Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05
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Transcript of Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

Page 1: Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

Concurrent Training&

PeriodizationDr. MoranEXS 558Wednesday 11/2/05

Page 2: Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

Online Resource

Coaching Science Abstracts

Page 3: Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

Lecture Outline

I. Concurrent Training (Chapter 10)I. Strength Training for the Endurance Athlete

II. Endurance Training for the Strength Athlete

III. Sequencing of TrainingI. Effect on Endurance Training

II. Effect on Strength Training

IV. Effect of Muscle Growth & Muscle Fiber Characteristics

Page 4: Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

Lecture Outline (con’t)

I. PeriodizationI. General Adaptation SyndromeII. EfficacyIII. Models

I. LinearII. Nonlinear

IV. ExamplesI. Power Athlete in Team SportII. Power Athlete preparing for specific eventIII. Endurance Athlete

Page 5: Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

Review Question #1

What needs to be established before any training program can be developed and later evaluated? GOALS: these goals short be both short and long

term and should factor in the training age of the athlete and reasonable expectations for that particular training program. These goals should include specific physiological events that can be quantitatively measured (i.e. strength gain).

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Review Question #2

Although many studies have investigated the physiological adaptations as a result of different types of sport training, why should a coach keep a daily log of training events? This may seem like a no-brainer but many coaches

DO NOT keep a log of daily training event. Every athlete is different and will respond differently to training stimulus. It is important to keep this log to analyze after a training block whether successful or not (efficacy).

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Review Question #3

What are the 5 principles of training? Specificity Principle Overload Principle Individuality Principle Principle of Diminishing Returns Principle of Reversibility

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Review Question #4

Explain 4 acute program variables as they relate to a resistance training program.

Choice of exercise Number of Repetitions Order of Exercise Intensity of Exercise Training Frequency Rest Interval

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Review Question #5

Explain the General Adaptation Syndrome as described as Dr. Seyle.

His adaptation model consists of three phases: alarm reaction, adaptation, and exhaustion. During the alarm reaction this is an initial response with both shock and soreness followed by the period of adaptation and improvement of performance.

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Review Question #6

The individuality principle states that the same training stimulus may invoke a set of different physiological response in a set of athletes. Why do athletes respond differently?

Pretaining (TRAINING AGE) Genetics Gender

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Review Question #7

TRUE/FALSEConcentration of glycolytic enzymes may

remain unchanged up to 2.5 months after a training program has been discontinued.

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Review Question #8

Explain the difference between overreaching and overtraining? Is overreaching advantageous?

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Review Question #9

What are some signs/symptoms of overtraining? Decline in physical performance with continued training

Loss in muscular strength, coordination, and maximal working capacity

General fatigue

Change in appetite and body weight loss

Sleep disturbances

Irritable, restless, excitable, anxious

Loss of motivation

Lack of mental concentration

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Concurrent Training

Introduction Many sports rely on more than one energy system

Concurrent Training: training multiple energy systems simultaneously

What are the physiological ramifications?

Is it smart to resistance train while trying to maximize endurance capabilities?

MacDougal et al. (1979): ↑ muscle mass parallel ↓ mitochondrial activity

It appears counter-productive Abstract

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Concurrent Training

Effect of Concurrent Training on VO2 Max

Hickson et al. (1980): examined the effect of resistance training on aerobic power and short-term endurance

Subjects: recreation college aged male athletes Training: 5x a week resistance training Results: 38% ↑ in lower body strength w/o any change in aerobic

capacity, in fact, time to exhaustion on cycle and treadmill ↑ How is this possible from a physiologist perspective?

Improved glycolytic enzyme capacity NM adaptations could provide better exercise economy

A more recent example

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Concurrent Training

Effect of Concurrent Training on VO2 Max

Other studies on untrained subjects corroborate these findings and support that fact that resistance training does NOT impede ability to improve aerobic capacity

With trained athletes the results were similar Studies ranged from 8-12 week in duration No significant changes in endurance performance, lactate threshold,

maximal aerobic capacity

These studies show that concurrent training does not impede aerobic development

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Concurrent Training

Effect of Concurrent Training on VO2 Max

Figure 10.1

UT=untrained PA=physically active

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Concurrent TrainingEffect of Concurrent Training on Maximal Strength

Research Overview: inconclusive Group I: combining endurance and resistance training may

compromise the potential for strength gains Group II: combining endurance and resistance training does

NOT compromise the potential for strength gains Why the contrasting results?

Whether or NOT the subjects were previously trained! Differences in training age of study participants Differences in Acute Program Variables

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Concurrent TrainingEffect of Concurrent Training on Maximal Strength



Why the different reposnse?


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Concurrent TrainingEffect of Concurrent Training on Maximal Strength

Number of Training Sessions Too many training sessions (both resistance & endurance

combined) may compromise strength gains McCarthy et al. (2002): Findings indicate 3-days a week of

concurrent performance of both strength and endurance training does not impair adaptations in strength, muscle hypertrophy, and neural activation induced by strength training alone. Results provide a physiological basis to support several performance studies that consistently indicate 3-days a week of concurrent training does not impair strength development over the short term. [untrained subjects]

Neuromuscular adaptations to concurrent strength and endurance training.

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 34(3):511-519, March 2002.

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Concurrent TrainingEffect of Concurrent Training on Maximal Strength

Endurance Training Before Resistance Leveritt & Abernathy (1999)

30 min endurance before resistance Recreationally trained

Page 22: Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

Concurrent TrainingSequencing of Training Session…which session goes 1st?

Is it better to perform resistance training or endurance training first?

Only a limited # of studies have investigated Untrained: sequence does not matter

Collins & Snow (1993)

Trained: no studies here? (possible ideas)

Page 23: Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

Concurrent TrainingEffect of Concurrent Training on Fiber Type Conversion

Bishop et al. (1999): endurance trained athletes performing a 12 week resistance training program in conjunction with their normal training did NOT experience any fiber type conversion or muscle hypertrophy

Was the intervention long enough? Typically 6-8 wks after a resistance training program begins is enough time to

witness muscle hypertrophy Little is known if the program were continued over 3 months

Untrained Athletes: concurrent training did significantly ↑ the muscle fiber area of type II BUT only after 12 weeks! A strength training group only saw increases in both type I and type II after 6 weeks.

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Concurrent TrainingEffect of Concurrent Training on Fiber Hypertrophy

Kraemer et al. (1995) Figure 10.4

Endurance training causes atrophy because it degrades myofibrillar protein to optimze oxygen uptake (Klausen et al., 1981)

Concurrent training prevents type I atrophy

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Concurrent TrainingEffect of Concurrent Training on Fiber Hypertrophy

Research Article #1: “Changes in Muscle Hypertrophy in Women with Periodized Resistance Training”

Kraemer et al. (2004). Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

Page 26: Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

Concurrent TrainingSUMMARY

Goal: Improve Aerobic Capabilities

Include ResistanceTraining?


untrainedDoes NOT impedeAerobic Changes

Goal: Improve Maximal Strength

Include EnduranceTraining?



Hinders Strength Gains

Probably is OK

Concurrent Training: “ability tomaintain or improve lean muscle mass and decrease fat mass”

Good for people whose goal is to Reduce body-fat %

Page 27: Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

PeriodizationWhat is it? How started it?

Great reference book Periodization: Theory and Methodology of Training

Tudor Bompa, PhD

Most research within the field of resistance training NOT endurance training…do the results apply to all disciplines?

1965, Russian scientist Matveyev adapted the Selye GAS model to be used within the sport scienes

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PeriodizationThe Basic Principle

High Volume, Low Intensity Low Volume, High Intensity





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PeriodizationMatveyev’s Training Phases (and subphases)

General: volume high/intensity lowGoal: to prepare the athlete for more Intense sport-specific training later on

Specific: volume reduced/intensity raised

Pre-Competition: early season games Competitions that are not primary focus

Main Competition: the major games orchampionship events



TRANSITION: “active rest” when bothvolume & intensity is reduced


Maintenance: team sports, intensity dropped to same level of specific phase

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PeriodizationMatveyev’s Training Phases (and subphases)

Adapted for Weight Training (Stone et al., 1981)

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Linear Model: classical approach where intensity and volume remain consistent throughout the entire subphase (mesocycle)

Nonlinear (undulating) Model: vaired approach where intensity and volume fluctuate throughout the subphase

Why might this be an effective approach? For team sports, this approach might allow a lighter weight lifting program pre-

game as a maintenance session This approach puts an emphasis on competition DURING the training period and

limits any potential overtraining that could occur Research Article #2: “Physiological Changes with Periodized Resistance

Training in Women Tennis Players” Kraemer et al. (2003). Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

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Few studies have examined the efficacy of a periodized training approach as opposed to a non-periodized

More studies focus on the manipulation of APV during a periodized training approach

Significant strength gains have been shown from both training protocols, however, it appears that a periodized approach elicits greater strength changes and motor-performance improvements

This is DEPENDENT on the training age of participant Novice resistance training participants may benefit just as much from a non-

periodized approach until a certain level of strength is achieved Summary of Research Articles (Table 11.2 pg 136)

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PeriodizationGeneric Examples – Footbal Player

Prep Comp T

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PeriodizationGeneric Examples – Track Athlete (Throws)

Unloading week used as transition between mesocycles.

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PeriodizationGeneric Examples (from text) – Distance Runner

125 miles

63 miles

High Volume + High Intensity = greater chance of fatigue/injury

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Periodizationfrom Macrocycle Microcycle

Macrocycle: large training “period”

Phase: prep, competitive, transition USATF: proposes 4 phases

General Prep Specific Prep Pre-Comp Main Comp

Mesocycle: sub-phases (typically 3-6 weeks in duration)

Microcycle: typically 1-2 weeks in duration

Session: combination of 4-6 units combined

Unit: specific element of a workout session

Page 37: Concurrent Training & Periodization Dr. Moran EXS 558 Wednesday 11/2/05.

PeriodizationHow to develop your own?

Key Questions What is the major goal of training program?

Team sport Individual sport

One peak (monocycle) Two peaks Three peaks (ex. cross country, indoor, outdoor)

What is the training age/background of athlete? How to evaluate both volume and intensity? A linear model or a nonlinear model? Best to work backwards

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Planning is not a novelty, and neither is it a Russian discovery as some enthusiasts proclaim. In simple forms, planning has existed since the ancient Olympic Games. Flavius Philostratus (AD 170-245) wrote several manuals on the planning and training of the Greek Olympians, most of which have been destroyed. His surviving manuals, Handbook for the Athletics Coach and Gymnasticus, teach how to train for competitions including the importance for recovery. He also mentioned the type of knowledge a coach should have: “He should be a psychiatrist with considerable knowledge in anatomy and heritage”

Boppa (1999)