Computer Applications Written

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  • 7/28/2019 Computer Applications Written






    Test Directions

    1. Complete the information requested on the answer sheet.

    PRINT YOUR NAME on the Name line.PRINT the name of the event, COMPUTER APPLICATIONS on the Subject line.

    PRINT the name of yourCHAPTERon the DATE line.

    2. All answers will be recorded on the answer sheet.

    Please do not write on the test booklet.

    Scrap paper will be provided.

    3. Read each question completely before answering. With a NO. 2 pencil, blacken in your

    choices completely on the answer sheet. Do not make any other marks on the answer

    sheet, or the scoring machine will reject it.

    4. You will be given 60 minutes for the test. You will be given a starting signal and a signal

    after 50 minutes have elapsed.

    1. Once you have created a chart you may change ______________.

    a. only the formatting for text like titles and data labelsb. only by going back through the Chart Wizard c. everything about the chartd. the text formatting and the data series patterns only

    2. You can click on _____________ to view other worksheets in a workbook.

    a. the formula bar

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    b. the horizontal scroll barc. the Home tabd. sheet tabs

    3. Which keyboard shortcut lets you delete the word to the right of the insertion point?

    a. Deleteb. Ctrl+Deletec. Backspaced. Ctrl+Backspace

    4. What is a dialog box?

    a. A blinking vertical bar that indicates where on the screen the text you key will appear.b. A bar containing buttons that can be clicked to perform different tasks.c. A box that allows you to select options or specify information to perform a particular

    task.d. A customizable toolbar for easy access to commonly used command buttons.

    5. When you create a new database, it automatically opens in _________________ view.

    a. Databaseb. Designc. Datasheetd. Query

    6. The part of the screen where you create your slide is called the _____________.

    a. title barb. dialog boxc. slide pane

    d. status bar

    7. If your sheet is too wide to print on one sheet, to make it fit on one page you can try ________.

    a. make the column widths smallerb. make the margins smallerc. use the Fit to setting in the Scaling section of Page Setupd. all of the above

    8. Use the _____________ button to reverse your last change.

    a. Undob. Cut

    c. Redod. Paste

    9. ________________ are used to organize files so that you can find them more quickly.

    a. Tabsb. Worksheetsc. Foldersd. Cells

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    17. A _________________ is made up of a group of related slides.

    a. Quick Access Toolbarb. presentationc. tabd. status bar

    18. A _________________ is a copy of a database created to protect one's work and data.

    a. backupb. fieldc. recordd. table

    19. If you want to find out the name of a database's author, go to the ____________ tab in the

    Database Properties dialog box.a. Generalb. Summary

    c. Statisticsd. Content

    20. Which of the following is NOT contained on the Navigation toolbar?

    a. Previous Recordb. Record Numberc. Last Recordd. Record Selector

    21. Which of the following is an example of a font style?

    a. 12 pt.

    b. centeredc. Calibrid. underline

    22. A database ________________ comes with predefined tables, fields, and so forth to make it

    easier for you keep track of a specific type of information.a. queryb. filterc. relationshipd. template

    23. If you want to see the data types for a table's fields, go to ________________.

    a. Table Viewb. Database Viewc. Datasheet Viewd. Design View

    24. The _________________ tab displays miniatures of the slides in a presentation.

    a. Slides

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    b. Outline tabc. Homed. View

    25. If a cell shows #####, it means that ______________________.

    a. the column is too narrow to show all of the numberb. the row is too short to show all of the numberc. Excel does not understand your formulad. you tried to divide by zero

    26. To copy just the formatting of a range you would use _____________.

    a. CTRL + Copyb. Format Painter c. Paste Special | Formatsd. Paste Special | Paste Link

    27.To select a column the easiest method is to __________________.a. double-click any cell in the columnb. drag from the top cell in the column to the last cell in the columnc. click the column headingd. click the column label

    28. The cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell B1 and goes over to column G anddown to row 10 is _________________.

    a. B1-G10b. B1.G10c. B1;G10

    d. B1:G10

    29. To select several cells or ranges that are not touching each other, you would ____________while selecting.

    a. hold down the CTRL keyb. hold down the SHIFT keyc. hold down the ALT keyd. hold down CTRL+SHIFT

    30. A certain spreadsheet shows in Page Break Preview that cells in Rows 1 25 have whitebackground. The cells in Row 26 that contain data have a dark gray background. When youclick the Print button _________________.

    a. nothing will print because some cells with data have been omittedb. only the cells with gray background will printc. the whole sheet will printd. only the cells with white background will print

    31. If you select a cell with a date in it and drag the fill handle down across several cells, whathappens is that _____________________.

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    a. the date is copied to each cellb. the date is increased by 1 day into each cellc. the date is increased by 1 week into each celld. nothing as AutoFill applies only to numbers

    32. The formula that will add the value of cell D4 to the value of C2 and then multiply by the valuein B2 is ___________________.

    a. (D4+C2)*B2b. D4+C2*B2c. =(D4+C2)*B2d. =(B2*(D4+C2)

    33. Cell A4=2 and A5=4. You select both cells and drag the fill handle down to A8. The contentsof cells A6, A7, and A8 are ____________________.

    a. 8,16,32b. 2,4,2

    c. 2,2,2d. 6,8,10

    34. You insert a graphic but it is too big. To resize it you would ____________________.a. double-click on the graphic to bring up the Graphic dialog box where you can set the

    sizeb. drag the edges of the graphic to resize itc. click the graphic to show the handles and drag a handle to resize the graphicd. from the menu select Format I Graphic to open the Graphic dialog box where you can

    set the size

    35. To copy the formatting of selected text to another place in the document use ____________.

    a. the Format Painter buttonb. the Copy buttonc. the menu Format I Copyd. the menu Edit I Copy Format

    36. The default stops are set every _________________.a. every inchb. every half inchc. every quarter inchd. none are set. You must set them manually under Options

    37. If your header shows only partially, a possible reason is ____________________.a. the header is in the non-print areab. the header height is too shortc. a frame, text box, or drawing object is overlapping the header aread. all of the above

    38. In an unlinked text box when there is more text than will fit inside the box, the extra text is

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    _________________.a. croppedb. deletedc. moved to another text boxd. hidden

    39. When several documents are open in Word at the same time, you can switch between themwith all of these methods except _________________.

    a. CTRL+TABb. opening the Window menu and clicking on the documents namec. ALT+W and then typing the number of the document from the menu listd. CTRL+F6

    40. The MLA style for documents uses __________ to tell the reader what the source of theinformation is.

    a. endnotes

    b. footnotesc. parenthetical referencesd. explanatory notes

    41. A table cell that calculates a value based on numbers in other cells contains a(n) _________.a. formulab. equationc. spreadsheetd. autosum

    42. Combining two or more cells into a single cell is called ____________________.a. splittingb. sharingc. joiningd. merging

    43. The software application that is used the most often is ____________________.a. word processingb. desktop publishingc. spreadsheet

    d. database

    44. To publish a magazine a _________________ application would be best.a. desktop publishingb. spreadsheetc. word processingd. presentation graphics

    45. Acme Corp. sells 1000 different products to over 20,000 customers. To record the sales andshipments they would use a _____________________.

    a. word processor

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    b. project managerc. spreadsheetd. database

    46. If 186 more hot dogs were sold, which cells would change?

    a. C2 and C5

    b. A3 and A5

    c. A2 and D2

    d. A2 and C2

    47. If you had a database with 500 names and addresses of students enrolled at your school andwanted to know the phone number of one particular student, you would _________________.

    a. Perform a search of all boys in the databaseb. Sort the database in descending orderc. Perform a search using the students name as the criteriad. Sort the database and scroll through the records

    48. When you are typing an equation into a cell the first thing that must be entered is _________.a. the first cell referenced

    b. parenthesisc. quotation marksd. an equal sign

    49. The cell labeled F5 refers to ____________.a. row F column 5b. column F row 5c. functions available in cellsd. Function key F4

    50. How do you bold a word?

    a. Ctrl Xb. Ctrl Yc. Ctrl Bd. Ctrl I

    51. You can select multiple fields of a table in design view by using the ____________ key.a. Altb. Spacebarc. Shiftd. Ctrl
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    52. To apply an effect to text, choose _________________.

    a. Home>Font>Dialog Box Launcherb. Home>Font>Fontc. Home>Paragraph>Dialog Box Launcher

    d. Home>Paragraph>Paragraph

    53. ___________ allow(s) you to easily apply a set of colors and formats that have a unified look.

    a. The Paragraph dialog boxb. Line spacingc. Tab stopsd. Quick Styles

    54. Use the Paste button to _________________.a. insert cut or copied textb. locate specific text in a document

    c. insert special characters into a documentd. insert AutoText

    55. Which of the following lets you insert symbols and special characters into your documents?

    a. Home>Text>Characterb. Home>Symbols>Symbolc. Insert>Symbols>Symbold. Insert>Text>Symbol

    56. If you wanted to locate a synonym for the word "find," you could use the _____________.

    a. Thesaurus

    b. spell checkerc. grammar checkerd. Clipboard

    57. Which command would you use to see how a document will appear when printed?

    a. Office>Print>Print Previewb. Office>Save Asc. Office>Printd. View>Print Layout

    58. Which of the following is not an option in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box?

    a. Ignore Onceb. Find Nextc. Add to Dictionaryd. Change

    59. Which of the following could you use to automatically correct "seperate" to "separate."

    a. Clipboardb. Replace commandc. Go To commandd. AutoCorrect

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    60. When using MLA style, which of the following appears in the heading at the top of the first

    page of a report?a. word countb. report titlec. teacher's name

    d. report's style

    61. To ______________ a cell's contents, double-click in the cell.

    a. deleteb. copyc. editd. move

    62. Which function identifies the smallest number in a group of selected cells?

    a. AutoSumb. AVERAGE

    c. MAXd. MIN

    63. Which of the following could you use to determine the average of the values in a column of

    numbers?a. Home>Records>Totalsb. Home>Views>Design Viewc. Home>Views>Datasheet Viewd. Home>Sort & Filter>Filter

    64. To give your audience members printed copies of your presentation, select Handouts under

    _____________ in the Print dialog box.a. Printerb. Print Rangec. Propertiesd. Print what

    65. A ______________ consists of colors, fonts, graphics, etc., that work together to give your

    presentation a professional look.

    a. SmartArt diagramb. themec. tabled. Quick Style

    66. Which of the following would be most useful if you wanted to change every occurrence of

    "Jones" to "Smith"?a. Pasteb. Copyc. Replace

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    d. Insert

    67. Which of the following is a contextual tab?

    a. Insertb. Design

    c. Slide Showd. Drawing Tools

    68. If you want to make certain that a specific field can never be empty, set its ___________

    property to "Yes."a. Field Sizeb. Formatc. Input Maskd. Required

    69. Which command allows you to add a chart to a slide?

    a. Home>Slides>New Slideb. Home>Illustrations>SmartArtc. Insert>Illustrations>SmartArtd. Insert>Illustrations>Chart

    70. You can remove an entire row by selecting it and _____________.

    a. pressing the DELETE keyb. right-clicking and selecting Deletec. pressing the BACKSPACE keyd. choosing Home>Clipboard>Cut

    71. The fill handle is used to _________________.

    a. insert the same content into a group of selected cellsb. add together the contents of a group of selected cellsc. add shading to selected cellsd. add a title to a worksheet

    72. You can use ______________ to let users access a file that is related to a worksheet.

    a. a hyperlinkb. a formulac. the Find command

    d. the Clipboard

    73. Why might you want to hide a worksheet's gridlines?

    a. To save space.b. To make the worksheet easier to read.c. To see how the worksheet will look when it is printed.d. To simplify adding styles to the worksheet's contents

    74. The _____________ will eliminate any redundant listings.

    a. Navigation paneb. Lookup field

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    c. Table Analyzer Wizardd. Relationships window

    75. A(n) ________________ field contains all possible data choices for that field.

    a. attachment

    b. Lookupc. Primary keyd. crosstab

    76. A(n) _____________ query provides summary data for data that is grouped by two fields.

    a. duplicateb. unmatchedc. filterd. crosstab

    77. Which of these is the easiest way to insert a graphical list into a worksheet?

    a. WordArtb. Text Boxc. SmartArtd. Table Tools

    78. A(n) _______________ does not change when you copy a formula to a new location.

    a. AutoFilterb. mixed referencec. relative referenced. absolute reference

    79. A split form __________________.a. always contains at least one subformb. must be created using the Form wizardc. is another name for a multiple item formd. contains both a datasheet and a form

    80. To set the order in which fields on a form will be accessed when the user presses the Tab key,

    choose ____________.a. Arrange>Control>Layout>Tab Orderb. Arrange>Control>Layout>Snap to Gridc. Create>Forms>Tabs

    d. Create>Forms>Multiple Items

    81. You should always choose ___________ to make certain the words in your presentation are

    written correctly.a. Review>Proofing>Spellingb. Review>Comments>Show Markupc. Insert>Illustrations>SmartArtd. Review>Proofing>Language

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    82. A business document that presents a company's yearly financial information with summary

    information such as quarterly totals is an example of a _______________.a. formb. reportc. datasheet

    d. subform

    83. Which command lets you organize a report first by purchaser and then alphabetically by

    product within each purchaser's group?a. Format>Controls>Add Existing Fieldsb. Format>Grouping & Totals>Totalsc. Format>Grouping & Totals>Group & Sortd. Home>Sort & Filter>Advanced

    84. To add a label to a chart's horizontal axis, choose ______________.

    a. Insert>Charts>Column

    b. Insert>Charts>Labelsc. Layout>Labels>Axis Titlesd. Layout>Titles>Axis

    85. Identify the item that is NOT an example of an aggregate function.

    a. Countb. Minc. Avgd. PMT

    86. When you ________________ a table, you check it for correct structure and for anyduplication of information.

    a. normalizeb. exportc. linkd. join

    87. If you want to get data from an Excel worksheet and insert it into a database table, choose

    _______________.a. Database Tools>Move Data>Access Databaseb. Database Tools>Export>Excel

    c. External Data>Export>Exceld. External Data>Import>Excel

    88. ____________ tell Access the steps to be followed when importing data from an external

    source.a. Parametersb. Import specificationsc. Query criteriad. Aliases

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    89. A query can be set up to prompt you for a value, or _______________, that will be used as

    criteria when the query is run.a. specificationb. aggregatec. parameter

    d. calculated field

    90. The _______________ function checks to see if a specific condition is true.

    a. IFb. NOWc. PMTd. COUNT

    91. The ______________ function calculates payments for a loan based on interest rate, number

    of payments, and the amount of the loan.a. IFb. NOWc. PMTd. COUNT

    92. Which of the following is NOT an example of a database object?

    a. tableb. formc. reportd. filter

    93. What is a union query?a. A query that merges data from separate queries into one query.b. A query that searches for data from two or more tables.c. A query that merges separate reports into one report.d. A query that merges separate forms into one form.

    94. If you do not want others to access your database, you can ___________ the database.

    a. encryptb. quick printc. compactd. preview

    95. Why might you want to freeze a worksheet's headings?

    a. So that the worksheet is attractively formatted.b. So that you can use the worksheet's data to create a chart.c. So that you can see the headings no matter where you are in the worksheet.d. So that you can see two different worksheets at the same time.

    96. If you want the footers in one part of a document to be different from those in another part,

    you can insert a ______________.a. footnote

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    b. section breakc. page breakd. footer

    97. Which of the following lets you create a log describing where you obtained particular

    information that you used in a document?a. Reference task paneb. Outline Viewc. Document Information Paneld. Citations & Bibliography tool

    98. The settings to wrap text in a cell and to merge cells are found in the Format Cells dialog on

    the ___________ tab.a. Number b. Alignmentc. Font

    d. Border

    99.You have selected Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3 at the same time so they are grouped. OnSheet1, cell F6 contains the number 55. On Sheet2, cell F6 contains the word Income. OnSheet3, cell F6 contains the formula =D6*E6. You select the contents of cell B1 which containsthe number 2000, then click the Copy button, and paste to cell F6 on Sheet1. Which of thefollowing are true:

    a. The contents of F6 on Sheet1 is now 2000 but the other sheets are not changedb. The contents of F6 on all three sheets is changed to 2000c. The contents of F6 is changed on Sheet1 and Sheet2 but not on Sheet3 since it has

    a formulad. You are asked if you want to move the contents to the right or down or delete the

    whole row or column

    100. In the Sort dialog you can notsort rows or cells based on ______________a. up to three different columnsb. numerical orderc. using a custom list for the first level of sortd. using a custom list any sort level but only on one at a time

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    ANSWER KEY1. C 26. C 51. D 76. D2. D 27. C 52. A 77. C3. B 28. D 53. D 78. D

    4. D 29. A 54. A 79. D5. C 30. D 55. C 80. A6. C 31. B 56. A 81. A7. D 32. C 57. A 82. B8. A 33. D 58. B 83. C9. C 34. C 59. D 84. C10. A 35. A 60. C 85. D11. D 36. B 61. C 86. A12. A 37. D 62. D 87. A13. A 38. D 63. A 88. B14. C 39. A 64. D 89. C15. D 40. C 65. B 90. A16. A 41. A 66. C 91. C17. B 42. D 67. D 92. D18. A 43. A 68. D 93. A19. B 44. A 69. D 94. A20. D 45. D 70. B 95. C21. D 46. D 71. A 96. B

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    22. D 47. C 72. A 97. D23. D 48. D 73. D 98. B24. A 49. B 74. C 99. B25. A 50. C 75. B 100. D