conference Civil Service Group Annual Delegate · PDF fileCivil Service Group Annual Delegate...

Civil Service Group Annual Delegate Conference Killyhevlin Hotel Enniskillen Protecting Public Services… Supporting Public Servants Agenda 2013 Tuesday 28th May 2013 w. g. conference 2O13

Transcript of conference Civil Service Group Annual Delegate · PDF fileCivil Service Group Annual Delegate...

Civil Service GroupAnnual Delegate Conference

Killyhevlin HotelEnniskillen

Protecting Public Services… Supporting Public Servants


Tuesday 28th May 2013w. g.

conference 2O13

Timetable Tuesday 28th May 201310:30 Tea / Coffee

11:00 Chairperson’s Address

11:15 Appointment of Scrutineers and Tellers

Adoption of Standing Orders Report No.1

11:30 Pay Motions No.1 - No.5

12:10 Privatisation Motions No.10 - No.12

12:30 General Motions No.17 - No.19

12:45 Recruitment Motions No.24 - No.26

1:00 Lunch

2:30 Trade Union Issues Motions No.29 - No.30

2:40 Terms and Conditions Motions No.35 - No.43

3:30 Promotion Motions No.47 - No.48

3:40 Tea/Coffee

4:00 Allowances Motions No.52 - No.55

4:20 Accommodation Motions No.59 - No.60

4:30 Guillotined Motions

5:00 Close of Conference

Special Notice to Delegates

The Standing Orders and Standing Orders Committee Report No 1 should be read in conjunction with the list of motions. In accordance with Standing Order 37, Branches wishing to move reference back to Standing Orders Report No 1 or at any part of it, should notify their intention to do so in writing to the Secretary, NIPSA Standing Orders Committee, Harkin House, 54 Wellington Park, Belfast, BT9 6DP not later than 11.00 am, Tuesday 21st May 2013.

Those branches who have so notified their intention to move reference back of Report No 1 will be required to meet the Standing Orders Committee prior to Conference on Friday 24th May 2013.

Only those branches who have complied with Standing Order 37 will be permitted to move reference back of Standing Orders Committee Report No 1.

Branches should note that reference back of Standing Orders 1 to 43, or any amendment to them, is not permissible. This rule does not apply to any additional Standing Orders included in Standing Orders Committee Report No 1.

1. These standing orders will apply to General and Group Conferences until they are amended or rescinded by a motion adopted by an annual Delegate General Conference. If any such motion is adopted it shall not come into effect until the conclusion of the conference at which it is adopted.

Reports of Standing Orders Committee

2. Subject to the provisions of these standing orders, the Standing Orders Committee will draw up reports for each conference, setting out its recommendations on the timetable, agenda and such other matters as it considers necessary for the business of the conference. The reports of the Standing Orders Committee will be presented to the conference for consideration and decision.

3. The Standing Orders Committee may, if it considers it necessary recommend additional standing orders on matters not covered in these standing orders. Such additional standing orders shall apply only to the conference at which they are adopted.

4. The first report of the Standing Orders Committee to an Annual Conference hereinafter referred to as “Report No 1”, shall comprise the agenda, which shall contain all the motions received in accordance with these standing orders and the Committee’s recommendation on the timetable and other matters.

The Agenda

5. The Standing Orders Committee will include in a primary agenda those motions which require a decision by conference and will place the remaining motions in a secondary agenda.

6. In each section of the primary agenda any motions which relate to pay and conditions of service shall be placed at the beginning of the section.

7. The secondary agenda will include the following categories:

(a) Category A - motions which are covered by a composite or comprehensive motion on the primary agenda.

(b) Category B - motions which restate existing union policy.

(c) Category C - motions which can be dealt with by correspondence with Union Headquarters.

(d) Category D - motions which are competent to be dealt with by a body established under rule 6.9(a) of the rules of the Union and which are to be remitted to the General Council for reference to that body.

(e) Category X - motions which the President has ruled are out of order.

8. Composite motions will be used whenever possible to cover a number of motions directed at the same issue. The motion selected as a composite is the one which, in the opinion of the Standing Orders Committee, incorporates the points made in motions covered by it.

9. Comprehensive motions will whenever possible be constructed by the Standing Orders Committee to cover motions, when although directed on the same issue, contain a number of diverse points. The Standing Orders Committee will recommend who should move a comprehensive motion.

10. The passage of a composite or comprehensive motion does not imply acceptance of the detailed variants in the motions which they cover.

11. Motions which seek to amend the rules of the Union or the annexes to them or which would require an amendment to the rules of the Union or the annexes to them will be out of order, unless they are presented in a form which sets out clearly the wording of the amendment(s) necessary.

12. An emergency motion shall deal only with urgent business which has arisen since the final date for the submission of motions to conference and shall require a decision by conference. The Standing Orders Committee shall include in Report No 1, the procedure for dealing with emergency motions.

13. The Standing Orders Committee shall have the sole authority to decide whether or not a motion is competent for consideration as a matter of urgency. It shall publish those motions which it considers to be emergency motions in a report which shall also include provisions for their discussion.

Standing Orders for Conferences

The Timetable

14. The Standing Orders Committee will arrange motions in the primary agenda into sections and specify periods of time for the discussion of each section and for other conference business. If alterations to the timetable become necessary during the course of a conference the Standing Orders Committee shall submit recommendations to the conference. For such an alteration it is not necessary to resort to the procedure set out in Standing Order No 35.

15. The time allotted to each section of the agenda shall be adhered to as far as possible.

16. The Standing Orders Committee may recommend an opportunity, before motions in a section of the agenda are discussed, for the General Council to place before the delegates any factual material necessary to bring up-to-date the annual report in respect of subjects to which the section relates. The time allocated for this purpose to a speaker for the General Council shall be limited to 4 minutes, subject to the President’s discretion in exceptional circumstances.

17. Motions shall be taken in the order in which they appear on the agenda. The time allotted to each motion shall be at the discretion of the President.

18. In order to make the maximum use of conference time for the discussion of motions on which there may be differing opinions, the General Council will indicate which motions, if any, on the primary agenda it is willing to have adopted without discussion. These motions will be listed in a report of the Standing Orders Committee and by adopting the report the conference will carry the motions.

19. Motions which are not taken because of lack of time shall be dealt with as if they had been remitted by conference to the General Council.

Conduct of Debates

20. It shall not be necessary to second motions or emergency motions included in a Standing Orders Committee report which has been adopted by conference.

21. If the mover of any motion is not present when it is called, the President may invite a Branch or the General Council, to move the motion. If the motion is not moved, it will be deemed to have fallen.

22. Each speaker shall announce his or her name and Branch or, in the case of a person speaking on behalf of the General Council or the Standing

Orders Committee, his or her name and office before speaking on any point.

23. Speeches by movers of motions shall be limited to 4 minutes and other speeches to 3 minutes, but these times may be varied at the discretion of the President.

24. The mover of a motion on the agenda shall have the right of reply at the close of the debate upon the motion, if anyone has expressed opposition to the motion.

25. Immediately before the mover of a motion on the agenda exercises his or her right of reply or before the vote is taken if there is no right of reply or it is waived, a speaker on behalf of the General Council will be afforded the opportunity of addressing conference.

26. A motion may be withdrawn only by the proposers with the approval of conference.

27. No one other than a delegate or a member of the Standing Orders Committee may address conference unless authorised by the General Council.

28. Speakers must on all occasions confine themselves strictly to the matter under discussion.

29. Points of information shall be allowed only at the discretion of the President.

30. If the President, rises to call a member to order, or for any purpose connected with the proceedings, the member speaking shall thereon resume his or her seat and no other member shall rise until the chair is resumed.

31. The ruling of the President on any question under standing orders or on points of order or explanation, shall be final unless challenged by not less than 10 delegates. In the event of such a challenge the President shall vacate the chair. The Vice-President, failing whom a member of the General Council, shall then take the chair and shall put it to the vote that the ruling of the President be upheld. Unless two-thirds of the delegates present and voting vote against the motion that the ruling of the President be upheld, the ruling of the President shall stand. When the result of the vote has been declared, the President shall resume the chair and proceed in accordance with the result of the vote.

32. Subject to the rules of the union, a card vote may be taken. Card votes for, against or abstaining on the motion under debate will be collected simultaneously.

33. No question which has not been included in Report No 1 of the Standing Orders Committee and no emergency motion shall be decided on a card vote.

Procedural Motions

34. Motions on procedural matters must be moved and seconded by delegates or members of the General Council. The mover of a procedural motion may speak on the motion only once and no other speeches shall be allowed save as provided elsewhere in these standing orders.

35. These standing orders or any part of them or any provision of a Standing Orders Committee report made under them shall be suspended if a motion to that effect is supported by two-thirds of the delegates present and voting. The mover of such a motion shall be allowed by the President sufficient time to explain the purpose of the proposed suspension within the time limit for speeches then applying. If the motion is seconded the President shall similarly allow the Standing Orders Committee to reply before taking the vote.

36. When the motion to adopt a report of the Standing Orders Committee has been moved the President may call any Branch or the General Council, which wishes to move reference back to vary or delete a part of the report. The Standing Orders Committee may reply to such a reference back before it is voted upon. If subsequently the motion to adopt the report is carried, the report shall have effect as amended by any reference back accepted by the conference.

37. Reference back of Report No 1 of the Standing Orders Committee or any part of it, must be notified to the Committee in writing at least one week before the start of conference and should be discussed with the Committee before the conference. The Standing Orders Committee shall announce arrangements for such discussions.

38. A debate shall be closed if:

(a) A motion “that the vote now be taken” is carried but such a motion cannot be put to Conference until the opportunity to oppose the motion under debate has been given. Then if such a motion is moved and seconded it shall be put to the vote without discussion. Such a motion shall not be moved or seconded by a delegate who has previously spoken in the debate. If such a motion is carried the mover of the motion under debate shall, before the motion is put exercise any right of reply that s/he may have but no other speeches shall be allowed.

(b) A motion “that conference proceed to next business” is carried but such a motion cannot be put to Conference until the opportunity to oppose the motion under debate has been given. Then if such a motion is moved and seconded it shall not be moved or seconded by a delegate who has previously spoken in the debate. If such a motion is carried, conference shall proceed forthwith to the next item on the agenda.

39. A motion “that this motion be remitted to the General Council” may be moved and seconded by delegates or members of the General Council. The debate on the original motion may continue after the motion to remit it to the General Council has been proposed and seconded, unless the President decides otherwise. At the conclusion of the debate the mover of the original motion shall exercise his or her right of reply, following which the President shall immediately put to conference the proposal that the motion be remitted to the General Council. If the motion to remit is carried, conference shall proceed forthwith to the next item on the agenda, otherwise the original motion will be put to conference.


40. In the absence of the President the Vice-President shall preside at conference. In the absence of both the President and Vice-President, the General Council shall elect a member of the Council to preside. The use of the term “President” in these standing orders shall be construed to include the person, other than the President, who presides at conference in accordance with this standing order.

41. Delegates must give one week’s notice in writing to the General Secretary of their intention to ask any question on the annual report or the financial statement.

42. Delegates must give one week’s notice in writing to the General Secretary of their intention to move a reference back of part of the annual report and financial statement specifying which section(s) they propose to refer back. A motion to refer back the annual report or financial statement must be moved and seconded by delegates. The mover of the motion may speak on the motion only once and no other speeches shall be allowed, save that a speaker on behalf of the General Council will be afforded the opportunity of addressing Conference.

43. During conference smoking will not be permitted.

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 1

Standing Orders Report No.11. A Primary and Secondary Agenda have been devised in accordance

with Standing Orders 5, 6 and 7.

2. Composite Motions have been used in accordance with Standing Order 8. Comprehensive Motions have been used in accordance with Standing Order 9.

3. Delegates representing Branches whose motions are covered by either a Composite Motion or Comprehensive Motion which their Branch is not due to propose shall be afforded an opportunity to speak to the relevant Composite or Comprehensive Motion.

Motions Motions covered by itComposite Motion No.10 65 - 66Composite Motion No.36 67Comprehensive Motion No.59 68 - 69

4. In order to expedite Conference business, Standing Orders Committee recommend that delegates wishing to speak to a Motion once it has been moved, occupy seats reserved for such persons at the front of the Conference Hall. Only those delegates who comply with this procedure may be called upon to address Conference.

5. In accordance with Standing Order 12. Branches are hereby informed that Notice of Emergency Motions must be submitted in writing to the Standing Orders Committee at Harkin House not later than 12 noon on Thursday 23rd May 2013. Such submission must be signed by two Branch Officers and indicate the date of the General Meeting at which the Emergency Motions were adopted by the Branch.

Signed: B White (Chairperson) D Gillian M McKee

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 3

2013 Annual Delegate Conference

Primary AgendaMotions in this Agenda are due to be discussed.

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● Pay Matters

Motion 1 (to be moved by the Executive Committee)Conference acknowledges the progress made in achieving a number of important Executive Committee objectives under the Northern Ireland Civil Service Comprehensive Pay and Grading Review proposals. While applauding those achievements, Conference is also mindful of the negative elements introduced by NICS Management and also the on-going attack on civil service pay through the Government’s austerity measures.

Conference is concerned that most forecasts suggest the economic crisis will extend beyond this current parliament to 2017. This will inevitably see the continuation of public sector pay freezes and/or a greater push by government to introduce market facing pay.

Conference calls on the Executive Committee to commence a campaign now, in advance of the 2014 pay round to:

(a) Inform and alert the civil service membership to governments continued attack on their pay through policies of pay freezes and the danger of market facing pay;

(b) Lobby MLAs to reject the introduction of market facing pay highlighting the implications this would have for members and the Northern Ireland economy;

(c) Develop a pay claim in preparation for the 2014 pay round that addresses;

(i) The continued application of pay progression;

(ii) Secures a proper cost of living increase to match inflation;

(iii) Pay spans across the respective payscales in particular the limited span within the Executive Officer II and Executive Officer I pay scales; and

(iv) The failure of NICS Management to apply proper consolidated increases for the AA/TGII, AO/TGI and related grades.

Motion 2 (Branch 16)Conference notes with dismay the outcome of the County Court Cases regarding equal pay for former Northern Ireland Office Staff.

Conference is aware that the staff of the former NIO served in that Department through difficult times and have been treated shabbily by their employer.

Conference calls on the Executive Committee to pursue financial recognition of the service given by former NIO staff who were disadvantaged in terms of equal pay by the service in that Department.

Motion No.3 (Branch 147)Conference recognises the Executive Committee’s efforts last year to reduce the unnecessary delays experienced by NIPSA members in Arms-Length Bodies/Non-Departmental Public Bodies in the implementation of the negotiated Northern Ireland Civil Service pay award. Conference calls on the Executive Committee to redouble its efforts and to seek the responsible Departments’ agreement, as part of the overall NICS pay agreement, to the implementation of the agreed pay award in all of the Arms-Length Bodies/Non-Departmental Public Bodies, at the same time as the NICS Departments.

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Motion No.4 (Branch 11)Conference notes the outworkings of the Comprehensive Pay and Grading Review. Conference is disappointed that the Executive Committee did not keep the PSNI and DOJ Departmental Committees aware of the developments relating to the abolition of Revised Environmental Allowance accepted as part of the negotiations.

Conference calls upon the incoming Executive Committee to ensure that future negotiations affecting specific Departments ensures consultation and involvement of the respective Departmental Committees at the earliest opportunity.

Motion No.5 (Branch 22)Conference calls on the incoming Executive Committee to investigate the 2011 increase to maximum of the upper pay bands awarded to the NI Executive Minister’s Special Advisors (SPADs). The increase in the band maxima from £82,531 to £90,000 was awarded against the backdrop of the two year civil service pay freeze between April 2010 and March 2012. During this period all NI Civil Servants were subject to the pay freeze therefore Conference calls on the Executive Committee to confirm, in conjunction with the Department of Finance and Personnel, the rationale behind the pay increase and how this decision reflects on the Northern Ireland Civil Service Code of Ethics.

Motions No.6-9 unallocated

● PrivatisationComposite Motion No.10 (to be moved by the Executive Committee)Conference is concerned at the increased threat from privatisation within the Northern Ireland Civil Service evidenced by the loss of Support Grade posts in the Department of Social Development through privatisation of its soft services and potential privatisation of a range of Land and Property Service work. Conference is alarmed at the clear pattern of deficient service provision that has emerged in areas where civil service jobs have already fallen victim to privatisation such as, cleaning and catering services, HR Connect and Medical Services.

Conference calls on the Executive Committee to review and reinvigorate its anti-privatisation campaign within the NICS. Conference calls on the Executive Committee to:

(a) Inform the civil service membership on the threat of privatisation;

(b) Press NICS Management and lobby MLAs and appropriate Assembly Committees on the need to have a protocol to be followed in any proposed privatisation process which facilitates in-house bids;

(c) Undertake a media campaign to highlight the impact of failed privatisations on services to the public;

(d) Undertake the necessary research on those companies bidding for civil service work to highlight deficient service provision in relation to contracts already awarded to them.

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 6

Motion No.11 (Branch 27)Conference is concerned about the quality and value for money service that is being given by SERCO to Northern Ireland Civil Service staff since the award of the NICS Canteen contract in 2012.

Conference welcomes the recruitment of SERCO staff into NIPSA membership which is essential to those SERCO staff who are being asked to work under stressful and low morale terms and conditions.

Conference calls on the Executive Committee to not only continue to discuss with NICS Central Management the SERCO Canteen service but to also call for the setting up of local canteen monitoring committees similar to those that were in force years ago; the Stormont Estate Refreshment Club being one example.

Motion No.12 (Branch 20)Conference notes that in, December 2012 BT were awarded a 7-10 year, £20m contract, as part of NI Direct. At the time Minister of Finance Sammy Wilson said the scheme which would see private sector workers dealing with government queries was aimed at doing business “quicker and cheaper” and he went on to say that the contract would continue to deliver “excellent customer service”. Conference calls on the Executive Committee to highlight to the Minister and wherever possible that BT are failing to deliver on this promise.

Motions No.13-16 unallocated

● General

Motion No.17 (to be moved by the Executive Committee) Conference expresses its continued opposition to detrimental changes to the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (Northern Ireland) which are being implemented by the NI Executive on foot of similar changes to pension provision in the Home Civil Service.

In particular Conference condemns the increase in employee contributions which were imposed in 2012 and 2013 with further additional employee contributions planned for 2014.

Conference reiterates the view that Civil Service pensions have already undergone significant changes to meet the previous government’s objective of reducing the cost of Civil Service pensions and that the current attacks on pension provision are unfair and completely unjustified.

Conference specifically condemns the plans to link the Civil Service pension age automatically to increases in the State Pension age and calls upon the Executive Committee to support the ICTU coordinated opposition to the Northern Ireland Pensions Bill.

Motion No.18 (Branch 314)The system the Northern Ireland Civil Service uses to examine the grade at which work should be done at is known as Job Evaluation and Grading Support (JEGS). This is used to determine the position in the grading structure of any particular post.

Conference believes that the present JEGS process is flawed in many ways and does not operate in the best interests of our members.

Conference therefore instructs the incoming Executive Committee to negotiate with Management to replace the JEGS system with a fairer system which can cope with administrative and technical grades and is not slanted in favour of Management.

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 7

Motion No.19 (to be moved by the Executive Committee)Conference expresses its complete opposition to the plans by the Finance Minister to apply the terms of the revised HCS Civil Service Compensation Scheme to staff in the Northern Ireland Civil Service.

Conference acknowledges the representations already made by the Trade Union Side, including addressing the Assembly Finance and Personnel Committee on two occasions in an attempt to prevent the amendments to the Superannuation Bill (NI) which removed the veto from the Civil Service trade unions in Northern Ireland over any detrimental changes to the redundancy compensation provisions.

Conference is disappointed that the Management Side has not accepted the Trade Union Side case for the retention of the existing Northern Ireland provisions and calls upon the Executive Committee to continue to oppose the application of the Home Civil Service redundancy terms to staff in the NICS and related Non-Departmental Public Bodies.

Motions No.20-23 unallocated

● Recruitment

Motion No.24 (Branch 64)This Conference notes with concern the recent Government statistics that highlight that there are no Northern Ireland Civil Service employees under the age of 20, the average age of Civil Servants is now 44, and that over 30% of NICS employees are over 50. We call upon the Executive Committee to bring pressure on Management Side to address this imbalance by better focused recruitment policies and competitions.

Motion No.25 (Branch 303)This Conference instructs the incoming Executive Committee to press management to remove HR Connect from any involvement in all future recruitment or selection activities. Conference notes that not only are they incapable from carrying out the role to an acceptable standard, but in many cases they are plainly incompetent.

Motion No.26 (Branch 8)Conference is concerned about the continuing culture of not replacing vacancies and allowing posts to disappear within the Northern Ireland Civil Service as workloads are redistributed onto existing staff. Conference therefore calls on the incoming Executive Committee to reinvigorate the fight and ensure that jobs are filled as staff go out the door so that no further jobs are lost. This will then reduce the pressure being placed on remaining staff to achieve at times insurmountable targets. This would also mean negating the need for overtime working throughout the NICS as jobs are filled with substantive staff.

Motions 27-28 unallocated

● Trade Union Issues

Motion No.29 (to be moved by the Executive Committee)Conference notes that the Review of Trade Union Facility Time initiated by the Management Side in 2012 was triggered by two members of the NI Assembly acting in response to the activity of the TaxPayers’ Alliance which has as a major objective the weakening of public sector trade unions.

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 8

Conference endorses the response from the Trade Union Side which made the case that the existing secondment and facilities provisions in the Northern Ireland Civil Service are fit for purpose and contribute significantly to the maintenance of good industrial relations and as a consequence assist Government Departments in meeting their business objectives.

Conference acknowledges that in this regard significant work was done by the Trade Union Sides in individual Departments to convince senior Departmental Management Sides of the efficacy of the current arrangements.

Conference calls upon the Executive Committee to take whatever steps are necessary to protect the existing trade union facilities provisions and to reject any attempts by outside interests including local politicians and organisations such as the TaxPayers’ Alliance to interfere in NICS industrial relations matters.

Motion No.30 (Branch 59)Conference instructs the incoming Executive Committee to negotiate to ensure that all Northern Ireland Civil Service Departments acknowledge the Union Learning Agreement and work effectively with Union Learning Representatives to implement this facility so that the personal development of NICS employees reflects their needs.

Motions 31-34 unallocated

● Terms and Conditions

Motion No.35 (to be moved by the Executive Committee) Conference is concerned at the Assembly Committee for Finance and Personnel inquiry into Flexible Working. It is expected that the inquiry will lead to recommendations to inform the development of cross cutting strategic policies and procedures and implementation of new flexible working arrangements across the Northern Ireland Civil Service.

Conference is conscious of the fact that a number of options being considered are those which were resisted by Trade Union Side under the failed Workplace 2010 project. These include mobile working, hot-desking and possible system based monitoring and management of performance.

Conference calls on the Executive Committee to ensure that any attempt to introduce new flexible working arrangements do not result in poorer terms and conditions of service or diminished health and safety protections for members. While Conference recognises the benefits of modern technologies for members and the added flexibility this can offer, Executive Committee must ensure flexible working arrangements are only advanced and introduced where equality of opportunity and family friendly arrangements are protected and not based on the diminution of terms and conditions and/or a loss of posts and career advancement.

Composite Motion No.36 (Branch 8)Conference calls on the incoming Executive Committee to campaign to have the Northern Ireland Civil Service inefficiency/disciplinary section of the sick absence policy renegotiated to ensure that when a member receives a sick warning that it is from the date of their return to work and not from the date of the decision. More and more frequently there have been long delays in decisions being made on cases, particularly within Department of Social Development and so members essentially are being punished twice. This is a continuing unfair practice which is contrary to natural justice and which needs thoroughly examined and stopped.

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 9

Motion No.37 (Branch 34)Conference instructs the incoming Executive Committee to work towards achieving an end to discriminatory practices against part-time staff working within the Northern Ireland Civil Service. Currently part-time staff who work overtime are not paid overtime rates until they have worked more than 37.5 hours. Overtime rates should be paid once any contractual obligations have been met. This discrimination needs to end now.

Motion No.38 (to be moved by the Executive Committee)Conference notes that the Northern Ireland Civil Service Appeal Board provides an informal, non-legalistic, agreed internal mechanism for the resolution of eligible cases, including mainly appeals against dismissal, which would otherwise in many instances need to be dealt with externally via Tribunals as is now the case in the Home Civil Service. Conference believes that the Appeal Board fulfils a vital function and that the abolition or dilution of its powers would constitute a significant detriment to our members and run contrary to good industrial relations practice, as well as ushering in an alternative that would be demonstrably more costly, time-consuming and open to hostile media and public scrutiny. Conference therefore endorses the Executive Committee’s defence of the Appeal Board’s strengths and value during the recent review commissioned by the HR Directors’ Group and calls for its continued provision.

Motion No.39 (Branch 19)Conference is concerned at Management’s use of the HR Connect portal to post notices and communications that affect the Terms and Conditions of Northern Ireland Civil Servants.

Staff, already under increasing pressure, are not always in a position to check what changes have been implemented and this is further compounded by the fact that there is currently no NICS wide facility to notify staff that a change has been implemented.

Conference calls on the Executive Committee to engage with Corporate HR with a view of ensuring that this practice is stopped and that in future Management will communicate all such information directly to staff.

Motion No.40 (Branch 4)Conference instructs the Executive Committee to actively campaign to reduce the conditioned hours of the working week in the Northern Ireland Civil Service to 35 hours without detriment to pay.

Motion No.41 (Branch 8)Conference calls on the incoming Executive Committee to increase pressure on management to implement a disability leave policy within the Northern Ireland Civil Service for those members who have a disability and need to take more time off work solely due to their disability. This must be a stand alone policy to deal specifically with this important area concerning disability because if implemented this will minimise the impact that managing attendance procedures have on those staff who have a disability within the NICS and reduce the likelihood of staff being dismissed due to absences caused by their disability.

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 10

Motion No.42 (Branch 8)Conference calls on the incoming Executive Committee to negotiate with management to get mandatory training for all managers introduced within the Northern Ireland Civil Service which deals specifically with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). This would help to ensure that managers are aware of their responsibilities under the Act and how to apply this in the workplace. It will also give managers more awareness of issues faced by those staff with a disability, therefore better enabling them to help with DDA and reasonable adjustment decisions in the workplace.

Motion No.43 (Branch 8)Conference is concerned with the plethora of statistics gathered in the Northern Ireland Civil Service particularly in the Child Maintenance Enforcement Division / Northern Ireland Child Maintenance Service. Conference is alarmed that these statistics alone are then being used as a tool via the performance management process to try and push staff out the door. Conference instructs the incoming Executive Committee to ensure that any form of gathering statistics is subject to agreement between NICS Management and NIPSA and that any form of statistics if being used in conjunction with the Performance Management policy is also subject to agreement with NIPSA.

Motions No.44-46 unallocated

● Promotion

Motion No.47 (Branch 70)Conference calls on the Executive Committee to work with Management to reduce the high number of temporary promotions in the Northern Ireland Civil Service by promoting successful candidates currently on waiting lists and to call for further promotion schemes for relevant grades.

Motion No.48 (Branch 108)Conference calls upon the incoming Executive Committee to negotiate for the reintroduction of internal promotion opportunities on an equal basis. It is the view of Conference that all civil servants should have a clearly defined career progression route, commensurate with their performance and experience. In the last number of years, those entering the Northern Ireland Civil Service, particularly those below the level of Executive Officer, have had their promotion opportunities severely curtailed by the running of external promotion boards only. In addition staff at more junior grades have had to provide job training to new recruits which inevitably reduces the likelihood of their own career progression.

Motions No.49-51 unallocated

● Allowances

Motion No.52 (Branch 70)Conference condemns Management for the decision to phase out the Revised Environmental Allowance. Conference instructs the Executive Committee to determine relevant qualifying criteria for a new allowance to be paid to staff working in an environment associated with a level of risk which compromises their personal safety and to negotiate the introduction of this new allowance with Management.

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 11

Motion No.53 (Branch 27)Conference is concerned that there is a lack of consistency across Northern Ireland Civil Service Departments regarding their respective interpretation and application of NICS Hand Book guidance relating to detached duty allowances.

Conference calls on the incoming Executive Committee to raise this matter at Central Whitley level as a matter of urgency with a view to ensuring a consistent approach of both interpretation and application on all Hand Book issues.

Motion No.54 (Branch 70)Conference instructs the Executive Committee to set increased rates payable for necessary expenses regarding travel, subsistence and other allowances and to negotiate these new rates with Management.

The new rates should be reflective of the increases in the cost of living and fuel prices that members have had to endure over a considerable number of years.

Motion No.55 (Branch 27)Conference is concerned that Corporate Human Resources (CHR) advises Departmental HR units that the “whole” of the Stormont Estate location (inc all civil service buildings within its boundary) is less than 5 miles from Belfast City centre and therefore the day subsistence rate is not payable for staff based permanently within the estate but working on a temporary basis within Belfast City centre.

Conference calls on the incoming Executive Committee to challenge this interpretation with CHR, by pointing out that within the Stormont Estate there are individual civil service buildings which are in fact more than 5 miles from Belfast City centre. Therefore the “blanket” inclusion of these buildings within the phrase “Stormont Estate” for day subsistence entitlement purposes is not appropriate and actively excludes a sizeable number of NIPSA members from their rightful entitlement to day subsistence.

Motions No.56-58 unallocated

● AccommodationComprehensive Motion No.59 (to be moved by the Executive Committee)Conference reaffirms NIPSA‘s policy on the relocation of civil service jobs from the Belfast-Greater Belfast area to other towns across Northern Ireland.

Conference recognises that securing the relocation of civil service jobs provides greater equality of opportunity particularly for those with caring responsibilities and dependants.

Conference also recognises that the relocation of jobs has a significant impact on members. Conference is concerned about the basis on which the proposed relocation of the Department of Agriculture Headquarters and Rivers Agency Headquarters to Ballykelly was handled and announced. Conference is also concerned about the potential centralisation of Land and Property Services in Belfast and therefore calls on the Executive Committee to ensure that the relocation policy is pursued based on:

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 12

(a) Early consultation with Trade Union Side’s through appropriate Whitley Committees on any plans to relocate civil service jobs;

(b) Minimising the impact on members through a structured and agreed skill set transfer arrangement taking account of members mobility status, welfare and equality considerations;

(c) An equality impact assessment, value for money evaluation and environmental impact assessment that supports the proposed relocation and is not biased towards Private Finance Initiative style contracts which do not represent best value.

Motion No.60 (Branch 64)Conference calls on the Executive Committee to negotiate with Management Side to provide shower and changing facilities for staff in all Government owned workplaces and buildings.

Motions No.61-64 unallocated

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 13

2013 Annual Delegate Conference

Secondary AgendaMotions in this Agenda are not to be discussed.

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Composite Motion No.10Motion No.65 (Branch 34)Conference calls for General Council to do everything in their power to reverse the decision to privatise the Support Grade functions within the Department of Social Development, as well as working to prevent this outsourcing of functions happening in other Northern Ireland Civil Service departments.

Motion No.66 (Branch 312)Conference recognises that outsourcing continues to threaten Northern Ireland Civil Service jobs and functions by privatising those services. This year Land and Property Services Revenue and Benefits Section and Department of Social Development support grades are fighting attempts to privatise jobs through outsourcing. Conference calls on the Executive Committee to protect these services, support the Branches involved and link up the campaigns against outsourcing where possible.

Composite Motion No.36Motion No.67 (Branch 42)Conference calls on the incoming Executive Committee to address the issue of written warnings. These warnings are being issued from the date of decision and not from the date a member returns to work, which in most cases is extending the warnings by 3-6 months and extreme cases by up to 12 months. Conference agrees that negotiations need to take place to have these warnings implemented from the return to work date.

Comprehensive Motion No.59Motion No.68 (Executive Committee)Conference reaffirms NIPSA‘s policy on the relocation of civil service jobs from the Belfast-Greater Belfast area to other towns across Northern Ireland.

Conference recognises that securing the relocation of civil service jobs provides greater equality of opportunity particularly for those with caring responsibilities and dependants.

Conference also recognises that the relocation of jobs has a significant impact on members. Conference is concerned about the basis on which the proposed relocation of the Department of Agriculture Headquarters and Rivers Agency Headquarters to Ballykelly was handled and announced. Conference therefore calls on the Civil Service Group Executive to ensure that the relocation policy is pursued based on:

(a) Early consultation with Trade Union Side’s through appropriate Whitley Committees on any plans to relocate civil service jobs;

(b) Minimising the impact on members through a structured and agreed skill set transfer arrangement taking account of members mobility status, welfare and equality considerations;

(c) An equality impact assessment, value for money evaluation and environmental impact assessment that supports the proposed relocation.

Category AMotions covered by composite/comprehensive motions contained in the Primary Agenda.

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Motion No.69 (Branch 312)Conference is concerned at the lack of proper consultation in regard to accommodation moves in the Northern Ireland Civil Service. For consultation to be meaningful it must take place before contracts are agreed otherwise Trade Union Side are presented with a fait accompli. All business cases should be released to NIPSA at the earliest stage and no contract signed until consultation is complete.

Conference instructs the Executive Committee to ensure such consultation takes place particularly in regard to Land and Property Services’ possible move to one building in Belfast. Any move from public to privately owned accommodation under Private Finance Initiative style contracts is not best use of public finance.

Conference condemns LPS for its failure to consult NIPSA on its detailed plans to date.

Category CMotions which can be dealt with by correspondence with Union Headquarters.

Motion No.70 (Branch 42)Branch 42 call on the incoming Executive Committee to investigate and report to members the reasons why there is a lack of promotion opportunities in the lower grades of the Civil Service, while promotion boards for Staff Officer and above continue to be available.

Category DMotions which are competent to be dealt with by a body established under Rule 6.9(c) of the Rules of the Union which are remitted to the Executive Committee for reference to that body.

Motion No.71 (Branch 20)Conference is extremely alarmed at Land and Property Services exploring the possibility of outsourcing Revenue & Benefit services.

Conference instructs the Executive Committee to oppose all outsourcing in LPS and to coordinate a campaign of opposition to such.

Motion No.72 (Branch 8)The Executive Committee calls for protection of the right to register disagreement on management proposals. Despite the Department for Social Development Management Side insistence that “good industrial relations” would render this facility unnecessary, the failure of DSD Management Side to engage in proper consultation on a range of issues necessitates its retention and conference calls upon the Executive Committee to ensure this right is protected right across the Northern Ireland Civil Service.

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 16

Category XMotions which the chairperson has ruled out of order.

Motion No.73 is ruled out of order because it is in conflict with NIPSA Rules 1.3(a) – 1.3(f)

Motion No.73 (Branch 26)This Conference calls upon HR Connect to ensure that temporary promotion is used as a development opportunity and is not used to hinder substantive promotion.

Motion No.74 is ruled out of order because it is in conflict with NIPSA Rules 1.3(a) – 1.3(f)

Motion No.74 (Branch 26)This Conference calls upon HR Connect to ensure consistency across employees in regard to managing attendance so that members can avail of similar flexible arrangements afforded to other civil servants.

Motion No.75 is ruled out of order as it is not sufficiently clear as a means of determining policy.

Motion No.75 (Branch 70)Conference calls on the Executive Committee to review the duration of sanctions imposed on members under various policies contained in the Staff Handbook and to negotiate with Management to reduce such durations as are deemed to be unreasonable or unjustifiable.

Motion No.76 is ruled out of order as it is not sufficiently clear as a means of determining policy.

Motion No.76 (Branch 307)We call upon Conference to support a motion that all staff who enter the civil service in a specialist grade that requires specialist qualifications/skills should be awarded an allowance similar to that received by staff in disciplines such as ICT and Accountancy.

Civil Service Group Agenda - Page 17

Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance

Civil Service Group Annual Delegate Conference 2013

The following candidates have been nominated for election at Annual Delegate Conference 2013:

Executive Committee (15 votes)

Candidate’s Name Grade Candidate’s Name Grade

Chairperson (1 Vote)Lynn, B EOII McNulty, J EOI

Vice Chairpersons (2 Votes)Dale, P MCO Herron, M EOI

Morgan, M EOI Wilson, R AO

Candidate’s Name Grade

Bannon, D DPBoersma, I EOIIClarke, H COCollins, L EOIIConlon, T EOICreaney, T SSOICrilly, D AOCrothers, M¹ SGB1Dale, P MCODoherty, E EOIIDornan, B3 TG1Dummigan, M SSO2BFarrell, E AOGates, C DPHarvey, S EOIIHerron, M EOIHoy, L AOHughes, S AO

Candidate’s Name Grade

Mulholland, B3 FOIIIO’Lynn, E SOO’Neill, P AOO’Sandair, R EOIIRobinson, M SORooney, J.J SORooney, M AORussell, V3 HPTOSmyth, S EOIThornbury, J2 SIOTruesdale, B3 TG1Veighey, J EOIWaddell, D EOIWalgraeve, D AOWilson, R AOWise, A AO

Candidate’s Name Grade

Lowry, D EOIILyness, G AACLynn, B EOIIMallon, C AOMalone, G ICT4McCann, G AOMcCloskey, M EOIMcGeehan, B EOIMcKee, M AOMcKee, M EOIIMcKeown, M DPMcKillop, T EOIIMcNulty, J EOIMcNulty, R AOMcWilliams, P AOMoore, B AOMorgan, M EOIMossman, S3 SPTO

Standing Orders Committee (1 Vote)Candidate’s Name Grade

Gillian, D4 HPTOCandidate’s Name Grade

McCloskey, J EOIICandidate’s Name Grade

Holmes, J ICT Level 5

(1) Elected by virtue of Rule 29 (b) of the Civil Service Group Constitution.(2) Elected by virtue of Rule 29 (f) of the Civil Service Group Constitution.(3) Elected by virtue of Rule 29 (g) of the Civil Service Group Constitution.(4) Elected by virtue of Rule 23 of the Civil Service Group Constitution.

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