Community & Environment Services PublicConsultation D blue.pdf · T heg nr al isuc ov dby t...

Public Consultation Headstone South parking review Main Road and Junction Proposals We have proposals to improve traffic flows on the main roads, improve junction visibility and facilitate access for emergency and refuse vehicles. This is your opportunity to have your say. Please read this document – It affects you and your views matter. Community & Environment Services 101

Transcript of Community & Environment Services PublicConsultation D blue.pdf · T heg nr al isuc ov dby t...

  • Public ConsultationHeadstone South parking reviewMain Road and Junction Proposals

    We have proposals to improve traffic flows on the mainroads, improve junction visibility and facilitate access for

    emergency and refuse vehicles.

    This is your opportunity to have your say.

    Please read this document – It affects you and your views matter.

    Community & Environment Services


  • This stage of the consultation process

    For your information we enclose:

    • Plan P1 showing location of proposed junctiondouble yellow lines and the possible newcontrolled parking zone.

    • Detailed plan showing the parking restrictionproposals for your area and the bay layoutwithin the proposed CPZ. Permit parking baysand the single yellow lines in CPZ’s operate forthe zone times, in this instances that would beMonday to Friday 11am – 12noon. Outside thisperiod only the separately signed lines anddouble yellow lines would apply.

    • Response form.

    Plans displayed

    We will display detailed plans in the council’s OneStop Shop at the Civic Centre in Station Road.Officers will be available if you want to ask themabout the scheme or discuss the proposals.

    Additionally we will exhibit the proposals onTuesday 16th September between 10.30amand 2pm and on Wednesday 17th Septemberbetween 5pm and 8pm in St George’s Church,Harrow View. The exhibition will be just inside thechurch building. At both locations officers will beavailable if you want to ask them about thescheme or discuss the proposals.

    We need your views so that we can make theright decision.

    We want to make sure that everyone who may beaffected by these proposals knows what ishappening and has the opportunity to let us knowwhat they think.

    What is this about?

    We are looking at changes in parking provisionparticularly on and around Pinner Road betweenHarrow and North Harrow possible including acontrolled parking zone (CPZ) in the county roadsclosest to the central Harrow CPZ. Although themain parking consultation is about changes northof Pinner Road and east of Pinner View, we arelooking to address parking issues across most ofthe Headstone South ward.

    People tell us that parking right up to the junctionscauses visibility problems and can obstruct refuseand emergency service vehicles. We are proposingdouble yellow lines close to the junctions to helpthis. We are also looking at the parking restrictionson the main roads, particularly Pinner Road eastof Station Road. We want to know your views onproposed restrictions.

    The general issues covered by this consultationinclude:

    • We need to review of parking restrictions onPinner Road. We have new responsibilities toaddress congestion on the borough’s busiestroads. There are also problems near some ofthe main junctions such as Station Road.

    • A large proportion of accidents take place at ornear junctions on the main roads. Parking nearthese junctions can make visibility difficult andincrease the risk of accidents. We propose doubleyellow lines to keep parking away from junctions.

    • We also propose double yellow lines at roadjunctions within the CPZ, and in areas whereparking causes problems for visibility and refuseor emergency vehicle access. A plan showingthe proposed double yellow lines is included.

    Headstone South parking reviewMain Road and Junction Restrictions

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    Plan P1 - Junction restrictions and possible new CPZ

    0 7035 Meters






















    Proposed CPZ Area

    Existing CPZ Mon-Sat 8.30am-6.30pm

    � Proposed junction double yellow lines� Existing or agreed double yellow lines

  • Via the Web

    This document is also available online

    Traffic and Road SafetyHarrow CouncilP.O. Box 39Civic CentreHarrowMiddlesex. HA1 2XA

    Please complete the enclosed response form andreturn it in the reply paid envelope provided, toreach us by 26 September 2008.

    What happens next?

    We will look at all the responses and reviseproposals, taking these into consideration.

    We will advertise the revised scheme by placingnotices on street and in the local paper (HarrowTimes) and explain where the plans can be seen.This will give people the chance to comment onthe scheme or object if they wish. We considerthese before making a final decision on whatscheme, if any, we should put in.

    We probably will not look at starting work in yourarea before autumn 2009 due to the requiredfunding and legal procedures.

    More information

    Due to the large number of responses, we will beunable to reply to your questionnaire responsesindividually. If you have any further questionsabout the scheme, or wish to know the outcomeof the consultation, please contact the projectengineer, Stephen Freeman on 020 8424 1437or e-mail [email protected] orwrite to the address below. We will put theconsultation results and other progressinformation on the council’s under the “transportand streets” tab.