Conditional Clausesfisa de Lucru Raluca Ciocan

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Transcript of Conditional Clausesfisa de Lucru Raluca Ciocan

  • 8/12/2019 Conditional Clausesfisa de Lucru Raluca Ciocan


    Conditional ClausesFisa de lucru

    I. Complete the following sentences.1) If we dont hurry, we ___will be____________ (be) late.

    2) If I see her, I _____________________ (give) her your message.

    3) If youre hungry, I _____________________ (make) you a sandwich.

    4) If he _____________________ (not/come) to the party, I will be very upset.

    5) If she ____________________ (go) to Paris, shell send me a postcard.

    6) If we _____________________ (not/be) busy, well come with you.

    7) If he does that again, dad ____________________ (be) very angry.

    8) If he ______________________ (not/finish) his homework, he wont go out.

    9) If he ______________________ (come), Ill talk to him.

    10) If she _______________________ (hurry), she wont be late.

    11) If it rains, we ___________________ (not/go) out.

    12) If they are late, they ______________________ (miss) the bus.

    13) If Liam _____doesnt shave_______ (not/shave) off his beard, Sharon wont go out wi th him.

    14) Will you take me with you if you _______________________________ (go) to the beach?

    15) If Kelly invites me to the party, I _______________________________ (go).

    16) The man will hurt himself if he _______________________________ (jump) from that height.

    17) If you clear up this mess now, I ______________________________ (not/tell) Mum.18) ____________________________________ (you/look) after my dog if I go away on holiday?

    19) If they ______________________________ (not/come) out of the sun, they will get burnt!

    20) Rosie will get into trouble is she _______________________________ (not/go) home soon.

    21) If Peter __________________________________ (not/like) the sweater, will Mrs Hardy give it to


    22) He ______________________________ (stay) for lunch if she asks him.

    23) If I found___ (find) a wallet in the street, I would give it to the police.

    24) If you saw him again, you __________________________ (not / recognise) him.

    25) We would go skiing if it __________________________ (snow).

    26) If he didnt feed the cat so much, it ___________________________ (not / be) so fat.

    27) Would he do me a favour if I ___________________________ (ask) him?

    28) If I ___________________________ (have) a million pounds, I would never work again.

    29) If she _____________________________ (not / be) a good player, she wouldnt be in the team.30) I ____________________________ (invite) all my friends if I lived in a big house.

    31) If she _____________________________ (not / like) your present, what would you do?

    32) The children would be happy if they _____________________________ (be) on holiday.

    33) If she had followed____ (follow) my advice, she would have arrived earlier.

    34) If I had checked the bill, I _____________________________ (see) the mistake.

    35) If we ___________________________ (not / meet) him in the street, we would have got lost.

    36) If I had been one hour late, ________________________________ (she / wait) for me?

    37) You would have got the job if you ________________________________ (not / behave) so


    38) If they had invited you to the party, __________________________________ (you / go)?

    39) We would have stayed longer if we __________________________________ (have) time.

    40) If he hadnt panicked, the dog ___________________________________ (not / bite) him.

    41) She ________________________________ (have) better results if she had trained harder.42) If he ________________________________ (be) in my place, would he have done the same thing?

    43) If I ____had______ (have) lots of money, I would sail round the world.

    44) If my sister _____________________ (see) this puppy, she will love it.

    45) If I ________________________ (pack) the suitcases myself, I wouldnt have left my swimsuit.

    46) We _______________________________ (can / sit) in the garden if the weather were nicer.

    47) _________________________________ (Fred / be) bored if you had taken him to the opera?

    48) I ________________________________ (wait) for you outside the cinema if I arrive early.

    49) Val and Cherie would move if they __________________________ (can / find) a better house.

    50) I ________________________________ (tell) him my name if he had asked.

  • 8/12/2019 Conditional Clausesfisa de Lucru Raluca Ciocan


    51) If the children want to go to the zoo, _____________________________ (Dad /take) them?

    52) If the job ___________________________ (be) interesting, would you work for this company?

    53) They wouldnt have believed him if he ____________________________ (tell) them the truth.

    54) She would be upset if her best friend ______________________ (not / come) to her wedding.