Conditionals 312 copy

“will”/”wou ld” 1) present real 2) present unreal “If” Conditionals Conditionals 3)Past unreal

Transcript of Conditionals 312 copy

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1) present real

2) present unreal“If”


3)Past unreal

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1)1) Present real Present real conditionalconditional

listens ___Sonia If she___ to the teacher, will have great marks.

Sonia will probably listen Sonia will probably listen to her teacher. to her teacher.

Used to talk about REAL present/future Used to talk about REAL present/future situations (the if-clause is quite situations (the if-clause is quite


Great marks are to be Great marks are to be expected.expected.

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2)2) Present unreal Present unreal conditionalconditional

listened ___ John If he _____ to the teacher, would have great marks.

John will probably NOT John will probably NOT listen to his teacher. listen to his teacher.

Used to talk about UNREAL present/future Used to talk about UNREAL present/future situations (the if-clause is situations (the if-clause is improbableimprobable).).

Great marks are NOT to Great marks are NOT to be expected.

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3)3) Past unreal Past unreal conditionalconditional

had listened ___ Adam and Christine If they _____ to the teacher, would have gotten great marks.

Adam Christine did NOT listen Adam Christine did NOT listen to their teacher. to their teacher.

Used to talk about UNREAL PAST situations Used to talk about UNREAL PAST situations (the if-clause (the if-clause did not occur (did not occur (purely purely

hypothetical situation).hypothetical situation).


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1. If Sonia listens to the teacher, she will have great marks.

2. If John listened to the teacher, he would have great marks.

3. If Adam and Christine had listened to the teacher, they would have gotten great marks.

Simple Simple PresentPresent

will will + simple + simple form of the verbform of the verb

Simple PastSimple Past would would + simple + simple form of the verbform of the verb

Past PerfectPast Perfectwould have would have + past + past

participle of the verbparticiple of the verb

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Conditional with Modals

The result clause of a conditional can contain a modal.

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Examples with Modals

* Result clause with could have, or might have

Present real

Present unreal

Past unreal

* Result clause with may, can or should (might if there is a

future expression in the if clause)

* Result clause with could or might

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Examples with Modals

Present real* Result clause with may, can or should (might if there is a

future expression in the if clause)

If she is hungry, she eat my lunch.willmay

The result clause expresses The result clause expresses permission.permission.

The result clause expresses The result clause expresses permission.permission.

If it rains tomorrow, I might go to the library (possibility).

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Examples with Modals

Present unreal * Result clause with could or might

If she knew his name, she call him. could

The result clause expresses The result clause expresses Present Present ability.ability.

The result clause expresses The result clause expresses Present Present ability.ability.

If she asked him out, she might accept. (Present possibility).

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Examples with Modals

Past unreal * Result clause with could have or might have

If she had known his name, she _________ called him.

could have

The result clause expresses The result clause expresses Past Past ability.ability.

The result clause expresses The result clause expresses Past Past ability.ability.

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Practice activity # 1

Finishing conditional sentences

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If I get home late tonight...If I can’t sleep...If I have time next weekend...

If I had a million dollars...

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Practice activity # 2

Chains of events

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If I get home late tonight...If I am ill tomorrow...If I had studied more in high school... next weekend...If I had a million dollars...

Instructions:1) Read the if-clause and suggest a

possible result clause.2) Take the result and re-form it into a condition and suggest a further result.

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Practice activity # 3

Justifying actions

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...refuse an invitation to someone’s party?...jump out of the window?

...sue your hairdresser?...pretend you don’t speak French nor English?


Read the following unlikely actions and think of justifications for doing them.