Computer Gaming Final

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  • 7/31/2019 Computer Gaming Final


  • 7/31/2019 Computer Gaming Final


    A PC game, also known as a computer game, is a videogame played on a personal computer, rather than on a video gameconsole or arcade machine. PC games have evolved from the simplegraphics and game play of early titles like Spacewar!, to a wide

    range of more visually advanced titles. They may then be distributed on physical media suchas DVDs and CDs, as Internet-downloadable, possibly freelyredistributable, software, or through online delivery services suchas Direct2Drive and Steam.

    PC games often require specialized hardware in the user's computer

    in order to play, such as a specific generation of graphics processingunit or an Internet connection for online play, although these systemrequirements vary from game to game.

    2 June 20122

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    There are many different reasons for which peoplewant to play a video game. Here are some of the mostpopular and commonly known categories of computergames. Car racing Role playing (RPG) Offline RPG Massively Multiplayer Online RPG (MMORPG)

    First person shooter Third person shooter games

    Role playing games Strategy games Educational games Business games Simulation games

    2 June 20123

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    These are one of the most pioneering gamesin the gaming industry. From games likeLotus to Need for speed series or Need forspeed undercover, the list goes on. Racinggames havent been only confined to carracing but lately truck racing, bike racing, andspeed boat racing have also been introduced.People loving car racing always want a more

    real experience of racing and they areprovided with the anticipated new flavors,evry time a new racing game for computers isunleashed.

    2 June 20124

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    2 June 20125

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    These games have been introduced a fewyears back. Earlier there were no suchgames. People interested in learning to

    play roles in different situations were givensomething that would be more engagingand help them add a personal touch to thatsituation. Games like Dragon Age have notonly won awards but have been applaudedby people all around the world.

    2 June 20126

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    An active internet connection is not compulsory systemrequirement for these games.

    They are the most common types of games which areavailable in the market.

    A few games which have really turned the heads ofgamers: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Final Fantasy VII World of Warcraft Dynasty warrior

    Dragon age Devil may cry Prince of Persia Assassins creed

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    2 June 20128

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    MMORPG stands for Massive Multiplayer OnlineRPG.

    These are RPGs played on the internet with theplayers participating from all over the world.

    They serve as virtual world for gamers. Some of the most commonly played MMORPGs

    are: World of Warcraft

    Perfect World A3

    Second Life

    Ragnarok Online

    2 June 20129

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    2 June 201210

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    These are the most basic forms of threedimensional games introduced almost adecade ago. One of the earliest of all these

    games was Wolfenstein 3D. This game wasdesigned in an underground scenario ofWorld War II with a lot of levels. It took theaudience by surprise and since its success a

    lot of first person shooter games startedcoming. This type of games are still a big hitlike Metal Gear Solid, Hallo 3 and the likes.

    2 June 201211

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    2 June 201212

  • 7/31/2019 Computer Gaming Final


    Third-person shooters are a type of 3D shooter game,which is a subgenre of action game that emphasizesthe challenge of aiming and shooting. These gamesare distinguished from other shooter games becausethe graphical perspective is rendered from a fixeddistance behind the player's avatar, and slightly abovethem. They tend to be more realistic than 2D shooters,not just graphically but in terms of game play. Forexample, games often limit the amount of ammunitionthat the avatar can carry, and damage is usually

    assessed based on what part of the body is hit by agunshot. The 3D nature of these games also allowsenemies to hide around corners or behind doors in away that is not possible in a 2D game.

    2 June 201213

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    2 June 201214

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    These games usually give you full controlover a large number of resources. You areput in a situation and you have to getyourself out of that situation using theresources that you are given. Thesegames have many levels and usually the

    more you progress, the better resourcesyou start getting, in the given set ofcircumstances.

    2 June 201215

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    2 June 201216

  • 7/31/2019 Computer Gaming Final


    Primary motive of all games is usually to provideentertainment, while educational games not onlyprovide challenging sequences but they also aimto provide education to the game players as well.

    These games usually come in the category ofserious games and are made for the people whichlook to serve a purpose in playing games.Educational games are also not restricted for acertain age and these games are made with

    varying interests and levels of difficulty for all agegroups. Examples of educational games includeThe Clue Finders, EcoQuest, Democracy, andFood Force.

    2 June 201217

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    2 June 201218

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    This is a relatively new genre introduced in thevideo games world. Earlier there existed no suchtype of game. People often demanded games thathelp them learn something about businesses, but

    they couldnt find any. These games were speciallymade to fulfill this demand. Examples of suchgames include Capitalism II, Dinner Dash,Lemonade Stand, and Dope Wars. These gameshave been used by different educational institutes

    to teach the students basic principles of economicsand business.

    2 June 201219

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    2 June 201220

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    Simulation games are the derivate of the originalsimulators that were made by the different industries toteach the employees about the different real timescenarios. The science later developed into simulationgames. These simulation games try to give the playera real feel of the actual scenario in which he is playing.These games try to imitate the conditions of reality inthe game. Examples include simulation gamescenarios for businesses, economic conditions, andeven the physical games like table tennis and golf.

    These are considered one of the healthiest of allcomputer games as in these games a lot physicalmovement is involved.

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    2 June 201222

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    These are sports which are designed intogames. The more recent ones are exactlysimilar to the real life games that are

    played. These games are the most popularas many fans can feel a part of the sportthrough these games. The most common

    ones are Fifa, Cricket, Nfl, Baseball etc.

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    2 June 201224

  • 7/31/2019 Computer Gaming Final


    The most basic requirement for Gaming beside acomputer is a Graphic Card which controls thevisual graphics on the computer.

    The graphic card is fitted onto the motherboard

    and the monitor is attached to it. The companies well known for manufacturing

    Graphic cards are Nvidia ATI

    Intel Another hardware that you need for gaming is a

    speaker because the instructions in many gamesare audio-visual in nature.

    2 June 201225

  • 7/31/2019 Computer Gaming Final


    Gaming as we know it has evolved from the time ofboard games.

    Today the gaming industry is a multi billion dollarindustry.

    For many it is a way of life and a passion, anaddiction which they cant get rid of. At this point of time gaming is not only about

    entertainment but it is a form of mass media whichhas unlimited potential to mould the minds of the

    young as well as the old. For me its a passion, a hobby and a way to still

    remember the child in me.

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    2 June 201227