Competency Matrix Plumbing

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Transcript of Competency Matrix Plumbing

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


    Competencies Details skills imparted in the training Subchapters

    Should be able to am oor traps ith concrete*

    Should be able to identi+y, select and practically usethe plumbing tools*

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught the arious operations in theplumbing trade and then arious tools are taught in details asapplicable to plumbingSkills. identi0cation o+ tool, types o+ tools, tool orking, sa+ety,application

    od24-ll chSamplesModule 2-->CHacksaw

    Should be able to identi+y, select and kno the use o+plumbing materials and 0ttings*

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught the arious types o+ 0ttings inthe plumbing trade to oin the pipes and their applications ,Skills. identi0cation o+ di5erent types o+ 0ttings and theirnames,to change the direction o+ the pipe ,to connect to or

    more pipes o+ di5erent si6es , to connect a branch ith a mainater supply pipe etc

    od4-ll chSamplesModule #-- Chpipe %ttings&

    Chapter 2--'Chapter )--*a

    Should be ell ersed ith the sa+ety procedures ithselection and use o+ sa+ety tools and e7uipments*

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst oriented on general sa+ety and thensa+ety +or each tool is taught along ith the tool classroomsSkills. Sa+ety procedures, sa+ety tools and e7uipments

    od14Chapod 24 -ll cSamples$& Module $00

    Should hae knoledge o+ good housekeepingpractices,8andling o+ materials and aste disposal*

    -pproach. /ser is gien a general oerie o+ good housekeeping practices etc** and then taught along ith other topicsas applicable

    Skills.9noledge o+ good house heeping practices, disposingthe aste pipes in an enironment +riendly matter* :ecycling,rerolling, melting etc

    odule 1;; ch

    Should be able to prepare cement sand mortar,per+orm chase cutting in all and 0lling the chaseith mortar*

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught to prepare cement mortar,inhat ratio cement and sand are to be taken *Skills.9noledge o+ preparing cement mortar and ho to dochipping on a concrete all and 0lling the chase ith mortar

    od34 -ll chSamplesMod )-->seco

    Should be able to per+orm cutting, threading o+ G 4 -SamplesMod2--> chaand die stockMod #-->chapconcrete pipeModule 2-->c

    Should be able to per+orm lead caulking in C< ?ipes

    hori6ontally and ertically (@ead 0lling done byplumber)

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught about di5erent types o+ pipeoints and at hat temperature molten lead is poured on thepipesSkills.

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing



    2 Should be able to 0A ?C pipes and 0ttings*

    Additional Topics (included by AMMACHI Labs)

    13 Mod $-->




    Should be able to encase light eighed pipes ithconcrete*

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught about ho to prepare cementconcrete and in hat ratio cement,sand and aggregatesshould be taken etcSkills.9noledge in preparing cement concrete and hoencasing o+ pipes can be done in ?C ,C< ,stoneare etc byusing concrete *

    od 34=e eAeSamplesMod )-->

    Should be able to replace broken sanitary andbathroom 0ttings ith ne one*

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst introduced ith di5erent types o+0Atures like +aucets ,oor drain ,kitchen sink,shoer,Washbasin ,ater closet and urinal and their typesSkills.9noledge in installing ,uninstalling and repairing the0Atures ith their accessories and their names also thematerials and tools used +or each 0Atures hileinstalling,uninstalling and repairing

    od %4SamplesModule sink inst9itchen

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught about di5erent types o+ ?Cpipes and arious 0ttings *Skills.subchapchapter

    Should be able per+orm basic mathamatical calculationsneeded hile per+orming plumbing tasks

    Skills. ultiplication, diision,:eading a +raction,Conersion o+common +raction to decimal,-pplication in orkshop problems,/nits o+ measurement, Conersion o+ units

    Should understand the basic principles and methods o+ater supply


  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


    odule 1 chapter plumbing ath

    odule & chapter1 ?lumbing Fthics

    chapter 2 :oles and :esponsiblities

    chapter 3 ob duties o+ an -ssistant plumber

    chapter Dealing ith customers

    chapter ! orking ith others

    odule ! chapter 1

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing






    Should be able to identi+y, select and

    practically use the plumbing tools*

    Should be able to identi+y, select and knothe use o+ plumbing materials and 0ttings*

    Should be ell ersed ith the sa+etyprocedures ith selection and use o+ sa+etytools and e7uipments*

    Should hae knoledge o+ goodhousekeeping practices,8andling o+ materials and aste disposal*

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    Should be able to prepare cement sandmortar, per+orm chase cutting in all and0lling the chase ith mortar*

    Should be able to per+orm cutting,threading o+ G< pipes*Should be able to tighten the G< pipe lineand specials a+ter 0tting done by plumber*Should be able to per+orm supportingactiities on all like drilling, nailing,clipping and hammering*

    Should be able to per+orm lead caulking inC< ?ipes hori6ontally and ertically (@ead0lling done by plumber)

    Should be able to 0ll mortar in the oints o+

    :CC pipes (laying and 0Aing done byplumber)

    Should be able to am oor traps ithconcrete*

    Should be able to encase light eighedpipes ith concrete*

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing




    Should be able to replace broken sanitaryand bathroom 0ttings ith ne one*

    Should be able to 0A ?C pipes and0ttings*

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


    Details skills imparted in the training

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught the arious operations inthe plumbing trade and then arious tools are taughtin details as applicable to plumbingSkills. identi0cation o+ tool, types o+ tools, toolorking, sa+ety, application

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught the arious types o+0ttings in the plumbing trade to oin the pipes andtheir applications ,Skills. identi0cation o+ di5erent types o+ 0ttings andtheir names,to change the direction o+ the pipe ,toconnect to or more pipes o+ di5erent si6es , toconnect a branch ith a main ater supply pipe etc

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst oriented on general sa+ety andthen sa+ety +or each tool is taught along ith the toolclassroomsSkills. Sa+ety procedures, sa+ety tools and e7uipments

    -pproach. /ser is gien a general oerie o+ goodhouse keeping practices etc** and then taught alongith other topics as applicableSkills.9noledge o+ good house heeping practices,disposing the aste pipes in an enironment +riendlymatter* :ecycling, rerolling, melting etc

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught to prepare cementmortar,in hat ratio cement and sand are to betaken *Skills.9noledge o+ preparing cement mortar andho to do chipping on a concrete all and 0lling

    the chase ith mortar

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught to select the die and diepiece according to the diameter o+ the pipe andSkills.9noledge o+ preparing cement mortar andho to do chipping on a concrete all and 0llingthe chase ith mortar *

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught about di5erent types o+pipe oints and at hat temperature molten lead ispoured on the pipesSkills.

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    -pproach. /ser is 0rst introduced ith di5erent typeso+ 0Atures like +aucets ,oor drain ,kitchen sink,shoer,Washbasin ,ater closet and urinal and their

    typesSkills.9noledge in installing ,uninstalling andrepairing the 0Atures ith their accessories and theirnames also the materials and tools used +or each0Atures hile installing,uninstalling and repairing

    -pproach. /ser is 0rst taught about di5erent types o+?C pipes and arious 0ttings *


  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing



    od24Hperations, easuring "ools(Steel rule, easuring"ape,Spirit leel, "ri s7uare, Caliper)arking ?unches,arkingtools(Scibers) arking edia,8olding Deice(ice),Cutting tools(8ack sa,?ipe cutter,Wall cutter)8and tools(8ammer,:al

    umper,Die,Chisel,8and taps,Working tools(?ipe bending,drillingmachine),"ightening tools(Spanner,?lier,Scre drier,?iperench(,=astening "ools(Iuts > bolts),=inishingtools(=ile,grinder)

    od 4 Ch*1Standard pipe 0ttings (Di5erent types o+ elbo,"ee branch,:educing "ee branch,eccentricreducer,reducer,union,coupling,plug,cap,nipple) ?ipe

    oints(Socket oint,Gasket oint,anged oint,=leAible oint,eldedoint,Screed oint,Solent cement oints,collar oint,FApansionoint,crimb oint) Ch*2 "ypes o+ ?ipes(?lastic pipes

    ?C,C?C,??:,?FJ,8?DF,-KS,@?DF,/?C) ?C oints >0ttings,Cast iron pipes,G< pipes and 0ttings,Concrete pipes,SWpipes-sbetoes pipes,copper pipes,Composite pipes

    Ch*3* "ypes o+ales( Gate ale,Globe ale,Kalla ale,Ioreturn ale,=ootale, ?lug cock,stop cock,=loat ale, =lush ale,Kutteryale,?ressure reducing ale, ?ressure relie+ ale, -ir relie+ale,Ieedle ale, Drain ale)

    1* odule 1;; chapter 3;; s+ety2* od 24 -ll chapters4-ll subchapters

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


    od 34second chapter4asonry

    od 4

    od 34second chapter4asonry

    od24 chapter &43rd subchapter Die and die stockod 4chapter 2 4subchapter $ concrete pipesodule 24chapter 14-ll subchapters

    od 4=irst chapter4 second subchapterore to be added

    od %4chapter +aucet4 2nd subchapter installation(odule %;; chapter 2 =loor drain;; sub chapter 2


  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


    odule %LChapter 3 M 9itchen sink M 9itchen sink installationgame ,9itchen sink repair game*

    od 4=irst chapter4 second subchapter(odule ;; chapter 2;; sub chapter 2)

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


    Workbooks (types and#)

    odule 2Chapter % M Cutting toolsWorkbook Mchoose 8acksa blade , 8acksa "ile isSe7uence

    odule 44standard pipe 0ttings part (1,2,3> )

    atching game

    odule 1 44Chapter 3;; sa+ety;; ?ersonel protection,

    general sa+ety procedure, sa+ety li+ting, ladderssa+ety, sa+ety tools, sa+ety symbols

    odule 1 44Chapter 3;; sa+ety;; general sa+ety procedure*

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


    preparation o+ cement mortar "

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


    -ll the repair games in module %

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing



    8acksa,bench ice

    1$ tools are shon in 3D Glossary

    Kall ale (thone in 0rst ro)

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing



    ?,N, and S trap


  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


    some important pipe 0ttings are shon

    Kib cock*Double bol kitchen sink*9itchen sink miAing +aucet*

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


    Class rooms

  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing


  • 7/25/2019 Competency Matrix Plumbing
