Community Organising As Nation Building

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  • 8/12/2019 Community Organising As Nation Building



    Community Organising As Nation Building

    Kunle Ajibade

    The British academic, rabbi and author of The Politics of Hope, Professor Jonathan

    Sacks, observes that community is society with a human face. It is larger than the

    individual but smaller than the state. According to him, it is where problems arebest understood and solved, where individuals not otherwise politically engaged

    can be enlisted in the service of others. Sacks goes further to say that the

    neighbourhood, the parish, the congregation, the youth club, the town union, the

    professional body, etc, are where people experience directly and immediately the

    power of working together to achieve what none of us can do alone. In the same

    vein, Tip ONeill of the US Democratic Party who represented Boston districts in the

    House of Representatives for 34 years and served as Speaker of the same House

    for ten years once said: All politics is local. It is local because the majority of

    informed citizens in their immediate neighbourhoods know when their politicians

    are serving them and when they are not. Woe betides any politician in the US who

    doesnt listen and act decisively on the complaints of his constituents.

    In the US, UK, Australia, Canada and South Africa, community organising is

    regarded as a capacity building process from the bottom up. Because of its

    importance, numerous books have been written on it. To mention just a few:

    Collective Action for Social Change: An Introduction to Community Organising by

    Aaron Schutz and Marie Sandy; Let the People Decide: Neighbourhood Organising

    in Americaby Robert Fisher; We Make Change: Community Organisers Talk About

    What They DoandWhyby Kristin Szakos and Joe Szakos; Small is Beautiful by EF

    Schumacher; and Defending Community Organising by Ben Smith. In those

    countries, as you all know, loyalties to their communities, sport clubs, schools,

    hospitals, bookstores, cultural and political institutions are always in full display.

    Between 1880 till date, the history of community organising has gone through

    many significant phases. From organising immigrant neighbourhood in urban

    centres through civil rights movements, anti-war movement, anti-apartheid

    movement, womens movement, feminist movement, the Arab spring movement,

    down to occupy wall street movement, and other movements. Citizens UK, for

    instance, has been promoting community organising in the United Kingdom since

    1989. It is a reputable alliance of community organisers and leaders. Citizens UK

    recognises that communities can empower themselves when they come together

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    to compel public authorities and businesses to respond to the needs of ordinary

    people. The following are the objectives of Citizens UK:

    To organise people through the places where they have regular contact with

    their neighbours faith institutions and workplaces and educational

    establishments. Our experience of practising broad based community

    organising across the UK has confirmed for us that the threads that onceconnected the individual to the family, the family to their community and the

    community to the wider society are fraying and in danger of breaking

    altogether. We believe these strands, connections and alliances are vital for a

    healthy democracy and should be the building blocks of any vibrant civil

    society. We believe in building for power which is fundamentally reciprocal,

    where both parties are influenced by each other and mutual respect develops.

    The power and influence that we seek is tempered by our religious teachings

    and moral values and is exercised in the fluid and ever-changing relationshipwith our fellow leaders, allies and adversaries. We value and seek to operate in

    the public sphere. We believe that UK public life should be occupied not just by

    a few celebrities and politicians but also by the people themselves seeking a

    part of the action.

    We gather on its website that Citizens UK has set up the Institute for Community

    Organising as part of its Centre for Civil Society established in 2010 in response to

    growing demands for training. In the same year it held a General Election Assembly

    at the Methodist Central Hall Westminster with 2,500 people from member

    institutions. The event was three days before the election. David Cameron, Nick

    Clegg and Gordon Brown as the leaders of the three main political parties were

    present at the event. Each candidate for Prime Minister was questioned on stage

    concerning his willingness to work with Citizens UK if elected. Each agreed to work

    with Citizens UK and come to future assemblies to give account of work achieved.

    When London announced it would bid to be the host city for the Olympic Games in

    2012, Citizens UK swung into action to ask for things of benefit to Londoners if thebid was successful. It demanded affordable homes for local people; that money

    from the Olympic development should be set aside to improve local schools and

    the health service; that at least 30% of jobs should be set aside for local people;

    that the Olympic Delivery Authority, the London Organising Committee for the

    Olympic Games and the Olympic Legacy Company work with Citizens UK to ensure

    that these promises are delivered.

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    Those who have read Barack Obamas carefully crafted memoirs, Dream From My

    Father: A Story of Race and Inheritancewill recall that when the then 22-year old

    Obama finished his first degree in Political Science and International Relations at

    the Columbia University in New York, he worked as a community organiser in

    Chicago. He worked with other organisers at Developing Communities Project

    between June 1985 and May 1988. They helped to fix run-down schools, parks andblack housing estates. They also helped to stop gang wars by the black youths. It

    was tough but they persisted. The experience would stand him in good stead as a

    law student in Harvard University where he became the first African-American to

    edit that university prestigious Law Reviewhe also was the first African-American

    to become the president of the same Law journal. The experience helped him

    during his campaigns for senatorial seat in Chicago. It helped immensely during the

    campaigns for the presidency of America. Obama is still very proud of his

    community organising experience. When some Republican candidates during the

    presidential campaign for his first term in office mocked his community organising

    days, his own campaign outfit retorted that Jesus Christ himself was a community

    organiser! And they proved it. Obama was merely building on the great traditions

    of community organising of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, among


    It is to the credit of Ken Saro-Wiwa and his Movement for the Survival of Ogoni

    People that they drew on the inspiring examples of the non-violent community

    organising strategies of some of the famous civil rights movements when they

    launched their justified campaign against the maltreatments of Ogoni by the

    Federal Government and the oil companies in the Niger Delta. With a very

    articulate leadership whose robust arguments were unassailable, the cause of

    Ogoni was immeasurably served. The Ogoni Bill of Rightswhich Saro-Wiwa wrote

    was sent to the international community. All the accused in that bill of rights had to

    explain themselves. The genocide that Saro-Wiwa and the Movement for the

    Survival of Ogoni People pointed out may not have been completely redressed but

    they managed to bring to the attention of the world the injustice of an oil bearing

    community that gets nothing in return. The Cuban July 26 Movement which

    overthrew the dictator Fulgencio Batista would not have had the audacity to

    liberate Cubans from political oppression and economic exploitation if Fidel Castro,

    Ernesto Guevara and other leaders and mobilisers had kept silent in the face of

    tyranny. Will South Africa not have remained a killing field and a country of

    apartheid minority rule if Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo, AhmedKathrada, Govan Mbeki and a host of others had not energised the African National

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    Congress to struggle for a multi-racial democracy? Are there, or are there not,

    some useful lessons for us in all these? Leaders in communities ought to be

    positive forces of history and agents of change.

    There is no country without its own share of problems. The so-called civilised

    countries of the world have their own uncivilised conducts. The difference

    between those countries and our country is that while we generally spend our

    energy agonising over our problems, they spend their own time, resources and

    energy to find solution to their problems. While we tend to settle for make-shift

    arrangement, they prefer lasting solutions. Most of the time, we plan for ten years,

    while they plan for 100 years. In those societies, an older generation believes that

    it owes the next generation a key to the future. Here the older generation stupidly

    creates more problems for the new. If families and communities are raised on a

    diet of vices, we should not expect the country at large to be virtuous. We should

    not expect leaders thrown up by such communities to have any sense of obligation

    to the country.

    In our various communities, in our neighbourhoods, we experience many selfish,

    greedy and incompetent leaders and followers; we experience insecurity, failed

    infrastructure, epileptic power supply, bad schools, bad hospitals, kidnapping,

    unemployment, and lack of faith in the country. We have laws but we obey them

    selectively, if we are not outrightly breaching them. Our country must be the only

    oil bearing country in the world where its people pay through the nose for fuel and

    suffer periodically for its scarcity and hoarding. What is certain in our country is

    uncertainty itself which puts a lot of people in a permanent state of anxiety. The

    sanctity of human life in our country is constantly and recklessly violated. The

    inequality in our country is so pronounced now as a tiny few have cornered the

    wealth meant for the majority. So many citizens are now alienated, living like aliens

    in their homeland. The roads in your neighbourhoods are bad. Instead of

    organising to compel the government to fix them, you prefer to buy more sportsutility vehicles for yourself and family members to absorb the shocks on the roads.

    People who have a sense of self-worth will not do that. Schools in your

    communities are bad. Instead of joining others for mass action to fix them, you

    prefer to steal to send your children to schools abroad. We are so good at

    lamenting in this country. When light is taken in our neighbourhoods you hear the

    shout NEPA! And it all ends there. When we cant complete the calls for which we

    are charged, we will just say network failure as if that will put an end to the rip-off

    by the GSM service providers. Avoidable tanker accidents occur on our expressway,

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    burn down people and their vehicles, and the rest of us resign to fate and say, its

    their destiny. Just like that! It ends there. We move on as if nothing has happened.

    This rubbish must stop. With this kind of attitude, modernity will continue to elude

    us. Barbarians will remain kings in our country. I can go on and on. One good way

    of stopping this drift is to learn to build caring communities communities where

    we will have concerns for one another.

    For our country is underdeveloped not because we dont have brilliant people, not

    because Nigeria does not have abundant material resources, but because of our

    obsessive tolerance of foolish behaviours. We refuse to use the potent power of

    the collective to call our rulers to order. Why cant we organise and demand for

    welfare programmes for the army of unemployed youths and other vulnerable

    people in our country? Why cant we organise effectively to demand for cheap and

    affordable transportation system? Why cant we insist on proper accounting from

    our leaders? If we dont take ourselves seriously, the rest of the world willcontinue

    to treat us shabbily. To guide our steps as we rise to the challenge of community

    and national responsibilities, we surely need leaders with courage, wisdom,

    emotional intelligence, and core principle; leaders who will see the good in others,

    who will quit when it is time for them to do so, who will know when to say no. In

    Mandelas Way,Richard Stengel wrote that Nelson Mandela loved to listen, that he

    loved to summarise and then sought to mould opinion and steer people towards

    an action. The Mandelas model of leadership, in the words of Stengel, is better

    expressed as ubuntu, the idea that people are empowered by other people, that

    we become our best selves through unselfish interaction with others. That is the

    kind of leadership we need.

    Finally, let me reiterate the kernel of my argument: that we will not have a good

    society if we dont wake up to our obligations as citizens by getting ourselves

    organised in our communities for good causes. If you allow your inalienable

    community power to be taken away, you have no right to complain that yourinterests are not well served by your enslavers. I believe that we can, in unison,

    move mountain if we put our minds to it.

    *The 1st

    Adewale Adesanya Memorial Lecture delivered on 13 March, 2014 by Mr.

    Kunle Ajibade, Executive Editor, TheNEWS/P.M.NEWS at NECA House, CBD, Alausa,

    Ikeja, Lagos.

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    Mr. Wale Adesanya loved his familyboth the immediate and the extended. He

    cared for his friends. He loved his country. He was always very active in any

    community where he found himself, believing that human capital was essential

    to growth and development. Our gathering here this morning is therefore a

    fitting tribute to him. And it is to his memory and spirit I dedicate this lecture.