Comparing the Governments of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Israel: Islamic Republic of Iran Kingdom of...

Comparing the Governments of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Israel: Islamic Republic of Iran Kingdom of Saudi Arabia State of Israel

Transcript of Comparing the Governments of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Israel: Islamic Republic of Iran Kingdom of...

Comparing the Governments of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Israel:

Islamic Republic of Iran Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

State of Israel

Parliamentary Democracy of Israel:• Upon reaching 18, both men and women can

vote.• Citizens vote for 120 members of Parliament

(law makers).• The head of government is the Prime Minister

who is chosen by members of Parliament.• Israel uses a unitary system where the central

government handles most government functions.

Personal Freedoms/Rights- Israel

• Freedom of speech and the media – citizens are allowed to criticize the govt.

• Men and women have equal rights!

Which country has a democratic form of government where both men and women over 18 years old vote for representatives?

1. Saudi Arabia2. Israel3. Iran

The head of government in a Parliamentary System is chosen by:

1. Citizens voting in a separate election from the legislature.

2. By legislators (other members of Parliament)

Theocracy: The government of Iran

• Iran’s government is based on the religion of Islam.

• Men and women 18 and over vote for a president.

• An assembly of religious experts appoints the Supreme Leader of Iran also known as an ayatollah.

• The Supreme leader has more power than the president.

Personal Freedoms/Rights-Iran

• Citizens cannot criticize the government or its leaders

• Legal system is based on Sharia law system• No freedom of speech or press • Must follow strict social and religious rules

What is a theocracy?

1. A type of democracy.

2. A government based on religion.

3. A government based on a supreme leader.

Iran is a(an) _____________, because only a small group of “religious experts”

actually chooses the leader.

1. Autocracy2. Presidential3. Democracy4. Oligarchy

The Monarchy of Saudi Arabia• Saudi Arabia is ruled by a king

or monarch.• The king inherits the right to

rule.• Men 21 and older may vote

but only on certain issues approved by the king.

• Saudi Arabia is an autocratic government

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

Personal Freedoms/Rights- Saudi Arabia

• Citizens cannot criticize the government or its leaders

• Legal system is based on Sharia law system• No freedom of speech or press • Must follow strict social and religious rules

The King is not elected and makes all final decisions concerning laws. This is an example of:

1. Democracy2. Autocracy3. Oligarchy4. Theocracy