
In depth analysis of magazine images and features in comparison to my magazine photographs

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In depth analysis of magazine images and features in comparison to my magazine


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The image of Lillah and Lola gives off a modern outlook, especially when you focus on the colours and style of clothes being worn. The vibrant Reds and deeper purples give it a Jazzy outlook, however the way in which it is being worn e.g. with denim shorts and skinny jeans relates the image to Pop. Which is a good reason that this image is not featured in black and white, the vibrant colours provide a youthful and modern look, although the image has to be linked to Jazz, that particular feature (of black and white colours) would make it appear too old fashioned.

This image can be related to both Pop and Jazz due to the clothes, instruments and other factors. The guitar has been known to be used in the Jazz industry, however is not as common as those instruments such as trumpet, saxophones or double bass. Guitar amalgamates the hybrid as it is commonly used in pop.

These images are obviously similar due to the guitar and stance being featured

The introduction of the tambourine links back to Jazz, perhaps providing the back beat which is renowned in this genre.

This is a very basic old Jazz magazine/newsletter. The Greyscale image, accompanied by it’s simplicity inform us of the older era it comes from.

The leg warmers that Lillah is wearing relates to the modern view of Pop , but can be linked to Jazz via their deep colour.

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In this old Pop magazine its apparent that the subheadings are very colourful featuring those such as pink and white colours, commonly linked to the Pop genre which is similar to Jess’ outfit. Similarly to the image of Madonna the skirt of Jess’ dress is a dark colour which is not unlike the shade of Madonna’s infamous Jacket, however the pink in her dress relates back to the Pop genre and the font colours used on this magazine issue. Similarly to Madonna, Jess is wearing dark eye liner however with a light pink lip gloss, which can relate both to Jazz and modern Pop. The simplistic, standoffish, pose could cause intrigue in perspective buyers of the magazine also appearing very sophisticated, attracting buyers.

These images are similar in poses due to the fact that neither Madonna nor Jess are smiling. Which creates a perhaps moody atmosphere which can be linked to Jazz. In her make up Madonna can be connected to Jazz as her dark lined eyes is a feature that has been known in certain forms of older and modern Jazz, plus links to modern pop stars. The vibrant red lipstick she is wearing links to a traditional view of Jazz and certain aspects of Pop.

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She is wearing sparse jewellery which can be linked to early Jazz, however the style and colour of the bracelet can very much be linked to the accessories of Pop.

This artist features a mixture of a modern and traditional appearances, the dark clothes clearly contrast to the vibrant red lipstick being worn. The pose gives an element of fun and awe, appealing to buyers. Perhaps giving them the idea that this magazine is so interesting and the genre so good it will cause you to gasp in awe.

By staring directly at the camera they are establishing a direct connection to the audience and standing out from the backdrop of the image.

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As Kylie is wearing red lipstick it relates not only to Jazz but certain forms of Pop. It appears that this edition of Smash Hits originated from the same era of that featuring the image of Madonna, so there are certain similarities in their appearance and the way they are presenting themselves as Pop artists. Similarly they are both wearing vibrant red lipstick plus both have curly, windswept or fun/exciting hairstyles. Sending an adventurous message to potential magazine buyers. The red Lillah is wearing is so eye catching and stylish, that it would very aptly target a young audience.

Kylie seems to be wearing a deep purple dress with posh long gloves to match . This relates Jazz to the dress being worn by Lola, although it is a lighter version of purple which she in wearing. This distracts from the traditional deep colours of Jazz and gives a modern twist.

Lillah’s and Kylie’s poses are very similar, all of the models featured are directly staring at the camera, interacting with the audience very well. The poses and positions provide excitement and overall merriment. This sends a positive message out to potential buyers of the magazine.

The ages of the people being featured really targets a younger audience demograph, paired with the clothes and poses informs the intended audience to these certain genres.

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This more modern version of Jazziz is incredibly concentrated on the Jazz colour scheme and the concept of simplicity, the deep gradient of greys and black relates to the traditional Bluesy and moody Jazz representation. The red writing on the mast head which has been continued through the two issues of this magazine which have been portrayed so far can be related to traditional and modern Jazz. It’s very striking and gives an air of adventure and maturity. Elaine’s dark eye make up can be linked Madonna’s, mixing the elements of Pop and Jazz

These images are incredibly similar, as they are both looking directly at the camera, targeting the audience and standing out of the magazine

The use of white writing relates to pop and sophistication, plus the half smile on Jess’ face creates an atmosphere filled with anticipation, as to why is she smiling and what’s there waiting to be seen in the magazine.

The sophistication and simplicity of this pose by Jess portrays to a good degree, the amount of poise associated with the Jazz side of Japop. This sophistication from a teenager is a good way of attracting a younger target audience. The soft smile being portrayed on her face relates more to Pop which is renowned for its more smiley and friendly approach to listeners.

Both of them have their hair mostly down which relates to Pop and some Jazz giving a fun vibe attracting once again, a younger audience.

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These images focus on friendship which is a nice message to be sent out to perspective readers.

The smiles featured on both images link to the younger audience oriented with pop, therefore, fun and energetic rather than the exhibition of pouts and straight faces.

The pink in the issue of Top of the Pops really focuses on the younger Teeny Pop. Lillah and Lola aren’t wearing these exact colours and focussing entirely on Pop, but the exhibition of purples, floral patterns and whites also release an air of Pop.

Similarly both main images don't really show instruments apart from the fact that you can see what looks like a guitar strap on one girl and Lillah holding her tambourine giving different ides of the genres they are representing.

The styles of the clothes being worn especially Lillah’s look Poppy however coloured in Jazzy tones.

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The two images resemble the one featured on the cover of the magazine . Mostly due to the facial expressions, in image 1, Jess is smiling and looking directly at the camera, although the type of shot differs at a low angle mid shot. Jess’ mannerisms and presentation are alike to the artist on the cover of Jazziz.

The deep colours being worn by the artist is similar to the shade of the skirt of Jess’ dress with a very Jazzy appearance .

Image number 2 is similar in the way Jess’ head is tilted to the side and via the happy, content and adoring look she has on her face .

The artist is wearing very light make up relating to modern times and the Pop genre.

The issue of Jazziz is even more modern looking, changing it’s outward appearance . The Mast head being changed to white creates a polished and modern appearance .

Jess’ images, like the artists on the cover, stand out and almost interact with the audience .

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Similar to the image of Madonna, Britney is staring directly into the camera with a cold more questioning expression plaguing her face. Jess isn’t looking directly into the camera, but is tilted to the side slightly as Britney is. Jess isn’t really smiling but looks more wondrous and preoccupied, like Britney. They both have their hair down which informs us that this less of strict genre, but more of a youthful one perhaps aimed at a younger target audience.

The colours in these images are incredibly similar, the pinks in the lip gloss Britney is wearing and of the mast head are very similar to the colour of Jess’ dress. This really brings out the Pop shades of Japop. They both have eyeliner which is slightly dark , which relates to Jazz also giving them maturity and sophistication.

Both Jess and Britney are wearing very light and sparse make up concentrating on pale colours.

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The facial expression between Norah and Jess are so alike , they each have their heads tilted to the side allowing readers to see a good angle of the artist. A more interesting pose to see.

Both Jess and Norah are smiling fairly widely creating, perhaps a young and mischievous persona telling the readers what comes with reading this magazine and enjoying this particular genre.

Similarly neither of them are looking directly at the camera instead causing intrigue and sending out a cheeky persona.

They both have most of their hair down informing that this genre can target a more modern, youthful audience and not just those who are older. Norah’s attire and style appear to be simplistic like Jazz, and certain elements of Jess’ appearance.