Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow,...

Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex EC Social Protection Training Course Asia and Pacific Region Bangkok 12-15 June 2012 Session 2 Day 1

Transcript of Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow,...

Page 1: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Concepts and rationale for social protection

Gabriele KoehlerDevelopment economist

Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex

EC Social Protection Training Course Asia and Pacific Region

Bangkok 12-15 June 2012

Session 2 Day 1

Page 2: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Overview: Concepts and rationale for

social protection

I. Social protection as a necessityII. Economic growth, inequality and the potential role of

social protectionIII. Social protection as a rightIV. Definitions of social protection and classification systemsV. Direct and indirect effects of SP interventionsVI. Reflection: the “quiet revolution” and what's emerging

Page 3: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

I.) Social protection as a necessity

Page 4: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.
Page 5: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Income poverty

• Absolute number and share of extremely poor people has declined since 1990 globally

• But: number of extremely poor in Africa and South Asia increased– using $1.25 per personday income poverty measure

• Number of poor and vulnerable people:– 2.5 billion persons– using $2 per personday income poverty


Page 6: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Food inequalities

Page 7: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Employment inequalities

Page 8: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Employment inequalities

Page 9: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Child labour

Page 10: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Disasters and conflict

Page 11: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.


Page 12: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.


Armed conflicts

Page 13: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

• Income/economic class• Ethnicity• Religion• Language• Caste/clan• Health condition/communicable/visible diseases• Ability/disability• Geographic location/”distance”/urban vs rural• Citizenship and migration status• Condition of menstruation • Sexual orientation• Recurrent emergency situations• Conflict situation • Age

Social exclusions –manifest in every society



Page 14: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.
Page 15: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.
Page 16: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

II. Economic growth, inequalityand the potential role of

social protection

Page 17: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

The Great Recession

Page 18: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.
Page 19: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Income inequality and poverty (OECD)

Page 20: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.
Page 21: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.
Page 22: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

III. Social protection as a right

Page 23: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

QUICK QUIZ: What is this text?

When was it written?Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to the realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Page 24: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Page 25: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Right to Social ProtectionUniversal Declaration of Human Rights (1948):Article 22: • Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security.

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966):

Article 9:

The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to social security, including social insurance.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989): Article 26:States Parties shall recognize for every child the right to benefit from social

security, including social insurance, and shall take the necessary measures to achieve the full realization of this right in accordance with their national law.

Page 26: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Normative frameworks: recent UN trendsRight to food, FAO 2004, Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive

Realization of the Right to Adequate Food, and Committee on World Food Security, May 2012 adopted Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security

World Health Assembly 2008 - return to Alma Ata vision of primary health care for all

Global Social Floor Initiative since 2009 –striving for an ILO Recommendation on Social Protection for all (ILC June 2012)

MDGs 2010: more emphasis on equity, inclusion, human rights

OHCHR Special rapporteurs on human rights – including right to food and right to highest attainable standards of health

Rio + 20: …

Page 27: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

OHCHR Special Rapporteurs/Independent Experts on human rights

right to education; human rights and extreme poverty; right to food; right to adequate housing; access to safe drinking water and sanitation; against violence against women; physical and mental health; economic policies and debt; TNCs; and other substantive normative areas.

Page 28: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Rights – 3 Principles

1. Inclusion, equality - universality• Every human being is equally entitled to social protection• Advocates universal not targeted programmes

2. Citizenship and participation• Involves negotiating specific entitlements that all citizens can claim such

as free education• ‘Social contract’ between the states and its citizens

3. Obligation and accountability • Ability and willingness of the state to deliver SP under its human rights

obligations• Requires transparency and accountability – good governance and

administrative capacity

Page 29: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

IV. Definitions of social protection and

classification systems

Page 30: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Social protection: EU

• Europea of the European Social Model

Long history: Treaty of Rome (1958): • social protection as one of the social objectives• universal and equal access to social protection for the big social risks

Update: Treaty of Lisabon (2009): • combat social exclusion and discrimination• promote social justice and protection, gender

equality,solidarity between generations, child rights Europe 2020: smart, sustainable and inclusive growth (2010):• five 'ambitious targets' – employment, innovation,

education,social inclusion and climate/energy

Page 31: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Social protection: EU 2012 • a human right• social justice and equity, rather than growth• target the poor - obligation of authorities towards their citizens• investment in present citizenry and future generations• reduce the vulnerability and poverty of those excluded or

marginalised from economic activity; serve as an important instrument of investment in human capital

• a multidimensional concept that should be integrated with political, economic and social goals

Page 32: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Social protection: ILO “…a set of public initiatives that

– provide income or consumption transfers to the poor,

– protect the vulnerable against livelihood risks,

– enhance the social status and – promote the rights of the marginalised,

with the overall objective of reducing their economic and social vulnerability.” (ILO)

Page 33: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Social Protection Floor(s)

Page 34: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Social protection: ADB• a basic human right and a social necessity to combat poverty and

inequality. • promotes human well-being, inclusive growth, political stability, and

social cohesion• can reduce inequality, including that between the sexes. • is critical for achieving the MDGs. • is a key pillar of inclusive growth• is affordable. • is an investment to lift and keep people out of poverty. • contributes to gender equity

Page 35: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Social protection: UNICEF • the set of public and private policies and programmes

aimed at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic and social vulnerabilities to poverty and deprivation.

Principles of child-sensitive social protection • Avoid adverse impacts on children, and reduce or mitigate social and economic

risks that directly affect children's lives. • Intervene as early as possible where children are at risk• Consider the age- and gender-specific risks and vulnerabilities of children

throughout the life- cycle. • Mitigate the effects of shocks, exclusion and poverty on families• Make special provision to reach children who are particularly vulnerable and

excluded• Consider the mechanisms and intra-household dynamics• Include the voices and opinions of children, their caregivers and youth

Page 36: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

UNICEF: social protection

Page 37: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Social protection: DFID • Cash transfers as direct, regular and

predictable non-contributory payments that raise and smooth incomes with the objective of reducing poverty and vulnerability.

Page 38: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Social protection: World Bank • Social protection and labor systems, policies, and

programs help individuals and societies manage risk and volatility and protect them from poverty and destitution—through instruments that improve resilience, equity, and opportunity.

• Social protection and labor practice will help countries move from fragmented approaches toward more coherent systems for social protection and labor, and help to make these more responsive, productive and inclusive.

Page 39: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.


Page 40: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

A typology of social protection

Page 41: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Another typology of social protection

Page 42: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.
Page 43: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

ProtectiveProtectiveSocial Social assistanceassistance

PreventivePreventiveInsuranceInsurance mechanisms mechanisms




SocialSocial transformation transformation

A Framework for Social Protection

Rachel Sabates-Wheeler/Stephen Devereux

Page 44: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

V. Direct and indirect effects of social protection


Page 45: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.
Page 46: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.
Page 47: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.
Page 48: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

VI. Reflections: the “quiet revolution”

Paradigm shifted:• Surge in social protection over past 15 years,

acknowledging inequities• Rights-based agenda advancing

Emerging shifts:• Combining employment and decent work with social

protection • Connecting social services with income guarantees – the

social protection floors initiative

Page 49: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

Reading list: rationale and concepts social protectionMichelle Bachelet, 2011, Social Protection Floor for a Fair and Inclusive Globalization, report of the Advisory Group chaired by Michelle

Bachelet convened by the ILO with the collaboration of the WHO. ILO. centre/news/WCMS_166292/lang--en/index.htm

Stephen Devereux and Rachel Sabates-Wheeler 2004. Transformative Social Protection, IDS Working Paper 232. Brighton: IDS.


Stephen Devereux and Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, 2007. Debating Social Protection. Editorial Introduction. IDS Bulletin Vol 38 No 3. Pp. 1-7.


DFID, 2011, Cash Transfers. Evidence Paper. DFID Policy Division. London


EU, 2012. Social protection in EU development cooperation. Report prepared for the EU by Simon Commander, Mark Davies, and Constantine Zaman. Brussels 2012. page 5.

Margaret Grosh et al. 2008, For protection and promotion: the design and implementation of effective safety nets. World Bank, Washington DC

Joseph Hanlon, Armando Barrientos, David Hulme, 2010, Just give money to the poor. The development revolution from the global South. Kumarian Press


Sri Wening Handayani, 2010.Enhancing Social Protection in Asia and the Pacific. The Proceedings of the Regional Workshop. Asian Development Bank. Manila.. .

Naila Kabeer, 2010, Can the MDGs provide a pathway to social justice. The challenge of intersecting inequalities. IDS and UN MDG Achievement Fund.

Page 50: Concepts and rationale for social protection Gabriele Koehler Development economist Visiting Fellow, Vulnerability and Poverty Reduction Team, IDS Sussex.

ILO, 2011, World Social Security Report. Providing Coverage in times of crisis and beyond. 2010-2011.

ILO, 2011, Social protection floors for social justice and a fair globalization. International Labour Conference, 101st Session, 2012. Report IV (1) . ILC.101/IV/1

Gabriele Koehler, 2009, Policies towards social inclusion. Global Social Policy: 9. pp. 24-29,

Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel and Stephen Devereux, 2007, Social Protection for Transformation. IDS Bulletin Vol 38 No 3. Pp. 23-27.


UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 2010. Rethinking Poverty. Report on the World Social Situation 2010. United Nations, New York.


UN, Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (1948)


UNDP 2010. Human Development Report 2010.


UNRISD, 2010. Combating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics.


UN General Assembly, Outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the 65 th session of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals. September 2010. A/64/L-72.

World Bank 2012. RESILIENCE, EQUITY, AND OPPORTUNITY. The World Bank’s Social Protection and Labor Strategy 2012–2022. Washington April 2012.