Community Policing for Improving Police Image

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Transcript of Community Policing for Improving Police Image

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image



    Police Organization is established by the community for taking care of

    their needs. The duty of the police is to protect community from crime, the

    affects of crime and the fear of crime including prevention and detection of

    crime, managing traffic, maintaining law and order, public tranquility,

    safeguarding public and private property etc., for which police require the

    cooperation and participation of public for their effective functioning.

    Process of interacting with the community on regular basis for

    identifying their needs, accepted methods of service delivery, problem

    solving, involving community in problem solving, furnishing feedback on

    services provided to the community, measuring and analyzing community

    satisfaction for undertaking improvements is known as community policing.

    In order to achieve the goals, Police require constant interaction with

    the members of the public for organizing professional public relational setup

    to create an impression that the police are their friends and are meant to

    help them in case of need. In order to achieve these goals members of

    police should cultivate to serve the needs, understand the problems of

    others and adequate knowledge of his ob requirement to earn their

    appreciation and promotes to build up a beneficial public relationship leading

    to healthy police public relations and to remove misapprehension about


    There is also need to take guidance ! feedback from the community for

    improving the community and individual citizen satisfaction.

    This makes it compulsory for police to get in touch with all members of

    community in non incident situations and involve them as active partners in

    policing efforts.

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    Community Policing (Maithi!"

    The main obective was to detect and prevent crime through

    proactive policing.

    The duties of the police in preventing crimes and

    prosecution of offenders cannot be completed with out involving

    the public. Therefore they have to depend on assistance and

    willing co"operation of the public.

    The public co"operation is needed in getting clues, indetection of crimes, figuring as panch witnesses in investigation

    and as witnesses for prosecution in courts. #esides this, their

    assistance is needed in curbing crimes, traffic regulation and

    education, arresting illegal traffic in drugs, counterfeit currency,

    white collar offences, eve teasing, atrocities on oppressed

    communities etc.

    In order to achieve full co"operation and co"ordination ofthe public, the concept of community policing called $%aithri$

    has been introduced in the state during the year &''(.

    %aithri Programme aims at making the public and the police

    partners in the work relating to crime and law and order.

    It is proactive work by allowing ordinary citizen a voice in

    the police process in e)change for their support in order to

    make society a safer place to live. It creates a positive shift in the role of police from *working

    against bad people* to *working with good people* in the


    Police provide opportunities for ordinary citizens to

    effectively contribute to the prevention and detection of crime.

    +ny member of the public, male or female who is not

    involved in civil or criminal case can become a member of


    The members of maithri can provide useful information

    leading to solving of crimes.

    %aithri members can also prevent any abuse of Police power

    because of easy accessibility to the station house officer and

    other senior personnel.

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    Rol# o$ Maithi M#m%#&"

    #eats and night Patrols

    +ssistance in traffic

    rime prevention

    Information collection

    +ssistance in -aw and Order %aintenance

    Involvement in Prohibition ork.

    %aithri movement has been found helpful in creating

    channels for receiving the right information at the right time.

    It has also helped the police to come closer to thecommunity. It has tried to impart fairness, transparency and

    impartiality in the working of the police.

    This system is functioning effectively in all districts of +P

    since &''(.

    +rea ommittees were formed and they were taught all

    aspects of community policing which helped them to trace and

    resolve small local issues.

    /egular meetings were held with the committee members

    and this forum helped the police to *discuss and solve current

    problems and also provided valuable information to the police

    on new, unfolding communal dimensions.*

    + number of meetings were arranged on +ttitudinal hange

    for Police Officers so that it enabled the police officers to give

    up their rigid colonial mindset and interact with the community

    in a friendly and cordial manner.

    +n effort was made by the police officers to resolve conflicts

    or problems through consultation with +rea committee

    members, other governmental agencies etc.

    The police have been successful in finding solutions to

    several local problems through effective intra and inter agency


    0ome of the maithri members helped to prevent incidence

    of property crimes and to give information on the designs and

    whereabouts of absconding terrorists resulted in seizure of

    contrabands, e)plosives, detonators, lethal weapons, black

    money, sandalwood, drugs etc.

    1ffective student police interaction helped the police to

    reconstruct peace and harmony.

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    The students were deputed when there was a shortage in

    police station staff to check vehicles on the roads, check

    baggages in /ailway 0tations and #us 0tands etc.

    0lum adoption scheme with the help of maithri members

    helped to disengage slum dwellers from engaging in any anti

    social activity and to secure easy access for the police into the


    #eat Officers$ 0ystem2 P0 area is divided into beat areas

    and each beat area was manned by two constables called #eat

    Officers. This instilled pride in them and empowered them to

    make independent decisions, made them more responsible andresponsive to public needs. Policemen were also encouraged to

    attend to civic problems to gain goodwill of the people. Through

    all this, the police succeeded in creating an atmosphere that

    was citizen friendly and was conducive for anyone to confide

    any information. The people also appreciated the efforts of the

    police and volunteered assistance to police in crime prevention.

    omplaint #o) 0ystem2 omplaint #o)es were kept atdifferent locations to receive information from public who may

    prefer to remain unidentified and yet participate in their effort

    to assist the police. 0uch letters were collected daily and acted

    upon quickly to encourage the informants.

    ide +rea 3etwork 4.+.3.5 was introduced in all police

    stations with Internet connectivity and email service. This

    facility has brought the police closer to the public, making thepolice more responsive, transparent and interactive.

    6elp -ine for 7istressed persons2To reach to those persons

    who need help and assistance, a help line ('', ('8 etc., were

    launched to receive distress calls round the clock by a team of

    police. They render necessary help that is required. 0lum

    +doption Programme2 7ue to poverty and other socio

    economical factors, slums have become the breeding groundfor criminals and other anti social elements. To access these

    areas where the police had difficulty in gaining entry, attempts

    were made to improve the living condition of the people by

    constant approach. %ass awareness programmes are conducted

    on hygiene, evils of drug!alcoholism, and +I70. %edical camps

    were arranged, youth activities in sports were sponsored, and

    an initiative was taken to improve the environment of the

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    community by tree planting. +ll these initiatives yielded good


    3umbers of police camps in the form of 0pot /edressal of

    Public 9rievances were organized in communally sensitive

    villages. The main obective of these camps was to restore the

    confidence of the people on the police force, to improve the

    police public relationship and to maintain law and order


    +s a gesture of goodwill, the police attend and participate in

    the religious festivals and also arrange sports activities to build

    rapport with the community. -aunching of *neighborhood watch scheme* to promote

    policing through community participation. The community

    policing initiative was also aimed at changing the attitude of the

    average policeman at the police stations towards the public, to

    make them people friendly and to improve their living and

    working conditions.

    :isit of school children to police stations2 To remove fear ofPolice from the minds of children, to add transparency,

    awareness and better understanding of the police force.

    :illage Touring by Police Officers2 7uring such visits, the

    policemen discuss the problems faced by the rural people and

    other law and order related issues.

    Police +ssistance enters2 These centers are established at

    important places like bus stand, unctions etc. These centershave gone a long way in instilling sense of security and

    protection in the minds of general public, especially tourists.

    omen cells have been established in all districts, which are

    manned by lady investigating officers so that victims of woman

    related crimes can e)press themselves freely without hesitation

    to the women officers as compared to their male counterparts.

    0ports +ctivity2 Police is taking initiative organizing Inter

    0chool competition in sports and other activities to the

    youngsters of the locality.

    #lood donation programmes are organized in urban and

    rural areas to cater the needs of the sickly persons admitted in


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    +wards2 Police should encourage public by way of giving

    awards to the citizens who have turned out e)emplary work

    helping the police in prevention of crime.

    ounseling enters2 Police along with several leading 39Os

    of the city have opened counseling centers for women,

    uveniles, elders, drug or alcohol addicts manned by trained

    counselors and psychiatrists.

    Panels of citizen volunteers were enrolled to enlist

    community participation. omen and students were given

    adequate representation. 0ocial functions were organized at

    each Police 0tation to inaugurate these centers. 0enior policeOfficers and community leaders spoke at great length,

    e)plaining the concept behind this initiative to generate mass

    awareness about this initiative.

    Police personnel with the right aptitude were selected as

    nodal officers to act as interface at the centers. They provided

    technical assistance to citizen volunteers in the field of dispute

    resolution. This e)periment has proved to be a very effective, prompt

    and ine)pensive way in rendering ustice and preventing crime

    and it has also found widespread appeal because of its

    applicability among community members.

    Rol# o$ Maithi M#m%#&"

    #eats and night Patrols

    +ssistance in traffic

    rime prevention

    Information collection

    +ssistance in -aw and Order %aintenance

    Involvement in Prohibition ork.

    %aithri movement has been found helpful in creating

    channels for receiving the right information at the right time.

    It has also helped the police to come closer to the

    community. It has tried to impart fairness, transparency and

    impartiality in the working of the police.

    This system is functioning effectively in all districts of +P

    since &''(.

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    +rea ommittees were formed and they were taught all

    aspects of community policing which helped them to trace and

    resolve small local issues.

    /egular meetings were held with the committee members

    and this forum helped the police to *discuss and solve current

    problems and also provided valuable information to the police

    on new, unfolding communal dimensions.*

    + number of meetings were arranged on +ttitudinal hange

    for Police Officers so that it enabled the police officers to give

    up their rigid colonial mindset and interact with the community

    in a friendly and cordial manner. +n effort was made by the police officers to resolve conflicts

    or problems through consultation with +rea committee

    members, other governmental agencies etc.

    The police have been successful in finding solutions to

    several local problems through effective intra and inter agency


    0ome of the maithri members helped to prevent incidenceof property crimes and to give information on the designs and

    whereabouts of absconding terrorists resulted in seizure of

    contrabands, e)plosives, detonators, lethal weapons, black

    money, sandalwood, drugs etc.

    1ffective student police interaction helped the police to

    reconstruct peace and harmony.

    The students were deputed when there was a shortage inpolice station staff to check vehicles on the roads, check

    baggages in /ailway 0tations and #us 0tands etc.

    0lum adoption scheme with the help of maithri members

    helped to disengage slum dwellers from engaging in any anti

    social activity and to secure easy access for the police into the


    #eat Officers$ 0ystem2 P0 area is divided into beat areas

    and each beat area was manned by two constables called #eat

    Officers. This instilled pride in them and empowered them to

    make independent decisions, made them more responsible and

    responsive to public needs. Policemen were also encouraged to

    attend to civic problems to gain goodwill of the people. Through

    all this, the police succeeded in creating an atmosphere that

    was citizen friendly and was conducive for anyone to confide

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    any information. The people also appreciated the efforts of the

    police and volunteered assistance to police in crime prevention.

    omplaint #o) 0ystem2 omplaint #o)es were kept at

    different locations to receive information from public who may

    prefer to remain unidentified and yet participate in their effort

    to assist the police. 0uch letters were collected daily and acted

    upon quickly to encourage the informants.

    ide +rea 3etwork 4.+.3.5 was introduced in all police

    stations with Internet connectivity and email service. This

    facility has brought the police closer to the public, making the

    police more responsive, transparent and interactive. 6elp -ine for 7istressed persons2To reach to those persons

    who need help and assistance, a help line ('', ('8 etc., were

    launched to receive distress calls round the clock by a team of

    police. They render necessary help that is required. 0lum

    +doption Programme2 7ue to poverty and other socio

    economical factors, slums have become the breeding ground

    for criminals and other anti social elements. To access theseareas where the police had difficulty in gaining entry, attempts

    were made to improve the living condition of the people by

    constant approach. %ass awareness programmes are conducted

    on hygiene, evils of drug!alcoholism, and +I70. %edical camps

    were arranged, youth activities in sports were sponsored, and

    an initiative was taken to improve the environment of the

    community by tree planting. +ll these initiatives yielded goodresults.

    3umbers of police camps in the form of 0pot /edressal of

    Public 9rievances were organized in communally sensitive

    villages. The main obective of these camps was to restore the

    confidence of the people on the police force, to improve the

    police public relationship and to maintain law and order

    situation. +s a gesture of goodwill, the police attend and participate in

    the religious festivals and also arrange sports activities to build

    rapport with the community.

    -aunching of *neighborhood watch scheme* to promote

    policing through community participation. The community

    policing initiative was also aimed at changing the attitude of the

    average policeman at the police stations towards the public, to

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    make them people friendly and to improve their living and

    working conditions.

    :isit of school children to police stations2 To remove fear of

    Police from the minds of children, to add transparency,

    awareness and better understanding of the police force.

    :illage Touring by Police Officers2 7uring such visits, the

    policemen discuss the problems faced by the rural people and

    other law and order related issues.

    Police +ssistance enters2 These centers are established at

    important places like bus stand, unctions etc. These centers

    have gone a long way in instilling sense of security andprotection in the minds of general public, especially tourists.

    omen cells have been established in all districts, which are

    manned by lady investigating officers so that victims of woman

    related crimes can e)press themselves freely without hesitation

    to the women officers as compared to their male counterparts.

    0ports +ctivity2 Police is taking initiative organizing Inter

    0chool competition in sports and other activities to theyoungsters of the locality.

    #lood donation programmes are organized in urban and

    rural areas to cater the needs of the sickly persons admitted in


    +wards2 Police should encourage public by way of giving

    awards to the citizens who have turned out e)emplary work

    helping the police in prevention of crime. ounseling enters2 Police along with several leading 39Os

    of the city have opened counseling centers for women,

    uveniles, elders, drug or alcohol addicts manned by trained

    counselors and psychiatrists.

    Panels of citizen volunteers were enrolled to enlist

    community participation. omen and students were given

    adequate representation. 0ocial functions were organized at

    each Police 0tation to inaugurate these centers. 0enior police

    Officers and community leaders spoke at great length,

    e)plaining the concept behind this initiative to generate mass

    awareness about this initiative.

    Police personnel with the right aptitude were selected as

    nodal officers to act as interface at the centers. They provided

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    technical assistance to citizen volunteers in the field of dispute


    This e)periment has proved to be a very effective, prompt

    and ine)pensive way in rendering ustice and preventing crime

    and it has also found widespread appeal because of its

    applicability among community members.

    Pu%lic R#lation&"

    Police in a democratic polity can discharge its duties effectively

    only with the cooperation of the people.

    Public assistance is needed for prevention, detection, investigation

    and prosecution of cases, and also for maintaining peace during

    all maor social, cultural, economic and political events.

    ;or eliciting and sustaining such a co"operation constant

    interaction with the members of the public needs to be organized

    by professional public relations set up within the organization.

    Police form a powerful wing of e)ecutive. -aw enforcement is their

    prime duty.

    1)ecution of lawful duties presupposes public service to the


    Police need the assistance of the public in the prevention,

    detection, investigation and prosecution of the cases, either for

    furnishing clues or for figuring as panch witnesses or to figure as

    witnesses for prosecution, in getting the criminals convicted.

    Police are e)pected to create an impression in the public that the

    police are their friends and are meant to help them in case of


    The mind to serve, the need to understand the problems of

    others, the inherent tendency to remember his ob requirements

    is bound to earn laurels for the individual police officer and

    through him to the entire force. This will build a beneficial public

    relationship leading to healthy police public relations. Public

    relationship is to be built up keeping this in view, more so to

    remove misapprehension in the public about the police.

    One post of public relations officer is created in the office of the

    0uperintendent of Police in the district and the ommissioners of

    Police in large cities.

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    In 6yderabad city, public relations officer is for the three main

    functional branches i.e., law and order, crime!investigation and


    +t the hief Office hief Public /elation Officer post is created to

    liaise with the other Public /elation Officers.

    The +ddl. 79P 4-

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    o To regularly inform the public the obectives of the police,

    the rights of the people under law, the services, which the

    police have designed for the public.

    o 6ighlight the constraints and problems of police like

    attacks on policemen, killing of police officers, the legal

    requirements of police actions, the situations arising out of

    conflicting rights, physical and mental strain to which the

    policeman is subected.

    o 7isseminate information to the public on police matters

    particularly on important incidents and crimes.

    o To apprise the public the importance on preservation of

    crime scenes for evidentiary value also informing them

    about the importance of giving truthful information and also

    the need to come forward to give evidence in courts

    courageously as a part of service to the society.

    o The need for the public to co"operate with the police in

    furnishing clues, giving assistance in investigation and to

    come forward to figure as witnesses in the court for the

    effective control of crime by the police.

    o To identify favorable as well as adverse criticism on

    behavior of police officers as reported or appeared in news

    media and other sources and bring to notice of 0P!7P!P

    and other unit officers with press clippings and with their

    instructions issue reoinder with facts of the case.

    o In times of emergencies, serious public order situations

    and outbreak of crime, provide all the information required

    to the public.

    o Interaction with voluntary organizations particularly

    dealing with the problems of children, women, scheduled

    castes, scheduled tribes, minorities and crime prevention


    o Production, display and distribution of brochures,

    television serials, short films and other mass media to bring

    out the areas of police"public cooperation and highlight

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    important aspects of police work including sensational

    crimes, crime prevention measures, and manner of

    overcoming lapses and failures in the police> and the need

    for effective cooperation by the public in detection,

    investigation and prosecution of cases.

    o To see that the relevant articles relating to police public

    relations, the need for station staff to maintain good public

    relations are contributed to monthly police magazine

    *0=/+?06+* and other publications to enlighten the staff

    and other readers.

    o To create awareness among public about police actions

    and dispel any misunderstandings or doubts.

    o To launch internal communication programme between

    police officers through in"house ournals, video e)hibitions,

    seminars, meetings etc.

    o To provide correct feedback of public reactions and their

    grievances from publications or other media as well as

    opinion of leaders.

    o 0etting up and running of an Information entre and

    arrange press conferences with senior officers whenever


    o %aintain close liaison and relation with media persons,

    +udio and visual and also organize seminars with media and

    police officers to evolve better communication,

    understanding and co"operation in police work.

    o Organize traditional cultural forms of publicity like street

    plays, dramas, burrakathas, puppet shows, songs etc.

    o /elease all advertisements of the department relating to

    recruitment, procurement etc.


    The P/Os of the department should be in regular touch with the

    Information and Public /elations 7epartment of the 0tate

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    9overnment, 7oordarsan, +ll India /adio, the 7irectorate of ;ield

    Publicity of the 9overnment of India etc., and organize publicity

    for all the good work done by the police since positive work

    usually does not readily attract the attention of the media.

    The e)ternal public relations campaign should be designed to

    inform, educate, build awareness and confidence in the minds of

    the public by adopting the following methods.

    o E'ucati# &logan&" These can be publicized through

    posters, hoardings, newspapers, radio, television, printed

    literature and electronic display, meetings with voluntary

    bodies, audio visuals and direct interaction with public.

    o N#)&*a*#&"This is a powerful media and is read by a

    large number of people and still those who read and discuss

    about what they read influence a larger number. /egular

    press releases in a neat format containing information from

    time to time on important policy decisions, events,

    bundobusts, crime information, clarifications, traffic

    diversions, arrangements for fairs, festivals, elections and in

    times of emergencies, peace and order situations would go

    a long way in keeping the public properly informed. Press

    conferences by senior officers occasionally and whenever

    situation demands is a useful method of direct interaction

    with the press and also indirectly with the public. The

    reoinders, letters to the 1ditor and clarifications in a proper

    format would enable clarifications and action taken on

    grievances brought to notice. Press clippings provide useful

    feedback to the police officers and enable them to respond

    or take suitable measures.

    o El#ctonic M#'ia" The educative slogans may be

    displayed or read out through the electronic media and

    radio. +rrangements to make special announcements in the

    news channels and in cases of emergencies even by

    interrupting the normal programmes are an effective means

    of communications. Interviews with senior officers, telecast

    on specific topics or matters of interest would also help in

    improving the information to the public. The news releases

    made to the newspapers should also be conveyed through

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    the radio and television channels. The other forms of audio

    and visual media which can be utilized are documentaries,

    commercial spots, panel discussions, talks, special

    announcements, specialized audience programmes, film

    strips, telefilms, cinema slides, video cassettes, news

    photographs and photographs for T:, pictorial albums and

    record albums.

    o D#*atm#ntal Pu%lication&" The department should

    bring about periodical publications in Telugu as well as in

    1nglish on various topics of interests and schemes

    particularly in the matter of area policing, crime

    investigation, crime scene protection, preventive measures,

    traffic discipline and conveying information. +part from this

    such matters as handling blackmail, threatening calls, long

    absences from houses, threats to life or property would

    greatly help the public in knowing what steps they can take

    when faced with such situations. +part from the regular

    publications, books, pamphlets, folders, handbooks,

    calendars, diaries, greeting cards, pictorial publications,

    direct mail are some of the forms by which information can

    be conveyed.

    o A'#ti&ing" The main obective of advertising is to

    disseminate information of maor schemes or situations,

    significant achievements, building up of an image based on

    performance. It is also a method of presenting the good

    news covering the maor achievements, which sometimes

    the media may not normally print or give due position or

    importance. This may be done in all the three media

    particularly in the print and the visual media. +dvertising

    may be done through press, radio, T: and film ads, and

    outdoor hoardings and also through classified public service

    and institutional advertisement.

    o Au'io+,i&ual&" This is an effective media to give a

    glimpse of the functioning of the organization for the benefit

    of employees as well as others and to select audiences like

    visiting dignitaries, elected representatives, institutions,

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    students and those who visit the departments and its


    o E-hi%ition&"The trade fairs, industrial and agricultural

    e)hibitions and rural e)hibitions can be utilized for visibility

    campaign through erecting police stalls portraying the work

    being done by the department.

    o Ta'itional M#'ia"This media through songs, dances,

    drama, 6arikatha, #urrakatha, puppet shows and other folk

    forms lends itself as a very good media for communication

    with the public. #eing live forms they have a powerful

    appeal if properly conceived and correctly portrayed. +part

    from professionals, police officers themselves who have the

    necessary talent can be utilized to stage such programs.

    Talented teams can be prepared to tour different areas

    staging plays and other programmes utilizing the latest

    sound, light and music equipment.

    o Oth# M#'ia" This includes open house discussions,

    bulletin boards, sponsorship of sports, art and culture,

    professional awards and scholarships etc. The sports and

    culture media is of advantage as policemen have the

    capacity of attractive display talents of mass drill and other

    specific forms of martial arts which have a relation to their

    profession. These shows attract large gatherings and are agood media of communication. They also provide a

    feedback to the department directly.

    o ,#%al Communication" The conferences, meetings,

    group discussions, seminars, meeting the public, are a two"

    way communication process.


    + website for the +P Police has been established and

    maintained by Police omputer 0ervices on the Internet.

    The website will be updated from time to time with

    assistance from the districts as well as other units of the

    police department and kept ready for use as deemed


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    o The communication facility to be provided to the =nit

    P/Os and at the 0tate 6eadquarters should have an

    Internet link to enable prompt conveying of press notes to

    television and newspaper channels directly.

    o The above facility enables access to information about

    other police =nits in the country as well as abroad apart

    from serving as a useful media for investigation of certain

    type of offences and even in the matter of arrest of

    absconding accused. 0uch information as look out notices,

    which are required to be published, can be sent out with

    least delay to various parts of the country.

    o +n annual or half yearly seminar with the editors of both

    print and visual media channels should be conducted to

    discuss common problems of crime reporting and the need

    for conveying information to the public.


    here local television channels are available in towns andcities, arrangement has to be made to reserve a particular

    time for the police to feed the news or other information of

    interest to the public. The preparation of the handouts and

    the persons who should act as a spokesman should be

    determined by the 0sP concerned in the districts and other

    heads of the =nits in the 0tate 6eadquarters.

    o + spokesman should be nominated for each =nit to

    respond to all queries and clarifications at all times and he

    should be furnished with and have access to such

    information which should be made available to the public.

    +n arrangement on these lines would reduce the need for

    the 6eads of the =nits to frequently meet the press or

    divert their attention from the work with which they may be


    o The information desk in every control room should be

    manned by a police officer, trained in public relations or

    public relations personnel. The P/O of every =nit should be

    in close touch with the information desks in the control

    room of his area.

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    o M##ting th# *u%lic"The grievances of the public will be

    known better if the officers meet the public face to face.

    These meetings should take place when the officers go on

    tour or on inspection. The visits should be to variousvillages and localities. %eetings on specific subects or on

    specific problems with those affected or likely to be affected

    should also be convened to know the correct facts and the

    feelings of the public apart from their views. These should

    not be confused with the meetings, which may be held with

    representatives of certain organizations to handle a

    particular situation or a problem.

    o Ealuation"The primary duty of the P/ organization and

    the senior officers is to evaluate the impact from time to

    time of the public relations function. The evaluation should

    be in terms of the employee$s response and the e)tent to

    which knowledge, interest, acceptance and sympathy have

    replaced the ignorance, apathy, preudice or hostility

    respectively. The results should be studied and suitable

    modifications made to improve the impact of the

    information on public relations e)ercise.

    o The e)pectations from the public relations organization of

    the police will be the same as in other organizations and are

    briefly mentioned below for the guidance of all the officers2

    o 0harpen your communication skills and maintain good

    media relations by both receiving and transmitting

    information of interest to the organization.

    o ?eep the eyes and ears of the department open to

    peoples$ reactions.


    +ct as an ambassador of the department.

    o reate an all"round understanding of management

    problems and actions.

    o Proect the image to various publics.

    o 0erve as an antenna"cum"receiver by providing feedback

    information and disseminating department$s policies both

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    with the employees and the public. Identify problems and

    measures to solve them.

    o 0erve as facilitator lubricants of communication between

    the department and the public.

    %ake the management public relations conscious

    Poc#&& St#*& an' D#tail& #lating to Community Policing"

    Poc#&& St#

    *& Poc#&& D#tail&

    Community Polic#


    Identify the staff members who have

    aptitude to maintain good relations with the

    public for choosing as PO.

    7ivide the police station area into convenient

    sectors depending upon the incidence of

    crime and allot a staff member for

    maintaining public relations in the sector


    The nominated community police officer

    should acquaint with the area and public.

    Impart necessary training to the nominated

    member about the duties of the community

    police officer.

    ommunity policing officer should be trained

    on the following aspects.

    o Purpose of community policing.

    o Process of community policing.

    o ;elt needs identification of


    o Techniques of penetrating into

    community for building partnership.


    0election of community liaison


    o Problem solving techniques.

    o ounseling techniques.

    o -eadership qualities.

    o Investigation techniques.

    o -iaison with other departments !

    organizations ! agencies.

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    o 1vent management skills.

    o Identification of resources for

    problem solving in the community.


    urbing social vices in thecommunity.

    o 7isaster management.

    o Training on data recording and

    analysis techniques.

    o #omb disposal.

    o 1mergency response.


    Technology integration for crime


    o ommunication skills.

    o Team building.

    o :ictim and witness support.

    o %aintenance of records.

    o %ental alertness and interest to


    o Perseverant.

    Provide required infrastructure like

    notebooks, pamphlets, literature, campaign

    material etc., for distributing among the

    public depending on situations.

    06O should guide the community police

    officer where ever attention ! guidance is


    The nominated community police officer

    4PO5 should acquaint himself2

    o ith the sector area.

    o rime reported.


    Problems in the area.

    o +ctivities of unsocial elements.

    o ?nown litigants in the area.

    o ommunal activists.

    o Place of public entertainment.

    o -icensed +rms holders.


    %eeting places.

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    o Trouble shooters.

    o Petition mongers.

    o Important persons.



    o 0uspects.

    o /eceivers of stolen property.

    o Organizers of satta " gambling,

    dens for sale of illicit liquor and

    prostitution etc.

    o Persons wanted by police.


    Problems faced by the colony


    o Places of public gathering2

    o 1ducational institutions.

    o /eligious institutions.

    o Public and private offices.

    o ;actories.

    o -abor activities.

    o :ital installations.

    7evelop services for dissemination of

    information to citizens like help desks,

    developing hierarchy of people for passing

    information on chain basis etc.

    7evelop service for collection of information

    from community like information on crime>

    e)tremists, I0I activists, known criminals>

    suspicious persons, vices etc.

    7evelop and communicate means to access

    police in times of emergency.

    PO should collect following area wise data2

    o 9overnment offices ! establishments.

    o 1ducational institutions.

    o +partments and associations.

    o olony associations.

    o Important business establishments !

    shops ! super markets ! commercial


    o Industries, factories, companies.

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    o Petrol bunks ! domestic gas agencies.

    o hit fund and finance organizations.

    o #anks and +T% centers.


    ine shops ! bars! toddy shops.o Transport organizations.

    o 0crap shops.

    o :ideo shops ! internet centers.

    o 6ospitals.

    o Temples ! places of worship.

    o lubs ! recreation centers ! cinema

    theatres ! 6oliday resorts.

    o 6otels, lodges, dhabas.

    o #us stands ! railway 0tations.

    o +uto stands.

    o 0T7 booths ! POs.

    o Isolated ! scattered 6ouses.

    o Previous crime occurrence " crime wise

    4houses ! shops ! farm houses etc5.

    o ;arm houses ! gardens.

    o Political leaders.

    o :IPs, working and retired senior

    officers, udges.

    o Pawn brokers, ewelry shop owners,

    receivers of stolen properties.

    o /eal estate business dealers.

    o ;unction halls ! community halls.

    o 0ecurity alarm system installed houses.

    o Teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers

    in the area.

    o 0enior citizens and retired


    o %arkets.

    o Places of gathering.

    o +mbulance and fire services.

    o riminal settlements, shelters.

    o -ist of rowdies, 7s, ?7s, e)"convicts

    in the area.

    o -ist of slums.

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    o -ist of bootleggers i.e., I7 liquor, gana,

    land grabbers, communal rowdies.

    o -ist of =9 cadre e)tremists,

    sympathizers.o -ist of I0I activists ! supporters.

    o Targets for I0I activities, e)tremist


    o 9un license holders.

    o 0enior citizens.

    o ;airs and festivals.

    o %aithri ! youth ! resident association

    groups and other groups.

    o -ikely places of installation of

    landmines ! claymore mines.

    o 1)plosive storage points.

    o -ists of non 9ovt. organizations.

    o Old age homes, orphanages, mentally

    challenged group homes.

    o :ictims, witnesses colony"wise.

    .oming Community

    Liai&on Gou*&


    PO should identify committed members

    from each locality ! area ! street etc.

    ;orm them into a community liaison group.

    +ppoint a facilitator among them for each

    group who will maintain liaison with the

    police and group members in all matters

    relating to community policing.

    PO should form various liaison groups for

    various purposes like2

    o Maithi Committ##"

    9eneral awareness, contact ! support

    programmes, crime prevention and

    emergency response etc.

    o Colony A&&ociation"

    3eed identification of colony, awareness

    and problem solving.

    o A*atm#nt A&&ociation"

    3eed identification, awareness and

    problem solving, crime prevention.

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    o NGO A&&ociation"

    Problem solving and awareness.

    o S#nio Citi/#n A&&ociation"

    3eed identification, problem solving.o Auto Di#& A&&ociation"

    +wareness on traffic safety and victim


    o Stu'#nt A&&ociation"

    +wareness> road safety> participation in

    crime prevention and emergency


    o D#$#nc# S0ua'&"

    rime Prevention, beat system.

    o Youth Gou*&"

    1ducation awareness, developing

    hierarchy of people for information, taking

    social works like2 shramadaan, sanitation,

    free education to children, organizing free

    medical camps, awareness on general

    laws ! road safety measures, ill affects of

    practice of social evils like2 drinking !

    gambling ! smoking ! illiteracy etc.

    o 1om#n Ogani/ation 2 NGO

    Ogani/ation 2 1om#n 1#l$a#


    ounseling of family matters, matrimonial

    issues, complaints of woman harassment,

    training in vocational courses like

    tailoring, embroidery, handicrafts,

    computer training etc., formation of

    societies like $7wakra, velugu$ etc.


    Oth# Gou*&"

    7epending on the felt needs.

    PO should identify the active members from

    localities having aptitude to help the

    community and maintaining good relations

    for choosing as facilitators.

    The PO after taking their willingness to act

    as facilitator will inform the 06O and take his

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    approval for appointment of such persons as


    Community *olicing (Maithi! (O'3 456!"

    ;or prevention, investigation of crimes and

    prosecuting of offenders the assistance and

    cooperation of public is required.

    In order to achieve full cooperation and

    coordination of the public, the concept of

    community policing called $maithri$ has been

    introduced in the year &''(.

    It creates a positive shift in the role of policefrom *working against bad people* to

    *working with good people* in the society.

    %aithri program aims at making the public

    and the police partners in the work relating

    to crime and law and order.

    It is a proactive work allowing ordinary

    citizen a voice in the police process ine)change for their support in order to make

    society a safer place to live.

    It creates a positive shift in the role of police

    from $working against bad people$ to $working

    with good people$ in the society.

    O%7#cti#& o$ Maithi"

    The main obectives of %aithri are2

    o To meet the felt and e)pressed needs of

    small and varied groups of people in the

    community by actively involving them in

    the process.

    o To organize proactive measures to

    prevent and detect crime.

    o To provide personalized high quality

    service to the people at the decentralized


  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    Poc#&& o$ Maithi"

    The process of implementation of %aithri can

    be e)plained in brief using the acronym

    +%P in the following way2


    onsultation2 onsulting the members

    of the society on their felt needs and

    their priorities.

    +daptation2 %aking changes in policing

    methods and using the most appropriate

    legal measures.

    o %obilization2 %obilizing the man power

    and material resources of the police and

    other governmental, non"governmental

    and community agencies.


    Problem 0olving2 +ctual participation in

    the work for eliminating the problem

    Si/# an' Com*o&ition"

    %aithri ommittees consisting of about @'

    members of the local community shall be

    formed by all the 06Os of law and order

    police stations in the state for making them

    partners in police efforts broadly with the

    following composition2

    0enior itizens .. '@A

    omen .. (@A

    Bouth .. C'A

    %embers of 0!0T .. (@A

    %inorities .. '@A

    Professionals and others .. &'A

    S*#cial Maithi Committ##&"

    Traffic Police stations, wherever they e)ist

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    independent of the law and order Police

    stations, shall form Traffic %aithri

    ommittees consisting of various stake

    holders in matters relating to traffic

    management having a membership of around

    @' citizens.

    %eetings to be organized for traffic maithri

    committee members periodically and their

    services to be utilized in maintenance of

    traffic regulation and for removal of traffic

    hazards and encroachments causing

    abstraction for smooth flow of traffic. Their

    concentration should be at unction points

    and also near the educational institutions.

    Their presence is also ensure particularly at

    the educational institutional at the time of

    arrival and departure of students.

    Traffic maithri committee members helps in

    proper parking of vehicles at auto stands,

    during traffic ams and cinema theaters.

    Their services are needed mostly during peak


    8uali$ication& o$ M#m%#&"

    1very member of a %aithri ommittee should


    o /espected members of the local

    community not involved in any criminal

    activity directly or indirectly.


    + person not involved in any political or

    social controversy.

    o + person willing to voluntarily take up

    the cause of the community.

    3ote2 %embership should be given after due

    verification of the antecedents of the willing

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image




    The tenure of members is normally & years.

    1ach year during Danuary the suitability of

    members should be reviewed and unsuitable

    members should be removed. The

    membership of suitable members should be

    continued for the remaining period of tenure.

    =seful members are eligible for further


    I'#ntity Ca'&"

    Photo"identity cards may be issued for all the

    willing %aithri %embers.

    A#a o$ O*#ation"

    %aithri ommittees shall be formed for local

    areas, the residents of which generally fact

    the same issues so that the committee

    members have common agenda to discuss

    and collaborate. +s such in the rural areas

    maithri ommittees should be formed

    village"wise where as in the urban areas the

    committees should be formed locality or

    colony wise.

    Maithi M##ting&"

    %aithri meetings should be held with the

    following guidelines in mind.

    o %eeting should be held in the villages in

    the rural areas and locality or colony"wise

    in the case of urban areas.

    o 1very %aithri ommittee should meet at

    least once a month.

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    o The 0tation 6ouse Officer should attend

    all the meetings and act as the moderator.


    The proceedings of the meetings should

    be recorded in a permanent register.


    The following records shall be maintained

    covering %aithri Programme separately for

    each and every %aithri ommittee.

    o %aithri %embership /egister

    o %aithri %eeting /egister


    7etails covering the work done under %aithri

    Programme should be incorporated in the

    following reports submitted by various

    officers as indicated below.

    o %onthly rime /eviews.

    o %onthly /eports of 07POs and other

    0enior Officers in the field.

    Rol# o$ aiou& Polic# O$$ic#&"

    The =nit Officers are responsible for

    organizing and monitoring the maithri

    Programme regularly.

    The 0tation 6ouse Officer is responsible for

    setting up %aithri ommittees at the local

    and taking up various community policing

    activities with the active support of the local


    + 6ead onstable or a onstable shall act as

    the facilitator who should be in constant

    touch with the %aithri members and attend

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    to day"to"day matters relating to %aithri.

    +ll the supervisory officers should constantly

    guide and empower the 06Os in making the

    programme work successfully.


    o"ordination with the other governmental

    and non"governmental agencies is the most

    important aspect if %aithri Programme has to


    +s such 06Os Inspectors, 07POs and others

    including the =nit Officers should co"ordinate

    with other governmental and non"

    governmental functionaries broadly equal to

    their status and make the %aithri activities


    R#)a'& an' R#cognition"

    /ewards should be given liberally to all the

    police officers for organizing useful %aithri

    activities. ertificates of /ecognition should

    be given to %aithri %embers who do

    outstanding work, and due publicity should

    be given through the media for all the %aithriactivities.

    Maithi 9an' Boo:"

    ;or detailed guidelines *%aithri 6and #ook* in

    1nglish *%aithri 0utravali* in Telugu are

    published by the 7irector 9eneral of Police,


    Community R#lation&2

    ommunity /elations of the Police

    department involve mainly working with

    various socio"economic groups such as

    children, women, youth, daliths, tribals,

    minorities etc. on matters relating to

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    problems which have direct or indirect

    bearing on crime, law and order, traffic etc.

    such as2


    0uperstitions like witchcraft, sorcery,

    black magic, female infanticide, ogini and

    devadasi systems etc.

    o Problems of mission, run away and

    street children.



    o 6arassment of women.

    o 6azardous child labor.

    o Traffic accidents

    o 3atural calamities.

    o /ecidivism.

    o Duvenile delinquency.

    o 0ocial boycott and other social

    disabilities like untouchability.

    o Problems of victims of violence and


    o 0uicides.

    o hild prostitution.

    o 7rug addiction.

    In order to solve such problems the =nit

    Officers may devise programme such as2

    o #ack 6ome Proect for missing and run

    away children.

    o hild and Police Proect for children at

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image



    o Propaganda at the village level against

    local superstitions practices.

    o ;amily ounseling enters relating to

    domestic harassment of women.

    o 7e"addiction programme for alcohol and

    drug addicts.


    0ports activities for youth.

    o Traffic awareness programme for 6igh

    0chool and ollege students.

    o #lood donation and %edical camps and

    +ids awareness programme.


    1ducation and 0kill " 7evelopment

    programmes for street and working


    o 1ye camps and ;irst +id training

    programme for vehicle drivers.

    o :isit your Police programme.

    o The problems and programme listed

    above are not e)haustive. The unit officers

    and the field officers may organize

    community relations programme on

    monthly basis 0ub"division wise. The help

    and collaboration of various governmental,

    non"governmental and community"based

    organizations, professional and trade

    associations may be taken in organizing

    such programme.

    The 7irector 9eneral of Police and 7y.

    Inspector 9eneral of Police, ommunity

    /elations and %aithri should be kept

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    informed of all the ommunity /elations

    Programme so that they can guide the

    programmes wherever necessary.

    onduct of ommunity /elations Programme

    should find mention in the monthly reports of

    07POs and 0s.P.

    I'#nti$ication o$ $#lt

    n##'& o$ th#


    PO should identify the crime prone area,

    social evils, social conflicts, living conditions


    Identify vulnerable sections viz., disabled

    persons, orphans, women and children,

    street children, weaker sections, 0 ! 0Ts,

    unemployed youth, 0 ! 0T, child labor,

    uveniles, old aged, school children, victims,


    Identify felt needs of the community i.e.,

    community wise, vulnerable sections wise.

    PO should have the list ! nature of felt

    needs of the community in relation to police2

    o 6ead wise crime occurrence.

    o Traffic safety.

    o 0ocial vices.

    o ;actions.

    o ommunal incidents.


    hite collar offences.

    o 9roup rivalry.

    o Petty offences

    o 1ve teasing.

    o /agging.

    o %atrimonial matters.

    o hild labor.

    o =nemployed youth.

    o Threat perception from e)tremist point

    of view.

    o Threat perception from I0I activists

    point of view.

    o 0chool children needs.

    o Old aged person needs.

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    o 0lum area problems.

    o :ulnerable sections needs.

    Identify and form community liaison groups

    and imparting training in the followingsubects2

    o Purpose of community policing.

    o Process of community policing.

    o Individual counseling.

    o 9roup counseling.

    o %ediations.


    onflict resolutions.

    o ause and effect of social evils.

    o rime prevention " technology


    o -ife saving methods " first aid methods.

    o rime reporting.

    o :ictim and witness care.

    o Traffic safety.

    o +ssistance in investigation.

    o +ccess to police in emergency.

    o /oad accident " insurance claims.

    o -aw and procedures.

    Partnership with other institutions !

    organizations ! agencies ! individuals for

    problem solving, awareness and training.

    -iaison with other departments.

    I'#nti$ying oot

    cau& $o $#lt n##'&

    though th#i


    PO will identify the root causes for felt

    needs viz., poor lighting conditions may be

    causes for snatchings. This requires

    partnership of electricity department. -ike

    wise he should study the crime reported inhis area and study the felt needs and keep

    liaison with concerned departments in

    preventing offences.

    -ike wise PO will seek partnership of the

    community and other private organizations in

    analyzing the root cause analysis and take

    remedial steps in consultation with the 06O

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    and other departments in the larger interest

    of the public needs.

    PO in consultation with 06O seek the help !

    assistance of the following 9overnmentdepartments for taking remedial steps for the

    problems focused by the public2

    o ;ire department.

    o +mbulance services.

    o /evenue department.

    o %unicipal ! -ocal bodies.


    /.T..o /oads and #uildings.

    o 3ational 6ighway +uthority of India


    o 1ducation department.

    o %edical and 6ealth department.

    o 1lectricity department.

    o Telephone department.

    o Pollution ontrol #oard.

    o ater orks department.

    o /oad Transport +uthority.

    o -ions lubs.

    o /otary lubs.

    o haritable Trusts.

    o :oluntary 3on 9overnment


    Po%l#m &oling PO will be in touch with the community

    liaison group to know the problems.

    PO will organize meetings colony wise,

    sector wise and area wise to know the felt


    PO will maintain a register and enter the

    details of the problems area wise in a

    register and round up the problem as and

    when it is solved.

    %eetings to be organized mostly on 0undays

    as residence will be free to attend the


    If residents pose the problems of other

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    departments the PO in consultation with the

    06O keep liaison with the concerned

    departmental personnel and see that the

    issue are solved.

    PO will also identify e)pert resources for

    utilizing their services in solving problems.

    hile convening meetings PO will inform

    the probable dates for solving the issues.

    PO will communicate the emergency

    numbers and important numbers to the

    members of the community for their contactin case of need like police control room, fire,

    ambulance municipal, water works, hospitals,


    M##ting Plann# PO will prepare planner for meetings colony

    wise, felt need wise, vulnerable section wise,

    vulnerable area wise, ommunity -iaison

    9roup wise for various subects like road

    accidents, crime prevention methods, social

    evils, economic offences, women

    harassment, ragging, eve teasing etc.

    PO will ensure that the meetings are held as

    per schedule and enter the proceedings in

    minute book.

    06O should see that the problems discussed

    in the meeting are attended promptly.

    Contact 2 Su**ot

    Pogamm#& an'

    Di&ti%ution o$


    PO will also plan organizing various

    contact ! support programmes and plan for

    distribution of literature through pamphlets


    o rime prevention " technology

    integration on crime prevention.


    Occurrence of crime with %O details.

    o %ovement of suspicious strangers and

    known criminals.

    o Traffic safety.

    o 0ocial vices " impact on community.

    o rime and its occurrence and %O

    adopted by criminals.

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    o The PO shall make arrangements for

    circulation of the pamphlets.

    o #esides circulating pamphlets public to

    be cautioned through media, throughslides in cinema halls etc.

    ;ollowing is the suggestive list of ontact !

    0upport Programmes.

    o :ictim ontact ! 0upport Programme.

    o itness ontact ! 0upport Programme.

    o 0enior itizen ontact ! 0upport


    o 0chool ontact ! 0upport Programme.

    o Old +ge 6omes ontact ! 0upport


    o Orphanages ontact ! 0upport


    o %entally hallenged 9roup ontact !

    0upport Programme.

    o Technology Integration Proects for

    rime Prevention.

    o 0ahrudayam Proects.

    o Traffic Improvement Proects.

    o rime and Occurrence and %ethodology

    of rime.

    o +wareness on #ogus hit ;und !

    ;inance os.

    o Traffic 0afety " Insurance laims.

    o 0ocial 1vils " Impact on ommunity "


    o ommunal 6armony.


    6ow to Prevent hite ollar Offences.o 3eed for 7ata #ank of #lood 7onors and

    1ye 7onors.

    o 7readed 7isease +wareness.

    o rime /eporting Programmes.

    o rime 0cene Protection.

    o +ssistance in Investigation.


    Problem 0olving %ethods.

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    o ;irst +id and -ife 0aving.

    o Open 6ouse Programmes.

    o 3a)alism.


    Pseudo 3a)alism.

    o I0I +ctivities.

    o #omb 7isposal.

    o +ccess hannels to Police in 1mergency.

    o 7isaster %anagement.

    Plann# $o

    Coll#ction o$ .##'

    Bac: $omCommunity

    PO should plan for collection of feed back

    from community wise, felt need wise,

    problem solved, vulnerable area wise,

    vulnerable section wise and analyze the data

    whether the service rendered is satisfactory

    or other wise.

    The PO should bring the adverse feedback

    to the notice of the 06O for his assessment

    and action on genuine issues.

    If the request is beyond the control of police

    the concerned may be directed to seek

    redresal with the concerned department.

    PO can collect the data from e"ops,

    reception centers and petition monitoring

    system for analysis and for further action.

    Plann# $o Analy&i&

    an' Di&mination o$Community .##'


    PO should analyze the feed back from

    community and also data available fromother sources and in turn inform the

    community the impact of analysis.

    Im*act Analy&i& o$

    Community Policing

    PO should analyze the data and feed back

    and study the impact of community policing

    and need for improvement on the subects


    o Petitions reduced category"wise.

    o rime /eduction.

    o rime averted.

    o 3umber of offenders caught by


    o 3umber of offenders caught with the

    help of community.


    -ives saved by ommunity.

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image


    o rime scene protected with the help of


    o rime reporting by community.


    +ssistance in investigation.o ;ear of crime in the community.

    o Traffic 0afety.

    o 0ocial :ices eradication.

    o :ictim care and witness support.

    o 0ecurity %easures.

    o onviction of cases.


    onfidence -evels of the ommunity "

    0ense of 0afety and 0ecurity.

    O#all Ch#c: Li&t o$

    Community Policing

    E$$ot& an' R#&ult&

    PO should prepare a check list of

    community policing efforts and its results2

    o Problems identified.

    o Problems solved.

    o Problems yet to be solved.


    Targets fi)ed.

    o A of problems solved.

    o Plan for solving unresolved problems.

    En' R#&ult ommunity should be able to identify and

    solve their problems.

    ommunity should be able to prevent crime

    on their own.

    ommunity should be able to assist the

    police in ensuring safer living conditions.

  • 7/24/2019 Community Policing for Improving Police Image
