Computer Vision Syndrom

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ORI APRISIA PUTRII11108023COMPUTER VISION SYNDROMDEFINISION Computer Vision Syndrome describes a group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer use Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is defined by the American Optometric Association as the combination of eye and vision problems associated with the use of computers.What Causes Computer Vision Syndrome?CVS is caused by our eyes and brain reacting differently to characters on the screen than they do to printed characters. Our eyes have little problem focusing on most printed material, which is characterized by dense black characters with well-defined edges. Healthy eyes can easily maintain focus on the printed page. Characters on a computer screen, however, don't have this contrast or well-defined edges. These characters (pixels) are brightest at the center and diminish in intensity toward their edges. This makes it very difficult for our eyes to maintain focus and remain fixed onto these images.

2EPIDEMIOLOGYAccording to theNational Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, computer vision syndrome affects some 90% of the people who spend three hours or more a day at a computer.Another study in Malaysia was conducted on 795 college students between the ages of 18 and 25. The students experienced headaches along with eyestrain, with 89.9% of the students surveyed feeling any type of symptom of CVSETIOLOGYComputer vision syndrom (CVS) due to reduced blinking reflex while working long hours focused on computer screenThe study showed a decrease in the frequency of blinking to 6-8 times per minute, or one third of the normal frequency will result in dry eyeAstenopia symptoms appear as feeling tired after working on the eye long enoughThe glare (glare) and the resulting reflections Computer screen can also be exacerbating the symptoms that appear in CVS.

SYMPTOMS The most common symptoms associated with Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) are eyestrain headaches blurred vision dry eyes neck and shoulder pain

SYMPTOM CATEGORYSYMPTOMCAUSEAstenopiaEYE STRAINEye fatiguwPain in eyeBinocular sightAccomodationEye surfaceDry eyeWatery EyeIritated eyeContact lens problemSight Blurred SightSlow focus changeDiplopiaPresbiopiaRefractiun errorAccomodationExtraocularNeck PainBack PainShoulder painBinocular sightPresbiopia correctionComputer screen locationThere are 3 things that might affect the appearance of clinical symptoms in patients with CVS :Uncorrected refractive errorsUnappropriate Ocular responses Dry eye

1. Uncorrected refractive errorsThe need to achieve and maintain a clear vision and single when he saw a small target for future work in the computer it is important that the shadow fell exactly on the retina.It was found that the presence of oblique astigmatism uncorrected visual acuity will be reduced significantlyIncreasing degrees of blurring of vision will cause look increasingly difficult to improve the symptoms of sore eyes and sore heads.

2. Unappropriate Ocular responses

Blurred vision when viewing close or too far after using the old computer has a close relationship to the emergence of symptoms of CVS.This can result in inaccurate responses accommodation during operate computer.Response is not appropriate accommodation, whether it is below or exceeds the response should be the most common cause of astenopia.

3. Dry eye

CVS in patients with dry eye are often found, it is influenced by several factors:1. Environmental factors such as low humidity, high evaporation2. the reduced frequency of blinking 3. Reflex blinking imperfect 4. Display of the cornea, which increased

Why does this happen?Our eyes and brain react differently to characters on screen than to printed charactersDecreased blinking reflex while focusing on the computer screenUncorrected vision conditions Poor computer design Workplace ergonomics Highly demanding visual tasks

Diagnosis Anamnesis

Examination The chief complain : symptoms, onset, duration, and cause of the problem

The best correction of visual acuity when viewing near and farSchimer testSlit lamp examination d. Measurement of intraocular pressure. e. Fundus examination

How is Computer Vision Syndrome diagnosed? Computer Vision Syndrome can be diagnosed through a comprehensive eye examination. Testing, with special emphasis on visual requirements at the computer working distance, may include:

Patient history to determine any symptoms the patient is experiencing and the presence of any general health problems, medications taken, or environmental factors that may be contributing to the symptoms related to computer use.

In fact CVS diagnosis can be made only by history of the symptoms complained of and history of use previous computer. CVS when a person is diagnosed based anamnesis, the person complained of at least three symptoms of four main symptoms of CVS: tired eyes and strained, irritated dry eyes, blurred vision, and headache. The four main symptoms are obtained from the prevalence in previous studies, where These symptoms have a high prevalence among the symptoms other1310 Steps to Reducing Computer EyestrainGet a computer eye exam.Use proper lighting.Eyestrain is often caused by excessively bright light coming in from outside and excessively bright light inside. When you use a computer, your ambient lighting should be about half that used in most offices. Eliminate exterior light by closing drapes, shades, or blinds. Reduce interior lighting by using fewer light bulbs or fluorescent tubes, or use lower intensity bulbs and tubes. If possible, position your monitor so that windows are to the side of it, instead of in front or back.Minimize glare. You may want to install an anti-glare screen on your monitor and, if possible, paint bright white walls a darker color with a matte finish. Again, cover the windows; when outside light cannot be reduced, use a computer hood. Have an anti-reflective coating applied to your glasses. This will prevent glare and reflections on the back side of your lensesAdjust the brightness of your computer screen.Closely match the brightness of the environment with that of your computer screen. Make sure that the text size and color are optimized for the most comfort.

10 Steps to Reducing Computer EyestrainMonitor Display Quality

Refresh rate: how often your monitor redraws the content on the screen. A too-low rate can be hard on your eyes, and a very slow rate causes a noticeable and irritating flicker.

Resolution: a monitor's pixel density: the more pixels, the higher the level of detail. Generally, the higher the resolution the better.

Dot pitch: affects the sharpness of the display. The lower the number, the sharper the image. Most monitors have a dot pitch between 0.25 mm (millimeters) and 0.28 mm; 0.28 or lower is desirable. 10 Steps to Reducing Computer EyestrainBlink more often.Blinking is very important when working at a computer it rewets your eyes to avoid dryness and irritation. When working at a computer, people blink less frequently about five times less than normally, according to studies. Tears coating the eye evaporate more rapidly during long non-blinking phases and cause dry eyes . Office buildings may have excessively dry environments that also reduce tearing.Also try this exercise: Every 30 minutes blink 10 times by closing your eyes as if falling asleep (very slowly). This will help rewet your eyesExercise and stretch your eyes.An hourly exercise to readjust your focusing is to look far away at an object for 10-15 seconds and then near for 10-15 seconds, rocking your focusing back and forth between near and far. Do this 10 times. Both of these exercises will help you prevent strained near vision and stretch your focusing muscles

10 Steps to Reducing Computer EyestrainTake frequent breaks. 20/20/20 every 20 minutes look at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds.Every 50 minutes on a computer, change tasks for 10 minutes. Modify your workstation.If you need to look back and forth between a printed page and your computer screen, this can cause eyestrain. Place written pages on a copy stand adjacent to the monitor. Properly light the copy stand; you may want to use a desk lamp, but make sure it doesn't shine into your eyes or onto the computer screen. Adjust your workstation and chair to the correct height. Purchase ergonomic furniture to insure proper screen locations and posture.

10 Steps to Reducing Computer EyestrainExercise even when sitting. Anyone in a sedentary job, especially those using computers, should stand up, move about, or exercise their arms, legs, back, neck, and shoulders frequently. NIOSH recommends several sitting, stretching, and joint rotating exercises for computer users

10 Steps to Reducing Computer Eyestrain

PREVENTSome important factors in preventing or reducing the symptoms of CVS have to do with the computer and how it is used. This includes : lighting conditions, chair comfort, location of reference materials, position of the monitor, and the use of rest breaks. How is Computer Vision Syndrome treated? Solutions to computer-related vision problems are varied. However, CVS can usually be alleviated by obtaining regular eye care and making changes in how you view the computer screen.


Berapa lama waktu untuk seorang pengguna komputer akan mengeluhkan cvs?Several studies have reported the use of computer time is longer have a significant relationship with either high prevalence of dry eye in male subjects and womenbut some studies suggest that working more than two hours in front of the computer is going to cause symptoms

Among reported by Hanne et al (1994) who found astenopia more heavily on workers who use a computer for more than 6 hours a day compared with workers who use computers less than 6 hours a day


Faktor resiko cvs :1.AGE Aging will cause the cell density in decreased corneal and morphological changes of corneal endothelial cells, which resulting cornea becomes more vulnerable to stress or impairment. Diameter pupil gets smaller resulting in the number of rays to be continued the retina is reduced, This causes people to age more difficult to see in the dim and need lighting up to three times more than adults2. HISTORY DISESASEHistory of certain diseases Some diseases can reduce the secretion of tears or increase the evaporation of tears that aggravate the occurrence of eye dried on employee computers.

3. USING CONTACT LENSEContact lenses cause instability surface layer eye due to contact lens layer divides into two parts, the pre-lens which lost mucin layer and the post-lens which lose the layer of fat. This leads to increased evaporation tear film is followed by an increase in compensation in the form of osmolarity of the tear film that ultimately lead to injury on the surface of the EYE23

KENAPA BISA TERJADI PENGLIHATAN KABUR SAAT MENGGUNAKAN KOMPUTER :Blurred vision occurs when the eyes can not focus on objects right in the sight of the retina so that no shadow is formed clear. Blurred vision caused by the refraction abnormalities such as hipermetropia, myopia, and astigmatisma, it could be due to other correction of inaccurate glasses strengths and settings. A condition referred to in connection with the onset of presbyopia also complaints blurred vision. Environmental factors can be influential work was the onset of this complaint, that the monitor screen is dirty, the angle poor vision, the reflection of light shining or computer monitor bad quality or damaged24

THANK YOUHUBUNGAN ANTARA PENGGUNAAN KOMPUTER DENGAN CVS DARI SEGI MONITOR DAN ARAH PANDANG MATA ?THAT THERE WHILE USING FLASH FREQUENCY REDUCTION COMPUTER, THIS CAUSE OKULKAR surface area exposed to SO EXTEND TIME OF EXPOSURE ocular surface evaporation, OTHER THAN THAT ESPECIALLY WHEN LOOKING COMPUTER OR PARALLEL upwards, ocular surface BE WIDE OPEN SO HAPPENS 2-3 TIMES MORE BIG TIME COMPUTER VIEWINGwhile using the computer points are forced to focus on working on the computer until the blinking frequency decreases, excessive eye fatigue caused by continuously staring at a computer will cause flicker inkomplit