COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall...

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA STANDARD CONTRACT Contract Number: VTS-426-2017 This contract entered into this 11th day of October 2016 by Apple Transfer lnc hereinafter called the "Contractor'' and Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University called "Virginia Tech." WITNESS ETH that the Contractor and Virginia Tech, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements herein contained_ agree as follows: SCOPE OF CONTRACT: The Contractor shall provide the Employee Household Goods Moving Services to Virginia Tech as set forth in the Contract Documents. PERlOD OF CONTRACT: From November 1, 2016 through October 31, 2017 with four (4) one-year renewals, as negotiated. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT: in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall be paid by Virginia Tech CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated May 26, 2016, together with Addendum Number 1 To RFP dated June 9. 2016. the proposal submitted by the Contractor dated June 23. 2016. Virginia Tech"s letter dated August 26, 2016, and the Contractor's response dated August 31, 2016, all of which Contract Documents are incorporated herein. In WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have caused this Contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby .

Transcript of COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall...

Page 1: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated



Contract Number: VTS-426-2017

This contract entered into this 11th day of October 2016 by Apple Transfer lnc hereinafter called the "Contractor'' and Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University called "Virginia Tech."

WITNESS ETH that the Contractor and Virginia Tech, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements herein contained_ agree as follows:

SCOPE OF CONTRACT: The Contractor shall provide the Employee Household Goods Moving Services to Virginia Tech as set forth in the Contract Documents.

PERlOD OF CONTRACT: From November 1, 2016 through October 31, 2017 with four (4) one-year renewals, as negotiated.

COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT: in accordance with the Contract Documents.

The Contractor shall be paid by Virginia Tech

CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated May 26, 2016, together with Addendum Number 1 To RFP dated June 9. 2016. the proposal submitted by the Contractor dated June 23. 2016. Virginia Tech"s letter dated August 26, 2016, and the Contractor's response dated August 31, 2016, all of which Contract Documents are incorporated herein.

In WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have caused this Contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.

Page 2: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

U1J VrrginiaTech

Request for Proposal #0045555


Employee Household Goods Moving Services

May 26, 2016 Note: This public body does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance with the Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4343.1 or against a bidder or offeror because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment

Page 3: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

RFP 0045555


QUESTIONS: All inquiries for information regarding this solicitation should be directed to: Kimberly Dulaney, Phone: (540) 231- 8543, e-mail: [email protected].

DUE DATE: Proposals will be received until June 24, 2016 at 3:00 PM. Failure to submit proposals to the correct location by the designated date and hour will result in disqualification.

ADDRESS: Proposals should be mailed or hand delivered to: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) , Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech, 300 Turner Street t#V, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. Reference the due date and Hour, and RFP Number in the lower left comer of the return envelope or package.

TYPE OF BUSINESS: (Please check all applicable classifications). If your classification is certified by the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (SBSD), provide your certification number: . For assistance with SWaM certification, visit the SBSD website at


Small business - An independently owned and operated business which, together with affiliates, has 250 or fewer employees or average annual gross receipts of $10 million or less averaged over the previous three years. Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (VAS BSD) certified women-owned and minority-owned business shall also be considered small business when they have received DMBE small business certification.

Women-owned business -A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more women who are U. S. citizens or legal resident aliens, or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51 % of the equity ownership interest is owned by one or more women who are citizens of the United States or non-citizens who are in full compliance with the United States immigration law, and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women who are U. S. citizens or legal resident aliens.

Minority-owned business -A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more minority individuals (see Section 2.2-1401 , Code of Virginia) or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest in the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity is owned by one or more minority individuals and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more minority individuals.

COMPANY INFORMATION/SIGNATURE: In compliance with this Request For Proposal and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the goods or services in accordance with the attached signed proposal and as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiation.


Page 4: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

FULL LEGAL NAME (PRINl) FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (ID#) (Company name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number)

BUSINESS NAME/OBA NAME/TA NAME BILLING NAME (If different than the Full Legal Name) (Company name as it appears on your invoice)





Is any member of the firm an employee of the Commonwealth of Virginia who has a personal interest in this contract pursuant to the Code of Virginia, 2.2 - 3102 - 3112 YES NO~~~~~


Page 5: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated


The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract or contracts through competitive negotiations for employee household goods moving services by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia.


The term of this contract is for one year, or as negotiated. There will be an option for four one­year renewals, or as negotiated.


Virginia Tech often recruits employees from various regions of the country who then relocate in order to work for the university. Although the main campus is located in Blacksburg, Virginia, Virginia Tech has satellite locations, extension offices, and research centers around the state. It is estimated that the university spends approximately $770,000 on moving expenses for new employees, and that the university pays for approximately 200 employee moves per year. Virginia Tech paid approximately $620,000 directly to moving companies for about 140 of these moves; the remaining amount was paid by employees who were then reimbursed by the university.

Depending on the department, Virginia Tech or the relocating employee initiates the arrangements for moving services, and payment is made either directly by Virginia Tech, or by the employee, who may be partially or totally reimbursed by the university.


The eVA Internet electronic procurement solution streamlines and automates government purchasing activities within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia Tech, and other state agencies and institutions, have been directed by the Governor to maximize the use of this system in the procurement of goods and services. We are, therefore, requesting that your firm register as a vendor within the e VA system.

There are transaction fees involved with the use of eV A. These fees must be considered in the provision of quotes, bids and price proposals offered to Virginia Tech. Failure to register within the eVA system may result in the quote, bid or proposal from your firm being rejected and the award made to another vendor who is registered in the eVA system.

Registration in the eVA system is accomplished on-line. Your firm must provide the necessary information. Please visit the eVA website portal at­reaistration-buyer-vendor.htm and register both with eVA and Ariba. This process needs to be completed before Virginia Tech can issue your firm a Purchase Order or contract. If your firm conducts business from multiple geographic locations, please register these locations in your initial registration.

For registration and technical assistance, reference the eVA website at: [email protected], or call 866-289-7367 or 804-371-2525.


Page 6: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated


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It is the intent of this solicitation and resulting contract to allow for cooperative procurement. Accordingly, any public body, public or private health or educational institutions, or Virginia Tech's affiliated corporations and/or partnerships may access any resulting contract if authorized by the contractor.

Participation in this cooperative procurement is strictly voluntary. If authorized by the Contractor, the resultant contract may be extended to the entities indicated above to purchase at contract prices in accordance with contract terms. The Contractor shall notify Virginia Tech in writing of any such entities accessing the contract. No modification of this contract or execution of a separate contract is required to participate. The Contractor will provide semi-annual usage reports for all entities accessing the Contract. Participating entities shall place their own orders directly with the Contractor and shall fully and independently administer their use of the contract to include contractual disputes, invoicing and payments without direct administration from Virginia Tech. Virginia Tech shall not be held liable for any costs or damages incurred by any other participating entity as a result of any authorization by the Contractor to extend the contract. It is understood and agreed that Virginia Tech is not responsible for the acts or omissions of any entity, and will not be considered in default of the contract no matter the circumstances.

Please refer to Attachment C, Zone Map, if the offeror wishes to submit separate pricing structure based on approved zones for cooperative institutions. Refer to Attachment C for the approved Zone Map. If no other prices are offered, pricing provided will apply to all zones in the Commonwealth.

Use of this contract does not preclude any participating entity from using other contracts or competitive processes as the need may be.


Virginia Tech needs the services of a contractor that can provide the following:

A. Shipping of household goods on an interstate, intrastate, or local basis when requested by Virginia Tech.

B. Services including, but not limited to the following: packing, shipping, unpacking, insurance, appliance servicing, storage, etc.

C. Virginia Tech or the individual employee may contact the contractor to request service and Virginia Tech or the individual employee may pay for the service.

D. Virginia Tech may have the need for domestic or international laboratory relocation services, e.g., recruited employees may have a need to relocate their laboratories or departments on campus may have a need to move laboratory equipment

Page 7: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated


Prior to commencing an employee relocation, the contractor shall request from Virginia Tech an Employee Relocation Agreement clearly articulating a maximum amount per individual employee relocation, provided that in no case may Virginia Tech's liability exceed $11,000 per individual employee relocation. Virginia Tech shall not be liable under any circumstances for any amount in excess of $11,000 per individual employee relocation. See Attachment D for Employee Relocation Agreement.


A General Requirements

1. RFP Response: In order to be considered for selection, Offerors must submit a complete response to this RFP. One (1) original and Three (3) copies of each proposal must be submitted to:

Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Reference the Due Date and Hour, and RFP Number in the lower left hand corner of the return envelope or package.

No other distribution of the proposals shall be made by the Offeror.

2. Proposal Preparation:

a. Proposals shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Offeror. All information requested should be submitted. Failure to submit all information requested may result in Virginia Tech requiring prompt submission of missing information and/or giving a lowered evaluation of the proposal. Proposals which are substantially incomplete or lack key information may be rejected by Virginia Tech at its discretion. Mandatory requirements are those required by law or regulation or are such that they cannot be waived and are not subject to negotiation.

b. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically providing a straightforward, concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity of content.

c. Proposals should be organized in the order in which the requirements are presented in the RFP. All pages of the proposal should be numbered. Each paragraph in the proposal should reference the paragraph number of the corresponding section of the RFP. It is also helpful to cite the paragraph number, subletter, and repeat the text of the requirement as it appears in the RFP. If a response covers more than one page, the paragraph number and subletter should be repeated at the top of the next page. The proposal should contain a table of contents which cross references the RFP requirements. Information which the offeror desires to present that does not fall within any of the requirements of the RFP should be inserted at an appropriate place or be attached at the end of the proposal and designated as additional material. Proposals that are not organized in this manner risk elimination from consideration if the evaluators are unable to find where the RFP requirements are specifically addressed.

Page 8: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

d. Each copy of the proposal should be bound in a single volume where practical. All documentation submitted with the proposal should be bound in that single volume.

e. Ownership of all data, material and documentation originated and prepared for Virginia Tech pursuant to the RFP shall belong exclusively to Virginia Tech and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by an Offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. However, to prevent disclosure the Offeror must invoke the protections of Section 2.2-4342F of the Code of Virginia, in writing, either before or at the time the data or other materials is submitted. The written request must specifically identify the data or other materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. The proprietary or trade secret material submitted must be identified by some distinct method such as highlighting or underlining and must indicate only the specific words, figures, or paragraphs that constitute trade secret or proprietary information. The classification of an entire proposal document, line item prices and/or total proposal prices as proprietary or trade secrets is not acceptable and may result in rejection of the proposal.

3. Oral Presentation: Offerors who submit a proposal in response to this RFP may be required to give an oral presentation of their proposal to Virginia Tech. This will provide an opportunity for the Offeror to clarify or elaborate on the proposal but will in no way change the original proposal. Virginia Tech will schedule the time and location of these presentations. Oral presentations are an option of Virginia Tech and may not be conducted. Therefore, proposals should be complete.

B. Specific Requirements

Proposals should be as thorough and detailed as possible so that Virginia Tech may properly evaluate your capabilities to provide the required goods or services. Offerors are required to submit the following information/items as a complete proposal:

1. Plan for Providing Services

Describe your plan for providing employee household goods moving services to Virginia Tech. Additionally, describe your laboratory relocation services. Explain how the employee household goods moving services differs from laboratory relocation services including any special considerations such as insurance, etc. Include a complete description of the claims resolution process from start to finish including contact names and timelines.

2. Pricing

Provide your plan for pricing household goods moving services to Virginia Tech. Additionally, describe your plan for pricing laboratory relocation services.

3. Qualifications and Experience

Describe the qualifications and experience of your business and its employees in providing employee household goods moving services as well as laboratory relocation services. Identify the people in your organization that will be assigned our account if you are awarded a contract, and describe their qualifications.

Page 9: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

4. Participation of Small, Women-owned and Minority-owned Business (SWaM) Business:

If your business can not be classified as SWaM, describe your plan for utilizing SWaM subcontractors if awarded a contract. Describe your ability to provide reporting on SWaM subcontracting spend when requested. If your firm or any business that you plan to subcontract with can be classified as SWaM, but has not been certified by the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (SBSD), it is expected that the certification process will be initiated no later than the time of the award. If your firm is currently certified, you agree to maintain your certification for the life of the contract. For assistance with SWaM certification, visit the SBSD website at

5. The return of the General Information Form and addenda, if any, signed and filled out as required.


A Selection Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated by Virginia Tech using the following:


1. Quality of products/services offered and suitability for the intended purposes

2. Qualifications and experiences of Offerer in providing the goods/services

3. Specific plans or methodology to be used to provide the Services

4. Cost (or Price)

5. Participation of Small, Women-Owned and Minority (SWaM) Business

B. Award

Maximum Point Value






Total 100

Selection shall be made of two or more offerers deemed to be fully qualified and best suited among those submitting proposals on the basis of the evaluation factors included in the Request for Proposals, including price, if so stated in the Request for Proposals. Negotiations shall be conducted with the offerers so selected. Price shall be considered, but need not be the sole determining factor. After negotiations have been conducted with each offerer so selected, the agency shall select the offerer which, in its opinion, has made the best proposal, and shall award the contract to that offerer. The Commonwealth reserves the right to make multiple awards as a result of this solicitation. The Commonwealth may cancel this Request for Proposals or reject proposals at any time prior to an award, and is not required to furnish a statement of the reasons why a particular proposal was not deemed to be the most

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advantageous. Should the Commonwealth determine in writing and in its sole discretion that only one offerer is fully qualified, or that one offerer is clearly more highly qualified than the others under consideration, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that offerer. The award document will be a contract incorporating by reference all the requirements, terms and conditions of the solicitation and the contractor's proposal as negotiated.


All inquiries concerning this solicitation should be submitted in writing via email, citing the particular RFP section and paragraph number. All inquiries will be answered in the form of an addendum. Inquiries must be submitted by 10:00 am on Wednesday, June 8, 2016. Inquiries must be submitted to Kimberly Dulaney, at [email protected].


Invoices for goods or services provided under any contract resulting from this solicitation shall be submitted to:

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Accounts Payable North End Center, Suite 3300, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, Virginia 24061


Virginia Tech will authorize payment to the contractor as negotiated in any resulting contract from the aforementioned Request for Proposal.

Payment can be expedited through the use of the Wells One AP Control Payment System. Virginia Tech strongly encourages participation in this program. For more information on this program please refer to Virginia Tech's Procurement website: http://www.procurement.vt.eduNendor/WellsOne.html or contact the procurement officer issuing RPF identified in the RFP.


Any ADDENDUM issued for this solicitation may be accessed at Since a paper copy of the addendum will not be mailed to you, we encourage you to check the web site regularly.


A. Wendell Vest, Associate Controller at Virginia Tech or his designee, shall be identified as the Contract Administrator and shall use all powers under the contract to enforce its faithful performance.

B. The Contract Administrator, or his designee, shall determine the amount, quantity, acceptability, fitness of all aspects of the services and shall decide all other questions in connection with the services. The Contract Administrator, or his designee, shall not have authority to approve changes in the services which alter the concept or which call for an extension of time for this contract. Any modifications made must be authorized by the Virginia Tech Procurement Department through a written amendment to the contract.

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Communications regarding this solicitation shall be formal from the date of issue, until either a Contractor has been selected or the Procurement Department rejects all proposals. Formal communications will be directed to the procurement officer listed on this solicitation. Informal communications, including but not limited to request for information, comments or speculations regarding this solicitation to any University employee other than a Procurement Department representative may result in the offending Offeror's proposal being rejected.


The PDF version of the solicitation and any addenda issued by Virginia Tech Procurement Services is the mandatory controlling version of the document. Any modification of /or additions to the solicitation by the Offeror shall not modify the official version of the solicitation issued by Virginia Tech Procurement Services. Such modifications or additions to the solicitation by the Offerer may be cause for rejection of the proposal; however, Virginia Tech reserves the right to decide, on a case by case basis, in its sole discretion, whether to reject such a proposal.


This solicitation and any resulting contract/purchase order shall be governed by the attached terms and conditions, see Attachment A.


Attachment A - General and Special Terms and Conditions Attachment B - Sample of Standard Contract Form Attachment C - Zone Map for Cooperative Contracts Attachment D - Employee Relocation Agreement


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http:/www. procurement. vt. edu/html. docs/terms/GTC RFP 01O12016. pdf


A. ADDITIONAL GOODS AND SERVICES: The University may acquire other goods or services that the supplier provides than those specifically solicited. The University reserves the right, subject to mutual agreement, for the Contractor to provide additional goods and/or services under the same pricing, terms and conditions and to make modifications or enhancements to the existing goods and services. Such additional goods and services may include other products, components, accessories, subsystems, or related services newly introduced during the term of the Agreement.

B. AUDIT: The Contractor hereby agrees to retain all books, records, and other documents relative to this contract for five (5) years after final payment, or until audited by the Commonwealth of Virginia, whichever is sooner. Virginia Tech, its authorized agents, and/or the State auditors shall have full access and the right to examine any of said materials during said period.

C. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: It is understood and agreed between the parties herein that Virginia Tech shall be bound hereunder only to the extent of the funds available or which may hereafter become available for the purpose of this agreement.

D. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: Virginia Tech reserves the right to cancel and terminate any resulting contract, in part or in whole, without penalty, upon 60 days written notice to the Contractor. In the event the initial contract period is for more than 12 months, the resulting contract may be terminated by either party, without penalty, after the initial 12 months of the contract period upon 60 days written notice to the other party. Any contract cancellation notice shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligation to deliver and/or perform on all outstanding orders issued prior to the effective date of cancellation.

E. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The contract entered into by the parties shall consist of the Request for Proposal including all modifications thereof, the proposal submitted by the Contractor, the written results of negotiations, the Commonwealth Standard Contract Form, all of which shall be referred to collectively as the Contract Documents.

F. IDENTIFICATION OF BID/PROPOSAL ENVELOPE: The signed bid or proposal should be returned in a separate envelope or package, sealed and identified as follows:

From:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Name of Bidder or Offerer Due Date Time Due

Street or Box No. Solicitation Number

City, State, Zip Code Solicitation Trtle

Name of Procurement Officer:

The envelope should be addressed to:


Page 13: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

The offerer takes the risk that if the envelope is not marked as described above, it may be inadvertently opened and the information compromised, which may cause the proposal to be disqualified. Bids or Proposals may be hand delivered to the designated location in the office issuing the solicitation. No other correspondence or other bids/proposals should be placed in the envelope.

G. NOTICES: Any notices to be given by either party to the other pursuant to any contract resulting from this solicitation shall be in writing, hand delivered or mailed to the address of the respective party at the following address

If to Contractor: Address Shown On RFP Cover Page Attention: Name Of Person Signing RFP

If to Virginia Tech:

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Attn: Trisha Wilson Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street tm Blacksburg, Virginia 24061


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Attn: Wendell Vest University Controller North End Center, Suite 3300 Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

H. SEVERAL LIABILITY: Virginia Tech will be severally liable to the extent of its purchases made against any contract resulting from this solicitation. Applicable entities described herein will be severally liable to the extent of their purchases made against any contract resulting from this solicitation.


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ADVERTISING: In the event a contract is awarded for supplies, equipment, or services resulting from this solicitation, no indication of such sales or services to Virginia Tech will be used in product literature or advertising. The Contractor shall not state in any of the advertising or product literature that the Commonwealth of Virginia or any agency or institution of the Commonwealth has purchased or uses its products or services.

INSURANCE: By signing and submitting a proposal under this solicitation, the Offeror certifies that if awarded the contract, it will have the following insurance coverages at the time the work commences. Additionally, it will maintain these during the entire term of the contract and that all insurance coverages will be provided by insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in Virginia by the Virginia State Corporation Commission. During the period of the contract, Virginia Tech reserves the right to require the Contractor to furnish certificates of insurance for the coverage required. INSURANCE COVERAGES AND LIMITS REQUIRED: A. Worker's Compensation - Statutory requirements and benefits. B. Employers Liability- $100,000.00 C. General Liability - $500,000.00 combined single limit. Virginia Tech and the Commonwealth of

Virginia shall be named as an additional insured with respect to goods/services being procured. This coverage is to include Premises/Operations Liability, Products and Completed Operations Coverage, Independent Contractor's Liability, Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability and Personal Injury Liability.

D. Automobile Liability- $500,000.00 E. Builders Risk- For all renovation and new construction projects under $100,000 Virginia Tech will

provide All Risk- Builders Risk Insurance. For all renovation contracts, and new construction from $100,000 up to $500,000 the contractor will be required to provide All Risk - Builders Risk Insurance in the amount of the contract and name Virginia Tech as additional insured. All insurance verifications of insurance will be through a valid insurance certificate.

The contractor agrees to be responsible for, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Virginia Tech, its officers, agents and employees from the payment of all sums of money by reason of any claim against them arising out of any and all occurrences resulting in bodily or mental injury or property damage that may happen to occur in connection with and during the performance of the contract, including but not limited to claims under the Worker's Compensation Act. The contractor agrees that it will, at all times, after the completion of the work, be responsible for, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Virginia Tech, its officers, agents and employees from all liabilities resulting from bodily or mental injury or property damage directly or indirectly arising out of the performance or nonperformance of the contract.

QUANTITIES: Quantities set forth in this solicitation are estimates only, and the Contractor shall supply at proposal prices actual quantities as ordered, regardless of whether such total quantities are more or less than those shown.

WARRANTY (COMMERCIAL): The Contractor agrees that the supplies or services furnished under any award resulting from this solicitation shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the contractor gives any customer for such supplies or services and that the rights and remedies provided therein are in addition to and do not limit those available to Virginia Tech by any other clause of this solicitation. A copy of this warranty must be furnished with the proposal.


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SAMPLE CONTRACT FORM Standard Contract form for reference only

Offerors do not need to fill in this form


Contract Number. _________ _

This contract entered into this __ day of 20_, by , hereinafter called the "Contractor'' and Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University called 'Virginia Tech".

WITNESSETH that the Contractor and Virginia Tech, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements herein contained, agrees as follows:

SCOPE OF CONTRACT: The Contractor shall provide the ______ to Virginia Tech as set forth in the Contract Documents.

PERIOD OF CONTRACT: From __________ through _________ _

COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall be paid by Virginia Tech in accordance with the contract documents.

CONTRACT DOCUMENT: The Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request For Proposal Number dated , together with all written modifications thereof and the proposal submitted by the Contractor dated and the Contractor's letter dated , all of which Contract Documents are incorporated herein.

In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.

Contractor: Virginia Tech

By: ____________ _ By: ____________ _

Title: ______________ _ Title: _____________ _


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Zone Map

Virginia Association of State College & University Purchasing Professionals (VASCUPP)

List of member institutions by zones

Zone 1 George Mason University (Fairfax)

Zone4 University of Mary Washington (Fredericksburg)

Zone7 Longwood University (Farmville)

Zone 2 James Madison University (Harrisonburg)

Zones College of William and Mary (Williamsburg) Old Dominion University (Norfolk)

Zone 8 Virginia Military Institute (Lexington) Virginia Tech (Blacksburg) Radford University (Radford)

Zone3 University of Virginia (Charlottesville)

Zone6 Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond)

Zone9 University of Virginia - Wise (Wise)


Page 17: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

ATTACHMENT D Employee Relocation Agreement


THISAGREEMENT,madethis _________ ,dayof _________ 20__,

by and between Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (hereinafter "University"), and

------------ , an employee or prospective employee of the University

(hereinafter "Employee").

W I T N E S S E T H:

That for and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, the University and the

Employee agree as follows:

1. University and Employee are mutually desirous that Employee's residence be located from

to _____________________________ ~

in order that the residence be in the area of Employee's future employment.

2. University agrees to reimburse or pay on behalf of the Employee certain expenses incurred as a result of the

residence relocation. University Procedure 20345: Moving & Relocation Expenses is incorporated herein by

reference. It is agreed that total reimbursable expenses will be limited to $ _________ _

Check one: This total INCLUDES or EXCLUDES common carrier transportation and storage of

household goods for up to 30 days which, if excluded, shall be limited to: $ _________ _

3. Employee agrees to remain in the employ of the University for a period of one year beginning

4. University and Employee agree that said reimbursement is conditioned upon Employee remaining in the

employ of the University for the aforementioned period; and that should Employee fail to remain in said

employment for such period, Employee will repay to the University all money received or paid to a vendor

plus related payroll taxes withheld for the moving and relocation expenses. The amount to be repaid shall be


Page 18: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

prorated on a monthly basis such that for each full month during which the Employee remained in the

employ of the

Department, the amount to be repaid shall be reduced by one-twelfth (1/12) of the gross reimbursement.

5. University and Employee agree that in the event of a termination of employment for reasons not within the

control of Employee which are deemed sufficient to the University, the University may waive the repayment

provision of this agreement. Said Waiver shall not be effective unless it is incorporated into a writing signed

by the head of the department where Employee is employed and approved by the Employee Relations Office

of the University.

6. Employee hereby gives the University an express lien on all salaries, wages and other sums payable to

Employee by the University for the purpose of securing University for the payment of any amount which

may become due from Employee under paragraph 4. As to such lien,

Employee waives the homestead exemption and any and all other exemptions to which Employee is

otherwise entitled, and authorizes the University to withhold said amount from any sums payable to

Employee for salaries, wages, expense reimbursement or otherwise.

IN WITNESS whereof, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the date first above written.

___________________________ (L.S.)

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

-----------------------------\.~.S.) Employee

Procedure 20345: Moving and Relocation Expenses: sent to employee with this Agreement.


Page 19: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated


ADDENDUM # 1 TO RFP # 0045555


North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW

Blacksburg, Virginia 24061


June 9, 2016 Fridav, June 24, 2016, 3:00 om

ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES AND CORRESPONDENCE TO: Kimberly Dulaney, CPSM, CUPO, Assistant Director and Contracts Manager

E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] TELEPHONE NUMBER (540) 231-8543 FAX NUMBER (540) 231-9628 AFTER HOUR MESSAGES (540) 231-6221

Employee Household Goods Moving Services

1. The following questions have arisen for the aforementioned RFP:

Question 1. On the question about pricing, do you want general guidelines or specific pricing? Laboratories in particular would have to be quoted based on needs, such as cryogenics, size etc.

Virginia Tech Answer: Specific pricing would be preferred if that can be provided. See answer to question 3 below for additional information on lab moves.

Question 2. Pricing: Would you like us to give you examples of a quote for a few moves?

Virginia Tech Answer: Yes, that would be very beneficial.

Question 3. International Lab moves: Can you expand on the scope of work (size of lab etc.)

Virginia Tech Answer: Lab sizes and number of items vary depending on the situation. It could be a very small lab or considerable size. We paid for approximately 35 lab moves in fiscal year 2016 costing approximately $100,000. These expenses are in addition to the employee move expense disclosed in the RFP.

2. All other terms, conditions and descriptions remain the same.

3. The due date and hour remains Friday, June 24, 2016. 3:00 pm.

FULL LEGAL NAME (PRINT) FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (ID#) (~ny name as It appeas with yo...- Federal Taxpayer NLITber}

BUSINESS NAME/OBA NAME/TA NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If cifferent than the F<.jl Legli Name) (If di!lerent than ID# abolle)

BILLING NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (Con1>any name as It appears on your invoice) (If cifferent than ID# abolle)


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R~ 03IDY2011

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June 23, 2016

Virginia Tech Procurement Department (MC0333) ATTN: Ms. Kimberly Dulaney North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech

300 Turner St. , NW Blacksbburg, VA 24061

RE: RFP #0045555

Dear Ms. Dulaney,

I am pleased to submit our response proposal for the RFP #0045555 for Employee Household Goods Moving Services.

It is our intention that the enclosed response will assist you in evaluating Contractor' s experience, our value as a service organization, our commitment in providing comprehensive, high quality Relocation Mobility Support and our sincere desire to be of service to you.

Contractor is SWaM certified and an EDWOSB and desires to earn your business. Contractor is a highly qualified, respected and experienced industry leader. We are a trustworthy professional company who are also caring human beings. You will like working with our company. We put our heart and soul into every project and we are prepared to service this acquisition.

Should be awarded this opportunity, we will commit to :

• Provide all services with respect to the requirements that are identified in the PWS;

• Be on time, on quality and on budget;

• Comply with all statutes, regulations, directives, instructions and references required;

• Be open, honest and fully transparent;

• Always demonstrate a positive "can do" attitude;

• Proactively utilize ideas and industry best practices to promote continuous quality for customer service, care and safety of customer' s belongings and cost effectiveness;

• Assure the quality, experience and commitment of our partners; and

• Consider environmental protection and sustainability to be consistent with overall goals and values.

Page 22: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

I am the POC who has the authority to bind the offer and make representations to the quote and any resultant contract for the organization. 540.657.2855 Office, 202.579.0962 Cell,

540.657.2851 FAX [email protected]


~ ara H. Diseati-Ayers


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Virginia Tech

Employee Household Goods Moving Services Table of Contents


Letter of Introduction Plan for Providing Services Apple Transfer, lnc.,Arpin Van Lines, lnc.,Arpin International 1 Apple Transfer's Specialized Services 1 VT Customer Care Single Point of Contact 2 Company Resources 2 Arpin University 3 Driver, Labor, Packer & Equipment Operator Employees 3 Full Service Packing & Custom Service Packing 4 Household Move Protection 5 Storage-In-Transit 6 Laboratory Move Technical Approach 7 Member of FIDI Global Alliance 10 Claims Process 11 Corporate Overview for VT Faculty & Staff 13

- Pricing Interstate & Deregulated Intrastate Moving 14 Intrastate Moving 15 Local Virginia Moving 15 International Moving 15 Laboratory Moving 15

I Qualifications and Experience Apple Transfer Qualifications and Experience 16 Arpin Qualifications and Experience 17 Resume Ayers 18 Resume Morin 19 Resume Swift 21 Resume Diseati 22 Resume Wagner 23 Apple Transfer Past Performance- National Institutes 25 of Health

Arpin Award Winning Services 27

- Participation of Small, Women-Owned and Minority-owned Business (SWaM)

SWaM Certification 30

General Information Form General Information Form 31

Apple Transfer, Inc. 800.9APPLE9


Pg. 7,B,1

Pg.7,B, 2

Pg.7,B, 3

Pg.8,B, 4

Pg.8,B, 5

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Apple Transfer, lnc.11 #0045555

Plan for Providing Services P~ 7. '] .1 Describe your plan for providing employee household goods moving services to Virginia Tech. Additionally, describe your laboratory relocation services. Explain how the employee household Goods moving services differs from laboratory relocation services including any special considerations such as insurance, etc. Include a complete description of the claims resolution process from start to finish including contact names and timelines.

From Local to Global. ..... . We make moving simple I



• Local, Long Distance, Cross-border, & Global Moving Services

• Office, Laboratory, and Commercial Relocation • Short and long-term Storage & Warehousing Solutions

• Containerized and Palletized Warehouses

• Executive Relocation • Expert Packing

• Custom Crating • FOR HIRE LABORERS • New/Used Auto, Boat, Motorcycle, and RV Transportation • PODS ... PORTABLE ON DEMAND STORAGE DESTINATION & DEPARTURE SERVICES

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Apple Transfer, lnc.12 #0045555

VT Customer Care Single Point of Contact

Jane Swift, Customer Care

800.9APPLE9 540.657.2855 703.690.8445

[email protected]

As VT's Customer Care Representative, Jane is knowledgeable of VT's relocation policies and procedures and will serve as VT's advocate through every phase of each move. Jane will accept all requests for estimates and orders, arrange and coordinate all services, and will remain the single point of contact and trusted advocate on all matters related to the move.

Move estimates are complimentary to VT's Faculty and Staff. Jane will arrange, coordinate and prepare a free, no obligation, local, intrastate, long distance or international move estimate upon request.


All APPLE TRANSFER & ARPIN VAN LINES equipment assigned to VT's service orders will be properly maintained, safe, and clean.

All are equipped with clean moving blankets and pads, loading ramps and dollies, bubble wrap and clear stretch wrap, cartons and packing paper. We currently have approximately 1,403 pieces of equipment, 714 of which are power units.

Our driver fleet is made up of approximately 575 professionals during the non-peak season and approximately 700 professionals during the peak season, including contractors and agent-employed drivers.

Combined with our prime agents throughout the U.S., the Apple Transfer & Arpin system is made up of more than 3,500 people, many of whom have been with Arpin or one of its agents for more than 10 years.

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Apple Transfer, lnc.1 3 #0045555

ArpinUniversitys"' is the company's e-learning center and serves as a unique informational web-based resource for our employees, drivers, and agents. Clients can browse the open-source content to learn more about the moving industry. ArpinUniversity5

"' brings together peers located throughout the world to participate in discussion forums and allows them to share ideas and best practices, hosts feature articles, important news alerts, event calendar, etc. in a zero environmental footprint location. Visit for more.


All drivers, helpers, laborers, employees, and owner operators are screened through HireRight•"' for pre­employment and background screening. HireRight5

"' is one of the world's largest screening providers focused 100% on employment screening.

• All employees are US citizens

• All employees are background checked

• All Drivers are alcohol and drug screened

• All employees must complete and pass Customer Service and Packing training

• All Drivers must complete and pass Truck Loading training

• All employees wear uniforms

• All employees' possess valid identification

• All Drivers possess valid COL A, B or C licenses/permits

• All Equipment Operators are trained and OSHA compliant

• Qualified personnel are trained to be Project Managers, Supervisors, and Team Leaders. These

employees are responsible for directing the daily activities of the workers, coordinating all phases of

the relocation on a daily basis, as well as day-to-day inspection and monitoring of all work

performed for contract compliance

• Apple Transfer and all employees will comply with all host activity, local, state, and federal laws,

ordinances, and regulations governing the performance of services required

• Apple Transfer and all employees will comply with all instructions and requirements pertaining to

the conduct of persons on the host's premises

• Apple Transfer and all employees will maintain required professional certifications, accreditations,

licenses, and proficiency relative to area of expertise

• All employees will be capable of obtaining satisfactory security clearances • Apple Transfer will assign a sufficient number of capable and qualified Drivers, Labors, Packers and

Equipment Operators to properly, adequately, and economically performs commercial office

relocations safely, professionally, and in a timely manner

• Apple Transfer will be solely responsible for all matters pertaining to the employment, supervision,

compensation, promotion, disciplinary action, and discharge of its employees

• Apple Transfer will be solely responsible for maintaining satisfactory standards of employee's

competency, conduct, appearance, and integrity.

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Apple Transfer, lnc.14 #0045555


Full Service Packing includes all of the cartons, containers, and packing services requested or required to pack the shipment for transportation. Custom Service Packing applies on a per carton basis for individual cartons and containers requested to pack items not packed by the transferee. Free "Upholstery Wrap Service" will be provided to VT's Faculty and Staff. Only Apple Transfer & Arpin­certified packers and loaders will be assigned to provide packing and loading services to VT.

We use only premium quality cartons and packing materials, including double and triple-walled cartons constructed from at minimum, 20% to 40% post-consumer content (when available in certain markets). We also use shrink, cushioning, and bubble wrap, no-ink packing paper, and moving blankets. Wooden crates are constructed for fragile items and all boxes are labeled for content and destination room designation is clearly marked. All packing material returned are recycled to minimize waste and landfill deposits.

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Apple Transfer, Inc. 5 #0045555



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Apple Transfer, lnc.16 #0045555

Throughout the United States, Apple Transfer - Arpin Van Lines combined agency network has over 4.7 million square feet of containerized storage space nationwide.

Storage space is fully containerized and secured storage. Climate- and temperature-controlled space is available in certain markets, and fire and intrusion systems are used. Employees are background checked, trained, and certified . Access to warehouses is strictly controlled.

Storage-in-transit (SIT) charges are in dollars and cents per 100 pounds and apply based on the location of facility where the SIT services are performed. Charges are based on actual weight of the goods stored in transit for each day of storage.

Apple Transfer's warehouse is a 26,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art containerized storage warehouse. The facility possesses certifications from the Department of Defense for approval and participation in SIT and Non-Temp Storage (NTS) programs. The facility provides 24 hour camera security, fire alarmed,

equipped with water sprinklers, and climate controlled areas. Pg 1:f , E. I

Apple Transfer Headquarters Office

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Laboratory Move Technical Approach

Pg 7. i .1

Move Management Schedule Date * TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA


* Hypothetical Dates

Legend Pre-Move "Kick Off "Meeting Crates/Materials Delivery/Pick Up

Pre-Move Walk thru & Move Readiness


After Move Assistance & Punch List Walk Thru

Evaluation/After Action Review/Crate Pick Up

Apple Transfer, lnc.17 #0045555

TBA Pre-Move Planning "Kick Off" Meeting & Crate/Materials Delivery Contactor Personnel NHLBI Personnel Materials Project Manager NHLBI POC's Crates w/ Dollies Driver/Truck Move Labels 1. Deliver Crates w/ Dollies/Materials, Move Labels

2. Project Manager (PM) meet with NHLBI POC's & Move Coordinators

Introduce Apple Transfer SPM. Exchange contact information.

Review move schedule, to include delivery and pick up schedule of move

crates, materials, logistics etc.

Review, coordinate and schedule designated NHLBI specialty or technical

service providers

Review Employees Responsibilities

Review Contractor's Responsibilities

Prepare Move Calendar

Prepare inventory, comprehensive equipment and materials tracking spreadsheets

Pre-Move Walk thru and Move Readiness Support Plan Contractor Personnel Project Manager 1. Conduct Pre-Move walk thru

Inspect for move readiness

Questions and discrepancies will be identified and rectified

Assist with any last minute needs

Inspect and walk move routes

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Laboratory Move Technical Approach

Move Contractor Personne Equipment & Materials Move Supervisor Straight Truck 1--~~~--.,...-~~----i

Movers Floor Protection -Masonite >--~~~---<>--~~-----

Truck Corrugated wall protectors 1--~~~--'---~~---'


Hand trucks

Cloth Blankets

Cushioned dollies

Commercial Bins

Panel Carts

Contractors personnel are equipped with cell phones and/or walkie talkies for

immediate communication.

1. Apple Transfer will install facility protections for move route

Floors will be covered in 8 Ft. x 4 Ft. sheets of Masonite or rug runners.

Walls & wall corners covered in 4 Ft. high corrugated material

Apple Transfer, lnc.18 #0045555

Door jams will be covered with quilted wrap, corrugated materials

Glazing/windows will be covered with corrugated wrap, minimum 8 Ft. high.

Elevator floor covered with masonite and walls with quilted cloth pads

2. Work Procedures and Validation Support Plan

Contractor professional, uniformed crews will arrive at prescribed times

and locations and check in.

AT PM will check in with NHLBI POC.

AT personnel will posses a copy of Service/Worker Order and Bill of Lading.

PM will review work to be accomplished, verify crew size, equipment

AT will perform Service/Work Order Services.

3. Moving Services & Protection Procedures

AT will move crates, office furnishings and contents from origin to destination in

accordance to labels and Office Plans.

Specialized Support Partners- Chemical Movers, Ark Machinery Riggers

will be scheduled, debriefed, coordinated and supervised.

Temperature Sensitive Materials- Temperature sensitive materials, samples etc.

will be transported in a manner that ensures the products will be maintained

within an acceptable temperature range as defined in the approved labelling and

supported by stability data so as to maintain the integrity and not effect quality.

Refrigerator/Freezer-Contractor will verify existence of proper freezer/

refrigerator at new location prior to unplugging freezer/refrigerator.

All freezer/refrigerators will be relocated simultaneously. Each will be pad wrapped,

shrink wrapped and labeled. Elevator plate will be used for safe loading and

be used for safe loading and unloading in elevator.

Contractor will reactivate freezer/refrigerator at target site.

Furniture- Wood & metal furniture will be wrapped in blanket pads.

Secured with tape and/or rubber bands

Upholstery furniture- shrink wrapped, wrapped in cloth blankets, secure with tape.

Glass Cabinets & Bookcases- Glass will be protected by wrapping it with

corrugated materials, then wrapped in blanket pads and shrink wrapped Laboratory Glassware-Each glass piece will be bubble wrapped or triple

paper wrapped, secured with tape.

Page 32: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Laboratory Move Technical Approach

File Cabinets- Shrink wrapped

Apple Transfer, lnc.19 #0045555

Pictures- Blanket wrapped and moved on panel carts. Oil paintings or any

identified high value pieces will be packed in a carton or be crated.

Computers & other office machines- Components will be bubble wrapped

in anti-static bubble wrap, blanket padded and moved in C-Bins. Wires and keyboards will be packed in plastic bags. Each piece will be labeled.

Flags- Rolled up, shrink wrapped, placed upright in tall carton.

Furniture Installation- Disassemble, pack-out, unpack, assemble and

install. Will make minor furniture repairs, if applicable.

Remove or reinstall or install white boards1 mirrors1 pictures1 clocks

and other wall mounted office items.

4. Clean-Up Services Support Plan

At the end of the work day, AT will clean up outdoor and indoor work areas.

Cleaning up loading docks and storage rooms

Moving and organizing materials

Remove and dispose of trash & debris

Remove building/facilities protections.

5. Work Day Completion and Validation of Services Support Plan

Following the completion of the work and prior to departing the building or work

location, PM and NHLBI POC inspect all work areas for structural or other damages.

~After Move Assistance & Punch List Walk Thru Contactor Personnel NHLBI Personnel

Senior Project Manager NHLBI POC's

Contractor will be on property to assist NHLBI employees with work space changes,

crate removal to onsite staging area for future pick up etc., hands on assistance.

Contractor will notify NHLBI within 24 hours after relocation move completion.

Contractor will complete Punch List within three (3) business days of citation.

TBA Evaluation, & Crate Pick Up Contractor Personnel Equipment & Materials Project Manager Straight Truck- 1


1. Pick up crates. NHLBI will sign BOL verifying count and pick-up.

2. PM meet with NHLBI POC to review and evaluate service and performance.

Safety Plan- Contractor has a company Safety Plan. Available upon request.

Information Systems Security Plan- Contractor has a company ISSP. Contractor has

exhibited past performances of collection, retention and transportation of privacy records

and demonstrated full adherence and compliance with security protecting, safe guarding

and preventing unauthorized access to protected information. ISSP available upon request.

Security Adherence- Contractor will comply with all security requirements.

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MEMBER OF Apple Transfer, lnc.110 #0045555




Based in East Greenwich, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Is certified by the FIDI Global Alliance as complying with the requirements of the FIDI quality standards for international moving and is recognized as a member of The FIDI Global Alliance,

expiring on the date shown below.

The Compliance Procedure was executed by Ernst & Young in accordance to ISRS 4400 as issued by IFAC.



Expiry date:

3rd April 2019

Jesse van Sas

FIDI General Manager

Page 34: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Notice of toss or damage received by

CCR from OT

Claim Under $500 --+

Claim over $600, but __. under $2,000

Gather all shipment l/l'foR'rlat.IO,, Pelform. Internal audit of selVlcelal/ule.

Pg '7. B :1-

Process continues on next page ...

Copyright 2009 Arpin Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Page 35: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

If OT declines settlement offer, the CGC contacts the Global Account

Manager within 24 hours.

Claim over $2,000

Within 24 hours of notification the Global Account Manager w/11: • Contact Sr. VP, BU$. Dei.t and NA

S Provide fr,111 explanat/Qn _____. 6iJ Provide 18COtnmendatlon for handHng

the clBJm qulcldy and to the saf/sfactlon oftheDT

S Answer any questions • Monitor situation dally • Keep NA and Arp/n's Sr. Mgt. apprise</ at

all times. If necessary, claim Is escalated through the following h/etan:hy: • VP, Claims and Safety • President & CEO, David

Claims settlement process implemented

• Upon receipt of a f;qlJJpleteQ statement of Claim Form Biid aii~ ctocumfl(ltation, tbe acme pmoess v Implemented In the "Fa# b~ fJff!X*$ -----. Is followed. However, OJe-ao day settlement deadline ond sppllcable penalties do not apply.

Claim resolved to the satisfaction of the OT and NA

Apple Transfer, Inc. 12


DT.,. Domestfc Transferf#e

NA - National Account


Pg 7, 13 .1

CCR ..: Customer cat& Represent.atlve

CGC - Corporate Group Clalms Center -

Copyright 2009 Arpin Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Apple Transfer, lnc.1 13


Corporate Overview for Virginia Tech Faculty & Staff

• Global moving and storage services with over 375 U.S. agents Pg '1. f3 .t.

• 110 years of industry experience

• Award-winning quality program

• Cost-effective pricing solutions

• Trained and certified representatives

• Background checks on crew members

• Single-point of contact and accountability

• Elite driver fleet and certified packers

• Committed to continuous improvement

• Expert packing and custom crating

• Executive transportation services

• Member of American Moving & Storage Association {AMSA)

• Proud sponsor of Save the Children

• An average of 30,000 relocations annually

• Member of the Int' I Association of Movers (IAM)

• One of the largest FIDl/FAIM certified supplier-partner networks in the moving industry

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Apple Transfer, lnc.114


Pricing Pq '7. f?:> :z Provide your plan for pricing household goods moving services to Virginia Tech. Additionally,

describe your plan for pricing laboratory relocation services.

Interstate & Deregulated Intrastate Household Goods Shipments

The transportation charges in the tariff include the loading of the shipment at point of origin, vehicle

transportation to the point of destination, and the unloading of the shipment at destination. Additional services

are described in sections land 2 of the tariff. The transportation charges apply for the transportation of household

goods between all points in the U.S (except Hawaii). The charges apply between U.S. postal zip codes.

TARIFF Apple Transfer- Arpin Van Lines, Inc. are willing to work with Virginia Tech applying either the 400-N Tariff cumulatively adjusted through the process defined in item 40 of Tariff 400-N {General Price Adjustment) or the Arpin T-08 Tariff, which is modeled after the 400-N series tariff. Apple Transfer & Storage-Arpin Van Lines, Inc. agrees to waive the Tariff 104 series, which results in cost savings for Virginia Tech.

DISCOUNTS P9 fl.'] . ~ Charges for transportation and additional services will be reduced by 67% excluding charges for valuation, Storage- in- transit {"SIT") and Pick-up and Delivery Transportation Charges on SIT Shipments and third party service charges. Charges for SIT and Pick-up and Delivery Transportation Charges on SIT Shipments will be reduced by 55%.

STORAGE-IN-TRANSIT TERM & RADIUS FOR DELIVERY OUT Apple Transfer & Storage- Arpin Van Lines, Inc. agree to extend the SIT period from 90 to 180 days within the US {excluding AK & HI). Additionally, Apple Transfer- Arpin Van Lines, Inc. agrees to extend the mileage radius applicable to pick up and Delivery Transportation Charges on SIT Shipments to 75 miles and waive the additional distance charge.

FUEL SURCHARGE A fuel Cost Adjustment (Surcharge), if in effect and applicable, will apply to shipments performed in accordance with tariff rules. A 67% discount will apply to the fuel surcharge amount.

UPHOLSTERY WRAP Apple Transfer & Storage -Arpin Van Lines, Inc. will wrap all upholstered furniture to protect fabrics from soiling. This service will be provided at no charge.

REPLACEMENT VALUE PROTECTION Pg 7. B' z Apple Transfer -Arpin Van Lines, Inc. will be liable for loss or damage to household goods shipments performed for Replacement Value Protection, which means that for any item lost or damaged while in Carrier's custody hereunder, at Carrier's sole option, Carrier will repair or replace said item with materials of like kind or pay the replacement value of such item. Carrier's maximum liability for loss or damage to any shipment performed will be the lesser of $6.00 per pound multiplied by the actual weight, in pounds, of the shipment or $75,000, with a zero deductible. There is no cost for this level of protection. Valuation declared on the Bill of Lading in excess of the foregoing maximum will be charged at a rate of $0.65 per $100 of excess valuation.

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INTRASTATE VA MOVE PRICING Pg 7, 8 I z Apple Transfer, lnc.115


The rules and regulations described in Virginia Movers and Warehousemen's Association's Tariff NO 17,

naming rates for transportation of household goods between all points within the Commonwealth of Virginia, will apply. The title page of this tariff is provided herein for Virginia Tech's reference. A copy of the complete tariff is available upon request.

PERFORMANCES GUARANTEES On shipments weighing 3,500 lbs. or more, Apple Transfer -Arpin Van Lines, Inc. will reimburse Virginia Tech or its transferee $150 per each day of delayed performance based upon the performance dates agreed upon in writing prior to loading. The maximum reimbursement for any delay will not exceed the net line haul transportation amount. This penalty will not apply (a) to the overflow portion of any shipment; (b) in the case of late delivery of vehicles shipped separately from household goods; (c) when a shipment is loaded from or destined to storage-in-transit; and (d) when delay is beyond Carrier's control or otherwise resulting from impractical operations as described in the tariff.

Apple Transfer - Arpin Van Lines, Inc. agree to pay, decline or make a firm compromise settlement offer on cargo damage claims not exceeding $500.00 within 30 days of Carrier's receipt of fully documented claims made in writing, unless a longer period of time is mutually agreed upon or delay in settlement is caused by any of the following reasons: (i) additional information is requested which has not been provided (i.e. price or age of item, proof of amount claimed. Etc.) (ii) repair parts are not available timely from the manufacturer, and/ or (iii) Carrier is unable to arrange a mutually agreeable appointment with the transferee. If the Carrier fails to comply with these conditions, Carrier will pay Virginia Tech or its transferee $25.00 per day, up to a maximum of $250.00 per move.


Regular Overtime Minimum Hours

Supervisor 40 60 4

Driver 40 60 4

Helper 30 45 4

18-26' Straight 28 28 4 Truck

Tractor Trailer 35 35 4

Regular hours are Monday - Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Overtime are hours apply beyond the defined regular hours. Pricing to be performed on holidays is available upon request.

INTERNATIONAL MOVE PRICING pg 7. (3 · :). Shipping contracts are established with NUSA (National Unaffiliated Shippers Associations) as well as

directly with steamship lines, air lines, and NVOCC suppliers. Costs are determined by the international

daily market and per move location.

LABORATORY MOVE PRICING Pg 7. (j. ;J. Local, Intrastate, Domestic and/or International pricing will apply.

Page 39: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated


Apple Transfer, lnc.116


Describe the qualifications and experience of your business and its employees in providing employee

household goods moving services as well as laboratory relocation services. Identify the people in your

organization that will be assigned to our account if you are awarded a contract, and describe their



484210 Used Household & Office Goods Moving 488991 Packing & Crating

493110 General Warehousing & Storage

561910 Packaging & Labeling Services

561210 Facilities Support Services

561990 Support Services

SAMS/ORCA Registered DUNS Number 61 978 5900 Cage Code lELRl

FEIN 54 1464367 Accept Government Procurement Card


EDWOSB, Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business #619785900

VA DMBE SWaM Certificate# 690335

GSA Schedule 48 Transportation, Delivery & Relocation Solutions #GS-33-F0009W

Service Disabled Veteran Managed


Barbara Diseati-Ayers, President/CEO 202.579.0962 cell 800.9APPLE9 Office

[email protected]

Jimmy Morin, Vice President 540.379.7171 cell 800.9APPLE9 Office [email protected]

Jane Swift, Customer Care/Administrative Assistant 800.9APPLE9 [email protected]

Michael Diseati, Project Manager, 800.9APPLE9

Paula Wagner, Vice President Operations, 800.9APPLE9


National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC

Metropolitian Washington Airport Authorities

Virginia Tech, Virginia

GSA Real Estate, Washington DC

Navy School of Music, Norfolk, VA

Dover Air Force Base, DE

National Defense University, Ft. McNair

Baltimore City Public Schools, MD

Veterans Administration- MO, MD, DC, CA,VA,MI, WI ,FL,SC

For over 28 years, Apple Transfer (AT) has been recognized as a leading provider and Specialty

Contractor of premier integrated household, office and commercial planning, design, moving, relocation

Page 40: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Apple Transfer, lnc.117


and storage solutions to the commercial and federal, state and local government marketplaces in the

Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC areas, and worldwide.

Contractor is regularly engaged and has an established reputation in the field of furniture planning and

design, household, office and commercial moving and storage services. AT will provide general project

management services, all trucks, personnel, equipment, tools and materials to efficiently and orderly

service all task order service requirements to include but not be limited to reconfiguration, disassembly,

loading, moving, unloading and reassembly/installation of furniture, accessories and boxed items in

accordance with customers' requirements, unpack and uncrate and place property as required.

ARPIN QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE Ptj 7 ' B. B Founded in 1900, Arpin Van Lines is one ofthe nation's oldest privately-owned and operated van lines.

Arpin Group, Inc. the nation's fourth largest household goods van line group, is the holding company for

Arpin Van Lines, Arpin International Group, Arpin Broadcast Network, LLC, Creative Storage Solutions,

and Arpin Renewable Energy, LLC.

Arpin Van Lines provides worldwide household goods relocation services to corporations, the

government, military and private customers, as well as specialized transportation services. Our

combined divisions relocate approximately 30,000 families annually.

In addition to providing services to the U.S government and federal agencies, Arpin also provides

services to government contractors and is familiar with the process of its clients being audited by the

government. These audits are typically carried out by the U.S Government Accountability Office (GAO),

and other outside auditing agencies. Arpin is an approved "pre-auditor'' by the U.S General Services

Administration (GSA).

Our international divisions in the United Kingdom and Arpin International Group's world headquarters

are FIDl/FAIM (FIDI Accredited International Mover) is the first industry certification for International

movers. Developed by FIDI in 1997, it is currently the most stringent, all encompassing quality

guarantee program for the international moving industry. To learn more, please visit

With our Strategic Service Centers in North America, Europe, and Asia, and more than 385 certified

agents in the United States, we consistently provide a high level of service around the world. Arpin

International Group is a member of the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT).

As a privately- owned and innovative independent moving group that is financially sound, Arpin Group

brings flexibility and scalability to its clients. Arpin is well- positioned, both structurally and financially, to

handle peak season and group move volume. With over 100 years of experience managing our

relocation mix to accommodate surges, we are able to considerably increase our performance capacity

by adding only a small amount of resources. Our Service Team concept provides each corporate client

with consistent coverage throughout the year as team members support each other during volume

shifts, vacation days, and sick days.

Page 41: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated


Barbara Ayers President & CEO

39 Sage Lane Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405

(540) 657-2855 [email protected]

Apple Transfer, lnc.118 #0045555

Pg7. B. 3

High integrity, energetic leader, known for ability to envision and create successful outcomes in complex situations. Diverse industry and functional expertise with a tenacious commitment to driving sales, profit and market-share growth. Expertise with primarily skilled in business operations with strong background in business marketing, planning, budgeting and general management; provides leadership to position the company at the forefront of the industry; develops strategic planning to advance the company's mission and objectives and to promote revenue, profitability and growth as an organization; and oversees company operations to insure production efficiency, quality, service, and cost-effective management of resources.


Apple Transfer, Inc. President & CEO

• Responsible for company business development and sales leadership

Fredericksburg, VA 1998- Present

• Certified instructor to teach industry office and household relocation components of customer service, packing, loading and small and large office moving

• Manage company budgets and P&L's, ability to analyze and interpret financial data • Strategic business planning and execution • Knowledge of contracting, negotiating, and change management • Skill in examining and re-engineering operations and procedures • Twenty years experience planning and executing small and large office relocations • Experience in formulating policy, and developing and implementing new strategies and procedures • Ability to analyze and interpret financial data • Knowledge of public relations principles and practices • Knowledge of communication and public relation techniques • Ability to communicate and interact with officials at all levels of government and to work effectively

with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community • Ability to motivate teams and simultaneously manage several projects

U.S. Department of Treasury Washington, DC Human Resources 1978-1981

• Designed and conducted training courses, ranging in length from a half-day to 2 years to promote successful performance in each professional assignment, to ease the adjustment to other countries and cultures, and to enhance the leadership and management capabilities.

• Wrote departmental standard operating procedure manuals used daily by personnel within the agency • Conducted departmental analysis and audit, preparing written reports for agency Directors.


Frostburg State University Bachelor of Science 1978

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James Morin 9604 Gunston Hall, Fredericksburg, VA 22408


Apple Transfer, lnc.119 #0045555

Office moving and BRAC Specialist. Expertly operate tractor-trailers, forklift and other heavy duty equipment; diplomatically manage clients; operate and produce well under pressure, extensive knowledge of industry procedures, office relocation, managing, supervising and training large crews (75+) on daily basis, over 35 years industry experience in office and household planning and executing relocations. Service Disabled Veteran


Apple Transfer, Inc. Vice President

2010- Present

• Manage move projects. Responsible and demonstrated experience for planning, executing and closing projects within budget and performance period.

• Vast experiences and excellent reputation for creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements and managing the constraints of cost, time, scope and quality.

• Serves effectively as client' s representative determining and implementing exact needs of client.

• Extensive industry knowledge and experiences qualifies for foreseeing, understanding and adjusting or adapting procedures to ensure the key issues of cost, time, quality and customer satisfaction can be realized.

• "Hands On" effective leader and respected Manager. • Authorized authority to negotiate contracts. • Successfully meets annual commercial business development revenue goals. • Responsible and on target for project estimating and final costs. • Monitor labor; evaluate scheduled and actual labor hours and costs. • Responsible and on target for proposed versus actual project timelines. • Work with Operations to schedule and dispatch crews to various locations for packing,

loading, and/or delivery special office projects. • Certified and responsible for training staff for office relocations and household packing,

loading and customer service standards and procedures in compliance with industry and Department of Defense regulations.

• Develop and nurture client relationships. • Assist with developing and implementing long range and annual business development

plans, forecasts, operating reports and budgets. • Responsible for hiring, managing and supervising special project labor staff.

Page 43: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Allied Van Lines Trainer, Master Mover Facilitator, Driver

• Developed and executed step-by-step move plan and timelines.

Apple Transfer, lnc.120 #0045555


• Trained new hires on packing, loading and delivery services, step-by-step move plans and move crew requirements.

• Determined and recommended appropriate packing and moving equipment needs. • Surveyed military and COD shipments moving out-of-area • Coordinated crews for packing, loading, and/or delivery of household goods • Maintained a warehouse in compliance with Department of Defense storage programs. • Supervised warehouse personnel.



EDUCATION West Boylston High School, Degree Worcester Industrial Technology Institute Central New England College, BS

Contracts Employee 1 serves/served as Project Manager • NIH Heart, Lung and Blood Institutes, Bethesda, MD • NIH/NIA/Biomedical Research Center, Baltimore, MD • NIH/NIDA/Dr. Rice's Laboratory, Rockville, MD • Louisa Country Public Schools, Mineral, VA • National Defense University, Ft. McNair, DC • Navy School of Music, Ft. Story, VA • Quantico Marine Corps, Quantico, VA • FBI, VA • Dover Air Force Base, DE • Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, DC • Defense Security Cooperation, Crystal City, VA • Veterans Administration St. Louis, MO • Veterans Administration Ann Arbor, MI • Veterans Administration Pala Alto, CA • Veterans Administration Perry Point, MD • Veterans Administration McGuire, Richmond, VA • Veterans Administration, Washington, DC • Willow Grove Naval Air Station, PA • Baltimore City Public Schools • US Kingsville Border Patrol, TX • Raytheon • General Dynamics Information Systems • GSA Real Estate, DC

1975 1975-1977 1979-1983

Page 44: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Jane Swift 11105 Gardner Circle, Fredericksburg, VA 22407


Apple Transfer, lnc.121 #0045555

Many years Professional experience in customer service and relations. Highly motivated and enthusiastic person who is committed to helping connect outside people with inside information.


Apple Transfer, Inc. 2014- Present Customer Service Representative/ Administrative Assistant

• Seen as the outward "face" of the company. Clients "hear" a smile on the phone. Good with people.

• Goal and task oriented. • Committed to providing the highest level of customer care. • Extremely detailed orientated and organized. • Demonstrated ability to multi task. • Communicates with clients by phone, via email and/or in person. • Serves as liaison and inner office point person for client relations. • Receives orders for service and issues for resolution. • Prepares and issues service requests to operations, • Follows up on all services performed to assure customer satisfaction. • Prepares customer quality feedback reports and service level tracking for customer and

management trend analysis. • Maintains and manages records for projects and contracts. • Assist with preparing contract proposals. • Prepares written estimates. • Oversee Quality Assurance program.

JF Designs Self Employed

• Small woman owned business • Managed and directed daily company operations. • Responsible for customer relations and business development. • Successfully grew 5% annually and managed to stay on budget target.

Pratt Medical Administrative Assistant



• Responsible for customer service and relations with vendors and clients via phone and in person. • Maintained client privacy for records and information. • Responsible for schedules, billings, payment processing.

EDUCATION Cooper Secondary School, England Diploma 1979

Page 45: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Michael Diseati Apple Transfer, lnc.122 3825 Corona Lane, Woodbridge, VA 22192 #0045555 n

~~~~~~~~~~~~~54~0.~37_9.~71~74~~~~~~~~~~~f237o .~ SUMMARY

Eighteen (18) years office furniture installation and moving relocation specialist. Diplomatically manage clients; operate and produce well under pressure, extensive knowledge of industry procedures, office relocation, and managing, supervising and training large crews (25+). Good attention to detail, team orientated, excellent organizational skills, mechanically inclined.

Apple Transfer, Inc. 1998- Present Installer Supervisor

• Manage, supervise and facilitate move projects. Responsible and demonstrated experience for planning, executing and closing projects within budget and performance period.

• Read, interpret and understand hand sketches, AutoCAD installation drawings, blueprints and detailed furniture drawings.

• Install all kinds of free-standing furniture, board and modular systems furniture; placement, leveling, clean, and, if applicable, reconfigurations of metal and wood furniture.

• Reconfigure workspaces, using visual and measurements and hands on materials, to better suit customer's needs.

• Sound knowledge of the necessary tools, materials and equipment for installations and uninstalls. • Verified and report faulty and absent parts of office furniture. • Adhere to procedures and regulatory guidelines in office furniture installation. • Monitor, track and manage office furniture dispatch through telephonic and electronic

communications. • Problems solve and resolve on the spot conflicts and any issues with product modification and

utility concerns. • Create clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements and managing the

constraints of cost, time, scope and quality. • Serves effectively as client's representative determining and implementing exact needs of client. • Extensive industry knowledge and experiences qualifies for foreseeing, understanding and

adjusting or adapting procedures to ensure the key issues of cost, time, quality and customer satisfaction can be realized.

• "Hands On" effective leader and respected Manager. • Work with, coordinate and manage work projects with other vendors to meet project and/or

installation time lines. • Upholstery repairs and cleaning of furniture. • Project estimating and final costs. • Monitor labor; evaluate scheduled and actual labor hours and costs. • Quality and Safety control and compliance management. • Schedule and dispatch crews to various locations for packing, loading, and/or delivery special

office projects. • Certified and responsible for training staff for office relocations and household packing, loading

and customer service standards and procedures in compliance with industry and Department of Defense regulations.

• Develop and nurture client relationships. • Assist with developing and implementing long range and annual business development plans,

forecasts, operating reports and budgets.

EDUCATION West Springfield High School, Degree James Madison University

1999 2000-2003

Page 46: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated


Paula Wagner Vice President Operations

9307 Timberlake Rd. Fredericksburg, VA 22408

Apple Transfer, lnc.123 #0045555

f0j7.8. 3

Vice President with strong interpersonal and organizational skills with a keen ability to multitask a variety of challenges and responsibilities. Moving industry experience in excess of 14 years.


Apple Transfer, Inc. 2010-Present Vice President Operations

• Responsible for overseeing daily company operations • Supervise 20-150 employees • Maintain fleet and comply with Federal, State and Local regulations. • Supervises dispatch operations ensuring all DOT and FMCSA regulations are administered. • Ensures CDL drivers are completing all required paperwork and vehicle inspections per federal,

state and company requirements. • Assists in developing plans for efficient use of materials, equipment and employees to meet the

needs of the customer in a cost effective manner. • Assists in reviewing operating costs and service quality and modifies as necessary to meet

operating plan and budget. • Knowledge of DOT rules and regulations. • Plans, directs and coordinates activities of general and daily transportation projects to ensure

goals or objectives are accomplished within prescribed time frame and funding parameters. • Coordinates daily dispatch operations in accordance with company policies, principles and

procedures and recommends changes as necessary. • Maintains inventory of supplies, parts and equipment. • Assists in training and developing employees on operating procedures and practices. • Performs recruitment activities such as hiring and training new personnel for the warehouse and

dispatch personnel. • Prepares various reports for management as required.

Office Manager 1997-2010 • Manage and maintain payroll. • Maintain and process accounts payables after auditing for accuracy. • Maintain and process customer invoicing and accounts receivables. • Assist in daily accounting transactions into QuickBooks. • Develop and maintain military qualifications with SDDC for the household goods contract. • Manage and submit semi-annual rate filings for all government contracts. • Receive orders, coordinate and execute office and household relocations. • Serve as military and government affairs manager. • Managed and processed damage claims. • Provide administrative support for all departments/divisions such as assisting operations with

scheduling and driver assignment and resolving a range of administrative problems and inquiries.

Page 47: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Manhattan Builders Office Manager 1994-1997

Apple Transfer, lnc.124 #0045555

Woodbridge, VA

• Process and maintain all accounting transactions such as payables, receivables and construction loans.

• Maintained recordkeeping and prepared activity reports on all homes under construction for the principals.

• Managed all vendors and subcontractors. • Assisted with the auditing of the closing documents prior to settlement. • High volume experience

Greensteele Inc. Office Manager 1986 - 1994

• Responsible for day to day management of company tasks. • Assisted sales department with various material and cost estimates for state and local government

bids. • Provide support between sales department and corporate headquarters. • Maintain and submitted payroll reports for two local Carpenters Unions.


Dorothea B. Lane Business School, Executive Secretary Diploma Graduated 1986

Potomac Senior High School, Diploma Graduated 1985

Page 48: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Apple Transfer, lnc.125 #0045555

Apple Transfer, Inc. Past Performance

National Institutes of Health Bethesda, MD National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute

July 2014-2018

Anja Heim, Project Architect 301.594.7916 [email protected]

Alia Taqi, Asst. Project Architect 301.402.9639 [email protected]

5-50+ Employees Support for packing & moving services


Contractor provides project management, reconfiguration, disassembly, reassembly, packing and transport services for office furniture and equipment, laboratories, systems and modular furniture. Several reconfiguration/deslqn projects to date.

Contractor must coordinate and perform task orders in conjunction with other third party contractors, such as chemical movers, special equipment riggers, IT Technicians, Construction Contractors etc.

Contractor handles and move high value equipment. Contractor provides appropriate Material Handling Equipment to safely and properly move laboratory equipment.

Moves can be time sensitive. Contractor must move equipment within certain time frames so as not to compromise the integrity of the contents, ie. laboratory samples oves must be performed to minimize down time and disruption to work force.

Responsible for providing management, labor, equipment and materials to: *Conduct Kick-Off Meeting *Coordinate, pack and move laboratories, equipment, instruments, office equipment & files for laboratories and/or offices.

*Packed, moved, unpacked in excess of 5000 glass beakers, tubes and laboratory dishes. Damage free.

* Conduct premove orientation with employees. Refine, distribute and explain move. * Assign labels and colors and rooms numbers to staff for new laboratory and office space * Coordinate delivery schedule for items requiring manufacturer pre-move preparation * Ensure cleaning and clearing has been completed. * Coordinate and oversee logistics with third party team partners. *Reactivate freezer/refrigerator at target site. *Prep, disconnect, transport and place per requirements at destination sensitive, delicate, fragile, high value scientific laboratory equipment and instruments. *Contractor was responsible for maintain consistency for temperature sensitive

laboratory equipment and equipment contents while unplugged for transport. *Contractor staff required to maintain confidentiality while working in this environment.

Laboratory work Level 2 and above. *Clean up services and debris removal.

include, but not be limited to, reconfiguration, disassembly and reassembly, movement and transport­Office furniture & Equipment

Page 49: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Systems/Modular furniture

IT Equipment

eceive task order, read and review, plan logistics to accomplish request with no disruption to daily functions.

Label contents and place at designated locations.

Services provided within buildings and buildings through out the campus. Special Events- Set up and break down for university ceremonial functions.

Assemble & disassemble modular furniture systems and partitions

Library realignment and reconfiguration. Minor furniture repairs

Assist with inventory asset management. Palletize and shrink wrap products for movement and staging. Relocate safes, large and small

Apple Transfer, lnc.126 #0045555

Laboratory Equipment, high value, sensitive, delicate and fragile, Contractor moves­Minus 80 Freezer Minus 20 Freezers Refrigerators (full Size) Biosafety Cabinets Single & Double Tissue Culture Incubators Large, Medium & Small Centrifuges BSC-Biological Safety Cabinet-Tissue Culture Hood Rf200 and Rf200i Automated Flash Chromatography Systems Air tables DU640 Spectrophotometer Cyphergen Mass Spec Cold trap Centrifuge System Frozen section Microtone

Shaking Incubators (large)

Double Stack Incubators

Page 50: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated


"Commitment to Excellence Gold" 2015, 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010 - Presented to Arpin International Group to recognize its commitment to excellence by achieving critical performance metrics.

"Global Citizenship Award" 2015 (2nd Place), 2014 (1st Place) - Presented to Arpin Group for its outstanding contributions to the health, welfare, and safety of others, and for improvements in a community's quality of life on a national or international level.


"Mirroring BP Values Award" 2015

"Outstanding Service by an Individual" 2015, 2013, 2012 - Presented to an Arpin International Group employee.

"International Supplier of the Year'' 2014, 2013

"Outstanding Service by an Individual" 2013, 2012, 2010 - Presented to a Creative Storage Solutions' employee.

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"The James Carroll Alabama Math Award" 2012 - Presented to Creative Storage Solutions for assisting the BP International Mobility Team ~ improve efficiency and save money. g ~


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Page 51: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated


''You Made a Difference" 2015 - Presented to an Arpin International Group employee for going "Above & Beyond."


"Supplier Partner of the Year" 2015 - Presented to Arpin International Group for superior performance.

"President's Cup" 2015 - Recognizes Arpin International Group as its "Best Overall" supplier.


"Clean Energy Future Award" 2015 - Presented to Arpin Group for outstanding leadership in sustainable energy practices.


"Fastest Growing Innovative Companies" 2015 - Presented to Arpin Group for developing cutting-edge products and solutions that address climate change and contribute to creating a cleaner environment.


"Commitment to Excellence Gold Award" 2015, 2014, 2013 - Presented to Arpin International Group for driving and promoting industry knowledge amongst its employees.

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"World of Quality-Supplier Excellence" 2014, 2013, 2012 - Presented to Arpin International Group for consistently delivering exceptional service levels.


"Quest For Quality Award" 2014, 2009 - Arpin Van Lines was recognized as the ''Best Overall" Household Goods and High Value Goods Carrier. Arpin was voted #1 in the categories of ''Value," "Information Technology," "On-time Performance,'' "Customer Service," and "Equipment and Operations" by the readers of Logistics Management Magazine.


"Rhode Island Business of the Year" 2014 - Presented to Arpin Group for its outstanding contributions to the environment.


"Booker of the Year" 2014 - Presented to Arpin International Group for the highest number of ocean freight bookings.


"Next Practices Leadership Award" 2012 - Presented to Arpin Group for demonstrating the ability to continuously improve, refine, and rethink the means by which the company meets its workforce mobility objectives.

"Partner of the Year" 2012, 2010 - Presented to Arpin Group for achieving outstanding scorecard ratings.

"International Move Coordinator of the Year" 2012, 2010

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Page 53: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

RFP 0045555 Apple Transfer, Inc. , 31 #0045555

GENERAL INFORMATION FORM P9 2.8 s QUESTIONS: All inquiries for information regarding this solicitation should be directed to: Kimberly Dulaney, Phone: (540) 231- 8543, e-mail: [email protected].

DUE DATE: Proposals will be received until June 24, 2016 at 3:00 PM. Failure to submit proposals to the correct location by the designated date and hour will result in disqualification.

ADDRESS: Proposals should be mailed or hand delivered to: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech, 300 Turner Street NW, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 . Reference the due date and Hour, and RFP Number in the lower left corner of the return envelope or package.

TYPE OF BUSINESS: (Please check all applicable classifications). If your classification is certified by the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (SBSD), provide your certification number: . For assistance with SWaM certification, visit the SBSD website at


Small business - An independently owned and operated business which, together with affiliates, has 250 or fewer employees or average annual gross receipts of $10 million or less averaged over the previous three years. Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (VASBSD) certified women-owned and minority-owned business shall also be considered small business when they have received DMBE small business certification.

_x_ Women-owned business - A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more women who are U. S. citizens or legal resident aliens, or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest is owned by one or more women who are citizens of the United States or non-citizens who are in full compliance with the United States immigration law, and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women who are U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens.

Minority-owned business -A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more minority individuals (see Section 2.2-1401, Code of Virginia) or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest in the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity is owned by one or more minority individuals and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more minority individuals.

COMPANY INFORMATION/SIGNATURE: In compliance with this Request For Proposal and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the goods or services in accordance with the attached signed proposal and as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiation.


Page 54: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Apple Transfer, Inc. 32 --·----

FULL LEGAL NAME (PRINT} . FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER .. (ID#) _,;g ~ (Company name as it appears with your Federal fJ , s Taxpayer Number)

Annie Transfer lnr.

BUSINESS NAM EID BA NAME/TA NAME BILLING NAME (If different than the Full Legal Name) (Company name as it appears on your invoice)

Apple Transfer, Inc


39, Sage Lane Fredericksburg, VA 22405 39 Sage Lane Fredericksburg, VA 22405


Barbara Avers. CEO [email protected]


E-PROCUREMENT 540-657-2851 540-657-2855 800.9APPLE9 ORDERS

Is any member of the firm an employee of the onwealth of Virginia who has a personal interest in this contract pursuant to the Co of Virginia, 2- 3102 - 3112 YES NO---'.__ _____ +-

6/23/2016 ::.__ __ ..::::::::,~~=T===:;!~==--====-:~~Date: ------------


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[llVirginiaTech I

Apple Transfer, Inc Attn: Barbara Ayers, CEO 39 Sage Lane Fredricksburg, VA 22405 [email protected]

Dear Barbara,

Subject: Virginia Tech RFP #0045555

Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628

August 26, 2016

Thank you for submitting a proposal in response to the subject RFP.

We have reached the point in the evaluation process where we are ready to negotiate as provided for in Section IX. B. of the RFP. We are pleased to inform you that Apple Transfer, Inc has been selected for negotiations. Therefore, we would appreciate your response to the following:

1. How will pricing be determined for third party services?

2. When looking at an invoice, how will Virginia Tech know that we have received contract rates? Will your invoice be itemized to reflect contract discounted pricing?

3. Are you able to include the Virginia Tech PO number on all invoices submitted to the Controller's office for payment?

4. Please provide the point of contact for your organization as it relates to billing questions.

5. If awarded a contract, please confirm that the contract will be between Virginia Tech and Apple Transfer, Inc. If different, please explain.

6. Do you agree that, if awarded a contract, the initial contract period shall be one year?

7. Upon completion of the initial contract period, do you agree that, if awarded a contract, the contract may be renewed by Virginia Tech upon written agreement of both parties for four (4) one year periods, under the terms of the current contract?

8. Do you acknowledge, agree and understand that Virginia Tech cannot guarantee a minimum amount of business if a contract is awarded to your company?

9. Do you acknowledge, agree and understand that Virginia Tech may award more than one contract for household goods moving services as a result of this process?

'----------------------- Invent the Future

VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportunity , affirmati v e action institution

Page 56: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

, .,, . "'

10. Are the prices for all services offered inclusive of all applicable eVA system transaction fees? There are transaction fees involved with the use of eV A. One blanket purchase order would be issued for the entire contract time frame. The one-time eVA fee is capped at a $1500 maximum.

11 . As part of our initiative to increase operational efficiencies, Virginia Tech is seeking to pay our suppliers electronically using the WellsOne AP Control Payment System. It uses a single-use Commercial Card Number, also known as a Control Account Number (CAN). The supplier must be able to accept credit cards in order to participate. Are you willing to participate in the WellsOne AP Control Payment System?

12. Since our purchasing system requires precise and accurate information, please provide the following: 1. Legal name of your company. 2. Trade name (OBA) if different from legal name. 3. Taxpayer Identification Number. 4. Company name and address to which Virginia Tech should mail purchase orders. 5. Company name and address to which Virginia Tech should mail payments. 6. IRS W-9 form (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) .

13. Please provide pricing information based upon the following moving scenarios:

A: INTERSTATE: Employee moving from Columbus, Ohio to Blacksburg , VA. Weight of household is 10,000 lb and includes full packing, 30 days in-transit storage and moving of a family vehicle (Honda Accord) .

B. INTRASTATE: Employee moving from Arlington, VA to Blacksburg , VA. Weight of household is 6000 lb and includes full packing and moving of a piano.

C. INTERNATIONAL: Employee moving from Barcelona, Spain to Blacksburg , VA. Weight of household is 7040 lbs and includes full packing.

Your response by 10:00 am on Wednesday, August 31 , 2016, will be greatly appreciated.

Kimberly Dulan Assistant Director & Contracts Manager {540) 231-8543


An equa l oppo r tunity, affirmative actio n institution

Page 57: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated


August 31, 2016

Virginia Tech Procurement Department

ATIN : Ms. Kimberly Dulaney

North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech

300 Turner Street NW

Blacksburg, VA 24061

RE: Virginia Tech RFP #045555

Dear Ms. Dulaney,

Apple Transfer is pleased and honored to have been selected for the negotiations phase for the above

referenced RFP. Please accept the following responses with attachments as our reply to your 26 August


1. How will pricing be determined for third party services?

Apple Transfer has a twenty year relationship with MSS for third party services. MSS, a

nationally recognized and award winning third party service provider with locations all over

North America and across the ocean, provides Apple Transfer' s customers with expertise

specialty relocation services using skillfully screened, tra ined, professional craftsmen and

women. Our end users always receive consistent, unsurpassed personal third party services.

Th ird Party Service Rate Chart- Attachment 1

2. When looking at an invoice, how will Virginia Tech know that we have received contract

rates? Will your invoice be itemized to reflect contract discounted pricing?

Each domestic invoice will identify the tariff and discounts based on the terms negotiated and

agreed upon in writing by all parties.

No applicable tariff exists for international services. All shipments are quoted on a case-by-case

basis in advance of the move. The international invoice will be supported by the approved


Invoices will be itemized.

3. Are you able to include the Virginia Tech PO number on all invoices submitted to the

Controller's office for payment?


4. Please provide the point of contract for your organization as it relates to billing questions.

Jane Swift, VT Administrative Support 540.657.2855 800.9APPLE9

39 Sage Lane, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 540.657.2855 800.9APPLE9

Page 58: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

5. If awarded a contract, please confirm that the contract will be between Virginia Tech and

Apple Transfer, Inc. If different please explain.

The contract will be between Virginia Tech and Apple Transfer, Inc.

6. Do you agree that, if awarded a contract, the initial contract period shall be one year?


7. Upon completion of the initial contract period, do you agree that, if awarded a contract, the

contract may be renewed by Virginia Tech upon written agreement of both parties for four (4

one year periods, under the terms of the current contract?


8. Do you acknowledge, agree and understand that Virginia Tech cannot guarantee a minimum

amount of business is a contract is awarded to your company?


9. Do you acknowledge, agree and understand that Virginia Tech may award more than one

contract for household goods moving services as a result of this process?


10. Are the prices for all services offered inclusive of all applicable eVA system transaction fees?

There are transaction fees involved with the use of eVA. One blanket purchase order would

be issued for the entire contract time frame. The one-time eVA fee is capped at a $1500


Yes. Previous policy guideline capped at $500 per order for eVA Registered OM BE-Certified

Small Businesses and $1500 per order for eVA Registered Businesses that are not DMBE. We

agree to what is in force and applicable.

11. As part of our initiative to increase operational efficiencies, Virginia Tech is seeking to pay our

suppliers electronically using the WellsOne AP Control Payment System. It uses a single-use

Commercial Card Number, also known as a Control Account Number (CAN). The supplier must

be able to accept credit cards in order to participate. Are you willing to participate in the

WellsOne AP Control Payment System?


12. Since our purchasing system required precise and accurate information, please provide the


Legal name of your company- Apple Transfer, Inc.

Trade name (DBA) if different from legal name- NA

Taxpayer Identification Number-

Company name and address to which Virginia Tech should mail purchase orders- Apple

Transfer, Inc., 39 Sage Lane, Fredericksburg, VA 22405

Company name and address to which Virginia Tech should mail payments- Apple Transfer, Inc.,

39 Sage Lane, Fredericksburg, VA 22405

IRS W-9 form (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) - Attachment 2

39 Sage Lane, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 540.657.2855 800.9APPLE9

Page 59: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

13. Please provide pricing information based upon the following moving scenarios:

A. INTERSTATE: Attachment 3

Employee moving from Columbus, Ohio to Blacksburg, VA. Weight of household is 10,000

lbs. and includes full packing, 30 days in-transit storage and moving of a family vehicle

(Honda Accord).

B. INTRASTATE: Attachment 4

Employee moving from Arlington, VA to Blacksburg, VA. Weight of household is 6000 lbs.

and includes full packing and moving of a piano.

C. INTERNATIONAL: Attachment 5

Employee moving from Barcelona, Spain to Blacksburg, VA. Weight of household is 7040

lbs. and includes full packing.

Apple Transfer thanks you again for this opportunity. Should you require any additional information or

clarification regarding our responses please contact me at 202.579.0962 (cell).

ra . Diseati-Ayers

President & CEO


39 Sage Lane, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 540.657.2855 800.9APPLE9 www.a

Page 60: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Apple Transfer, Inc.

Arpin International Group


DATE: 8/30/2016

TO: Virginia Tech


ORIGIN Barcelona, Spain



20 FT. Container HHGS 7040 lbs.

Includes: Origin Services, Full Pack, Container Drayage in Spain, Import Security

Filing, Ocean Freight, THC/Port Charges, Informal Customs Clearance,

Container Drayage (Drop & Pick), Chassis Rental, Delivery Services.

Full Value Protection $42,000/ 0 Deductible


Attachment 5

QUOTE# SEA16-228


$ 10,605.00


$ 10,605.00

EFFECTIVE PERIOD: Due to fluctuating land, ocean, air and other cost factors, ESTIMATE COST will remain valid

and in effect for a period of 30 days unless extended in writing.

Apple Transfer, Inc. 540.657.2855 800.9APPLE9

Page 61: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

·- - .. - - ~ ..

Thii-d Porty Service Rate Chart Estimated Charges for Origin and Destination S!'Mtes

Transferee: I

Basic Appliance Service (2 Appliance Minimum on Appliance Only Orders) Disconnect 1st Appliance Disconnect 2nd Appliance Disconnect - Gas Additional Hook Up 1st Appliance Hook Up 2nd Appliance •Hook Up-Gas Add'I (incl. new gas flex connector per ANSI 221.14) (Variations in local ordinances may add costs)

Other Appliances Front Load Washer - Kit Supplied - Origin Front Load Washer - Customer Sup plied Kit - Origin Front Load Washer - Destination Appliance Pedestals Disassemble/Reassemble (Up to 2) lcemaker Disconnect to Existing Line lcemaker Connect to Existing Line lcemaker Install New Line (Parts Included) Dishwasher Disconnect/Reconnect Microwave Disconnect/Reconnect Refrigerator R&R Doors/SW Doors

Basic Services



Maid Service (2 person/8 Hr. min./Day + 1 Hr. Travel Time/Person/Day) Cleaning Service Wi ne Service Service Ca ll/Return Service Call Service Ca ll/Ret urn Service Call in 5 boroughs of NYC and Canada Minimum Charge Per Order Service Inspection Misc Labor I Move Items Rigging I Hoisting/ Debris Pickup Rep lace Hardware

Bed/ Airbed Assemble Bed/Airbed Disassemble Add' I Charge for Extra Components-Light Bridge/Canopies/Pier etc. Waterbed Assemble & Fill Waterbed Assemble On ly Waterbed Disassem ble On ly Waterbed Dra in & Disassemble Waterbed Drain or Fill Only Add'I Charge for Extra Components-Light Bridge/Canopies/Pier etc. Futon !lunk Bed Crib Pier Group Bed - Assemble Pier Group Bed - Disassemble

Home Theater/ Stereo - Disassemble I Assemble Satellite Dish - Norma l Disassemble Sate llite Dish - Assemble

Exercise Equipment


Exercise Bike I Stair Climber I Ski Machine I Treadmi ll I Elliptica l Multistation Home Gym other Exe rcise Equipment

Armoire /German Shrank I Wall Unit Bookcase/Desk/Comp. Desk/Roll Top Desk/Enterta inment Ctr/Shelves Table

Grandfather/ Wall/ Cuckoo Clocks (White Glove Service} Disassemble & Prep for Tra nsit Reassemble (Rates may vary for tubu lar bell cl ocks)


Rate Quantity Quantity Orf gin De$t.

539.00 $30.00 S41.00 $39.00 $30.00 $95 .00

$209.00 $91.00 $98.00 $85.00 $30.00 $62.00

$125.00 Quote

$81.00 $81.00

Quote Quote Quote

$55.00 $110.00

$98.00 ..

S98.00 $126.00

Quote Quote

$135.00 $124.00 $63.00

$205.00 $135.00 $124.00 $180.00 $110.00

$63.00 $126.00 $126.00 5109.00 $260.00 5250.00

Quote 234.00 Quote

Attachment 1


Totaf Notes

so.oo so.oo SO.OD Incl. Capping Line SO.DO :;;o.oo so.oo

so.oo $0.00 so.oo so.oo so.oo $0.00 $0.00

Quote Per Order $0.00 $0.00

Quote Per Order Quote Per Order Quote Per Order

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Per Hour/1 Hr. Min.

Quote Per Order Quote Per Order

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Each $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Each $0.00 Per Hour/l Hr. Min. $0.00 Per Hour/2 Hr. Min. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Quote Per Order 0.00

Quote Per Order

0.00 0.00 Per !lour 2 I-Ir. Min. 0.00 Per Hour 1 Hr. Min.

0.00 Per Hour 2 Hr. Min . 0.00 Per Hou r 1 Hr. Min. 0.00

;0.001 0.00 Rate May Vary For

Page 62: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Light Fixtures/ Ceiling Fans Light Fixture - Remove or Re-Hang (up to 9' ceiling) Ceiling Fan - Remove or Re-Hang (up to 9' ceiling) • Large Chandeliers and/or crystal removal add'\.

Playground Equipment/Swings



Wooden Swing Sets - Disassemble or Rea ssemble Wooden Fort - Disassemble or Reassemble Metal Swing Sets - Disassemble or Reassemble Porch Swing

Pool Table - Disassemble Only Pool Table - Disassemble & Crate Slate (1 pc or 3 pc) Pool Table - Assemble On ly Pool Table - Uncrate Slate Only Pool Table - Uncrate I Asse mble Pool Table - Refelt Air Hockey I Basketball Goal I Foos Ball I Ping Pong Trampoline - Disassemble I Reassemble Trampoline with Net - Disassemble I Reassemble

Disassemble or Reassemble Tie Hammers or Untie Hammers - Each Tuning

Flat Screen TV Packaging (Armor Pack or Custom Container) Origin Service Plasma/LCD Flat Screen up to 84" diagonal measurement Plasma/LCD Flat Screen > 84" diagonal measurement

Destination Service Plasma/LCD Flat Screen up to 84" diagona l measurement Plasma/LCD Flat Screen> 84" diagonal measurement

TV/Flat Screen - Install I Hang TV/Flat Screen Remove from Wall

Other Services Hang Mirror - Small Hang Mirror - Medium Hang Mirror - Large Hang Picture - Smal l Hang Picture - Medium Hang Picture - Large Spas - Disconnect Spas - Reconnect Water Softener - Connect Water Softener - Disconnect (Normal)

61.00 82.00

$126.00 $126.00 $126.00 $126.00

$201.00 $491.00 $360.00

$79.00 $439.00

Quote $126.00 $126.00 $126.00

$195.001 Quote

Quote 126.00

$68.00 $109.00 $156.00

$37 .00 $68.00

$109.00 $126.00

Quote Quote Quote

Apple Transfer, Inc. 540.657.2855 800.9APPLE9

0.00 Above 9' - Quote 0.00 Above 9' - Quote

$0.00 Per Hour/2 Hr. Min. $0.00 Per Hour/2 Hr. Min . $0.00 Per Hour/1 Hr. Min . $0.00 Per Hour/1 Hr. Min .

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Quote Per Order $0.00 Per Hour/1 Hr. Min. $0.00 Per Hour/1 Hr. Min. $0.00 Per Hour/2 Hr. Min.

Quote Per Order

Quote Per Order

Quote Per Order 0.00 Per Hour 1 Hr. Min.

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Per Hour/2 Hr. Min.

Quote Per Order Quote Per Order Quote Per Order

Page 63: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated


08302016 Apple Transfer, Inc.

Arpin Van Lines Page 1of2

Attachment 3


43085 . 24060



PICKUP DATES: 8/31/2016 - DELIVERY DATES: -IMPORTANT NOTICE: The estimate covers only the articles and services listed. It is not a guarantee that the actual charges will not exceed the amount of the estimate. The carrier is required by law to collect transportation and other incidentals charges computed on the basis of rates shown in their lawfully published tariffs, on non-binding estimates, regardless of prior rate quotations or estimates made by the carrier or its agents. Exact charges for loading, transporting, and unloading are based upon the weight

- .

of the goods transported, and such charges may not be determined prior to the time the goods are loaded on the van and weighed. Charges above based on 110% of the estimated charges will be billed to you 30 days after delivery. BASED on ARPIN T-08 TARI FF


TRANSPORTATION 9,340.38 ITEM 60 - 4% 373.62 ITEM 135 - ORIG 181.60 ITEM 135 - DEST 159.83 FUEL SURCHARGE - 3% 280.21


WARNING: If a moving company loses or damages your goods, there are 2 different standards

for the company's liability based on the types of rates you pay. BY FEDERAL LAW, THIS



VALUE OF YOUR GOODS in the event of loss of, or damage to, the goods. This form may also

contain an estimate of the cost of a move in which the moving company is liable for FAR LESS than the replacement value of your goods, typically at a lower cost to you. You will select the liability level later, on the bill of lading (contract) for your move. Before selecting a liability level, please read "Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move," provided by the moving company, and seek further information at the government website ""


Packing Charges: $ 1,997 .16 Unpacking Charges: $ 0.00

Page 64: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

• ~:::i~ - ~· -

SIT SERVICES Zip3 060 Storage In Transit (Sch 3) Zip 3 060 SIT Delivery In - 13197 lbs on 09-01-16 (TranspdkOOion rates apply) Item 185 Storage - First Day 915.15 Item 185 Storage - 29 Add'I Days 1,016.10 Zip 3 060 SIT Delivery Out - 13197 lbs on 09-30-16 (Transf)c:Qttation rates apply)

OTHER SERVICES 1 Passenger Vehicles - 3197 lbs Full Value Protection $100,000 $75,000 NC per contract $25,000 Overage $.65 per $100



Apple Transfer, Inc.

71.32 0.00 0.00 162.50



Page 65: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIN LA Contract Number: … · CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 'lbe Contract Documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0045555 dated

Attachment 4



Ms. VT Mo 'ol ttr a.irt1t1os that w11t1 the 1Jubn11H.ion of lh1s Et1l1ma10 1nu named auovtt 15 aulnoutad to perform moving 11erv1ce11 and has the proper operaung Permits and Ceruhcalo reQuirod by OMV 10 1u::rv• me Pubhc end u:; authorized tu UH Tan II VCC # 17 1iubHshed by Viryirn.a Movurs and Wareno1.Jsomens Assoc1atJon by IJeing a Mernbur m goo0 t.1and1no ChocJ. your Mo\'ut at tho OMV w-00 ?ti le

htlP /IWWW dfTill' vuu1rua UO\il/appVmc5/detaull.DSOlll .. r--,,-----,-,-,.-,,-=--o-=----- ---- --------- - - --iRating Information 1-A_r_l_ln_...._t_o_n_V_A_ 2_2_2_0_2 _____ _ ____________ --1Weight 6.000 Miles

t--------------------------------1Fuel Surcharge r-------------------------------iSeasonal Rate Adjustment : applicable 5115-9130 each year

Total Estimated Transportation Costs

DESTINATION Customer (Shipper) Information ;'~··"'''!'\" · " ·

ESTlllATEO P. KING CHARGE& Type of Service Full Serv ice

1------ ------------ - - - ----------I Custom Packmg ,_B_l_a_c_k_s_b_u_r~V_A_2_4_0_6_0 ___________________ _.Full Service Unpack ,__ __________ ____ ___ ____________ __, Custom UnPacking

Crates !--------------------------------! 1-------------- --------- - ---- ---I Un-Crate

Owner Purchase Cartons ---------------------~~ Total Estimated Packing Charges







254 40.48



$ 27.28


$36.000.00 will advise $0.00

will adv1st:

Type of Service QTY First Day Storage 1 ~n 0 /Day Cost

cubic feet ordered cubic feet ordered shipment weight estimated wei ht

Your shipment witl be transported at the Standard Liabi lity of $.60 per pound por article or $.60 por pound por total weight of shipment factual) for total loss of shipment (Ruic 5 of VCC Tariff #17) unless you choose one of the Additional

Additional Davs Warehouse Handling Warehouse T ransportattan Fuel Surcharge Seasonal Rate Adjustment ·

0 0 000 0

applicable 5115-9130 each year

Bulk Article QTY Wei ht 0 1 0

Available Coverage Options (program is based on individual Movers chrnces) .,0,-------------- +-------:+--'--t--'O---I

shown below and initial your choice. In addition, you will be reQwred to sign the f-,0~------------+-------:+--'--+--'---1

Bill of Lad111g to further authorize your choice. i-,0~------------+-------:+--'--+--'---1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0



$ $

000% 0.00%

Rate $ $ $ $ $ $


2.428.67 72.86

2,501 .53

Cost 1,636.67



$ $ $


$ 1,636.67


$ $ s $


Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 58.93 $ $ 58.93

4,197.13 $0.00 $4,197.13

$0.00 DAYS


S250 Deductible 1-----;s~o~.oo~--1-~-+------""~------1 $500 Deductible 0.00 Dishpak $750 Deductible $0.00 0 NIA Book Ctn <3 cf 51000 Deductible $0.00 0 NIA Medium Ctn 3.1 cf STORAGE COVERAGE FEES ARE IN ADDITION TO TRANSIT FEES Large Ctn 4.5 cf Note 111 the ovent or loss and/or new damagu rxoot ot value must /)t: sulJm11tea Extra Large Ctn S.1 cf <Al d pur tlem !Jas1s subJe.i.ct to tota( covt•raqe purcfJased XX Large C tn 6.5 cf HIGH V/\LUE: ITl=MS are oef1ned as value exceedmq S IOO/pound!art1Cie Wardrobe HIGH VALUE ITEMS MUST BE LISTED AND VALUED ON SEPARATE FORM/SHEET Mi>ror CONSUMER DATA - •· - : ' • . ; -

"IMPORTANT NOTICE: This Estimate covers only the articles and services listed. It 1s not a guaran1ee thal the




aclual charges will not exceed the amount of the Estimate. However. Movers may bind the Queen {Normal) Estimate and guarantee that charges may not exceed the bound Est1mate except for any Queen (Pillowtop)

accessoria t Tariff charges incurred at destmat1on that are not known to the Carrier (Mover) King (Normal ) until actual delivery of lhe shipment and a sight survey reveals that additional charges are King (P1Uowtop) necessary to effecl delivery as published in the Carrier's (Mover's) Tariff . Household King Leogth goods carriers are reQui red by law to collect transportation and other incidental charges Paper Mattress Bag

computed on the basis of rates shown in !heir lawfully published Tariff Charges for Plas 11c Mattress Bag

Rate Pack Un ack QTY $66.24 s $ 10 66 s $1 5 52 $2 60

$23.32 $3.UO

$2860 $4 73

$32 7 1 $5 32

$37 14 $f:i 08

$39 14 SS 43

$52. 18 S033

$ 17.06 S2 83

$30 34 $4 73

S33 00 S4 84

!46.(l9 $7. 07 S7.07

S4G.W $7.91

S56.80 $7.97

S3 t .a7 $4 73

S35 42

addit ional services will be added 10 the transportation charges: The Total Esl imated Cost TOTAL

1s based on services listed on this form and the Survey Sheet listing or quanti ties kif!?imIB!mlmSliiltiiB$1ZlllBtiml~~---iQ!mDBjllll estimated for the move and in con1unction with the Owner's anticipated actions to reduce cost. 11 tne f\1Cv~; orov1oes tne Custor11<:r i::i-n1poeri wittl a wnuen e!Jtirnatt:. tht Movm will ~upplv

Rate PBO ctns $29.46


so 09

$ 10.{12

$1 2 58

$ 13.82


$23 9 1

$8 -14

$1 8 42

$22 38


$46. 04

$37 31

$46 64

$ 18 42


\P.3per ;)f c1g1ta!J l:l tne Customer Jn ;nformauon oco1..re1 Making a Bener Move In Vlroln la mm ~T!O~TDA~LnSipeiciiialnC~a~rtionist~J~:~~=~:t3~~=~f~=335~=~~ff =:::3 har. Deen :1op10'.lea oy !!le ... 11rq1rna Department of Motor Ven;cies and will obtain a rece1p1 (email

r1J·:oro 1:t .1u1ho11~f.ldl trcm liie ·:ustornttf {S'11pp~r). Such rncu1p1 'N1H oacome a p:iq of tht. • ·

perm.:iner.t tile of lhe Move'
