Community Questionnaire Dec 10

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  • 8/2/2019 Community Questionnaire Dec 10


    Moorebank Project Office

    Community Survey December 2010


    Hello, my name is .....I am calling from GA Research, a social and market researchcompany.We are conducting an important study on your local area and Sydney more broadly onbehalf ofthe Commonwealth Department of Finance and Deregulation. Can I please speak to theperson over 18 in your household who is next to have a birthday? The survey will takearound 12 minutes - do you have time to do it now?


    Please note that we are not trying to sell you anything.

    The information and opinions you provide will be used only for research purposes.

    All your responses will be anonymous and confidential according to the Code ofProfessional Behaviour set out by the Australian Market & Social Research Society andthe Privacy legislation.

    Q1S1. Can I you tell me which suburb you live in?


    Regional New South Wales

    D10. Record gender

    a. Maleb. Female

    D2. To make sure were speaking to a cross-section of people, please tell me if you areaged...?

    a. 18-19b. 20-24c. 25-29

    d. 30-34e. 35-39f. 40-44g. 45-49h. 50-54i. 55-59j. 60-64k. 65+l. Refused

    1. Thinking about living in Sydney, as a city do you think it is on the right track or headinginthe wrong direction?

    King Edward Terrace, Parkes, ACT Telephone 02 6215 2222 Facsimile 02 6273 3021 Internet
  • 8/2/2019 Community Questionnaire Dec 10


    a. Right trackb. Wrong directionc. Unsure

    2. What would you say is the most important issue for you in your local area at themoment?

    3. Now thinking about how Sydney works, by that I mean its roads, its rail and the waygoods move around the city. Would you say this...

    a. Meets the needs of all Sydneysidersb. Meets the needs of most Sydneysidersc. Only meets the needs of some Sydneysidersd. Meets the needs of very few Sydneysiderse. Unsure

    4. The Commonwealth Government is considering becoming more involved in developing

    and improving road and rail infrastructure in capital cities like Sydney. Do you think this isa good or bad idea? Or are you not sure one way or another?

    a. Good ideab. Bad ideac. Not sure one way or another

    5. The amount of freight coming into Port Botany is growing significantly. In response tothisthe Commonwealth Government is undertaking a feasibility study into a new intermodalfreight terminal in Sydney, in order to improve the freight network and to transfer morefreight from road to rail. For each of the following do you think a new intermodal freightterminal would be a good or bad thing or do you think it will make no difference? If youdont know just say so.

    a. For you personallyb. For business in Sydneyc. For Sydney as a wholed. For the nation as a whole

    6. An area of Commonwealth owned land occupied by the Department of Defence inMoorebank in the south west of Sydney is being considered for an intermodal freightterminal. Before today how much have you seen, read or heard about a proposedintermodal terminal?

    a. A lotb. A fair bitc. A littled. Nothing at all [Skip to Q7]e. Unsure

    6a . How did you find out about the proposal?

    a. Stories in local newspapersi. Liverpool Championii. Liverpool Leaderiii. All other local papersb. Advertisements in local newspapers

    i. Liverpool Championii. Liverpool Leaderiii. All other local papers
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    c. Stories in daily metropolitan newspapers (Sydney Morning Herald, DailyTelegraph)d. Radioe. Televisionf. Letterbox drop - councilg. Letterbox drop other government

    h. Letterbox drop SIMTAi. Letterbox - otherj. Community meeting organised by the Moorebank Project Office/FederalGovernmentk. Community meeting organised by local residentsl. Community meeting organised by local councilm. Word of mouthn. Website [Specify]o. Other [Specify]p. Unsure

    6b. On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means not at all interested and 10 means extremelyinterested, how interested are you in this proposal to develop an intermodal freight

    terminalon Commonwealth land in Moorebank?

    7. Although you may not know much about it at the moment, in principle, do you feelpositiveor negative towards the possible development of an intermodal freight terminal onCommonwealth land in Moorebank? Is that strongly or mildly? If you dont care or dontknow, just say so

    a. Strongly positiveb. Mildly positivec. Mildly negatived. Strongly negativee. Dont care [Skip to Q12]f. Dont know[Skip to Q12]

    9. [IF POSITIVE] What are the main reasons why you feel positive towards it?

    10. [IF POSITIVE] If you had one concern about the proposal, what would it be?

    11. [IF NEGATIVE] What are the main reasons why you feel negative towards it?

    12. Following is a list of potential benefits that may result from the proposal. Please tell mehow important each of these are for you personally. Is it very important, quite important,not that important or not at all important. If you dont have an opinion either way just say

    so. [To be asked in random order]

    a. It would make the freight handling system in Sydney much more efficientb. It would reduce costs for businesses and consumersc. It would transfer freight off major roads and on to rail, reducing truck traffic andcongestion and improving safetyd. It would reduce greenhouse emissions and pollutione. It would create jobs in south west Sydney

    13. Following is a list of potential negative impacts that are being studied as part of theproposal. Please tell me how concerned you are personally about each. Are you veryconcerned, quite concerned, not that concerned or not at all concerned. If you dont havean opinion either way just say so. [To be asked in random order]

    King Edward Terrace, Parkes, ACT Telephone 02 6215 2222 Facsimile 02 6273 3021 Internet
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    a. Traffic in the local areab. Noise pollution in the local areac. Air quality in the local aread. The general quality of life in the areae. Property values in the local areaf. Impacts on local flora and fauna

    g. Impacts on local heritage sitesh. Impacts on local water quality

    14. Now that you have heard about some of the possible benefits and impacts, do you feelpositive or negative towards the development of an intermodal freight terminal onCommonwealth land in Moorebank? Is that strongly or mildly? If you dont care or dontknow, just say so

    a. Strongly positiveb. Mildly positivec. Mildly negative

    d. Strongly negativee. Dont caref. Dont know


    And finally to make sure were speaking to a cross-section of people, Id like to ask a fewquestions about you.

    D2. What postcode do you live in?

    D3. Which of the following best describes the place where you live?

    a. I/my family owns it outrightb. I/my family is paying it offc. I/my family are rentingd. Other [Specify]

    D4. How long have you been living at your current address?

    a. Less than a yearb. More than 1 and less than 5 yearsc. More than 5 and less than 10 yearsd. More than 10 and less 15 yearse. 15 or more years

    D5. Not including yourself, how many people in the following age groups live in yourHouse

    a. 12 years and underb. 13 to 17 yearsc. 18 years or older

    D6. Do you speak a language other than English at home? If so, which language do youspeak?

    a. No, English onlyb. Italian

    c. Greekd. Spanishe. French
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    f. Cantoneseg. Mandarinh. Vietnamesei. Japanesej. Koreank. Arabic

    l. Lebanesem. Tagalogn. Hindi, Bengali or Urduo. African (please specify which language)p. Other (please specify)q. Refused

    D7. Which of the following best describes you?

    a. Working full-timeb. Working part-timec. Working on a casual basisd. A student

    e. Retiredf. Unemployedg. Not employed, mainly engaged in home dutiesh. Other (specify)i. Refused

    D8. What is your highest level of formal education?

    a. Year 12 or belowb. Trade certificate or diplomac. Undergraduate degreed. Postgraduate certificate/diploma/degree

    D9. Do you or someone in your immediate family work for the Department of Defence?

    a. Yesb. Noc. Not sure

    King Edward Terrace, Parkes, ACT Telephone 02 6215 2222 Facsimile 02 6273 3021 Internet