Communicating with families and friends · Lightning is the talons of a bald eagle striking at...

This week, the children have celebrated National Poetry Day and have shared some of their favourite poems in class. Last newsletter, I set children, in partnership with parents and carers, a challenge and asked if they might like to write their own poem in a similar style to the one featured to display in school. Surprisingly, I have only had one response to this and I am wonder- ing if the content of the newsletter is being read by parents/carers and then shared with the children or if the children are being kept busy with other extra-curricular activities. The newsletter is intended to improve communication between families and the school. I will review the effectiveness of our newsletter, together with other ways to improve communication, in partnership with parent/carer links when we next meet. Our Year 6 children and staff are preparing for their residential visit to Bowles next week. I hope that the weather is kind to them and that all members of the party (children and staff) have a wonder- ful time and return having kept themselves safe and with some wonderful memories. Next week is our Harvest assembly and Martin Poole will be collecting non-perishable items to distribute amongst vulnerable members of our local community. Please give generously (see p4). Paul Davis. Headteacher. Year 3 News In Year 3, the children have been enjoying exploring printing techniques to create tree images. They have looked at leaf shapes and the veins that run through them and, using cardboard and string, have created print- ing blocks in the shape of different leaves. The children are looking forward to using these printing blocks to create seasonal tree pictures for our Wild Wild Wood topic. Miss Dell Year Group Leader Year 4 News Year 4 have had fun in their English lessons learning about poetry. We have been reading different types of poems, rhyming and free verse, and have been explain- ing which poems we like and why. We have been spot- ting similes, changing them to more powerful metaphors and been writing our own similes riddles (smiddles). We had a special guest come in and observe our lesson and she was very impressed with our smiddles. Hopefully, you will be able to see our Year 4 book of poetry soon. Miss Ross Year Group Leader Year 5 News Year 5 have been immersing themselves in their Victorian topic and finding out about the gruesome jobs that children were expected to do. We can safely say that the children are relieved to be at school learning with their friends rather than down the mine or up a chimney! We are writing letters to Lord Shaftsbury persuading him to improve working conditions for those poor children. Let’s hope they are successful in this task. Miss Rhine Year Group Leader Year 6 News Year 6 have been studying poetry this week linked to National Poetry Day. They have learnt the Six Ways of Looking at the Moon which is written using metaphors. The children studied figurative language (similes, meta- phors, personification etc.) and invented their own poem Six Ways of Looking at Lightning (linked to the theme light). Year 6 enjoyed writing and performing their poems. Mr Persaud Year Group Leader All members of our school community have a duty to keep all children safe. Should you ever have any concerns relating to child protection, please ensure that you report these to the school’s designated person, currently Penny Dell, or the headteacher. Communicating with families and friends ISSUE 19 9th October ‘15 S T A N F O R D TIMES

Transcript of Communicating with families and friends · Lightning is the talons of a bald eagle striking at...

This week, the children have celebrated National Poetry Day and have shared some of their favourite poems in class.

Last newsletter, I set children, in partnership with parents and carers, a challenge and asked if they might like to write their own poem in a similar style to the one featured to display in school. Surprisingly, I have only had one response to this and I am wonder-ing if the content of the newsletter is being read by parents/carers and then shared with the children or if the children are being kept busy with other extra-curricular activities. The newsletter is intended to improve communication between families and the school. I will review the effectiveness of our newsletter, together with other ways to improve communication, in partnership with parent/carer links when we next meet.

Our Year 6 children and staff are preparing for their residential visit to Bowles next week. I hope that the weather is kind to them and that all members of the party (children and staff) have a wonder-ful time and return having kept themselves safe and with some wonderful memories.

Next week is our Harvest assembly and Martin Poole will be collecting non-perishable items to distribute amongst vulnerable members of our local community. Please give generously (see p4).

Paul Davis. Headteacher.

Year 3 News In Year 3, the children have been enjoying exploring

printing techniques to create tree images. They have

looked at leaf shapes and the veins that run through

them and, using cardboard and string, have created print-

ing blocks in the shape of different leaves. The children

are looking forward to using these printing blocks to

create seasonal tree pictures for our Wild Wild Wood topic. Miss Dell

Year Group Leader

Year 4 News Year 4 have had fun in their English lessons learning about poetry. We have been reading different types of poems, rhyming and free verse, and have been explain-ing which poems we like and why. We have been spot-ting similes, changing them to more powerful metaphors and been writing our own similes riddles (smiddles). We had a special guest come in and observe our lesson and she was very impressed with our smiddles. Hopefully, you will be able to see our Year 4 book of poetry soon.

Miss Ross

Year Group Leader

Year 5 News Year 5 have been immersing themselves in their Victorian topic and finding out about the gruesome jobs that children were expected to do. We can safely say that the children are relieved to be at school learning with their friends rather than down the mine or up a chimney! We are writing letters to Lord Shaftsbury persuading him to improve working conditions for those poor children. Let’s hope they are successful in this task.

Miss Rhine

Year Group Leader

Year 6 News Year 6 have been studying poetry this week linked to

National Poetry Day. They have learnt the Six Ways of

Looking at the Moon which is written using metaphors.

The children studied figurative language (similes, meta-

phors, personification etc.) and invented their own poem

Six Ways of Looking at Lightning (linked to the theme

light). Year 6 enjoyed writing and performing their poems. Mr Persaud

Year Group Leader

All members of our school community have a duty to keep all children safe. Should you

ever have any concerns relating to child protection, please ensure that you report

these to the school’s designated person, currently Penny Dell, or the headteacher.

Communicating with families and friends

ISSUE 19 9th October ‘15



Preston Manor Year 5 had a great time when they visited Preston Manor earlier this week. “It was like we had travelled back in time to 1897,” said one child.

We were applying for jobs: footman, kitchen maid, fourth maid and odd-man. Miss Rose, a very strict house maid, instructed us to line up in an orderly fashion. Then, Mrs Storey came in. She was the housekeeper and was also very strict. They led us into the dining room. There, Mrs Storey chose volunteers to lay the many knives, forks and spoons in a very specific way.

Our group squeezed lemons to make lemonade, washed socks, beat c a r p e t s , t i d i e d r o o m s a n d polished shoes. We learned how hard Victorian servants had to work and realised how lucky we actually are to go to school.

Report by Molly and Anna, 5SR.

Evacuees Bid A Fond Farewell

Year 6 were evacuated back in time to Newhaven Fort. After a delayed start, due to the late arrival of our transport, the children enjoyed the air raid shelter with simulated bombing sounds and vibrations, darkness, cramped conditions and screaming - our Year 6 provided this! The children were able to explore the fort and gun emplace-ments, handle genuine artefacts and also experience a manual air

raid siren.

It was an excellent day focused on learning about life during the

Second World War.

Ongoing improvements to the fabric of our school

Many of you will be shareholders and supporters of Exeter Street Hall. Our school and the hall are very similar in as much as they are beautiful, old, we love them, and they cost a lot to run.

Some time ago the hall was painted by a council lead youth offending community payback team. This meant that money could be deployed in other areas. The same scheme runs at weekends in schools. We have visited Longhill High School where the project has been successful for a number of years now.

The Governing Body has been very lucky to have secured the team for a trial run on Saturdays at Stanford Juniors School.

I would like to take this opportunity to reassure any concerned adult that this is a closely supervised and well-established out of school hours programme. Many meetings and liaisons have taken place prior to this being allowed to be trialled.

The team will start on Saturday 24th October and is subject to review.

Natalie Miller, parent governor

October Is Walk to School Month

October is International Walk to School

Month, which is part of the WoW

campaign that challenges children to

learn how walking to school at least

once a week can make a huge

difference, both to their own health and

to that of their surrounding environment.

Stanford has started this by providing

the children with their own travel diaries

and we are encouraging them (where

possible) to walk to school, at least once

a week.

STARS OF THE WEEK Week beginning 28th September—5th October

Imogen, Sadie (3K); Polly, Imogen (3J); Isabella, Ashleigh (3D); Sophie, George W

(4PR); Calum, Emily (4D); Ruby, Stanley (4R); Katri, Freddie (5G); Eleanor, Sidney (5R);

Molly, Samuel (5SR); Keavey, Bara’a (6W); Poppy S, Evanjelia (6U); Joel, Billy (6P)

A huge congratulations to all those children who have made their teachers and their

parents and carers extremely proud. Well done!

PE Kits

Please ensure that your child is equipped with an appropriate and labelled

PE kit suitable for the British weather.

School Nurse Drop-In The school nurse will be

in school for another drop in session on 26/11/15 to be held

under the bike shelter in the playground

before school.

Lost Property This is located under

the shelter in the playground. Please

check it regularly for missing items.


Please ensure that you have credit in your

child’s account before ordering school lunches. If you have any queries

please contact the school office.

Harvest Festival Assembly

Friday 16th October If you wish to donate any

non-perishable food items please bring them to school on the Friday

morning. (Please leave on trolley under the bike shed). If any year 6 parents would

like to donate items, please bring them in on Monday morning before

the Bowles trip. Thank you.


12th - 5G trip to Preston Manor 12th - 16th Year 6 Bowles

Residential Trip 16th—Harvest Assembly with

Rev. Poole 22nd—Parent/Carer Link

Meeting 9am 23rd—6U Class Assembly 9.05am

(parents invited) 26th - 30th - Half Term Holiday

NOVEMBER 9th—Parents Evening 4—7pm

11th—Parents Evening 4—6.30pm 12th—2pm Open Afternoon for

prospective parents (current year 2) 13th—5G Assembly 9.05am

(parents invited) 18th—Fishbourne Palace Trip Year 4

20th—6P Class Assembly 9.05am (parents invited)

26th - School Nurse Drop-In Session (under bike shed in playground) 8.40am

(date change from 25th) 26th—Sir Teachalot Year 6

DECEMBER 1st—Year 3 Trip to Butser Farm

4th—5SR Class Assembly 9.05am (parents invited)

7th—Choir only—Christmas Concert at the Brighton Centre 7pm

9th—Christmas Lunch 15th—Carol Concert at Church of Good

Shepherd 2pm (Year groups tbc) 16th—Carol Concert at Church of Good

Shepherd 2pm (Year groups tbc) 21st - 4th January (Christmas holiday)

JANUARY 5th - First day of Spring Term

* New or changed dates appear in bold



Games night is a chance to chill, have fun, play games, eat tuck

and an opportunity to meet up with old friends and make new ones


We run every other Friday from 7.30pm-9pm and all children from year 6

and above are welcome to attend.

Dates for the term: 25th Sept, 9th & 23rd Oct, 6th & 20th Nov, 4th Dec.



Six ways of looking at lightning Lightning is a violet vein spreading out in the night sky. Lightning is God’s trident striking the Earth’s surface. Lightning is a golden claw looking for its next victim. Lightning is a dragon tickling the night sky. Lightning is a roaring beast pounding on the city. Lightning is a tree’s golden roots spreading across the cold night. Cameron, 6P

Lightning is a black panther’s claw ripping into the void of darkness. Lightning is electric veins flowing through a man’s arm. Lightning is a dragon’s electric tail swooping down through the Earth’s atmosphere. Lightning is a trail left by a startled mouse in the field of darkness. Lightning is the talons of a bald eagle striking at Earth. Lightning is a T-Rex’s pre-historic claw reaching down to strike its next victim. Niamh, 6P

Can I write a

Poem using metaphors?

Year 6 English