community directory - Shire of Glenelg · Community Directory Community and Culture Department Aged...

community directory

Transcript of community directory - Shire of Glenelg · Community Directory Community and Culture Department Aged...

Page 1: community directory - Shire of Glenelg · Community Directory Community and Culture Department Aged and Disability Services At Glenelg Shire we offer a range of support services for


Page 2: community directory - Shire of Glenelg · Community Directory Community and Culture Department Aged and Disability Services At Glenelg Shire we offer a range of support services for

Further information is available from the Glenelg Shire Council website

Published by Glenelg Shire Council, Portland, Victoria. 27 November 2013

Designed by o2 Media, Warrnambool, Victoria.

Community Directory


03 Emergency Numbers

05 Health and Welfare

06 Council Community Services

08 Glenelg Shire Council

08 Aged and Disability Services

09 All Abilities Development

10 Child and Family Services

12 Recreation Services

16 Library Services

18 Youth Services

19 Community Development

20 Arts and Culture

22 Community Directory

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Glenelg Shire Council

Emergency Numbers


PoliceCasterton 5581 1024Dartmoor 5528 1222Heywood 5527 1614Merino 5579 1205Portland 5523 1999

HospitalCasterton 5554 2555Heywood 5527 0555Portland 5521 0333

SESFloods & Storm Emergencies 132 500

Coast GuardMarine Rescue 5523 6111

PowercorFaults & Difficulties 132 412Enquiries 132 206

Energy Safe VictoriaGas Emergencies (24 Hour service) 132 771

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Community Directory

TruenergyService & Information 132 898

WaterWannon Region Water Authority 1300 926 666Emergencies 1300 926 668

R.A.C.V.Service & Information 131 111

Tow TrucksPortland 5523 3298 or 0418 523 256Casterton 5581 1166 or 0419 310 584Heywood 5527 1633 or 0427 159 759

Red CrossBlood Services 13 14 95

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Glenelg Shire Council

Health and Welfare

Emergency ServicesChild Protection & Family Support 131 278OzChild 1300 361 680Department of Human Services 5226 4540Drug & Alcohol (Quamby) Glenelg & Sthn Grampians Drug Treatment

5521 0350

Translating & Interpreting Services

131 450

Kid’s Help Line 1800 551 800Life Line – South West Victoria 131 114Loaves & Fishes Portland & District Emergency Relief Centre

5521 1057

MoneyHelp 1800 149 689Poisons Information Centre 131 126Mental Health Services 5522 1000

(A/H) 1800 808 284 or 5563 1222

Salvation Army 5523 3749 or 0418 173 191

South West Centre Against Sexual Assault

1800 806 292 or 5564 4149

St Vincent De Paul 5581 2161Victims Support Agency 1800 819 817Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service

1800 015 188

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Community Directory

Emergency AccommodationBrophy Family & Youth Services 5523 2411Domestic Violence Services 1800 200 526Emma House 5521 7937Salvo Connect Support Service 5521 8134 or

1800 993 095Salvo Connect Emergency Housing

5522 1480

Council Community Services

Council provides services that benefit the community, including:• Aged & Disability Services• Child & Family Services• Recreation• Aboriginal Development• Support for children with

additional needs• Library• Youth• Arts & Culture• Community Development• Health and Wellbeing

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Glenelg Shire Council

Contact DetailsAged & Disability 5522 2232

0403 602 403Child & Family Services 5522 2211Support for children with additional needs

5522 2213

Recreation 5522 23460428 185 050

Youth 5522 21370400 151 447

Library 5522 22650418 172 594

All Abilities Development (Access and Inclusion)

5522 2359 0466 004 704

Arts 5522 23010409 134 488

Cultural Collection 5522 2319Community Development 5522 2220Aboriginal Development 5522 2243Immunisation 5522 2211

Further information is available from the Glenelg Shire Council website:

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Aged and Disability ServicesAt Glenelg Shire we offer a range of support services for people over seventy, people with disabilities, and for carers. Some of our services are subsidised, while others are offered on a user-pays basis. Our Aged and Disability Services help people remain in their homes while maintaining their independence and their access to the community. They are designed to enhance the physical and emotional wellbeing of individuals and their carers.

Our services include:

Home Care Assistance with household tasks such as cleaning, laundry, personal business and shopping.

Property Maintenance such as mowing, edging, essential pruning and lopping, rubbish removal, minor household repairs and handrail installation.

Food Services can deliver a two-course midday meal seven (7) days a week to people whose circumstances make it difficult for them to prepare meals, whether on a short or long-term basis.

Respite Care allows carers to take part in activities they enjoy, attend to business or just have some ‘time out’. If you are a carer we will develop an Assessment and Care Plan with you and the person you care for, to ensure that your loved one receives the best attention possible while you enjoy a break.

Glenelg Shire Council

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Glenelg Shire Council

Personal Care is designed to assist people over seventy, and people with disabilities, with personal hygiene and morning routines such as getting out of bed, mobility and eating routines.

Planned Activity Groups throughout Glenelg Shire provide social and recreational opportunities for frail, aged people, and for people with disabilities. Our programs provide entertainment while helping people to maintain their independence and develop new skills. They offer respite to carers by giving them the chance to take a break. Planned Activity Groups meet in Heywood (‘Riverwood’) and in Portland (‘Kurrajong’). Planned activity groups also operate in Casterton, Merino and Dartmoor.

All Abilities Development (Access and Inclusion)This service is designed to help people with a disability, and their carers, to participate in all aspects of community life. All Abilities Development (Access and Inclusion) encourages and assists community groups and services to find innovative ways to include people with disabilities in their activities.

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Child and Family ServicesCouncil provides a range of early years care and education options.

Our Services include:

Long Day Care/Occasional Care: This centre-based care and education caters for children from 4 weeks old to 6 years of age. Full and half days available.

Family Day Care: Family Day Care caters for children aged from 0 to 12 years. It offers a flexible option for families who would like their children to be cared for in the homes of registered early childhood educators (carers).

In-Venue Care: In this variation to Family Day Care registered early childhood educators provide care and education for children from a venue other than their homes.

In-Home Care: In-Home Care offers parents the option of having their child cared and educated in their own home by registered early providers. In-home care caters for children aged from 0 to 12 years.

Kindergarten: Kindergarten, or ‘pre-school’, is a form of for children aged between 3 and 5 years. It serves as a transition from home to more formal schooling.

Glenelg Shire is a kindergarten cluster manager. This means that we manage a number of kindergartens and that our cluster is designed to support and assist voluntary parent committees of management in the operation and running of their kindergarten programs.

If you would like to enroll your child in a kindergarten program, visit the one that interests you and ask about enrolment.

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Maternal & Child Health (MCH) Services: This is a free service for families with children from 0 to 6 years of age. Our service offers support, information and advice on parenting, child health and development, immunisation, breastfeeding and nutrition, universal MCH and enhanced MCH.

Immunisation: We keep records of immunisations carried out by our Maternal and Child Health Nurses. We also coordinate the secondary school-based immunisation sessions program for year 7, year 9 (boys) and year 10 students. These sessions offer vaccinations against Hepatitis B, Chickenpox, Human Papillomavirus and Adult Diphtheria and Tetanus.

Glenelg Shire Council

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Recreation ServicesWe provide and support a range of sporting and recreational facilities throughout our Shire.

These include 3 stadiums, 12 recreation reserves, 30 pavilions, 4 aquatic facilities, 28 playgrounds and 3 skate-parks. The Glenelg Shire Council provides and supports a range of sporting and recreation facilities throughout the Shire.

We are committed to promoting health and wellbeing in our community, and ensuring that when it comes to recreational opportunities there is something for everyone, of whatever age or ability.

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Glenelg Shire Council

Club Development: We provide training opportunities for committee members and volunteers to enhance their skills in operating and managing their clubs.

Club Directory: We maintain a directory of clubs and community organisations on our website.

Community Fitness: We recognise the health benefits associated with participation in sport and recreation, and encourage our residents to become more active.

Recreation Forums: We conduct recreation forums across the Shire in order to exchange information and ideas with sporting and community groups.

Holiday Programs: We fund a range of school holiday programs. These are delivered by a variety of local organisations, the Library and the Arts Centre.

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Walking: Our Shire is fortunate to have one of the best walks in the world: The Great South West Walk. We are presently developing The Kelpie Trail in Casterton, the Heywood River Walk and the Merino Walking Trail.

Community Grants: Our community Grants Program assists community organisations and groups with activities and facilities designed to benefit Glenelg Shire residents

Grant categories:• Recreation• Public Halls• Tourism• Arts, Culture and Heritage• Community Plan support• Community Support

You will find information about our Community Grants on our website at or by calling (03) 5522 2200.

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Glenelg Shire Council


• Annual Calendar. You can register your event with the Portland Visitor Information Centre on 1800 035 567, or list it in the Events Calendar on our website:

• South West Games: These are conducted annually and hosted in turn by Glenelg Shire, Shire of Southern Grampians, Warrnambool City Council and Corangamite Shire.

• Reconciliation Week celebrations.• International Day of People with a Disability – One and All

Party.• Seniors Event – Casterton and Portland.


• Casterton Kelpie Festival – held on the June Long Weekend.

• Heywood Wood, Wine and Roses Festival – held on the last Saturday in February.

• Portland Upwelling Festival – held on the Saturday before Melbourne Cup Day.

E-Newsletter: We distribute an electronic newsletter to all sporting, recreational and community groups via email each quarter. It outlines grants available, new legislation, helpful information and major events and initiatives taking place. If you would like to register to receive our e-Newsletter, just contact us on 5522 2346.

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Library ServicesWe provide library and information services across Glenelg Shire through our branches at Portland, Heywood and Casterton. We offer outreach library services to the communities of Dartmoor, Digby, Merino and Nelson. Membership of Glenelg Libraries is free, and anyone can join.

Items for Loan: Once you are a member of Glenelg Libraries you are welcome to borrow from a collection of over 30,000 books, magazines, videos, DVD’s, CD ROMs and audio books.

Online Resources: You will find a range of databases – including information on health, science, pictures and general reference – online at

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Glenelg Shire Council

Technologies: All our library branches provide computer workstations that offer access to the internet, email, printers, scanners and other accessories. Portland branch has an IT training room that is available for hire as well as a range of equipment such as multi-media projectors, laptops and digital cameras.

Things to do and see at libraries:

• Internet, technology and computer information sessions• Internet research courses• Guests Speakers• Community Art Exhibitions• Book Chat• Youth Programs and Activities• Pre-School Story Time/Rhyme Time• School Holiday Activities• Children’s Workshops and Performances

Conference/Community Meeting Room: We have a conference/meeting room with attached kitchenette for hire at the Library/DiscoverIT Centre in Portland. Presentation equipment, whiteboard, etc. is provided in the Conference Room. This facility is available free for community group meetings from time to time. Ask at the library if you’d like to make a booking.

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Community Directory

Youth ServicesCouncil provides opportunities for young people to participate in youth activities and events while developing organisational and leadership skills.

We work with young people across the shire to deliver the FreeZa program, National Youth Week initiatives and provide activities through the Engage! and Voices and Choices Programs. These programs encourage young people to become involved in planning and delivering a variety of activities and events in their local community. They are then supported to become involved in further participation and decision making, resulting in a strong connection to their community.

We also deliver a youth-orientated school holiday program throughout the year providing a wide range of activities for young people across the shire that includes art, music, dance and outdoor and active pursuits.

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Glenelg Shire Council

Community DevelopmentCouncil encourages communities in Glenelg Shire to take collective action and generate solutions to shared problems. Council acts on behalf of our communities by advocating needs and preferences to political decision-makers and service providers. Council officers also provide practical advice and assistance in seeking grants, managing projects and creating economic opportunities.

Volunteering: is the backbone of all Glenelg Shire communities. It helps people to develop their skills, connects residents to those around them and creates stronger, healthier communities. We support volunteering throughout our municipality in many ways:

• We hold Volunteer Recognition Receptions each May during National Volunteers week.

• We have devised a Volunteer Strategy to help sustain and strengthen volunteering in the Glenelg Shire.

• We encourage prospective volunteers and community organisations looking for volunteers to find each other by using the on-line Victorian Volunteering Portal (

We offer volunteering opportunities to community members who would like to help out in our libraries, our aged-care services and in our visitor information centres.

We provide training workshops for volunteers and volunteer coordinators at different times throughout the year.

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Community Directory

Arts and CultureGlenelg Shire Arts Program: Council offers a diverse and busy program of professional touring performances and exhibitions (principally work by local artists) for the enjoyment of our residents and visitors. All exhibitions and the majority of performances are presented in the Portland Arts Centre, but alternative venues in Portland and other towns in Glenelg Shire are also used from time to time. In line with our Cultural Strategy, Council also provide on-going assistance to local arts organisations and offers a range of community programs and projects.

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The Julia Street Creative Space: This visual arts complex is located at 19-21 Julia Street Portland. The building is owned by Glenelg Shire Council, and the complex is managed by volunteers from a number of different arts and crafts group. A diverse range of workshops and other community arts activities are provided from this facility.

The Julia Street Creative Space is unique to western Victoria. It offers several fine workshop spaces available for hire by local and visiting artists. The Julia Street Creative Space has a sales outlet and includes the June Hedditch Apartment, which is available at affordable rates to visiting artists across all genres.

Cultural Collection: Council’s Cultural Collection contains approximately 9000 items. The collection includes art, maritime, civic and social history objects relating to the rich cultural history of Glenelg Shire since European settlement. The collection is housed and displayed at a number of sites throughout our Shire including History House, the Maritime Discovery Centre, Rocket Shed and Casterton Town Hall. Our Cultural Collection includes a range of notable objects including two of national significance: the 1834 Henty Plough and the 1858 Portland Lifeboat.

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Community Directory

Australia PostCasterton 5581 1117Dartmoor 5528 1319Digby 5579 3281Heywood 5527 1721Merino 5579 1304Narrawong 5529 5346

Child and Family Services

Brophy Family & Youth Services5523 2411

or 5522 1480Child Abuse Prevention Services 1800 688 009Childcare and Kindergarten:

Children’s Centre 5528 1227Early Learning Centre 5527 1118Elsa Macleod Kindergarten 5523 2680Heywood Kindergarten 5527 1382Jaycee Kindergarten 5523 2482Kalbarri Kindergarten 5523 4973Kathleen Millikan Centre 5522 2211Karreeta Peeneeyt Marr (Child and Family Complex)

5522 2211

Pre-School Centre 5523 1084

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Child and Family Services Continued...DHS Specialist Children’s Services 5523 9999Family Day Care/ In Home Care Services

5522 2231

Foster Care (OzChild) 1300 361 680

Glenelg Shire Council – Youth0400 151 447 or 5522 2137

Goodstart Early Learning 5521 1433Immunisation Services – For appointments 5522 2211

Centre locations:CastertonDartmoorHeywoodPortland

Inclusive Directions (Warrnambool Office)

5561 4535 or 0402 781 204

Portland District Health – Youth0409 956 700 or 5522 1178

New Parent Groups 5522 2211OzChild – Aboriginal Playgroup Portland

5521 0242

Winda Mara Aboriginal Corporation – Aboriginal Playgroup

5527 0000

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Community ServicesCasterton Caravan Park – Bookings 0457 414 187Casterton Library 5554 2444Casterton Saleyards 5581 1360Casterton Swimming Pool 5581 1642Casterton Town Hall (Bookings) 5554 2444Fawthrop Community Centre 5522 2284Heywood Community Hall 5527 0666Heywood Library 5527 0666Heywood Swimming Pool 5527 1344History House 5522 2266Merino Swimming Pool 5579 1358

Churches and Religious GroupsAnglican Church – Casterton-Coleraine 5575 2152Anglican Church – Portland-Heywood 5521 7938Baptist Union – Portland 5523 2257Portland Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses

5521 1096

Catholic Church – Casterton 5581 1044Catholic Church – Portland 5523 1046Church of Christ – Portland 5523 1574Lutheran Church – Portland-Heywood 5523 1467Presbyterian Church – Portland-Heywood 5523 6204Salvation Army – Portland 5523 3749South West Community Church 5523 4289Uniting Church – Portland-Heywood 5523 4120

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Glenelg Shire Council

Community Services Continued...

Portland Airport5526 5201 or 0427 360 578

Portland Bay Holiday Park (Portland) 5523 1487Portland Civic Hall (Bookings) 1300 453 635Portland Landfill (Tip) 5523 3768Portland Leisure & Aquatic Centre 5521 7174Portland Library 5522 2265Portland Maritime Discovery Centre 1800 035 567Visitor Information Centre – Casterton 5581 2070

Visitor Information Centre – Portland1800 035 567 or 5523 2671

EducationAdult Community & Further Education 5581 2139All Saints School Parish 5523 3654Bayview College 5523 1042Bolwarra Primary School 5529 2374Bundarra Primary School 5523 4122Casterton Primary School 5581 1522Casterton Secondary College 5581 1588Dartmoor Primary School 5528 1382Heywood Consolidated School 5527 1200Heywood Secondary College 5527 1303Merino Consolidation (Primary) 5579 1305Narrawong Primary School 5529 5375North Portland Primary School 5523 1482Portland Primary School 5523 1911

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Education Continued...Portland Secondary College 5523 1344Portland Bay School 5523 2218Sacred Heart Primary School 5581 1131South Portland Primary School 5523 2911St Johns Lutheran Primary School 5523 3833

Employment AssistanceCasterton Old Court House Community Centre

5581 2139

Centrelink 13 62 40Apprenticeship Admin Line 1300 722 603Portland Workskills Employment 5523 1645Community College Warrnambool (Adult Education)

5562 6099

Skilled 5521 8184South West Trades & Labour 5523 4272Western District Employment Access 5521 7959Westvic Work Force 5521 0700

Government Department & Statutory AuthoritiesClerk of Courts 5523 1321Commonwealth Rehabilitation Services (CRS) 1800 277 277Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000Customs Hot Line Service 1800 061 800Dept. Human Services 5226 4540Dept. Environment & Primary Industries 13 61 86

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Government Department & Statutory Authorities Continued...Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission

1300 292 153

Mission to Seafarers 0408 595 241 or 5523 1244

Office of Corrections 5522 1180 or 5564 1000

DHS Office of Housing 5523 1600Ombudsman 1800 806 314Port of Portland 5525 0900Business Victoria - Public Holiday Inquiries 13 22 15RSPCA 5523 4690WageLine 1300 363 264WorkSafe Advisory Line 1800 136 089WorkSafe Victoria 5564 3200

Health and WelfareDoctorsActive Health Portland 5522 1200Casterton Medical Clinic 5554 2655Dhauwurd-Wurrung Elderly and Community Health Service

5521 7535

Fern Street Medical Practice 5523 4888Heywood Rural Health 5527 0551Portland Family Practice 5523 7144Portland Specialist Centre 5522 1410Seaport Medical Centre 5523 2322Tristar Medical Centre 5523 5400Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation 5527 0000

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Health and Welfare Continued...DentistsDr. K. Stock 5523 2966Dr. Fields 5523 2899Orthodontist: Dr. Paul Kittel 5561 3792Dr. M. Thow 5523 1485Royal Dental Hospital 1300 360 054Dr. T. N. Halloran 5581 1228

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and AwarenessGunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation

5527 1427

Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation 5527 0000Dhauwurd-Wurrung Elderly and Community Health Service

5521 7535

Aboriginal Support ServicesAboriginal Family Support – Winda Mara Aboriginal Corporation

5527 0000

Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria (W’bool Office)

1800 105 303

Aboriginal Housing Victoria 9403 2100Centrelink – Indigenous Support 5559 5021Dhauwurd – Wurrung Elderly and Community Aboriginal Corporation

5521 7535

Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service – Barwon Region

5527 2281

Windamara Aboriginal Corporation 5527 2051

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Health and Welfare Continued...Maternal and Child Health Services 5522 2211

Centre locations:CastertonDartmoorHeywoodPortland

Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health Services – Gunditjmara Aboriginal Co-op

5564 3333

Australian Breastfeeding Association 0416 765 492 or 1800 686 268

Bolwarra Playgroup 5523 3082 or 0428 233 082

Playgroup Victoria 1800 171 882Portland Toy Library 5521 7451School Holiday Program 1300 453 635South Portland Playgroup 5523 4996

OptometristsKevin Paisley Fashion Eyewear 5523 6347McMahon & Owen Optometrists 5523 1189Elizabeth Hatfield, Casterton 5572 2114

PharmaciesCasterton Pharmacy 5581 1703Portland Guardian Pharmacy 5523 1024Keating’s Pharmacy 5527 1683Portland Amcal Pharmacy 5523 1035South Portland Pharmacy 5523 5555

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Health and Welfare Continued...Physiotherapists and OsteopathyPortland Osteopathy Centre 5523 1552Portland Physiotherapy Clinic 5523 3860The Physiotherapy Centre 5521 7789

PodiatryCasterton Memorial Hospital 5554 2555Donna Shepherd & Nikky Edwards – Allied Health Services Centre

5521 0653

Mypod Podiatry – Portland 08 8724 7777Maureen Richter-Rundell 5523 4243Portland Podiatry 5523 3860Active Health Portland 5522 1200

ChiropractorsCasterton Chiropractic Centre 5581 2848Grange Chiropractic Clinic 5572 5455Portland Chiropractic Centre 5523 7065

Health and Welfare SupportAmbulance (non-urgent bookings) 1300 366 313Alcoholics Anonymous 1300 222 222ASPIRE 5521 7203Asthma Australia 1800 278 462Casterton Memorial Hospital 5554 2555Dartmoor Bush Nursing Centre 5528 1381Dhauwurd – Wurrung Elders Corporation 5521 7535Diabetes Support Group – Casterton Hospital 5554 2555

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Health and Welfare Support Continued...Drug & Alcohol (Quamby House) - Glenelg & Sthn Grampians Drug Treatment

5521 0350

Family Planning Victoria 9257 0121Glenelg Outreach Primary Health 5527 0570Headspace 1300 276 749Heywood Rural Health 5527 0555Loaves & Fishes 5521 1057Merino Community Health Centre 5579 1303Needle Exchange Program – Helen Anderson 5521 0333Neurofibromitosis Association 02 9719 3356No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) 5522 1480Old Courthouse Community Centre 5581 2139Organ Donor Register 1800 777 203Psychological & Health Institute 5523 7488Mental Health Services 5522 1000Portland & District Community Health 5522 1180Portland Neighbourhood House 5523 6955Portland Drug & Alcohol 5521 0350Red Cross 1800 131 701Road Trauma Support 1300 367 797United Way 0410 513 305Vision Australia 1300 847 466Windamara Aboriginal Corporation 5527 0000WIRE Women’s Information 1300 134 130Women’s Legal Service Victoria 1800 133 302Health Promotions Officer 5522 1180

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Helpline ServicesHIV & Sexual Health Connect 1800 038 125Bushfire Information 1800 240 667Cancer Helpline 13 11 20National Dementia Helpline 1800 100 500Diabetes Australia – Victoria 1300 136 588Direct Line Drug & Alcohol Helpline 1800 888 236Epilepsy Helpline 1300 852 853Gamblers Helpline 1800 156 789Heartline – Heart Foundation 1300 362 787Hepatitis Info line 1800 703 003Kid’s Helpline 1800 551 800Legal Aid (Warrnambool) 1800 651 022Lifeline 13 11 14Leukaemia Foundation 1800 620 420Mensline Australia 1300 789 978Nurse on Call 1300 606 024Parentline 13 22 89Pregnancy Birth & Baby 1800 882 436 Quitline 13 78 48SANE Australia 1800 187 263SIDS & Kids Victoria Support Line 1800 240 400Spina Bifida Info 1300 655 447Suicide Helpline 1300 651 251

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Glenelg Shire Council

Local Government Glenelg Shire CouncilCustomer Service Centre 1800 038 125Casterton 5554 2444 or 1300 453 635Portland 5522 2200 or 1300 453 635Heywood 5527 0666 or 1300 453 635Child and Family Services 5522 2211Community & Culture Department 5522 2254Building Services 5522 2216Damage & Faults 5522 2278 or 0408 386 002Planning & Economic Development 5522 2260Environmental Health 5522 2229Aged & Disability 5522 2204Local Laws Officer: Casterton/Portland/Heywood

5522 2208 or 1300 453 635

Parks & Gardens 5522 2269Portland Arts Centre 5522 2263Rates Enquiries, Dog & Cat Registration 1300 453 635Recreation Services 5522 2346Risk Management 5522 2222Town Planning Services 5522 2187Youth Services 5522 2137

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Services for the Aged/People with DisabilitiesAged Care Social Support Programs: Casterton 5581 2139Lyndoch Living 5523 6787ASPIRE 5521 7203Dhauwurd-Wurrung Elderly & Community Aboriginal Corporation 5521 7535

DHS Disability Services 1800 783 783District Nurses: 1800 888 236

Casterton 5554 2555Heywood 5527 0555Portland 5521 0333

Edgarley Home Inc – Aged Care 5581 1211Telecare/Telelink 5522 1180Glenelg House Residential Care 5554 2598Hear Service 1300 302 031Heywood Rural Health – Hostel 5527 0555Home Support Services 5522 2204Kurrajong Planned Activity Group 5522 2285Kyeema Support Services Inc 5521 7820Bupa Portland – Aged Care 5523 4401Parents Without Partners 1300 797 842Parking Permits (Disabled) 1800 187 263

Portland 5522 2200Heywood 5527 0666Casterton 5554 2444

Portland Seaview House 5521 1919Riverwood (Tues) 5527 1397Senior Citizens Centre – Portland 5522 2286Senior Citizens Centre – Heywood 5527 1397Senior Citizens Centre – Casterton 5581 1104Harbourside Lodge 5521 0300Southwest Advocacy Association 5561 4584Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation HACC 5527 0000

Page 35: community directory - Shire of Glenelg · Community Directory Community and Culture Department Aged and Disability Services At Glenelg Shire we offer a range of support services for

Disclaimer While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at the time of printing, the Glenelg Shire Council, its agents and employees disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of anything, or the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this document.

Glenelg Shire Council

State and Federal PoliticiansMr. Dan Tehan, MP 1300 131 692Hon. David Koch, MLC 5222 1941Hon. Dr. Denis Napthine, MP 5562 8230Hon. Hugh Delahunty, MLA 5382 0097Mr. Simon Ramsay, MLC 5562 9155

Transport ServicesCameron & Co 0433 320 762 or 5575 2333Jones Coachlines 5521 7777Portland Bus Lines 5523 5811Red Cross Emergency Transport 5523 2407Taxis of Casterton 13 10 08Taxis of Portland 13 10 08

Veterinary SurgeonBahgallah Veterinary Service 5581 2266Glenelg Veterinary Service 5581 2000Heywood Veterinary Service 5527 1239Portland Veterinary Clinic 5523 4900

Youth ServicesBrophy Family & Youth Services 5523 2411Glenelg Shire Council 0400 151 447 or 5522 2137Headspace 1300 276 746Portland District Health 0409 956 700 or 5522 1178

Page 36: community directory - Shire of Glenelg · Community Directory Community and Culture Department Aged and Disability Services At Glenelg Shire we offer a range of support services for

Glenelg Shire Council

Address:Glenelg Shire Council71 Cliff StreetPORTLAND VIC 3305

Postal Address:Glenelg Shire CouncilPO Box 152PORTLAND VIC 3305

Phone: 1300Glenelg (1300 453 635)TTY/Voice calls: 133 677 then dial 03 5522 2200#

Email: [email protected]:

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