Comune di Milano Case Study: BT lights up Italy’s second-largest city


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Transcript of Comune di Milano Case Study: BT lights up Italy’s second-largest city

Page 1: Comune di Milano Case Study: BT lights up Italy’s second-largest city

When you’ve got to keep a mixed technology infrastructure running at optimum efficiency, it pays to have a multi‑skilled partner alongside. That was the issue Milan faced when it had to start running council services over a new dark fibre network covering the whole city.

Having proved its credentials to Guido Albertini, BT was asked at short notice to take on more of the project than originally expected. The high-bandwidth optical fibre is now fully lit up while, alongside, wireless services are empowering citizens and enabling more flexible working.

BT lights up Italy’s second-largest city

BT has the technical skills to make things run according to our requirements, along with the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.”Guido Albertini, Chief Information Officer, Comune di Milano

Comune di Milano

Case study

Page 2: Comune di Milano Case Study: BT lights up Italy’s second-largest city

ChallengeMilan city council (the Comune di Milano) administrates and provides services to the second-largest conurbation in Italy. Milan has a central citizenry of some 1.4 million, as well as being the fifth-largest urban area in the EU with an estimated overall population of about 5.2 million, including the suburbs. Milan is also the capital of Lombardy in northern Italy. It may be just one of twenty Italian regions, but no less than 20 per cent of the country’s GDP is generated in Lombardy.

As the powerhouse at the centre of that dynamic territory, over the past decade the Comune di Milano has consistently upgraded its IT infrastructure. “In keeping with our leading industrial and cultural status,” says Guido Albertini, CIO at the Comune di Milano, “we needed systems and networks that would maintain that position, as well as providing the services that our citizens and enterprises demand and deserve.”

The issue was a lack of integration between council premises, with vital applications like the citizen register, finance, and geographical information systems existing in separate siloes. The Comune di Milano chose to adopt a two-phased approach to solving the problem. It first created an optical fibre infrastructure on which to run high-speed services; then it went looking for a supplier to light up that network.

“BT keeps the network according to our expectations with the overall bandwidth and availability provided in accordance with the SLAs. This is a complex multi-supplier infrastructure and BT as prime contractor collaborates with all the other suppliers.”Guido Albertini, Chief Information Officer, Comune di Milano

Case study

Comune di Milano

Offices worldwideThe services described in this publication are subject to availability and may be modified from time to time. Services and equipment are provided subject to the respective British Telecommunications plc standard conditions of contract. Nothing in this publication forms any part of any contract. The meaning of the word partner or partnership in this case study does not give rise to a partnership as defined in the Partnership Act 1890 or other relevant law.

© British Telecommunications plc 2013

Registered office: 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJRegistered in England No: 1800000

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Die in dieser Broschüre beschriebenen Leistungen, Dienste, Geräte und Produkte werden vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit, Zwischenverkauf, technischer und betrieblicher Änderungen freibleibend angeboten. Die vorliegende Veröffentlichung ist kein Vertragsbestandteil. Es gelten die Allgemeinen und Besonderen Geschäftsbedingungen der BT (Germany) GmbH & Co. oHG und der British Telecommunications plc. Alle verwendeten Marken und Warenzeichen werden anerkannt.

© BT (Germany) GmbH & Co. oHG, 2013


SolutionA competitive tender, conducted under strict EU competition rules, invited bids from world-class IT companies. In the event a partnership between BT Global Services and an incumbent equipment supplier was chosen but, when the latter ran into financial difficulties, BT was invited to run the entire contract. Guido Albertini explains: “The original partnership was chosen on the basis of commercial terms and technical competence. BT had already proved to have the technical and financial solidarity and, with time running against us, we decided to continue with just the one service provider.”

The scale of the infrastructure is enormous – serving a total of some 700 locations – while it is heterogeneous in terms of the equipment used. In the core, four Brocade Net Iron MLX16 routers in a fully redundant configuration run at 20Gbps, with 113 Brocade Net Iron MLX4 routers carrying traffic to and from the WAN periphery at 10Gbps. Individual LANs use a total of over 1,500 HP Procurve switches running from 8212 models for high traffic areas down to 2610 models for less critical locations.

Internet access is dual-served from two data centres with redundant Brocade Net Iron MLX4 routers running at 10Gbps. Network security is based upon eight Proxy

Astaro Security Gateway 525 servers, and two Proxy Astaro Security Gateway 525 servers, arranged between the two data centres, while six Fortigate 3016 and three Checkpoint Power-1 5070 firewalls protect internet connectivity. Three Siemens HiPath 8000 call management servers provide IP telephony across the entire infrastructure with one in each data centre and a third located at a secure police station, together serving some 12,000 Siemens IP phones.

Eight BT technicians provide local support to that mixed technology environment in and from the two Comune di Milano data centres, while second-line support is provided by experts based at the BT Milan office.

Under the original contract, BT also provided wireless services at 50 council premises, including libraries and museums. This implementation allowed Comune di Milano to extend wireless access to 250 external Wi-Fi sites offering free high-bandwidth Wi-Fi services to the public and to mobile workers. That latter wireless expansion was partly implemented by BT, with the council’s in-house IT team responsible for half the areas involved.

Key components ¾

BT management of complex multi-supplier environment underpins optimum council productivity and efficiency

Offices worldwideMinerva & Mercurius kantorenHerikerbergweg 21101 CM Amsterdam Z-ODe telecommunicatiediensten die in deze publicatie worden beschreven, zijn onderhevig aan veranderingen en beschikbaarheid. Diensten en apparatuur worden geleverd in overeenstemming met de standaard contractvoorwaarden van BT Nederland N.V. Niets in deze publicatie maakt deel uit van enig contract. Niets uit deze publicatie mag worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar worden gemaakt door middel van druk, microfilm, elektronisch of op welke wijze dan ook zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van BT Nederland N.V.

BT is een handelsmerk van British Telecommunications plc.

© British Telecommunications plc 2013Statutaire vestiging: 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJGeregistreerd in Engeland onder nummer: 1800000 Wijzigingen voorbehouden



Page 3: Comune di Milano Case Study: BT lights up Italy’s second-largest city

Offices worldwideThe services described in this publication are subject to availability and may be modified from time to time. Services and equipment are provided subject to the respective British Telecommunications plc standard conditions of contract. Nothing in this publication forms any part of any contract.

© British Telecommunications plc 2013

Registered office: 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJRegistered in England No: 1800000


Offices worldwideThe services described in this publication are subject to availability and may be modified from time to time. Services and equipment are provided subject to the respective British Telecommunications plc standard conditions of contract. Nothing in this publication forms any part of any contract. The meaning of the word partner or partnership in this case study does not give rise to a partnership as defined in the Partnership Act 1890 or other relevant law.

© British Telecommunications plc 2013

Registered office: 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJRegistered in England No: 1800000

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Die in dieser Broschüre beschriebenen Leistungen, Dienste, Geräte und Produkte werden vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit, Zwischenverkauf, technischer und betrieblicher Änderungen freibleibend angeboten. Die vorliegende Veröffentlichung ist kein Vertragsbestandteil. Es gelten die Allgemeinen und Besonderen Geschäftsbedingungen der BT (Germany) GmbH & Co. oHG und der British Telecommunications plc. Alle verwendeten Marken und Warenzeichen werden anerkannt.

© BT (Germany) GmbH & Co. oHG, 2013


ValueThe Comune di Milano has largely achieved a paperless office working model, with correspondence and documents being scanned at the point of receipt and passed from desk to desk electronically. That not only speeds up citizen service and makes it more efficient but also delivers environmental dividends. Meanwhile critical business applications are now available to all council people who need them, further improving productivity and the opportunity for flexible working.

Case study

Comune di Milano

Against a core network availability service level agreement of 99.9 per cent, BT regularly achieves and exceeds that target. Guido Albertini concludes: “BT keeps the network according to our expectations with the overall bandwidth and availability provided in accordance with the SLAs. This is a complex multi-supplier infrastructure and BT as prime contractor collaborates with all the other suppliers.”

Key components ¾

Offices worldwideMinerva & Mercurius kantorenHerikerbergweg 21101 CM Amsterdam Z-ODe telecommunicatiediensten die in deze publicatie worden beschreven, zijn onderhevig aan veranderingen en beschikbaarheid. Diensten en apparatuur worden geleverd in overeenstemming met de standaard contractvoorwaarden van BT Nederland N.V. Niets in deze publicatie maakt deel uit van enig contract. Niets uit deze publicatie mag worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar worden gemaakt door middel van druk, microfilm, elektronisch of op welke wijze dan ook zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van BT Nederland N.V.

BT is een handelsmerk van British Telecommunications plc.

© British Telecommunications plc 2013Statutaire vestiging: 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJGeregistreerd in Engeland onder nummer: 1800000 Wijzigingen voorbehouden



Core services ¾ First and second-line support of

city-wide optical fibre network including the management of mixed-technology WAN, LAN and wireless environments

¾ Design and implementation of wireless networks at some 450 council buildings and external Wi-Fi areas

“In keeping with our leading industrial and cultural status, we needed systems and networks that would maintain that position, as well as providing the services that our citizens and enterprises demand and deserve.”Guido Albertini, Chief Information Officer, Comune di Milano