Conceptual density functional theory based electronic ...

Conceptual density functional theory based electronic structure principles Debdutta Chakraborty a and Pratim Kumar Chattaraj * bc In this review article, we intend to highlight the basic electronic structure principles and various reactivity descriptors as dened within the premise of conceptual density functional theory (CDFT). Over the past several decades, CDFT has proven its worth in providing valuable insights into various static as well as time-dependent physicochemical problems. Herein, having briey outlined the basics of CDFT, we describe various situations where CDFT based reactivity theory could be employed in order to gain insights into the underlying mechanism of several chemical processes. 1. Introduction Ever since the proclamation by Dirac in 1929 that The underlying physical laws necessary for the mathematical theory of a large part of physics and the whole of chemistry are thus completely known, and the diculty is only that the exact application of these laws leads to equations much too complicated to be soluble,1 a great deal of eorts have been devoted by researchers over the last several decades in order to develop suitable numerical methods to solve the Schrodinger equation for atoms and molecules which in Debdutta Chakraborty worked in the research group of Prof. P. K. Chattaraj and received his PhD from IIT Kharagpur in 2018. Subsequently, he has worked with Prof. W. L. Hase (deceased) at Texas Tech University, USA. He is presently working as a research associate at KU Leuven, Belgium. He is interested in employing elec- tronic structure calculations, direct dynamics simulations, statistical rate theories and quantum trajectories in order to understand thermal and photochemical processes. Dr Pratim Kumar Chattaraj is an Institute Chair Professor at the Indian Institute of Tech- nology (IIT) Kharagpur and a Distinguished Visiting Professor of IIT Bombay. He has been actively engaged in research in the areas of density functional theory, ab initio calculations, nonlinear dynamics, aromaticity in metal clusters, hydrogen storage, noble gas compounds, machine learning, connement, uxionality, chemical reactivity and quantum trajectories. He is a Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Italy; Royal Society of Chemistry, UK; Indian Natl. Science Academy; Indian Academy of Sciences; National Academy of Sciences, India; West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology; and FWO, Belgium. He is a Sir J. C. Bose National Fellow. He is on the Editorial Board of a number of journals published by the American Chemical Society, Elsevier, etc. Several of his papers have become hot/most accessed/most cited/cover/ Editors' choice articles. a Department of Chemistry, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200F-2404, 3001 Leuven, Belgium b Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal, India. E-mail: [email protected]; Fax: +91 3222 255303; Tel: +91 3222 283304 c Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India Cite this: Chem. Sci. , 2021, 12, 6264 Received 24th December 2020 Accepted 10th March 2021 DOI: 10.1039/d0sc07017c 6264 | Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 62646279 © 2021 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Science REVIEW Open Access Article. Published on 31 March 2021. Downloaded on 6/8/2022 7:16:48 AM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. View Article Online View Journal | View Issue

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Conceptual dens


statistical rate theories and quaunderstand thermal and photoche

aDepartment of Chemistry, KU Leuven, Cel

BelgiumbDepartment of Chemistry, Indian Institute o

Bengal, India. E-mail: [email protected]


Cite this: Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 6264

Received 24th December 2020Accepted 10th March 2021

DOI: 10.1039/d0sc07017c

6264 | Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 6264–62

ity functional theory basedelectronic structure principles

Debdutta Chakraborty a and Pratim Kumar Chattaraj *bc

In this review article, we intend to highlight the basic electronic structure principles and various reactivity

descriptors as defined within the premise of conceptual density functional theory (CDFT). Over the past

several decades, CDFT has proven its worth in providing valuable insights into various static as well as

time-dependent physicochemical problems. Herein, having briefly outlined the basics of CDFT, we

describe various situations where CDFT based reactivity theory could be employed in order to gain

insights into the underlying mechanism of several chemical processes.

1. Introduction

Ever since the proclamation by Dirac in 1929 that “The underlyingphysical laws necessary for the mathematical theory of a large partof physics and the whole of chemistry are thus completely known,

ebdutta Chakraborty workedn the research group of Prof. P.. Chattaraj and received hishD from IIT Kharagpur in018. Subsequently, he hasorked with Prof. W. L. Hasedeceased) at Texas Techniversity, USA. He is presentlyorking as a research associatet KU Leuven, Belgium. He isnterested in employing elec-ronic structure calculations,irect dynamics simulations,ntum trajectories in order tomical processes.

estijnenlaan 200F-2404, 3001 Leuven,

f Technology, Kharagpur 721302, West

; Fax: +91 3222 255303; Tel: +91 3222


and the difficulty is only that the exact application of these lawsleads to equations much too complicated to be soluble,”1 a greatdeal of efforts have been devoted by researchers over the lastseveral decades in order to develop suitable numerical methods tosolve the Schrodinger equation for atoms and molecules which in

Dr Pratim Kumar Chattaraj isan Institute Chair Professor atthe Indian Institute of Tech-nology (IIT) Kharagpur anda Distinguished VisitingProfessor of IIT Bombay. He hasbeen actively engaged inresearch in the areas of densityfunctional theory, ab initiocalculations, nonlineardynamics, aromaticity in metalclusters, hydrogen storage,noble gas compounds, machine

learning, connement, uxionality, chemical reactivity andquantum trajectories. He is a Fellow of The World Academy ofSciences (TWAS), Italy; Royal Society of Chemistry, UK; IndianNatl. Science Academy; Indian Academy of Sciences; NationalAcademy of Sciences, India; West Bengal Academy of Science andTechnology; and FWO, Belgium. He is a Sir J. C. Bose NationalFellow. He is on the Editorial Board of a number of journalspublished by the American Chemical Society, Elsevier, etc. Severalof his papers have become hot/most accessed/most cited/cover/Editors' choice articles.

cDepartment of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai

400076, India

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turn can help to shed light on various physicochemical processes.To this end, the formulation of density functional theory (DFT) iswidely accepted to be a major development.2–9 DFT providesa suitable theoretical alternative to ab initio wave-function basedelectronic structure methods albeit at a much cheaper computa-tional cost. It is a well-established fact that for a system comprisingN electrons and bound by an external potential v(r), the Hamil-tonian (H) is completely dened by v(r) and N. Upon solving theSchrodinger equation for a known H, the many-electron wavefunction j(r1, r2.rN) could be obtained which can provide all theinformation about the system under consideration. The single-particle density r(r) could be obtained upon performing integra-tion over the coordinates of (N � 1) electrons,

rðrÞ ¼ N


ðj*ðr; r2;.rNÞjðr; r2;.rNÞdr2.drN (1)

where ðrðrÞdr ¼ N (2)

Therefore, it is evident that there exists a mapping inbetween v(r) and r(r). In the presence of an inverse mappingbetween r(r) and v(r), r(r) can determine v(r) which in turn canhelp to determine H and thus the many-electron wave function.Therefore, all the properties of the system could be evaluated.Hohenberg and Kohn4 proved that there indeed exists aninverse mapping between r(r) and v(r), thus paving the way todevelop and interpret chemical processes based on DFT. Sincer(r) is a 3 dimensional quantity as opposed to the many-electronwave-function, it is convenient to visualise and provide chemi-cally intuitive interpretations of various processes underconsideration.9 On the other hand, r(r) can help to provideclassical interpretation of quantum mechanical processes. It isalso possible to develop various theoretical models by makinguse of r(r). In this regard, conceptual density functional theory(CDFT), originally developed by Parr and collaborators,9–16

constitutes a prominent theoretical framework, where r(r) isutilised to dene several reactivity descriptors, based on whichchemical processes are interpreted and understood. The reac-tivity of a system is basically its potential to react to an action. Itmeasures the response of the system when acted upon bya perturbation caused by another reactant, a reagent, catalyst,solvent, external electric/magnetic eld, connement, changein temperature/pressure, etc. As the Hamiltonian of the systemis totally characterized by the number of electrons and theexternal potential, the variation in energy or density bychanging N and/or v(r) is utilised in understanding reactivity. Inorder to better understand the conceptual genesis of Parr'stheoretical formulations, one needs to consider the secondHohenberg–Kohn theorem. According to the second Hohen-berg–Kohn theorem,4 the energy functional E[r] attains theminimum value for the true N-electron density for a given N andv(r) at the electronic ground state. Therefore, the density r(r)could be obtained via the variational optimization of thefollowing Euler–Lagrange equation:

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry


¼ m (3)

Herein, m is the Lagrange multiplier associated with thenormalization constraint (eqn (2)) and it is classied as theelectronic chemical potential. Parr and co-workers proved thatthere exists a connection between m and the thermodynamicchemical potential within a grand canonical ensemble at thezero temperature limit.17,18 Furthermore, it was proposed thatm is the negative of electronegativity (c), which helped toestablish a direct connection with chemical reactivity.17 Onecan consider the atoms in a molecule as a part of a grandcanonical ensemble. In such a framework, the change inelectron density could be analysed via DFT. At the electronicground state, E[r] attains the minimum value. At a nitetemperature for such a set of densities, the equilibrium state ischaracterized via the minimumHelmholtz free energy A[r] andgrand potential functionals U[r] within the framework ofcanonical and grand canonical ensembles, respectively. Theground electronic state could be conceived as the zerotemperature limit of the equilibrium state.9 These concepts lieat the heart of the formulation of CDFT. Since chemicalreactions accompany the change and reorientation of electrondensities, several global and local reactivity descriptors couldbe dened within the premise of CDFT, which in turn can helpto understand various physicochemical processes.20,21 Thebackbone of CDFT is formed by these reactivity descriptorsand associated electronic structure principles. The purpose ofthis review article is to introduce the general scienticcommunity to these principles. Therefore, we do not intend toreiterate mathematical derivations and subtle technical issueswithin this article as exhaustive accounts are already availableon these issues. Rather, the focus of this article is to highlightwhere and how one can employ these concepts to betterunderstand a given chemical process. In the following sectionsof this article, we hope to outline the basic principles of CDFTand highlight various applications in static as well as time-dependent situations.

2. Global reactivity descriptors

As mentioned before, the Hamiltonian for a given system getsxed upon specifying N and v(r). If a given system transformsfrom the ground electronic state to another, the energy change(up to the rst order) associated with that process could beexpressed as follows:9,19

dE ¼�vE



dN þð �




dvðrÞdr (4)

Making use of the Euler–Lagrange equation for a xed v(r),one can arrive at the following expression:�




¼ð �




� dr



dr ¼ mv



�¼ m (5)

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Herein, the Lagrange multiplier m (electronic chemicalpotential) could be correlated with the corresponding thermo-dynamic quantity measuring the escaping tendency of an elec-tron.9 Upon considering a nite difference approximation toeqn (5), one can arrive at the following expression:

m ¼ �I þ A

2¼ �c (6)

Here, c, I and A represent the Mulliken electronegativity,ionization potential and electron affinity, respectively. There-fore, a direct connection with chemical reactivity could beestablished via this formulation. Upon employing furtherapproximation by making use of Koopmans' theorem, one canarrive at the following expression:22,23

m ¼ �c ¼ 1


Therefore, it is possible to express c in terms of the energiesof the lowest unoccupied (ELUMO) and highest occupied (EHOMO)molecular orbitals. These quantities, i.e., c and m, are termedglobal reactivity descriptors as they can help to shed light on thereactivity of atoms, molecules and ions. Pearson introduced theconcept of Hardness (h) within the premise of the hard–soacid–base principle24,25 and it could be expressed as follows:26

h ¼�v2E






¼ I � A ¼ �ðEHOMO � ELUMOÞ (8)

Soness (S)27 could be expressed as the reciprocal of hard-ness as follows:

S ¼ 1





In general, the hardness of a system is associated with lowpolarizability as well as magnetizability. Parr et al. dened theelectrophilicity index (u)28,29 as follows:

u ¼ m2

2h¼ c2


Here, u is the measure of electrophilic power (bearingresemblance to classical electrostatics (¼V2/R), where m and h

act as the potential (V) and resistance (R) respectively) ofa system. Due to the discontinuity in energy versus N curves,18,30

different denitions for the aforementioned quantities exist forthe cases of charge acceptance and depletion.31,32 Despite thelimitations within the denitions of these quantities owing tothe problem of this discontinuity, one can invoke the concept ofatoms-in-a-molecule within the premise of a grand canonicalensemble at the zero temperature limit33–39 in order to alleviateany inconsistencies.37–40 Furthermore, one can also consider theisolated chemical entity as part of a larger system so that theaforementioned limitations in the denitions of the globalreactivity descriptors could be eradicated.37–40 It should be noted

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that these global reactivity descriptors could be used to describethe reactivity as well as the stability of a given chemical entity. Inorder to understand the site selectivity, several local reactivitydescriptors are dened, which will be mentioned in thefollowing section.

3. Local reactivity descriptors

In order to understand the activity of a specic atomic sitewithin a molecule, several local reactivity descriptors weredeveloped by the researchers. Electron density itself is the mostfundamental local reactivity descriptor and we can denote it asfollows: �




¼ rðrÞ (11)

Drawing inspiration from the spirit of Fukui's frontierorbital theory,41,42 the Fukui function was developed anddened as follows:43,44

f ðrÞ ¼�vrðrÞvN


¼� dm



The Fukui function follows the normalization condition likethe electron density. It also follows a cusp condition.45–47 Owingto the discontinuity in the electron density versus N curves,several Fukui functions are dened for different chemicalreactivity situations (electrophilic, nucleophilic and radicalattacks, respectively).43,44 One can employ the frozen coreapproximation in conjunction with a nite difference approxi-mation, in order to arrive at the following expressions for theFukui function for different chemical reactivity situations:

f þðrÞ ¼�vr



vðrÞy rNþ1ðrÞ

� rNðrÞy rLUMOðrÞ; for nucleophilic attack (13)

f �ðrÞ ¼�vr



vðrÞy rNðrÞ

� rN�1ðrÞy rHOMOðrÞ; for electrophilic attack (14)

f 0ðrÞ ¼ 1

2ðf þðrÞ þ f �ðrÞÞy 1


þ rHOMOðrÞÞ; for radical attack (15)

It could be seen from the aforementioned expressions thata direct connection could be drawn with Fukui's frontier orbitaltheory by dening the Fukui functions in this manner as thesequantities are functions of frontier orbital density. The Fukuifunction assumes a rather large value in the cases where elec-tron transfer is energetically favourable. In such situations,a concomitant large variation in the values of m is observedthereby signifying greater chemical reactivity. In order to makethese aforementioned quantities more convenient for chemicalinterpretations, the concept of atoms-in-a-molecule could be

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invoked and upon employing these formulations, one can arriveat the following condensed-to-atom variants of thesequantities:48

fK+ ¼ qK(N + 1) � qK(N); for nucleophilic attack (16)

fK� ¼ qK(N) � qK(N � 1); for electrophilic attack (17)

f 0K ¼ 1

2½qKðN þ 1Þ � qKðN � 1Þ�; for radical attack (18)

Here, qK represents the electron population of the atomwithin a molecule. In order to compute qK, one could carry outMulliken population analysis or Hirshfeld population analysis.It was shown that while using the Mulliken population analysis,the values of the Fukui functions could turn out to be nega-tive.49–51 So in general, Hirshfeld population analysis49–51 isusually performed in order to calculate qK, which is positive inmost cases and thus the Fukui functions. There are, however,situations where negative Fukui functions are qualitativelyimportant to decipher the nature of some chemicalprocesses.52–55

We note, however, that these local reactivity descriptors arepoor intermolecular reactivity descriptors even though theycould be useful in order to decipher the intramolecular reac-tivity. When two molecules interact with each other in the longrange, the concerned molecules cannot ‘sense’ the local reac-tivity variations in each other. At long intermolecular separa-tions, primarily electrostatic interactions dictate theintermolecular interactions as compared to the orbital inter-actions. In these situations, instead of the Fukui functions, onecould utilize other reactivity descriptors such as local sonesssa(r)56 as well as philicity u(r).57 By making use of the resolutionof the identity associated with the normalization conditions forthe Fukui functions, researchers have arrived at the followingexpressions for these two quantities:56,57

sa(r) ¼ Sfa(r); a h �, +, 0 (19)

ua(r) ¼ ufa(r); a h �, +, 0 (20)

Condensed-to-atom variants for the aforementioned quan-tities were also developed and they are expressed as follows:

ska ¼ SfK

a; a h �, +, 0 (21)

uka ¼ ufK

a; a h �, +, 0 (22)

It has been shown that philicity could be utilized to under-stand nucleophile–electrophile interactions, whereas localsoness can describe so–so interactions quite well. It wasshown that one can arrive at the group quantities by summingover all condensed-to-atom quantities over the group of corre-sponding atoms.58,59 The various local reactivity descriptorssuch as sa(r), ua(r), r(r) and f(r) could be evaluated by followingappropriate variational methods.

Attempts have been made to dene a local variant of hard-ness under certain conditions.60–62 Because of the inter-

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry

dependence of v(r) and r(r) within the premise of DFT, ambi-guities arise63–65 for the simultaneous denition of local hard-ness and local soness when local hardness is described asfollows:66,67

hðrÞ ¼� dm



h(r) could be evaluated from the hardness kernel h(r,r0) also inthe following way:

hðrÞ ¼ðhðr; r0 Þf ðr0 Þdr0 (24)

The hardness kernel could be expressed in the following way:

hðr; r0 Þ ¼ d2F ½rðrÞ�drðrÞdrðr0 Þ (25)

Here, F[r(r)] is the Hohenberg–Kohn universal functional. Itshould be noted that h(r) provides a measure of nuclear reac-tivity, whereas s(r) gives an estimate for the electronicreactivity.68,69

In addition to the aforementioned quantities, several otherlocal reactivity descriptors are also utilized. Prominent exam-ples among them include the gradient (Vr(r)) and Laplacian(V2r(r)) of electron density,70 quantum potential,71,72 electronlocalization function,73 molecular electrostatic potential,74–77

multiphilic descriptor (Du(r)),78 dual descriptors (Df(r)),79–81 etc.A local temperature Q(r) has been developed82–86 by making useof the density and kinetic energy density within the realm of anideal gas kinetic energy density approximation. This quantityhas been also dened in the cases of time dependent situationsas well as in the cases of the excited states having non-vanishingcurrent density.87–91 Even though a condensed-to-atom variantof Q(r) has been developed, such a condensation suffers fromamathematical drawback.92–98 As Q(r) is non-linearly dependenton r(r), its condensation using the associated electron pop-ulation becomes ad hoc. Attempts to dene a local variant ofhardness also suffer from this mathematical inexact formula-tion.99 Since all the aforementioned quantities ultimatelydepend on the employed density partitioning schemes, thesequantities need to be employed with careful scrutiny in order toalleviate any unphysical behaviour. In general, during thecourse of hard–hard interactions, atomic charge dictates100 thenature of interaction and thus reactivity. Therefore, in suchsituations, local reactivity descriptors based on atomic chargescan describe the reactivity quite well.101,102 On the other hand,when the nature of interaction is dominated by frontier orbitalswhich happens to be the case in the instances of so–sointeractions, one could employ descriptors such as the Fukuifunction48 or the inter-molecular variants like s(r) and u(r).

The aforementioned reactivity descriptors oen obey someelectronic structure principles. Thus, these reactivity descrip-tors are utilized in conjunction with these electronic structureprinciples. In the following sections, we intend to describe theseprinciples, which in concomitance with the reactivity descrip-tors form the backbone of CDFT.

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4. Electronic structure principles

The concept of electronegativity was introduced by Pauling.103 Itmeasures the relative propensity of the electron donation oracceptance capacity of two interacting moieties. It has beenargued that during the course of ow of electrons between twointeracting moieties, the process continues until their electro-negativity values get equalized.104–107 This is stated as Sander-son's electronegativity equalization principle. According to thisprinciple, the nal molecular electronegativity tends to equalthe geometric mean of the electronegativity values of constit-uent atoms at the isolated state. During the course of formationof a complex such as X : Y, from an acid X and base Y, the extentof charge transfer (DN) and energy change (DE) could beexpressed as follows:26

DN ¼ c0X � c0


hX þ hY


DE ¼ ��c0X � c0


22ðhX þ hY Þ


The aforementioned equations were originally proposed byParr and Pearson. Since then, these equations have beeninvoked in various different contexts. These equations wereutilized while seeking an analytical proof for the hard–so acid–base principle (HSAB).108–116 They were also used while deningan electrophilicity index.117–119 However, this approach fails totake into account important factors such as entropy and solventeffects, electrostatic interaction, etc. and relies heavily on theeffect of charge transfer.120 This approach also suffers from thederivative discontinuity problem.46–49 In order to alleviate theseissues, efforts have been made by recasting this problem withinthe framework of a grand canonical ensemble.33–39 Statisticalmechanical apparatus may be properly exploited in deningreactivity descriptors at a nite temperature.9 For example, thesoness can alternatively be dened in terms of number uc-tuations.56 It is to be noted that in order to overcome thederivative discontinuity problem in the energy functional (E[N,v]), the incorporation of temperature within the denition of E[N, v] was considered by Franco-Perez, Ayers, Gazquez andVela.121–123 Within this approach, the premise of CDFT movesfrom the realm of canonical to a grand-canonical ensemble.33–39

Within the premise of temperature dependent CDFT, theaverage electronic energy and its derivatives become the crucialcomponent. Due to the incorporation of nite temperatureeffects, the deviations in the various response functions arenegligible from their zero temperature counterparts (within thetemperature independent formulation). In addition, within thepremise of temperature dependent CDFT, quantities like heatcapacity (and its local variant) could be dened.122 Thus, energytransfer processes could be studied by making use of temper-ature dependent CDFT. The thermodynamic hardness and dualdescriptor could also be dened by following temperaturedependent CDFT.123 These constitute important formal devel-opments in CDFT.

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In addition to the difference in electronegativity, the hard-ness sum is also an important quantity which can help tounderstand electron transfer processes. The hardness measuresthe reluctance of a chemical entity for electron transfer.26 As thevalue of DE is always negative irrespective of the direction ofelectron transfer within a molecule, one needs to consider theDN values in order to understand the direction of the electronow. In the cases of local reactivity descriptors, the condensed-to-atom variant of the Fukui function could be utilized in orderto understand the direction of electron transfer.

In order to better understand the reactivity of a system, oneneeds to consider the concept of hardness as well, as electro-negativity alone cannot describe the reactivity of chemicalmoieties. The concept of hardness was proposed by Pearson24,25

and the utility of this concept was demonstrated while trying toexplain the nature of acid–base reactions through his HSABprinciple as follows: “Hard acids prefer to coordinate with hardbases and so acids prefer to coordinate with so bases for boththeir kinetic and thermodynamic properties.” By following thedenition of hardness via eqn (8), the hard–so nature ofa large number of acids and bases could be corroborated nicelywith available experimental trends. An important electronicstructure principle concerning the hardness is termed themaximum hardness principle (MHP).124–130 According to theMHP, the following statement could be stated: “There seems tobe a rule of nature that molecules arrange themselves so as to beas hard as possible.” There exist a number of processes wherethe validity of the MHP has been computationally proven. A fewrepresentative examples include the cases of various chemicalreactions,131 molecular vibrations as well as internal rota-tions,132–137 Woodward–Hoffmann rules,138,139 time dependentsituations,140 aromaticity,141 chaotic ionization from Rydbergstates,142 etc.

In view of the less magnetizability and polarizability of hardsystems, two additional electronic structure principles namelythe minimum magnetizability principle (MMP) and minimumpolarizability principle (MPP) are formulated. According to theMPP,143 the following could be stated: “The natural direction ofevolution of any system is towards a state of minimum polar-izability (a)” whereas the MMP states that144,145 “A stableconguration/conformation of a molecule or a favourablechemical process is associated with a minimum value of themagnetizability (x).”

By making use of the h and m values, the extremum values ofelectrophilicity (u) could be calculated.146–148 It has beenproposed that a minimum electrophilicity principle (MEP)might be operative in several cases.149–152 By drawing compar-ison with classical electrostatics, it has been argued153 that theMEP is inherently dened within theMaynard-Parr denition ofu. During the course of chemical reactions, extrema of u occurat points where the following condition is satised:146–148


vl¼ m





Herein, l could be either a reaction coordinate for a chemicalreaction or some internal degree of freedom for the cases of

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vibration or internal rotational processes. We note that h isalways positive and m is always negative because of the convexnature of energy. Therefore, electrophilicity achieves theextremum value, when the dependencies of h and m on l areopposed.

In addition to the aforementioned principles, it might beprudent to mention how the concept of entropy is dened andutilized within the realm of DFT. Considering an N electronsystem and assuming that it consists of N non-interactingparticles under the inuence of an effective potential veff(r,t),entropy density in a time-dependent situation is formulatedwithin an average density framework as follows:87,154

sðr; tÞ ¼ 5

2kr� kr ln rþ 3

2kr ln




Herein, k is the Boltzmann constant, whereas q representsa space-time dependent ‘temperature’. In order to dene q, thekinetic energy density is utilized as follows:

tsðr; rðr; tÞÞ ¼ 3

2rðr; tÞkqðr; tÞ þ



Here, j represents the current density. We note that bymaking use of information theory, one can arrive at eqn (29) aswell. To this end, the Shannon entropy for the system could beexpressed in terms of the density of the system and one couldmaximize it under certain constraints in order to arrive at eqn(29). The global entropy could be obtained by integrating eqn(29) over the whole space as follows:

S ¼ðsðr; tÞdr (31)

In several time-dependent situations, it was shown that inthe cases where the processes are favourable, the entropy getsmaximized and a maximum entropy principle remains oper-ative in such situations.142,143 It should be noted that within therealm of CDFT, concepts derived from information theory155

could be utilized and suitable descriptors could be dened toprovide several important insights. To this end, the utilizationof information theory has provided physical insights intoatoms-in-molecule theory.156 It has been shown that Shannonentropy, when expressed as a functional of r(r), can on its owndescribe coulombic moieties.157 The implication of thisobservation is profound. It could be argued that the Shannonentropy could turn out to be as important as r(r) and it couldbe utilized to explain several chemical processes. In thiscontext, several other density functionals are also dened suchas Onicescu information energy,158 Fisher information159 andRenyi entropy.160 The Kullback–Leibler information measurealso contains meaningful information.89 Several importantinsights have been provided into many physicochemicalprocesses (such as the steric effect, aromaticity, etc.) byemploying these concepts.161–165 The information conservationprinciple could be utilized to quantify important reactivity

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry

descriptors such as electrophilicity, nucleophilicity andregioselectivity.

There are several reactions associated with a change in spinmultiplicity. Spin dependent reactivity descriptors have beenderived.166–168 The above-mentioned quantities are separatelydened for up and down spins. Related chemical potential, spinpotential and different types of hardnesses are made use of.

5. Reactivity descriptors within timedependent situations

Runge and Gross showed169 that it is possible to extend DFT asdeveloped by Hohenberg and Kohn, to time-dependent situa-tions. They proved that there exists a one-to-one correspon-dence between the time-dependent external potential vext(r,t)and time-dependent density r(r,t) in the cases of a many-electron moiety evolving from a given initial state. All the timedependent properties of a given system are unique func-tionals170 of time-dependent density r(r,t) and the currentdensity j(r,t). The set of time dependent Kohn–Sham equationscould be expressed as follows:

� 1

2V2 þ veff ½rðr; tÞ�

�4iðr; tÞ ¼ i

v4iðr; tÞvt

; i ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffi�1



veff ½rðr; tÞ� ¼ vextðr; tÞ þðrðr0 ; tÞjr� r

0 j dr0 þ vXC½rðr; tÞ� (33)


rðr; tÞ ¼XNi¼1

j4iðr; tÞj2 (34)

Inspired by the work of Madelung on quantum uiddynamics,171 a different route could be considered in order toevaluate r(r,t) and j(r,t). This approach is termed quantum uiddensity functional theory (QFDFT).87–89 Within this framework,a generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation (GNLSE) is solvedto study the temporal evolution of a system and this GNLSEcould be expressed as follows:

� 1

2V2 þ veff ½rðr; tÞ�

�Jðr; tÞ ¼ i

vJðr; tÞvt

; i ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffi�1



J(r,t) ¼ r1/2(r,t)exp(ix(r,t)) (36)


j(r,t) ¼ [JreVJim � JimVJre] ¼ rx (37)

Herein, x denotes the velocity potential. Other alternatives likethe use of dynamical response functions or direct moleculardynamics simulations may also be envisaged.

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It should be noted that the Hohenberg–Kohn theorems havebeen further developed in order to incorporate the effects ofexternal electric and magnetic elds.172 In this formulation, thekinetic energy operator, within the time dependent Kohn–Shamequations, would include a term arising from the vectorpotential. Furthermore, j(r,t) and veff[r(r,t)] would include termsarising from both vector and scalar potentials. These additionalterms arise in order to incorporate the effects of external time-dependent electric and magnetic elds. These additional termsare also taken care of within the QFDFT framework.

The time dependent variants of both global and local reac-tivity descriptors could be dened so that these quantities couldbe evaluated within the time dependent scenario.143,173 To thisend, the chemical potential m(t) could be dened by making useof j(r,t) and r(r,t) within eqn (3). One, however, needs to denea suitable time-dependent energy functional. Time-dependenthardness h(t) could be calculated via the time-dependent vari-ants of eqn (23)–(25). Therefore, it becomes possible to evaluatethe time-dependent electrophilicity u(t) by making use of h(t)and m(t) via eqn (10).

Having outlined the basics of CDFT, in the following sectionswe intend to provide an overview of processes where CDFT turnsout to be very useful in understanding various physicochemicalprocesses.

6. Electronic structure principlesunder special conditions

Before we describe the utility of CDFT in understanding severalspecial physicochemical processes, it might be prudent tobriey state a few general trends vis-a-vis chemical reactivity asobserved within the purview of CDFT. Firstly, we consider thecase of reactivity of atoms across the periodic table. In general,along a given period, hardness increases whereas it decreasesalong a given group.174 This fact is in conformity with the MHP.Similarly, electrophilicity,175 polarizability175 and magnet-izability144,145 increase along a group whereas the values of thesequantities decrease along a period. These facts are in accor-dance with principles such as the MEP, MMP and MPP.Therefore, the utility of global reactivity descriptors in explain-ing chemical reactivity becomes quite evident from the afore-mentioned facts. One can utilize the radial distributionfunction of philicity,176 i.e., 4pr2u(r), in order to retrieve thecharacteristic features of the electronic shell structure muchlike the plot of 4pr2r(r). One can dene the following cuspcondition for u(r) from that of f(r). We note that for all r ina molecule, u remains a constant and thus the followingequation could be derived:45,46


rVuðrÞuðrÞ ¼ �2Z (38)

Utilizing eqn (38), one could construct a map of u(r), whichin turn can help to nd the nuclei within a molecule as well asthe loci of atoms and thus help to shed light on the atoms-in-molecule picture.

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Similarly, global and local reactivity descriptors could beutilized to understand the change in reactivity and stabilityassociated with the changes in molecular vibration and internalrotation. We note that due to the changes inmolecular vibrationand internal rotation, the electron density distribution withina molecule also changes. In general,132–136 within a minimumenergy conguration and/or conformation, the hardness valuebecomes maximum, whereas polarizability tends to attain theminimum value. In a number of cases, electrophilicity attainsthe minimum value in the corresponding situations. In order tounderstand the nature of the extremals in u, one may considerthe characteristics of the rst and second order derivatives ofthis quantity with respect to a generalized reaction coordinate(l).146–148 One can differentiate both sides of eqn (10) withrespect to l as follows:


vl¼ m



vl� 1








vl2¼ 1





þ m2





� 2m






�þ m




� 1







One could infer from the expressions stated above that u

would be an extremum when h and m attain the respectiveextrema. Even though this criterion is a sufficient condition, itdoes not always have to be a necessary condition. During thecourse of molecular vibrations and internal rotations, the localreactivity descriptors also exhibit characteristic oscillations.133–136

In order to analyse the reaction between an electrophile andnucleophile, one can utilise local and global electrophilicities.An electrophile would have a larger u value as compared toa nucleophile and as a result of this difference, they will bedrawn towards each other. Once these moieties come in closeproximity to one another, several other local reactivity descrip-tors could be utilized to understand the nature of interactionbetween them. It should be noted that during the course of theinteraction between the electrophile and nucleophile, the siteshaving the largest local electrophilicity and nucleophilicityvalues would primarily dictate the process. Since

Pkuk ¼ u,

local philicity values at the concerned atomic sites govern thecorresponding global reactivity trend.

In order to analyse the nature of cycloaddition reactions,CDFT based reactivity descriptors have been utilized by severalresearch groups. To this end, the difference in electrophilicity(Du) between a diene and a dienophile could be employed. Ithas been suggested177–179 that in the cases when the Du is smallbetween a diene–dienophile pair, the reaction mechanismfollows a concerted pathway, and that the reaction could beprimarily understood by considering the properties of theconcerned frontier orbitals. Therefore, these types of reactionsoccur as a result of so–so interactions. In the cases when theDu is large for a diene–dienophile pair, the reactions proceedvia a polar and step-wise mechanism. These reactions are

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primarily charge-controlled and thus could be classied as anexample of hard–hard interactions. These trends could beunderstood by employing philicity also.180 Electrophilicity hasbeen utilized in order to understand the salient features ofacidity/basicity concepts as dened by the Lewis and Brønsted–Lowry models.181,182 Similarly, electrophilicity has beenemployed in order to understand several concepts prevalent inorganic chemistry, details of which could be found elsewhere.20

We state another prominent example where the utility of theelectrophilicity concept could help to elucidate many facets oforganic reactions. Maynard and co-workers showed28 that thereexists a connection between electrophilicity and kinetic behav-iour. Thus, this concept could be employed to understandchemical kinetics. Parr et al. developed29 the concept of elec-trophilicity by employing an energy minimization criterion.Therefore, one could gain insights into the thermodynamicstability of a given system under consideration. In this context,the variations in electrophilicity along the intrinsic reactioncoordinate (IRC) of several reactions have been analysed ingreat detail.146–148 In these cases, the minimum electrophilicityprinciple remains operative. In order to understand thisobservation, one could make use of eqn (39) and (40). For theminimum energy congurations, the following conditions hold:vu

vly 0;


vl2. 0, whereas for the transition states the corre-

sponding conditions could be stated as follows:vu

vly 0;



Fig. 1 Time evolution of chemical potential (m, in a.u.) when a helium at10�6, 0.01 and 100 a.u.). Black line (length of the cylinder ¼ 6 a.u.) reprea.u.) and blue line (length of the cylinder ¼ 4.2 a.u.) represent confined syref. 208 with permission from the [PCCP Owner Societies] copyright [20

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Local reactivity descriptors demonstrate opposite trends forbond breaking and bond making processes. They tend to inter-sect at some point along the IRC, in the cases of several reac-tions.140,141 In the cases of thermoneutral reactions, theseintersection points coincide with the saddle points within thepotential energy surfaces. Therefore, by employing the outlinedmethod, one can locate the transition states. In accordance witha reactivity based Hammond's postulate, the intersection pointssucceed the transition states in the cases of exothermic reac-tions, whereas these points precede the transition states in thecases of endothermic reactions.183,184 In a number of exothermicreactions, it has been proven151–153 that the least electrophilicmoiety lies in the product side. The average electrophilicity valuegenerally decreases in these cases as we move from the reactantto the product's end. This observation could be classied as anoutcome of the MEP. In general, for a favourable reaction, theDhProduct�Reactant value should be a positive quantity, whereasDa,E,uProduct�Reactant should be a negative quantity.185–187

6.1. Change in chemical reactivity indices in the presence ofsolvents

Since the reactivity of systems varies as we move from a gasphase to a solution phase, it is extremely important to knowhow the CDFT based reactivity descriptors behave in suchsituations. Lipinski and co-workers considered a homogeneouspolar medium using a virtual charge based model in order tounderstand the changes in the hardness and electronegativity

om in the ground state is placed in an intense laser field (amplitude ¼sents the unconfined system, and red line (length of the cylinder ¼ 4.8stems (radius of the cylinder ¼ 4.2025 a.u.); u0 ¼ p. (Reproduced from12]).

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Fig. 2 Time evolution of chemical hardness (h, in a.u.) when a helium atom in the ground state (G.S.) and excited state (E.S.) is placed in an intenselaser field. See the Fig. 1 caption for further details (reproduced from ref. 208 with permission from the [PCCPOwner Societies] copyright [2012]).

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of some bonded moieties.188 They have showed that uponincreasing the solvent polarizability, the hardness of ionsdecreases, whereas the electronegativity increases and

Fig. 3 Time evolution of the electrophilicity index (u, in a.u.) when a heliuintense laser field. See the Fig. 1 caption for further details (reproduced fro[2012]).

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decreases, respectively, in the cases of anions and cations.However, the molecular level hardness and electronegativityexhibited only minor variations as a function of the solvent

m atom in the ground state (G.S.) and excited state (E.S.) is placed in anm ref. 208 with permission from the [PCCPOwner Societies] copyright

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effects. According the models considered by Pearson189 in thecases of hydration, neutral molecules become less hard uponsolvation. Anions and cations, on the other hand, becomepoorer electron donors and acceptors (so more and less elec-tronegative, respectively) respectively upon hydration. Sivane-san et al.190 analysed the changes in the Fukui function in goingfrom a gas to a water solvent phase in the cases of severalorganic molecules and they showed that in general thepropensity of nucleophilic and electrophilic attacks increases inmoving from a gas to a solvent phase. The change in electro-philicity upon solvation was analysed in several studies.191–194 Ithas been suggested that solvation enhances the electrophilicpower of neutral electrophilic moieties, whereas the oppositeeffect seemingly operates in the cases of charged and ionicelectrophiles. Upon solvation, the insertion energy could beapproximated by the changes in Dh and Dm. While the former

was shown to bem

hDNtimes the solvation energy, the latter

quantity was shown to be twice the solvation energy. Therefore,the changes in electrophilicity are linearly correlated with thesolvation energy. The global electrophilicity is much moresensitive to solvation effects as compared to its local counter-part and thus it could be utilized to understand changes inchemical reactivity.

6.2. Change in chemical reactivity indices in the presence ofan external eld

In order to understand how a many-electron system behaves inthe presence of an external perturbation, both perturbative and

Fig. 4 Time evolution of polarizability (a, in a.u.) when a helium atom in thfield. See the Fig. 1 caption for further details (reproduced from ref. 208

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry

variational methods were adopted.195–198 We note that theexternal perturbation might originate from the presence ofanother molecule or one could utilize electromagnetic radiationin order to perturb the system under consideration. Numericalresults199 have shown that u and m are much more prone togetting affected by some external eld as compared to h. Localreactivity descriptors are much more susceptible to changes asa function of the strength of the external elds as compared totheir global counterparts.

QFDFT87,88 has been utilized extensively in order to under-stand the changes in CDFT reactivity descriptors as a functionof external perturbation. The temporal evolution of reactivitydescriptors has been analysed therein. In the presence of a low-intensity eld, in-phase oscillations in the time evolution of mhave been observed, whereas one needs to employ a muchhigher intensity eld in order to observe analogous behaviour inthe case of h.199 The competition between the axial external eldand spherical nuclear Coulomb eld could be nicely demon-strated with this approach. Furthermore, the chaotic dynamicsof Rydberg atoms in the cases of ionization was analysed inthese studies.142

In addition to external elds, ion-atom collisiondynamics was also analysed within the QFDFT framework.We highlight only the salient features herein.200 The timedependent m-prole clearly demonstrates the three scat-tering regions during the course of the reactive collisions. Itwas shown that the hardness is maximized and the polariz-ability is minimized in the interaction region. These resultsare in accordance with the time dependent variants of the

e ground state (G.S.) and excited state (E.S.) is placed in an intense laserwith permission from the [PCCP Owner Societies] copyright [2012]).

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MHP and MPP. The changes in u resembled the corre-sponding case of m. Herein, the MEP was not observed to beoperative in the sense that we have discussed in thepreceding sections in the cases of static situations. The timedependent variant of the HSAB principle was proven in thesestudies. Insight was provided into the regioselectivity ofsome reactions as well.

6.3. Change in chemical reactivity indices in a connedenvironment

Conned quantum systems exhibit fascinating changes in theirphysicochemical properties as compared to their counterpartsin the free state, details of which could be found else-where.201–212 In order to understand the effect of connement onthe reactivity of atoms and ions, the Hartree–Fock–Slaterequation has been considered in order to obtain a self-consistent eld (SCF) electronic wave function. In order toimpose the effect of connement, Dirichlet boundary condi-tions have been imposed on the electronic wave function. TheCDFT based reactivity descriptors have been analysed from thisSCF wave function.206,207 As one imposes the effect of conne-ment, systems become harder. The polarizability decreasesmonotonically as the connement radius is reduced. It is sug-gested that electronegativity is not very sensitive to the effect of

Fig. 5 Time evolution of hardness (h, in a.u.) and polarizability (a, in a.u.ground state and excited state. See the Fig. 1 caption for further detailSocieties] copyright [2012]).

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connement. In the case of u, a similar behaviour has beennoted. It is suggested that as we keep increasing the effect ofconnement, systems tend to become less polarizable andharder. Under these conditions, systems also become moredifficult to excite.

Utilizing the theoretical framework of QFDFT, simultaneouseffects of connement and electronic excitations have beenanalyzed.208–212 Upon increasing the degree of connement,hardness increases both in the ground and the excited elec-tronic states. Polarizability decreases as compared to the freeatom due to the effect of connement. As expected from theMPP, in both conned as well as unconned states, the excitedstate polarizability is higher as compared to that in the groundstate. Chattaraj et al. proved the validity of the HSAB principle inthe cases of atoms and hydrogen molecules exposed to anexternal magnetic eld in the conned state.

In order to show some representative plots for the timeevolution of some reactivity descriptors discussed above duringthe course of atom–eld interaction as well as during collisionalprocesses, we have presented Fig. 1–5 for the purpose ofillustration.

Several important insights have been provided by Morell andco-workers on the excited state properties of several chemicalsystems as well.213,214

) during a collision process between a proton and helium atom in thes (reproduced from ref. 208 with permission from the [PCCP Owner

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6.4. Change in chemical reactivity indices upon electronicexcitation

As any system becomes more reactive upon excitation, it is ex-pected from the MHP and MPP that it will be soer and morepolarizable in its excited state than in the ground state. It hasbeen explicitly demonstrated to be the case in the case of atoms,molecules and ions.215,216 In a two-state ensemble also systemsbecome soer and more polarizable when the contributionfrom the excited state increases in the complexion of thisensemble.215,216 A favorable collision occurs when a hardprojectile hits a target in its ground state rather than in theexcited state where it is soer and more polarizable, as is ex-pected from the HSAB principle.200 These features are valid ina conned environment as well and a suitable choice ofsimultaneous application of connement and excitation duringion–atom collision and atom–eld interaction can bring backthe ground state behavior of a corresponding free state.208,209,217

As electrophilicity is a composite reactivity descriptor, it showsthe validity of the MEP when both chemical potential andhardness behave properly. It has been argued that the excitedstate reactivity may be understood by analyzing the change inthe electron density distribution upon electronic excitation218,219

6.5. Quantitative structure–toxicity relationship

Electrophilicity and its local counterpart have been shown to beimportant descriptors of cytotoxicity.220–223 A small number ofdescriptors can provide robust quantitative structure–toxicityrelationship (QSTR) models. A multiple linear regression anal-ysis has also highlighted that when they are used in conjunctionwith other popular descriptors like hydrophobicity, useful QSTRmodels are generated which in turn will help screening theinitial drug targets saving time and money. The robustness ofthe models is analyzed by employing multilayer perceptronneural networks.224,225

6.6. Aromaticity

The relative and absolute hardness could be utilized in order tounderstand the stability of aromatic molecules. In view of thefact that both hardness and aromaticity provide means tounderstand the stability and reactivity of a system, the correla-tion between them could be intriguing. Nucleus independentchemical shi (NICS)226 values could be utilized in order tounderstand the aromatic or anti-aromatic properties of a mole-cule. An aromaticity descriptor could be dened as follows:227

Yaromatic ¼ Ymolecule � Yreference; Y ¼ E, a, u, h. The referencemolecule could be either the corresponding localized moleculeor it could be a corresponding open chain system. Aromaticmolecules possess a positive228,229 haromatic value, whereas theother descriptors mentioned above possess negative values,according to the CDFT based electronic structure principles asdiscussed above. In the cases of anti-aromatic molecules, thesetrends are reversed. A number of all-metal and non-metalmolecules and their aromatic behaviour have been analyzedby following these criteria.230–233 Aromaticity can drive a systemtowards its stable structure as can be understood through the

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry

dynamical variants of the CDFT based electronic structureprinciples.234 They are also helpful in understanding thearomaticity of compounds of multivalent superatoms.235

Recently, a similar approach has been adopted in explaining thestability of metal clusters.236

7. Conclusion

Based on the discussions stated in this article, we can say thatCDFT could be utilized in several physicochemical contexts.Global and local reactivity descriptors can help to shed light onstability, reactivity, dynamics, etc. Global reactivity descriptorsare connected with several electronic structure principles andthus are very important. Local reactivity descriptors can help toprovide insights into site selectivity. Despite a lot of computa-tional evidence in support of CDFT, it is necessary, formally, tounderstand why and how CDFT works. To this end, moremathematical analysis is needed especially to highlight thedomain of applicability of these electronic structure princi-ples.237 This in turn can increase the predictive power of CDFTgoing beyond its usual interpretive value.

Author contributions

PKC supervised all of the relevant research work emanatingfrom his research group . He worked out the overall plan of thisreview article as well. DC wrote the rst dra of this article.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no competing nancial interest.


P. K. C. thanks DST, New Delhi for the J. C. Bose NationalFellowship (grant number SR/S2/JCB-09/2009) and his studentsand collaborators whose work is presented in this paper.


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