Conference “On the Move: Critical Migration Themes in...

Conference “On the Move: Critical Migration Themes in ASEAN" Refugee Voluntary Repatriation Myanmar Refugees in the Temporary Shelters in Thailand “A desirable long-term durable solution” Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 18 December 2012

Transcript of Conference “On the Move: Critical Migration Themes in...

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Conference“On the Move: Critical Migration Themes in ASEAN"

Refugee Voluntary RepatriationMyanmar Refugees in the Temporary Shelters in Thailand

“A desirable long-term durable solution”

Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok

18 December 2012

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Voluntary repatriation is usually viewed as the most

desirable long-term solution by refugees themselves

as well as by the international community. UNHCR's

humanitarian action in pursuit of lasting solutions to

refugee problems is therefore oriented, first and

foremost, in favour of enabling a refugee to exercise

their right to return home in safety and with dignity.

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“After decades of conflict in the South East, there is hope at last that peace and reconciliation may be within reach. There is a growing expectation that sooner, rather than later, refugees will be able to return to their country. However, there is also general agreement that the peace process remains fragile and there are many hurdles still to be overcome”.

Jack Dunford, Executive Director TBC Seminar ‘Changing Realities in South East Myanmar’

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• Events inside Myanmar (dramatic changes since 2010)

• Discussions / consultations in Thailand (VolRep issue dominating the agenda)

• Reconfigure humanitarian strategies and programs

• Managing, coordinating and supporting the refugees’ preparedness for voluntary return

Humanitarian Aspects in Thailand

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The Framework outlines the likely scenarios,

considers possible trigger events, describes the

general conditions required for a successful

repatriation to take place, and introduces the main

elements of an organized refugee return operation.


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Refugee return must be VOLUNTARY in nature;

SAFETY remains the paramount factor; and that

their DIGNITY is maintained throughout the process

(preparedness, return and reintegration).


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The UNHCR Framework for Voluntary Repatriation is an advocacy document. It is not a plan for return.

UNHCR does not yet have a return plan. It would be prepared when the conditions in SE Myanmar are conducive for sustainable refugee returns.

Planning will be in cooperation with the RTG and the GoUM, who retain the primary responsibilty for the protection, return and reintegration of refugees.

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Concerned non-State actors must also agree and must provide their input and advice. The refugees must be fully consulted and the humanitarian community entirely engaged throughout.

But, it is too early to prepare an operational plan for refugee return. That time will be determined by many factors. This is the time for a broader process of general preparedness, especially in Myanmar.

There must be a “pull” factor and repatriation must not be driven by “push” factors.

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During the initial discussions and consultations,

UNHCR has presented the 3 main elements and

phases of a Voluntary Repatriation operation:

• Preparedness

• Return

• Reintegration

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We are now all in the PREPAREDNESS phase of VolRep …

the foundational work that needs to be done on both sides of

the border, and particularly in SE Myanmar.

The toughest challenge will be creating the conditions to

support IDP and refugee returns. It requires the participation

of all stakeholders, including the refugees themselves.

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• Training with RTG / NSC on the VolRep Framework

• KRC w/shop on VolRep / KnRC w/shop on VolRep

• CCSDPT-UNHCR Retreat (VolRep) / revision of the joint Strategic Framework for Durable Solutions

• Stakeholders Meeting (with refugee committees and CBOs)

• CCSDPT sector working group coordination meetings

• Task Force on Information-Sharing

Preparedness activities in Thailand so far:

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Activities for preparedness (continued) …

• UNHCR Myanmar Briefings (incl. visit of the High Commissioner)

• UNHCR protection coordination meetings

• UNHCR-CBO meetings (both in groups and bi-laterally)

• DHA-WG agenda … focus on VolRep

• Q&A sessions in the nine camps

• Refugee profiling

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Some of the ELEMENTS of a refugee return operation

Management and Coordination (and roles and responsibilities)

Information Management (and information dissemination)

Refugee profiling & place-of-origin information

Advocacy and information campaigns

Refugee registration (and de-registration)

Documentation and returnee data entry

Legal Framework (tri-partite)

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Page 15: Conference “On the Move: Critical Migration Themes in volrep presentation - 18 dec.pdf“On the Move: Critical Migration

Refugees remain largely uninformed of the

evolving situation back home and the changes

taking place. In the context of information-

sharing the humanitarian community (incl. the

CBOs) play a pivotal role.

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The refugees in the nine camps are the

victims of armed conflict, human rights

abuses and political persecution. They remain

sceptical and are highly suspicious of the

Government. Ceasefires are important steps,

but they are not yet peace.

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But … their desire to return home is as

strong as it has ever been, and UNHCR

understands that in time the majority of the

refugees will choose to return.

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Thank you …