computer in medical filed


Transcript of computer in medical filed

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Information and Informatics

Information Technology is the use of hardware, software, services, and supporting infrastructure to manage information.

Informatics is the scientific field that deals with biomedical information, data and knowledge - their storage, retrieval and optimal use for problem-solving and decision-making

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Health informatics is a discipline at the intersection of information science, computer science, and health care.

Health informatics

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Maintaining Record System

Billing and Financial System


Material Management


Clinical Management

Tracking Patients

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Computers for Information Handling

Computer store can serve as the best way of housing all the medical data.

In medical offices, all the accounting processes are also computerized assuring a safer record.

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Computers for Information Handling

Computers are also used for recording the medical history of patients.

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The database of all the medical data is known as Electronic Medical Records(EMR) or Electronic Health Records(HER)

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Computers in Scanning and Imaging

Many of the modern methods of scanning and imaging are largely based on the computer technology.

Examples of Scanning and Imaging: MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) CT Scan Ultrasound

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CT scan

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Computers make their role perfect in all types of clinical image processing like CT scan X-rays and more accurately

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Surgery with help of Computers

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nurses to

leave the

room and

gives them

the freedom

to perform



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Pacemakers and Life Support Systems

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Computers to keep the heart beating.

Life Support Systems Computers that look after and monitor patients

who are in critical life conditions.

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Nanobots!!! Nanobots are

molecular scale robots that could be programmed to deliver medicine, destroy specific cells, or even just sit and wait for a problem to occur inside the body!

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DNA Sequencing

Helping to decode the DNA of people and creatures in order to be able to specifically describe the DNA code that causes genetic disease.

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Computers are mostly used in every organization. Computer plays different roles in different fields now a day’s no field is evolving without the role of computers.

Computers become a reliable product in every hospital due to its effective and efficient performance. From open heart surgery to X-Ray’s everything is made possible so easily only through computers.

A part from administration purposes computers are used in performing surgeries. Laparoscopic surgeries is said to be the most common surgery which can be done only through the help of computers. The medical experts insert the medical tools and other small equipments attached with cameras into the patient’s body.

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High-tech surgery tools and instruments embedded with cameras are used in surgical process. The operations done by the medical experts are completely recorded by the computers for future references and also to avoid complications.

The Heart rate, pulse rate, brain readings and other specifications are monitored and recorded continuously through computers and finally the medical expert analyze the computer record and provide treatment for the affected person.

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Cost One of the biggest drawbacks of adding computers

to hospitals is the cost. Computers cost money, and a large hospital needs many computers to keep the system running smoothly.

Creating a network to transfer medical records or keep track of billing is an additional initial cost. Unlike paper records, which simply require a few more copies, electronic record keeping requires constant upkeep of computers, computer software and other electronic elements, which can cost even more.

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If your doctor or hospital is switching to computers or electronic record keeping, you're probably worried about the security of your medical records. Paper records are kept in a doctor's office or a warehouse, but once computers are added to a hospital, electronic record keeping typically follows. Once electronic record keeping is begun, medical information is usually added to a closed computer network, but as long as an Internet connection comes into the network, the system is vulnerable to outside sources, opening the debate to questions about patient privacy and medical record security.

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