

Transcript of Commitment

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Commitment is defined as the act of binding yourself to a course of action. Commitment, a word that is so simple yet so difficult.

Commitment is at root a personal decision, whether at work or at home.

It rests on three main ideas: giving the best of one-self, going the extra mile, and not abandoning the situation you find yourself in.

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Commitment means showing up and doing what it takes for however long it takes to achieve whatever you made a commitment to.

In the larger sense, commitment is one of the bases of integrity. A person who is able to make and keep commitments has learned how to earn trust and respect from those around them, including themselves.

In a career sense, a person who is committed to advancing their position or career is much more likely to navigate a search successfully than one who is halfhearted or unfocused. 

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Commitment is doing what you say you are going to do, and when you say you are going

to do it.

One of the qualities of trust- an essential element to building and maintaining

productive relationships - is dependability.

Commitment is the little engine of dependability: without it nothing happens. 

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“The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor”

Vince Lombardi

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Commitment Is Nurtured

Commitment is not won or created overnight. It takes time to nurture it, yet it is very easy to lose.


Commitment is based on trust, and trust is like a glass. Once it is broken, it is very difficult to put it back together again without the cracks showing.

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Importance Of Commitment

Today, talent management is the key imperative, making employee commitment more important than ever.

Commitment takes many forms however and it is essential that organizational strategies retain the right people for the right reasons.

Commitment is the most important factor after a person’s culture. It builds a person’s motivation and confidence to engage in the new behaviors required by change.

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People do not follow uncommitted leaders. Commitment can be displayed in a full range of matters to include the work hours you choose to maintain, how you work to improve your abilities, or what you do for your fellow workers at personal sacrifice.

Stephen Gregg

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3 Types Of Commitment

Below Figure indicates that total commitment combines three distinct kinds of commitment

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3 Types Of Commitment

People are Committed to a CAUSE

They give their life meaning by working to further something in which they believe strongly.

Causes may be based on religious principles, ethical standards, or environmental issues.

Humans are the only animals in the animal kingdom that may voluntarily sacrifice their own lives for a set of values, such as national freedom.

People gain a sense of virtue from pursuing noble ends.

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3 Types Of Commitment

People are Committed to a CHALLENGE

They give their life meaning by investing their energy in a chosen hobby.

Challenges may be physical like climbing a mountain, athletic like tennis, intellectual like chess or bridge, artistic like painting or music, and so forth.

Humans voluntarily spend their time in self-development to improve their competence in their chosen field of endeavor.

People gain a sense of achievement from their progress.

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3 Types Of Commitment

People are Committed to a OTHER PEOPLE

They give their life meaning by being an important person to special 'others'. They act in a reliable, dependable way to friends, spouse, family, team, and neighbors.

People gain a sense of belonging from their identification with significant others.

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Unless Commitment is Made, there are Only Promises and Hopes;

But No Plans.Peter F. Drucker

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How To Get It?

Commitment requires balancing two behaviors—supporting and improving.

Focus on what is important Lead by example Reward success Manage disrespect

Look for a better way Learn from others Challenge current expectations Risk making changes

Supporting Improving

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How To Get It?

Commitment requires balancing two behaviors—supporting and improving.


The first action is called supporting. Genuine support develops a commitment in the minds and hearts of others. This is accomplished

by focusing on what is important and leading by example.

It is not uncommon for people to be either confused as to what is important, or lose sight of it over time. Supporting means

concentrating on what adds value, spotlighting what is working, and rewarding others who are focusing on what is important and leading

by example.

A crucial aspect of true support is standing up to those who would undermine commitment, those whose words or actions show


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How To Get It?

Commitment requires balancing two behaviors—supporting and improving.


The second action underlying commitment is called improving. Improving stretches our commitment to an even higher level.

Commitment means a willingness to look for a better way and learn from the process. It focuses on eliminating complacency, confronting

what is not working, and providing incentives for improvement.

The spirit of improving is rooted in challenging current expectation and ultimately taking the risk to make changes.

These changes are based more on optimism in the future than dissatisfaction in the past.

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The combination of supporting behavior and improving behavior are the ingredients of true commitment; if these two issues are

separated neither will sustain your overall commitment.

Commitment is a personal thing that each of us must face everyday.

Being committed and staying committed is a mindset that each of us must address in our lives if we want to become a success.

How To Get It?

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Personal Commitment

Commitment refers to a promise or assurance. It is one of the most

important personal qualities that any employer in the industry would expect.

One must have the inclination to fulfill one’s professional commitment at all


Often, adherence to commitment may cost you your time, effort or other

resources. But the greatest personal satisfaction is derived from delivering

results and keeping up your commitment.

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Organizational Commitment

Organizational Commitment is highly valuable.

Studies have highlighted that commitment has a great impact on the

successful performance of an organization.

This is because a highly committed employee will identify with the goals and

values of the organization, has a stronger desire to belong to the

organization and is willing to display greater organizational citizenship

behavior i.e., a willingness to go over and beyond their required job duties.

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Team Commitment

Commitment is critically important to team success. Of course there are other factors for success but commitment is one that often is overlooked.

More specifically, teams need three forms of commitment to be most successful:

Commitment to each other and each other's success

Commitment to their team and the team's success

Commitment to the organization & organizational goals

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I am only one, but I am oneNo one can do allBut all can do someI can’t do everythingBut I can do somethingI know I can only do littleBut I will do what I can

Syed Imtiaz Hussain

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So the next time you want to do something different in your life, take the plunge! Be bold,

make a commitment, take action and keep doing something everyday to move your dream forward

into reality.