Compressed CSI Acquisition in FDD Massive MIMO: How Much ...jeiezhang/document/TWC_CCSI.pdf · IEEE...

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 15, NO. 6, JUNE 2016 4145 Compressed CSI Acquisition in FDD Massive MIMO: How Much Training is Needed? Juei-Chin Shen, Member, IEEE, Jun Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE, Emad Alsusa, Senior Member, IEEE, and Khaled B. Letaief, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Massive multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) is a promising technique for providing unprecedented spectral effi- ciency. However, it has been well recognized that the exces- sive training overhead required for obtaining the channel side information is a major handicap in frequency-division duplex- ing (FDD) massive MIMO. Several attempts have been made to reduce this training overhead by exploiting the sparsity structures of massive MIMO channels. So far, however, there has been little discussion about how to exploit the partial support information of these channels to achieve further overhead reductions. Such infor- mation, which is a set of indices of the significant elements of a channel vector, can be acquired in advance and hence is an impor- tant option to explore. In this paper, we examine the impact on the required training overhead when this information is applied within a weighted 1 minimization framework, and analytically show that a sharp estimate of the reduced overhead size can be suc- cessfully obtained. Furthermore, we examine how the accuracy of the partial support information impacts the achievable overhead reduction. Numerical results for a wide range of sparsity and par- tial support information reliability levels are presented to quantify our findings and main conclusions. Index Terms—Massive MIMO, channel estimation, pilot con- tamination, FDD, compressed sensing, weighted 1 minimization, partial support information, phase transition. I. I NTRODUCTION I N massive MIMO, reaping the full benefit of excessive base station (BS) antennas requires perfect knowledge of the channel side information (CSI) at the BS [2]. Unfortunately, it has been indicated that the downlink pilot training for acquir- ing CSI consumes a significant portion of the radio resources in FDD massive MIMO [3]. A straightforward way to circum- vent this difficulty is by employing the time-division duplexing Manuscript received July 5, 2015; revised January 2, 2016; accepted February 10, 2016. Date of publication February 26, 2016; date of current version June 7, 2016. This work was supported by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council under Grant 16211815. This work was presented in part at the IEEE International Conference on Communications [1]. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was A. Wyglinski. J.-C. Shen is with MediaTek Inc., Hsinchu 30078, Taiwan (e-mail: [email protected]). J. Zhang and K. B. Letaief are with the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). K. B. Letaief is also with Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar (e-mail: [email protected]). E. Alsusa is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, U.K. (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TWC.2016.2535310 (TDD) mode and exploiting the channel reciprocity via uplink training. In this way, the training overhead becomes propor- tional to the number of user equipments (UEs) instead of the BS antenna array size. Nonetheless, TDD massive MIMO encoun- ters a serious problem as the number of UEs increases, due to the corresponding increase in the reuse of uplink pilots [4]. This reuse eventually causes inter-user interference and hence limits the system performance. A recent study found that low-overhead pilot training is still feasible in the presence of dimension shrinkage of correlated massive MIMO channels [5]. It means that the effective dimen- sion of a channel can be greatly less than its original dimension, which results in a lighter pilot training burden. In the case of a large uniform linear array (ULA) at the BS, it was shown that this effective channel dimension is governed by antenna spacing, angle of departure (AoD), and angle spread (AS) [5, Theorem 2]. Essentially, this dimension becomes smaller with the increased spatial correlation due to decreasing AS. The AS is normally equal to 5 in urban areas [6], which implies dimension shrinkage up to 90%. This outcome stems from the classical one-ring model [7] which is corroborated by experimental data [8]. A similar conclusion has been reached independently in [9], where a classical multipath model also exhibits the dimension shrinkage that occurs in massive MIMO. The two basic assumptions, namely the far-field and plane wavefronts, underpinning the one-ring model could be violated due to the physical size of large antenna arrays [10]. As indi- cated by the channel measurements in [11], [12], the number of AoDs and the range of AS can potentially increase with the growing antenna size. This raises a concern that the effective channel dimension can be higher than expected. However, the measurement experiments were conducted in the environment with local scatterers around the BS [11], [12], which may be an enabling and indispensable factor that makes an unexpected increase in the AoDs or AS possible. Because this environment is not considered in the one-ring model 1 , the aforementioned measurements are not sufficient to disprove the dimension- shrinkage result derived from this model. In addition, the far-field and plane wavefront assumptions are still reasonable as massive MIMO operates at higher radio frequencies such as the millimeter-wave bands. Taking advantage of dimension shrinkage, several methods have shown their potentials in low-overhead pilot training. 1 It means that we implicitly exclude massive MIMO channels in the envi- ronment with local scatterers around BSs from consideration. Nevertheless, this kind of channel is also an important category that requires further research. 1536-1276 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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Page 1: Compressed CSI Acquisition in FDD Massive MIMO: How Much ...jeiezhang/document/TWC_CCSI.pdf · IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 15, NO. 6, JUNE 2016 4145 Compressed


Compressed CSI Acquisition in FDD MassiveMIMO: How Much Training is Needed?

Juei-Chin Shen, Member, IEEE, Jun Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE, Emad Alsusa, Senior Member, IEEE,and Khaled B. Letaief, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Massive multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) isa promising technique for providing unprecedented spectral effi-ciency. However, it has been well recognized that the exces-sive training overhead required for obtaining the channel sideinformation is a major handicap in frequency-division duplex-ing (FDD) massive MIMO. Several attempts have been made toreduce this training overhead by exploiting the sparsity structuresof massive MIMO channels. So far, however, there has been littlediscussion about how to exploit the partial support information ofthese channels to achieve further overhead reductions. Such infor-mation, which is a set of indices of the significant elements of achannel vector, can be acquired in advance and hence is an impor-tant option to explore. In this paper, we examine the impact onthe required training overhead when this information is appliedwithin a weighted �1 minimization framework, and analyticallyshow that a sharp estimate of the reduced overhead size can be suc-cessfully obtained. Furthermore, we examine how the accuracy ofthe partial support information impacts the achievable overheadreduction. Numerical results for a wide range of sparsity and par-tial support information reliability levels are presented to quantifyour findings and main conclusions.

Index Terms—Massive MIMO, channel estimation, pilot con-tamination, FDD, compressed sensing, weighted �1 minimization,partial support information, phase transition.


I N massive MIMO, reaping the full benefit of excessive basestation (BS) antennas requires perfect knowledge of the

channel side information (CSI) at the BS [2]. Unfortunately,it has been indicated that the downlink pilot training for acquir-ing CSI consumes a significant portion of the radio resourcesin FDD massive MIMO [3]. A straightforward way to circum-vent this difficulty is by employing the time-division duplexing

Manuscript received July 5, 2015; revised January 2, 2016; acceptedFebruary 10, 2016. Date of publication February 26, 2016; date of currentversion June 7, 2016. This work was supported by the Hong Kong ResearchGrant Council under Grant 16211815. This work was presented in part at theIEEE International Conference on Communications [1]. The associate editorcoordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was A.Wyglinski.

J.-C. Shen is with MediaTek Inc., Hsinchu 30078, Taiwan (e-mail:[email protected]).

J. Zhang and K. B. Letaief are with the Department of Electronic andComputer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Kowloon, Hong Kong (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).

K. B. Letaief is also with Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar (e-mail:[email protected]).

E. Alsusa is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, U.K. (e-mail:[email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TWC.2016.2535310

(TDD) mode and exploiting the channel reciprocity via uplinktraining. In this way, the training overhead becomes propor-tional to the number of user equipments (UEs) instead of the BSantenna array size. Nonetheless, TDD massive MIMO encoun-ters a serious problem as the number of UEs increases, due tothe corresponding increase in the reuse of uplink pilots [4]. Thisreuse eventually causes inter-user interference and hence limitsthe system performance.

A recent study found that low-overhead pilot training is stillfeasible in the presence of dimension shrinkage of correlatedmassive MIMO channels [5]. It means that the effective dimen-sion of a channel can be greatly less than its original dimension,which results in a lighter pilot training burden. In the case ofa large uniform linear array (ULA) at the BS, it was shownthat this effective channel dimension is governed by antennaspacing, angle of departure (AoD), and angle spread (AS) [5,Theorem 2]. Essentially, this dimension becomes smaller withthe increased spatial correlation due to decreasing AS. TheAS is normally equal to 5◦ in urban areas [6], which impliesdimension shrinkage up to 90%. This outcome stems fromthe classical one-ring model [7] which is corroborated byexperimental data [8]. A similar conclusion has been reachedindependently in [9], where a classical multipath model alsoexhibits the dimension shrinkage that occurs in massive MIMO.

The two basic assumptions, namely the far-field and planewavefronts, underpinning the one-ring model could be violateddue to the physical size of large antenna arrays [10]. As indi-cated by the channel measurements in [11], [12], the numberof AoDs and the range of AS can potentially increase with thegrowing antenna size. This raises a concern that the effectivechannel dimension can be higher than expected. However, themeasurement experiments were conducted in the environmentwith local scatterers around the BS [11], [12], which may bean enabling and indispensable factor that makes an unexpectedincrease in the AoDs or AS possible. Because this environmentis not considered in the one-ring model1, the aforementionedmeasurements are not sufficient to disprove the dimension-shrinkage result derived from this model. In addition, thefar-field and plane wavefront assumptions are still reasonableas massive MIMO operates at higher radio frequencies such asthe millimeter-wave bands.

Taking advantage of dimension shrinkage, several methodshave shown their potentials in low-overhead pilot training.

1It means that we implicitly exclude massive MIMO channels in the envi-ronment with local scatterers around BSs from consideration. Nevertheless, thiskind of channel is also an important category that requires further research.

1536-1276 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.

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A correlation based method provides a means of determin-ing the optimal pilot sequences according to well-establishedcriteria [13]. In [14], it has been demonstrated that the cor-responding pilot length can be significantly smaller than thenumber of the BS antennas in correlated channels. However,certain drawbacks associated with the use of this method canoutweigh its benefits when the dimensions of the channelcovariance matrices that need to be acquired become large [15,Remark 2]. Another effective way that can be used is based onthe discrete Fourier transform (DFT) pre-beamforming, wherelarge ULAs are employed and only angular domain informa-tion is required [5]. Pre-beamforming at the BS, however, canpotentially make the desired channel estimate contaminated bythe interfering channel when using unreliable angular domaininformation.

In this paper, we focus on CSI acquisition of correlated mas-sive MIMO channels where dimension shrinkage takes place.The aforementioned drawback of the pre-beamforming methodis resolved by taking advantage of state-of-the-art compressedsensing techniques. In this regard, channel recovery is formu-lated as a weighted �1 minimization problem, where channelsupport knowledge2 is utilized at the UE side. In particular, theweighting coefficients will depend on channel support infor-mation. More importantly, the uncertainty of channel supportinformation will be taken into account in our problem formula-tion. By further conducting a convex geometry analysis, we areable to address a crucial question, namely, given the originalchannel dimensions, channel support information, and certainaccuracy level of this information, how much training is neededto guarantee meaningful channel estimates? Our study showsthat an upper bound on a geometric object remarkably providessharp estimates of the required training overhead with a certaindegree of probabilistic guarantee. We also find that if a certainlevel of support information accuracy is not achieved, incorpo-rating support information into channel recovery does not resultin any benefit.

A. Related Works

How much training is needed has long been a question ofgreat interest in the FDD MIMO systems. The classical resultshows that the optimal number of training symbols, for max-imizing an achievable capacity bound, is equal to the numberof BS antennas [16]. For optimizing the degrees of freedom,half of the channel coherence interval should be allocated totraining [17]. When taking CSI feedback and beamforminginto account, how to scale the training interval to the optimallength is provided in [18]. However, the assumption of chan-nel entries being independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.)Gaussian makes these results less generalizable to correlatedMIMO channels as in typical massive MIMO systems.

Much of the recent investigation into training for corre-lated channels has centered on training overhead lessening byexploiting prior channel knowledge. In [19], temporal and spa-tial channel correlations are utilized to facilitate open/closed

2The support of a channel vector contains the indexes of significant channelelements in the angular domain.

loop training, thereby leading to reduced downlink trainingoverhead. Compressed sensing provides a framework for effi-cient CSI acquisition utilizing prior knowledge of channelsparsity structures [20]. To adaptively exploit these sparsitystructures according to their quality, a modified subspace pur-suit (M-SP) algorithm has recently been developed [21]. Theanalytic performance of this algorithm has also been derivedvia a restricted isometry property (RIP) approach. It was shownin [22], [23] that if massive MIMO is built upon an orthogonalfrequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system, the com-mon support of channel impulse responses (CIRs) is anothersource of utilizable sparsity structures. Though a variety ofcompressed sensing based methods have been developed, fewof them attemp to quantify the required training as a function ofthe available channel knowledge.

B. Contributions

The major contributions of this paper are summarized asfollows:

1) We have developed a weighted �1 minimization frame-work that can incorporate statistical channel knowledgein the form of partial support information, thus harness-ing sparsity structures in the angular domain to achievelow-overhead training. In particular, this approach cir-cumvents the drawback of the existing pre-beamformingmethod as the statistical knowledge is utilized at the UEside. One interesting finding is that how significantly thetraining overhead can be reduced depends on the accuracyof the prior knowledge. This finding, while preliminary,suggests that a method has to be developed to dealwith the situation where statistical channel knowledgebecomes unreliable.

2) We are the first to establish precise bounds on the num-ber of linear channel measurements that are necessary forsparse massive MIMO channel recovery using weighted�1 minimization. The bounds, specified by Theorem 5and Proposition 8, are not restricted to the asymptoticregion, where the channel dimension has to be suffi-ciently large, and take the uncertainty of the statisticalchannel knowledge into account. This allows us to pro-vide sharp estimates of the required training overhead,given a certain accuracy level of the statistical knowl-edge and a modest channel dimension size. On the otherhand, offering these estimates has important implica-tions for determining what degree of accuracy of theprior knowledge is needed and evaluating the cost of thecorresponding training.

C. Organization and Notations

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.In Section II, we specify the system model including thesparse MIMO channels and their partial support information.Section III addresses the issue of sparse channel reconstructionusing weighted �1 minimization and interference cancellationin the compressed domain. Quantifying the required trainingoverhead is conducted in Section IV. Numerical results are

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presented in Section V, which is followed by the concludingremarks in Section VI.

Notations: R: real number, C: complex number, Z: integers,� {·}: real part, � {·}: imaginary part, ‖·‖p: p-norm, (·)′: trans-pose, (·)H : Hermitian transpose, IN : N × N identity matrix,N (·, ·): normal distribution, CN (·, ·): complex normal distri-bution, E [·]: expectation, 0: zero vector, supp(x): the set ofindices i such that the entry xi of the vector x is non-zero,card (·): cardinality.


Consider a massive MIMO system consisting of a BS andK single-antenna user equipments. The BS is equipped with anM-element uniform linear array (ULA), where M is supposedto be greatly larger than the number of served UEs. The sys-tem is assumed to operate in the FDD mode and the channelsbetween the BS and the UEs are flat block-fading. During thedownlink training phase, the received signals at a typical UEcan be represented as

y = Ah + e, (1)

where A ∈ CN×M denotes the training matrix, h ∈ C

M×1 is thechannel vector, and e ∈ C

N×1 is the additive error due to noiseor interference. The conventional least-square (LS) estimatorrequires the number N of channel measurements to scale lin-early with the number of BS antennas, which is prohibitivelylarge.

A. Sparse Massive MIMO Channels

The high multiplexing gain achieved in massive MIMOresults from its fine spatial resolution [2]. Hence, it is rea-sonable to have BS antennas half-carrier-wavelength spaced toprovide high resolution in azimuth. The way to realize suchantenna deployment has been envisioned in [24]. Based on thisarray manifold, the quasi-static channel h can be canonicallydecomposed as

h = Uha, (2)

where ha is the channel representation in the angular domainand U is an M × M discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix[25]. The nth column of U given by

un � 1√M

[1 · · · e− j 2π(m−1)n

M · · · e− j 2π(M−1)nM


stands for an angular basis vector. The channel h due to theeffect of clusters of scatterers can be written as [26]

h =P∑



), (4)

where P is the number of scatterers, gp denotes the com-plex path gain, θp � θ + δp represents the AoDs, θ is themean AoD, and δp is the random angular deviation. s (θ) �

Fig. 1. Illustration of the sparse channel in the angular domain.


[ 1 e− jπ cos(θ) · · · e− jπ(M−1) cos(θ) ]′ is the steering vectorin the direction of θ . Based on this channel representation, it hasbeen shown that dimension shrinkage occurs due to the limitedrange of AoDs [9]. How this dimension shrinkage implies thatthe support of ha being small is provided below.

Recasting (4) in the canonical form gives

ha = UH Sr, (5)

where S = [s(θ1), · · · , s(θP )] and r = [g1, · · · , gP ]′. Theinner product

uHn s (θ) = sin [π M�(n, θ)]

M sin [π� (n, θ)]e jπ(M−1)�(n,θ) (6)

with �(n, θ) = (n/M − cos θ/2) shows a significant magni-tude if |�(n, θ)| < 1/M . In other words, the path of directionθ is resolved by the nth angular basis vector if (n − 1)/M <

cos θ/2 < (n + 1)/M . Specifically, the nth resolvable chan-nel gain ha

n results from an aggregate of multiple physicalpaths with AoDs θp’s which satisfy the condition |�(n, θp)| <

1/M . Associating the AoDs with their corresponding resolv-able channel gains provides the support information of ha,which is denoted by T = supp(ha), where T ⊆ {1, . . . , M} andcard(T ) = s. The angular deviation δp can be modeled as aGaussian variate with distribution N(0, σ 2

δ ) or a uniform vari-ate which lies within [−√


3σδ] [27], [28], where σδ isreferred to as the AS deviation. As shown in Fig. 1, when theBS antenna array is mounted higher than the nearby scatterers,multipaths are mainly due to the far-field scatterers or those inthe vicinity of the target UE. In this case, we expect the cardi-nality of the angular channel support to be relatively small incomparison to the actual channel dimension.

B. Partial Support Information

To obtain partial support information, we can either directlyestimate AoDs or indirectly evaluate the mean AoD and theAS deviation. Most of the existing methods for obtaining theaforementioned spatial information require knowledge of thedownlink channel covariance matrices. To meet this prerequi-site, one has to consume lots of radio resources in terms of

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Fig. 2. An illustrative example of partial support information, whereT = {2, 6, 7, 8}, T = {2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9}, and card

(T ∩ T

) = �α × s� = 23 ×

6 = 4.

feeding back downlink channel measurements from UEs toBSs. Due to spatial reciprocity in FDD systems [29], the spa-tial behaviors are closely related at the downlink and uplinkcarrier frequencies. In addition, it has been shown in [30]that the downlink channel covariance matrix can be deter-mined by the uplink channel covariance matrix via certaincalibration processing given uplink and downlink carrier fre-quencies, and the BS antenna geometry. That is, the desiredspatial information can be reasonably retrieved during uplinkreception.

The use of subspace-based techniques, such as the multi-ple signal classification (MUSIC) and the estimation of signalparameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) algo-rithms [31], is well-established in high-resolution AoD esti-mation. Integrated with the spatial signature estimation algo-rithm, subspace-based techniques are capable of resolving2M/3 AoDs for each channel to a UE [32]. As a result, ifthe number of BS antennas is sufficiently large, i.e., M ≥3P/2, it is possible to achieve accurate AoD estimation, whichwas regarded as unattainable in conventional MIMO systems[30]. Recent developments in the field of compressed sensinghave led to a renewed interest in AoD estimation by find-ing the sparsest representation in an overcomplete angularbasis [33]. It is indicated in [34] that this approach outper-forms the eigenstructure-based ones in terms of being moreadaptive in various circumstances such as the operating signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) being low or spatial samples beinglimited.

In [27], a decoupled estimation of the mean AoD and the ASdeviation is proposed based on the covariance matrix match-ing approach. The dimension of the required sample covariancematrix can be greatly less than M for the purpose of estimatingthe mean AoD and the AS. Hence, the required sample sizefor estimating the channel covariance matrix will be greatlylessened. In the case of angular deviations being uniformlydistributed, the estimates θ and σδ will determine a range[θ − √

3σδ, θ + √3σδ] within which the AoDs θp are likely

to lie. More advanced techniques for jointly estimating themean AoDs and the ASs of several spatially distributed sourceshave been presented in [35], which allow simultaneous spatialinformation acquisition for multiple UEs.

Associating the AoD or AoD range estimates with theircorresponding resolvable paths provides partial support infor-mation of ha, which is denoted by T , where T ⊆ {1, . . . , M}and card(T ) = s. The intersection T ∩ T of the desired andestimated channel supports has the size card(T ∩ T ) = �αs�,where 0 ≤ �αs� ≤ s and 0 ≤ s − �αs� ≤ M − s. An illus-trative example is provided in Fig. 2. The parameter α ∈[0, 1] indicates the accuracy or quality of the partial sup-port information T , i.e., α = 1 implies that all the indices in Tare accurate, whereas for α = 0 the partial support informationis completely irrelevant to the actual channel support.



It has been recognized that the amount of training overhead,which is proportional to the BS antenna size, makes massiveMIMO difficult to implement in the FDD mode. However,when the channel ha exhibits a sparsity structure (s � M), low-overhead training becomes feasible by exploiting compressedsensing (CS) techniques [20]. With further utilization of par-tial support information, it will be shown that an additionalreduction in training overhead can be achieved.

A. Weighted �1 Minimization with Partial Support Information

In this section, partial support information will be appliedwithin the framework of weighted �1 minimization, whichhas demonstrated its great potential of lessening the requiredtraining overhead [36]–[38]. Given linear channel observations

y = AUha + e, (7)

the channel recovery can be formulated as a weighted �1minimization problem given by




1,w subject to∥∥AUha − y

∥∥2 ≤ ε,

with wi ={

1, i /∈ T ,

0, i ∈ T ,


where A ∈ CN×M is a Gaussian random matrix of random

entries with distribution CN (0, 1/N ), the error e is assumed tobe upper bounded, i.e., ‖e‖2 ≤ ε, and


1,w �∑M

i=1 wi∣∣ha


∣∣.The main idea behind this formulation is that the entries thatare expected to be zero should be weighted more heavily thanothers in the objective function. As in [39], the measurementmatrix A can be generated offline and made accessible to theBSs and the UEs. Meanwhile, the support estimate T is alsomade available to the corresponding UE to enable it to recoverthe channel and feed back sparse channel information ha to itsserving BS.

It is intriguing to know the required number of measurementsfor which the mismatch

∥∥ha − ha∥∥

2 is negligible. Moreover,this number will provide an insight into the cost of differentcombinations of the parameters {M, s, s, α, ε}. In Section IV,this number will be quantified by utilizing a convex geometryapproach. This kind of quantification in compressed sensing isreferred to as phase transition analysis.

B. Compressed Domain Interference Cancellation

If there is another BS performing the downlink training withthe same training matrix, the additive error can have the forme = AUha

I , where haI represents the angular interfering channel

with support TI . In this case, it is possible to remove the effectof interference via certain post-processing when TI becomesavailable at the target UE3. For instance, we may replace T in

3It is more reasonable to assume that only partial support information of theinterfering channel is available. However, for the sake of simplicity, we assumethat TI is obtainable.

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(P1) with TA � T ∪ TI to obtain an estimate of the compositechannel

(ha + ha


), and then remove the interference part from

this estimate. This method, however, suffers from a potentialincrease in training overhead due to recovering the compositechannel of a higher sparsity level.

Instead of reconstructing the composite channel first, it isdesirable to mitigate interference in the compressed domainbefore recovering the target channel. In [40], a subspace-basedmethod is proposed for compressed domain interference can-cellation by exploiting the TI information. Based on this, amodified method which takes advantage of prior knowledge ofboth T and TI is presented below. This prior knowledge firstenables us to construct a projection matrix


= BT




T (9)

where BT is the N × s matrix composed of the columns of B �AU corresponding to the indices in T . Then, a basis of the spaceC(BTI

) \ C(BT ) is given by BTI \T = BTI− B†


. Using this,we can obtain the desired projection matrix

C = I − BTI \T




TI \T (10)

onto the space C(B)\(C(BTI

) \ C(BT )). Applying this projec-

tion matrix to (7) gives

yC = Cy

= CAU(ha

1 + haI

) + Cz. (11)

In the end, the desired channel can be recovered by solv-ing the problem (P1IC) that resembles (P1) with the constraintreplaced by

∥∥CAUha − yC

∥∥2 ≤ ε.

If T ⊃ T , then


= CBT haT ,


I − BTI \T








= AUha, (12)

where haT denotes the 1 × s vector obtained by retaining the

entries of ha corresponding to the indices in T . It means thatyC preserves adequate information about ha after the subspaceprojection if the most part of T is contained in the partial infor-mation T . Meanwhile, projecting the interference AUha

I ontothe subspace C(B)\(

C(BTI) \ C(BT )

)leads to ||CAUha

I || ≤||AUha

I || which implies that partial interference suppressioncan be achieved in the compressed domain. This suppressionbecomes exceptionally prominent, i.e.,

CAUhaI = 0, (13)

when the column space C(BTI) is orthogonal to C(BT ).


In this section, we analytically examine phase transitions ofthe weighted �1 minimization problem, which provides defi-nite boundaries of the sample size versus sparsity level tradeoff

curves. In other words, for a given sparsity level, we willquantify the corresponding sample size threshold above whicha certain level of the channel recovery performance will beguaranteed.

It can be observed that the product AU has the same struc-ture as the matrix A in terms of having independently Gaussiandistributed entries. Hence, the matrix U in (P1) can be ignoredwithout loss of generality, and ha can be regarded as a sparsevector with respect to the canonical basis instead of the angularbasis. Throughout this section, the existence of U will be inten-tionally omitted. With this in mind, the real-valued counterpartof the complex-domain problem (P1) can be written as

(P2) minha∈R2M


2,1,w subject to∥∥Aha − y

∥∥2 ≤ ε, (14)

where the linear measurements in the real domain y is given by

y = Aha + e,

=[ � {A} −� {A}

� {A} � {A}] [ � {ha}

� {ha}]

+[ � {e}

� {e}]

, (15)

and the weighted �2,1 norm of ha is defined as


2,1,w �M∑




i + h2i+M . (16)

As shown in (15), the entries of the measurement matrixA are constrained by a structure, instead of being generallyindependent of each other. In [41], the problem (P2) has beenindicated to be closely related to the block-sparse compressedsensing (BSCS) problem with block size 2, which is given by

(P3) minx∈R2M

‖x‖2,1,w subject to∥∥∥Ax − y


≤ ε, (17)

where A ∈ R2N×2M is a matrix of independent random entries

with distribution N (0, 1/2N ). Despite the difference betweenA and A, it has been demonstrated that the phase transitionsof (P2) coincide with those of (P3) when ignoring the weight-ing vector w and the error e [41]. Therefore, we argue that thephase transitions of (P2) can be acquired via (P3). The follow-ing analysis will focus on characterizing the phase transitions of(P3) when partial support information is available. Then, it willbe verified in Sec. V that the obtained phase transition curvesaccurately depict the transition behavior of the original problem(P2), or equivalently (P1).

Previous studies have based their phase transition analysison the combinatorial geometry framework [42]. Recently, asimpler and more effective convex geometry approach havebeen developed and introduced to analyze the phase transitionphenomenon. This approach has an attractive feature in termsof offering sharp estimates of the required number of mea-surements for robust recovery of sparse signals [43]. Beforeapplying this approach, we define some technical terms asbelow which will facilitate the investigation into the intrinsicconvex geometry of the BSCS problem.

Definition 1: A set C is said to be a cone if νz ∈ C for anyz ∈ C and ν ≥ 0.

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Definition 2: The tangent cone at some nonzero x ∈ R2M

with respect to the scaled unit ball Bp (x) = {y ∈ R2M | ‖y‖p ≤

‖x‖p} is given by

Tp (x) = cone{z − x| ‖z‖p ≤ ‖x‖p

}. (18)

Definition 3: The set

Np (x) = {v| 〈v, z − x〉 ≤ 0 ∀z such that ‖z‖p ≤ ‖x‖p


is called the normal cone at x with respect to Bp (x).Definition 4: With respect to a set � ⊂ R

M , theGaussian width is defined as

ω (�) = Eg


gT z]

, (20)

where g ∼ N (0, I).To simplify the illustration of how the defined geometric

objects are exploited, let us first assume that e = 0 and ε = 0in (P3). Following this, we have x = x∗ � ha if and only if



∩ T2,1,w (x∗) = {0} [43]. Gordon’s escape through the

mesh theorem provided a means of probabilistically charac-terizing the event that the random null space of A misses thetangent cone T2,1,w (x∗) [44]. The likelihood of this event isregulated by a result in Gordon’s theory, i.e.,





]≥ λ2N − ω ( ) , (21)

where = T2,1,w (x∗) ∩ S2M , S

2M ⊂ R2M denotes

the unit 2M-sphere, and the expected length of a2N -dimensional Gaussian random vector is given by

λ2N = √2�





). This result, together with a

concentration of the measure principle, leads to the followingrecovery guarantees of the BSCS problem with partial supportinformation [43, Corollary 3.3].

Theorem 5: 1) Let the error e be zero and ε = 0. Then, x∗is the unique optimum of the problem (P3) with probability atleast

1 − exp(−1

2[λ2N − ω ( )]2) (22)


2N ≥ ω ( )2 + 1. (23)

2) If x∗ represents the optimal solution of (P3), then‖x∗ − x‖2 ≤ 2ε

νwith probability at least

1 − exp(−1

2[λ2N − ω ( ) − √

2Nν]2) (24)


2N ≥ ω ( )2 + 32

(1 − ν)2. (25)

The above theorem rigorously establishes the existence ofdecisive thresholds for sparse channel recovery with certainprobabilistic guarantee. Apparently, these thresholds beyondwhich the measurement sizes should be increased are deter-mined by the Gaussian width. To state explicitly what proba-bilistic performance is assured, we provide a more interpretableresult in the following corollary.

Corollary 6: The results of Theorem 5 hold with probabilityat least η ∈ (0, 1) if


2N ≥ (ω ( ) + βη

)2 + 1, (26)


2N ≥(ω ( ) + βη

)2 + 32

(1 − ν)2, (27)

where βη �√−2 ln (1 − η).

Proof: Please refer to Appendix A. �The above corollary indicates that the required number of

linear measurements depends on the desired probabilistic per-formance. A better probabilistic performance corresponds to ahigher number of linear measurements. Whether in the abovetheorem or corollary, the Gaussian width ω ( ) still needs tobe evaluated so that the sharp bound on the required num-ber of measurements can be obtained. In the evaluation ofω ( ), the normal cone N2,1,w (x∗) to be used is provided inthe subsequent lemma.

Lemma 7: The normal cone N2,1,w (x∗) at x∗ with respect toB2,1,w (x∗) can be expressed as

N2,1,w(x∗) =

{v ∈ R

2M | vi = vi+M = 0 for i ∈ T ,

vi = tx∗


∣∣ , vi+M = tx∗


∣∣ , for i ∈ T \ T ,√v2

i + v2i+M ≤ t for i ∈ T c \ T , for t ≥ 0



Proof: Please refer to Appendix B. �With the aid of this lemma, we are in a position to provide a

bound on ω ( ).Proposition 8: The upper bound of the square of Gaussian

width ω ( ) in Theorem 5 is given by

ω ( )2 ≤ inft ≥ 0

{2s + (s − αs)

(2 + t2


+ [M − s − (s − αs)]∫ ∞

t(r − t)2 r exp






The unique optimum topt which minimizes the right-hand sideof (29) is the solution of∫ ∞



t− 1

)r exp



)dr = s − αs

M − s − (s − αs). (30)

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Proof: Please refer to Appendix C. �The upper bound provided in this proposition is numerically

obtainable, and can be utilized in Theorem 5 and Corollary 6to acquire the bounds on the measurement numbers. Althoughthe phase transitions are analyzed for the BSCS problem, itwill be demonstrated later that they are also applicable to theweighted �1 minimization problem in the complex domain. Anexisting work [45] on the phase transition of certain complexCS problem only provides asymptotic results which hold whenM is sufficiently large. In contrast, the results presented hereare precise and non-asymptotic.

Next, we argue how the phase transitions of (P1) willbe affected by compressed-domain interference cancellation.Under the condition T ⊃ T , the fact CAUha = AUha indi-cates that performing interference cancellation has no adverseeffects in terms of diminishing the desired channel informa-tion. Especially, the guarantee ‖Ce‖ ≤ ‖e‖ ensures that thephase transitions of (P1IC) will outperform those of the origi-nal problem. On the other hand, when T ∩ T �= T , projecting yonto the subspace can cause information loss. This is becauseany signal located within the subspace C(BTI

) \ C(BT ), whoseintersection with C(BT ) may be no longer empty, will be can-celed. Though the discussion here is not general, it highlightsthat the impact of the compressed-domain processing on phasetransitions can be made marginal given proper partial supportinformation of the desired channel.


In this section, numerical results are presented to illustratethe potential overhead reduction of using weighted �1 mini-mization with partial support information. Moreover, the accu-racy of analytical bounds on the number of the required channelmeasurements is verified via comparison with empirical phasetransition curves.

A. Overhead Reduction by Weighted �1 Minimization

In Fig. 3, the impact of the parameter α on the normalizedmean-square error (NMSE) performance of (P1) is depicted,

where NMSE is defined as E

[∥∥ha − ha∥∥2


]. The per-

formance curves shown in this figure result from empiricalsimulations, where the non-zero elements of the channel vectorha ∈ C

M are modeled as i.i.d. circularly-symmetric Gaussianvariates with distribution CN (0, 1). To serve as a performancebenchmark, a genie-aided least square (LS) estimator is con-sidered, where perfect support knowledge at the UE side isexploited for channel recovery. Generally, for any given numberN of linear measurements, the MSE decreases with increas-ing α. When N is lower, the performance gap between thecurves of α = 0.8 and α = 0.6 becomes more significant.This highlights the importance of having a higher α, i.e.,higher accuracy of partial support information. Note that theMSE performance due to α = 0.6 is worse than that of usingno prior information. It means that applying partial supportinformation with low accuracy may not lead to performanceimprovement.

Fig. 3. Normalized mean square error versus number of measurements overdifferent values of α given M = 100, s = 20, s = 25, ‖e‖2 = ε = 1.

In Fig. 4, the MSE curves due to different values of s arecompared when both the sparsity level s and the accuracy levelα are fixed. It can be observed in Fig. 4a that having a higher scan lead to a lower MSE as α = 0.8 is high enough. However,this improvement becomes less significant when the num-ber of linear measurements gets larger. As shown in Fig. 4b,at a lower accuracy level α = 0.6, the MSE performance ofweighted �1 minimization is generally worse than that ofnormal �1 minimization without using any prior support knowl-edge. This result highlights that partial support informationemployed in weighted �1 minimization should be as accurate aspossible.

B. Phase Transition Characterization

Fig. 5 compares the analytical phase transition curves due to(23) where N = ⌊

ω ( )2 + 1/2⌋

with those empirical curvesover different values of α. Basically, both analytical and empir-ical curves show that the required measurements to achieve acertain percentage of exact recovery increases gradually withan increasing sparsity level. We declare exact recovery if ||x −x∗||2 ≤ 10−4 where x∗ is modeled as a random vector withindependent standard complex normal entries, and the value10−4 is within the range suggested in [46, Appendix A.1]. Asshown in this figure, the analytical curves of α = 0.2 and α =0.8 can accurately depict the empirical phase transition curvesof 60% exact recovery and 55% exact recovery, respectively.This observation demonstrates the capability of the proposedanalytical result to characterize the phase transition of (P1)

with partial support information. Fig. 6 shows how the trainingoverhead changes with respect to a larger antenna array size.Although M is doubled from 100 to 200, the required trainingoverhead for achieving 60% or 55% exact recovery does notincrease proportionally.

Fig. 7 presents the probability of robust recovery as a func-tion of the sparsity level and the number of linear measurementswhen there is some bounded error. The brightness correspondsto the recovery probability and robust recovery is declared if

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Fig. 4. Normalized mean square error versus number of measurements givenM = 100, s = 20, ‖e‖2 = ε = 1.

||x − x∗||2 ≤ 0.2, where the value 0.2 is determined accord-ing to Theorem 5-2) once ε and ν are given. On top of thisgrayscale image, the empirical curves of 5%, 80%, and 90%robust recovery are plotted respectively. It can be seen that theanalytical curve from (25) closely matches the empirical curveof 80% robust recovery. Meanwhile, the result in Corollary 6-2) can be further verified via this phase transition plot. Takethe sparsity level s = 10 as an example. To reach 80% robustrecovery, it requires 30 measurements as ω ( )2 ≤ 57.4 is con-sidered in (25). Making use of βη=0.8 = 1.8 in (27) gives thatthe minimum required measurement size is 47, which is greaterthan the actually required size of 30. In other words, the boundprovided by (27) is shown to be valid.


This paper has addressed the issue of training overheadreduction in FDD massive MIMO by utilizing partial channel

Fig. 5. Phase transition curves of (P1) over different values of α given M =100, s = 10, e = 0, and ε = 0.

Fig. 6. Phase transition curves of (P1) over different values of α given M =200, s = 10, e = 0, and ε = 0.

support information. It has been shown that a significant over-head reduction can be achieved via weighted �1 minimizationwhich takes advantage of readily available partial support infor-mation. With this in mind, a novel analysis of the requiredtraining overhead has been developed by adopting a convexgeometry approach. The numerical results validated the accu-racy of our analytical characterization of the required trainingoverhead.

The current investigation has examined the usage of par-tial support information within the framework of weighted �1minimization. Future study could explore the possibility of hav-ing higher training overhead reduction within a more generalreweighted �1 minimization framework [47].

While this study did not include the general case of multiuserchannel recovery, it can be easily used to form the basis forsuch a scenario. In comparison to other single-user pilot train-ing in [13], [14], the compressed sensing based pilot design isless user-specific. That means, our proposed approach is moresuitable to be extended to address the case of multiuser chan-nel recovery. A simple way to achieve this generalization is to

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Fig. 7. Phase transition curves of (P1) for different percentages of robustrecovery given M = 100, s = 0, ‖e‖2 = ε = 10−3, ν = 10−2. The brightnesscorresponds to the recovery probability.

group together channels with the same sparsity level and SNRlevel, and learn this group of channels at the same time. Thisidea, similar to the user grouping proposed in [5], could be thesubject of a future investigation.


Here only the proof of (27) is provided. The second result ofTheorem 5 holds with probability at least η if (24)≥ η, whichcan be easily shown to be equivalent to(

λ2N − ω ( ) − √2Nν

)≥ βη. (31)

The condition (31) is met when(λ2N − √


= 2N√2N + 1

− √2Nν,

≥ 2N√2N + 1

− √2N + 1ν,

≥ ω ( ) + βη. (32)

We further recast the last inequality in (32) as

(1 − ν)2 (2N )2 −[2ν (1 − ν) + (

ω ( ) + βη

)2](2N )

+ν2 − (ω ( ) + βη

)2 ≥ 0,

which is satisfied when

2 (2N ) (1 − ν)2


2ν (1 − ν) + (ω ( ) + βη



2ν (1 − ν) + (ω ( ) + βη


+ 4 (1 − ν)2[(

ω ( ) + βη

)2 − ν2] }1/2

}. (33)

The second term of the right-hand side of (33) is less than{[2ν (1 − ν) + (

ω ( ) + βη



ω ( ) + βη

)2 + 2ν (1 − ν)]

+ 4



Therefore, we have the lower bound

2N ≥(ω ( ) + βη

)2 + 32

(1 − ν)2,

≥ 2(ω ( ) + βη

)2 + 2ν (1 − ν) + 2

2 (1 − ν)2, (34)

where the second inequality holds due to ν (1 − ν) ≤ 1/4, andthis bound satisfies the condition (33).


Instead of presenting the weighted normal cone N2,1,w (x∗),we derive the expression of the normal cone N2,1 (x∗). Theresult can be easily extended to obtain the desired expressionof N2,1,w.

We first claim that the normal cone N2,1 (x∗) at x∗ withrespect to B2,1 (x∗) can be expressed as

N2,1(x∗) =

{v ∈ R

2M | vi = tx∗


∣∣ , vi+M = tx∗


∣∣ ,

for i ∈ T,


i + v2i+M ≤ t for i ∈ T c, for t ≥ 0

⎫⎬⎭ . (35)

To verify the claim, we have the following derivation. Bydefinition,

N2,1(x∗) =

{v ∈ R

2M | ⟨v, z − x∗⟩ ≤ 0

∀z s.t. ‖z‖2,1 ≤ ∥∥x∗∥∥2,1

}. (36)

For any element v in (35), we have⟨v, z − x∗⟩= 〈v, z〉 − ⟨

v, x∗⟩,



(vi zi + vi+M zi+M ) −∑i∈T




∣∣ x∗i + x∗


∣∣ x∗i+M






∣∣ |zi | +∣∣x∗



∣∣ |zi+M |)

+∑i∈T c


( |vi |t

|zi | + |vi+M |t

|zi+M |)





)2 + (x∗








z2i + z2

i+M −M∑




)2 + (x∗



= t(‖z‖2,1 − ∥∥x∗∥∥


)≤ 0, (37)

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where the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is applied in the secondinequality, and the last inequality is due to the mixed-norminequality in (36). The inequality (37) implies that v is also inN2,1 (x∗).

On the other hand, if v is in (36), then


{⟨v, z − x∗⟩ | ‖z‖2,1 ≤ ∥∥x∗∥∥


}= sup


{〈v, z〉 | ‖z‖2,1 ≤ ∥∥x∗∥∥


}− ⟨

v, x∗⟩,

= ∥∥x∗∥∥2,1 sup


{〈v, z〉 | ‖z‖2,1 ≤ 1, z = z


}− ⟨

v, x∗⟩,

= ∥∥x∗∥∥2,1 vmax − ⟨

v, x∗⟩, (38)

where vmax = max{√

v2i + v2

i+M , 1 ≤ i ≤ M}

and the defini-

tion of the norm dual to the mixed �2,1 norm is applied in thelast equality. As (38) is less than or equal to zero, we have∥∥x∗∥∥


≤ 1


⟨v, x∗⟩





i + vi+M





⎛⎝ |vi |√v2

i + v2i+M


∣∣ + |vi+M |√v2

i + v2i+M


∣∣⎞⎠ ,

≤ ∥∥x∗∥∥2,1 , (39)

where vmax > 0 is assumed. All inequalities in (39) becomeexact equalities, leading to vi = vmax x∗

i /∣∣x∗


∣∣ and vi+M =vmax x∗



∣∣ for i ∈ T . So v is also in (35) for vmax ≥ 0.


The square of Gaussian width ω ( ) is given by

ω ( )2 = ω(T2,1,w

(x∗) ∩ S



≤ Eg[dist

(g, N2,1,w



≤ Eg


(g, N2,1,w



= Eg


v∈N2,1,w(x∗)‖g − v‖2


], (40)

where dist4 represents the Euclidean distance between a pointand a set, the first inequality follows from [43, Prop. 3.6], andJensen’s inequality is applied to the second inequality.

4The Euclidean distance between the point x and the set A is given bydist (x, A) = inf

y∈A‖x − y‖2.

Making use of Lemma 7 yields


‖g − v‖22

= inft ≥ 0

|vi | ≤ t for i ∈ T c \ T



i + g2i+M



i∈T \T

⎡⎣(gi − t





gi+M − tx∗




∑i∈T c\T

[(gi − vi )

2 + (gi+M − vi+M )2],

= inft ≥ 0



i + g2i+M



i∈T \T


i + g2i+M − 2t

(gi x∗


∣∣ + gi+M x∗i+M∣∣x∗



+ t2



i∈T c\T


g2i + g2

i+M − t

), (41)




i + g2i+M − t

)= max



i + g2i+M − t





v∈N2,1,w(x∗)‖g − v‖2



= inft ≥ 0

⎧⎨⎩ ∑i∈T



i + g2i+M



i∈T \T



i + g2i+M − 2t

(gi x∗


∣∣ + gi+M x∗i+M∣∣x∗



+ t2



i∈T c\T




i + g2i+M − t

)]⎫⎬⎭ ,

= inft ≥ 0

{2 · card


) +(

2 + t2)

· card(T \ T


(T c \ T

) ·∫ ∞

t(r − t)2 r exp





= inft ≥ 0

{2s + (s − αs)

(2 + t2


+ [M − s − (s − αs)]∫ ∞

t(r − t)2 r exp






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where the following equality is applied




i + g2i+M − t

)]= Er

[Pos2 (r − t)


=∫ ∞

t(r − t)2 r exp



)dr, (43)

in which√

g2i + g2

i+M is replaced by a Rayleigh distributedvariable r .

The way to show that topt is the unique minimizer of the right-hand side of (29) is similar to that in [46, Prop. 4.5].


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Juei-Chin Shen (S’10–M’14) received the in communication engineering from theUniversity of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., in 2013.He was with the Hong Kong University of Scienceand Technology (HKUST), Clear Water Bay, HongKong, from 2013 to 2015, as a Research Associate.Since 2015, he has been with Mediatek Inc., asa Senior Engineer, working on the research andstandardization of future wireless technologies. Hisresearch interests include compressed sensing, mas-sive MIMO systems, and millimeter-wave communi-

cations. He was the corecipient of IEEE PIMRC 2014 Best Paper Award.

Jun Zhang (S’06–M’10–SM’15) received the in electronic engineering from the Universityof Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China,in 2004, the M.Phil. degree in information engineer-ing from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, HongKong, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical andcomputer engineering from the University of Texasat Austin, Austin, TX, USA, in 2009. He is currentlya Research Assistant Professor with the Departmentof Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong KongUniversity of Science and Technology (HKUST),

Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong. He has coauthored the book Fundamentals ofLTE (Prentice-Hall, 2010). His research interests include wireless communica-tions and networking, green communications, and signal processing. He is anEditor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, andserved as a MAC track Co-Chair for the IEEE WCNC 2011. He was the recip-ient of the 2014 Best Paper Award for the EURASIP Journal on Advances inSignal Processing, and the PIMRC 2014 Best Paper Award.

Emad Alsusa (M’06–SM’07) received the in electrical and electronic engineering fromBath University, Bath, U.K., in 2000.

He then joined the School of Engineering andElectronics, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, U.K.,as a MobileVCE Postdoctoral Research Fellow,working on link enhancement techniques for futurehigh-data rate wireless communication systems. In2003, he joined the University of Manchester,Manchester, U.K., as an Academic Member of theSchool of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,

where he lectures on communication engineering subjects. His research inter-ests include signal processing techniques and analysis of wireless communica-tion networks, with particular focus on cognitive radio, interference mitigation,multiuser MIMO, GreenComm, and energy and spectrum optimization tech-niques. He has served as a Technical Program Committee member on numerousIEEE flagship conferences and chaired the Manchester EEE postgraduateconference in 2010.

Khaled B. Letaief (S’85–M’86–SM’97–F’03)received the B.S. degree with distinction, M.S.and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering fromPurdue University at West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.From 1990 to 1993, he was a faculty member at theUniversity of Melbourne, Australia. He has beenwith the Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology since 1993, where he is known as oneof HKUST’s most distinguished professors for hisboundless energy, collegial nature, dedication, andexcellence in research, education, and service. While

at HKUST, he has held numerous administrative positions, including ChairProfessor and Dean of HKUST School of Engineering, Head of the Electronicand Computer Engineering department, Director of the Center for Wireless ICDesign, Director of Huawei Innovation Laboratory, and Director of the HongKong Telecom Institute of Information Technology.

From September 2015, he joined HBKU as Provost to help establish aresearch-intensive university in Qatar in partnership with strategic partners thatinclude Northwestern, CMU, Cornell, and Texas A&M. He is an internation-ally recognized leader in wireless communications and networks and served asconsultants for different organizations including Huawei, ASTRI, ZTE, Nortel,PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Motorola. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief ofthe IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS and has servedon the editorial board of other prestigious journals. He has also been involvedin organizing a number of flagship international conferences and events.

In addition to his active research and professional activities, ProfessorLetaief has been a dedicated teacher committed to excellence in teachingand scholarship. He received the Mangoon Teaching Award from PurdueUniversity in 1990; the Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award by the Schoolof Engineering at HKUST (4 times); and the Michael G. Gale Medal forDistinguished Teaching (Highest university-wide teaching award and only onerecipient/year is honored for his/her contributions).

He is also the recipient of many other distinguished awards and hon-ors including the 2007 IEEE Communications Society Joseph LoCiceroPublications Exemplary Award, 2009 IEEE Marconi Prize Award inWireless Communications, 2010 Purdue University Outstanding Electricaland Computer Engineer Award, 2011 IEEE Communications Society HaroldSobol Award, 2011 IEEE Wireless Communications Technical CommitteeRecognition Award, and 12 IEEE Best Paper Awards.

Dr. Letaief is recognized as a long time volunteer with dedicated serviceto professional societies and in particular IEEE where he has served in manyleadership positions. These include Treasurer of the IEEE CommunicationsSociety, Vice-President for Conferences of the IEEE Communications Society,Vice-President for Technical Activities of the IEEE Communications Society,Chair of the IEEE Committee on Wireless Communications, member of theIEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee, and elected member of the IEEE ProductServices and Publications Board.

Dr. Letaief is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of HKIE. He is currently servingas the IEEE Communications Society Director of Journal, and member of IEEETAB Periodicals Committee. He is also recognized by Thomson Reuters as anISI Highly Cited Researcher.