Concept Flss

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  • 8/8/2019 Concept Flss



    Project Concept



    EXECUTIVE SPONSOR Professor Alan Lindsay, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & Planning)



    John Harris, Director, CeLTS/Jeremy Du Ve, Director, ITS Applications, ITS

    PROJECT MANAGER Elizabeth Veno, Manager, Production and Distribution Administration Unit,CeLTS


    John Harris, Elizabeth Veno,

    DATE 14 June 2002


    To redevelop the four computerised systems which support distributed learning and other forms of flexiblelearning, (including open learning, VCE Enhancement, Block mode (on-campus and off-campus)) to operate onup-to-date software and hardware, and to meet at least the present and predictable (ie 3 5 years) future needs ofthe Universitys distributed learning and other flexible learning programs. (This project relates to Issue 10 inSection 6.7, University-wide Applications Systems of the ITS Strategic Plan. The project was included in the2001 Programme Portfolio as project LT11, but was ranked at Priority 3).

    BACKGROUNDCeLTS operates four university-wide systems which support approximately 12,000 students undertaking Monashcourses/units by off-campus learning and other forms of flexible learning. The systems concerned are:

    - Production Administration System (PAS)

    - Despatch and Inventory System (DIS) which includes the video tracking system

    - Assignment Tracking System (ATS)

    - Course Inquiries System (CIS)

    Appendix 1 summarises the purpose and importance of the four systems

    As originally constructed, these systems were completely integrated with the Student Data System (SDS) ofGippsland Institute. The initial development of the systems was fully or partially undertaken by theAdministration Data Processing (ADP) Section of the Computer Centre of Gippsland Institute of AdvancedEducation/Monash University College Gippsland. Responsibility was later transferred to ITS via amalgamation ofADP with AMIS.

    Integration with MUSIS involved Monash staff (for DIS, ATS, CIS) and a former ADP staff member acting as anoutside contractor (for PAS). Integration of the four systems with the Callista student-database system initiallyinvolved the same outside contractor under IAS supervision, but IAS has since assumed responsibility for all foursystems. The introduction of Callista has required quite extensive and ongoing programming work to integrate thedistributed learning systems into the Callista environment. Some previous functionality has been lost and is notyet restored. One IAS staff member is available on a full-time basis under supervision to provide system

    maintenance and trouble-shooting. No significant development work is able to be undertaken at present.It hasbeen apparent for some time that the systems require redevelopment of:

    - their functionality, to support changes in off-campus learning delivery;

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    Project Concept: Flexible Learning Support Systems Redevelopment

    - their hardware system (currently DEC Alpha 4);

    - their software systems (currently RDB and Powerhouse).

    Major risks are associated with the continued use of out-of-date hardware and software, for which expert staffsupport is very limited, and redevelopment of the systems was first requested in March 1998, when the adoption ofCallista was under consideration. The IAS project did not include any funding for this redevelopment, although

    some staff then in IAS believed that SAP or Callista would include capabilities which might make the distributedlearning systems redundant, eg SAP Manufacturing and Distribution system. When this proved not to be the case,discussions were initiated with Deakin University and Callista Software Services (CSS) regarding the possibilityof a joint Monash/Deakin project to redevelop the systems for common use. Two reports by CSS supported the

    joint project concept but staff changes at Deakin University caused this to lapse. (The CSS reports are availablefor reference and will provide useful background for the current project).

    With the adoption of the policy that the University will focus on student-centred flexible learning, the high rate ofincrease in the numbers of off-campus students (100% growth from 1991 to 1999) is likely to be maintained orincreased. The numbers of students in on-campus flexible learning programs, increasingly supported by thesesystems, are also growing.

    Although the use of the WWW is increasing, it is clear that this has not, and will not in the foreseeable future,

    make these systems redundant. The need for systems capable of supporting a mix of media and technologies, instudy materials delivery, in communications, in assignment delivery and in student support will grow rather thandecline as Monashs student clientele becomes more global. At the same time, the systems must be redeveloped to

    become more intelligent, via the use of, for example XML-based repository systems for learning materials, andmultiple, student-selectable, assignment submission and return media and enrolment media.


    These systems support nearly 9,000 students in over 170 off-campus learning programs in Australia and over 50countries overseas, over 3,000 students in open learning units. They are also being increasing used to support on-campus and off-campus students in other forms of flexible learning e.g. blockmode, VCE Enhancement.

    The scope of the project is to redevelop the four systems:

    - to operate on contemporary software and hardware (All systems)

    - to administer job registration, scheduling, monitoring of production, storage and distribution of learningmaterials and materials components in a wide range of digital and analogue media for delivery online or on

    physical media (PAS, DIS)

    - to manage assignments which use physical media for submission and return, those using electronic media forsubmission and return, and those using a mix of physical and electronic media (ATS)

    - to provide the capability for comprehensive analysis, reporting and follow-up of prospective student inquiriesregarding Monash distributed learning courses (CIS)

    - to provide a web-based interface to enable input and extraction of appropriate data/reports for faculty staff andstudents as well as financial uploading of job costs into SAP (All systems)

    - to provide an interface to enable input and extraction of appropriate data/reports between CeLTS Units(Educational Design Group, Production & Distribution Administration Unit, Print & web Publishing Unit,Audio Visual Production Unit etc) for example, proposed FilemakerPro database systems for EDG and forcross-Unit production data.


    To increase the efficiency, usefulness and reliability of the four systems, to support the continuing expansion

    of distributed learning and other forms of flexible learning, on-campus and off-campus;

    To make the systems and the data they contain more accessible to users within faculties and within CeLTS;

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    Project Concept: Flexible Learning Support Systems Redevelopment

    To increase student access to control of flexible learning support services, via the portal andWebCT;

    To maintain and improve the quality of CeLTS production and production administration services;

    To design the systems in ways that will make them compatible with XML-based content management systemswhich publish automatically to multiple media, and will enable management of assignments involving

    multiple media.


    CeLTS Production Administration and DistributionUnit staff and staff of CeLTS Production Units

    CeLTS Student Support Unit staff

    Faculty Course Coordinators and Course Administrators for distributed learning and other flexible mode courses

    Students in distributed learning mode and other flexible modes (enhancement, block mode)


    Reduced risk to the University, and saving of staff time in Student & Staff Services Division.

    Support for enhanced quality of learning via systems support for full range of media (learning materials onweb, CD-ROM, streaming media); assignment submission and return in mixed media.

    Improved service to unit and course coordinators/course administrators in faculties (via web-based access todata, increased ease of use, reports available for administrative and financial purposes (e.g. SCM)).

    Labour savings for CeLTS in responding to phone queries from staff and students.

    Improved efficiency of operation.

    Reduced time demand on CeLTS staff in operating and trouble-shooting current out-of-date systems (estimate$45,000 savings pa), enabling shift of staff resources to high-volume tasks and the support of larger studentnumbers in flexible learning modes.


    Phase 1: Requirements Analysis

    CeLTS: Kim Randall, Production Officer 4 months, full-time

    Elizabeth Veno, Manager, Production and Distribution Administration Unit 3 months, 0.2 time


    Production Unit Managers 5 days x 3





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    Project Concept: Flexible Learning Support Systems Redevelopment






    Note: The following budget estimates need to cover the development and on-going support costs for a 3 year period.


    ITS: Initial estimate $600K (may alter when Requirements Analysis completed).

    CeLTS: $90,000

    Salaries: Project Officer $45,000; Project Manager $20,000; Time release, Production Managers $10,000

    Training $3,000; Travel $8,000; Hardware/Software $4,000.


    [An initial estimate of recurrent operational costs (eg. support costs, equipment lease, etc.) Jeremy Du Ve toprovide]


    System debugging, redesign to accommodate changes to SAP, Callista etc and continued development

    - (0.2 EFT Production Officer; 0.05 EFT Manager, PDAU) x 3 years - $60,000

    CeLTS desktop computer and peripherals upgrades - $10,000


    University funds: 100% [Professor Alan Lindsay to comment]

    Note: CeLTS has no access to capital funds


    This will be a phased approach.

    Phase 1, Requirements Analysis is proceeding in 2002 using available resources

    Phases 2-4: Pending


    Project start date: January 2002

    Phase 1: Start date May 2002 End date: September 2002

    Phase 2: Start date January 2003 End date:

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    Project Concept: Flexible Learning Support Systems Redevelopment

    Phase 3: Start date: End date:

    Phase 4: Start date: End date:


    Time availability for Manager, Production and Distribution Administration is limited at particular times of year bythe requirement to maintain normal CeLTS operations ( Time allocation to be reviewed).


    The risk of not proceeding, or of significant delays primarily increases the danger of the current systems becomingunsustainable, due to unsupported out-of-date hardware and software, and/or departure of the single ITS staffmember maintaining the system. This will affect services to students and damage the Universitys reputation.

    Inability to make available sufficient time of relevant CeLTS staff could cause delays in progress.


    - Advancing Off-Campus Delivery (including GOLD)

    - Portal

    - WebCT

    - Callista

    - SAP




    This Project Concept must be reviewed by the Directors and Managers of all ITS Departments / Sections and theHeads/Managers of relevant CeLTS Units. A signature is required by an authorised staff member to confirm thatthe information provided above adequately represents any impact of this project on their area.


    Administrative Services

    Applications Services .

    Client Services .

    FL&T .

    Infrastructure Services .

    Microcomputers .

    Communications & Networking .

    Production Facilities .

    Disaster Recovery Planning ..

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    Project Concept: Flexible Learning Support Systems Redevelopment

    IT Security ..

    Shared Systems ..

    Web & Internet Facilities ..


    Administration ..

    Audiovisual Production Unit ..

    Educational Design Group ..

    Multimedia Development Unit ..

    Print & Web Publishing Unit ..

    Production & Distribution Administration Unit ..

    Student Support Unit ..

    To be completed by the Programme Steering Committee / ITS Directors Group:


    To be completed by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & Planning):

    Approved/Not Approved: Signature: ..

    Version Number: [Version number of this project concept document]

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    Project Concept: Flexible Learning Support Systems Redevelopment

    Distribution: To ITS Project Office/Director, CeLTS

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    Project Concept: Flexible Learning Support Systems Redevelopment


    1. Overview

    CeLTS operates four computerised systems which support distributed learning operations at Monash. Thesesystems have been designed to ensure:

    - integrated, timely production management for learning materials;- efficient inventory and despatch management for distributed learning materials;- electronic and paper-based assignment management with full tracking capability;- efficient and cost effective management of distributed learning course inquiries.

    2. Systems

    2.1 Production Administration System (PAS)

    This system enables administration of approximately 3,000 learning materials productionjobs per annum, relating to 1200 units of study. These jobs are registered, tracked andcosted via the PAS system. The system has a wide range of features such as the ability toregister a job across multiple units, recording copies and distribution by unit, campus,modes and other details; to have the job subdivided into separate parts; to allocate

    production costs to multiple budget codes; to check current stock levels held and to notifyDespatch Section of out-of-date stock to be dumped; to extract costs into SAP forautomatic charging to relevant account codes and to produce a range of reports.

    A comparative evaluation by Callista Software Services of the PAS and DeakinUniversitys system recommended that redevelopment for both universities be based onthe PAS rather than the Deakin system.

    2.2 Despatch and Inventory System (DIS)

    Delivery of correct and complete learning materials, in a timely manner, is a majorUniversity responsibility in conducting off-campus distributed learning programs. TheDespatch and Inventory System (DIS) is therefore central to quality assurance indistributed learning delivery involving physical materials. Over 320,000 items aredistributed each year to over 10000 students in distributed learning (including openlearning). Each item despatched is recorded, with its despatch date, for each studentrecipient, on the DIS. The system also handles inventory management for these items.

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    Project Concept: Flexible Learning Support Systems Redevelopment

    2.3 Assignment Tracking System (ATS)

    Assignment management is also of primary importance in quality assurance for distributedlearning. The Assignment Tracking System (ATS) provides a bar-coded coversheet for

    each assignment submitted on physical media for each student (250 000 per annum). Thisenables rapid and efficient recording of every assignment on arrival and return. The ATSis linked to the WebFace electronic assignment system to ensure that records for electronicassignments and paper-based assignments are held in an integrated manner.

    On-going discussion is occurring with IT Services Division regarding a modification ofthe system to enable efficient management of assignments submitted electronically butmarked and returned in paper form.

    The ATS can provide reports on turnaround time for assignments if required.

    2.4 Course Inquiries System (CIS)

    This database system supports the Course Inquiries Centre, a section of the StudentSupport Unit of CeLTS, which is the initial contact point for prospective student inquiries(12 000 per annum) for the great majority of off-campus distributed learning programs.The CIS software records inquirer information, including source of information about

    Monash programs (for marketing analysis purposes), and produces address labels formailing of the Distributed Learning Courses Guide and any other material. Mailing listsfor follow-up letters can be produced, as can reports to assist in determining rates ofconversion of inquiries to applications, and effectiveness of advertising.

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