Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School,...

Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -

Transcript of Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School,...

Page 1: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -

Page 2: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Manique S. WilsonTeacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York

21 years teachingB.A. (Hons) English – Univ. of Lancaster

PGCE English & ICT – Univ. of ManchesterMSc. Computer Science – Univ. of YorkTeacher of A Level English Language

Teacher of Games – Hockey, Netball, Cricket, Football, TennisLower School Housemistress

Wife, Mother, Gardener, Scrabbler, Candy Crusher (Level 967!)

[email protected]

Page 3: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Computing Replaces ICT• In Sept 2014

Computing replaced ICT as a National Curriculum Subject at all Key Stages.• Implications to






Teaching Methods


Page 4: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Computing – 3 main strands• The 3 strands:


Digital Literacy


Computer Science


Information Technology

Page 5: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Computing – Digital Literacy• The ability to effectively, responsibly, safely, critically

navigate, evaluate and create digital artefacts using a range of digital technologies.


Digital Literacy

Page 6: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Computing – Computer Science• The scientific and practical study of computation: what can

be computed, how to compute it and how computation may be applied to the solution of problems.


Computer Science

Page 7: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Computing – Information Technology

• How computers and telecommunications equipment work and how they may be applied to the storage, retrieval, transmission and manipulation of data


Information Technology

Page 8: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Where to start?

Computational ThinkingDecompositionAlgorithmsEncodingPractical ProgrammingPattern Recognition

Topic Approach ? Concept Approach ?Term: PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS


Page 9: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Where to start?

KS2 ComputingWhoKnowsWhatThe Feeder SchoolsHave Covered inComputing

Build on from Yr6 ? Cherry pick favourites from POS ?KS3 ComputingScratchE-SafetyE-mailCyber SafetySpreadsheetsUsing the Internet

Page 10: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Factors to consider• Meeting all subject content within KS3• 3 years to cover – don’t cram in too much

• Subject Competency• It will become easier over time – make it manageable

• Resources in place• Use what you have – make things fit

• Digital Literacy not sole responsibility for Computing Dept.• Delegate across whole school – get more involved

• Curriculum to be imaginative, stimulating, broad and balanced• Grab their interest in Yr7 – keep them busy & interested

Page 11: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Planning


Term 1



Term 2



Term 3




Page 12: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Theory

THEORYTerm 1 Term 2 Term 3

File Management E-Safety & AUPHardware & SoftwareBinary

Logic GatesData RepresentationIntro to AlgorithmsSequenceSelection

Logic ProblemsDatabase TheoryInside my Computer


Page 13: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Practical

PRACTICALTerm 1 Term 2 Term 3

LogoMusic with LogoSmall Basic

Scratch ProgrammingSmall Basic

DatabasesSearching the InternetMind MapsMicrosites


Page 14: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Broad & Balanced


Digital Literacy


Computer Science


Information Technology

E-Safety & AUP

Small BasicScratch Programming




File Management

Mind Maps

AlgorithmsLogic Gates


Inside my ComputerData Representation

Hardware & Software

Page 15: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Term 1 SnapshotTOPIC Activities Objectives

LOGO – A Control Program

Basic CommandsProgramming PolygonsRepeat (loops)ProceduresLogo Programming – Music Player

Design and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions

E-Safety – Staying Safe

E-Safety Scenario CardsAgony Aunt/Uncle lettersPostersDigital FootprintStay Safe Quiz

understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy; recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct, and know how to report concerns.

Binary – A computer knows 2 things

Bits, Nibbles & BytesBase 2 – Place holderBinary Octopus (CAS – Tom Campbell)Binary Addition

understand how numbers can be represented in binary, and be able to carry out simple operations on binary numbers [for example, binary addition, and conversion between binary and decimal]

Page 16: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – LOGO unitTOPIC Examples Suggested Assessment Criteria

LOGO Using proceduresUse File/Edit to make a procedure. Type Square in the first box that appears and then between the To Square and End type in your REPEAT 4 [FD 100 RT 90] It will look like this:to squarerepeat 4[fd 100 rt 90]End

Using procedures with parameters (values)This is where you can change the numbers in a procedure each time you use it. That way you could make different size squares with the same procedure. Alter your procedure square so it looks like this to square :sizerepeat 4[fd :size rt 90]end

Level 4You can write a list of instructions to make the turtle draw simple shapesLevel 5You can write a list of instructions to make the turtle draw complex shapes, making efficient use of commands such as RepeatLevel 6You can plan and refine your instructions to make the turtle draw a detailed picture, using procedures when appropriate

Term 1

Page 17: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – BINARY unitTOPIC Examples Suggested Assessment Criteria

Binary What is Binary?

There are 16 different values that can be stored in one nibbleWrite out - Can you see a pattern?

Representing small numbers in binary

Basic Binary addition

Placeholder – Binary Octopus

Converting Binary & Denary

Level 4Recognize digital content can be represented in many formsLevel 5Knows that digital computers use binary to represent all dataLevel 6Perform operations between bit patterns eg. Conversion between binary and denary

Term 1

Page 18: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Term 2 SnapshotTOPIC Activities Objectives

Scratch Fish Chomp Game – Intro to all aspects of Scratch – incl. broadcast & variablesMake your favourite app game: eg. Flappy BirdGame Making Competition with peer review

Use two or more programming languages, to solve a variety of computational problems;

Small Basic Text-based programmingVariablesSequence & SelectionMake a calculatorQuiz Creators

Use two or more programming languages, at least one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems; make appropriate use of data structures

Binary Logic Gates AND, OR & NOT gatesDrawing Logic circuit diagramsLogic Problems

Understand simple Boolean logic [for example, AND, OR and NOT] and some of its uses in circuits and programming;

Page 19: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Scratch unitTOPIC Examples Suggested Assessment Criteria

Scratch Fish Chomp gameComputing through DANCE - CAS Stacey Jenkins

Loops (iteration)SelectionVariables

Adding a score/timer/highest score

Make you favourite app: Flappy Bat, Circle, Shooters

Don’t Play Games, Make them – Gaming Competition

Evaluation & Peer Review

Level 4 Can use loops for continuous motion to move

sprites Can include control for a sprite with keys/mouse Can switch costumes appropriately Can show appropriate use of co-ordinates for

position Can change background/colour effect

appropriatelyLevel 5 Can produce a high quality of sprite Can introduce a variety of sprites with specific

scripts for a purpose Can introduce 1 variable for a specific purpose Can include two player game with different

controls if appropriate Can use say/think appropriately Can show basic use of broadcast Can explore colour effectsLevel 6 Can create a simple score/timer/highest score

variable Can use broadcast in multiple ways Can create a clear game with an aim and good

structure Can show sound use of operators Understands the use of random Can display an opening and closing for the game Can show independent skill to create game

Term 2

Page 20: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Small Basic unitTOPIC Examples Suggested Assessment Criteria


“Hello World”TextWindow Commands




Create a quiz

Level 4Write simple programs that achieve specific goals. Use sequence in programs.

Level 5Use repetition in programs. Debug programs that accomplish specific goals. Work with variables.

Level 6Understand different forms of iteration in programs. Awareness of how procedures and functions work.

Term 2

Page 21: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Term 3 Snapshot

TOPIC Activities Objectives

Databases Difference between manual database and computerisedCreate a TopTrump card to replicate record in a databaseCreate Theme park database to manage ride data.

Undertake creative projects … including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users

Inside My Computer

Input Process OutputLabel partsOperating System – What does it do?

Understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems

Microsites Adsy.MeMicroSite creation Make an App

Create, re-use, revise and re-purpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability

Page 22: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – unitTOPIC Examples Suggested Assessment Criteria

Micro Sites

WWW.adsy.meCreate an ABOUT ME appThink about what will go on each page.What are the hyperlinks going to be?What is the colour scheme?What external URLs will you link to?How can you make it interesting and fun?Don’t forget your target audience!

Create a business/fun app You could devise a quiz game app. A microsite to advertise a product. A holiday destination fact guide….An electronic brochureA promotional microsite for a restaurant

Be creative

Level 4Can format text, insert images and create backgrounds for microsite pages.

Level 5Can structure a microsite through use of hyperlinks.Can create a site for s specific purpose and audience.Level 6Can create a aesthetically pleasing microsite for a workable purpose. Displays creative ingenuity and thoughtful design in layout.

Term 3

Page 23: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7- End of term examTheory Practical

Bring together questions from 3 strands of Computing

Logo Commands & ShapesBits and BytesBinary to DenaryLogic GatesSmall BasicScratch BlocksKeywords on Databases

Scratch debugging activity – Richard Cross created “Olympic Gold” program

File Management tasksCreate additions to StageCount sprites and variablesFix bugsAdd spoken textCreate variablesCreate a best time variable

Page 24: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Activity 1-

Task Description Issues

1 If this is our starting point…

What key topic areas should Year 7 be learning on their journey towards being a computer scientist?

What are your priorities in delivering Computing?

What will keep them busy?

What is the skill set in your dept.?

What resources do you have available?

How will you assess?

1Digital Literacy 2

Computer Science 3

Information Technology



Page 25: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.

Yr7 SOW – Activity 2Task Description Issues

2 How do you move them on in Year 8?

What is the next progression? New skills? Building on Year 7? Introducing new and advanced coding? Still keeping them busy…

What are your priorities in delivering Computing?

What will keep them busy?

What is the skill set in your dept.?

What resources do you have available?

How will you assess?

Year 7Intro to Small Basic


Scratch Programming

Using the Internet

Logic Gates

Cyber Safety

Algorithms – Sequence, Selection

Year 8Developing a solution in Small Basic


KODU programming

HTMLInside the Computer

E-Safety – Mobile Devices

Iteration & Sorting Algorithms

Page 26: Computing in Yr 7 - Keep them busy -. Manique S. Wilson Teacher of Computing at Pocklington School, Pocklington, York 21 years teaching B.A. (Hons) English.


• Your SOW will evolve – make the tweaks as you go

• Play to your strengths

• CAS is there for YOU – share and receive