
Compositio n


Composition. Photographic composition is simply the selection and arrangement of subjects within the picture area. Rule 1. Have a strong center of interest. It is usually best to have one main point of interest because a picture can tell only one story successfully. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Composition

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Photographic composition is simply the selection and arrangement of subjects within the picture area.

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Have a strong center of interest.

Rule 1

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It is usually best to have one main point of interest because a picture can tell only one story successfully.

Whatever the main subject is, always give it sufficient prominence in the photo to make all other elements subordinate to it

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. You may want to include a secondary subject, but make sure that it doesn't detract from your main subject.

The rowboat is a recognizable object that establishes scale and helps the viewer identify the big abstract shape as the hull of a ship.

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When secondary subjects are included, position them in the viewfinder so that they do not detract from the main subject. If each of these two balloons appeared as the same size, the composition would be static and uninteresting.

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Rule 2

Avoid putting your center of interest in the center of your picture.

Usually, if the main subject is in the middle of the picture, it looks static and uninteresting.

You can often make excellent picture arrangements that have pleasing composition by placing your main subject in certain positions according to the rule of thirds

Rule of Thirds

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Imagine two horizontal lines cutting the picture into thirds.

Then imagine two vertical lines cutting the same picture into thirds vertically.

The intersections of these imaginary lines suggest four possible options for placing the center of interest for a pleasing composition.

Rule of Thirds

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Rule of Thirds The head of the subject is placed on one of the intersecting points – especially his eyes which are a natural point of focus for a portrait.

His tie and flower also take up a secondary point of interest

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Rule 3

A photo is usually more interesting when the chosen angle of view differs from the ordinary

Use the best camera angle.

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Rule 4

Fill the frame….Move in close

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Moving in close to your subject to take the picture gives the viewer the sense of being there

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Move in close or zoom in when you take the picture.To emphasize the subject, show it big

Eliminate extra distracting elements.

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Use lines for interest and unity

Rule 5

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Use leading lines to direct attention into your pictures. Select a camera angle where the natural or predominant lines of the scene will lead your eyes into the picture and toward your main center of interest.

The stream forms a leading line that takes you towards the mountain beyond.

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A leading line is ususally the most obvious way to direct attention to the center of interest. In this case, the rainbow leads the viewer's attention to the Acropolis.

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The bright logs in the foreground are the first thing the eye is attracted to, and bring the viewer deeper into the image

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The railings of the escalators and the curves of the floors draw the viewers eye into and through the architecture of the building.

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Rule 6

Keep the background uncluttered.

Use a plain and unobtrusive background so that it doesn't distract or detract from the subject.

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Keep the background uncluttered.

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Use frames to compose your pictures.

Rule 7

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For an added creative dimension, compose your pictures with an interesting foreground frame, such as a tree, a leafy branch, or a window.

Foreground frames create a sensation of depth and direct the viewer's attention to the center of interest.

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The photog-rapher used the sculpture to frame the skyline and make the image more


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Add a natural frame to your pictures. A foreground frame can help add the feeling of depth to a picture.

Try to choose a frame that links thematically with the subject such as a sailboat's rigging framing a harbor scene.

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Try to choose a frame that links thematically with the subject such as a sailboat's rigging framing a harbor scene.

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Rule 8Balance

Imagine that these two couples are standing at either end of a pair of scales. They are evenly balanced, so this is a classic example of symmetrical balance

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To balance your image, arrange objects so that anything large on one side is balanced by something of importance on the other side.

This is not the same as having multiple centers of interest. A group of people arrayed on one side need only be balanced by having a tree or building on the other.

A chess piece Queen can be balanced by other pieces on the opposite side of the image

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Rule 8Balance

The figure in this scene is balanced by the rocks in the foreground

You should balance the 'weight' of your subject by including another object of lesser importance to fill the space.

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Rule 9

The foreground plants give depth and distance

Create depth

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The tree stump in the foreground adds depth to what might otherwise be a flat scene…with a leading line of the path into the distance