food, beverage, dietarysupplement and natural health product markets, announcedit has changed its legal name for the first time in the compa-ny’s 30-year history. Effective July 18, C.K. Foods Inc. and itsCK Nutritional Ingredients division become a single entitynamed CK Ingredients Inc.

Company management stresses there will be no change inownership and that its core values of integrity, commitment toquality and service excellence, and focus on long-term rela-tionships with both clients and supplier partners are as strongas ever.

“We have carefully considered this change for some timenow,” said Michael Chernyak, president and CEO of CKIngredients. “Our singular focus on ingredients and our moveinto dietary supplements and related markets whittled downthe relevance of our founding name. We felt that CKIngredients was an undeniably superior reflection of what it isthat we do as a business.”

In addition to the change in name, CK Ingredients hasmoved to a new larger location to support its continuedgrowth, and has also redesigned its website. The newaddress, phone and fax numbers can be found

For more information about CK Ingredients, please contactJim Bornhold, vice-president of sales at 416/747-8434 or800/821-8995 ext. 223, or e-mail [email protected]. •

Some CHFA East exhibitorsfocused on industry suppliers

C.K. Foods inc. announces companyname change to CK ingredients inc.

brokers, distributors wanted


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Page 4: Conference establishes standards, investigates latest … · 2014-02-24 · each presentation. CHFA members participating in the Regulatory Environment In Canada session are invited


Quotient Clinical, a provider of specialist

early stage drug development services

and Capsugel, a global leader in innova-

tive dosage solutions for the healthcare

industry, have announced a collabora-

tion to enable the rapid development

and clinical assessment of lipid-based

formulations. Together, the companies

will use their technology and expertise to

address the drug delivery challenges of

poorly soluble molecules with limited

oral bioavailability.

The collaboration integrates Quotient’s

RapidFACT real-time clinical manufac-

ture and testing service with Capsugel’s

lipid-based formulation expertise and

manufacturing capability. With up to 70

per cent of the industry’s development

pipeline consisting of molecules with

poor solubility, the collaboration will fast

track the effective clinical evaluation of

AHD International, LLC and NutritionalImpact Corp (NIC) have announced anexclusive partnership that will bringAHD’s ingredients to a wider array ofdistribution chains in Canada usingNIC’s extensive network of contacts.

AHD has a long history of supplyingraw materials and ingredients backedwith heavy clinical trials. The companyhas exclusive rights to several otherpatented ingredients like Allerol,Luralean and Bellalean.

NIC brings to the table its strengths asa full turnkey product development com-pany, as well as its extensive network ofcontacts. The shared goal of both com-panies is to integrate AHD ingredients inmultiple products and formats for widerCanadian consumption.

“There is a great need for ingredientsuppliers who can provide clinical stud-ies for all their products,” stated GaryKozai, chief operating officer for NIC.“With Canadian regulations requiring

Deerland Enzymes, an internationalenzyme dietary supplement formulatorand contract manufacturer, hasannounced the release of the company’slatest product, ProHydrolase. A bio-suffi-cient supplement, ProHydrolase isdesigned to build muscle mass andaccelerate muscle recovery when usedas an ingredient in protein supplementsor meal replacements.

In a media release, the company saidthis unique enzyme formulation ensuresthat the important amino acids found inprotein supplements are utilized to theirmaximum capability; therefore, provid-ing optimal nutritional benefit. “To beeffective, whey protein must be brokendown into a smaller particle size withinapproximately 90 minutes of consump-tion,” explained Dr. John Deaton,Deerland Enzymes’ vice-president oftechnology. “Undigested whey proteinwill simply be excreted from the body.The body may not have the tools need-ed to disassemble whey protein, makinga supplement necessary to ensure itgets the amino acids needed.”

“We are excited about ProHydrolaseand have already received a positiveresponse from our customers on its per-formance,” says Scott Ravech, CEO ofDeerland Enzymes. For more informa-tion, call 800/697-8179 or •

lipid-based drug delivery systems in

man, while optimizing the drug product

for downstream development.

As part of the collaboration, Quotient

will utilise Capsugel’s CFS liquid capsule

filling and sealing technology at its facil-

ity in Nottingham, England and will be

able to access the formulation expertise

in Capsugel’s development centre in

Strasbourg, France.

Mark Egerton, managing director of

Quotient Clinical, said.  “The collabora-

tion with Capsugel will help our cus-

tomers address prevalent drug delivery

challenges for poorly soluble com-

pounds in a more effective way.”

Keith Hutchison, senior vice-president

of research and develeopment at

Capsugel, added. “Our expertise with

poorly soluble drugs includes a propri-

etary predictive modelling technology

based on an extensive database of lipid

formulations that allows us to find the

best formulas quickly. We also have a

deep knowledge of capsules and our

Licaps liquid filling and sealing technol-

ogy helps to speed up the process.

These are perfect complements to

Quotient’s abilities.” •

comprehensive data, our clients can beassured that any AHD-based ingredientwill have formidable evidence support-ing its efficacy, safety and quality. NIC isnow more vertically integrated as we willnow have options for all points in theproduct development cycle.”

Jesse Dahlquist, national sales man-ager at AHD, agrees. “The Canadianregulatory environment makes AHDingredients ideally suited to penetrateand saturate the market. With NIC’sexperience, I hope that AHD ingredientsbecome more available and have morediverse applications specifically forCanada.”

“The potential is limitless,” concludedMr. Kozai. “With our combined expertiseand experience, both AHD and NIC areconfident that we can build on eachother’s core strengths and sustain along-lasting and mutually profitable part-nership.”

Nutritional Impact Corp. (NIC) pro-

vides turn-key solutions to the naturalhealth products industry by assisting itsbrand owner customers with the devel-opment, formulation, R&D and manufac-turing of their respective products. NIC“formulates and differentiates” by incor-porating state-of-the-art and proprietarydelivery systems to create innovativeproducts and ingredients. NIC’s missionis to provide its customers with the abili-ty to derive significant bottom line valuefor their various products.   

AHD International, LLC is a leader ininnovative, new-to-market nutritional rawmaterials and ingredients with extensivescientific support. AHD has extensiveexperience in all areas of the nutritionalsupplement industry, and focuses onsupplying the highest quality nutritionalproducts in raw material powders andoils. AHD also specializes in acting asagents for major foreign manufacturersby distributing nutritional ingredients inNorth America. •

Agreement expands distribution of AHD products in Canada through NiC

Quotient, Capsugel announce collaborationon development of lipid-based formulations

Deerland launchesbio-sufficient supplement

Page 5: Conference establishes standards, investigates latest … · 2014-02-24 · each presentation. CHFA members participating in the Regulatory Environment In Canada session are invited

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Page 6: Conference establishes standards, investigates latest … · 2014-02-24 · each presentation. CHFA members participating in the Regulatory Environment In Canada session are invited


Capsugel recently took top honours forits DRcaps acid-resistant capsules win-ning the Best New Plant, Process andTechnology category awarded byNutraceutical Business and Technology(NBT) Magazine. The award wasannounced as part of VitaFoods Europe,which took place in Geneva,Switzerland, in late spring.

Keith Hutchison, senior vice-presidentof research and develeopment atCapsugel, said, “DRcaps capsules arethe result of careful, in-depth research,culminating in an innovative approach tomaking an acid-resistant capsule with a

SupplySide West is taking place November 5 to 9, 2012 at The Venetian & SandsExpo, Las Vegas. With over 12,000 attendees and 1,500+ booths, SupplySide West2012 brings together the suppliers and buyers that drive the dietary supplement,food, beverage, personal care and cosmetic marketplace.

Leaders from the executive management, R&D, QA/QC and marketing teams willconverge on Las Vegas November 5-9, 2012. Their goal? To explore and discoverinnovation from around the globe to collaboratively develop the next product that willdrive revenue, market share and consumer loyalty.

SupplySide Education will be addressing important issues in the dietary supplementindustry like GMP, FSMA and NDI compliance, claims substantiation, emerging eth-nic and demographic markets, clinical research on ingredients, avoiding fraud in yoursupply chain, and much more.

The trade show runs November 7 and 8, while the conference education programruns from November 5 to 9.

For full conference details, please go to: •

SupplySide West goes in Las Vegas November 5 to 9

Capsugel wins award for new capsules at VitaFoods

one-step manufacturing process, andthe ability to prevent consumers fromexperiencing gastric irritation.  All with-out formula changes, different fillingequipment, or extra investment costs forour customers.”

Acid-resistant DRcaps capsules arecomposed of vegetal origin products inan easy-to-use dosage form, acceptedby many consumers with cultural, reli-gious or dietary restrictions – includingvegetarians. DRcaps capsules also donot require coatings to mask odour, tasteor to achieve acid-resistance, reducingcost during manufacturing. •

Georgia congressman Phil Gingrey, MD,recently met with executives of DeerlandEnzymes during a tour of the company’sGMP certified facility in May. They dis-cussed the company’s concerns overthe current U.S. tax policy, as well as theFood and Drug Administration’s draftguidance for industry, DietarySupplements: New Dietary IngredientsNotifications and Related Issues.

“I appreciated the opportunity to tourDeerland’s facility and am impressedwith their work in this industry,” saidCongressman Gingrey. •

Congressman discussestax policy on plant tour

NutraLab Canada Ltd. has intro-duced Vitadrop, a standardized, nat-ural herbal extract in liquid concen-trate form that has been formulatedupon numerous scientific studies. Itsunique formulas provide an excellentsource of antioxidants and targetedhealthcare for the maintenance ofgood health. Visit NutraLab CanadaLtd. at Booth 635 during CHFA Eastto see Vitadropand to enter the con-test for a chance to win prizes. •

New natural herbalextract available

is the most trusted name and leading brand of a line of Coconut products in Canadian Health Food Stores.

Alpha Health Products Ltd o�ers an

OPPORTUNITY in several choice territories for

ProfessionalSales Reps

If you are established in your area, rep-resenting other manufacturers, Alpha Health Products would be a rewarding prospect and a lucrative addition to your lines, as Alpha o�ers outstanding pro-motional support and pays good com-missions with incentives. If you live in one of the open territories, BC, Alberta, the Prairies (SK/MB) or Atlantic Canada, you would be proud to rep for Alpha.

Please [email protected]

Bergstrom Nutrition says recent evi-dence suggesting that when personalcare products are formulated with atleast 10 per cent OptiMSM, the need toadd preservatives may be eliminated.Bergstrom says OptiMSM is the world’sonly GRAS-designated proprietary andpatented MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)and has traditionally been used to helpreduce joint pain and inflammation.

OptiMSM can be formulated in mois-turizers, nail polishes, acne creams andgels, anti-aging products, body washes,shampoos, toothpaste and mouthwash-es. Consumers may resonate with itsaddition into personal care products asevidence suggests it reduces scarring,softens skin, strengthens nails and thick-ens hair. Moreover, OptiMSM supportsthe production of collagen and keratin;is a primary building block for healthyhair, skin and nails; is pH and thermallystable; and is synergistic with otheringredients.

Study suggests ingredient offers manybenefits in personal care products

Value in dermatology

“The antibacterial studies we conduct-ed on numerous matrices clearly sug-gest that MSM should be viewed in anew light by the dermatology industry,”said Rodney Benjamin, technical direc-tor for Bergstrom Nutrition. “MSM is 34per cent sulfur by weight which has longbeen a valued ingredient in dermatologyand may contribute to the cross linkingof proteoglycans, a key component ofconnective tissue.”

“Today more than ever consumers areplacing a heavy importance on outward-ly appearances and maintaining thatcoveted youthful glow,” said HollyHarmon, marketing director forBergstrom Nutrition. “Not only doesOptiMSM provide a reputable way ofreaching them, it creates a cost-effectivemeans to eliminate or significantlyreduce preservative loading.”

For information on Bergstrom, pleasevisit •

Page 7: Conference establishes standards, investigates latest … · 2014-02-24 · each presentation. CHFA members participating in the Regulatory Environment In Canada session are invited

store across the country, reaching all the traditional

retail health food store owners, managers, buyers and

staff…the people who buy and recommend your

products to consumers.

Whether your company is big or small, or your ad

budget is massive or miniscule, CNHR has ad rates to

fit. You can reach stores from coast to coast six times

per year in a most cost-effective manner, in some

cases just pennies per store. CNHR is an excellent

promotional vehicle to reach these key buyers and

influencers in traditional stores, delivering the best

value for your investment.

Retailers read CNHR. They keep each issue, and

pass it along to staff members. Over 10,000 retailers

read each issue of CNHR Magazine. They do this

because it is their magazine, the only one in Canada

that focuses solely on traditional natural health retail-

ing. Staff is encouraged to read our magazine to learn

more about the industry, products available, supplier

information, and to benefit from our many business

related articles.

And remember: health food stores are always in the

market to buy your products. Unlike other retail

channels, traditional health food stores are in one

business only: selling natural health products. Where

other channels consider our products just one of

thousands of SKUs, the traditional stores will always

sell these products. And they are are always looking

for new, innovative products that will help consumers.

Get into the minds of more retailers, and in the

process, get into more stores. Increase your presence

in stores and, at the same time, increase your sales.

Get your sales message into CNHR Magazine. 

The first step towards selling to consumers

is getting your product into natural health stores

and making it top-of-mind with retailersAdvertising to consumers is an important strategy for

any company which hopes to sell its product.

In a perfect world, your dream would be to have a

consumer walk into a health food store, ask for your

brand by name, and then buy it.

However, what if your product isn’t in every store?

Or worse…what if the consumer comes in, asks for

your brand by name, but is switched over to another

company’s product? What if the retailer is unfamil-

iar with your company’s line and is more confident

recommending another brand which they know bet-

ter? If you’re spending all your money educating

consumers and forgetting to do the same with retail-

ers, you are missing an integral link toward increas-

ing your company’s sales.

That is because retailers are really the biggest part of

your sales force – thousands of trained, knowledge-

able professionals meeting daily with countless con-

sumers, searching for health solutions. They are the

people making important product recommendations.

You are always competing against well-established

popular brands, so just having your product in a store

isn’t enough. That means creating familiarity and

educating the retailers about your company and your

brand and “winning them over” and making your

brand top-of-mind is crucial to getting them onside to

recommend and sell your product to consumers who

walk through the doors of the stores.

You can help your sales team accomplish this by sup-

porting them with a trade advertising campaign.

And that is where CNHR Magazine can help you.

CNHR covers Canada, getting into every health food

Dale LoNational Sales Manager

Tel: 905/857-2253 [email protected]

Nicole SaltsmanNational Account Manager

Tel: 705/549-7081 [email protected]

To learn how we can help you reach retailers with your sales message,

please contact either Nicole or Dale.

Page 8: Conference establishes standards, investigates latest … · 2014-02-24 · each presentation. CHFA members participating in the Regulatory Environment In Canada session are invited


Introducing VITADROP™, a standard-ized, natural herbal extract in liquid concentrate form, formulated upon numerous scienti�c studies. The natural restorative ingredients have been carefully selected along with high quality green tea extracts to create a liquid concentrate, packed in portable air-tight dropper bottles to retain freshness and purity. VITADROP™ is a delicious supplement for the mainte-nance of good health.

VITADROP™ will launch in September with the following �ve products:

Anti-Ox Green Tea Original Flavour

Anti-Ox Green Tea Lemon Flavour

Anti-Ox Green Tea Pepper-mint Flavour



VITADROP™ is standardized and all-natural, and has:

NO preservatives

NO alcohol

NO arti�cial colours

NO gluten

NO calories

VITADROP™ is exhibiting at CHFA East! Visit us at Booth 635 to experience VITADROP™ �rst-hand!To learn more about VITADROP™, visit

Launches in September!


aunches in September!AT


in September!

in September!
