Comparison of planning with relevant professional products


Transcript of Comparison of planning with relevant professional products


Pictured (Left) is my draft poster and pictured (Right) is a professional poster. The draft poster which I created has followed similar conventions to the professional poster. I have written the film name In bold san-serif to increase awareness and make the ancillary product more eye-catching. Similar to this is Insidious poster who have also written their film title in bold writing to draw attention to the poster. The layout in both of the products are different in my poster I have put the blocking bill at the bottom and the film title in the middle and the image in the middle but Insidious have placed the blocking bill at the top, the film title at the side and the image on the other side which shows they have changed their layout to draw more attention the image. The Insidious poster have used characters in their imagery and I have used a picture of a note in my draft. I need to make sure I use characters in the poster in order to appeal to my audience and make sure that I am conventional to the horror genre.

Strengths of my draft:

• Good use of fonts and colours

• Clear/conventional layout

• Good use of the blocking bill

Weakness of my draft:

• The image needs to be more interesting and eye-catching

• The layout could be different to drawn more attention to the image

• I could use a slogan on the magazine to make the poster look more appealing.

Pictured left is my draft magazine and pictured right is Scream’s they are one of the leading horror magazine producers in the genre. My draft has used similar conventions to theirs these are a bold mast head, bold cover story, cover lines across the top and bottom, various headlines across the page and a bold image in the centre. Although the conventions are similar there is a lot of differences. Their magazine looks a lot more cluttered which is very conventional so for future improvements I need to make sure mine looks cluttered in order to make the magazine appealing to my audience. They have also used more headlines than I have which shows this is another thing I need to consider when devising my magazine. They have also used more smaller image around the magazine to make it look more appealing which is another convention which will help make my magazine look more appealing to my target audience. Scream also have a larger masthead than mine which attracts brand awareness due to it’s larger size. I need to do this to attract more people to my magazine.

Strengths of my draft:

• Good use of conventions

• Good use of fonts and colours

• Good use of imagery

• Strong layout

Weakness of my draft:

• More images needed

• Bolder cover story and masthead

• Wider variety of colours

• More cluttering on the cover.

For my trailer I have had to do various planning strategies in order to identify how we were going to make it. A similar trailer to the trailer I am making is Insidious this is because it involves a family moving into a new house then as the trailer goes on the action takes place. Insidious has various techniques which I need to use in order to make my trailer look professional and high quality. They use a lot of fast-pace editing to unveil the action in a tense manner which is what I need to do to build up the tension and entice people to watch the trailer. They have similar characters to my trailer they use 2 adults and a small child as the main characters which is what I have used which shows this is conventional in horror films. They have also used similar shot types which I am going to use in my trailer for example they have used an establishing shot to show the new house which is what I am going to do and they have used over the shoulder shots when the spirit is behind the character which is another shot I am going to use and they have used high angles when the characters look to go upstairs which isn’t what I am going to use but could be used to make it more appealing. Another technique they have used is creative mise-en scene their characters look very conventional for a family which is what I need to consider in my trailer. The demon pictured below also looks very scary and frightening due to make-up which is something else I need to consider when making the little girl in my trailer possessed to make it look more appealing and horrific for the viewer.