Company name and logo fin

Company name and logo By Crystal Bukenya

Transcript of Company name and logo fin

Company name and logo

By Crystal Bukenya

CB Productions From my company name brainstorm, I have chosen to use the name CB

Productions, as it reflects my name initials in a simplistic and company based way. I think this is appropriate as I am the only member to consider in my individual work. The initials are also fitted well together, and so it will not look odd when forming it together on photo shop. I am pleased with the outcome of my logo as I have chosen colours that match my – navy blue theme, fitted to the codes and convention of a drama thriller. I believe this fits well into my blog and improves the appearance of the layout.

The process of making my logo…

1. My first layer was created to make my logo shape

The background layer was left blank as I was not using it as part of my logo


This shape tool was used to create the circular shape of the logo I chose a

circle as I intended to create a sphere shape

3.This paint bucket tool is how I filled in the area of the circle

I selected the blue colour theme with this tool, which was a main factor in establishing my blogger theme colour

With the same tool, I was able to select a shade effect which created the sphere appearance of my logo

Lighter blue area


Following my logo shape, I began using the text tool to create the company name

This is my text layer, where I could edit the adjustment to place it on the shape.

Editing the shape of the text itself enabled me to create a slanted 3D effect of the text curved around the sphere


Hiding the background layer meant I could save the file as a PNG, which would save me the final logo only.

Final logo product