Common Question and Answers of pregnancy

Common Q & A during Pregnancy from Dr.Sankar DasMahapatra Gynaecologist and Obstetrician

Transcript of Common Question and Answers of pregnancy

Common Q & A during Pregnancy

from Dr.Sankar DasMahapatraGynaecologist and


IntroductionHello Everyone! I’m Dr.Sankar DasMahapatra.Gynaecologist and Obstetrician.I’ll be giving 10 healthy tips for pregnancy along with explanations. Hope you’ll find this useful.

Eat Balanced Diet

● Milk, Cheese, Butter● Cereals, Grains, Nuts● Vegetables & Fruits● Meat, Fish, Egg● Drink Fluids mainly water

What is a balanced diet?

Balanced diet is the exact amount of food that givesYour body nutrition so that your body works properly.


You have to take balanced diet 5 times

Intake Fluids

Intake Fluids why?

While you are pregnant your fetus needs fluids to deliverNutrients, building new cells. Extra fluids lower risk of UTI orUrinary track infections. Help body in cleaning toxins.

How much Fluids to intake?

Drink Plenty of water. At least 8 glasses of water daily.Also take milk, soups, tea as per your daily routine.

Avoid Alcohol

Can I take alcohol during pregnancy?

No! You have to avoid alcohol if you are pregnant or trying toBe pregnant.

Why you shouldn’t take alcohol during pregnancy?

Alcohol travel through your bloodstream and directly reaches to your baby through placenta. It increases the risk of miscarriage, premature labour, Still birth, poor growth (inside womb and after birth), can damage nervous system of your baby.

Avoid Smoking

Can I smoke while I’m Pregnant?

No! You cannot even smoke while you are pregnant.

Why smoking is harmful during pregnancy?

Smoking is one of biggest cause of pregnancy disorder. Cigarette contains two harmful elements nicotine and carbon monoxide. These components travel to your bloodstream and shorten the supply of oxygen for your baby. Resulting problems like high risk pregnancy, premature labour, under weight baby etc.


Can I exercise during pregnancy?

Yes, you can exercise while you are pregnant. Exercise during pregnancy will make you feel better. It prepares your body for birth, keep you free form stress and anxieties. Relief from muscle aches, muscle toning etc.

Is there any limitation?

Light exercise during pregnancy are safe during pregnancy. But you cannot exercise if you have hypertension, asthma, heart disease, diabetes etc.

Enough Sleep

How much sleep is needed during pregnancy?

You need to sleep enough when you are pregnant. Try to take a nap during day. Try to sleep on the left side of your body.

What to avoid?

During pregnancy avoid caffeine, alcohol, avoid spicy food. These items can cause sleeplessness, heart burn etc.

Medicine in Time

Which medicines are safe during pregnancy?

Only your physician can confirm which medicine are safe for you depending on your health condition. Just remember to take medicines in time.

Feel Comfortable

Can I wear high heels during pregnancy?

It is better if you don’t wear high heels during pregnancy. Actually, when you are pregnant the center of gravity of your body changes it position, wearing high heels increases the chance of fall. And fall during pregnancy can be highly dangerous. It’s also uncomfortable to wear high heels during pregnancy.

Can I wear tight clothes while I’m pregnant?

It’s not a good idea to wear tight clothes when you are pregnant. It’s very uncomfortable. Tight clothes enhances the changes of heartburn as your digestive system works slow during pregnancy.

Lifting Weight

Can I lift heavy weight while I’m pregnant?

You can lift weight during pregnancy but be careful. It’s better if you don’t carry heavy weight. During pregnancy yourLigaments and joints are not enough stable. Carrying heavy weight can cause strain.

Feel Happy

Can stress effect my pregnancy?

Stress is common during pregnancy. You are worried about the baby growing inside you. Taking heavy stress or anxiety is not good for your baby and may effect the development of your baby.

How can I manage stress and anxiety?

If you are worried about something share it with your Husband (Partner). Laughter is the best medicine. Spending time with friends and family reduces your stress. Practice Yoga or meditate while you are pregnant. If you feel stressedConsult with your Doctor.


Hope you have find thisPresentation useful.

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