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  • 7/25/2019 Concrete solutions-Program


    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    Scientific Program

  • 7/25/2019 Concrete solutions-Program


    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    Day 0 Sunday 19th June

    Author 's Delegates and Partners Recept ion at AUTH

    19:00 22:00 Reception - Wine and Canapes (Soft Drinks available)

    Early Registration at Conference Desk

    Day 1 Monday 20 June

    08.00-09.00 Coffee and Registration

    09.00-09:10 Concrete Solutions 6th International Conference Opens

    Welcome on Behalf of Concrete Solutions and The Institute of ConcreteTechnology by Professor Michael Grantham FICT FRSC CChem.

    09:10-09:15 Welcome on Behalf of AUTH

    09:15-09:20 Welcome on behalf of DUTH, Professor Athanasios Karabinis, Rector

    Lecture Room A+B:Keynote Papers: Concrete Solutions

    Chair: Prof Michael Grantham, Sandberg LLP and the Inst itu te of ConcreteTechnology

    09:30-10:00 Management strategy for localized concrete maintenance on the Rion-Anti rion Br idge,I.C. Papantoniou, P. Corbett, A.Stathopoulos, P.Papanikolas, GEFYRA SA

    10:00-10:30 Modern techniques and concrete technology used to conserve aunique heritage breakwater, Steve Hold. Independent Consultant

    10:30 11:00 Tea, Coffee & Exhibit ion

    Lecture Room A+B:Keynote Papers: Concrete Solutions

    Chair: Prof Ioanna Papayiani, Aristotle University

    11:00-11:30 Chloride threshold values for corrosion ini tiation in concrete a myth?Ueli Angst, ETH Zurich

    11:30-12:00 In-situ testing using combined NDT methods for the technicalevaluation of an existing bridge,N.V. Zoidis, Geotest S.A ManagementDirector, Ioannina, Greece; E.N. Tatsis, Geotest S.A & Materials Science &Engineering Dept, University of Ioannina, Greece, E.D. Manikas, GeotestS.A, Ioannina, Greece, T.E. Matikas, Materials Science & Engineering Dept,University of Ioannina, Greece

    12:15 13:30 Lunch and Exhibi tion

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    13:30 15:15 Parallel Sessions

    Theme 1 - Service Life DesignTheme 2 - StrengtheningMaterials and Techniques/Repairwith Composites

    Lecture Room 'A' Lecture Room 'B'

    Chair: Dr. Ioannis Sfikas, MottMcDonald, UK

    Chair: Prof Calin Mircea,University of Cluj Napoca,Romania

    13:30-13:50 The predicted performancecurve (PPC): a new structuralperformance deterioration modelfor concrete infrastructure. Nabil

    Semaan, University Of Balamand,Lebanon & Tarek Zayed, ConcordiaUniversity,Canada

    Assessment of st rengtheningtechniques of reinforced concreteelements rehabilitated withcomposites. Dimitra V.

    Achillopoulou, Alexandra N.Kiziridou, Georgios A.Papachatzakis, Athanasios I.Karabinis, Democritus University ofThrace

    13:50-14:10 Durabili ty design of reinforcedconcrete structures - service lifeestimation, S. Demis and V.G.PapadakisUniversity of Patras,Patras, Greece

    Experimental analysis for thedevelopment of an UHPFRC, A.L.Mina, National Technical Universityof Athens/ University of Cyprus,M.F. Petrou, University of Cyprus,

    K.G. Trezos, National TechnicalUniversity of Athens, Greece

    14:10-14:30 Service l ife estimation of crackedand healed concrete in marineenvironment, M. Maes & N. DeBelie, Magnel Laboratory forConcrete Research, GhentUniversity, Belgium

    Bond performance of the deepembedment shear strengtheningmethod,M. Caro1, Y. Jemaa2, S.Dirar1, A. Quinn1 - 1 University ofBirmingham, Birmingham, UnitedKingdom, 2 Shire Structures,Bromsgrove, United Kingdom

    14:30-14:50 Propagation of pitting corrosion ofsteel in concrete: conceptualmodels for local cross sectionloss, Rob B. Polder, TNO TechnicalSciences, and Delft University ofTechnology, The Netherlands, UeliM. Angst, ETH Zurich, Switzerland,Jose Pacheco, CTLgroup, Chicago,USA, Willy H.A. Peelen, TNOTechnical Sciences, Delft, TheNetherlands

    Shear strengthening of reinforced

    concrete T-beams with EB-FRPsheets, C.E. Chalioris, C.A.Argiriou, Civil Engineering Dept.,Democritus University of Thrace,Greece

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    14:50-15:10 Influence of crack width on theinitial corrosion of surfacesexposed to high chloride, M.Schneider, E. Baumgartner & P.Druml, Carintian University of

    Applied Sciences, Spittal d.D.,Austria and F. Pruckner, KoruppGmbH, Twist, Germany

    Flexural and cracking behaviourof concrete beams reinforcedwith FRP bars, C.E. Chalioris1,P.K. Kosmidou, T.A.Panagiotopoulos, C.G. Karayannis,

    Civil Engineering Dept., DemocritusUniversity of Thrace, Greece,

    15:1515:45 Tea, Coffee & Exhibit ion

    15:45-18:00 Parallel Sessions

    Theme 1 - Service Life DesignTheme 2 - StrengtheningMaterials and Techniques/Repairwith Composites

    Lecture Room 'A' Lecture Room 'B'

    Chair: Ioannis Sfikas, MottMcDonald, UK

    Chair: Ted Donchev, KingstonUniversity, UK

    15:45-16:05 Service li fe design of concretestructures using probabilisticmodelling tools: statisticalanalysis of input parameters, I.P.Sfikas & J.P. Ingham, MottMacDonald Ltd., Special ServicesDivision, United Kingdom

    Fatigue design of RC beamsstrengthened in flexure with FRPlaminates, B. Charalambidi, T.Rousakis & A. Karabinis, Laboratoryof Reinforced Concrete, Dept. ofCivil Engineering, DemocritusUniversity of Thrace (DUTh), 67100Xanthi, Greece

    Theme 3 - Case Studies Programme Continues Below

    Lecture Room 'A

    Chair: Prof Oguz Gunes

    16:05-16:25 Micropiling a bridge inconstruction on the MotorwayM410 in Madrid, Spain, C. Jurado,

    Polytechnic University of MadridProf Jurado is not attending


    The History of Structures ProfMichael Grantham. A light heartedlook at the development of structuraltheory from Galileo to today!

    Evaluation of the mechanicalbehavior of FRC with dif ferenttypes of fibre, through Barcelona

    and bending testing.D.Choumanidis, P. Nomikos, A.Sofianos, School of MiningEngineering, Tunnelling Laboratory,National Technical University ofAthens, Greece and E.Badogiannis, E. Papadimitriou,School of Civil Engineering,Laboratory of Reinforced Concrete,National Technical University ofAthens, Greece

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    16:25-16:45 What are the benefits of corros ionmonitoring in concrete structuresfrom an owners perspective?Joost Gulikers, Dutch Ministry ofInfrastructure and the Environment,


    Improving the ductility of FRPstrengthened unidirectional RCslabs via hybrid CFRP/BFRPreinforcing,Donchev, T., Petkova,D. and Pavlovic, A., Faculty of

    Science, Engineering andComputing, Kingston University,London, UK

    16:45-17:05 WWII German concrete defencewalls in Jersey, Channel Islands.,Steve Hold, Private Consultant, UK

    Stress field analysis of reinforcedconcrete slab with central cutoutstrengthened using FRPlaminates, L. Vasiliadis, I.Kavvadias, I. Litina & K. Bantilas,Democritus University of Thrace,Dept. of Civil Engineering, Instituteof Structural Mechanics andEarthquake Engineering

    17:05-17:25 Appl icat ion of Carbon Nanotubesin Structural Health Monitor ing inSteel-Reinforced Concrete, OscarVictor Antonio, University of thePhillipines

    FRP Confinement of high-aspectratio concrete columns, C.S.Kolyvas, FYFE EUROPE S.A.,Greece, T.C. Triantafillou,University of Patras, Greece, A.I.Bernakos, FYFE EUROPE S.A.,Greece

    17:25-17:45 Discussion Discussion

    Day 2: Tuesday 21st June

    08.00 Exhibition

    Theme 3 - Case StudiesTheme 2 - StrengtheningMaterials and Techniques/Repairwith Composites

    Lecture Room 'A' Lecture Room 'B'

    Chair: Prof Oguz Gunes, Chair: Prof. Nele Debelie

    08:30-08:50 Analysis o f adaptation ofreinforced concrete structuresfrom early 20th century to theneeds of modern industrial plant a case study, G. Dmochowski,Wroclaw University of Technology,Poland

    Durabili ty restoration ofcementit ious composites viamicro encapsulated mineralrepair agents, C. Litina, A.Kanellopoulos & A. Al-Tabbaa,Engineering Department, Universityof Cambridge, UK.

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    08:50-09:10 Road br idge decks sealing, jointsand pavement practice, the Greekmotorway experience, A. Kokkalis,Dpt. of Civil Engineering D.U.Th.,67100, Xanthi, Greece, P. Panetsos

    Structural Maintenance of EgnatiaOdos, Thessaloniki.

    Resistance to fatigue of self-healed concrete based onencapsulated polymerprecursors,J. Feiteira, V.Couvreur, E. Gruyaert & N. De

    Belie, Magnel Laboratory forConcrete Research, Department ofStructural Engineering, Faculty ofEngineering and Architecture, GhentUniversity, Belgium

    09:10-09:30 Corrosion propagation phase inreinforced concrete facades, A.Kli & J. Lahdensivu, TampereUniversity of Technology, Tampere,Finland

    Research on large lightlyreinforced concrete walls, C.G.R.Mircea & A. Faur, TechnicalUniversity of Cluj-Napoca, Romania,A. Harcsa & M. Mulea, ArtifexEngineering Ltd. Cluj-Napoca,Romania

    09:30-09:50 ASR possibi lities in Finnishconcrete bridges, J. Lahdensivu &A. Kli & D. Husaini, TampereUniversity of Technology, Tampere,Finland

    Differences in losses of prestressbetween steel and FRPreinforcement, M. Mirshekari, T.Donchev, D. Petkova, & M.Limbachiya, Faculty of Science,Engineering and Computing,Kingston University, London, UK

    09:50-10:10 Survey of the largest prefabricated

    concrete structure of Spain, A.Lozano, M. Alonso1, F. lvarez, J.J.Del Coz, Construction engineeringarea. University of Oviedo, Asturias.Spain

    Use of 3D microscopy in the

    analysis of FRP strengthenedconcrete, D. Petkova, T. Donchev,D. Wertheim, Kingston UniversityLondon

    10:10-10:30 Focussed, non-destruct ive repairof tunnel walls withelectrochemical ch lorideextraction, Ulrich Schneck, CITecGmbH, Dresden, Germany

    CFRP-steel hybrid retrofit ting ofsteel-concrete compositestructures,M. Subhani, R. Al-Ameriand M.I. Kabir ,School ofEngineering, Deakin University,

    Victoria, Australia

    10:30-11:00 Tea, Coffee & Exhibition

    11:00-11:20 NDT and diagnostic study ofcorrosion damaged RC structuresto enhance their service life casestudies,Satish Sharma, AshwaniPahuja, B. S. Rao, Adarsh KumarNS and Ankit Sharma, NationalCouncil for Cement and BuildingMaterials, India

    Bacteria-based self-healingmortar: a comparison of twostudies, E. Tziviloglou, V. Wiktor,H.M. Jonkers, E. Schlangen, DelftUniversity of Technology,Netherlands,

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    11:20-11:40 Design of repair works inunderground structures located infine-grained soi l, . Shilin, ZAOTriada-Holding, Moscow, Russia,. Schukina, Post-Graduate of

    National University of Science andTechnology MISiS, Moscow, Russia,Engineer, ZAO Triada-Holding,Moscow, Russia

    Some considerations onprecipitation rate of calciumcarbonate in bio-based materialsused for concrete repair,K.Kawaai, I. Ujike, S. Yamamoto &

    P.Y. Putri, Ehime University,Matsuyama, Japan

    11:40-12:00 Analysis o f the failure of a trackslab concrete, Zhonglai Yi, HuajianLi, Hao Jin and Yongjiang Xie, ChinaAcademy of Railway Sciences,Beijing, 100081, China

    Dr Bo Wang is not attending theconference Paper withdrawn

    Theme 3 - Sustainable Concreteand Repair

    Theme 5- NDT

    Lecture Room 'A' Lecture Room 'B'

    Chair: Prof V.G. Papadakis Chair: Ass. Prof. K. Chalioris

    12:20-12:40 An engineer ing example of energysaving renovation of external wallof original building with

    lightweight insulation compositepanel, Yunxing Shi, Yangang Zhang,Jingbin Shi, Shaolin Yang,Wei Liu,Technical Centre, China StateConstruction EngineeringCorporation, Beijing, China.

    3D localization of thereinforcement in reinforcedconcrete slab by us ing GPR,K.

    Agred, G. Klysz, J.P. Balayssac,1Universit de Toulouse, UPSGnie Civil, INSA, LaboratoireMatriaux et Durabilit desConstructions (LMDC),135 Avenuede Rangueil - 31077 ToulouseCedex 4 France

    12:40-13:00 Production of durable concretesusing EAF slag aggregates, K.K.Sideris, A. Chatzopoulos & Ch.Tassos, Democritus University ofThrace, Xanthi, Greece

    Determination of the electricalresistivity of concrete structuresusing electrical impedancetomography, Amir Asgharzadeh,Institute of Building MaterialsResearch, RWTH-AachenUniversity, Germany; KenjiReichling, The German Committeefor Reinforced Concrete, Berlin,Germany, Michael Raupach,Institute of Building MaterialsResearch, RWTH-AachenUniversity, Germany

    13:00-14:00 Lunch and Exhibi tion

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    Theme 4 - Repair of HeritageStructures

    Theme 5- NDT Continues

    Lecture Room 'A' Lecture Room 'B'

    Chairs: Ioanna Papayiani, Aristotle


    Chairs: Prof K. Chaloir is and Dr

    John Broomfield

    14:00-14:20 Historical and structural aspectsof the durability and maintenanceof a reinforced concrete markethall building from the early 20thcentury, P. Berkowski, WroclawUniversity of Technology, Wroclaw,Poland, M. Kosior-Kazberuk,Bialystok University of Technology,Bialystok, Poland

    NDT for damage diagnosis inshear-critical concrete beamsusing external PZTs and a newwireless monitoring system(WiAMS), M.E. Voutetaki1, N.A.Papadopoulos2, C.E. Chalioris2,C.P. Providakis1, 1School ofArchitectural Engineering, TechnicalUniversity of Crete, Greece,

    2Department of Civil Engineering,Democritus University of Thrace,Greece

    14:20-14:40 Restoration of historical heritagein Russia: the age of architecturalconcrete,V.R. Falikman, MoscowState University of Civil Engineering,Moscow, Russia, V.V. DeniskinScientific Research CenterConstruction, Moscow, Russia

    Reinforced Concrete NDTResearch and Practice in Turkey:A Gap Analysis , O. Gunes, IstanbulTechnical University

    14:40-15:00 The survey of a historical buildingfrom the beginning of the previouscentury. Evaluation of mechanicalcharacteristics of the load bearingsystem, I. Papayianni, V. Pachtaand A. Milosi, Lab. of BuildingMaterials, Dept of Civil Engineering,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Thessaloniki, Greece

    In-situ methods of detecting steelcorrosion using permanent andnon-electronic systems, T.Juraschek, O. Weichold. nstitute ofBuilding Materials Research, RWTHAachen University, Aachen,Germany

    Theme 6 - Patch Repair Theme 5- NDT Cont inues

    Lecture Room 'A' Lecture Room 'B'

    Chair: Prof M. Grantham Chair: Dr John Broomf ield

    15:00-15:20 Durable surface repair ofwaterway engineering structureswith sprayed textile reinforcedconcrete, C. Morales Cruz, M.Raupach, Institute of BuildingMaterials Research (ibac) of theRWTH Aachen University

    Influence of the reinforcement onconcrete resistivity wi th a newmeasurement technique, A.Q.Nguyen, G. Klysz, F. Deby, J-P.Balayssac, LMDC, Universit deToulouse, INSAT, UPS, France

    15:20 - 15:50 Tea, Coffee & Exhibition

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    Theme 6 - Patch Repair Theme 5- NDT Cont inues

    Lecture Room 'A' Lecture Room 'B'

    Chair: Prof M. Grantham Chair: Dr John Broomf ield

    15:50-16:10 An experimental invest igat ion intothe effects of water and binder-related parameters on restrainedshrinkage cracking in concretepatch repair mortars, P.A. Arito, H.Beushausen, M.G. Alexander,University of Cape Town, CapeTown, Western Cape, South Africa

    Injection quality of steel cableducts evaluated by NDT, C.G.Petersen, Germann InstrumentsA/S, Copenhagen, Denmark

    16:10-16:30Development of new types ofrepair materials by imparting

    thixotropic properties, H.Fujiwara,M.Maruoka, T. Kawato, T. Sugawara& K. Yoshikawa, UtsunomiyaUniversity, Utsunomiya, Tochigi,Japan, T. Abe. Nittoc ConstructionCo., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, S.Takemoto, DPS Bridge Works Co.,Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, H. Kasahara NewTech Co., Ltd, Tokyo Japan

    Non-Destruct ive Testing of jointsin precast element st ructures,

    Claus Germann Petersen, HugoDolan Orozco Recillas, GermannInstruments A/S, Denmark

    16:30-16:50 Microwave system for in-situcuring of concrete repair

    ,P. S.Mangat, K. Grigoriadis & S.Abubakri, Materials & EngineeringResearch Institute, Sheffield HallamUniversity, Sheffield, UK , A. Javaid& C. Zhao, Fraunhofer Institute forInterfacial Engineering &Biotechnology, Stuttgart, Germany

    Development of electricallyconduct ive resins for the on-sitefabrication of sensors forcorrosion detection and riskassessment in reinforcedconcrete, P. B. Sassmann & O.Weichold, Institute of BuildingMaterials Research, RWTH AachenUniversity, Aachen, Germany

    Theme 6 - Patch Repair Continues

    Theme 5- NDT ContinuesLecture Room 'A'

    Chair: Prof M. Grantham

    16:50-17:10 Temperature development inmicrowave cured repair materials,P. S. Mangat, K. Grigoriadis & S.Abubakri, Materials & EngineeringResearch Institute, Sheffield HallamUniversity, Sheffield, UK

    Frequency dependency ofconcrete resistancemeasurements, A.-M. Thoresen, K.Hornbostel & M. R. Geiker ,Norwegian University of Scienceand Technology (NTNU),Trondheim, Norway

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    17:10-17:30Sustainable and effective self-leveling mortars, I. Papayianni & E.Anastasiou, Laboratory of BuildingMaterials, Dept. of Civil Engineering,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

    (AUTH), Thessaloniki, Greece, P.Avramidis & P. Chatziagorastou,ISOMAT S.A., Thessaloniki, Greece

    Repair monitoring of crackedconcrete floor using the Impulse Response method, Nikos Zoidis,Geotest SA, Greece (on memorystick only - not in Proeedings)

    17:30:17:50 Discussion Effect of stirrups onreinforcement corrosionmeasurements in concrete, C.-T.Chen & C.-J. Li & T.-P. Chang.National Taiwan University ofScience and Technology, Taipei,Taiwan (ROC)

    17:50-18:00 Discussion Discussion

    19:30 till late Conference Dinner

    Nautical Club of Thessaloniki, Themistoklis Sofouli 112, Kalamaria

    Additional Tickets 75.00 Euros

    Day 3: Wednesday 22nd June

    08.30 Exhibition

    Theme 6 - Patch Repair Theme 8 - Electrochemical Repair

    Lecture Room 'B' Lecture Room 'A'

    Chairs: Lecturer Sousana TastaniChair: Dr David Law RMITUniversity, Australia

    09:00-09:20 The effect of binding system of

    mortars on chloride ionpenetration, I Papayianni, M.Papachristoforou, F. Kesikidou,Laboratory of Building Materials,Dept. of Civil Engineering, AristotleUniversity of Thessaloniki (AUTH),Thessaloniki, Greece

    Electrochemical re-alkalisation,

    chloride extraction and alkali-silica reaction in concrete, P.F.G.Banfill, Heriot-Watt University,Edinburgh, UK

    09:20-09:40 Bonding properties of magnesiumphosphate cement-based repairmaterials, Caijun Shi, Nan Yang,

    Linlin Chong, Zemei Wu, College ofCivil Engineering, Hunan University,Changsha, China; Jianming Yang,Department of Civil Engineering,

    Acid damage to anode mortarwhen using cathodic protection,P. M. Chess, FORCE

    Technology/CP International

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    Yancheng Institute of Technology,Yancheng, China

    09:40-10:00 Effectiveness of different repairmaterials and methods used forthe repair of chlor ide corrodedreinforced concrete structures,Kosmas K. Sideris1*, E. Manikas2,A. Michalakopoulos3, 1Laboratory ofBuilding Materials, Civil EngineeringDepartment, University of Thrace,Xanthi, Greece, 2 GEOTEST SA,3CERS - Structural Rehabilitation

    The flow of ions through concretestructures, P. M. Chess, FORCETechnology/CP International

    10:00-10:20 Analyt ical invest igat ion of bondbetween ECC matrix and steel

    reinforcement, S.P. Tastani,Lecturer, Civil Eng. Dep., DemocritusUniversity of Thrace, Greece

    Impressed cur rent cathodicprotection (ICCP) on reinforced

    concrete drilled piles buried insoil, Frth, Germany,H. Esteves &S. Mayer, Ed. Zblin AG, 45141Essen, Germany

    10:20-10:40 Flexural response of cor rodedreinforced concrete beams:experiments and finite elementanalyses , G. G. Triantafyllou, PhDCandidate, Democritus University ofThrace, Xanthi; T. C. Rousakis,

    Assistant Professor, DemocritusUniversity of Thrace, Xanthi; A. I.Karabinis, Professor, DemocritusUniversity of Thrace, Xanthi

    The durability of referenceelectrodes in reinforced concreteapplications, P. Chess, CPIFORCE Technology, Colchester,UK; O. Klinghoffer, FORCETechnology, Brondby, Denmark, B.

    Kofoed, FORCE Technology,Brondby Denmark

    10:40-11:10 Tea and Coffee

    Programme Continues Below

    Theme 8 - Electrochemical Repair

    Lecture Room 'B

    Chair: Dr Ing Ulrich Schneck,CITEC GmbH and Prof Dr RobPolder

    11:10-11:30 Performance of rapid repairmortars with sul fate aluminiumcement and Portland cement,JieYuan, Wencui Yang, Xiaoping Cai &Qiaoling Li, Harbin Institute ofTechnology, Harbin, China

    An invest igation into impressedcurrent cathodic protectionsystems in Australian wharfs. P.Nicholls& D.W. Law, School ofEngineering, RMIT University,Melbourne, Australia

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    11:30-11:50 Early-age cracking resistance ofrepair cement mortar wi thcopolymer powder and fibers,Wencui Yang, Xiaoping Cai, Yong

    Ge, Jie YuanDengling Zhou,

    Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin, China

    Prevention of incipient anodesinduced by patch repair by anovel type of discrete galvaniczinc anodes, W. Schwarz, CASComposite Anode Systems GmbH,

    Vienna, Austria M. Bakalli, SikaTechnology AG, Zurich, , M.Donadio, Sika Services AG, Switz.

    Theme 4 - Fire Damage

    Lecture Room 'A' Programme Continues Below

    Chair: Ass. Prof.Kosmas Sideris,Democritus University at Thrace(DUTH)

    11:50-12:10 Study on the effect of fi ringheating on FRC with various typesand content, D. Choumanidis, P.Nomikos, A. Sofianos, School ofMining Engineering, TunnellingLaboratory, National TechnicalUniversity of Athens, Greece, E.Badogiannis, E. Papadimitriou,School of Civil Engineering,Laboratory of Reinforced Concrete,National Technical, University of

    Athens, Greece

    Appl icat ion of a surface-appl ied

    cathodic protection system on alight weight concrete bridge Part I: Condition assessment,intervention options and trialinvestigations, J. Gulikers, Ministryof Infrastructure and TheEnvironment, Rijkswaterstaat-GPO,Utrecht, Netherlands, R. Giorgini,CorrPre Engineering, Reeuwijk,Netherlands, A.J. van den Hondel,Vogel Cathodic Protection,

    Zwijndrecht, Netherlands

    12:10-12:30 Investigation, assessment andrepair of a fire-damagedreinforced concrete structure, A.Elenas & K.K. Sideris, DemocritusUniversity of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece

    Appl icat ion of a surface-appl iedcathodic protection system on alight weight concrete bridge Part II: Developments in t ime ofthe effectiveness by potentialdecay values and currentdensities, A.J. van den Hondel,Vogel Cathodic Protection,Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, R.G.

    Giorgini, CorrPRE, Reeuwijk,Netherlands, J. Gulikers,Rijkswaterstaat-GPO, Utrecht,Netherlands

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    12:30-12:50Innovative materials for passivefire protection of concrete, K.M.Sakkas, P. Nomikos, A.Sofianos &D.Panias, National technicalUniversity of Athens, Athens, Greece

    Assessment of the throwingpower generated by a surfaceapplied galvanic cathodicprotection system on a lightweight concrete bridge deck soffi t

    (Pt III)., R. Giorgini CorrPREEngineering BV, Reeuwijk,Netherlands, Hans van den Hondel,Vogel Cathodic Protection BV,Netherlands, Joost Gulikers, DutchMinistry of Infrastructure and theEnvironment, Netherlands

    12:50-13:00 Discussion Discussion

    13:00-14:00 Lunch and Exhibi tion

    THEME 3 - Surface ProtectionMethods and Materials

    Lecture Room 'A' Programme Continues Below

    Chair: Prof M. GranthamChair: Dr Ing Ulrich Schneck,CITEC GmbH and Prof Dr RobPolder

    14:00-14:20 Concrete protection withhydrophobic impregnation importance of correctspecifications, M. Donadio, SikaServices AG, Switzerland, N.Anagnostopoulos, Sika Hellas SA,Greece

    Protection of a pier structureusing an alternative combinedelectrochemical approach, R.Brueckner, C. Atkins, R Merola, PLambert, Mott MacDonald, UK

    14:20-14:40 Development of chloride inducedreinforcement corrosion in

    cracked concrete after applicationof a surface protection system, F.Hiemer, S. Keler, C. Gehlen,Centre for Building Materials,Technische Universitt Mnchen,Munich, Germany

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    14:40-15:00 An invest igat ion of the sur faceproperties of air - curedmicroconcretes developed withcontrolled permeability formworkliners using destructive and non-

    destructive methods, A.S.Marinos, M.S Katsiotis, G. Batis, M.Beazi Katsioti, School of ChemicalEngineering, National TechnicalUniversity of Athens, Greece, J.L.Gallias, Laboratoire de Mcaniqueet Matriaux du Gnie Civil,Universit de Cergy-Pontoise,France, V. Kaloidas, HeraclesGeneral Cement Co, Greece

    Conference Closing Ceremony - Details of the next Concrete Solutions in 2019

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    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    Title Surname First Name Organisation Country

    Mr. Abubakri Shahriar Sheffield Hallam University Country

    Dr. Anagnostopoulos Nikos Sika Hellas SA Greece

    Ms. Achillopoulou Dimitra Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Ms. Agred Kahina INSA Toulouse France

    Dr. Angst Ueli ETH Zurich Switzerland

    Dr. Anastasiou Eleftherios Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece

    Dr. Antonio Oscar Victor University of the Phillipines Phillipines

    Mr. Arito Philemon University of Cape Town South Africa

    Mr. Asgharzadeh Amir RWTH-Aachen University Germany

    Ms. Baera Cornelia University of Cluj Napoca Romania

    Mr. Balis Dimitrios CERS Consultant Engineers Greece

    Prof. Banfill Phil Heriot Watt University Scotland

    Dr. Beazi-Katsioti Margarita

    National Technical University of

    Athens Greece

    Dr. Berkowski Piotr Wroclaw University of Technology Poland

    Mr. Broomfield John P Broomfield Consultants UK

    Dr. Brueckner Rene Mott McDonald UK

    Miss Caro Manjola University of Birmingham UK

    Dr. Chalioris Constantin Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Ms. Charalambidi Barbara Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Prof. Chen Chun-Tao

    National Taiwan University of

    Science & Technology Taiwan

    Dr. Chess Paul

    FORCE Technology /CP

    International UK

    Mr. Choumanidis Dimitris

    National Technical University of

    Athens Greece

    Prof. De Belie Nele University of Ghent Belgium

    Mr Dilaveri Vivi Marmoline - Nordia SA Greece

    Dr. Dmochowski Gregor Wroclaw University of Technology Poland

    Mr. Donadio Michel Sika Hellas SA Greece

    Dr. Donchev Ted Kingston University UK

    Prof. Elenas A. Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Mr. Esteves Hernani Ed. Zueblin AG Germany

  • 7/25/2019 Concrete solutions-Program


    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    Title Surname First Name Organisation Country

    Mr. Efthymios Skeparnis Sika Hellas SA Greece

    Prof. Falikman Vyatcheslav

    Moscow State University of Civil

    Engineering Russia

    Mr. Feiteira Joo Magnel Lab. for Concrete Research,Ghent University Belgium

    Prof. Fujiwara Hiromi Utsunomiya University Japan

    Mr. Giorgini Roberto CorrPre Engineering Netherlands

    Prof. Grantham Michael Concrete Solutions UK

    Mr. Gulikers Joost

    Rijkswaterstaat Ministerie van

    Infrastructuur en Milieu Netherlands

    Prof. Gunes Oguz Istanbul Technical University Turkey

    Miss Hatzipanagioti Mersa Democritus University of Thrace

    Mr. Hiemer Florian TU Munchen Germany

    Mr. Hold Steve Private Consultant UK

    Dr. Hornbostel Karla

    Norwegian University of Science

    and Technology Norway

    Dr. Juraschek Thomas RWTH Aachen University Germany

    Prof. Karabinis A.I. Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Miss Katsaouni Zoi Democritus University of Thrace

    Dr. Katsiotis N

    National Technical University of

    Athens Greece

    Mr. Kavvadias Ioannis Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Mr. Kawato Takaya Utsunomiya University Japan

    Ms. Kesikidou Fotini Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece

    Mr. Klinghoffer Oskar

    FORCE Technology /CP

    International Denmark

    Mr. Kokkalis Alexandros Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Mr. Kolyvas Christoforos Fyfe Europe SA Greece

    Mrs. Kosmidou


    Maria Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Mr. Kumar Suresh

    National Council for Cement and

    Building Materials India

    Ms. Lagason Patria University of the Phillipines Phillipines

    Dr. Lahdensivu Jukka Tampere University of Technology Finland

    Dr. Law David RMIT University Australia

    Mr. Liapis Alexandros Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece

    Dr. Litina Chrysoula University of Cambridge UK

    Mr. Lozano Alfonso University of Oviedo Spain

  • 7/25/2019 Concrete solutions-Program


    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    Title Surname First Name Organisation Country

    Prof. Mangat P.S. Sheffield Hallam University UK

    Mrs. Mina Anna

    National Technical University of

    Athens Greece

    Prof. Mircea Calin Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Romania

    Dr. Mirshekari Mohammed Kingston University UK

    Mr Misak Lubos Proceq SA Greece

    Mr. Nguyen A.Q. INSA Toulouse France

    Mr Nicholls Peter RMIT University Australia

    Dr. Pachta Vasiliki Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece

    Prof. Papadakis Vagelis University of Patras Greece

    Mr. Papantoniou Ioannis GEFYRA SA Greece

    Prof. Papayianni Ioanna Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece

    Mrs. Pavlou Angeliki Technical Study Group SA Greece

    Mr. Petersen Claus Germann Instruments Copenhagen Denmark

    Mr. Petridis Dimitris Democritus University of Thrace

    Prof. Polder Rob TNO & Delft University Netherlands

    Dr. Sakkas



    National Technical University of

    Athens GreeceMs. Sassman Pia RWTH Aachen University Germany

    Dr. Schneck Ulrich

    Citec GmbH - Concrete

    Improvement Technologies Germany

    Mr. Schneider Martin

    Carintian University of Applied

    Sciences Austria

    Ms. Schukina Anastasia ZAO "Triada-Holding" Russia

    Dr. Schwarz Wolfgang

    CAS Composite Anode Systems

    GmbH Austria

    Dr. Semaan Nabil University Of Balamand Lebanon

    Dr. Sfikas Ioannis Mott McDonald UK

    Mr. Sharma Satish

    National Council for Cement and

    Building Materials India

    Mr. Shi Caijun Hunan University, Changsha China

    Mr. Shi Yunxing

    China State Construction

    Engineering Corporation China

    Prof. Sideris Kosmas Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Mrs. Siskou Ioanna Hilti Hellas Greece

    Miss Spille Sanne KADK Royal Danish Academy Denmark

    Dr. Subhani Mahbube Deakin University Australia

  • 7/25/2019 Concrete solutions-Program


    Concrete Solutions 2016 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair

    Title Surname First Name Organisation Country

    Mr. Sugawara Takemi Utsunomiya University Japan

    Mr. Tassos Chris Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Dr. Tastani Sousana Democritus University of Thrace GreeceMr. Tentolouris Eleftherios Aegean Motorway SA Greece

    Mrs. Triantafyllou Garyfalia Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Ms. Tsardaka Eirini Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece

    Mr. Tsiolis Alexander Hellenplan SA Greece

    Ms. Tziviloglou Eirini TU Delft Netherlands

    Mr. van den Hondel Hans Vogel Cathodic Protection Netherlands

    Prof. Ujike Isao Ehime University Japan

    Dr. Voutetaki Maristella Democritus University of Thrace Greece

    Dr. Wiktor Virginie TU Delft Netherlands

    Dr. Yang Wencui Harbin Institute of Technology China

    Dr. Yi Zhonglai China Academy of Railway Sciences China

    Mr. Zhang Yangang

    China State Construction

    Engineering Corporation China

    Ms. Zhao Chen Fraunhofer Institute Stuttgart Germany

    Mr Zoidis Nikos Geotest SA Greece