Compliance as a Service (CaaS) PCI DSS Merchant Walkthrough

30 Compliance as a Service (CaaS) PCI DSS Merchant Walkthrough


For more information visit This walkthrough guides new CaaS users through the set up process, gives an overview of the Merchant Dashboard functionality, details the SAQ instructions, and provides an overview of how easy and intuitive the CaaS Portal really is to use.

Transcript of Compliance as a Service (CaaS) PCI DSS Merchant Walkthrough

Page 1: Compliance as a Service (CaaS) PCI DSS Merchant Walkthrough  

Compliance  as  a  Service  (CaaS)  PCI  DSS  Merchant  Walkthrough  

Page 2: Compliance as a Service (CaaS) PCI DSS Merchant Walkthrough

Login  Screen  

First  Time  Users:  •  Click  “Register/Begin”.      Returning  Users:  •  Login  with  your    Username  and  Password.  

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•  Enter  your  Merchant  ID  Number  and  Zip  Code.  •  Click  “Register”.  

Page 4: Compliance as a Service (CaaS) PCI DSS Merchant Walkthrough

Fill  out  your  business  informaGon.  Some  of  the  informaGon  may  already  be  pre-­‐filled  for  you.    Click  “Con5nue”.    Required  Fields  Include:  •  Business  Name  •  Merchant  ID  •  Zip  Code  •  Email  Address  •  Username  •  Password  •  Re-­‐enter  Password  

Business  InformaGon  

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Answer  the  3  quesGons  about  your  credit  card  machine  or  the  way  you  accept  credit  cards.  Click  “Con5nue”.  

Terminal  InformaGon  

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Answer  the  Pre-­‐SAQ  QuesGons  and  CaaS  will  place  you  in  the  correct  Self  Assessment  QuesGonnaire  (SAQ).    If  you  know  which  SAQ  you  belong  in,  you  can  select  it  manually  by  clicking  “Manually  Select  SAQ”.      When  finished,  click  “Con5nue”  

Pre-­‐SAQ  QuesGons  

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In  Summary,  the  SAQ  has  been  selected  for  you  from  the  answers  given  in  the  Pre-­‐SAQ  QuesGons  step.    If  you  don’t  agree  with  the  bullets  in  the  Summary  about  your  business,  please  click  the  “Back”  buXon  at  the  boXom  of  the  page  to  re-­‐answer  the  quesGons  more  accurately.  


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You  can  Manually  select  the  SAQ  that  fits  your  business  by  clicking  the  check  box  in  the  “Manually  Select  SAQ”  box.    By  pu[ng  your  cursor  over  each  SAQ  Type  you  can  then  read  the  Summary  for  that  SAQ  Type.  To  select,  click  on  the  buXon  for  the  SAQ  Type  you  desire.  (Must  have  the  “Manually  Select  SAQ”  box  checked.)  


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A\er  you  have  established  a  username  and  password,  log  in  to  CaaS.  Once  you  are  logged  in,  your  Merchant  Dashboard  will  show  you  the  necessary  steps  in  becoming  Compliant.    Required  Steps:  •  Missing  Signature  •  SAQ  •  Scan  (if  available  on  your  

Dashboard.  Required  for  Merchants  processing  via  IP/Internet  instead  of  a  Phone  line.)    

Merchant  Dashboard  

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Verify  Email  

Merchant  Dashboard  

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If  you  have  not  received  the  email  confirmaGon  email,  please  click  “Send/Re-­‐send  Verifica5on  Email”.  

Verify  Email  

Verifying  your  email  is  to  confirm  we  have  a  good  email  address  on  file.  We  use  email  to  conGnue  to  noGfy  merchants  of  compliance  data  or  merchant  status  that  may  change  from  Gme  to  Gme.    

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Missing  Signature  

Merchant  Dashboard  

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Merchants  must  read  and  agree  to  the  terms  and  condiGons  of  the  portal.  •  Click  the  “I  Agree”  check  box.  •  Sign  in  the  white  box  with  your  cursor.  •  Click  “Save”.  

Missing  Signature  

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Merchant  Dashboard  Self  Assessment  Ques5onnaire  (SAQ)  

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   SAQ  Instruc5ons    ü All  Answers  must  be  answered  with  a  “Yes”  or  “N/A”  

response  in  order  to  become  Compliant.  ü Any  Answers  with  a  “No”  response  will  NOT  be  considered  

Compliant  and  will  require  remediaGon  so  that  the  response  can  be  changed  to  a  “Yes”  or  “N/A”  response.  

ü  If  any  quesGons  are  answered  with  an  “N/A”  response,  an  explanaGon  as  to  why  the  quesGon  does  not  apply  to  the  Merchant  will  be  required.  

Self-­‐Assessment  QuesGonnaire  (SAQ)  

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Self-­‐Assessment  QuesGonnaire  (SAQ)  

Complete  each  quesGon  by  clicking  on  the  QuesGon  Title  itself,  then  answering  the  quesGon  with  a  “Yes”,  “No”,  or  “N/A”  response.  To  display  all  quesGons  at  the  same  Gme,  click  “Show  All”  in  the  top  right  hand  corner  of  the  QuesGons  container.    If  you  sGll  have  a  quesGon  a\er  reading  the  QuesGon  and  ExplanaGon,  click  the  “Ask  Ques5on”  buXon  in  the  boXom  right  hand  corner  of  the  QuesGon  box.  

Once  you  have  finished  the  quesGons,  click  “Con5nue”  at  the  boXom  right  hand  corner  of  the  screen.  You  may  also  choose  to  select  “Finish  Later”  to  save  what  you  have  answered  and  return  to  the  Merchant  Dashboard  to  complete  at  a  later  Gme.  

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If  you  receive  this  message  a\er  compleGng  the  SAQ:    •  Click  “SAQ  Remedia5on”.    •  Answer  the  remaining  unanswered  quesGons.  

OR    •  Any  response  answered  with  “No”  must  be  remediated  so  the  

Merchant  can  change  the  answer  to  a  “Yes”  or  “N/A”  response  in  order  to  become  Compliant.  

Self-­‐Assessment  QuesGonnaire  (SAQ)  

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Merchant  Dashboard  

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To  Schedule  a  Scan:  •  Click  on  “Schedule  Scan”  in  the  Menu  Bar.  To  Review  a  Past  Scan:  •  Click  on  the  date  of  the  Scan  you  would  like  to  review.  


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Follow  the  prompt  to  select  your  se[ngs  for  the  scan  and  finish  by  clicking  “Schedule/Run  Scan”.  

Schedule  Scan  

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View  each  vulnerability  by  clicking  on  the  risk  level  (colored  boxes),  then  click  on  the  name  of  each  vulnerability  beneath.  To  download  the  report,  click  on  “Download  Report”  in  the  Gtle  bar.  To  send  a  support  request  or  report  a  false  posiGve,  use  the  Support  Request  secGon  at  the  boXom  of  the  page.  

Scan  Details  Review  

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Merchant  Dashboard  

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To  download  a  Compliant  CerGficate,  click  on  the  “Comple5on  Cer5ficate”  icon.    Merchant  must  become  Compliant  before  CaaS  will  allow  download.  


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Merchant  Overview  

Merchant  Dashboard  

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Merchant  Overview  will  allow  you  to  see  all  of  your  informaGon  as  it  is  stored  in  CaaS.  In  addiGon,  you  can  setup  addiGonal  users,  view  status  of  SAQ  and/or  Scan  (if  applicable),  and  Overall  Status.  

Merchant  Overview  

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Manage  Users  

Merchant  Dashboard  

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To  edit  a  User  select  the      icon  in  the  EDIT  secGon.  To  delete  a  User  select  the      icon  in  the  EDIT  secGon.  To  reset  the  password  for  a  User,  select  the            icon  in  the  EDIT  secGon.  

Manage  Users  To  add  addiGonal  Users:    Click  “Add  New”  next  to  the  Search  buXon.    To  Search  for  a  User:    Enter  the  name  of  the  User  you  would  like  to  search  for  and  click  “Search”.    

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If  you  need  to  change  your  SAQ  Type  as  it  is  no  longer  correct,  click  “Change  SAQ  Type”  and  the  Portal  will  direct  you  back  through  the  Pre-­‐SAQ  QuesGons  again.  

Merchant  Dashboard  

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Who  We  Are  Megaplan-­‐IT,   LLC   is   a   PCI   SSC   CerGfied  network   security   and   compliance   firm  that   specializes   in   PCI   DSS   Compliance,  PenetraGon   TesGng,   Secure   Web  Development,   Cloud   SoluGons,   HIPAA  Compliance,   and   other   high-­‐level   IT  audiGng  and  risk  management  services.  

With  over  fi\een  years  of  applied  experience   in  the  field  of  network  security  and  compliance,   the  Megaplan-­‐IT   team   is   comprised  of  highly-­‐skilled  and  well-­‐trained  informaGon  security  professionals  who  will  work  collaboraGvely  with  your  company  and  maintain  open  and  direct  communicaGon  throughout  the  project.  Megaplan-­‐IT  QSAs  are  trained  in  Version  2.0  of  the  PCI-­‐DSS  Requirements.    To  learn  more,  visit  us  today  at  hQps://    

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Cost  Megaplan-­‐IT  includes  key  services  for  free  with  each  assessment.  This  approach  provides  our  clients  with  huge  savings  and  ensures  that  all  compliance  requirements  are  met.  

Quality  Megaplan-­‐IT  provides  the  most  accurate  security  risk  assessment  services  at  the  most  compeGGve  prices.  We  stand  by  the  quality  of  our  reporGng  from  start  to  finish.  

Service  Megaplan-­‐IT  clients  never  wait  for  a  skilled  consultant  or  QSA  to  be  assigned.  Our  team  is  available  to  assist  you  when  the  need  arises.  100%  SaGsfacGon  Guaranteed.  

Megaplan-­‐IT's  mission  is  to  build  an  ongoing  relaGonship  with  our  clients  by  successfully  compleGng  a  wide  range  of  security  and  compliance  goals  on  a  recurring  annual  basis.  


Why  Choose  Megaplan-­‐IT  

To  speak  with  a  consultant  now,  please  call  800-­‐891-­‐1634  or  email  [email protected]