Computers vs humans

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We can differentiate humans to computers on the basis of vision, hearing, noise, smell/taste, speed reading, memorization, games, power storage, temperature and viruses. You can see that in some cases computers wins while in the other hand there is a victory of human in some.

Transcript of Computers vs humans

  • 1.

2. Vision :576 mp for human5.0 Megapixel USB PC Webcam Camera is highest till now while avg laptop camera 2 3. Hearing:can hear from 20 hertz to 20000 hertzavg computer microphone 100 hertz to 4. Noise:A man canshout a max of 122.5 decibleswww.eTechies.inavg 80 decibles 5. smell/taste:10000 distinct smellNo not yet (I have to improve my self) 6. speed reading:document scanner 1000reading speeed 7. Memorization:The longest number ever momorized was daniel tammet a 500 gb hard drive can120 petabyte for computer(haha look at the number you can't beat me ) 8. Games:supercomputer have now beaten world chess champion The IBM super computer Deep Blue annihilated the world chess champion Garry Kasparov. 9. Power Storage:avg human can survive upto 4 to 6 week without food and 2 to 10 days without waterlaptop battery generally die from 3-10 10. Temperature :Human body run at 36.1C(97F) to 37.2C(99F)laptop can only operate 10C(50F) to 35C(95F) 11. Viruses:For humen scientist can only describe 5000 viruse in details till nowwww.eTechies.inFor computers the number is 2.5 million 12. Thank You Source -