Common Tennis Court Maintenance Problems & Ways To Resolve It

Common Tennis Court Maintenance Problems & Ways To Resolve It

Transcript of Common Tennis Court Maintenance Problems & Ways To Resolve It

Common Tennis Court Maintenance Problems & Ways To Resolve It

Tennis court maintenance is inevitable and when you take the proper care, it will last for years without a crack.

Cleaning the tennis court once in a month by simply blowing or sweeping will do the trick by cleaning leaves, pine needles or

other debris before its accumulation on court surface.

Know the potential tennis court problems.

Algae, Mould and Mildew

The formation of algae or mildew can make the ground slippery and gives a negative traction to players

They can cause potential injury to players at time of sliding.


Due to the improper maintenance of courts, the rain water or cleaning drainage water starts to stand on

surface for long time.

These puddles only can be avoided by regular and proper paving.

Bubbles :- The bubbles caused by improper drainage and usually happens

on concrete bases.

Rust Spots :-

The pyrites used in asphalt surfaces can cause rust spots on surface.

When the pyrites get wet due to improper drainage, they start to rust the surface and gradually spread over.

Depression :-

This problem happens due the extension and contraction of soil beneath the court area.

The soil selection is the vital part while selecting place for court construction.

Hairline Crack :-

They are very narrow cracks that have generated due to earth tremors or land erosion and stays unnoticed for

long time on surface .

Fading color :-

Due to the regular sun exposure and improper maintenance the paint color starts fading day by day.

Cracking :-

The asphalt and concrete courts tend to crack due to the regular use and improper maintenance.

What are the reasons of these issues ?

:- Poor quality material selection for court construction can be a cause for rapid deterioration of concrete base and the joints.

:- Synthetic grass court construction on concrete base is an expensive option. But when you select road base, though it gives a good pricing but the

damage tend to happen earlier.

:- Though the users know about regular tailored maintenance, still they follow an

irregular schedule that is huffy for maintaining the court.

:- As per study synthetic grass courts are maintenance free but if it's not taken care properly then the player will face

ball bounce issues.

:- Make sure not to use high pressure water on court directly that can cause damage on the fiber mat.

The maintenance schedule for tennis courts are:- • Control compaction levels

• Remove mould and algae growth • Cleaning and grooming of surface strata fiber

• Correct sand level • Minor repairs if required

The improper drainage system :- The sand filled synthetic grass can become contaminated by poor drainage system in the court

and around the area.

At time of rain and cleaning, if the water stands on court then it will create mould and algae.

Tree root problems :- deep rooted trees near the court area can be a cause of surface damage no matter whether your

court have concrete or road base.

Make sure to inspect the root's density and construct a root barrier that will protect the court from any root damage.