Completion Questions Practice

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  • 8/13/2019 Completion Questions Practice


    The teams manager, Eric Gorton has____________ Nick Fenand in his squad fornext month's qualifying match againstLiechtenstein desite dou!ts ____________the layers fitness"

    #" included $"a!out

    %" hositali&ed$ !y" (oined$ on)" remo*ed$" o*erE" relaced$ concerning

    The !est ans+er is #" Doubts by, on or overare not idiomatic exressions" The teamsmanager has done something despite doubtsabout the players fitness so it is logical thathe included the layer in his squad"

    The #nasa&i, a ci*ili&ation that arose as earlyas -.. %, occuied the region no+

    __________ as the Four orners, +here /taholorado, #ri&ona and Ne+ 0exico meet, forcenturies"

    #" in*oked%" kno+n" la!eled)" denotedE" assumed

    The !est ans+er is %" hoices #, , ) and Ecannot recede the reosition as.

    1*er the ___________, different Ne+ 2orkneigh!orhoods ha*e layed ___________ tothe cutting edge3 Green+ich 4illage in the5-.s, 6o7o in the 58.s, the Lo+er East

    6ide in the 59.s"

    #" decades$ host%" centuries$ guest" time$ games)" moments$ alongE" +ay$ coy

    The !est ans+er is #" Host, games, along andcoy can logically follo+played,!ut notguest.:t is idiomatic to say over time, not over the

    time. Moments does not fit +ith the !roadtime san indicated in the rest of the sentence"Way is illogical"

    # ground!reaking exhi!ition is sho+casing:raq's rich roots in 0esootamia, the region

    !et+een the Tigris and Euhrates ri*ers thatga*e __________to the +orld's first ur!anci*ili&ation some -,... years ago"

    #" suort

    %" +ater" floods)" !irthE" itself

    The !est ans+er is )" Gave birth is idiomatic" :tties in +ith the mention of roots and the worlds

    first urban civilization.

    1riginally, the ro(ect +as lanned to take atleast - years, !ut effecti*e resource and

    technological ad*ances ha*e ________ theteams rogress"

    #" energi&ed%" ostoned" accelerated)" deferredE" reduced

    The !est ans+er is " The +ord but indicates

    that the ro(ect +ill not take as long lanned,therefore, it is logical that it +as accelerated"

    ;hen mortals died, +hether no!le or__________, they (oined th century, some__________ e*ent forced the #nasa&i to

    __________ their houses and homeland and tomo*e south and east to+ard the

  • 8/13/2019 Completion Questions Practice


    #" seismic$ shift%" cataclysmic$ flee" unfortunate$ desert)" disastrous$ mo*eE" calamitous$ re*isit

    The !est ans+er is %" "nfortunate is too +eak

    a +ord to descri!e such an e*ent"ataclysmic is at" :n choices ) and E, moveand revisitdo not fit +ith the last clause of thesentence" # house and homeland cannot


    Those __________ ancestors dou!tless foundsticks helful for ointing out a direction,tracing a diagram in the dirt or __________u a sla! of useful flint"

    #" decreit$ fixing%" faulty$ icking" distant$ rying)" olden$ raiseE" aged$ keeing

    The !est ans+er is " hoices # and E makethe ancestors sound as though they +ere stillali*e" There is no reason for the ancestors to

    !e consideredfaulty. The second !lank must!e filled +ith a gerund ?@ing formA"

    Tony %enito and his sister, 0argarita %enito,face -@month (ail terms in %ritain on

    ________ of court charges after they__________ to aear in court to testify a!outthe family's assets"

    #" contemt$ failed

    %" misconduct$ refused" rudeness$ agreed)" lo*e$ romisedE" scorn$ s+ore

    The !est ans+er is #" The exressioncontempt of court is idiomatic" :t is logicalthat they +ould !e in contemt if theyfailedto appear.

    )esite __________ rinted in ne+saersand !roadcast o*er the internet and ontele*ision, #mericans __________ to losemillions to internet con artists"

    #" redictions$ erse*ere%" +arnings$" continue" encouragement$ roceed)" cautions$ ersistE" signals$ incur

    The !est ans+er is %" The +ord despite signalsthat there is a contradiction in the t+o arts ofthe sentence +hich rules out " ontinue to# isidiomatic, +hereaspersevere, persist and incurcannot !e follo+ed !y to.

    Federal data sho+ that the num!er of citi&ensrecei*ing +elfare __________ again last yeare*en though an economic slo+do+n ushedmore eole into __________"

    #" rescinded$ !eggary%" reduced$ affluence" (umed$ su!ser*ience)" triled$ auerismE" declined $ o*ertyThe !est ans+er is E" !ven though signals thatthere is a contrast from one art of the sentenceto another" hoice E ro*ides for thearoriate contrast" #n economic slowdowncannot ush eole into affluence or


    Georgia's teachers recei*ed the third largestsalary hike in the country last year !ut still didnot mo*e u in national __________"#" cometition%" readings" ranting

    )" ratingsE" rankings

    The !est ans+er is E" There is no nationalcompetition for salaries" hoice % and areirrele*ant" $atings are usually alied to asu!(ecti*e quality, not a fact"

    )esite signs of a truce, the countrys dilemmaremains, should they let the north country remain

    __________ or should they __________ it"

    #" autonomous""" conquer%" free$ self@go*erning

  • 8/13/2019 Completion Questions Practice


    " indeendent$ searated)" quelled$ annexedE" su!ordinate$ su!ser*ient

    The !est ans+er is #" The +ord or in thesentence signals that +hat is on either side ofthe +ord must !e different otions" 1nly #

    resents t+o different otions"

    #s the last __________ slice of #tlanticcoastal lain !ordering the continent's *astequatorial rain forests, the region, kno+n asthe Gam!a omlex, is a !iologically

    __________ mosaic of forests, sa*annas,lagoons, lakes and !eaches that, until recently,+as *irtually unkno+n to science"

    #" underde*eloed$ luxuriant%" uncharted$ !roken" examined$ lentiful)" unde*eloed$ richE" exlored$ a!ounding

    The !est ans+er is )" hoices and E areunidiomatic follo+ing last. %ro&en mosaic isillogical as a descrition of forests etc"

    0r" 0iller has exressed his hoe that thero(ect can __________ suort forconser*ing the 6il*erson ;ildlife omlex"

    #" raise%" rally" mount)" fosterE" !ooster

    The !est ans+er is %" 'o rally supportis anidiomatic exression"

    The term conser*ationist had !een defined !ysome as a erson +ho !elie*es that the natural+orld is endlessly __________ and !eautiful,and therefore as much of it as ossi!le should

    !e __________"

    #" irrational$ reser*ed

    %" a!horrent$ sal*aged" fascinating$ sa*ed)" exhilarati*e$ romotedE" aealing$ distinguished

    The !est ans+er is " %ecause the !lank aears!efore and beautiful, one can exect it to !efilled +ith something ositi*e" The andtherefore indicates that the second !lank shouldalso !e ositi*e" 1nly , ) and E ha*e t+o

    ositi*e choices, and of them only contains

    t+o +ords that are aroriate to descri!e thenatural +orld"

    __________ temorary o+er lines and dataca!les, huddled around latos and editingequiment, (ournalists and technicians +ere

    __________ out ne+s to many outosts"

    #" #mong$ !urning%" #lthough$ turning

    " /sing$ tossing)" )esite$ +ritingE" #mid$ churning

    The !est ans+er is E"(lthough and despite mustrecede clauses, not noun hrases" (mid andamong are !oth reasona!le choices" hurningout, ho+e*er, is idiomatic +hile burning out, isnot"

    The country is a regional __________, ana!solute !ut highly dynamic monarchy that hascreated an economic __________ out of littlemore than *ision, geograhy and +ill"

    #" anomaly$ o+erhouse%" synchronicity$ giant" incongruity$ d+arf)" aradox$ deendencyE" discreancy$ o+er

    The !est ans+er is #" )ynchronicity anddiscrepancy ha*e to relate to t+o or more things?i"e" a discreancy !et+een x and yA" That is notthe case here" *ut of little more indicates thatsomething +as made out of next to nothing,+hich is only remarka!le if +hat +as created+as ositi*e, such as an economic powerhouse.

  • 8/13/2019 Completion Questions Practice


    #" *oluntary$ home%" master$ *icinity" imermea!le$)" failed$ localityE" amateur$ !astions

    The !est ans+er is E" The +ord amateur is alogical choice after but# since turning

    professional. %astion is an aroriate +ordto descri!e +here the sort is traditionally


    :n addition to huge gas __________, theasian sea may hold as much as C.. !illion

    !arrels of oil, reser*es second only to those ofthe Dersian Gulf"

    #" tanks%" quotas" canisters)" suliesE" deosits

    The !est ans+er is E" # sea can only holddeosits, not any of the other otions"

    /nion leaders __________ !osses of allo+ingaramilitaries access to the lants to__________ graffiti on the +alls andintimidate +orkers"

    #" con*icted$ inscri!e%" accused$ scra+l" !lamed$ etch)" incriminated$ +riteE" denoted$ scri!!le

    The !est ans+er is %" 1nly accuse andconvictedcan !e follo+ed !y of .+nscribehas a ositi*e connotation +hich isinaroriate"

    4ery quickly the nati*e alifornians +ereo*er+helmed !y eole of all __________,coming from all __________ @@ !y +agontrain from ouncil %luffs, :o+a, !y horse!ack

    from ranchos to the south, !y shi fromhina"

    #" destinations$ *ehicles

    %" nationalities$ countries" u!ringings$ interests)" !ackgrounds$ directionsE" denominations$ sectors

    The !est ans+er is )" :t is incorrect to use of+ith destinations. ationalities is incorrect

    !ecause only one nationality is mentioned" 1fchoices , ) and E, directions makes the mostsense in light of +hat follo+s"

    #irsan #irlines long and __________ searchfor a artner finally __________ last +eek +henthe !ankrut )utch airline agreed to merge +ith#irlex"

    #" arduous$ ended

    %" extended$ concluded" (oyous$ consigned)" fortuitous$ stoedE" la!orious$ roceeded

    The !est ans+er is #" 6ince the first !lankcomes after long and# +e can assume it +ill !esomething that +ill not !e a contradiction" Thisrules out-oyous andfortuitous. The second

    !lank follo+sfinally. :t is logical that the searchended, and the information is gi*en in the last

    art of the sentence"

    Thought the negotiators are trying to finali&e aless exensi*e __________ !enefit lan, they areconsidering charging __________ eole higher


    #" health $ +ealthy%" +ealth$ distinguished

    " safety$ roserous)" ayoff$ a!undantE" fitness$ cogniti*e

    The !est ans+er is #" Health benefit plan is theonly exression +hich is idiomatic and logical"1nly wealthy makes logical sense"

    a!le+ise 6ystems officially rolled out itsnational high@definition satellite ser*ice,

    %oom, in a !et that the ca!le oerator can__________ into a !urgeoning segment of thetele*ision@*ie+ing community that is exected to

    __________ high@definition tele*ision sets"

  • 8/13/2019 Completion Questions Practice


    #" turn$ reser*e%" dredge$ a!use" float$ !orro+)" ta$ o+nE" ierce$ dictate

    The !est ans+er is )" 'ap into is idiomaticand makes sense in the context of thesentence" ;hile borrow and reserve are

    ossi!le grammatically, own makes the mostsense"

    Looking to exand its foothold o*erseas, 6has urchased a ma(ority stake in Germany'sleading tele*ision ne+s agency, gi*ing the/"6" !roadcaster __________ of a leading

    channel in the German tele*ision__________"

    #" control$ market%" art $ emorium" deseration$ consortium)" domination$ saceE" o+er$ fringe

    The !est ans+er is #" The termgiving controlcan !e follo+ed !y of +hereas desperation,domination andpower cannot" ;hile the+ord emporium means a!out the same asmar&et, it is not used in this sort of figurati*econtext"

    0ore than 9. schools ha*e !een __________,+ith similar reha!ilitation +orks in rogressor in the final stages of __________"

    #" achie*ed$ configuration%" (ointed$ formulation" ended$ sonsorshi)" finished$ reroductionE" comleted$ lanning

    The !est ans+er is E" # school can !efinished or completed,!ut not achieved,-ointed or ended. +n the final stages ofplanning is more logical and is idiomatic"

    Deole and rhinoceroses refer similar ha!itat!ut don't mix *ery +ell, +hich is one reason

    rhinoceroses ha*e almost __________ from theearth"

    #" *anished%" extinguished" flourished)" stum!led

    E" a!dicated

    The !est ans+er is #" hoice % and E cannot !ealied to an animal" hoice and ) cannot !efollo+ed !yfrom the earth.

    6cientists ha*e __________ a !right urle,!loated frog in southern :ndia that is so unique itmerits the esta!lishment of not only a ne+

    __________ !ut also a ne+ family"

    #" unco*ered$ toic%" alle*iated$ genus" disco*ered$ secies)" disseminated$ distur!anceE" distinguished$ categori&ation

    The !est ans+er is " # frog cannot !ealleviated ordisseminated. )pecies logicallycomletes not only# , but also a new


    0ost heart attacks occur +hen a !lood clot__________ off one of the coronary arteries that__________ !lood to the heart muscle itself"

    #" !locks$ fosters%" stos$ ums" halts$ sulies)" closes$ feed

    E" o!structs$ resages

    The !est ans+er is )" loses off is idiomatic"1ne canfeed, pump or supply blood to the heart,

    !ut notfoster orpresage.

    :n this era of managed nursing care, 6mithcontinues to __________ a kind of medicine thatmost eole assume nearly *anished, !ringing totheir rounds tenderness and rofound


    #" articiate$ caring%" condone$ a!horrence

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    " disarage$ sua!ility)" ractice$ cometenceE" engage$ antiathy

    The !est ans+er is )" 'o practice medicine isidiomatic" The second !lank must !e a

    ositi*e item"

    Dsychiatrists, medical doctors and__________ ha*e used hynosis for morethan t+o centuries to treat __________ andillness"

    #" theraists$ !liss%" sychologists$ ain" catalysts$ suffering)" hysicians$ discomfort

    E" hysicists$ torment

    The !est ans+er is %" /hysiciansisredundant" atalysts andphysicistsareillogical choices" %liss is an illogical choicefor the second !lank"

    :n each __________, scanners detectedincreased !lood __________ in rele*ant artsof the !rains of hynoti&ed su!(ects +ho +ere

    ut through color and ain tests"

    #" case$ flo+%" instance$ stain" lace$ o+der)" osition$ currentE" testament$ stream

    The !est ans+er is #" 1nly choice # and %are logical for the first !lank" %lood stain is

    does not make sense after the +ord increased"

    __________ to the science of hrenology,an indi*idual's character and a!ilities could !ededuced from the si&e and __________ of*arious !ums on the head"

    #" orresonding$ tension%" %ased$ texture" 6uosing$ hardness

    )" #ccording$ shaeE" onfigured$ form

    The !est ans+er is )" %ased and(ccording arethe only logical choices for the first !lank, !ut

    %ased cannot !e follo+ed !y to. #lso, +hile anyof the choice could feasi!ly fit in the second

    !lank,size and shape is an idiomatic exression"

    The +orld's most rolific aircraft !uilder'scommercial __________ is struggling in the+orst a*iation do+nturn in history and has

    __________ off >-,-. of its 5>,... +orkerssince 555"

    #" sector$ aid%" art$ sent" di*ision $ laid)" +ard$ !oughtE" deartment$ caught

    The !est ans+er is " ;ard is used to refer toart of a hositcal" Dart is too general" #!usiness does not ha*e sectors" 6ince there has!een a do+nturn, it is logical that the +orkersha*e !een laid off"6ince he had __________ o*er the comanyfrom his father only a year !efore, he !lamedhimself for destroying a !usiness relationshi hisfather sent se*enteen years __________ "

    #" resided$ culti*ating%" ho*ered$ de*eloing" ruled$ crushing)" relinquished$ takingE" taken$ !uildingThe !est ans+er is E" ;hilepresided, hoveredand ruled are all suita!le !efore over, only ta&enover# makes sense coming !eforefrom his


    6a**y leaders kno+ that there is no single mafor __________ leadershi= the rules changedeending on +hom you are guiding and the

    __________ around you"

    #" altruistic$ contradictions%" effecti*e$ conditions" successful$ nati*es)" a!ysmal$ situationE" toical$ criteria

    The !est ans+er is %" %ecause the sentencestarts +ith )avvy leaders, the first !lank must !esomething ositi*e, as in choices #, % and " 1f

  • 8/13/2019 Completion Questions Practice


    the three, conditions is the most logicalchoice"

    # *oluntary school drug@testing __________roosed !y the mayor and schoolsuerintendent __________ make this crime@

    lagued city the first to exeriment +ith thisaroach"

    #" test $ should%" rogram $ +ould" study$ can)" class$ +illE" in*estigation$ ought to

    The !est ans+er is %" %ecause the drug@testing is (ust roosed, i"e" only a ossi!ility,

    the second !lank should !e filled +ith would"

    __________ +e !ought equiment at the endof last year !ut +eren't !illed until C..>, +ehad to include it on this year's !ooks"

    #" %ecause%" )esite" 6o)" ;hereasE" #fter

    The !est ans+er is #" 1nly choice # isgrammatical and creates a logical connection

    !et+een the t+o arts of the sentence"

    For the first time in >9 years, EssexDackaging has __________ an unrofita!lequarter"

    #" understood%" managed" handled)" exeriencedE" related

    The !est ans+er is )" 6emantically, the +orde0perienced is the most logical choice"

    The roosed random testing lan has

    !rought a de!ate to 4irginia that +as already__________ in national olitical __________"#" intense$ oinions

    %" flouncing$ rings" floundering$ grous)" talking$ artiesE" raging $ circles

    The !est ans+er is E" # de!ate can !e said to !eraging,!ut notflouncing, floundering or tal&ing.

    /olitical circles is idiomatic" hoice # isincorrect !ecause a de!ate cannot !e intense in a

    olitical oinion"

    The go*ernor has shied from taking a osition onthe issue, !ut the i*il Li!erties /nion said it+ould acti*ely __________ any rogram thatforced inmates to sign the __________ "

    #" suort$ interface

    %" challenge $ document" reflect$ text)" sustain$ certificationE" re*ere$ etition

    The !est ans+er is %" The +ord but makes itclear that +hat the /nion does is different from+hat the go*ernor has done" )upport andchallenge are !oth suita!le otions, ho+e*er,one does not sign an interface.

    6canners ha*e long !een neglected !y thedesigners of the D +orld H __________ !oxesthat take u far too __________ sace on thedeskto"#" sleek$ many%" ornamental$ little" clumsy$ fe+)" clunky$ muchE" !lusterous$ numerous

    The !est ans+er is )" 6ince designers ha*eneglected scanners, one exects them to !edescri!ed in negati*e term, such as clumsy orclun&y. 1f the ossi!ilities for the second !lank,only little and much are grammatical suita!le+ith a non@counta!le noun such asspace"

    The lan is ro*ing oular, if __________ , inNe+ %edford, +here it +as originally suggested

    to Iramer at a __________ of faith@!asedorgani&ations earlier this month"

    #" trendy$ assem!ly

  • 8/13/2019 Completion Questions Practice


    %" +idesread$ oortunity" contro*ersial $ forum)" cum!ersome$ disersalE" re*alent$ summit

    The !est ans+er is " %ecause of the +ord if,the first !lank must contrast +ithpopular.

    ontroversial and cumbersomero*ide asuita!le contrast" Dispersal is illogical"

    0iller un*eiled his __________ researchlan to the committee last Tuesday= heexects to ha*e a final lan ready for a

    __________ !y January"

    #" reliminary $ *ote%" luminous$ rinting

    " concluding$ decision)" definiti*e$ (udgmentE" ultimate$*erdict

    The !est ans+er is #"/reliminary researchplan is logical since it contrasts logically +iththefinal plan.

    7ad the attemt to increase sales succeeded,Fox +ould ha*e had __________ to !elie*ethe Forester Dlan could set similar

    __________ "

    #" cause $ ta!les%" foundation$ traditions" underinning$ tri!unals)" reason $ recordsE" keystone$ *erifications

    The !est ans+er is )" ause and reason fit in

    the first !lank, !ut reason to believe is anidiomatic exression" 6imilarly, to setrecords is idiomatic"

    The (oint go*ernment +e! site +as seciallycreated to educate small firms __________their +age and __________ reortingresonsi!ilities"

    #" a!out $ tax

    %" on$ refund" concerning$ salary)" aroos$ earningsE" in$ income

    The !est ans+er is #" 'o educate someoneabout somethingis idiomatic" 6ince the second

    !lank comes after wage and# the !lank +illmost likely !e filled +ith something similar to+ages" )alary and earnings, ho+e*er, mean thesame thing as +age, and are therefore illogical


    # solid __________ of #mericans say they+ant ongress to legali&e the imortation oflo+er@riced medicines from anada andEuroe, and +ould !e +illing to ay higher taxesto ro*ide rescrition drug !enefits to

    __________ citi&ens"

    #" minority$ decreit

    %" faction$ old" ma(ority$ senior)" lo!!y$ elderlyE" fifty ercent$ suerfluous

    The !est ans+er is " The first !lank comesafter the ad(ecti*esolid. :t +ould !e unusual tousesolidto descri!e a minority, faction or lobby.*ld and elderly make sense, !ut onlyseniorcitizens is idiomatic"

    1n #ril -, 6angers :nternational, a__________ mainstay here for C years, toldits >.. emloyees to sto +ork mid@shift

    !ecause it +as __________ do+n"

    #" factious $ closing%" manufacturing $ shutting" economic $ slogging)" economical$ traising

    E" mechani&ed$ ulling

    The !est ans+er is %" 1nly closing down andshutting down are idiomatic and logical"Factious does not make sense in the context ofthe sentence"

    :n talks on this tri, the rime minister has tried,+ithout much __________ , to ersuade foreignleaders to sto +eakening their __________

    against the dollar"

    #" gratification$ money%" accomlishment$ !illfolds

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    " accomaniment$ exchange)" *oracity$ tenderE" success $ currencies

    The !est ans+er is E" The first !lank, +hichaears in a arenthetical exression,logically qualifies the exression the minister

    has tried. urrencies is the only choice+hich can logically !e comared to thedollar.

    # +eek@long in*estigation !egan yesterday inFlorida, +ith __________ seculation on thecause of the crash centering on damage to the

    lanes right +ing"#" final%" momentary

    " initial)" middlingE" definiti*e

    The !est ans+er is " 6ince it is the first dayof an in*estigation that is scheduled to last a+eek, it makes sense that the seculation +ascalled initial.

    __________ its high concentration of family@o+ned manufacturing firms, dating !ack tothe late 9..s, %lendens Furniture isaccustomed to the us and do+ns of the

    !usiness __________ "

    #" 7a*ing$ hase%" ;ith $ cycle" )ue to$ rotation)" 1+ning$ sequenceE" 1*erseeing$ disarray

    The !est ans+er is %" Having and owning atthe !eginning of a sentence cannot recedeits. For the second !lank, cycleis the !estchoice for something descri!ed as ha*ing upsand downs.

    Last +eek, Texitron, an #merican firm +ithfactories in K. countries, __________ it +asclosing t+o more lants, __________ the

    num!er of Texitron (o!s lost to ,.>. thisyear"

    #" determined$ setting%" decided$ deranging" roclaimed$ utting)" announced $ !ringingE" alerted$ raising

    The !est ans+er is )" hoice %, and ) can fit

    in the first !lank" 7o+e*er, only bringing thenumber to# is idiomatic"

    :n true entrereneurial style, Ielly has turned theoular !ook into a __________ glo!al !usinessof !ooks, games, and *ideos that teach the

    __________ of financial freedom that he used to!uild his fortune"

    #" flourishing$ +him%" star*ing$ tenet

    " skulking$ dogma)" thri*ing $ rincilesE" edestrian$ ideas

    The !est ans+er is )" 6ince it +as done inentrepreneurial style, one +ould assume that+hat Ielly did +as successful" 1lourishing and

    starving are, therefore, at" For the second!lank,principles is a much !etter choice sinceone does not teach a +him"

    ;ith its ersonal touches, including t+ice@dailyhousekeeing and round@the@clock conciergeser*ice, the hotel has a delightful your@+ish@is@our@command air a!out the lace, +ithout the

    __________ you might find __________ "

    #" ornamentation$ some+here else%" stuffiness $ else+here" artifacts$ missing

    )" dankness$ !eyondE" insu!ordination$ a+ay

    The !est ans+er is " The sentence is raisingthe hotel so one +ould exect that the hotel+ould !e without something negati*e"

    +nsubordination can only !e used to descri!e aerson" Dan&ness andstuffiness are aroriatechoice for the first !lank, !ut beyond is not alogical choice for the second !lank"

    4erton executi*es challenged the +e! site tactic,___________ that if customers s+itched, the

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    ___________ +ould lose re*enues and the*ery (o!s the union +as trying to rotect"

    #" arguing $ comany%" argued$ firm" roclaiming$ emloyee)" stated$ +orker

    E" questioning$ staff mem!er

    The !est ans+er is #" # gerund form, such asarguing, proclaiming or 2uestioning is neededto fill the first !lank" 3uestioning cannot

    recede that. 1ne uses the +ord revenue totalk a!out the income of a comany, not thatof indi*iduals"

    ___________ an increase in attacks on the

    existing technology, Netfix said that it +ouldrelease features across its line of net+orkfire+all roducts"

    #" 0entioning$%" Talking$" om!ining$)" iting $E" Toting$

    The !est ans+er is )"Mentioning is toocasual" 'al&ing cannot recede anincrease#. ombiningand toting areillogical"

    :ts ___________ includes such treasures as+o*en funerary shoes from a royal tom! inancient The!es and a rare air of :nuit !oots

    ___________ of eider skin"

    #" comilation$ done%" collection$ made" set$ reared)" ile$ shaedE" stock$ fashioned

    The !est ans+er is %" ompilation cannot !earoriately alied to shoes" #pile or

    stoc& cannot include items" 1nly made cango !efore of"

    There is gro+ing ___________ that a child'searliest exeriences ha*e a more

    ___________ and long@lasting effect on

    su!sequent health than had !een re*iouslythought"

    #" testimony$ significant%" thought$ transitory" surt$ o!sequious)" reflection$ eacea!le

    E" e*idence $ o+erful

    The !est ans+er is E" Growing evidence isidiomatic" 6omething that does not contradictlong4lasting, such aspowerful, is needed to fillthe second !lank"

    Follo+ing years of generous stock otions,cororate (ets and other ___________, !oardsare ___________ their !elts +hen it comes to

    executi*e ay"

    #" erks$%" lia!ilities$" !enefits $ tightening)" encum!rances$E" roserity$

    The !est ans+er is " Generous stoc& optionsandcorporate -ets+ould likely !e descri!ed assomething ositi*e, such as aper& or a benefit.'o tighten ones belt is an idiomatic exression"

    The ___________ of ta dance can !e traced tothe ante!ellum 6outh +hen #frican@#mericansla*es, adet at coying :rish (igs and Lancashireclogging, imro*ised and em!ellished thosedances +ith their o+n ___________ andmo*ements"

    #" origins $ rhythms%" account$ feelings" !irth$ aathy)" *ersion$ a+arenessE" chronicle$ com!o

    The !est ans+er is #" 1nly an origin or a birthcan !e traced. # dance can !e em!ellished +itha rhythm, not +ith apathy.

    The federal and ro*incial go*ernmentslaunched the National hildren's #genda sixyears ago to +ork ___________ eliminatingchild o*erty, yet rogress is ___________"

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    #" +ith$ exclusi*e%" on$ indefina!le" a!out$ ethereal)" to+ard $ elusi*eE" near$ intangi!le

    The !est ans+er is )"!liminating childpoverty is a goal, thus toward is the !estchoice" The +ordyet indicates that the goalhas not !een reach, thus elusive is at"

    6tarted in 55> !y the ultural ouncil to___________ the city's do+nto+nneigh!orhoods, the festi*al ___________artists and acro!ats, magicians and stilt+alkers from as far a+ay as 6ain and hina"

    #" indicate$ romotes%" cele!rate $ sho+cases" su!stantiate$ singles out)" commemorate$ exoneratesE" honor$ exemlifies

    The !est ans+er is %" elebrate is the mostaroriate *er! to descri!e a festi*al +ithartists, acro!ats, magicians and stilt +alkers")howcases is aroriate for things !eingsho+n to the u!lic"

    The Thornhill high+ay carries any+here fromC-,... to a!out -.,... ___________ a daydeending on the section of road, +ith thecount ___________ .,... in some ur!ani&edareas"

    #" transortation$ reaching

    %" tris$ a*eraging" *ehicles $ toing)" automo!iles$ arri*ingE" *oyages$ recording

    The !est ans+er is " # high+ay can carryvehicles or automobiles,!ut none of the otherotions" hoice ) is incorrect !ecausearriving +ould ha*e to !e follo+ed !y at.

    The u!lic attention it generates could hel

    lay the ___________ for the kind of nationalconsensus needed to !ring su!stantial reformto health@care deli*ery"#" ground+ork

    %" !eginning" !asis)" centerE" originThe !est ans+er is #" 'o lay the groundwor& for

    0# is idiomatic"

    The imro*ed sales +ere largely the result of aC"> increase in unit *olume, !ut a C"

    ___________ in a*erage selling ___________negati*ely imacted results"

    #" lummet$ strategy%" augmentation$ cost" certification$ charge)" dro $ riceE" increase $ outlay

    The !est ans+er is )" The +ord but signals thatthe second art of the sentence +ill contrast +iththe first art, therefore, the first !lank should !efilled +ith an antonym of increase, such as drop")elling cannot !e used as an ad(ecti*e to descri!eany of the choices other thanprice.

    4irginia has not taken any comrehensi*e___________ on transortation funding since___________ the sales tax a half@cent in 59"

    #" heart$ increasing%" modification$ ad(usting" shae$ mo*ing)" action $ raisingE" amendment$ hea*ing

    The !est ans+er is )" 'o ta&e amendment and tota&e shape are not idiomatic" 'o ta&e heart, to

    ta&e shape, and to ta&e action are idiomatic, !utonly choice ) fits the meaning of the sentence"

    To memoriali&e their lo*ed ones, the___________ are increasingly turning toersonali&ation, and those in the funeral !usinessare resonding to the ___________ +ith a*ariety of tasteful customi&ed roducts"#" lonely$lea%" !erea*ed $ demand

    " mourners$ task)" destitute$ endo+mentE" next@of@kin$ ultimatum

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    The !est ans+er is %" #ny of the choicescould feasi!ly fill in the first !lank, !ut

    !erea*ed is the most logical !ecause it refersto eole +ho memorialize their loved ones.

    ;hile suorting u!licly funded health care,


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    #" days$ more%" times $ sha!!ier" sots$ !etter)" eriods$ +orseE" eras$ greater

    The !est ans+er is )" Waiting periods isidiomatic" The first art of the sentencediscusses something !ad ?long +aitsA" Thesecond art of the sentence says that it has

    !ecome more ronounced, thus worse issuita!le"

    #t age 9K, he is #merica's most listened@toradio ___________, and a ten million dollar@a@year ___________ +ill kee him !usy into

    his 5.s"

    #" anchor$ act%" announcer$ indenture" ersonality$ treaty)" !roadcaster$ contractE" dulicator$ agreement

    The !est ans+er is )" hoices %, and ) aresuita!le to fill the first !lank" ontract is theonly noun that can !e used to refer to a +orkagreement"

    :n a fascinating !ook, science ___________6arah 7elm ___________ there is far more tomoths than meets the eye"

    #" scri!!ler$ exoses%" +riter $ re*eals" da!!ler$ tells

    )" author$ thinksE" sycohant$ discloses

    The !est ans+er is %" 1nly choices % and )can fill the first !lank" #ll the choices to fillthe second !lank !esides reveals cannot

    recede a comlete clause"

    Founded in 58, the %en(amin FranklinLiterary M 0edical 6ociety has !ecome a

    leading ___________ of information onhealth and medicine for the general


    #" source $ u!lic%" +ell$ citi&enry" scourge$ oulous)" font$ communityE" resource$ ci*ilians

    The !est ans+er is #" )ource of information is

    idiomatic, as isgeneral public.

    The credi!ility of 'he !vening Guardianhasmade it a *alua!le ___________ for reachingmedical consumers and for heling medicalresearchers o!tain family ___________"

    #" means $ histories%" *iaduct$ records" tool$ kinshi

    )" transducer$ astE" affiliate$ associations

    The !est ans+er is #" %oth means and tool areacceta!le, !ut means is more aroriate" Toolis generally used to refer to a tangi!le o!(ect"

    1amily history is idiomatic in a medical context"

    6ix years ago this ___________, #sian leadersmet in cold, rainy 4ancou*er to discuss theregion's +orsening financial ___________"

    #" time $ calamity%" moment$ distress" +eek $ crisis)" today$ tragedyE" day$ emergency

    The !est ans+er is " 1nly wee& can !e used forthe first !lank" hoice # and % do not make

    sense" 'oday and day cannot follo+ this.

    Medical "pdate, a monthly ne+sletter thatreorts on eidemiological sur*eys and other

    ___________ of the society, is ___________ !ythis di*ision"

    #" doings$ disordered%" eisodes$ ut out" !outs$ disseminated

    )" acti*ities $ u!lishedE" segments$ assem!led

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    The !est ans+er is )" The first !lank must !efilled !y something of +hichsurveys can !econsidered an examle, such as activities.#lso, a reort !eingpublished is logical"

    # (udge ___________ an #ri&ona +oman to

    . days home detention for interceting herhus!and's ex@+ife's e@mail, saying the enaltyis a +arning to others +ho might !e temtedto do ___________"

    #" ordered$ so%" declared$ such" sentenced $ the same)" segregated$ as +ellE" mediated$ similar

    The !est ans+er is " 1nly ordered andsentenced can !e follo+ed +ith $to 78days#. 'he same has a much clearer referentthanso.

    :n the maga&ine, national health sur*eys aretaken to ___________ current research ontoics such as cancer, dia!etes, high !lood

    ressure, heart disease, and !iolar disorder"

    #" roliferate%" roagate" distance)" furtherE" dissect

    The !est ans+er is )" 'o further research,meaning to ad*ance it, is idiomatic"

    1utside the courtroom, the lanky___________ told T4 cameras he no+ hoedto get a (o! as a comuter security

    ___________ or rogrammer"

    #" gentleman$ ersonnel%" teenager $ consultant" cha$ resource)" constituent$ cometitorE" adolescent$ layer

    The !est ans+er is %" 5an&y is an ad(ecti*emost often used to descri!e teenagers"

    /ersonnel and resourcedo not fit !ecause itis a non@counta!le noun"

    # late rally on ;all 6treet after most Euroeanmarkets had closed set a ositi*e tone in Euroe,+ith higher@than@forecast ___________ againthe main dri*er of gains"

    #" re(oinders%" rofits" deficiencies)" dereciationE" stuefaction

    The !est ans+er is %" 6ince a ositi*e tone +asset,profits is a logical outcome"

    The renaissance in farmers' markets !egan (ust___________ C. years ago in se*eral laces,

    ___________ them alifornia and Ne+ 2orkity"

    #" more$ +ith%" o*er $ among" more than$ !et+een)" a!o*e$ some ofE" u$ some

    The !est ans+er is %" 9ust over is correct andidiomatic" (mong them is the aroriateexression to single a fe+ out of a grou"

    Net margins for grocery stores +ere sorely___________, so a grou of usuallyuncooerati*e suermarket executi*es (oined

    ___________ +ith a fe+ food manufacturers tocome u +ith a system to automate checkoutstands"

    #" drooing$ influences%" lo+ered$ cogency" falling$ teams)" lagging$ harnessesE" sagging $ forces

    The !est ans+er is E" The ad(ecti*esorely ismost aroriately used +ith either lagging or

    sagging. 9oined harnesses is illogical" Joinedforces is idiomatic"

    #s recently as the 59.s, roduction faroutstried ___________, and the go*ernment+as aying dairy farmers !illion to thin their

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    herds +hile it !ought tons of ___________cheese"

    #" suly$ extra%" lanning $ un+anted" demand $ surlus)" quota$ surretitious

    E" !illing$ suercilious

    The !est ans+er is " For the first !lank,choices # and E are illogical" % and ) areungrammatical" 6ince roduction Ofaroutstried demand,Psurplus is a logicalchoice for the second !lank"

    #fter %orden recei*ed ___________ in 9-for roducing concentrated milk in a *acuum,condensed milk !ecame an imortant art of

    the dairy ___________"

    #" an a+ard$ su!(ect%" a coyright$ field" a document$ trade)" a atent $ industryE" o+er of attorney$ !usiness

    The !est ans+er is )" hoices # and ) canlogically fill the first !lank, !ut industrymakes much more sense for the secondchoice"

    Tu!erculosis kills "- million eole a yearand nearly t+o !illion eole +orld+ide ha*e

    ___________ tu!erculosis infection, amassi*e otential reser*oir for the


    #" sleeing$ affliction

    %" latent $ disease" raging$ affiliation)" do&ing$ illnessE" ramant$ circumstance

    The !est ans+er is " 6ince there is apotentialreser*oir, it makes sense that the disease isdormant" hoices #, % and ) all ha*e thesame meaning !ut only latent is a +ordalied to a disease"

    The ___________ multi@cellular creatures onearth, songes are collections of loosely

    organi&ed single cells +ith no true organs or___________ "

    #" lain$ glands%" lainest$ tissue" simler$ tools)" simlest $ tissues

    E" small$ ianos

    The !est ans+er is )" #n exression of the form'he______something on earth requires the useof the suerlati*e ?@estA form to fill the !lank"*rgans and tissues are !oth arts of a !ody sothey logically fit together"

    # highly ___________ gas, methyl !romide isin(ected into the soil !efore lanting,

    ___________ out nearly e*erything ali*e"

    #" toxic $ +iing%" redundant$ mo*ing" foul$ selling)" noxious $ killingE" recom!inant$ taking

    The !est ans+er is #" # gas cannot !eredundant or recombinant. :illing out is notidiomatic, +hile moving out cannot !e used in atransiti*e sense"

    0ost easily measured ___________ gains comefrom increasing the caital stock and imro*ingthe efficiency +ith +hich the caital stock isused"

    #" lucrati*e$%" lachrymose$

    " economic $)" correctional$E" gainful$

    The !est ans+er is " 5ucrative andgainfulgains are redundant" 5achrymoseandcorrectionalare illogical"

    No other eole of the +orld are quite so___________ +ith installing and ___________

    exanses of short grass H mostly around houses!ut also at schools, arks, golf courses,gra*eyards, free+ay em!ankments and cororateheadquarters"

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    #" taken$ kee%" misguided$ sa*ing" allusi*e$ taering)" inclusi*e$sa*oringE" o!sessed$ maintaining

    The !est ans+er is E" hoices and ) areillogical" % is incorrect !ecause one cannot

    !e misguided with something" hoice # isincorrect !ecause the second !lank must !efilled +ith a gerund form ?@ingA"

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    The !est ans+er is %" The +ordpast makes alogical contrast to today. History cannot !e

    roceeded !y the.

    ;ith tools such as lasers, climate@controlledresearch cham!ers and, of course, comuters,

    7atfield and his ___________ are !ringingsoil science into the next ___________"

    #" emloyees$ term%" cohorts$ dimension" colleagues $ century)" minders$ exonentE" facilities$ comonent

    The !est ans+er is " olleagues is an

    aroriate term to refer to mem!ers of aresearch team" 'o bring something into thene0t century is idiomatic"

    Though the general died young, lea*ing hisson +ithout an inheritance, the young mano*ercame ___________, the lack of

    ___________ education to !ecome one of the+orld's most oular +riters"

    #" exu!erance$ secular%" o*erty $ formal" ad*ersity$ exedient)" lethargy$ li!eralE" illness$ legal

    The !est ans+er is %" 6ince he +as left+ithout an inheritance, overcoming poverty islogical" The exressionformal education isidiomatic"

    E*ery healthy !ody at rest ___________ acertain amount of energy (ust keeing theorgans functioning and !lood ___________"

    #" exends $ circulating%" uts off$ clotting" using$ ushing)" !urning$ flo+E" endea*ors$ mingling

    The !est ans+er is #" Grammatically, theresent simle tense is called for to fill thefirst !lank" !0pendsis a suita!le *er! to

    descri!e the use of energy" For the second !lanka gerund ?@ingA form is required to maintain


    Euthanasia, the act of humanely ___________animals that are hoelessly sick or ___________,

    is a contro*ersial toic"

    #" maiming$ hurt%" executing$ +ounding" slaughtering$ +ounded)" killing $ in(uredE" assassinating$ in(uring

    The !est ans+er is )" (ssassinating can only !ealied to eole" Maiming, e0ecutingand

    slaughtering ha*e more negati*e connotations

    than killing and therefore could not !e used +iththe ad(ecti*e humanely.

    hange is articularly difficult for some animals,esecially ___________ +ho ha*e !een used tothe same daily ___________ for a long time"

    #" them$ grind%" those $ routine" these$ ha!it)" critters$ ha!itatE" +home*er$ ha!itation

    The !est ans+er is %" 'hose is the !est ronounto refer !ack to animals. For the second !lank,daily grind is aroriate in meaning, !ut is aslang exression" # habit cannot !e descri!e asdaily in the sense of general !eha*ior"

    The reoening marks the end of a massi*e,inside@and@out ___________ ro(ect thatshrouded the society's terra@cotta headquarters inscaffolding for nearly four years"

    #" reduction%" reunification" commiseration)" reno*ationE" conser*ation

    The !est ans+er is )" :t is logical that areopening +ould follo+ a renovation.

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    )" means$ distur!E" terms $ lague

    The !est ans+er is E" +n terms of is idiomatic"/lague is the !est choice to refer to rofoundeconomic and social ro!lems"

    6ome agencies offer financing___________for de*eloers to encourage the !uilding of

    ___________ housing"

    #" incenti*es $rental%" erks$ semi@ermanent" !onuses$ *ia!le)" encouragement$ marketa!leE" raises$ sala!le

    The !est ans+er is #"/er&s, encouragementand raises are usually gi*en to emloyees, notde*eloers" 7ousing cannot !e viable.

    0arks, ___________ forecaster, estimatesthat, comared to the administration'sdi*idend tax cuts, extending unemloyment

    !enefits +ould roduce a C. times___________ ositi*e effect on the grossdomestic roduct"

    #" a relia!le$ greatest%" an economic $ greater" an intuiti*e$ great)" a moneyed$ +orseE" a furti*e$ +orst

    The !est ans+er is %" hoices #, % and arereasona!le to fill the first !lank" ) and E are

    ossi!le, !ut +ould !e unusual" #fter a ;8

    times greater, a comarati*e form ofad(ecti*e is needed, such asgreater"

    #s a olitician's +ife, arole 6amuels !ecameacti*e in her o+n ___________, attendingcham!er of commerce !reakfasts andhistorical society meetings, and ___________in the Gardeners lu!"

    #" +ay$ con*ened

    %" time$ con*ening" self$ ran)" right$ runningE" identity$ chaired

    The !est ans+er is )" +n her own right isidiomatic" # gerund is needed to fill the second

    !lank to maintain arallelism"

    6eth ;alters has ___________ more than four

    decades in commercial !anking, ___________from a !ank messenger to resident and E1 ofthe 0erchants %ank"

    #" caroled$ uing%" resided$ increasing" loafed$ raising)" sent $ risingE" squandered$ starting

    The !est ans+er is )" Grammatically, choices #,

    % and cannot fit in the first !lank !ecause they+ould ha*e to !e follo+ed !y a reosition"hoice E is unlikely Q if the time had !eensquandered, ;alters +ould not ha*e risen to the

    osition of resident"

    #s healthcare costs gro+, the ro!lem of theunderinsured +ill only get ___________, ascororations seek to control costs !y continuingto raise ___________ for emloyees"

    #" +orse $ deducti!les%" deleted$ deductions" alle*iated$ +elts)" recomensed$ interestE" disaraged$ a!scesses

    The !est ans+er is #" The hrase the problemwill only get , is generally follo+ed !ysomething negati*e, such as worse" Deductibles

    is logical since the sentence refers to insurance?the problem of the underinsured

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    The !est ans+er is %" 'heatrical productionsand musical productions are idiomatic"

    (nimals is a !etter choice than locations forsomething that !elongs to the E*erglades"

    6ome residents claim that the timing of thestrike +as inaroriate, considering the

    ___________ economy"

    #" flourishing%" harmoni&ing" shi*ering)" questiona!leE" illiterate

    The !est ans+er is )" hoices %, and E

    cannot !e alied to an economy" # strike isgenerally considered inaroriate +hen theeconomy is oor, hence ) is a !etter choicethan #"

    # +ildfire roaring through the ___________of the 6an %ernardino 0ountains !urned as

    ___________ as C. homes and forcedthousands to flee"

    #" crests$ *arious%" foothills $ many" summits$ numerous)" grounds$ farE" trees$ much

    The !est ans+er is %" :t +ould !e nearlyimossi!le for a fire to roar through the crestsorsummitsof mountains" Many is thearoriate choice to agree +ith homes.

    %usinessmen and in*estors may !e___________ a little easier no+ that theinitial fears ___________ !y the elections ofleftist residents in neigh!oring countriesha*e !een muffled"

    #" li*ing$ released%" +orking$ tied off" !reathing $ unleashed

    )" thinking$ forestalledE" ondering$ untaed

    The !est ans+er is " 'o breath easier isidiomatic" /sed metahorically, fears can !eunleashed.

    #rguing that the roots of many of the region'sro!lems are more olitical and institutional than

    economic, the lecturer claimed that thego*ernment +ill no+ stress the need to

    ___________ corrution and ___________!ureaucracy"

    #" arm$ un+ieldy%" forego$ international" attack$ excetional)" defuse$ ermissi*eE" tackle $ inefficient

    The !est ans+er is E"(ttac& and tac&le are theonly logical choice for the first !lank" The +ord

    !ureaucracy is rarely receded !y a ositi*ead(ecti*e"

    omared to economic disaster areas like4ene&uela and #rgentina, +here the

    ___________ shrank !y C ercent last year,%ra&il's outlook is ___________"

    #" economy $ rosy%" oulation$ undecided" integration $ ad*antageous)" secification$ am!iguousE" rofit$ erilous

    The !est ans+er is #" hoice # is the mostlogical for the first !lank" /rofit could notfollo+ the +hen referring to an entire country"For the second !lank, there is a contrast set u

    !et+een 4ene&uela and #rgentina on the onehand, and %ra&il on the other" 6ince the formerare disaster areas, the second should !e ositi*e"

    Throughout the do+nturn of the ast fe+ years,economists and analysts ha*e trumeted ourhistoric increases in roducti*ity as the one

    ___________ in an other+ise dreary economic___________"

    #" uturn$ neigh!orhood%" indication$ surrounding

    " positive $environment)" ad*isory$ !ackground

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  • 8/13/2019 Completion Questions Practice


    cannot normally !esubmitted. Destined+ould ha*e to !e follo+ !e an infiniti*e form"

    Drosecutors ha*e ___________ a +ealth ofcircumstantial e*idence linking the six

    ___________ to the deadly !om!ing"

    #" collected$ detecti*es%" amassed $ susects" accumulated$ susicions)" assem!led$ executorsE" engineered$ eretrators

    The !est ans+er is %" 'o amass wealth isidiomatic" 7ere the exression is exanded torefer to a wealth of evidence. )uspects isaroriate to refer to eole accused !ut not

    yet tried"

    First hired in 58C as ___________ staff+riter for 'he !0aminer,Frank Gordon hassince fashioned a career in (ournalism

    ___________ o*er three decades"

    #" a !udding$ taking%" a no*ice$ reeling" an introductory$ songing)" an eager$ sanningE" a to$ straddling

    The !est ans+er is )" For the first !lank, aerson cannot !e introductory. !ager ornovice are the most aroriate ad(ecti*e todescri!e a !eginning +riter" 1nlyspanningcan !e used to indicate that Gordons careerlasted three decades"

    :t +as thought that if the corse did not ha*e___________ care, the former haraoh +ouldnot !e a!le to ___________ out his ne+duties as king of the dead"

    #" careful$ fold%" secret$ address" deciduous$ situate)" roer $ carryE" learned$ marry

    The !est ans+er is )" The care that one takeso*er something cannot !e descri!ed as

    careful, secret, deciduous or learned. Duties aresaid to !e carried out.

    0any of these ri&es are ___________ at theFaculty of %usiness resentation ceremony

    ___________ is held in June for the receding

    academic year"

    #" designated$+ho%" relegated$ that" a+arded$ +hich)" stultified$ in +hichE" gi*en$ +here

    The !est ans+er is " /rizes are normallyawarded orgiven. Which is the aroriate

    ronoun to refer to the ceremony"

    Earlier this month tax@e*asion charges +ere___________ against 0aryanne 6umner, +ho is___________ for the auditing of oerations"

    #" filed $ resonsi!le%" summoned$ relia!le" su!oenaed$ determined)" lodged$ reacha!leE" grated$ accounta!le

    The !est ans+er is #" # erson can !esummoned orsubpoenaed, not charges. 'o filecharges is idiomatic"

    The Egytians mummified their dead !ecausethey !elie*ed that a erson needed his !ody inthe afterlife, and the !etter@looking the !etter, soit +as ___________ on the riests in charge of

    ___________ to do a good (o!"

    #" designated$ +raing%" selected$ reser*ing" assigned$ mummifying)" doled$ exactingE" incum!ent$ em!alming

    The !est ans+er is E" The first four choices forthe first !lank are used assi*ely ?the priest wasassigned

  • 8/13/2019 Completion Questions Practice


    Dro(ects ___________ !y managementstudents include a recent communicationanalysis and team de*eloment ro(ectconducted !y a ostgraduate ___________"

    #" ser*iced$ uil%" organi&ed$ student

    " steered$ rofessor)" accomlished$ teacherE" sentenced$ fello+

    The !est ans+er is %" 1ne cannotservice,accomplish or sentence a ro(ect" #

    ostgraduate is a tye ofstudent.

    ;hen dee@sea exlorers ___________ the%altic 6ea floor located a 6+edish sy lane

    shot do+n !y the

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    The !est ans+er is " # monooly issomething that a comany en-oys, so is themost logical choice"

    #n extensi*e archaeological exca*ation has___________ a lost city that is !elie*ed to !e

    one of the ___________ (e+els in the ancientci*ili&ation of the 0aya"

    #" unearthed $ cro+ning%" !uried$ shining" unco*ered$ glo+ing)" !ared$ cro+nedE" o!scured$ !uffed

    The !est ans+er is " Exca*ations remo*eo!(ects from the earth therefore, unearthed is

    an aroriate choice" rowning -ewels isidiomatic"

    Though the economy ___________ through arecession in C.., suer@lo+ interest ratesha*e ___________ demand for mortgages,+hich has encouraged a !oom in mortgagerefinancing"

    #" !attled$ incited%" conceded$ imelled" suffered $ fueled)" slogged$ dri*enE" smudged$ osited

    The !est ans+er is " # recession is anegati*e occurrence so it is aroriate thatone +ould battle orsuffer through it" 1uelcan !e used figurati*ely to mean romote"

    The rationale ___________ the rise of fee@!ased ad*ice is that it makes for a !etterrelationshi +ith clients !y eliminating the

    otential for conflicts that ___________ +hensomeone rofits directly from theirrecommendations"

    #" !ehind $ arise%" in*ested in$ occur" dri*ing$ intrude

    )" after$ disrutE" follo+ing$ a+aken

    The !est ans+er is #" :t is idiomatic to talka!out the rationale behind 0. 6imilarly, conflictsaresaid to arise.

    Ne*er !efore in ___________ history ha*emonetary and fiscal olicies !een as moti*ating

    as today, and yet, the #merican economyremains +eak and *ulnera!le"

    #" todays%" yesteryears" yesterdays)" recentE" toical

    The !est ans+er is )" 'odays history,yesteryears history andyesterdays history are

    unidiomatic exressions" 'opical history isillogical"

    The oen nature of the +e!, its unredicta!leand ___________ roliferation of ideas and oensource soft+are +as ___________ to the +orld'sleading oerating systems comany"

    #" untena!le$ roagation%" insuorta!le$ anacea" coious$ a!omination)" uncontrolla!le $ anathemaE" !ountiful $ atomi&ation

    The !est ans+er is " %oth copiousproliferation and !ountiful proliferation areredundant" "ncontrollable is the most logicalchoice for the first !lank" 6ince uncontrollablehas a negati*e connotation, anathema, also anegati*e +ord, is a logical choice"

    Front :nc", ___________ !y the 555 merger!et+een Front %ank and 0erchants %ank, has!een at the ___________ of merger rumors foryears"

    #" started$ middle%" created $ center" !egan$ aex)" founded$ summit

    E" fashioned$ maelstrom

    The !est ans+er is %" # comany is created!ya merger" 1ounded is aroriate to use to refer

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    to a comletely ne+ comany"1ashionedcannot !e follo+ed !y by to refer to thecomanys origins.

    #s younger +orkers +atch arents and othersin ___________ generations go !ack to +ork

    after retiring !ecause their sa*ings +ere not___________, they still aren't doing enoughto ro*ide for their o+n financial futures"

    #" senior$ amle%" younger$ sufficient" old$ generous)" older $ adequateE" ad*anced$ rolific

    The !est ans+er is )" 6ince the younger

    +orkers are +atchingparents and other in generations, the others are likely of theirarents generation, hence older is logical"The second !lank must contain a +ord thatexlains +hy older generation +ould go !ackto +ork"

    1utsoken ___________ as a teenager, he+as dismissed from high school +hen herefused to comromise his +ord to a school


    #" from his time$ mascot%" early$ officer" already$ teacher)" still$ regulationE" e*en $ rincial

    The !est ans+er is E" 1rom his time andearly are unidiomatic andstill is illogical"

    (lready is a+k+ard in the first !lank"

    ollege costs once again ha*e increased farfaster than inflation, +ith ___________ atstate schools osting the !iggest

    ___________ in >. years

    #" fees$ augmentation%" costs$ dereciation" re*enues$ de*aluation

    )" tuition$ increaseE" ayments$ intensification

    The !est ans+er is )" 'uitionis a +ord thatsecifically means fees aid to a school and isthus the !est ans+er" The first art of thesentence deals +ith college costs increases ingeneral, and the second art mentions a moresecific increase.

    # ne+ sur*ey says most families aren't generallyexecting to ___________ more money onholiday *acations than they did ___________year"

    #" fritter$ re*ious%" spend $last" sa*e$ ast)" squander$ recedingE" in*est$ rior

    The !est ans+er is %" 1ritter ands2uander ha*enegati*e connotations that are not in keeing+ith the tone of the sentence" 1ne does notinvest in a *acation"

    __________ in the history of this great countryha*e there !een more annoying commercials onthe u!lic ___________"

    #" 1nce$ systems%" E*er$ channels" 6ometimes$ !roadcasts)" Ne*er $ air+a*esE" #l+ays$ tele*ision

    The !est ans+er is )" 1nly choices ) and E fitthe sentence grammatically" /ublic televisioncannot follo+ the definite article"

    6ince the success of his last !ook and his 1scar@+inning ___________, ?a success he likes toremind you of at e*ery ___________A, he has

    !ecome the most rominent li!eral agitator in the;est"

    #" resentation$moment%" documentary$ oortunity" staging$minute)" film$rosect

    E" enactment$ initiation

    The !est ans+er is %" # documentary or afilmare choices +hich could !e 1scar@+inning" For

  • 8/13/2019 Completion Questions Practice


    the second !lank,prospect and initiation areillogical" Moment and minute cannot comeafter at every.

    The most successful remodeling ro(ects!egin +ith homeo+ners ___________ ha*e a

    imaginati*e, yet ___________, idea of +hatthey +ant done"

    #" that$ sensational%" +here$ ragmatic" +hich$ insired)" +hom$ da&&lingE" +ho $ realistic

    The !est ans+er is E" Who is the mostsuita!le ronoun to refer to homeo+ners" The

    second !lank must !e filled +ith a +ord+hich contrasts +ith imaginative!ecause oftheyet!efore the !lank"

    To accomany the !ook, Freeman___________ has a ne+ ___________ ofdigital hotograhs sanning >. years"

    #" as +ell$ rehearsal%" also$ exhi!ition" additionally$)" too$ re*isionE" !esides$ sho+ing

    The !est ans+er is %" None of the choicesother than also fit the sentence grammatically"Dhotograhs can logical !e dislayed in ane0hibition"

    7e +ent o*er all his exenditures and___________ for the receding year and ahalf, and +as shocked !y +hat he


    #" income $ found%" dis!ursements$ disco*ered" exenses$ unco*ered)" salaries$ relatedE" tolls$ manifested

    The !est ans+er is #" Disbursementsande0penses mean the same as e0penditures andare therefore redundant" #n indi*idual

    usually doesnt ha*e manysalaries and does notcollect tolls"

    Their income has ro*en ___________ tomaintain +hat they regard as a comforta!le,though not ___________, lifestyle"

    #" suerficial$ excessi*e%" oulent$ *erifia!le" sufficient$ luxurious)" amle$ fulsomeE" sketchy$ extraordinary

    The !est ans+er is " )ufficient and ample aresuita!le to descri!e income that can maintain acomforta!le lifestyle"

    7e +as re(ected !y the National Film 6chool andsent years doing odd (o!s for a small theatrecomany !efore he got the ___________ tomake his film noir thriller"

    #" !reak%" thought" cali!ration)" oortunityE" +arning

    The !est ans+er is )" %rea& and opportunity aresuita!le as far as their meaning, !ut brea& cannot

    !e follo+ed !y to.

    ;hen George ;ilson graduated from highschool, his arents, !oth of ___________ +erehearing imaired and on disa!ility, could ro*ide

    ___________ financial hel to+ard college"

    #" +hom$ no%" they$ none" +ho $ little)" them$ scarceE" arent$ nary

    The !est ans+er is " Who is the !est ronounto refer !ack to ;ilsons arents" 1nly no andlittle are suita!le grammatically for the second


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    The !est ans+er is #" $etire, thoughrimarily alied to eole, is also used torefer to roducts" 1nly interested and

    fascinated can recede in.

    The al*erts +ere a young Ne+ England

    coule looking for an inexensi*e +ay to___________ a small *acation cottage in0assachusetts +hen they first !egan

    urchasing country ___________ and folk artin the 5C.s"

    #" decorate$ samles%" endo+$ relics" con(ure$ !au!les)" furnish $ antiquesE" !equeath$ trinkets

    The !est ans+er is )" There is no exensi*eor inexensi*e +ay the endow or be2ueath acottage" ountry sample is *ague ?samles of+hatSA"

    Drofessional searchers +ill tra*el the___________ o*er, using any ___________ossi!le H from satellites to simle theft Hto acquire meteorites"

    #" glo!e$method%" earth$ +ay" lanet$ methodology)" +orld$ meansE" land$ resources

    The !est ans+er is )" ;hile the first fourchoices for the first !lank all mean the samething, only world can come !efore over.

    Traffic safety exerts said that national dri*ereducation standards should !e ___________so teenagers e*ery+here recei*e

    ___________ training !efore hitting the roadon their o+n"

    #" decanted$ coerci*e%" adated$ o!liging" adoted$ uniform

    )" exceted$ comrehensi*eE" inceted$ insiid

    The !est ans+er is " :f thestandards +ereadopted, then the training +ould !e uniform.

    0any of the draft document's oints___________ ideas esoused for years !y anti@glo!ali&ation ___________"

    #" caitulated$ symathi&ers%" echoed $ acti*ists" estranged$ rotagonist)" reiterated$ mentorsE" *enerated$ militants

    The !est ans+er is %"/oints may !e echoedorreiterated. 1ne cannot !e a mentor for a cause"

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    situation" 'hus sho+s the causal effect of theshort4term borrowing on economic growth"

    #ll !ut the smallest ne+ tele*isions +ill ha*eto !e a!le to recei*e digital tele*ision

    ___________ !y July C..8 under a

    go*ernment rule uheld !y a federal___________ court on Tuesday"

    #" flashes $ claims%" signs$ !roadcasting" flares$ official)" signals$ aealsE" messages$ allo+ed

    The !est ans+er is )"Digital television sendssignals. # regular court rules, !ut an appeals

    court upholdsor o*erturns decisions"

    6uorters of helmet la+s say the go*ernmentshould unish states that do not requirehelmets, since the u!lic often ___________u aying medical costs for those

    ___________ in motorcycle accidents"

    #" take$ in*ol*ed%" +inds$ tangled" gi*e$ dra+n)" lend$ +oundedE" ends $ in(ured

    The !est ans+er is E" !nds upro*ides a(ustification for go*ernments to unish statesthat do not require helmets" Wounded orin-ured are logical choices for the second

    !lank, !ut in(ured is more often used to referto eole in accidents"

    The comany's lan is to ___________ costs+hile trying to exloit its traditional strengthsin entertainment and *ideo games @

    articularly +ith ne+ net+orked and +irelessconsumer ___________"

    #" trim $ de*ices%" skim$ gadgets" cli$ contrations

    )" shae$ imlementsE" +edge$ +idgets

    The !est ans+er is #" 'rim can !e aliedfigurati*ely to costs" Devices is the morecommon choice to refer to electronic goods"Gadgets, contraptions and widgets +ould morelikely refer to an ela!orate homemade de*ise")esite %ettlemans leadings and rogress atthe !argaining ___________, key issues

    remained ___________"

    #" !lock$ unhamered%" discussion$ unsol*ed" !oard$ hamered)" ta!le$ unresol*edE" chair$ rerimanded

    The !est ans+er is )" 'he bargaining table isidiomatic" %efore comleting a negotiation,there are issues that are unresol*ed, so remained

    unresolved is logical"

    /nder the emerging lan, the cuts +ould not take___________ if hositals agreed to ro*ide thedata that the administration has requested"

    #" shae%" in" lace)" o*erE" time

    The !est ans+er is " 'a&e place is aroriate!ecause it is an idiomatic exression meaning tooccur"

    6+ift #irlines ilots ha*e aro*ed a measureallo+ing their union, the #ir Line Dilots#ssociation, to call a ___________ at one of the

    nation's largest regional carriers in a___________ o*er a ne+ contract"

    #" truce$ disagreement%" ceasefire$ disarity" strike$ disute)" arty$ rongE" !ash$ ga

    The !est ans+er is " ;hile call a truce, call aceasefire and call a stri&e are all idiomatic, only

    stri&e is logical in reference to airline ilots"6trikes are generally called !ecause of disputesover new contracts"

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    1ne study suggests that children +ho li*e inhomes +here the tele*ision is on most of thetime ___________ ha*e more trou!lelearning to read than other kids"

    #" do

    %" may" should)" alsoE" cannot

    The !est ans+er is %" 6ince the studysuggests that its finding are true, may, +hichexresses ossi!ility, is !est"

    Left@leaning oliticians from around the

    +orld +orked on a ___________ against thesread of ___________ caitalism"

    #" tallying$ ramant%" denigration$ unrestrained" aeration$ raging)" declaration $ unfetteredE" roclamation$ eidermal

    The !est ans+er is )" hoice # and areillogical for the first !lank" # denigration onnot something one usually wor&s on.

    The agency is +orking on faster +ays to___________ raidly mo*ing ___________like the 6#