Communication as a foundation of the Open Science

ECREA 2015 – Philosophy of Communication Section – 12-15 November 2014 – Lisbon, Portugal Communication as a Foundation of the Open Science Emanuel Kulczycki, Ph.D. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań – Creative Commons Zero 1

Transcript of Communication as a foundation of the Open Science

ECREA 2015 – Philosophy of Communication Section – 12-15 November 2014 – Lisbon, Portugal

Communication as a Foundation of the Open Science

Emanuel Kulczycki, Ph.D.!Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań – Creative Commons Zero


The Presentation Structure

1. Introduction. Theoretical Background.!

2. Concept of Open Science.!

3. Two major discourses on Open Science.!

4. Third way – role of communication in science.!

5. Conlusions.


1. Introduction. Research Perspective

I would like to consider:!

1. What are the main perspectives in the debates on open


2. How can we use the concept of communication to describe

open science?!

3. What new can such type of interpretation show us?


Theoretical Background


conception of


The Toronto




Ward Goodenough

Walter Ong, !

Eric Havelock,!

David Olson

Peter Burke,

Robert Darnton,

Elisabeth Eisenstein


2. Concept of Open Science

Science and communication are areas of

symbolic culture – thus, they can be

understood as a set of specific instructions

and rules.!

Open science is a term that is used to

designate a form of science that utilizes

principles of open access, open archiving and

open publishing.!


Discourses on Open Science

These are the most important publications for my philosophical research:!



Sönke Bartling and Sascha Friesike

Michael A. Peters and Peter Roberts

by Julian Cribb and Tjempaka Sari

Openness Discourse

The openness is identified as:!

•! A freedom to read scientific publications;!

•! A freedom to share knowledge;!

•! A freedom to reuse scientific results.


Open science is based on the idea of equality of rights and

sharing knowledge. And all tools of open science serve to

implement these values.

Technology Discourse

Open science is identified with using new technologies:

especially the Internet, open sources, social media and social

networking websites. !


Science 2.0

3. Role of communication in the two major discourses


Communicative component

Openness Discourse !

Openness of science is a prerequisite for scholarly


Technology Discourse !

Using new technologies makes possible to improve


Third way


Openness Technology


Communication Discourse

We can see the domination of the transmission model of

communication in these two major discourses.!

However, we can investigate open science in terms of

communication practises and constructing the social reality of

science. !!


Collective Representations of Communication

Forms of scientific practices depend on collective representations

of communication and science.  Such collective representations

refer to ideas, beliefs and values:!

• the purpose of the article should be indicated;!

• the sources of quotations need to be specified;!

• access to scientific publications should be open;!

• good publication is used to present original results;!

• scientific reasoning is good, when it is clear and understandable.


6. Conlusions

๏ We can reduce discourses on open science to two types. Both of

them contain a “communicative component”. However,

communication is only a result of science – not a foundation of it.!

๏ We can investigate the concept of open science using the

constitutive model of communication.!

๏ Collective representation play the main role in the rise of science.


Thank you!

Emanuel Kulczycki, Ph.D.!

[email protected]!!


