Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2

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Transcript of Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2

  • 7/29/2019 Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2


  • 7/29/2019 Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2


    Map & Compass so easy a

    caveman can do it!

  • 7/29/2019 Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2


    Compass BasicsOpening Comments

    Terms of a compass

    Boxing a needle

    Get a bearing (you to a point)

    Get a bearing (a point to you)

    Orienting a map

    Get a bearing on a map (from you to a point)

    Get a bearing on a map (from a point to you)

    Note: We will do practice exercises very slowly

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    Demonstrate effects of metal on compass Note: There are many ways to teach map and compass. For the

    purpose of this course, there is only one way (as given in yourcourse handout).

    Every person in this course needs to learn Map & Compass. People

    have become separated from friends and loved ones in thewilderness. Everyone who goes out in the wilderness needs to havebasic Map & Compass skills.

    Do not think that a GPS will save you in the wilderness. Good GPSskills and great mapping skill go together hand-in hand.

    Bring compass that the course provides !!!

    Do not jump ahead during the lecture

    let me walk you througheach slide!

    Opening Comments

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  • 7/29/2019 Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2


    Map & Compass Terms

    Bearing The direction of a point relative to yourposition.

    Declination The angular difference betweenTrue North and Magnetic North on the surface of

    the earth (once you orient your map, you donthave to worry about declination again).

    True North - Your map is based on True North(or Grid North). Envision a north axis (top) of the

    earth as it spins, or North Pole. See next slide. Magnetic North The red end of your compassneedle points to Magnetic North. See slide afternext.

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    Super-imposed Grid Lines showing

    Grid North or True NorthGrid North here

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    Magnetic North - determined that the average position of the North Magnetic Pole in 1994was located on the Noice Peninsula, southwest Ellef Ringnes Island, at 78.3 degrees North,104.0 minutes West. The yearly motion of the pole has increased, and is now 15 kilometers

    per year. Geological Survey of Canada

    True Northgrid line

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    (red end)outside ofbox

    Boxing a needle

    (This displays a needle not boxed)

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    Needle(red end)boxed

    Boxing a Needle - (This displays a boxed needle)

    Big note Sometimes you will box the needle by moving your feet,sometimes by moving the compass dial, and sometimes by moving themap.

    Your bearing isread here: 320 -(note the white lineunder the number)

  • 7/29/2019 Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2


    Big Concept How to box a needle !!!I will demo first, then the next slides will walk you thru it.

    A. Demo how to hold compass and view adistant object

    Demo how to hold a compass at waist level and

    adjust dial to box compass (used when getting abearing from you to a distant point).

    B. Demo how to hold a compass at waist leveland box needle by moving feet (used when

    setting a bearing on a compass and determininga direction of travel).

    (give me a bearing (1 thru 360 )

  • 7/29/2019 Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2


    1st Exercise Find the bearing from you to a mountain peak in thedistance.

    1. Hold compass up and point Direction of Travel arrow at (areato be named):

    2. Bring compass down to waist level. Make sure compass islevel so that the needle floats freely. Box arrow by moving thedial:

    3. Example of not boxed :

    4. Read your bearing at the Bearing Index Point

    This is the Direction of Travel arrow.

    Note the small triangle on the tipcenter this on the peak !!!

    Not boxed

    Move dial tobox as shown

    Bearing Index Point(White line under N)

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    2nd Exercise someone tells you to follow abearing of 90 or 270 from your current position.

    1. Stand up.

    2. Hold compass at waist level and keep compass level.

    3. Move the dial on your compass until 90 (or E) appears atthe Bearing Index Point.

    4. Box the needle by moving your feet to the left or right.

    1. Stand up.2. Hold compass at waist level and keep compass level.

    3. Move the dial to 270 (or W) at the Bearing Index Point

    4. Box the needle by moving your feet to the left or right.

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    Step 1. Align Directionof Travel Arrow and

    Arrow Box oncompass.

    Align Direction ofTravel arrow andArrow Box to bepoint in samedirection by movingthe compass dial.

    Orienting a map(Student Exercise)

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    Step 2.Aligncompasson side ofmap asshown

    (side is

    highlightedin greenon yourmap).

    Note: Needle isnot boxed at thistime.

    Orienting a map cont.

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    Step 3. Grabcorner of mapand move left

    or right to boxneedle. Note: Needle is


    Orienting a Map cont.

    1st Big Visual Check

    all 3 arrows arepointing in samedirection

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    Step 4.Grab cornerof map and

    move untilmagneticneedle ofcompass isabout 13 tothe right ofthe ArrowBox. Themap is noworiented.

    2nd Big Visualcheck: themagnetic arrowshould be to the

    right of the boxarrow in the samemanner as thediagram below


    Your Map is noworiented for declination

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    Obtain a bear from you to a peak

    (on a map)

    Orient your map as per previous exercise.

    Importantafter you orient your map,do not move your map !!! We orient the

    map to adjust for magnetic declination.Features on the map are now oriented toyou as they are on the ground. Do notpick up the map and walk around with ittrying to find things.

    Follow next slides.

  • 7/29/2019 Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2


    Obtain a bear from you to a peak (on a map)

    1. Draw a line from yourposition to your Point ofInterest # 1 on map 2. Aligncompass on line as shownwith Direction of Travelarrowpointing at Point of


    Point of interest Direction Arrowalways pointstowards Point of Interest

    Note: needle isnot boxed yet

    You are here

  • 7/29/2019 Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2


    Obtain a bear from you to a peak (on a map) cont.

    4. Read your Bearing at yourBearing Index Point thebearing is 290 from you to

    the peak. (a little inaccurateas pictured).

    3. Rotate dial to box needle

  • 7/29/2019 Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2


    Last concept - Obtain a bear from a peak to you(on a map)

    1. Draw a line from yourPoint of Interestto your

    position. 2. Align compasson line as shown withDirection of Travel arrowpointing at your position

    3. Rotate dial to boxneedle, as shown

    4. Read your Bearing atyour Bearing Index Pointthe bearing is 110 fromthe peak to you.


    Based on the reading from the previous slide, how can youdetermine the 2nd bearing without putting the compass on the map?

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    Question: If the bearing from you to a peak is 200, what is thebearing from peak to you?

    Answer - 20. If the bearing to the peak is greater than 180,

    subtract 180. If the bearing is less than 180, then add 180 tothe bearing (Look at your compass to get a visualization)

    Question: What is the best way to find where you are on amap?

    Answer: Always know where you are at ! Track yourmovement on the map from the moment you park yourcar. Do not try to hike for a few hours and figure thingsout later.

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    Advanced PracticeTrianglization - Locating yourself by sighting 3 points

    (without using a GPS).

    We will not demonstrate in this class (field exercise only). Orient your map on the ground. Must identify 3 good points of reference, widely separated. Next slide will


    Standing up and using the compass to sight on each of the reference points,determine bearing from you to each reference point/peak. Use straight edge and compass to draw a line from each peak/reference

    point using those bearings. Note: You must put the straight edge on thepeak (with the Direction of travel arrow pointing at the peak) and box thearrow with the bearing you got for that peak/reference point.

    A triangle (as shown in next slide) will form where the 3 bearings intersect. You are located somewhere within that triangle. The more peaks that you sight and add, the smaller the triangle will become.

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  • 7/29/2019 Compass Basics (Jan 08) Compressed 2


    The 3 Biggest Secret to Map & Compass

    2. Practice3. Practice

    1. Practice