Conceptual Structures in STEM education

Mumbai 7-12 January 2013


Keynote presentation at ICCS2013 and epiSTEME5 in Mumbai 11 Jan 2013 abstract of accompanying paper

Transcript of Conceptual Structures in STEM education

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Mumbai 7-12 January 2013

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Su White

Web Science: Expanding the Notion of Computer Science White and Vafopoulos


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University of Southampton

Excellence in teaching and research Opto Electronics Nano Electronics Computer Science Web Science (and others) ~110 academics ~200 research staff ~300 PhD ~800 UG, ~350 MSc

Founded 1862, Charter 1952 25,000 FTE Students Russell Group, Top 15 UK, WUN Excellence in: (Opto)Electronics, Computer Science, Oceanography, Engineering (esp. Nautical and Aero) Acoustics

Electronics and Computer Science

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Web Science at Southampton

�  Web and Internet Science Group

�  20 Faculty Members (subsuming Learning Societies Lab)

�  Doctoral Training Centre

�  Research areas include �  Open Data �  Semantic Web �  Memories for Life �  Trust, privacy and

provenance �  Learning with the Web

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Specialisms – me and my immediate colleagues

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Conceptual Structures for STEM data: linked open rich and personal

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Conceptual structures Thinking

and learning

Knowledge and


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epiSTEME 5


Socio Politico Dimensions Nation State Universal education Equality, diversity, change

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Conceptual Structures for STEM data: linked open rich and personal

Thinking and Learning and

Knowledge and Representation STEM Education

Educational Processes

Change-> Beliefs->Experience -> Practice ->

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Conceptual Structures Teachers (instructors and Curriculum Designers)

Researchers (Theorists, Evaluators) Learners (young, adult, CPD, independent, informal ++)


Lab Wild

Change-> Beliefs->Experience -> Practice ->

What? Where?

Why? How?

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The world is changing…

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The world is changing… Our beliefs, actions and behaviours are shaped by our experiences

Our beliefs actions and behaviours are shaped by our (vicarious) experiences

Culture, tradition, popular culture, texts, books, cinema, TV, mass media,


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The Web

The most successful information architecture in history Nigel Shadbolt

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The Web exponential growth and impact

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Internet in India and the world

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Perhaps 121 million of India’s 1.2 billion population on internet 2012

c.f. China 38% 513m US, 78% 245 m In, 10% 121 m

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The two magics (Tim Berners Lee, 2006, 2007)

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The Web exploiting emergent networks

emerging new business models

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Emergent/open content and collective intelligence

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The new web landscape

Digital literacies

Meme machine apps and


Platform citizen science

Shop window ebay,


Context mobile Vehicle

texts video

Searching Information

creation blogs

From rent a coder, to wikilogia, from flikr to Pinterest, itunesu to Tedx sharing, ownership, micro-charging, new models, Tripit meme machines

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Situated cognition, peer instruction, informal learning, digital literacies, self efficacy, social construction, co-creation – but these are not mobiles…

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�  How many devices can you buy for the cost of a teacher

�  Diversity, not instead of, but as well as?

�  Example: syria wikilogia, facebook informal learning, digital literacies

�  Texts, campaigns, employment?

�  Models: co-creation, deduction, application memes

�  Informal and accidental learning

�  Blogging for reflective journals, collaborative texts via wikis

We can still use flashcards, and social games, learn from texts etc But…powerful affordances may emerge, evolve…’games’ as vehicles for learning

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Open and linked data Text and links were not enough

Via social web “software that supports group interaction” Web 2.0, perpetual beta

Consumers and producers? The read write web

Machine and human readable Lightweight and heavyweight modelling

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Open Data

Students might contribute to collecting assembling open data e.g. vocabularies geographic data, plant census, open mapping, disease and health markers opportunities for authentic activities, situated learning, reward, contribution

Big Data

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ASBOs, Dentists and Tubes

And Haiti a citizen open map in two weeks … with millions of users the Indian context will emerge

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Open Access: ePrints 10 years old

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EdShare – Repositories meet Web 2.0

Learn from the success and methods of collections in the wild

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Semantically Driven Web Sites (ECS Web Site)

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Crowd sourced open data map �  Mashup of crowd sourced

data plus official data

�  Amateur effort

�  Useful and visible

�  Interrogate the data points interactively

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With apologies…. Adapted from image used by tbl, originally from the economist I think

We want to climb over the walls…

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OERs, OCW and MOOCs open educational resources massively open online courses

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Potential? �  Modelling (theory to

practice) �  Shared curriculum design? or �  Emerging the curriculum

from resources

�  Learning environments �  Multi-faceted �  Automation – assembling,

aggregating �  Collaboration for community

enterprise �  Standardisation?


Remembering: face to face/social may be more important

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The challenges �  Ride on the wave of change

�  Empower learners to take charge of their destinies

�  Craft a future for the citizens of tomorrow embracing diversity and mastering the whole spectrum of technologies

�  Shape and craft the classroom for maximum mutual benefit – the citizen and the nation state

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Thank You J

Dr Su White

Electronics and Computer Science

University of Southampton

[email protected]


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