community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the...

The Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word one which represents the myriad contributions being made in the fields of medicine and health, energy and water, food and agriculture, information technology and cyber security, aerospace and defense - indeed, all the disciplines of scientific research and innovation - where discoveries are being made by Americans of Indian origin and by those Individuals, Companies, and Institutions with bonds and ties connecting the United States and India. The Common DNA that inspires this community is Freedom, which endows the peoples of our countries with the blessing of free thought: the ability to keep an open mind and to question, the hunger to ponder and learn, to explore, to aspire, and to speak out spawning great discoveries and scientific breakthroughs as well as entrepreneurial bursts of light. The Mission of the ‘Indo-U.S. Brain Trust’ is to shine the torch light on breakthroughs in scientific research as well as on investigative collaborations underway, across all disciplines, which exemplify genuine partnership between Indian and American innovators, highlighting how these discoveries and partnerships are making the world a better, safer place. The Brain Trust will be comprised of scientists, academics, researchers, technologists, and entrepreneurs who share a strong bond and connection with India. The members are from India and United State of America, expert from all sectors, i.e. life sciences, medical research, the health field, agriculture, water, space, IT, energy, cyber, environment, IP, etc. IUSBT has organized a reception in honor of Indian Delegation of Science and Technology, from government of India. This was led by extraordinary leadership of Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary Department of Science and Technology, Dr. Rajiv Tayal, Chairman of Indo-US Science & Technology Forum, Prof. Indranil Manna, Director IIT Kanpur & Co-Chair IUSSTF, Mr. H K Mittal, Head of NEB division of Science & Technology, Dr. Amitava Bandopadhyay, Chief Scientist & Head of International Science & Technology Affairs Directorate and Dr. Amitava Mitra, Advisor & Head International Bilateral Cooperation, Mr. Ravi Srivastava, Trade & Economics Officer and Dr. Tarun Mohindra, Counselor Science & Technology, and Mr. N. K. Mishra, Minister Community Affairs, Embassy of India and distinguished scientists, researcher and officer from State Department, National Science Foundation, Center of Disease Control, American Association of Advancement of Science, Department of Science and Technology cooperation, NIH & FDA and pharmaceuticals leaders were the guest.

Transcript of community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the...

Page 1: community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word – one which represents the myriad contributions being made in the fields of

The Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word – one which represents the myriad

contributions being made in the fields of medicine and health, energy and water, food and agriculture,

information technology and cyber security, aerospace and defense - indeed, all the disciplines of scientific

research and innovation - where discoveries are being made by Americans of Indian origin and by those

Individuals, Companies, and Institutions with bonds and ties connecting the United States and India.

The Common DNA that inspires this community is Freedom, which endows the peoples of our countries with

the blessing of free thought: the ability to keep an open mind and to question, the hunger to ponder and learn,

to explore, to aspire, and to speak out – spawning great discoveries and scientific breakthroughs as well as

entrepreneurial bursts of light.

The Mission of the ‘Indo-U.S. Brain Trust’ is to shine the torch light on breakthroughs in scientific research

as well as on investigative collaborations underway, across all disciplines, which exemplify genuine

partnership between Indian and American innovators, highlighting how these discoveries and partnerships are

making the world a better, safer place.

The Brain Trust will be comprised of scientists, academics, researchers, technologists, and entrepreneurs who share a strong bond and connection with India. The members are from India and United State of America, expert from all sectors, i.e. life sciences, medical research, the health field, agriculture, water, space, IT, energy, cyber, environment, IP, etc.

IUSBT has organized a reception in honor of Indian Delegation of Science and Technology, from government of India. This was led by extraordinary leadership of Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary Department of Science and Technology, Dr. Rajiv Tayal, Chairman of Indo-US Science & Technology Forum, Prof. Indranil Manna, Director IIT Kanpur & Co-Chair IUSSTF, Mr. H K Mittal, Head of NEB division of Science & Technology, Dr. Amitava Bandopadhyay, Chief Scientist & Head of International Science & Technology Affairs Directorate and Dr. Amitava Mitra, Advisor & Head International Bilateral Cooperation, Mr. Ravi Srivastava, Trade & Economics Officer and Dr. Tarun Mohindra, Counselor Science & Technology, and Mr. N. K. Mishra, Minister Community Affairs, Embassy of India and distinguished scientists, researcher and officer from State Department, National Science Foundation, Center of Disease Control, American Association of Advancement of Science, Department of Science and Technology cooperation, NIH & FDA and pharmaceuticals leaders were the guest.

Page 2: community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word – one which represents the myriad contributions being made in the fields of

Prof. Ashutose Sharma, Hon’ble Secretary DST addressed the guests, speaking on the new heights in the progress, cooperation’s and opportunities between India and United State, he mention about upcoming collaborations in area of common and global interests and he honored the guest to answers the questions of their concerns.

Dr. Rajiv Tayal, Chairman IUSSTF speak on the efforts of the organizations to strengthen and energize the partnership and collaborations between India and United State.

Mr. Jonathan Margolis, Deputy Assistant Secretary and Acting Bureau of Oceans, Environment & Science speak about the current collaborations and future collective cooperation between US-India and President Obama’s vision of our partnership for the science and technology.

Mr. Anil Srivastava, President Open Health Systems Laboratory given a talk on Data Intensive Science as

the platform for India-US Cooperation in Science &Technology, there is a need of in this new era of

cooperation in this area of Data Intensive Science and Discovery will provide leads in health and

Biomedical and research for major diseases. IUSBT will propose the collaboration on Bilateral India-US

agreement on biomedical data cooperation, Collaboration on data attribution and citation practices and

Health & biomedical data scientific data policy.

India and the United States are the two of the leading knowledge economies. And they have a common

language for higher education and science and technology. As President Obama said during his visit to

India: “India and the United States are not just natural partners, but that America can be India’s best

partner.” Earlier this month, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Director General of Indian Council for Medical

Research (ICMR) brought together a group of thought leaders in the field if cancer research and

treatment to constitute a blue ribbon team to review US Cancer Moonshot Initiative with a view to

create a similar overarching program in India leveraging India’s many efforts in that direction.

In his first Address to Joint Session of Congress in February 2009, President Obama called for a

“…cure for cancer in our lifetime” and his last State of the Union (2016) announce the Cancer

Moonshot. The US investment over 40 years of the National Cancer Act of 1937 not only established the

National Cancer Institute but over these years invested and created a community of cancer researchers

whose experience and knowledge is available to share with Indian researchers and clinicians and

working together India and United States can find the cure for cancer.

The knowledge of Ayurveda helps us identify botanical active pharmaceutical ingredients (BAPI). The

Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) is a valuable source for formulations of various systems

of Indian medicine, such as Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha. This combined with fast throughput

screening if molecules using in silico drug design could provide us with candidate botanical

ingredients with therapeutic pathways.

Dr. Harish Dave, Managing Partner- Global Biopharm Opportunity Fond has addressed the opportunities

for funding the new promising molecules for future drug development.

GBO Capital is a partnership formed to attract and deploy capital into the drug development space with

a focus on early stage development. We are a lean, virtual group of drug development experts,

investment bankers and pharmaceutical executives with deep financial and drug industry domain

expertise that enables us to identify promising candidate molecules and offer a financial solution that

benefits patients, investors and the pharma company. Our financial and development strategies center

Page 3: community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word – one which represents the myriad contributions being made in the fields of

on innovative financial and drug development solutions enabling us to bring the truly active drugs to

market faster while rapidly eliminating the inactive or unsafe drugs, thereby saving time and money and

reducing the overall cost of development. This, in turn, should result in safer, more active drugs entering

the market place and at a price point that makes the drugs affordable to a broad population.

In the context of the Indo-US partnership, we have the highest regard for the basic scientists and

medicinal chemists in India and are pleased to see Indian pharma industry moving from the generics

model to new drug innovation. Much of the fundamental research that leads to innovation occurs at

national institutes and at universities (as opposed to biotech or pharma companies), where the

individual innovator may not have a clear path to what steps are needed to commercialize their

discovery or even to be able to assess its true worth. GBO Capital partners offer experience based

solutions to guide individual scientists and institutions through the drug development process to

safeguard their intellectual property and partner them with strategic investors to help commercialize

the product globally. We stand ready to groom the next generation of Indian entrepreneurs in the

pharmaceutical industry and to share hard won insights in the process.

Millennia of knowledge and expertise in Ayurvedic medicine in India has great potential to yield

breakthrough therapies. Rigorous application of modern drug discovery and drug development

principles has the potential for an explosion of India sourced New Drug Applications. Furthermore, there

is a high likelihood of these molecules addressing diseases that have a high prevalence in our population

and more likely be “fit-for-purpose”, addressing a range of tropical diseases that are relatively neglected

by Western pharma developers.

We at GBO Capital Partners are excited by the opportunity that the Indo-US partnership represents and

look forward to developing an enduring relationship with Indian scientists through this forum, and

playing a role in establishing India as leading source of pharmaceutical innovation just as has happened

in the IT sector.

Page 4: community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word – one which represents the myriad contributions being made in the fields of
Page 5: community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word – one which represents the myriad contributions being made in the fields of
Page 6: community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word – one which represents the myriad contributions being made in the fields of
Page 7: community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word – one which represents the myriad contributions being made in the fields of
Page 8: community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word – one which represents the myriad contributions being made in the fields of
Page 9: community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word – one which represents the myriad contributions being made in the fields of
Page 10: community - Indo-U.S. Brain TrustThe Indo-U.S. Brain Trust is a community in the best sense of the word – one which represents the myriad contributions being made in the fields of