CONDITION THE STREETS. HERZOG Colleclion. · 2017. 12. 20. · liuii'ortbaaoo tl.-.t lli-ameoed...

CONDITION OF THE STREETS. OFFICIAL8 WITH DIFFERENT OPITSIONS. aNNOYlBO CLOUD8 OF I>U8T-WAlTlNa FOR IC- TO NELT.TIIE WORK IN BBOOKLYS. A man WBO had bren caught in a whirl oMootiB Wot"st. catored the Han.tary Bureau >^rd»> Md rt-bbed bis ayee get a clear new of ao oi ficial who remarked that it wa* a flne day. ., " Yrs. oalv a little tue dusty," Le responded. but Ihal tan't tho fault of the weather- B.u.iary Superintei.dei.tDay,ff^nv Jom.nlut Blr-ctK ware dirty euough to cau 101 u»> Xtlorat- Morrieeai.: "!**. notij*- the BtrtwtH in a w..r*>condittn.i siuce Mr. !«">*n. u" de?t«_k"iha work .'«^"in^fdn-J'{rawVpt i -a*..., whv Ihe pavenientfl Hhould BOI «>" ,, .'; _mT.".Uly in cohl weatber. aven if >c« does CO ler inaome pleoaa. Cl.nda of diiat. B»ade uprt efl> from peartlelee of auunal loattor, ^j^X,; As clnal tabee and canae aiekiieaa in cold weather. BJ aa waria weather co.nes the accnmulatodiblU. in the streets will to oAaatatTO ogwra. Man h ea eo-oaol of ihe hifh w'nd,s;. iVho 1 « « lutidune rery wel', I thiak. in cleaning theBtroer, I.ut 1 bare ltad oeeaetoa te nnd fauit B-ltU ua |.-.. -everal tiinee. The carts do not get .r-u_d UM' tl«.Mr*ct BwwpingBBOon cnongh tifter the sweepers lioish their work. lleaps oi .Zmun are -cettered all over the streets m ptaor olacea bt-fore tbe carts make their 0008800800. I 1'iave seeu carta reuioving aahea and £"*J"fj_! from Broadway as late as eloven oelock ini tba forenooa. lt would bo better, I think, to ha\e all the work of strcct cleamng done at ntg it. tne rjaremeata of uianv atieeta are ao niuch out o repalf that the work of cleani.ig theart. ta gOieMed areatly. At the laat ineeting of tbe Board of Jtoalt i wa made a forraal rrqnest tbat wCOBJ. niiwiionerof PuMic Work- should -c-pave the fot- I,nvi,'V Btra-ta ia tho order named ae eoon aa poaaible : Mott, thiotighout its entlre length ; Mul- ntrrv. h-tweeo Park and Canal; Baater, batweaa 3.e,,iard and Canal: Albany and Carliaio.from OreenwichtoWeet: Easex aud Moiiro- eatm y, Fortieth aad Forty-ttTBt, b-tween Tentk aiul Twelfth BY-a., nnd Tim tv-oighth, west of Kl^v- enth-ave. Thoee Btraete, <.r portions of stroets. are in grtrdl a had cond.t.on that it would be BOXttO iinpoaaable to keop thcui free from filth iu warin W_-iao__cia!a of the Rlreet Cleaniiir Depart__eut gsJd that thej intended to put the streets and avemie* ta "applc-pie order" as soon aa the ico and snow wrre sumciently thawed t_ allow tho work to lie done. At the same time they derlaiod that tlie atreete had never beeu bo clcan at tlus time of tbe year ae at prroent. ln aoine offthe t#uein.nt districte, howe,rer, tbo Btreets are in bad coadition. SIopb, garbBge nml ashes have been eaiptiod into tho guttcrs an.l frozo betoro tbe mass could be removod. 1 tus wi'l be attended to as sooti as possible. r*omo coinpluint haa boen mado bocauso of tho dust. Vntil within a dav or two it hus been exeeodlnflj drffleult to sprinkle the streets beoaaee the water Jro/.e almost as soon as it'strtick the 1 his will be tWC-ied now that the wcathor bas nioilenit.-d. _ . . ., AHrtaaotiable effortewfll be made ta81808 tbe citv lua |t':>d su'.nt.-irv cnditi-.n before the WB1 '-< attirr setsin. The I-oard of Kstiniatetnado ftciii-'ii'.ial nppropnati. n of $50,000. to bo ex- peud. ! .'iily lu rase of tho approach or present;© of au opidemio. If decmed aeeeaaary it will be ox- jieud.'d under the direction of the Mayor, the Jl.-ultU Boaxd and ttio C'oinmisaioner of Btroet Cleaning. ItiainteBded to be aeed particnlarly Jor eloaning the streets in the tnnemont-hou** dis- triete. If aeiuaed nccessan'. the worst streats will l.e cleuied twico daily aa long as tbeepiaeuuo la*ts or nitil the wann weather isorer. lu regard tho eouiplaint made by tho hcalth ofli. Bta becanae Italiaoa aro allowed to lwlge l>e- Death the dumpiiifrplaoeealOBB tba rlrer f-onroa, tbe Btreet clr:;nit._ otlicials say that tho "pickin.s of tho dtnapa aro ict by contract to Italiana. ri be __ea eoployed by the contractors aud som^ ol taoea einployed la trimming tho aaawi have ttttod nn the *?\i-&\ l)?l..w iho bulkhcads for the storage nf ragra, aoaea, etc, fnken frorn tlio atreot dirt aod aahre. and ;iIh;. forslccpingquart^i-fortheip.selves. Tbey will be rompelled to whitewash the plaeea nnd'keep them tu somewhat bett«r coadition tuan di,_ kcnnein. ,, . A htimlred men crossed tht> City ITall -Mtaai-, U Brooklyn, al»out 9 p.m. Tuawlay aud atoeaad .i dowu Fiil;on-st. They were armed Witb liroome and ho-*, and wlieu theyreached tho forry they bo- fan dicKing and srrapiugin theatreets and gntters. loiae,a aod tartaeoon arrived to cirry '.tt tbe .lu*t lieans which the mon rapidly piled up. Aii labored faithfully all n'ght, and in the morniiig Kultou-sf. wne fairly eleaa Thongh BOfee in appearanee, the Bweopers were not neariy as litrce as thev KWBed, Tbeyhandled theirhoe,a t4»nderly when tbey struck a decp vein of mud iu the gutters, aod wbea a Bal of unmoltexl ico was reached, they would sweep over it so carcfully that not a paiticle bosides the lo.-se du»t wns disturbed. Tho streets were tbrooged with ladies aboppiog la the a-ternoon, and they cotil-.l draw a loug breath with'.nt liibalingquautitiesof street dul. " \Ye have litul m-vi rnl gangaof men wotkutg all day,' aaiu one of Ihe mon in charze of a gang. " but tbere'a aomnehdirt to take away tbaOitteelow WOyfc. Well have more men at work to-night and we'll gctup most of Ihe dirt iu about ten daya. Aftcr tbe weatber gets settl.d, Fuitou-st. and tbe BTeomee will becleaued erory two daya. liien the pavoinems will look aa if they had beeu Btjahhed ' _ TELBGBAPHINa FKOMA MOVINO TRAIN. gBCCB-801 I- -JDrBBI-IBB-O ON TUK MW-1IAVK-N It(lAI). "CHi-k! CUek! -bual Baaa!" went the bastni- B_e_rteonth- baaMatTe-ear attaebed to the 3:53 j>. in. train out ol' llarleui, on tha New-Torfc and paw-HaTaa Itoad, reetorday. The new _ia_hod <>1 teloaraphiogt- nnd lt «0 moving traius waa being t-vliilnt.-.1 tor the i-ili'icatioi) of tlie DMabera of the Maw-York Eleettical 8ooiety,wbo erowded mto the 881 a. d aaifed book und fertb as tho train srartcd. atopped anaeloweO ti|> in auddeu and unexpootea waye, 88 tf tlie engineer bad deetgBa .>n tbe oooi- etya OOroi aod wanted thini to be Well trodd'-n on. As tho train pasai'.l tbe termiaalatat-oaProaideot V;'iu der Wevde thrcw otl a leated dispateh which tii« opeiator working there piokod up aad tele- giaplied t<>ln::i on Iho tr.iiti. Mauv mesaaces were bt-nt and renivcil, At -.:11 tho folii.witig di*patcb was rcceivcd: " No. 13 Park I'ow, New-York. "'Tbis leavta ua at :i:4(). Futogi Bph what time it faechra yoo. i beerer, i'res.'' J. W. llngli^li, an operatof fron rlio Westoru Uoion offlce, wbo badbotoi Beea the n.-trumeiits beiore, aent andretletred aeyeral tueaa igea. " 1 Celt iia tonehal bonaeaalf I waa aaiag my aara ey and aoandaf in tlie ollicc " Haid lie. as ht smiltd witii Batiefaetiea at tbe r.-suit of his trial. There were two eoaiplete w>ts of apparatna in the citr, one working an ordmary aoonder, aud tne other8telepbone in wbtch the Mur~c chaiaiieia eould be dlatinetly beaid as they arere tieked ofl bv t oaaratoi at th'; t-B-iiaal sianon. IX AI. «i_lae, apeeial ageal al the lletrepolitaa Telophone t ouiptii.y, pot tBO MsTUii'-nt to his ear and ttat- eaa-d so tue famibai wba_a bass" which is tho il .. teJepbOlM man s life, '. Well!" said he., " I'vc be. ti finlit:i!g this thing [lsdaetMO] aii mv life, trying ta annihllate it, but 1 neverexiiected to gee it i.arnr Ktd down aud made usoful." As a tr-nt of what could be done, on tlie return tnptioiii Hew-ltoobelle to tbe city. waile the train v-a* riini.ingoii the othei iiack at a dJstaaee of abrrea loel fn»m the __Bia Itneof wtre, whieh raaa aiong tbe up tra< k, tbe lnstriiuu'iiiH were work^d and D-eeaaaae sent Bying aoroaa bal ebaaaa witb as niuch 8884 aetf U were uu onlinary matallic cir.uit. Tbeexpeditiou waaa siicci-s.*, and tbe in- Teator, Loaioa J. Plmlpe, waa iti luucii liett«r liuii'ortbaaoo tl.-.t lli-ameoed Priday, l-.-i.rtimy i:i. wbea tbe lareatiee falled di-tnali.v bt tba pre-ciic." of a buudred people who went out to see lt. lliai WBB tlie onlv failure m tlirce montlia' jiracti. c. howerer. _toetdee tbe. twemy-five uiem- _B_ra oftbe 1. <., Socictv ataaaai tbere were _!.*<¦ Profeaeor Peekham, oi the Adelphi Academy, JtiiM.klyn, and P, E. Kiiisman, ol tba Bleetlifl Uoa- gtlBlllliWI *-'ompany, B8_OOg ihe spuctators. -.-1 B-EOO-ID DAY OF THE HOItNE SALE. 1188838888 agaiu iilled the Amorican Horse Kr- change, Fiftieth-at. and Ilroatlway, yesterday. It v.i* it.e BSCaM-d day of the atfjath annuul combina- tion salo of i'eter C. Kellosrg &, Co. Forty-nine horsea weredispostxl of for B-0,Bfl*9, 'ibe higbeat prico of the day was brougbt hy Ib-rg. n Bellc, a aix-yeara-old brown mara. by Hwtwpstakes. Kbe is Baidlo have abTe-ye44i--old reoord of 2:46 and to iiave trotted 8 trial laat fall in 'J:.W<^ Tbe B8B-88- tition on her waa apiritM aud her pnco was aacrt along by $25 and B50 a aid. ohtt waa tinally knoi-lced down to A. W. L'owau. of Jersey City, for J7f55. Mr. Oowau also bouglit the bay gelding om'i.Ii C, a Bou of Kentucky Prince, which is aai.l to have trotted last fall in 2:31. lie puid $050 lor bim. Goldb. atflr, a chfletuut giddina seron yean old. by Doq Gioranni, wan sold to F. Meyer lor $050. Mr. iVeyr alro bought Inwuod, by Biack- wood. daiu by Aberdeen. lor #380, aod Lockingtan 8? Don Oioranai for $305. With the exeeBtJoo el t/ie three tirst horses mentioneil none of the i:u- DiaLs ollered hr.mgbt $400. Tho aggregate receipts of tbe two daya'aale is Ir23,3-K>. It will bo con- tinued to-day aud lo-morror*. Among tho well- knowu 80-888-88 present were Geuera) B. F. Tracv, C. J. Hamliu. of Bullaio: Klizur .Siuith. Lee, Muss.; tlden Goldamitb. J. G. rC. Lawrence, C'aptain C'os- r and W. H. F. MalJL_ _ WAS IT YELLOW OK CHAORES FEVKKf The P,-ciilc Mail ateBinahip City of Para, which axrivbd fiom Aspinwall on Tueaday, and wafl «ie- tauied at (juaruutiiie becauae of two deatbs hav- Jug occurred on Ihe royage, was perniitted to 00888 lo the city yesterdny, afier a thoiough fumigation. 'Ihe two peraoDfl who died were G. B. Nonero, an it.iliyn ateerage pasHouger, age forty-siz. and ieuii Fl-rv, » Freueh aalouii paaaeager, nge thirty- fhroe. Nouero died iaat W'edneailay aud Floiy on the followmg day. from a m.Jiguant attack of j.-ver. Tbe otneers of the »ea*-l were in doubt aa to wkother the dueaae waa yellow or L'hu.tea l'm ¦.- tbe latler beinti the more j8WV6^t66_t6_*_»B86Bl but Hoalth OffiVor Si.ntbtlio.urht that it waa low ferer. Neithrr man bad any tp^J**Z**$ and both wc-re buried at sen. No othei cascs or sickneaa oecurrod ou the tmjmMM* C. W. OHATEB CLARKE OXCk\ MORE. now BI ri.A\ or niso pfimsits BTOaBB. Two small offlces on the. flftli i86f of ¦_. WJ Chamhera-at. 8-68 688B visitod dnrli.B theiHM B6B davabynianyvouu* woman ln auswor ,]" "" '. ' Tcrtisement obW_p12 a weck Mr ... ".£&" lady eecietary" The outcr door of ,«J_I°555? bearsin gilt lettera |lba insc-ription: _»w_f°?f FinaiiciaT and Ciatnemal AfBOey. «_> W.. «,. sr. ir.***. hdU .b^n,xii:,! who said that b8 was 066866 C AtUaath-ijm tary ofthe Agoncv. told thi-iii tiiat |B6«6. ceasful applicant wmild havo to OOpOalt PKMJ aa aecurity Ior the fuithful oerformance ol har work. the money to bo lofundo.f whon xbo 080684 to hold the poaition. This coadition stagucrod tho maiority of callers. Soniettmca tlie applieanls wero mot aml informed of the roqutro.meats expnr-tod by 61BBBTS, etont mau whodressed, looked and spoke li-o au English.uau. lls wua iutrodiKod to t*PJ*j** women as Mr. Clarke. He tol.l tho saekcr aftor employmcnt that her principal work would he to BlaeorraapoBdaaoa aud wrile for ihe '-hnmbnof Oaatcron Jjaroal aad hxhtbitwn JZejwrfer, a buiky peiioiiical pahiiahad Baoathl/, (J. W. Chater Clarko is uot uuknown. IOlBBO he waa the origiBator and managor of.tba «*UO_»J Induatritil Kxhibition Company. which had 046688 mthaWolloa Biwlding Broadway. It 6____*?. voted to the aprcad of " businoss ideas throughout theworld. Manv well-kuowo B6BM8 api.oared W ihe liat of direotors-Wiliiaai II. Oiiion, the stoain- ahip B86B, L-vi M. Balea, the mcrchaut lark Bau. the lawrar, Raaaaa M. Fullen, eaeblec of tho Metropoli'tan Bank. Perry 0. Blivon, Cvnia McCorrnick and Mr. Broauan, president 8f tlio I'mtcd Statcs Life Insuranc* Company, atnoug othera. Clarke was vioe-nremd<»nt ni.dths innvinil spirit. He had seveu clorks employed, Bfetaa woaaen and four men. The womon deposited *J..O and thcmou$500. lt was roproscntcd to tho.ii hy r, Olarka that whon they gave nn thoir positmiis the money would ba r.ftmdcd. 1 bo clorks wrotr nr- culam and mailod them lo the four oornois OftBB earth. Thoir salaries rangod from Sl;> lo *-.> a week and W6T6 paul ragularly for four wooks. Thcn they ceasod. The clorks gatnerod ITOUl Mr. Clarke and demandod their dep.sits. Mr. Clarke eaidthat he wnuld go away an.l get tne money. Jlo weut away to st. Loaia un. d.l not retarn. Tho clorks plac-cd (haireaae ia tha haada of ol Bttaraara, and a smt aaaiaal Diractora Ball, tJuion, Pallea nn.lotlieis waatbareaalt Thesuit ia atill ao tha oalendar. Dircctor Batessottlod for hia parl of th« feaponal- hilitv. paving ovor |S00 to the pl.untins. Iho otho'r dircctors ref.iswl to aettle, deolaring that Clarke had aorlfhl toaaaka any, boob atipalation iu empioytug clorks. and did it without their li 11' \\ lc(li_o JohnM.IKva. jr.. one of the aufleilu-elerka is now oniployod bv K. B. Chaso &Cu.. fnnt i.nporteri at Barolav and (irrenwi.-h sts. " We fo.ind hut to.. latc," be aaid jraatarday. "that ojir .neiioy had b.-cn usod to run tho schotn? in the\\ altoa Bu.ldr.g. and whon thodopomta gave jmt UMSehMMidlad. Mihh K»;neralila Floi.-nt, of No. 828 r-a>t Uno- hiindio.l-and-Mxteonth-at., was a yictitn. .Mrs. Annie M. Myers, of No. IO'.i Kaat Nineteeiith-st.. was aaother. , __ Yesterdav a TaiBOBB rop .rler fotind a prenossca- sing roana woman in u navy hltic dress writing circ-larain the outer oflice at Na. 10^ Chamb.-.a- st. Iu tho iuner oftirr ho m.-t Mr. "I oarao," said the roporter, " tosee what BMarlty ¦OB havo t'' olbr t'i Miaa-ghoiild aho ilra...-,it ¦200 tor t ba 111' a woek plaoo t" Mr AtLins looked at tho visitor aiisplnnnalTyand replied: " Well, ah-tho poattion hnH baaa BlledB " U> havo Th' ( ha-itbrr of Commine Jonrnal and Eihihition IUi-orter o\\ our booka," 8616 an rmployo nf a weii-kiiown B-aapapar af-aey yesterdav. lt Uasrocntlv nioved h.-ro from St. Louia. Wo have it markod" X, which ineana tha. tbe nrcala- tion is gratuitous, er that raporta BI6 b«i couflioliug that wct can Mnn no opiti.on ol it.' " W* nevor o.dorod nor hav.- WM over paul for the ailv.-rti-oinetit of tlio L'nitod Statci Lifo Insuratiio Company lo that lhaet, B6M Mr. Bioa- nan, the nrosidont »f the company. " That niaikod noCce of our baateaaa I know Dntbine about," aald Austia Corbin, when sIio.mi a OOpf of Tht Chambcr of Commtrc, Joumal. " 1 know this maii Ciarko. Habotharad BMattha Baaah a year or ao ago to ftltow him tli- BaaafBaj ii.h...'. an d I tol.l hlin I woiU.l proaecute him il ho u-k-d tny uame." KKAL ESTATE DVOKR THE HAMMKR. Uichard V. H6fB6t4 B6M vosterday at tha Koal I'ntnto xchange,Na ni Broadway, Blna raoanl lota ln Sf-vciit -av. tu-ar;i(lr.-t|-a-nl-ti.irt.v- fifth--t.; Foartb-ara, mar (Jaa.hBodrad-aDd-alaa> taenth-st, an.l in Plaaaaat-aTa t.oar Ona>handrad- and-tl-rteanth-at., by cr.l.-r of WTIIiain Bnd, cxocut-i'rof tlie eitato of Wllliaoa lt.-i.l. lw> lots _-"» by 100 looi in Mv.-iitii-HM'. between v*e- hundn-d-aiicl-tlurtt-ioiinh a"d,'I- and-thirty-fiftb ata.. wareaold to W. c. Le-ter loi B4.450eaob. Oaa lol m ^cv.iith-av.-. b. waea (iBr-Jiunili-ed-and-thirty-t'.fth and Uaa-haodred- aiid-thirtv-sixthats., was bonght by W. rerna ebild for 94.400. whe alao pald fS.200 for u 1". u Foorth-are. .x-ar'l-. i^iiic.'tith-t. Charlea Brantpaid the aame arooaal for tln- ad* ioiiing lot A lot 'J". bv 101 fe«t ln Ona-haadrad- :in('l-.-igliti>»:it!i-'t. nearS.-i.d-avi-., BoM to ThtymaaMacKellor for $4,000, Twe lota ... Plaaw ant-avc. mar Uiie-humli.'d-.iiid-.liii tccnth st . wera bout'lit by II. Andries for #1. 7-r>0 e;.cb. and tM lot on tho corthwpst cornc-r of One-bondred-aBd-tbir- l'lcaHarit-ave.. waa aold to B, U. Ball for IB.100. Mr. Hainott alao aold tha threa-atory, brownatOTO dwalliag; K6, 210 I'ast 1 or?v-oi-lit!i-i'. to (J. W. C.n- rington forfO.000. Mr. Bronsky bonght thetbrae. atoty blgb atoop t.rick clw«-iiing, wi'h ,i ebapel har- Ins a aeatlna eapaeltv of 400 iu Na 56 Monroe-at for 914,400. Tba Q-e-atory apdcellar donbla brick taBaroeat-hoaae Nn. 848 Madiaoa-at., wiw bougiit bv M. LnbaUhy for 114,400, 11. (.. W'cbb l.ou.h' 111" bruk lioii.s.' No. 2'Ifi Waal MI- torntli-st. for .-?.r),.*.0O. Tho sn-.* al No. _).!? \\ au r- atTwaaaold loT Nlebola fbrB4.700. Mo. 301 W'at.-r- at waat to tha aaaaa ptrrehaaer fbi 94,750 and No 803 Water-at. for8M.6O0. 8, 1. Majrar boaghl Na :to;> Water-at for 98.650, John. F. B Banyth aold tlio two fi.tir--.tory bnrk tenament-hoaaea al Noa. 544 aad 540_W«yl Fifty- louith-i... near Tenth-avc, to B. 1'. liay for 911,000 aaeh. _ _ OAMi: AT BLOOMING OBOVE PABK, A l.uaiiici-1 ,-uul Miiiiil iin-.-ting nl tbo atockli'il.lcrs of thaBlooBiing Grore Fark Aaaoeiation waa b.-i.i at tba lloftmau lioaae laal erenlng, Keporta wera ii'.rivcl frnm tba rariona offloara ,>i tbe aaaoeiation and from tho Kish and Uataa Committae. rba rapon from tha aoaiaiittaa abowod tbal naeh ajood work h.i'i haaa acoonipllabed lo tba eoarac oi tha year in protootlng tlio iranio on Ibo exteoalra praaarraa of tba aaaoeiatiun In PepnaylTaala, among thoaa preaent wera Dr. Edward Bradler, T. w. B. iaOgbaa, ll W. Naaon. Caaaltu 11. Head. Bimon Bterne. T. E. II. Cnrtla, Charlea A. Mti.ia, Dr, Rpencer M, Naab, Nathaaial 8. Bmith, A. J. l'ost and \V. T. Bollaa. At tho last :nofi(:ni{ tho r Lsfa and Qaata Coiniuilt.' warc aathorieed to imy land oentaining tr',ut -tii'.nn-i, aad to atoak tba atraaroa. For that trar- poaa boada wara to lia laanod Tberapartof tha cotnmttti'o ahowed tbat aboal 1.700 aeraa haa baen piiicliiih,-il adjolnlng tha oraa. rrea of tbe aaaoeiation in Pika County, I'liiu. Tbla land eoataiaa ton niilaa ofatroaaa. A fliah hatabary baa baaa araatad ln the paul raar. Faartaea dair bare b.-cn porebaeed. Tbe braadiag park aoataina 700 aerea, aad w.-il atockad with daar, Bararal baadrad blaek baaa bai.- baan pal la tbe lake ln front of the olab baaaa, an I dttri.ig the pa--t yoar tln- tn, iiiIkti 'uivi- had :," difllcultv in gctting" twelre baaaa dajroatoftbe l.iko. Tbe grouao an.l woo.lcock shoi.tiu^ haa baan exoellent. 'J'wentv tboaaaad trout lry will be pnt in tbe Htp-ams in-\t Donth. Bixteen aharea In tba aaaoei¬ ation are to ba aold at 9100 aaeh. Aftar tbeaa are sold the pnee for a sliaro wBI tus 9450 «par valtiej. HQUEL OF AN IKlsii BLOPEMBKT. The Bcv. I'athcr Kiordan, at ( aslb-Canlcti, hiis alottt-riiom Ohieago ragardiog tbereaall of an c- (inciii.-iit ,.f a roana lrndi eoaala, haaring tbe n- lar i"i:-!np of h'-end ousiiih wh.-n th.-v Ieft tli.-ir hoiiH-H iu Tipporary. Mary Comans was a protty, youug gt.i, with au airof refinement, and a Boaa aaatralght hh st. Ceeilia'a Her taUwr waa a weli-to-do inanufaotiirer, but nstiin, nvorbi-a. ing niiirl, in ko far hor i.cing wooc-d by h«-r eoaaia, Cornalina Cotaaaa was ooaoaraad, Bar naother xva« Dotoapoaed to tbaaoartahlp, but tbongfat tha, Mary's dutv was lirst lo eoaalder th.< fa'her's wishoK. Cornolius was dct< nn.iKil and Aluy was faitlil'ul./.o kiin. Tlio fathor divinod a plao lo-ip- arate thant, bat the plan prored ub rf.vo. He aBfClhaafd a tioket for Mary nnd H.-nt her to visil ber Aunt Kosauna in thin ity, and KBT8 ber .3 foi aaelcal aaoaMy. Mary ezpreaa. ,1 b.-r wii- Imgaaaa toooaaa, nnd .stm eoanaaaieatad tbe fa. ts to C'.melius, whu tuok jiasaago iu tbe BBBM htoa.uer. Th<. aaaataa BBtrad Bt Caatla OBJdaa oa March 0, and lieforo Mary landed sh-) gax'e her inomn to Cornertoa. After thoir, Fatbav. Riordan thought tbal tbej bad better t.o naarried, bal as ii waa tho Lontc'ti aoaaoa it was nornaaarj to _<-i a dispensation. This Aichliitdiop (Jorrlgaa reftuod to r'iant, and, as they \m-h- going to « )in ,.-,.. 1'utlior Riordan gavo tboin a Iww W6tw_l>f tBUIIOll and a lettor to the BiaboD at Cluoago. Tho eotulaa havo bocu mairiccl by Ibe graut of a dlspeaaatlOO, and havo j. iul 1 v aaat a letter te tho obdarate fath.-r in ripparary, aakiag his pardon Ior their coiidu. t. MR. DONNELLY M'.CCRKS HLS DISfcllARUK. John F. Donnclly, the baaineaa nianaeor of the Bij.m Opara Hoaae, appearad la tbaCoartal Bpaeial Beaaloaayeatardajr.ea aaaaalalat of P, J, K.tliy, who iay» that IhbI April ho oaabad a cbock of 9*5 for Mr. Donuolly which was not hoiionnl. lt waa explained by Mr. Dnuiiolly'a oounsol that tho cln-.-k bml b,cii preaeotad Ib good i.ntii, and tbat Mr. l>i tinelly IimiI ¦ohaaaneBtty afJerad to make It food, but Mr. Kolly bad roiuaod to accout the mouoy. .*>'. Donnelly wiu iha.diaritad. HOME NEW8. PROMINKNT AR-t-TAIA deBtrare. rtaaataa Blalater .-. Waabbwg ...£«J*.J/ B4N_w^udg«ABtaaa J. tttrter. ol ABaj^.eaa ».x Walten. -f llalUmore .....raBarfci BM*-i^ljl(.". I.eorg. Iloauuioi.t. of Kiutlaii.I......¦ «««-' ,v,'wfr < K. T. VeeiwM-,,& *-.&2^t"lES£ »W.f.>i Batof-El Aaa.i., Tb".'». \- . _!«",. g -thHtara Falla.Birrrwa. JHfl B_4at-1 "if*,;;"^ ¦*_£ llotl i:x-r..l.«rC.s.*ll.tlU IaiWlall. of OUlo. WHAT IS 001NG ON TO-DAY. v .le A1.......1 aaaaaj toayr, DllajiaWe^TaalaB. Trial of Jsmea D. Flab befara JadgeiBeM-tet, Ilainnieraly will ea*c, Siirio-ute a tuurt. Dr. Itnll Itinacy caac, nupn-niri o.irt. laeeM Biar-er eeae hKjaeat, P?»^ri#S-% 1-atii.k Ki.i.i llbal sii t bef-reJadaaBilareta. C'oruell Ui.irer.lty Aaaoclatlu... I'bIob Hqtiaru flotel. 8 NrtBBBry TeaclK.V It.Stltutc, Fuurth Avenue Preal.y tenan niureh. 0:00 p.88. Bew-Yeri Yaehl finb meetinr. Sp. ¦. ProttMBor F.ak.-'a C'liickeiiii- Hiill. 11*,8- Brooklvn library __-KH»latloa aaaual me.-tuig 8 p. m. Oao-Mil talaraeaa before IbBwae Ifaaaar. NEW-YORK CITY. The members of theCotton Kxrhange yestfrday votodtoThsenc Good F.iday and the followmg day as holidays. Colot.el Caldicott and Adam Forenanuh were among the |BB1BBB-C. 88 188 Hotbina which arnved ysatantay, . _ . The JBO-bBB at tho Courtnf BoOOial Pessmns ves- trnlay iiul-d Adam BlOWafJlOO for selling lottery tickets recentlr on tbe sidewalk BB Ncw-st, Cbildren on roller skates Hwarm into City Hall Park overv afteruoon ln auch uumbors that Peaeage aiong the aeoball wallni fot ordtaaxy pidiatrlaei is gettiug dailv uiorc dillicnlt. One of the bo.ea for the entortalanBwiUo,be giv.-n at the Casim- la aid of tne Baxtholdi I edee- tiil Fuud on April 7 haa ahcady 0008 sotd for $i(io. The Statcn Mand ferrvboat Nr.rthfie.ld inet Wltb _- aceideat to her macbinery on the;«M"I» >.''*»'.r' day motning, and dnftd nearly to Kcd Hooi. Ihe paaseugem wero .ransferrod to anotber ooui. ALMosr a UBBIUB. <>i.d. Mwa-tKeraa, ng.- BiBOty^aiaa. an ntaate of tbe .-« Inrs" Siiug Harbor, died suddeti.y on l uea- darerenlBgatNo.74 Cbarltott-ot., where be was riattini hladaagbter. who is .ifVj___?_/*_i_. ___! He waiaguutioi, aud strved all ihiotigh tLe Ke- hellioti. r.XI'I.oeiON OV A OAS-MKTEfl. A servant in Ml-. Baaaa P. Knimy's bouae, No, 81 Wcst Thirtv-scvciitli-at., weat to .Mmiae tbe gas-im-iiT iu tlie basemcit with a lighted caiidle yaeterday, wbea the Baetoi npUttod. ItbaBbeea le.iking lor siiiiib time. ihe explosiou caus-'d only a damagu. TOO AN_I'.1S TO nAVK A FRKK Bt-M. Fehx waa ti orisoner in the \,.rkville Coortyeaterday. Hehad palled mi C-tanaoeyM, H«pewSa..tlire in the (iratid Ceatral Depol and de- ¦ paeetoAlbaay. iBatka Manay iagiioi tu d-eobarge btm CBABOB8 4B4tB8T A f-KHVANT. Mrs. Cathenn." Barlow, wboee liu*:.a-il is Ib the (Tnited Btatea Anoy, lo atootana, an-l whaiee fatl.or in-iaw was :. gwaaral, l"st property worta *ilm l.v a diahoaeet ioa-eette laal Jaaaary. tae aadrl W88 lield for trial ye.-terday in the torkville Court. gWtBDLTB BT a rosriorNri'. man. Wlllian Gebbardt, b Gknoxaa. h.s beea n tbla eonntryeinee bb! May, arnved at Ui" *. . --r.-i ( antral l»ep..t Crooj F-faaa Falla, Mlaa., ..n Iwee- d v ».. I w.-.s approai hi>d bv a a'raneer WbO teoB iimi ta ao exebaoge ofllee in C<.r'»t . and ex- ehanged .»_ la greenbaekn foi Oenaaa awaey. Gebbardl r."<'ir,.l oalyBOS 10. bal DeteH tbOro- .lcn, ..i li.atla (;,-,rir.i aaoea <ed ta awttlaf tbe btokcr to make up tho d.-li-iency. A <OMI'AVY Wllll AMIIItH.IS PfAV^. The lntet.iafi..n:l L_U_d and Inv.-n'm."!.' Com- pa-.y witb a propnaed eapital of .fi.oiMi.ono. ha_ beeu iDoorporaied lv Mootgoniery Gadd, Wllliaaj Henn LeBg ilorf. Rol»erl K FloydJooea,.Bainael Heymonr Wt* d, jr.. nnd c. Thonuu (inilitiis. Ihe atiBoiinced porpoae i* ibe pnrebaeeof cronad aod tbaereetioa <>f a boilding tberooo for faira, ai-et- in>;-, exbibii i'.t."*, entei laiaaiante and Baauasn-enta, a* a'i Iiitciaati,'a 1 a.r. to 88 lield intbia city. MiIBBBB Of * BBW-BOBB iBVABT. An nahinan fonnd tbe bodj ol aa la/aal la abar* rei m _rontol tbeteaeateat-boaoa,No,019 i tot liit.entli-at., early yeaterdar. and g»we " ta ¦ po- |ic-raao wbo carrted it lo the Morgae. t'oroper MeeaeoMir <"!'i la the aftarnoon that i!..-«i. Id b w i.e.ii murdei-d bo<.ii ai-erblrth, ringei*..ii its throat al...v.e.1 that an etort had leeBBiadeto *lr_ii_i<- it. Ilfall. bad In-i.i .aiiattl. liuwrvur. by blown wlu, h fiacluicd lt8 iktl I, tiik r>>>fivn i.iiiiaiio T.nnvAMrsr. Tl<" l dli .ni tooraameol waa Soally seiiied npon ve-teid'iv by tbe eBtnr «.t (Je r_- Elooaea. lt will bagin nt Irvmi' Hall -n A'.rn '-*" and rm.iiiui* f..r raeka rbeaaniee will be plaredoaaoby 10 talile with 1 1-inch balk 11008, and ea.-h gameiwlll i. ryiMi pointa np. -iloaaon, Bextoa. Bebaafer, Dioo rf.d Palv bareeaeb pal BpaaeBiraacefoapl - To thia aam tbe Brnnearlek-lialke Hilllax.ll ompanv adda f)l,000. making 12.250. which will b.. dtTtdad among tli" lii-t l<»ur -OmBOtitOta, w..nK <>f tiik bi w-Toaa citt wteetoa. Tbe Clty Mlaaioa, ol Na 50 Itihlc Houhc. reports forMareh; 50elty mleeloi trlea, 307 Ooepel toeat- loga with aa sggreg4te atteadaBee ol i*'.H7 pei *<>..*. 49.H57 tra.sta, booka and papera distriboted, 3981 tolamej loaned hoai tbe 1.BhW libranee, C !n.i vair* IM...I.- t'> theaickandpo raadBeedy 101 tenperai pledgy- obtaiaed, and 301 faanliea reliered with loed, mediclne, elolbJog and otber anppliea, Tbe reeeipta f..r tbe B-OatB w»-ro ^l,77.t oh an.l »ii<* paytooata P8L180 03. Altlll*IKI> I'.f. M.l lltlNIVUMi A I'ir.llT. Captain Horaee Btaplea. of tba lutrk Adoloh Obrig, wm aireeted jeatenlay by a depoty ibi f 1 oa an order ef arreel laaoed byJodm HcAdam of tbe City Conrt in a eirll eall roi '10,090 braogbl I.. I'li-ilerii k i'. Tavlor, ona <>f tbe cre -,. l be eoa> plaiuantaayatbal bewaeaaeaalted bytbemati "f tha brut witb a eap taa bai and uelaying-pin, aad that bis riha were broken aad otber Injunea it.- lliifd. He ia conflned to tha Uanna Hoapltal <>n M-ilen Ialalid. lii 1 roiui.I illit a..ii'i t tlie OBptain ia tnat lie -lid in.t Inlerfera tn prerent tbe rtowai 8. 1 be captitin gare liail 111 B300, -a> - BBjOOBXYB. The Bottee .rreeted anie aiea wbe mn- playtaa piiiny at No. 14 Preeidaat-et. y-aterda] aiteraooa An abaolu'e divone i\as giantcd yc*t. r.lay to Joba Murray li'.in Ellea Mnnay. A "I 'ara for tlie Brooklyn Railroad bbtb bot n delivetad Bad an Mt.u.-.i bbob tbe tra.k*. J're*i<let!t Strati.ihaii. of tli" Bridgfl Trusteea. Bxpi-eaedhiataelf yeeterday ia f.i\<n oi Free ferriea 1! !i Bridge ii naoe free. He woohj bare tlie my 11.88 Ifl3 both I'.n 1_- an.l f.-ir f>. Tho Hi.-a.. yaehl Cora, baill by the Meaara. Poillon lor .1 iba A, Morrta of NewOrleaoa, was laonohed from tbe Poillon a ihip-yard al tbe i.».i ..I Bridga-at, y.-*t< v!n- will ba towed ta Newaik ton eeiTe ber Btaebtaery. Boberi le.-.', "f No. :i",'i'-j iif li--»., j.-raev City. waa app dated \.*i< rdaj a* engiaaei ,11 tbe pomp- iag -lat:.,n >.l tbe .ay waier*, at Clear Mi-jin, L I.. be hiiviii- paeaed tbo beet ataaiina* tii.n. Th<' BBlary wBl.iOO, Tbe amt nf Mrs. Pbeebe Brovil BCBrnet the bfer* eaatile rruat (Jompaoj lorecovei 110,000 for tiit.of whleh thie defendanta beld a blll ..f bbIo. waa dlemlaaed yeBterday. aa ibe plaintiff bad lal ed to I..- ie i-l v 1.1:111 | i C'.. Mis. OeOI il'a ¦nut. to raeOTOI ber boe a ia 3t_U pendiag. Wllllam Doggrell, a Ikjnor dealer, of No. IAH32 DrKaHi-iv."., lu tin- p'llicc ye*ti-n|;iy (hat af 1 a. in. Im waa atta. u.-.i i.v twa aton ai Bi ayee* sant- iv.". aml Qolnei --' 1. _4Xikod deWB an.l robbed ofBtOO, Hia" _..iu watcb wog eot taken, an.l bt I'.jk- 80 inaik* of a strui'gle or of 80J \i..!<-:ie. He abowed a t<.n. in*id,i waiatooal poek. 1 lion. which he *aid tbe iiioncy w:ib tak.-n. Tbe Coroner's iii.| in thr< case of Charle* Rnaa, :. Uitabatooe aeulptor, wbe wa- foaad dead au I'. lu 11:11 v 7 at his linii.e iu Me. k.'r-avc. witJt ni-, throat 1 nt aud his nKiiII frat inn-.l, bag 8888 oti- cltided, and a v.-nli.t ol dealfa from WOBBdO rc- r-ivcil 111 au 111.known ln.iniii-r baa beea giv.-n. Tbe eaea i.aiil.-.i all tl»' "-k'H ol tbepolioe. wbo liiaintaiii tbe llnory tbal l.'n** liiat i-u( |ns lliinat, tbaa v. mk'-.i oal t<> g wall lo whiob a ixail of blooa le.i. and afti rward drora 8 3ealptoraeh_8-l thxonfh his akull with a 888*7 -8BUa_r. NBWB FBOM TBB BUBUBBB, III". MIOI I.DHAYi: SHOT BIMtELF SOONr.R. I Tin-ion Mi-owii, BB> lw.-:itv-ii, a liiaii, .1 bo kill Bia wife 10 Newark fSBtOrday aud lli.-ii i-i'.l il lii* own Iif.-I.y out lus hiains with a shui-giin. TBO008888 lired81 Wnl- nut aml Adatiis *is.. .,. ciiping tho has^tnent of tlie lion-i". Tbey had BM many vioi.i.t tiuanils, Itiown Bceoefag hia wife of tnfUlelily, Yesterday at 7 u. tn. 8 BjBBaTel 81088 880 OgOWB beg-MI lo ln* wi'e WbO had not le!t. B8_L Sho strug- glcd wtth ii'iu wbea ho>iiy asiaed B large BBO I'.iill cla.sp kmfc an.l atoaBBa anvagflv at li. r throat, t-iittiiig a ga*h tro.u !..<r nght ear dowu to the collar boBO, an.l uarrowlv eac ipi'ig thn jiigular vcin. Belierlaa tnat ho had killcd his wifo llimvii iV'oi il tlie l.e.l, WB8B iho woman spiaug lo lier l.-ct aud rushed from llie room, l.-av ing her bal.y li-bui.l. I he hnnhan.1 tben walked to ¦ n.rn.t ot tin- moiii. aml ttiKi.._r up n loa.l. d ahi.l- i_ ii ii put the IIIU//.I." (o li h bcad aud lired. aud tho whole 4*it le of hia liead was bl.iwn away. The wilo was sent to the hospital and the county physician ordered an iu.|iieNt to ho Beld over tho hody of tlie Hiiicitte. I l;e wlle aaid >. t'l.l.i', "Thia ia not the i.i-t time that, ho ti_n,bif,l to L ii! aw_ Two vttarjt liau in a >u -t JaalBBBJ ho attomptod lo kill rac witlianaxe aud he waa to piison for eightcen niouths. BETTER WA0JE8 rOB 8ILK WORKERS. Th.-.H iu. boen n aBMaaafBl mon-niont for Mfhar waaaaaaaonglhehaid silk wiud.-.s and doulil- m in tho Ihiowingdeparttneutsof tho silk mills m Patereoe, N. J. It begaa with tha alrike ... Loum I'laiik.'smill, tho tonniuatiou of Wblf? wasr.cor.lod it. Tu.-dav's Tmnt nk. \eatertU.v the hamls cmploy.d iu these* in severai oi tho largost mills in tho eity Btala a dcinand ior un nteraaaa, rangn.g from 50 lo 75 cetits 6W66IL aml in no .a>e wuk tbe demand refnsed. Most. ot tun maaafaetarera promptly granted tbe lnoroase. a f.-w aaked for tnae tn considor, am! ptomisod to ao whatevcr tbe in general dnl. Ihe hnnds Mfl provlotisly boen roeeiving from M 50 J6jp6781 ueok. Tba* 616 inainly young girls. low of tne ciarativ.-, Ieft thefi fr.imes, und there was uo soin- iil'tn, ¦¦ of ilisturbuuce. ...- JERSEY CITY. Tho Carpontors'ITnion hascallod a meeting for Mon.lav night to lake moasnros to enfereo the dc- nii.tid «f carponteri for wages at tho rato ol not less thun $'J aday. At tho nioeling of tlio Board of Ed.tcatlon on Tuesdavnicht I'restdent Latrd eharged that the bilis for priuting were eseeeaire, aml arged taata commitiei) nf mvestigatioii bo aupointod. I ho Board rofusod to BPpoiat a eomuiiUee, aud ordered all the bills paid. NEWARK. Mr«. Adelaulc Powo, who was convioted of pro- ennng un abortmn, was sentencel by tho Court yeiterday to one yoarin tho State Prison. _p6 laiii.od iu hor husband's arms when ahe heard tho sentetico. A Jury of twontv-fnur men was empannellcd yos- tordav to paaeapoa thaaaalty of Major Heary o. Halatoil. who servod on Oeneral Kearneys stntt eurlv in tbo war. aml has for voars been an Inmato nftfie lun.ti,' iisvliitn. Balawd was adindged a lunatio. an.l an applieatlae will be mado to tbe Chanccllor for a guardian to look altor his prop¬ erty. m:\v-jkrsey. A rnal famine is iniminent al tho lino towaa of tho Cetttral Ratlroad of New-.Iorsoy. Tlio Wilkes- birruand l^hitrh Coal aml Navigation Companies have b'en woikiag on thr.o-tjuarter time. and, as tbe fnr has b"on largely coiisnmod OWiag to prolongod oold woathor, tide-water or- dcrs only aio boing lllad at iirosont. El.lZAnr'UI.. Scbool Cnm-nissioner Josoph J. .'g'b-n, wbo b.i-. boen mis.sing since March 5, has rwaraad b8BB6, No cxplauation is g.vcu of his abseuce. LOVa ISLANT). B_TTflTn>WB.*-*Tba Repubheans yosterdnvnnmi- nnfoil tbo followioi tiofce.: l'or tjuporvisor. Mos'-s K. Smlth; Towb Clerk. A. M. Darln.g; Justiteof tho l'o.iic, (icorgo B. Kaiisom. Hl MKir.n..Joha ilavnor, In tha employ of T. N. i*"«-rrv-. .aa aerloaaly bittea by a doga few davs sinre. Daynor waa eaparattag ooaae dege tbal woro tigh'ing in tbo keonela when a lerge nastifj sorang n;.,ii him aml k-iockod Inm down biting Inm in tho ariii, wriit aml log.Tha BepabUeaaeyeetorday ¦MI tln- folluwing noininatlons for town nlliecrs Miporvisnr. liartrn V. Wooi ; lawa elerk, Thoiaaa V. Mnitb; justiea of th" pea.o. B. Vaientino Clow.-s; raealrer of taxe*. Tuadwoll Abraius ; town ttcasui, i, Koawall Eldr.dgo. ? STATE\ ISLANT). Ct if mv. A \n .it.-t tank bur.t in t'io hoise of tho R,v I)r. Ki lisioti. floodlaghia l.brary aud ciosing a loss oi about 94.000, WK8T1'HESTER COUHTT. Btwo Bnro,.-Tbaaaaaaattoared na tho loeoaBO* tive of tha 5:30 p..... Peekakill specal Halahraka wben the ir.iti was half a t.nlr aoeth <>f Baar* boroua'i ws: nhv aml burst a h do in th"'r whlehlettba »toaui all out. Tbe aaglnaer wm*r naedad tn applyiag tba alr brakaa Nn oue waa m J.tted. DoBBI PalBBT. -.laiepb PatermaTi. the kiopcrof a hi.iei mar th.-di'ieai dte,i aaddeoly laal night. Coraoat Mitchc :l will bold an laqB68t to-day. ¦OCKLAND coiNTY. Th* Now.irk Metbodial EpleeopalCoafaroaoa will r.;>cii ita hi-..'cn iti St. Banla Chur. b r»-.l.iy, Bislmp j. M.Walden preaidaBc, Thaeaaaof tbo Rcv. Mr. Briator will probably bor^vived. I.ast nmbt tba Rev. 1. II. Laudc-n pr< a<ibad tha apaattg seruion. .? . ALOHQ THB BOUHB Bbibokpobt..Daaiel Baaahaa, of Nirwaik, his app» m nl io the Bnprame Court in ln. .etioa at'Miaar Wllliaoi sturynn, a Behool taachar. lo ri-- oovei BU.50U for po_lahiiig ata aon. hla BBora- bu to «'." Hu«.¦>-«'» <'iiH»i'i". »l." "ev. H. II UcNeiela niii il.-nvcr a Icoluiu ou " Mwrai Itaad* itg." BTAMTOBD..Joba B. Kaaa.Pi who baa boan long t-i'.-i.-.'i in ihe loe buaiueBB, i- now aarrlaghia cna.omera with lea.the tbird crop this seuson. cigbt ini baa thii k, diraei from hia pooda (iiu BWII it. (irovo Saiiford, a biaki-man, lell tfOBJ a 'laiu nn .66666J tnght and was killed. IHE BROOKLTM BOLDIESaY MOHUMEIIT. .1 O. A. Ward, who was coinmis-ionod MMB8 nontaeagotoprepare a .lcaign f.,r tba prapoaed ?ni iii -' iiii.tiuuietii in Brooklyn, ba* praparad oae irbirh will ba aabanttad ta a few daya to the t m- /.i,. i.iniiiitti'it wh > ii has eharge of the ma.t.-r tn g few daya. I'he moutunent wilibe aboot Ti fn-t blgb an<l t'J feei ',r >ad ai tbo baaa Al aaeb n>.- aei of ihe pedestai will bo a bronseCQiieatnaa Bgnre, ii.e siibj.-i is bcing Oea> craiN Waabington, Jai i<-"n, hoott. aml the heroea of tba looi greatware. Ihe in- aenptiona benaatb tbe inrurcs will be reepaetirely " A N it .. u Eatabliahed," " A Nation Perpetuatisd," "A Nation Extondoil," and "A Nation" Ob the four aidea of tne pedaetal will be lnacribed tbe naaiea of all tbe aoldiera run! aailora of Kiuks County wbo wero ki'bd lu tbo late war. with hiiii- al.'r inaignia. Ibe cbicl iusenpti >.. will bo the .urrii g atBoaa. ni inu-'. ateraal aaaiptag gr ,. -lifMt tt nt. .nr ipread, Aini lii'.i v gnardi with oaaaalaaa looad Tho i.iv,.!...- it tl.- Dead. The onloeaal broaae f.gure surtaounting tbe pedeetal will be of Glory aa anggeeted ln tbe la* Mni'ti'ii. Tbaaite pMpoaed ior'ihe monnment la tne plaza oi Prorpacl rurk, The eatitnated oaet lt between 923O.0O0 and 6300,000, and kl is .-x- .... t.'.i tbat all citiaaaB ol Bro klyn will have au opportanity to < onunbata, tiiuugb t!i<- Oraod Anay Pusta will taketha initiatire la tha matter. ibe inb-comniittee In cbarge "l tln- plao is conipoaad »f Mav<>r liOW, A. E. « rr, Oauaral 8. I- Wo dford, il. ]'.. Koehr, Oeneral J. ii. WaodwanLaadtbeKev. .- yivV.t. i Ualooa. _ MRS, I-. s' HUD801I DtJEFFE_80N MARIET. Bboald Mra, Btama B. Hadaoa ba aeaoitted oa th, ii ni-"' ol awtodllai tho propriel « ol tbo « <,i,-- iii ui Houae whVth ia to ba bronghl againat hor t«- day iu Ihe Coart al Q.ral Baaaiona, ahe mual stiil remaiu ln prieon lo awail trial on aaotbei rhurgo i, iii. enj. o" which abe waa i.old br Joatice limiy ,t tbe JeBeraoii Markel Coart yeetarday. When the nn-oii.r waaarreatad al tbo Coleman Honaaon March 1:1, eeveral pawatirhata werafoaad m ber iMiiHeasiuu, ooe repreaeotiug two silver apo-ms, a MiKci buttcr-kaife aad a p»ir of aagar-toBga ivim ii had bei n pawoed with WilUam A. Ulorer at No l 272 Bio.uiwav. Dr. Joaeph K. .1 lorrin aad b terranl al ibe Janeraon Markel Conn yeetarday identitiod ihe articiea aa thnae atoten from D s houae No. 101 Madlaon»6Ta. on MarehB, Tha ¦errai'it alao Identified Mra, Hndaonaaa woman wboealladto se;< l»r. Jaorrin aad after waiting forafea nainntaadiaappaarad witbonl aaaing tbo duclor and witbout giving any notico other do- partara. ,, Mra. Hodaon waa repreaeoted yeetarday by Mr. McClellaud. As tbe prieonei atood befora tho luatiro cold aad erael. and critically atteotire, ¦I,. w;,. earaaaad by mt little daoghter Amy. When Joetioe Imily bapnaaad bv a slipot iiu- toacaa toaay tbal ibaatalan ertic-lee wera foand iu ber utiiranni~n. ahe wi.s qniek to oorraol him aml toaay tbal not theartiolaa hut aely tho pawa tickel. Hbe pleadad not guilty ai.d was luld in |BO0 tu auswor._ Jl'SIICE DUFFV i-REKS HIS MINT). Sl, who was arrested on Eebru.'.rv "i oharged with attempting to aell a forged eheck fo* sri;;i to Jauies v\ a broker at No, 5 wall* hi waa diaebarged al the Jefleraon Market Coart, reatarday atTthe teqaeat of Mr, Walah, who bbm thatbewotiid not ooatinaa tbo proaeeotioo ba- ins tli-1' W1's not siiflicieui gionml cf eoinplaint. luetice Dnfly angnlyl ranaindad Mr. Walah tbal ia the earlj itagea of tba proeeeation bo eallad ob tha . ,,iii Mjveiiil utues in piivate, and urged the mattci- """ Wliat has happoned sincothont" tho .lu-ti.o asko.l, and le.oiving nn answer be rontiniied : "I will diacbarge tba Briaoaat now, bat whon you e.ime to ugalii, Mr. WaLnh.- to inako a coniplauit l bb.ili uot be in u hurry t<» issue u wanant." ? MR. TIUU'.N IN OOOD HEALIII. |V IrhfHBB yesterday conta.ued tho following puia«r.iph lt ib iinutorloiii fa.t amutig tlie reeldenta of Toakera citv tbat ,.) Oorer.Bamuel -l. Ttldan is a great 8aal poorer m i.ealth tli... bai beeB reportad, aud laome haurd tba atatamaal tiiat he will ucver ag-m icave Orayatoua. A repoiler lasl oveuing druve to Croystone, tho hoiuoof Mr. Iil.len, and leaiM.l that Ibeto was noi tae Miigbtost foondatioa for tba rapori Qoorga VV. Miiith. Mr. illden's pnvate liecretaiy, BBM Mr. Ttlclnn for tlio la.t two .nc.sthH lias cujoyed lieal.h not iiBuaiiv lii-.towcit iu.ui »f ln. ttilva.i.ied ycari Tba f.u.iiiv piiy-i.-iuu baa aot vi»u.<l Qrayatoaa ln two. uiiuiitia aud tho liidlc.a.iuui ur« that liu lervlcos will UOl bc uaededforaomattaw. Mr. TihUaaata Ibraa aearty a day, und ilc.-pa wdl .lur..i(i tlie entiro nigiu. ¦l._i Ua ..un..' l... iuu_ J_iv tlili.'. aa Uu doci -tienever the weatber permiti. He occaslonally takea a noon-day walk atioot the irrouncla aurro.iiiillng hla bome. and is thlnklng of u.aking a trlp lu a few dayi to thli city. DEDICATION OE A BY-AOOGUE. The avuagoguo of the Congregation Bnai Jaabarna. at Madison-avo. and .ISixty-iifth-st, waa dedicated yosteiday. Tho intorior ia decoiatcd with white nnd gold, g.ving it a rich appearanro. 15.isk.-ts of llnwers adorncd tho altar, and tho buildiuff was erowdad with the aaeanbera and of tho eoagragatloa. After the chaatTBg aml reepaaaire eaeraJaaa Ihe Rev. Dr. u. Ootthall deliveiod an oration upu.i tho growth of tbe Jewisli ( bur.-h iu tliis country. The eennOB was delivor.d l»y the Rov. Henrv S. Jacoba, minister nf tbo cou- gregation. Tho Rov. Or. J_ de Boia Meodes oflerod tbo de.licatorv prayer. Tho buil.ling co.nn.i.tee cousisted of tbe followlng meinbors: Newman Cowen, IkM.ja.uiti Russak. L. Haas, Cbar.ea Scbleuinger. Jnsei.h Jacoba. II. B. Herta. A. B. Do Fruco, L. \V. Morris. U. S. Lcvy, Heliui Marka, L. Morrisaud Morita (John. BA UINti IXTKLLUiHSOK. MIWIATUBE AT.afA.WT Sanrt.ea. 5 50, .rt.. B.U Baaa aati. 314_»:>a'« a-i. 1*. 10 iiiui. w*r«R Woolc. BtBOlOor. IMand. 4:22 11*11 Oar«, MI rV-.-Sar,.lyUeok, 4:1^ (i.iv. llUud. 5 1)7 UoO Uate. «&0 F0RE1GX STEABErTdUE AT TIIIS TORL TO.01Y. Vrwl.FrurtL {'"**. Krlu .Tondon..Nitmnal t.itfof Moatreil.I.tvurpool.I"7'*n Btar. of I'euiiiyIvanle..Oi**«ow.;' , 1 Ktaiovia.oiaaa-ow.uiiiV..0! 8<-h»liUtn.Amatirda-,.NethAtner Murlel.Windward Iaianrta.Queoec FltlDAY. MAIUH 27. Klder.BremsnA Siii_a_t>ton N. 0. Llovd M.i,n .Brctnen.N. O. Llord Iiela-eulau.i.Antwirp.BeuStar BATUKDAY. MAIICII 28. nrttaunlc....Llvirooii.Whlfe Htar Egrpt.Uverpool.>.tou_ BBIFFINQ WBWt, PORT Of NKW.YORIC..WKDNKHDAY, MARCH 25. 1885 ARKIVKI'. Nt.a-erF.iiihnla (Br). Itoberti, I.t-erpool Marehll. yU oneonitown 18, with mrtso au,l pwifaireri to VeinonH linwtiace. ArrWed at the Barat 1.15 pm _«__». M.ainsr WTomlng (6ri. Klgby. I.lTe.pool March 14 via yua.ntto.n 18. wlthmdae and paiicngeri to Oulon 4 to. 2BB^68l^Varl!,5_ Jonaeelln. Harre Mircb.4 wltbm.Me and p_*en_er» to Loul* de Boblau. Amvedat 'MMBwilrriinrt, Tarlor. Swanaea Marrh .1 with mdae to Clia* 1. WrUht 6 Oa, AititkI at tne Bar at 18600 m ntl-Birrrri- Aiemndrla. Bemolda. VeraCnu March 18, Tii.p.n i-\ TampteeU_ Pregra^alB aud Harana'il. with m.lar aml paaaeiigern to F Altxanura A Houa Arrlved al thi ""A'm.-rVo'rmri.TiniiBr) Woa. Montoro Biy March VL Btaaa'aBaf 16 I'urt Marta 18, -llh ind»oto(i WeaieliACo ArrtT.-l ut the Barat 4 a ui, «_,_ Htea-er Berra («pan). I.azarraya, Ha~na 8 cUti. with inysr to i>mln*4 wilcbi Tmel to BJt'onii. ArrivcUattbe K" "m'ir'iVlmiite (Br) Frenrh. 81 lago I diy«. with Iron cre loerdiri ti«wI io ueiloni A 'o Bouu.l m I'erta Ainbiiy^ t'tiauier Alamo, llo.itrr. cialTMton March 4, Tla Ber weit, withry.lae.iic 11 Mallory 4 c'o _i_»_.w__« Htfainer B i.railo. Hlax, <i:ilve«tnn March 1<\ Kcy weit BI, with nit'ae and paaseuien to C II Maliorr * OB .oeamcr BB-BBB, PraiBiaB. New.Orleana Man-* 4, vla, wiih iiilf am. pa.«eii|rera H 8 II BaBBBBB. Mfarnur l>.ila1ana. Uatcr. VnwOrlMBi Marc'i 17. Tla Cliirloa.on wltti niiiaa anii pnaamn-ra to M II Heaman Atcam.r rity ot Han AnMmo. Wllder, Fernandlna Mar 14, Bmn.wlik (.a. 80, aud Pert Royal -1. with mdia and paiien- ¦eaS^-SiB^HaaB*. faabaaarBM _*a-| n. >cwi.or» Vewa, with lumbcr tootaer »e»»cl to Warr u Bay ^..amer.'itr "f AQguata. M.-lcri.-n. sav»nnah Jdayi, with niii«t-anl ba.a"inrer».o Mcnry Yim«a, |r. Stcain.r lUtf'iliu.r. DoaiM, Wi:u.iugt.)ii, NC, 3 dayi. with "".Iteamer oayandot'te, K>llr. Rlchmond. nty Polnt and Niirr.ilk with .iiiiBi-au-ip*aieii«e.UiOi.ino-n.nion.Si. n. HteuicrBreaawatcr. Jcnney. l<evsei, Uel. wltn uidia anfl tiaaa.-iiK.ri to to OIC- L)«iulu.on HlCo. Ilark ct'i- Inlliia lO«r». Wlaka Bramcn 38d»r|,wiih Mi,i,tv tiarri-l.toor er: vea«»l to Waf]en. Toel* ro ll.iic ll-iuBah Blancliirrt t-,f W'lnd.aor, Ns,. AUlui. Havre 1 .lara ln tialla't to J K Whlfner * l'o, _ bmi ai."ra! Srtea, BaraaSe 'Jo dayi. with m.Ue M F Oo- B_r_'ArMBliaf St John. NB). nol.crtion. Peniumbaco 33 ilava. with |;i(tar tooru.-r. vra»cl to BcMBBMU Broi. Bn* Nl tt " Ic) Mll cr. Bla tleliti 1; dara. with oocoanuU to Hoa.ll-y .? io vi-iaol to BJ Wcubirg A «'o. Itiii;Hui" .. r.. ior. sn^in 22 dayi. with ingar toJoho trlj ilrifX lr,w.; cieaf.ieros 24 days. with iug»r to nr.lar ..____ tO Hl_lDa''D, !»|'P A O miiAld. A-.uT.I. ol c-lcnfue,oi»U DiilwirB BreUwaur 48darywltb biiWibm ta J 4 6 low. |ir Titavl to J 1 Wbltnrf 4 » ii. ML'Nsii '.vm,.»< *t .<r II w«, Uglit, W; fair. Al City Iiiind, llflit. BW| fa.r BaaarBaaa-11 p m-Barom.w. -10.24: Thermametar. 29; Wlntl. W. S intlea Wealher. elrar. ArriTe.1 Tc»t»rflay- atramcr P.i'ani lOaal, BebBBa, llarnhMrf Maroh 0. with n"*e and paaacngen lo Phc-lpi Bro. 4 Co. Arrived at the llH.*.VaPf"!Noti, CaeMaaaaa llarana 23_dayi. with noaar toor,Ur TB.ael t't-mith A Bo« hara li'.nny o->u < " e. MataaBM 14 diyi, with molaasci ___n> t...^I I., Mlll^r ^ ll'iu -titon. BncCarlb, M',.,nc,.ui'-ry. Tnxillo 20 dayj. with mdie to EBeaVi««ar1*.Br»'. LnaTlew, Lemorara 2." daya. wltlnugar .oonii-r. reeael to uiai^r rLBABBD. Mfcamer State of NeT*aa ,Ur). btcwart. Olaiaiw-Auitln ¦S*,»_Vfnitr'anie 'BD, Krrr r.n'. -s«n.t,-r.oTi A e..o. klani.-i BaM uari.-etot,BaaaBM *i» .wiituauiitou-oei. fl»f'.ia*-(.-r AKfli". P»rry. New^rlcana-J T Van Blekle Stramcr ( :ty oi «.,ii_Dia, WeaaBaB, liatleitou-J H Quin- '*>',' tmmi Van K.rk. Plulnlclphia-Jonn O B«te_oei Fran.onla. i:.-nn..». Pi.rtl.iad-IIoratio Hall. ¦«¦¦_« -aui.ati.u. uaByar. Maw-Maraa-uaa « btetion ',',,'., ¦__¦ . i'.r D aJ,V ^anuniVr-J»s W Flwell * ('o. jufk Mudov.a! Br,. Baawltea, Caraaaa 1 F waitney lia0rk DUa ,-wciH. Krtkami. Bahli-Hcnham ,* Bovcion. Ham iii lan, Romball, rVraamboco-W n CmMman4 rtro lulif Inu \'>r,. I»i-.')-.:, arilu^fna-pain-HiiilthA Boe HruV-n.i. Daai. IlaUB.BaoBM KaacB, Kd/ei6Oo BrSLo-imcetpiS itr. Paraar, yaraiiart.Bi uroweU At V 11| iig nl lii'ii: !.»i.''tt". -oorlieaa, s.ivaiinah-J A Van Iirunt. ¦5AI l.l.l) Kt.amera'lallly. for i.-»irrv>i otranfo itn'l; Normind.e. nivro u.a, m-ii-', MiaaliiBai Calln Algleri Niw-Or- leaii- htvof olomhla, Cbarleatoaj -eueca. .Nowport Newa hark Atltl^. Iing i ,a i.liiia n,r Moii'cv.'lro ^ . .... ..-.., aog lal oi I -iiand-Steatneri Fram'.,n:a. f.,r l-orllau.l; Olaiu u», Baiiaa. Ml-ii'l'i l.\N BOOO. Htfimar lt.n.m Br. WBUBBMb I-l»crpool Irom N>- Yora.atiutk a.l^.k i-utiau^o H-r bom woi* uiucn t,_ui- UWl' 1III. HOVSMBBTB Of BTBA.BB6, |N PORTB, LmarOOU Mir-.'.-Arnv.-.l. tteauitr Monireal tUr', Bon- ehctte from Portlaaa Marcb 13. ... », ,. ,,. -,"i,-r ityol i.i.iiii- ll-". Muii'O. Now York l^BBaai_iTEr"8a Am,-.-'. iteaaer nr-gn. (nn, bTa kbv r.,,11 Maw-Yor8 BarcB s ea her -av to i.ivorpoot (aad preeaeaad), 'li^ie ot pa.aa;e. 8 daya, avbaaraaalSBaala B-M at,-a-ncr( Uy.if. 1, lOBga Br), Watklui, from I.iver- ^Jufaoow Mara .vniTct itaaaiar Btataal induuatBr), '^^''Mar^-Arn-'",":,^ (Bn. NVade. ,v;!^^,^^r^^r*-u^i^,:v/,v.r:,;r;nr). ...c-.. ,T'Z^lTrx-Xr^i\. rnmmrn roiaopoiiun (Bn. La- thll?k ',.'«".:!?%« ¦].!-...',,,.». Penn'.nd (B.lg). u- J.r ir >_ xew-Yerk March 11 on ker *»iy t > antwera iu ,w IIBAt. Mar '.'5-I'aBaP.I. atea iit-r Lake M.uiit ,,,» Br), lackMn noi. Sew-Yerli M ireh aa wrway W l.iv.ryooi iiAMi, ..... M.,r a-aaUad.itlaaiiT OaBert .>.er. Kaala ^aiV^mTeB.eteaaiar Babaarla tocn. Kariowa, from New- Y;iuuM3_lca.'it«amrr fyn.liia BT),-. for New York. Hi.i.AX. Bar8^-*afla8. ittaaiTf Blbarlaa dirMMooro, fivui Ulaagaa" Sawjfarli Ai.ut,uiit'«i' nt -. A Nl U I'UMI'-S I'AIN IlEMOYER. ,-,-,,: U' IS P. I - Pl V-1KK. Daaaal-tnaaaaJ o.. o;iioitiaudt st, .sew^ork. An. "i'i avi ii Oot." "Don't know wbal ail. m,' l.tev an'f cat weH-can-t ¦lanTwelL Cbb'I w.k ine dou't c,.,.y aajrth n a'.'!'. ni'ii realiy a.a'1 weB. baai aii itad n ,Ai ,.-,'.....,, raj i .-."- ii..;" "¦.;n:-4V,"v,,7 ,v ifthrywouWtakeDr i'ic...-'. .rtdaa Mediv-ai uu> ,ii, rv¦- tiicy w.ii.ii - i.n b ivc uo oecaaloa teaar lt ltpurt. aa, ti.e bi J tonia up Ue lyitem aud lo. Uttaa ll agamn .tn- raic' II Ul I BTI lt a,«tl Olli.mi icue-ly a. well. ? Dk. LrOB^B Pi-.itn.. Tooiii PoWDBB. An Uagaal roi -.' uin fcoid evcii wh.;-t. ifteauia a> DlilNK UBDVVWOOD SiiiiND Watf.U. Aik roar druiKlat or ii.K-.r for lt. ibe Beat lu ibe World. . ? Earl <V WUboo'b E. 4 W. bmad <>f Ueai roiiaii au.1 i-uCi, ua Um >»'«.. BaM atarjrwbata, . ? FlKS'ilV A. Dabibml M. n lal t .tiii-l l-.irr., li.-t-T . '! l! I I. Iltl, BM i. auL '¦- S 7. VStaamci ,r tbi Serro n jyUa_ i.t'iiito-iiiuHiyDrgaiii. i-petaaoaaaBaiarBiar. . » Mr s B. GaraoBter,of OraBrfllo, N. Y., had THE PILL0W-1NHALER! ALL-NIGHT INHALATION, CwwCATABBM ,RmiNcinris,Asrii- - v.. || muMrnoM, hy »PP*T_I M,';.. at-J and Caml'B A,i ." <h« mucoui llrlng nf ihe Nme., and l.nnp Ai.l Ku.nT-tifhl houn out .'/tkt rti'/ary/***-.whiM .>r| aW .. UM.I, anJ withou. my iliv. ,.i.l,,ii Pariactly valcanilpleas- ant IJ»etl tli' ^JlllC BB ordinary ..;!,,« N IpM .'. tubea. Con- , . ,-"»«" c-.lf.'.' mWrOllI in th< I'.llow hnM Jag il.c riU. la.B. the Mquld and v.Jalile balma. 1 h«e B H ioata. ih' aaoMcb, no ,:,,,. run. or nwftag, ba ig«_»« .moky lawpwIU tea-. topeaB;»a wBiMaad **».._*. H-u«w ___________________u 1-1,11 «,. MHhthourt»t-tumt __8i a powrful heaHnga-ai W aalvron tlir iiiflamed innercoaimg a/lhtda.Mldato »urface.,Irom.he BBWrih M ihf bottom of the MWB, aml hencf UBa the Uaod. It tt * C(mttitHti»n»l *n4 1**1 cur,at tkt lamt time. any other treatment ever kn.,wn heretofnre, ¦ ¦¦¦¦,- ..i .1. enrea ca»«< api»reiuly beyond irpaleoll. |,r It iM.'.expc.Mve .,,.1 wi.liiu ihe rcch ol every one, bxphtnato'y t'*M*Mtt .ttd Itititnwali HKt/rtt. Addrttt, TUK l'lIXOW-INHAl.F.K CO. 2ft I .i.i Kuiirtpeiitli Htrei«t, New Yorb. MainOfnce-iMoCheitnutStreet Philadelphia, Pa. ,...,. CATARRH. . 6R0NCHITIS. CONSUMPTION. TITE HERZOG Colleclion. IHraara. Bailey, Banlts X Biddlc, ol Philndek plnii. nmioua... (hc exhibitioB aad aale of 0rer '-<»» Painlinga by Ihe emineal Crrnin arint 11. rniitnn Iferzog, roinm. 11.gbjgj Marrh '.Olli, at ibe lto.ii... al ihe Boclety ol ArlUta, l,»ai Cheat-, Pbilaaelphia, lo conliuue fill April 1 _ih. AM OPfOBTtrNITY KELDOM OFPEBKO TO 08. TUN BEPBESENTATIVE WORKs OP A BBOOG. MZKIl MAHTBB. llarTilgWIIIM WILL MAILBO ON APPLICATIOW. THE MERIDEN On n.rouui of retiring from the retail buainr «., WILL SELL AT TIIEIB KTOKE, 30 EAST 14TH ST., THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF SILVER-PLATEDWARE VALUEO $530,600, AT PUBLIC AUCTION rOM.MEXClNU THURSDAY, MARCH 26TH, Al 10:30 a. BB., an.l ro.ilin.iing .lail» uulil Jia. poard of. Solid Silver. "\Vo desiro to onll attention to oitf assortment of small pieces of TABLE SILVER. Our stock contain* at all times full lines of such articles, and iTmch caro If devoted to this brancb of our establislimont. QOBHAM M'FG CO., SlI.VERSMITHS, Ra'oadway aml I9tli-«f. AITKEN, S9N & CO., BROADWAY, GOR. 18TH-ST., I.Yspcctfully announee that thoy will liavo no spt-eial cpening day as lor- nierly, but are now prepared to ex- bibit their SPRINS IMP03TATI0NS Of MILUNERY, RiBBONS, LACESAND DRESS TRIMMIN6S. r WHEAT BAKING POWDER" It contalua no injunoi a Uucra. -W-_i -u_i-_4mth.-^i^i23 ~v ¦ it rea U> U.e r,onr tne ul__l) .....tiruut unutilu^ iu Ui- brai. ut U* |'",',:.!, oa. better »B.I B*f» l,:.,uii tli-u any aaoi _-»"- fa__BB niltin KALII-LKISCI-'S SON*, EaUbha-etl 1ES. NEW VOKH. SMALL OFFICES TO LET TRIBUN E BU I L DIN C. Huildtug ubaolulcty «¦-«. proof. 4»p<iiitll rV-gMb UllBlgr uutll «0 P Baj TheTribuae BaiM-ag haaftkf aaea etBgel for bm«a tj t.r.;;«,aUt_.,, ha. ^^psrrrt^ coiive. UU iwom-ra aterlea **mmJg2£ml . ,,00 B4. .lg,.to U.o a-ual. otllc... IJBBM NTjaajB P aga. -c.r.forwhUt, In ttoaOjO¦.* , Uy Uv ,. _, SSf norr;:r- kk __« - _____* -__ Ts.'o^:VtraUc'-.--t: * Oar, ou ^_nk ,t. aa* a v.-rr" w 8BBH8 oa Ua le war tloor.. alae to reat; BBaaaieBO g)Tea tlie lat of May. 4_.OOI> I.I4-1IT. «-ooi> Ain. Riions X i M*ini.i- Apply for temia an.t i-lana of the bull.tlua l-i hLnHY UALI-. lu THIBUNE COUBTIBO nOOM. flOW READV. INDEX to TUE DAILY TRIBliNE,W FBll'B _4» CBBia,

Transcript of CONDITION THE STREETS. HERZOG Colleclion. · 2017. 12. 20. · liuii'ortbaaoo tl.-.t lli-ameoed...



    NELT.TIIE WORK IN BBOOKLYS.A man WBO had bren caught in a whirl oMootiBWot"st. catored the Han.tary Bureau >^rd»>

    Md rt-bbed bis ayee t« get a clear new of aooi

    ficial who remarked that it wa* a flne day. .," Yrs. oalv a little tue dusty," Le responded.

    but Ihal tan't tho fault of the weather-B.u.iary Superintei.dei.tDay,ff^nv Jom.nlutBlr-ctK ware dirty euough to cau 101 u»>

    Xtlorat- Morrieeai.: "!**. notij*- theBtrtwtH in a w..r*>condittn.i siuce Mr. !«">*n. u"de?t«_k"iha work .'«^"in^fdn-J'{rawVpti -a*..., whv Ihe pavenientfl Hhould BOI «>" ,, .';_mT.".Uly in cohl weatber. aven if >c« does CO lerinaome pleoaa. Cl.nda of diiat. B»ade uprt efl>from peartlelee of auunal loattor, ^j^X,; Asclnal tabee and canae aiekiieaa in cold weather. aa waria weather co.nes the the streets will to oAaatatTO ogwra.

    Man h ea eo-oaol of ihe hifh w'nd,s;. iVho 1 « «lutidune rery wel', I thiak. in cleaning theBtroer,I.ut 1 bare ltad oeeaetoa te nnd fauit B-ltU ua

    |.-.. -everal tiinee. The carts do not get.r-u_d UM' tl«.Mr*ct BwwpingBBOon cnonghtifter the sweepers lioish their work. lleaps oi.Zmun are -cettered all over the streets m ptaorolacea bt-fore tbe carts make their 0008800800. I1'iave seeu carta reuioving aahea and £"*J"fj_!from Broadway as late as eloven oelock ini tbaforenooa. lt would bo better, I think, to ha\e allthe work of strcct cleamng done at ntg it. tnerjaremeata of uianv atieeta are ao niuch out orepalf that the work of cleani.ig theart. ta gOieMedareatly. At the laat ineeting of tbe Board ofJtoalt i wa made a forraal rrqnest tbat wCOBJ.niiwiionerof PuMic Work- should -c-pave the fot-I,nvi,'V Btra-ta ia tho order named ae eoon aapoaaible : Mott, thiotighout its entlre length ; Mul-ntrrv. h-tweeo Park and Canal; Baater, batweaa3.e,,iard and Canal: Albany and Carliaio.fromOreenwichtoWeet: Easex aud Moiiro- eatm y,Fortieth aad Forty-ttTBt, b-tween Tentk aiulTwelfth BY-a., nnd Tim tv-oighth, west of Kl^v-enth-ave. Thoee Btraete, City ITall -Mtaai-, U

    Brooklyn, al»out 9 p.m. Tuawlay aud atoeaad .idowu Fiil;on-st. They were armed Witb liroomeand ho-*, and wlieu theyreached tho forry they bo-

    fan dicKing and srrapiugin theatreets and gntters.loiae,a aod tartaeoon arrived to cirry '.tt tbe .lu*tlieans which the mon rapidly piled up. Aii laboredfaithfully all n'ght, and in the morniiig Kultou-sf.wne fairly eleaa Thongh BOfee in appearanee, theBweopers were not neariy as litrce as thev KWBed,Tbeyhandled theirhoe,a t4»nderly when tbey strucka decp vein of mud iu the gutters, aod wbea a Balof unmoltexl ico was reached, they would sweepover it so carcfully that not a paiticlebosides the lo.-se du»t wns disturbed.Tho streets were tbrooged with ladies aboppiog lathe a-ternoon, and they cotil-.l draw a loug breathwith'.nt liibalingquautitiesof street dul.

    " \Ye have litul m-vi rnl gangaof men wotkutg allday,' aaiu one of Ihe mon in charze of a gang.

    " buttbere'a aomnehdirt to take away tbaOitteelowWOyfc. Well have more men at work to-night andwe'll gctup most of Ihe dirt iu about ten daya.Aftcr tbe weatber gets settl.d, Fuitou-st. and tbeBTeomee will becleaued erory two daya. liienthe pavoinems will look aa if they had beeuBtjahhed '




    "CHi-k! CUek! -bual Baaa!" went the bastni-B_e_rteonth- baaMatTe-ear attaebed to the 3:53j>. in. train out ol' llarleui, on tha New-Torfc andpaw-HaTaa Itoad, reetorday. The new _ia_hod 1teloaraphiogt- nnd lt «0 moving traius waa beingt-vliilnt.-.1 tor the i-ili'icatioi) of tlie DMabera of theMaw-York Eleettical 8ooiety,wbo erowded mto the881 a. d aaifed book und fertb as tho train srartcd.atopped anaeloweO ti|> in auddeu and unexpooteawaye, 88 tf tlie engineer bad deetgBa .>n tbe oooi-etya OOroi aod wanted thini to be Well trodd'-n on.As tho train pasai'.l tbe termiaalatat-oaProaideotV;'iu der Wevde thrcw otl a leated dispateh which

    tii« opeiator working there piokod up aad tele-giaplied tln::i on Iho tr.iiti. Mauv mesaaces werebt-nt and renivcil, At -.:11 tho folii.witig di*patcbwas rcceivcd:

    " No. 13 Park I'ow, New-York."'Tbis leavta ua at :i:4(). Futogi Bph what time it

    faechra yoo. i beerer, i'res.''J. W. llngli^li, an operatof fron rlio Westoru

    Uoion offlce, wbo badbotoi Beea the n.-trumeiitsbeiore, aent andretletred aeyeral tueaa igea. " 1 Celt

    iia tonehal bonaeaalf I waa aaiag my aaraey and aoandaf in tlie ollicc " Haid lie. as ht smiltdwitii Batiefaetiea at tbe r.-suit of his trial.There were two eoaiplete w>ts of apparatna in the

    citr, one working an ordmary aoonder, aud tneother8telepbone in wbtch the Mur~c chaiaiieiaeould be dlatinetly beaid as they arere tieked ofl bvt oaaratoi at th'; t-B-iiaal sianon. IX AI.«i_lae, apeeial ageal al the lletrepolitaa Telophonet ouiptii.y, pot tBO MsTUii'-nt to his ear and ttat-eaa-d so tue famibai wba_a bass" which is il .. teJepbOlM man s life, '. Well!" said he.," I'vc be. ti finlit:i!g this thing [lsdaetMO] aii mvlife, trying ta annihllate it, but 1 neverexiiectedto gee it i.arnr Ktd down aud made usoful."As a tr-nt of what could be done, on tlie return

    tnptioiii Hew-ltoobelle to tbe city. waile the trainv-a* riini.ingoii the othei iiack at a dJstaaee ofabrrea loel fn»m the __Bia Itneof wtre, whieh raaaaiong tbe up tra< k, tbe lnstriiuu'iiiH were work^dand D-eeaaaae sent Bying aoroaa bal ebaaaa witb asniuch 8884 aetf U were uu onlinary matalliccir.uit. Tbeexpeditiou waaa siicci-s.*, and tbe in-Teator, Loaioa J. Plmlpe, waa iti luucii liett«rliuii'ortbaaoo tl.-.t lli-ameoed Priday, l-.-i.rtimyi:i. wbea tbe lareatiee falled di-tnali.v bt tbapre-ciic." of a buudred people who went out to seelt. lliai WBB tlie onlv failure m tlirce montlia'jiracti. c. howerer. _toetdee tbe. twemy-five uiem-_B_raoftbe 1. t Uno-hiindio.l-and-Mxteonth-at., was a yictitn. .Mrs.Annie M. Myers, of No. IO'.i Kaat Nineteeiith-st..was aaother. , __Yesterdav a TaiBOBB rop .rler fotind a prenossca-

    sing roana woman in u navy hltic dress writingcirc-larain the outer oflice at Na. 10^ Chamb.-.a-st. Iu tho iuner oftirr ho m.-t Mr."I oarao," said the roporter, " tosee what BMarlty

    ¦OB havo t'' olbr t'i Miaa-ghoiild aho ilra...-,it¦200 tor t ba 111' a woek plaoo t"Mr AtLins looked at tho visitor aiisplnnnalTyand

    replied: " Well, ah-tho poattion hnH baaa BlledB" U> havo Th' ( ha-itbrr of Commine Jonrnal and

    Eihihition IUi-orter o\\ our booka," 8616 an rmployonf a weii-kiiown B-aapapar af-aey yesterdav. ltUasrocntlv nioved h.-ro from St. Louia. Wo haveit markod" X, which ineana tha. tbe nrcala-tion is gratuitous, er that raporta BI6 b«icouflioliug that wct can Mnn no opiti.on ol it.'

    " W* nevor o.dorod nor hav.- WM over paulfor the ailv.-rti-oinetit of tlio L'nitod Statci LifoInsuratiio Company lo that lhaet, B6M Mr. Bioa-nan, the nrosidont »f the company." That niaikod noCce of our baateaaa I know

    Dntbine about," aald Austia Corbin, when sIio.mi aOOpf of Tht Chambcr of Commtrc, Joumal.

    " 1 knowthis maii Ciarko. Habotharad BMattha Baaah ayear or ao ago to ftltow him tli- BaaafBaj ii.h...'.an d I tol.l hlin I woiU.l proaecute him il ho u-k-dtny uame."

    KKAL ESTATE DVOKR THE HAMMKR.Uichard V. H6fB6t4 B6M vosterday at tha Koal

    I'ntnto xchange,Na ni Broadway, Blna raoanllota ln Sf-vciit -av. tu-ar;i(lr.-t|-a-nl-ti.irt.v-fifth--t.; Foartb-ara, mar (Jaa.hBodrad-aDd-alaa>taenth-st, an.l in Plaaaaat-aTa t.oar Ona>handrad-and-tl-rteanth-at., by cr.l.-r of WTIIiain Bnd,cxocut-i'rof tlie eitato of Wllliaoa lt.-i.l. lw>lots _-"» by 100 looi in Mv.-iitii-HM'. between v*e-hundn-d-aiicl-tlurtt-ioiinh a"d,'I-and-thirty-fiftb ata.. wareaold to W. c. Le-ter loiB4.450eaob. Oaa lol m ^cv.iith-av.-. b. waea(iBr-Jiunili-ed-and-thirty-t'.fth and Uaa-haodred-aiid-thirtv-sixthats., was bonght by W. rernaebild for 94.400. whe alao pald fS.200 for u 1". uFoorth-are. .x-ar'l-. i^iiic.'tith-t.Charlea Brantpaid the aame arooaal for tln- ad*ioiiing lot A lot 'J". bv 101 fe«t ln Ona-haadrad-:in('l-.-igliti>»:it!i-'t. nearS.-i.d-avi-., BoM toThtymaaMacKellor for $4,000, Twe lota ... Plaawant-avc. mar Uiie-humli.'d-.iiid-.liii tccnth st . werabout'lit by II. Andries for #1. 7-r>0 e;.cb. and tM loton tho corthwpst cornc-r of l'lcaHarit-ave.. waa aold to B, U. Ballfor IB.100. Mr. Hainott alao aold thathrea-atory, brownatOTO dwalliag; K6, 210I'ast 1 or?v-oi-lit!i-i'. to (J. W. C.n-rington forfO.000. Mr. Bronsky bonght thetbrae.atoty blgb atoop t.rick clw«-iiing, wi'h ,i ebapel har-Ins a aeatlna eapaeltv of 400 iu Na 56Monroe-at for 914,400. Tba Q-e-atory apdcellardonbla brick taBaroeat-hoaae Nn. 848 Madiaoa-at.,wiw bougiit bv M. LnbaUhy for 114,400, 11. (..W'cbb l.ou.h' 111" bruk lioii.s.' No. 2'Ifi Waal MI-torntli-st. for .-?.r),.*.0O. Tho sn-.* al No. _).!? \\ au r-atTwaaaold loT Nlebola fbrB4.700. Mo. 301 W'at.-r-at waat to tha aaaaa ptrrehaaer fbi 94,750 and No803 Water-at. for8M.6O0. 8, 1. Majrar boaghl Na:to;> Water-at for 98.650,John. F. B Banyth aold tlio two fi.tir--.tory bnrk

    tenament-hoaaea al Noa. 544 aad 540_W«yl Fifty-louith-i... near Tenth-avc, to B. 1'. liay for911,000 aaeh.

    _ _

    OAMi: AT BLOOMING OBOVE PABK,A l.uaiiici-1 ,-uul Miiiiil iin-.-ting nl tbo atockli'il.lcrs

    of thaBlooBiing Grore Fark Aaaoeiation waa b.-i.iat tba lloftmau lioaae laal erenlng, Keporta weraii'.rivcl frnm tba rariona offloara ,>i tbe aaaoeiationand from tho Kish and Uataa Committae. rbarapon from tha aoaiaiittaa abowod tbal naeh ajoodwork h.i'i haaa acoonipllabed lo tba eoarac oi thayear in protootlng tlio iranio on Ibo exteoalrapraaarraa of tba aaaoeiatiun In PepnaylTaala,among thoaa preaent wera Dr. Edward Bradler, T.w. B. iaOgbaa, ll W. Naaon. Caaaltu 11. Head.Bimon Bterne. T. E. II. Cnrtla, Charlea A. Mti.ia, Dr,Rpencer M, Naab, Nathaaial 8. Bmith, A. J. l'ost and\V. T. Bollaa.At tho last :nofi(:ni{ tho r Lsfa and Qaata Coiniuilt.'

    warc aathorieed to imy land oentaining tr',ut-tii'.nn-i, aad to atoak tba atraaroa. For that trar-poaa boada wara to lia laanod Tberapartof thacotnmttti'o ahowed tbat aboal 1.700 aeraa haa baenpiiicliiih,-il adjolnlng tha oraa. rrea of tbe aaaoeiationin Pika County, I'liiu. Tbla land eoataiaa ton niilaaofatroaaa. A fliah hatabary baa baaa araatad ln thepaul raar. Faartaea dair bare b.-cn porebaeed.Tbe braadiag park aoataina 700 aerea, aad i« w.-ilatockad with daar, Bararal baadrad blaek baaabai.- baan pal la tbe lake ln front of the olab baaaa,an I dttri.ig the pa--t yoar tln- tn, iiiIkti 'uivi- had :,"difllcultv in gctting" twelre baaaa dajroatoftbel.iko. Tbe grouao an.l woo.lcock shoi.tiu^ haa baanexoellent.

    'J'wentv tboaaaad trout lry will be pnt in tbeHtp-ams in-\t Donth. Bixteen aharea In tba aaaoei¬ation are to ba aold at 9100 aaeh. Aftar tbeaa aresold the pnee for a sliaro wBI tus 9450 «par valtiej.

    HQUEL OF AN IKlsii BLOPEMBKT.The Bcv. I'athcr Kiordan, at ( aslb-Canlcti, hiis

    alottt-riiom Ohieago ragardiog tbereaall of anc- (inciii.-iit ,.f a roana lrndi eoaala, haaring tbe n-lar i"i:-!np of h'-end ousiiih wh.-n th.-v Ieft tli.-irhoiiH-H iu Tipporary. Mary Comans was a protty,youug gt.i, with au airof refinement, and aBoaa aaatralght hh st. Ceeilia'a Her taUwr waa aweli-to-do inanufaotiirer, but nstiin, nvorbi-a. ingniiirl, in ko far a« hor i.cing wooc-d by h«-r eoaaia,Cornalina Cotaaaa was ooaoaraad, Bar naother xva«Dotoapoaed to tbaaoartahlp, but tbongfat tha,Mary's dutv was lirst lo eoaalder th.< fa'her'swishoK. Cornolius was dct< nn.iKil and Aluy wasfaitlil'ul./.o kiin. Tlio fathor divinod a plao lo-ip-arate thant, bat the plan prored ub rf.vo.He aBfClhaafd a tioket for Mary nnd H.-nther to visil ber Aunt Kosauna in thin ity, and KBT8ber .3 foi aaelcal aaoaMy. Mary ezpreaa. ,1 b.-r wii-Imgaaaa toooaaa, nnd .stm eoanaaaieatad tbe fa. tsto C'.melius, whu tuok jiasaago iu tbe BBBMhtoa.uer.Thi tinelly IimiI ¦ohaaaneBtty afJerad to make It food,but Mr. Kolly bad roiuaod to accout the mouoy..*>'. Donnelly wiu iha.diaritad.


    deBtrare. rtaaataa Blalater .-. Waabbwg ...£«J*.J/B4N_w^udg«ABtaaa J. tttrter. ol ABaj^.eaa ».xWalten. -f llalUmore .....raBarfci BM*-i^ljl(.".I.eorg. Iloauuioi.t. of Kiutlaii.I......¦ «««-' ,v,'wfr < K. T. VeeiwM-,,& *-.&2^t"lES£»W.f.>i Batof-El Aaa.i., Tb".'». \- . _!«",. g-thHtara Falla.Birrrwa. JHfl B_4at-1 "if*,;;"^ ¦*_£llotl i:x-r..l.«rC.s.*ll.tlU IaiWlall. of OUlo.

    WHAT IS 001NG ON TO-DAY.v .le A1.......1 aaaaaj toayr, DllajiaWe^TaalaB.Trial of Jsmea D. Flab befara JadgeiBeM-tet,Ilainnieraly will ea*c, Siirio-ute a tuurt.Dr. Itnll Itinacy caac, nupn-niri o.irt.laeeM Biar-er eeae hKjaeat, P?»^ri#S-%1-atii.k Ki.i.i llbal sii t bef-reJadaaBilareta.C'oruell Ui.irer.lty Aaaoclatlu... I'bIob Hqtiaru flotel. 8

    NrtBBBry TeaclK.V It.Stltutc, Fuurth Avenue Preal.ytenan niureh. 0:00 p.88.Bew-Yeri Yaehl finb meetinr. Sp. ¦.ProttMBor F.ak.-'a C'liickeiiii- Hiill. 11*,8-Brooklvn library __-KH»latloa aaaual me.-tuig 8 p. m.Oao-Mil talaraeaa before IbBwae Ifaaaar.

    NEW-YORK CITY.The members of theCotton Kxrhange yestfrdayvotodtoThsenc Good F.iday and the followmg

    day as holidays.Colot.el Caldicott and Adam Forenanuh were

    among the |BB1BBB-C. 88 188 Hotbina which arnvedysatantay, . _ .The JBO-bBB at tho Courtnf BoOOial Pessmns ves-

    trnlay iiul-d Adam BlOWafJlOO for selling lotterytickets recentlr on tbe sidewalk BB Ncw-st,Cbildren on roller skates Hwarm into City Hall

    Park overv afteruoon ln auch uumbors that Peaeageaiong the aeoball wallni fot ordtaaxy pidiatrlaei isgettiug dailv uiorc dillicnlt.One of the bo.ea for the entortalanBwiUo,be

    giv.-n at the Casim- la aid of tne Baxtholdi I edee-tiil Fuud on April 7 haa ahcady 0008 sotd for$i(io.The Statcn Mand ferrvboat Nr.rthfie.ld inet Wltb

    _- aceideat to her macbinery on the;«M"I» >.''*»'.r'day motning, and dnftd nearly to Kcd Hooi. Ihepaaseugem wero .ransferrod to anotber ooui.

    ALMosr a UBBIUB. i.d.Mwa-tKeraa, ng.- BiBOty^aiaa. an ntaate of

    tbe .-« Inrs" Siiug Harbor, died suddeti.y on l uea-darerenlBgatNo.74 Cbarltott-ot., where be wasriattini hladaagbter. who is .ifVj___?_/*_i_. ___!He waiaguutioi, aud strved all ihiotigh tLe Ke-hellioti.

    r.XI'I.oeiON OV A OAS-MKTEfl.A servant in Ml-. Baaaa P. Knimy's bouae, No,

    81 Wcst Thirtv-scvciitli-at., weat to .Mmiae tbegas-im-iiT iu tlie basemcit with a lighted caiidleyaeterday, wbea the Baetoi npUttod. ItbaBbeeale.iking lor siiiiib time. ihe explosiou caus-'d onlya damagu.

    TOO AN_I'.1S TO nAVK A FRKK Bt-M.Fehx waa ti orisoner in the \,.rkville

    Coortyeaterday. Hehad palled mi C-tanaoeyM,H«pewSa..tlire in the (iratid Ceatral Depol and ¦ paeetoAlbaay. iBatka Manay iagiioitu d-eobarge btm

    CBABOB8 4B4tB8T A f-KHVANT.Mrs. Cathenn." Barlow, wboee liu*:.a-il is Ib the

    (Tnited Btatea Anoy, lo atootana, an-l whaieefatl.or in-iaw was :. gwaaral, l"st property worta*ilm l.v a diahoaeet ioa-eette laal Jaaaary. taeaadrl W88 lield for trial ye.-terday in the torkvilleCourt.

    gWtBDLTB BT a rosriorNri'. man.Wlllian Gebbardt, b Gknoxaa. h.s beea n tbla

    eonntryeinee bb! May, H« arnved at Ui" *. . --r.-i( antral l»ep..t Crooj F-faaa Falla, Mlaa., ..n Iwee-d v ».. I w.-.s approai hi>d bv a a'raneer WbO teoBiimi ta ao exebaoge ofllee in Cplaiuantaayatbal bewaeaaeaalted bytbemati "ftha brut witb a eap taa bai and uelaying-pin, aadthat bis riha were broken aad otber Injunea it.-lliifd. He ia conflned to tha Uanna Hoapltal nM-ilen Ialalid. lii 1 roiui.I illit a..ii'i t tlie OBptainia tnat lie -lid in.t Inlerfera tn prerent tbe rtowai 8.1 be captitin gare liail 111 B300,

    -a> -

    BBjOOBXYB.The Bottee .rreeted anie aiea wbe mn- playtaa

    piiiny at No. 14 Preeidaat-et. y-aterda] aiteraooaAn abaolu'e divone i\as giantcd yc*t. r.lay to

    Joba Murray li'.in Ellea Mnnay.A "I 'ara for tlie Brooklyn

    Railroad bbtb bot n delivetad Bad an Mt.u.-.i bbobtbe tra.k*.

    J're*i. t'l.l.i', "Thia ia not the i.i-t time that, hoti_n,bif,l to L ii! aw_ Two vttarjt liau in a >u -t

    JaalBBBJ ho attomptod lo kill rac witlianaxe aud hewaa to piison for eightcen niouths.

    BETTER WA0JE8 rOB 8ILK WORKERS.Th.-.H iu. boen n aBMaaafBl mon-niont for Mfhar

    waaaaaaaonglhehaid silk wiud.-.s and doulil- min tho Ihiowingdeparttneutsof tho silk mills mPatereoe, N. J. It begaa with tha alrike ... LoumI'laiik.'smill, tho tonniuatiou of Wblf?wasr.cor.lod it. Tu.-dav's Tmnt nk. \eatertU.vthe hamls cmploy.d iu these* in severai oitho largost mills in tho eity Btala a dcinand ior unnteraaaa, rangn.g from 50 lo 75 cetits 6W66IL amlin no .a>e wuk tbe demand refnsed. Most. ot tunmaaafaetarera promptly granted tbe lnoroase. af.-w aaked for tnae tn considor, am! ptomisod to aowhatevcr tbe in general dnl. Ihe hnnds Mflprovlotisly boen roeeiving from M 50J6jp6781ueok. Tba* 616 inainly young girls. low of tneciarativ.-, Ieft thefi fr.imes, und there was uo soin-iil'tn, ¦¦ of ilisturbuuce.


    JERSEY CITY.Tho Carpontors'ITnion hascallod a meeting for

    Mon.lav night to lake moasnros to enfereo the dc-nii.tid «f carponteri for wages at tho rato ol not lessthun $'J aday.At tho nioeling of tlio Board of Ed.tcatlon on

    Tuesdavnicht I'restdent Latrd eharged that thebilis for priuting were eseeeaire, aml arged taatacommitiei) nf mvestigatioii bo aupointod. I hoBoard rofusod to BPpoiat a eomuiiUee, aud orderedall the bills paid.

    NEWARK.Mr«. Adelaulc Powo, who was convioted of pro-

    ennng un abortmn, was sentencel by tho Courtyeiterday to one yoarin tho State Prison. _p6laiii.od iu hor husband's arms when ahe heard thosentetico.A Jury of twontv-fnur men was empannellcd yos-

    tordav to paaeapoa thaaaalty of Major Heary o.Halatoil. who servod on Oeneral Kearneys stntteurlv in tbo war. aml has for voars been an Inmatonftfie lun.ti,' iisvliitn. Balawd was adindged alunatio. an.l an applieatlae will be mado to tbeChanccllor for a guardian to look altor his prop¬erty.

    m:\v-jkrsey.A rnal famine is iniminent al tho lino towaa of

    tho Cetttral Ratlroad of New-.Iorsoy. Tlio Wilkes-birruand l^hitrh Coal aml Navigation Companieshave b'en woikiag on thr.o-tjuarter time. and, astbe fnr has b"on largely coiisnmodOWiag to prolongod oold woathor, tide-water or-dcrs only aio boing lllad at iirosont.El.lZAnr'UI..Scbool Cnm-nissioner Josoph J.

    .'g'b-n, wbo b.i-. boen mis.sing since March 5, hasrwaraad b8BB6, No cxplauation is g.vcu of hisabseuce.

    LOVa ISLANT).B_TTflTn>WB.*-*Tba Repubheans yosterdnvnnmi-

    nnfoil tbo followioi tiofce.: l'or tjuporvisor. Mos'-sK. Smlth; Towb Clerk. A. M. Darln.g; Justiteoftho l'o.iic, (icorgo B. Kaiisom.Hl MKir.n..Joha ilavnor, In tha employ of T.

    N. i*"«-rrv-. .aa aerloaaly bittea by a doga few davssinre. Daynor waa eaparattag ooaae dege tbal worotigh'ing in tbo keonela when a lerge nastifj sorangn;.,ii him aml k-iockod Inm down biting Inm in thoariii, wriit aml log.Tha BepabUeaaeyeetorday¦MI tln- folluwing noininatlons for town nlliecrsMiporvisnr. liartrn V. Wooi ; lawa elerk, ThoiaaaV. Mnitb; justiea of th" pea.o. B. VaientinoClow.-s; raealrer of taxe*. Tuadwoll Abraius ;town ttcasui, i, Koawall Eldr.dgo.


    STATE\ ISLANT).Ct if mv. A \n .it.-t tank bur.t in t'io hoise of tho

    R,v I)r. Ki lisioti. floodlaghia l.brary aud ciosinga loss oi about 94.000,

    WK8T1'HESTER COUHTT.Btwo Bnro,.-Tbaaaaaaattoared na tho loeoaBO*

    tive oftha 5:30 p..... Peekakill specal Halahrakawben the ir.iti was half a t.nlr aoeth f Baar*boroua'i ws: nhv aml burst a h do in th"'rwhlehlettba »toaui all out. Tbe aaglnaer wm*rnaedad tn applyiag tba alr brakaa Nn oue waa mJ.tted.DoBBI PalBBT. -.laiepb PatermaTi. the kiopcrof

    a hi.iei mar th.-di'ieai dte,i aaddeoly laal night.Coraoat Mitchc :l will bold an laqB68t to-day.

    ¦OCKLAND coiNTY.Th* Now.irk Metbodial EpleeopalCoafaroaoa will

    r.;>cii ita hi-..'cn iti St. Banla Chur. b r»-.l.iy, Bislmpj. M.Walden preaidaBc, Thaeaaaof tbo Rcv. Mr.Briator will probably bor^vived. I.ast nmbt tbaRev. 1. II. Laudc-n pr< a.-aei of ihe pedestai will bo a bronseCQiieatnaaBgnre, ii.e siibj.-i is bcing Oea>craiN Waabington, Jai i.tou_BBIFFINQ WBWt,


    Nt.a-erF.iiihnla (Br). Itoberti, I.t-erpool Marehll. yUoneonitown 18, with mrtso au,l pwifaireri to VeinonHlinwtiace. ArrWed at the Barat 1.15 pm _«__».M.ainsr WTomlng (6ri. Klgby. I.lTe.pool March 14 via

    yua.ntto.n 18. wlthmdae and paiicngeri to Oulon 4 to.2BB^68l^Varl!,5_ Jonaeelln. Harre Mircb.4wltbm.Me and p_*en_er» to Loul* de Boblau. Amvedat

    'MMBwilrriinrt, Tarlor. Swanaea Marrh .1 with mdaeto Clia* 1. WrUht 6 Oa, AititkI at tne Bar at 18600 mntl-Birrrri- Aiemndrla. Bemolda. VeraCnu March 18,

    Tii.p.n i-\ TampteeU_ Pregra^alB aud Harana'il. withm.lar aml paaaeiigern to F Altxanura A Houa Arrlved al thi

    ""A'm.-rVo'rmri.TiniiBr) Woa. Montoro Biy March VLBtaaa'aBaf 16 I'urt Marta 18, -llh ind»oto(i WeaieliACoArrtT.-l ut the Barat 4 a ui, «_,_Htea-er Berra («pan). I.azarraya, Ha~na 8 cUti. with inysr

    to i>mln*4 wilcbi Tmel to BJt'onii. ArrivcUattbeK" "m'ir'iVlmiite (Br) Frenrh. 81 lago I diy«. with Iron creloerdiri ti«wI io ueiloni A 'o Bouu.l m I'erta Ainbiiy^t'tiauier Alamo, llo.itrr. cialTMton March 4, Tla Ber weit,withry.lae.iic 11 Mallory 4 c'o _i_»_.w__«Htfainer B i.railo. Hlax, cwi.or» Vewa, with lumbcr tootaer »e»»cl to Warr u Bay^..amer.'itr "f AQguata. M.-lcri.-n. sav»nnah Jdayi, with

    niii«t-anl ba.a"inrer».o Mcnry Yim«a, |r.Stcain.r lUtf'iliu.r. DoaiM, Wi:u.iugt.)ii, NC, 3 dayi. with

    "".Iteamer oayandot'te, K>llr. Rlchmond. nty Polnt andNiirr.ilk with .iiiiBi-au-ip*aieii«e.UiOi.ino-n.nion.Si. n.HteuicrBreaawatcr. Jcnney. l',' tmmi Van K.rk. Plulnlclphia-Jonn OB«te_oei Fran.onla. i:.-nn..». Pi.rtl.iad-IIoratio Hall.¦«¦¦_« -aui.ati.u. uaByar. Maw-Maraa-uaa « btetion

    ',',,'., ¦__¦ . i'.r D aJ,V ^anuniVr-J»s W Flwell * ('o.jufk Mudov.a! Br,. Baawltea, Caraaaa 1 F waitneylia0rk DUa ,-wciH. Krtkami. Bahli-Hcnham ,* Bovcion.Ham iii lan, Romball, rVraamboco-W n CmMman4 rtrolulif Inu \'>r,. I»i-.')-.:, arilu^fna-pain-HiiilthA BoeHruV-n.i. Daai. IlaUB.BaoBM KaacB, Kd/ei6OoBrSLo-imcetpiS itr. Paraar, yaraiiart.Bi uroweU

    At V 11| iig nllii'ii: .er. Kaala

    ^aiV^mTeB.eteaaiar Babaarla tocn. Kariowa, from New-Y;iuuM3_lca.'it«amrr fyn.liia BT),-. for New York.Hi.i.AX. Bar8^-*afla8. ittaaiTf Blbarlaa dirMMooro,

    fivui Ulaagaa" .» SawjfarliAi.ut,uiit'«i' nt -.

    A Nl U I'UMI'-S I'AIN IlEMOYER.,-,-,,: U' IS P. I - Pl V-1KK.

    Daaaal-tnaaaaJ o.. o;iioitiaudt st, .sew^ork.

    An. "i'i avi ii Oot.""Don't know wbal ail. m,' l.tev an'f cat weH-can-t¦lanTwelL Cbb'I w.k ine dou't c,.,.y aajrth na'.'!'. ni'ii realiy a.a'1 weB. baai aii itad n,Ai ,.-,'.....,, raj i .-."- ii..;" "¦.;n:-4V,"v,,7,v ifthrywouWtakeDr i'ic...-'. .rtdaa Mediv-ai uu>,ii, rv¦- tiicy w.ii.ii - i.n b ivc uo oecaaloa teaar lt ltpurt.aa, ti.e bi J tonia up Ue lyitem aud lo. Uttaa ll agamn .tn-raic' II Ul I BTI lt a,«tl Olli.mi icue-ly a. well.


    Dk. LrOB^B Pi-.itn.. Tooiii PoWDBB.An Uagaal roi -.' uinfcoid evcii wh.;-t. ifteauia


    DlilNK UBDVVWOOD SiiiiND Watf.U.Aik roar druiKlat or ii.K-.r for lt.

    ibe Beat lu ibe World.. ?
