Comparing the Digipak

Comparing The Digipak I have researched a lot of different artists in the alternative rock field. I believed it was important to research the music in my chosen genre as to keep al of my research in a certain boundary and to insure that all the information that I find can some relate to my project and help me. That’s not to say that I have not looked at other styles and designs in order to make sure that I way developing my project in a open and balanced way and that I am not just focusing on techniques and designs that a few artists/ bands have used in one genre. In relation to the digipak I made sure that I used many of the same professional features that the artists use including barcode and recording information. The digipak has many of the same styles of photo that the other projects have such as the dark theme and the use of different lighting and editing elements that link in and make continuity. The photos that I have used where part of the separate photo-shoot that I setup to make sure that the images look as professional as possible. The images have been taken in some of the key areas of the music video and I have designed it this way as it will show the same theme and layout across everything. The designs that I looked at where different and many did not match the type of effect I was wanting to create but they definitely gave me ideas in which I could start my own. The four that I have displayed below show a mix of designs from a range of different artists and bands, all of which mean different things and link to there own storyline and emotion. The reason that I have chosen to include these in the comparison of mine is that they where the ones that stood out the most to me. Apart from the snow patrol album cover they all have unique designs that capture the effect of the album and what I could likely mean, they all use a range of colors to attract the audiences attention and add intensity to the picture/image. The font and design represent the music that they are trying to sell. It is really important I feel to always link that narrative and the concept with the selling elements, so the design and the style in order to make sure that your theme runs all the way though as it does in

Transcript of Comparing the Digipak

Comparing The Digipak

I have researched a lot of different artists in the alternative rock field. I believed it was important to research the music in my chosen genre as to keep al of my research in a certain boundary and to insure that all the information that I find can some relate to my project and help me. That’s not to say that I have not looked at other styles and designs in order to make sure that I way developing my project in a open and balanced way and that I am not just focusing on techniques and designs that a few artists/ bands have used in one genre. In relation to the digipak I made sure that I used many of the same professional features that the artists use including barcode and recording information. The digipak has many of the same styles of photo that the other projects have such as the dark theme and the use of different lighting and editing elements that link in and make continuity. The photos that I have used where part of the separate photo-shoot that I setup to make sure that the images look as professional as possible. The images have been taken in some of the key areas of the music video and I have designed it this way as it will show the same theme and layout across everything. The designs that I looked at where different and many did not match the type of effect I was wanting to create but they definitely gave me ideas in which I could start my own. The four that I have displayed below show a mix of designs from a range of different artists and bands, all of which mean different things and link to there own storyline and emotion. The reason that I have chosen to include these in the comparison of mine is that they where the ones that stood out the most to me. Apart from the snow patrol album cover they all have unique designs that capture the effect of the album and what I could likely mean, they all use a range of colors to attract the audiences attention and add intensity to the picture/image. The font and design represent the music that they are trying to sell. It is really important I feel to always link that narrative and the concept with the selling elements, so the design and the style in order to make sure that your theme runs all the way though as it does in professional digipaks. My digipak will include these features but stay true to my original ideas and plans of my music video with that contrast between light and dark. The snow patrol forest cover was the most appealing to me as it links with the kind of concepts that I was looking at in my own video, the location is something that I was looking at in the planning stages as the moodboard shows, also that idea of the mist or the fog effect is also something that I took into deep consideration in the planning and something I was keen to introduce into my photos having seen the sharp, professional effects it was having in the music video, not just to the lighting capability but to the founding idea of the ‘’seafog’’