Commercial HONOLULU. · iurnel. miui kti it there 1 die ; An.1 the wretch, in wtwe deceit prriahcl...

Til 12 1MCITIC co1nini:ci.vt. advertise.!. VI Ererr TlirJnjr Moruin".. Ib p f.fwwarled tnfTei-mc..untr- ie will he f 7 SOperann.. ' V!T1 the American po-La- .-- and the expense .f f.trwanl- - from the oificeof pu' Edition. Ail lap-rf.- r American 'Vap!r--- port- -. ''' b"ve l - Istage tan.- - on th.-tn- , u rtT i;-- prevent anv .mTKn postage li:ig rollerte! ..n leiiverv . ForWgo prefer it,can havetheir ZjLn through the mail. WHICH ADVKTI.SmiT WILL BE rRlpJ.lD. n traasievit advertisement '.fi rt inerti.ti) line 10 ets. feuch subsequent do. " 5 rt. drJ,. fn..t - S llnw.) per annum J5 . (Korh additional line.) " " 50 eta. jj payable always in advance. J . o sdvj., (wA exceeding 10 lines space,) first 0. ' ' Each saoeietit insertion. .............. .60 cm. Avmrn.KRJ will br charsl at tlx following fates, payable at U end of each quarter : F w sue qaxre, (. th- - tw of 20 line.) jtrr quarter. .. $5 00 ooe-ft-a- of a column, per iuarter $12 0 1 w uoe-ha- tf of a o.lunn. it- -r column i - 0 erlumu, I- - r quarter ;7 lo tit Commercial Advertiser. 1'itr the Com. Advertiser. Tbr Cnlway. la an airy rarden grew FVwers of every hapr and ha ; Sweetest flowers, and flir to view. uirt, hi ami briirlit ; Trembling lily. pioo-whit- e ; Rose, that blushed upon th sight ; Aud ail the sisterboMl beside, lu charm f grace and Iteauty vi-- d ; Mikiutf their own llie- - garden's pri le. Vet no", uu.n these rare, la loveline-- ,, tyonj littAinCil tii f:irr--t of tbt fair ! Ami a a t.trli-- r iion nrra Than tht prrlra lUr Uardvn V ; A It aayl on iu thr tfie of la a ry uni-- r li AI , f"f rauty J:in?fr u power ! The traDK-- r aume. anl tuckol the Bowr. I'r-t- it uwler J torn ; To a rtUtarit mrioo mr Ir iu l"t cumj aii. tiii mourn IHr aluk, it twiu"! ruc!aiitel ; Happy in the lt it frrvtti-'- l : Lofe, It which It lfitfa llitte.l. M'rapiml in rl'twinif (' ray, n the ttrwyfrr' brrt it lay, Ormiiin iu crt life awy. But the tun-a- l wilt ev-- r aotMie-t- t Utle: Flr-uar- ilnun to of fontaaics made : Anl the fculh of LftTe too oft Ur.iyl. fnam, a tale of oitw tttll li iw, uo the Omm-t- a oll Lay the otiletl, nce luvtlf, nusU II.iW, with f'ehle cia-It- . it clan T' an inCti.t Unl, that rarr from iu i 1VI auouic i How tle Iieartlcit .air-y- . With a curioos eye, iurnel. miui kti it there 1 die ; An.1 the wretch, in wtwe deceit prriahcl ail of pore, anJ weet. And kTcty, Int'jktd hi altame to meet ; Awl a spirit npro, on the halm-Je- w of eren. Like a iwect estiaUtion of incense, to Heaven : The betrayed waa forg'it, the betrayer forgiven. Ito.4olu, lec 1SC0. Wn. S. HioH.s-j-. rlcutw Ward &rm tUr Irinre f Wnlr. At Unt We hnj & interiew with the Prince, though it pattj nigh coot me my allerble life. I cawt a glimps of him as be sot on the Piz irroof the hotel in Sarnia, a.n-- elbowel myself thrvw a crowd of wim-mi- n, children, aojers & Injan9 that waa hanpn round the tern. I was draw in near to the I'rince when a red fased man in Milliogtery close grahd holt of me and axed me where I was goin all so bold ? To see Albert Edard the Prince of Wales," sez I; who be yon ? He Bed he was Karnal of the Seventy Fust Regi- ment, Her Majesty's troops. I told him I hoped the Setenty Onesters was in good health, and was pissin by when be ceased hold of me agin, and sed in a tone of indigent curprise : What ? Impossible ! It kinnot be ! Blarst my iiie, sir, did 1 understaa' yu to say that you was actooally (join into the presents of 'is Royal Iniss ?" That's what's the matter with rue." I replied. Cut blarst my hize, iir, its onpresedentcd. It's rfal. sir. Nothin like it hain't happened sins the Gun Power Plot of Gay Forks. Owdashus man, who air you?" "Sir," sex I, drawin myself np & puttin on a de- fiant air, " I me a Ameryean sitterzen. My name is Ward. Ime a husband & the father of twins, which Iue happy to state they look like me. By perfeshun Ime a exhibitor of wax works & sich." -- Good God!" yelled the Karnal, " the idee of an txhibitor of wax figjers goin into the presents of Royalty ! The British Lion may well roar with rage at the thaw t !" Sr I, " Ppeakin cf the British Lion. Karnal. I Je Cke to make a barjrVin with you fur that be.t fur a few weeks to add to my show." I dideu't meen nothin by this. I was only gettin orf a gonk. but you orter he seen the oil Kurnal jump up & howl. He actoo-all- (ouied at the tnowth. "This can't be real," he ahowteL " No. no. It's a horrid dream. Sir, you air not a human bein yoo he no exi-ten- ts yure a Myth !" "Wall." sex I. eld I1WS. yule find me a ruther onkomfortable .fyth ef you punch my inards in that way aRin." I began to get a little riled, for when he caUed me a Myth he puncht roe purty hard. The Karnal now comments showtin fur the Seventy Onest- ers- I at fust thawt Ide stay and become a Marter to British Outraje. as etch a course mite git my name ipjcbet good advertisement for my show, but it oc- curred to m that if any of the Seventy Onesters should happen to insert a barronet into my stummick, it mite be nplea.unt, & I was on the pint of runnin orf. when the Prince hisxelf kum up and axel roe what the matter was. Sel I. " Albert Flar.l. is that yu?" and he smilt & -,l it was. Sea I. "Albert F,lar 1, hears my kerd. I cum to pay my rcpecks tothe fater Kinac of Inglan-- The Kurnal of the Seventy Onesters here is ruther sinawl pert tter- -, but of course you ain t blmie fur that. He puts on so many airs as tho he wur the Bully Boy witn the glass eje." - Never nilud." sex Albert Edur I. " Ime iflad tu see ja. MWfer Ward, at all events." & he tuk my hand so piesuut like & Lukd so swevt that 1 fell in love with hiii to ont:t. He haudid me a segar JC we ti,l down on the Izrro t c.nmenst suiokiu rite cheerful. - -- Wall," hz I, "Albert Ed tr J. how's the old " Her y .Si the Prince are well," he sed. Dux the otJ man take his liger beer regular I" I inquired. The Prince Urfel &. intimate.1 that the eld nan ds-r- let many k. gs of that beveridge spile in the ellar in the coarse of a jere. We sot X taa kel thre 3M time N)ut matter V things & binieby I ai.ed him how he like I U-i- Priure as fur as he'd got. " T f.1 .111, Mister Ward." he sed. " I don't much Kke it. I'm sick of all this bowin & J i crawlln & hurrain over a Uiy like me. I wihj.1 rv.her go threw the country quietly and enjoy myself other and not to be in my own way. with the boys, made a Show of to be gari.ed at by everybody. W I ei the people chn-- r me 1 feci pleased. for I know tLey men it. but if these one boss oflishulscood know ho1 I st- - threw all their moves & understand exackly what they air after, i knowe-- J how I larft at eia in ki-si- n bands & fawnin over private, tbayd stop my do. But know Mister ard I we as tbey now you e . help bein a Prince. & I must do all I km to fit myself fur the peraisbun I must sumtiuiekfpy." t,' t,w u--z I. sickness and the doctors wi.l carry the (iueen orf one of these dase. sure's j er born." The time heven arove fur me to take my departer, I rose up and sed : " Albert Edard. I must g... but previs m doin so I will bsarve that you soot me. Your a g.xd feilcr. Albert Edard, tho Ime agin Princes as a cineral thing. I must say I like the cut of yure Gib. When you git to be King try and be as good a man as yure inuther has bin. Be just & be Jenrus, espeshully to bowmen, who hev a'.lers bin aboozed eius the days cf Noah, who was the fust man to go into the Menagery biznes. & f the daily papers of Lis time air to be bleeved. Noah's colleckshuii or livin wild beests best ennything ever seen sins, tho I make bold to dowt cf his snaiks was ahead of mine. Albert Edard. a Joo t" . I tuk his hand which he shook warmly. & g,T him a perpetual free pars to my show, & also parses to take home for the Queen & Old Albert. I put on my hat and walkt away. Mrs. Ward," I solilerquized, as I walkt along, " Mrs. Ward, ef you could see your husband now, jes; as he proudly goes from the presents of the future King cf Inzland, youl be sorry youd called him a Beest jest becawx he come home tired 1 nue and wanted to go to bed without taking oS biz boots. Youd be sorrv for tryin to deprive your husband of the priceless Bjom of liberty. Betsy Jane !" A Wari. BOUND VOLUMES TIIK COM.MKHCIAI. ADVERTISKR. OF fnta .. I. ta Vol. IV., iltclu--.vr-. Jf hii3 i.r t mw votunie- -. lor s .le II- - MlUTr.i. il-3- u fliiTiiiiirM PI'HI.ISIIKO VKBK1,V !tV I1KVKV .M. WIIIT.NKV. Justness eTitrtis. . I. KVKIM'.TT, Utiu. II. 1. J. I'. CdMll UN, 63-- tf Ka."vf4Uiii;i!iu tr-t- , ll .ii 'iala. ifctha. HAXX'.tllXV FI.DL'K COMI'AXV, lf0-- tf A. I. KVtRCTT.TreusurrranJ A. nt. . ii. li:xvi:ks, Lamber and building St. Honolulu. 105-t- f n. ttiH'tsb. w. h. PiM'tn. II. I)I.U(IM) A SOX. Importers nerehntlir. and deVr in, ,iU, .dU and senejal MeC'01t:AX Ac CAUI'RKbb, MERCHANT TAII.OK.-- on K.ialnini.iii'1 Ptre.-t- , opposite l;,hop' ll.tnW I'pilh. t"aiinfr-- and hsrul. atft elttthin m w- l- up in the lt-- yl- - J17-- ly HEN'KY UOIIIs'S Win, ppint and Ciijar Ltre, Cirlton Wharf, Honolulu. lVJ-t- f m. VOS UoLT. TU. C. HKCCK Von HOLT Ar IIKI'C'K, Coiniaii'-- Meridiant. Jloii-ilul- Oahu, S. I loO-t- f AI.F.X. J. ( VUTXVItlfJHT, Coniraiioo c'tipping AK"'-L- , Honolulu, h.hc, II. I. 1"L- - (;oi)i iti:v itiiom-.s- , W hotevale leVr in Wine and spirit. Ale and poru-r- . near the ft! lllliee. Il.rtiollllu. t 'f ci.iiiiiii: iioxvk, Luiuber Mercliaul Yard on Cocar II tl iK S4taK. New E- - pl:4llilc KJS-t- f ii. iia:kfi:li ,v t. Cmimi.ion Aent, and Sfhip Chandler, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I- - LUit' . E. O. II A I.I Im;r.rUT an-- I ll.inlware. Iry G.-- l. I'aints, iN. and getteral Merclian Iue, corner of r'ort and Kinit treei lOi-t- f UKOKliE CLARK, Dealer In Iry a:iI Kan.-- y (i.t-- 1. street, one almve the Odd Fellow' Hall, Honolulu, S. I- - 11-t- f JO H X T HO M A S X V A T I : K 11 1 I : s i : , ImiM)rter, Wh.-leal- e an.l Retail ltr in fJeucral Merchan.lise, Honolulu, aiid litiaina, Maui. ii-l- f ' XX'. N. tAII, Importer and ler in IUkuwahk, Citlkkt, MH'njsici' Tools an.1 AiiHIClLTtUAL IarLKMisSTS, Fort street. II.uio-ul-u. 10n-- tf jamox, ;ui:i:. & ., Coinmiion Men hant Fiic-I'ro- Buil.hng, Vueeti Ktre.-i- . H'tmtlulu, April 1. 1459. 105-t- f x'. rise: ii Kit, Cabinet Maker and French polisher. Hotel Street, opposite the Oovemment House. m a vs H. II- - STAS'LKT. S. L. IKKiLS. IN;tLS Ac STANLEY, ACCOUNTANTS AND CoNVKYANCKlls, Protest extended. Lesal Dtcum nts N. B- - Averaire adjusted. exeeuted with neatri'K and dispatch; CommerciHl Io"k opened and clowl. and C'mtoin II .ue llr .kerHL'edone; Ac- count made up an.l Collections faithfully atte-- . led to. 107-3- m J. II. XVOOII, Manufacturer, Importer and IN-a- l. r in Boo'. and Shoe of every de rinli on. shoe FindinL i, I'uiup, Ki-'i- Harne, ami Patent U-al- r. Calf. U.t, lloj, an.l Buck Skins Trunks, Valines, sp;irriiie tSloves. Foil, mid M:ik, tll:lck IIU. ' ...., . ii.irxr . . . :. Kr. Brick shoe store, ' corner of Fttrt and Merehaut Honolulu. H. I. tf R. F. SNOW, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCII ANDISE Honolulu. OwIim. II. I. 133-- tf HZZ,as. jiossaas.JB. MOSS MAN V SON, Baker. Or-- o r and Dealer, in Dry Owls, Nuuanu slreet;Hon olulu, Oahu, S. I- - A. S. Ar M. S. fiKINIiAl M, i v ...i... .1.. ii.. it F isl.i .ii.ihle C'lot'iin'-- '. Hat an.l variety of Gei.tlem. n i C.n.. Boot and Hi.-- , ev.-r- r Furnishing G n1s. Store, corner of F"..rt and Merchant streets, II .tiolnlu. Oalct. ll'J-t- f KITSON Ac IIAItT, 8ucceors to Mr. II. .irv Kol.insoii, Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, Hh olnlu, II. I, under the Kiu of A. J. t art- - wriirht and at the f.e.t of Kaahunianu str.n. ii tf J. XVOItTII, Dealer in General Merchandise, Hil, Hawaii. Shi supplied with recruits at the short.- -', notice, on reasonable Kills of exchange wanted. V IIOLLKS .V ., chip Chandlers and Commission Merchant and I" in Ge,HrraI lhaina. Maui. Whalers fui bhetl with recruit at the shortest notice, in exchange for .! ai-- tf or Mil. S. X. K.MKKSON, Waudua. Oahu. Ieler in G. ne-- al Merehandise. Country Pro ....i.'.. f..m tianaua. Butter. Eeir. c. duce II. N. I'LITN K It. Coutiiiue hi ol.l I.u-i- ss ill the fireproof l.uildin? , Kaahuma-an- l ru street. . . .,.1 l.v i,Im. rvatior.s of the un mm t III IT..----.- - adjusted to tl.e with a trao-- it aerurat-d- lueridi tnof Honolulu. Particular attention irive,, to fine k . s. vl .ot nn.l onadrant cla'se silvere.l I ,.I,oh:.-- I. "chart and ikiiliteal instrument constantly 44-- tf on hand and f..r sale. AMoS. . C KK. AM L- - S. sTl K. CAST LI A: COtlKK, K- -t til dealers in General Mer- - Imietrter. and Wholes .I- - a,d ' . hamhse. at t! I stand, crn-- r of the Km.- - and sch.ed str s t,. ,.. ar tie- - lar.-- e St..,,.- - Church. Al; t the Store I.. , .1 l,v I . II. s,,e;i. .s4,ri. in niuK s the Seaman Cha I. Agents for Dr. Javnes cine. ; I I.MAN Ar "0., Sl,!n Chaudh r and Dealer in M rchandife, LA II A ISA, MAC I, H. I. Phip supj.'1-- .l "ith I facilities f tr storace. Cas &3-l- y f r hill of evch-nr-'- A II EE, Agents Sn- - .r Plant..: io... of Aik-.- at Papak-.a- . arid Iwo at lU.. H.l..; Who!....!- - and Retail D-- al-- er in China ... : ' ,. hand, f r sale at their estah ment on Kin,' street. Honolulu, and at Lahaina, Maui T-- a. OcT-e- . and a large and Sutar. Molas. s, syrup, varied ass..rtnient ..f geii.-ra- l merchandise Honolulu, August Xi, ls57. J'y TIIOM AS S PENCE It, . .... Merchaudiw.-- , a;:d t ommision - i II.. Tiwil. r itt lii llfTMl " Merchant Honolulu. I., keeps constantly on hand an extensive awuuciit of every description of ls hv wh and "tt:- - rs. . . Shipping furni-h- -i with all kin-J- of -. Ac, the shortest not at the very mark, t price. XX Money advanced for Hhal. rs" tt.ili a: tl.e lowest rates. II. V. S EX' E It A NC E, .. .. . . ii ... .1., ,, S T Ship Chandler and Comiaissioii rtiiiim, - REFERS TO Captain B. F. Snow, - - - Honolulu. Messrs. I. C. vatk:: Williams .V Haven, New lxtidon. A: Mrkkill. San Fraa.-ic- M Hi kb Be.If.trd. SUT X ALLKN, Hknkv A. Pkibck. - II. W. SEVERANCE ill continue the Ship Chandlery and Commissi-w- i Busin-s- s :it the Old Stand. Every description ol Ship Chan-ller- and Merchandise re.,uire-- l hy shipping, will nc on hand and fT s;ile at low rites. K. PITMAN, SUM' CIIAXOLKR- - IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, llilo. Ilnwmi. advanccl on Whalers Bols. N. B. Monej CHAS. BBKWkB, 2D ' shkkman pkck. C. iniKXX EIt Ac CO., Cominisition and Snipping Merchant. Honolulu, Oahu. II. REFER TO James HrMcwi:i.L, E-- p. t Boston. ClUBLKS ItKlWKR. Es,,., S . M Rr:R A. Mkkkili , ) San Francisco. Ch,. W..L. ..TT Bllooks. Esq., ( MBS.-B-4. WM. Jt Co.. - lb HrtaiLL .t Manila. Me-sb- s. IVllk, l'W-t- f . . n ow l a M rs AllKKWTVri: .iAIiliUKV. ,.1111.' I'MIERSKiXEP would cllthe attention of . ... i...... ... ..ol tie to his Kf.nis. over tl.e . .1 4 Iv.n.ser" Printing (nex the 1 Willi .' e Posttilfice) whe.e he is taking Pictures which, for elegance of s...l, -- s of tme. canil' t e.-- . i:, u. Beini: in c- - ns'-an- t ipt of N-- w Stock. Chemicals kc. he is pr- - pare.1 to take Picture with ail the latest improvement. rr Pi.ture-- s taken "i. Ol ess. p i,K-r- . Patent Leather, Indii i! n ,i.i, Ae an warranl-s- l 10 Cl.e emoe t .l.s- - i K rite Publi - re invited tt c .U and examine sjiecimens. W. F. H.'W LAND 1 tf r V v V HONOLULU. Vlusincss (L'aris. IK. J. .MOTT SMITH, -- f .rt and street. ITS-l- y wiLMA.M 1 11 : -- M pi i ii i : .' s , Notary Iublir, E-- e at the Court H'ue. U t:urj. lo3-t- f J. XV. AI'STIX, ATTOKN'KY AND OL'NSKUMl AT LAW. O.ce in Honolulu ll'iue. ovvr llie Post :?ire. 6i-t- f L. McCTLLY, Atttni-- yt Law. rtice, with C. C. II irri. K- - nj-t- r II. HOFFM ANN, M. !., VUn a.M ,r " "0-'"- - . . II. STANCKXWVLl), M.I).. PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON, Late New York City IiNie-nsar- I'hysiel.m. of the Me.l,e,,- - liirur'ical College and of the l'a:hol sieal Society of New York. Oilir.-a- l Dr. Ju ld" Iru Store, on Fort Street. Ueni.lence in alley, oppi.iitc that of K. O. Hail. E. 'JJj-l- y " :has. r. f.riLLor, m. i , Late Suri.'ein United Slate Navy, late Consular Physician to American eiiineii an I ceiieral practitioner. Office, cone-- r Kaaliumaiiu and Merchant jlrects, and residence at Dr. Woi.r M.tusioli. Hotel street. and Snr.'ical a.lvice in Etiiclish, French, Spaui-ih- and Italian. 0:5ce hours from 11 . . to 2 P. at otlter hour inquire at hi residence. '"lf CHAS. RTulallorT M. A. ALDfcll ll UISIIOF Ar CO., Bankers, office in the east rorner of "Makec' lll.tck," on street, Honolulu. Draw Bills of Kxrhaui; on Messrs. rtaivsKi.L. 1iti bn i: Co., New York. lli:s::r A. Pikcck, F.-- m , - Bo-to- n. Messrs. M.iHi. an, SroNK a: Co., - Shu Francisco. Will receive deHs ts, discount nrst-clas- s husiues a r. and attend to colieclin::. eic. 112-- tf XX'. A. A 1,1) It I C II, Imp-rte- r and lleah r in General Merchandi : Commission At'ent for the Sae of Sii-a- Mtd.isse and Coffee, and other Island Produce. Airent for the I.iiu k and 1ktcai.k Plan- tation. Consiininents of all kinds .f Island Produce olieit- - d. Order for Merchandise promptly attended to. lOi-t- f D7crVTiiiMAS. " '"', I. C. WATERMAN" &. CO.. COM VSSO.V MERCfljyTS. Estec:al Mtention paid to the interests of the XVhahns Fleet, hy the furnishiti!! of, pun-has- e and sale of Kxchainre, Oil, Bone, General Merclian.lis.-- , and the procuring of Freight HKFKKKNCKS. Messrs. Isaac IIowi.anp, Jr., & Co., New Bedford W. G. K. Popk, Kso., do. Mokoas, SrosK A: Co., San Francisco. McKt-K- A: MtKRiLL, do 105-- tf J. C. SPALDINCJ, Impirter and Coiiimission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I. Aeent for Wm. Tir.ving i Co.'s Boston and Sandwich Islands Packets. AGENT FOR NtprrsK Co., - .ITAM.K Sa KTV IsSt'BANCK, Co., " " " BOVLSTOS " " " - BOSTOS " 44 - 44 Washisctos .... - ALtlASCK N. E. Mi-rr- 44 44 Sai.emMakink 44 44 - Salem. XT Store in Rohinsnn k Co.'s fire-iro- Mock. 175-t- f XVII.COX, ItlCIIAItOS Ac CO., Ship Chandlers, Dealers in General Merchandise, and Commis siou Merchants, Honolulu, II. I. Keep constantly on hand a full supply of every description of merchandise required by whale ships and others. Money advanced at the lowest rates. References : Messrs. Swift & Allks, - New Bedford. GntEON, Ai.i t:s A: Sos, "4 Wm. Wilcox, 44 Wm. Gikford. - - 44 Messrs. Thomas Ksowlks k Co., - " Wkstos How land, Esq., " FrtKiiKKirii Pahkkk, Esq., - 4 Messrs. Wm. Phillips Sons., - 44 llt.NKT A. PlKKCK. F:sq BoStijn. Messrs. Bi tlkii. sisk & Co., - " Cn is. W. Brooks, - Pan Francisco. Messrs. MoKUAN, Stosk Jt Co., - " Williams Havens, - New London. 175-t- f C. A. Williams Ac Co., - Honolulu. A. I KVKKKTT. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Janion's new h.-k- , Haeen street, Honolulu. II. I REFERENCES. Messr. Sampson Tappas, -- " Boston. E. D. Bkk.ham At Co., " BlTLEH. Ik;tii H'.LL, Honolulu, July 1, 157. 95-- tf A 1 Ii i: x v it i: it ii i ii ii , SfCVESStiBs) TO Gcoi'so Macy, KAWAIIIAE. HAWAII, Will contin je the Oen.-ri- l Merchandise and Shipping huines at tie; ahove .rt, wh-r- e they are prepared to furnish the justly celebrated Kawaihae l'.ttat-s- , and such other re- cruit a are required l.y wh ile ships at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. 215-0- DUDLEY C. BATES, COMM I SS I OX M Eli C II A XT, Mrrrhiiiil Slrrrl, Honolulu. AV ESTHI-IS1E- I MX" IIIAX-ETIII- S the Commission Business in Honolulu, and trust I shall le aide t kivc entire satisfaction to any parties who may entrust their hu-i:i- es to my care. C..nsii;.iiiie;it from the other islands, and orders Tor the pur- chase of merchandise, retjtcctfiilly solicited. Smallest favors thankfully received II Hio'.nlu. S pt mlter 1. lso. JU4-tf IN.SU IA.KCE. CA.clDS.. F LO It i: N S ST A 1 E N 1 1 0 It ST, g. nt i an 1 Dr- - sden P. . ard of t'n lenvriter All asaiii-s- t tie-sai- l ii.lerwrit- - rs, in i.r alt-.u- t this Kiuc-dom- will have to lie ccrt-I'u- hiui. tf A fi EXT FR THE Xrw X'ori I tour. I of rudrrwrilrr The nnd-rsii- rie d take lcae t Ship Masters, A.C., that he ha Wii duly aple-inte- as Agent for the New Y ork Board of L'iiderrit--rs- . 13Itf ALEX. J.CAItTWIU.illT. H AMIiriKJII-HKK- M EN-FIR- E INSURANCE COMPANY. 11IE rXDKRSKiXKII. Agents ol me aoove ura- - pativ, are r. pared to insure ri?ks lire in aN.ut Honolulu. For particular apply at the otticc. MELCHEUS A; CO. Hon.. ulu. Oct. 11. 17. f.s-l- f icws of Honolulu ! 4 I'ERSOXS VISITIXC ) RK.slDIXf: on these Islands, should not fail to send as-to- f C. II. IJiirr X"i- - of Honolulu M their tri. al l as thev .villconv- v l.v far a il a of theS.eii. ry. Ilalnts, Customs, etc.. .f this'place, than any works. r print pult- - i:l,e,l. To he had of E. Ill lls-- tf Fort street. SUGAll AND MOLASSES. TTow Crop lOGO, X'OWCOMIXfi IX I'ROMTIIEHREWER Plantation, Makawao, East .Maui, and f- -r sale by -- u C. BREW Eil CO. TO THE TR1DE!! EST CAST STEEL. (OCTAGON) BEST BLISTER SI r GALVANIZED IRON BOLTS, asstd. sizes. Ex ' Ra.luga," and f- -r sale by C. BREWER & CO. Fur ramily I ! AI.K IIARREES CEEAIC PORK, quarterdo. II do. do. just received per "tyri'ti, and for sale by C. BREWER X CO., Market Wharf. ROSENDALE CEMENT! ElH.s. ROSEN OA I.E CEMENT ZZifir For sale by K. . iv u r. r.i, av CltAsTER boats: IEDAR AND OAK IIOATS Or X'ARIOCS sa "S, rxpresly seiiVU-.- ! for the coasting trade. Just re- - ceivt u (t. r " s;. ren .r a. v) C. BREWER i CO.. lS'-- tf Market Wharf. Fill SII COOl)! IX -- R VIH'fi A -- CHEESE. LA RD. LJ Sa' Dr. ssmir, Vegetable Solip. Case, sausac.-s- . Caes Ore-- n Corn, C.i- - s II tin V. fa-- , g ns-t.- l. Fruits, For sale l.v , C. iiREW I.R k CO. !iyiAV.ii.'i.v HAWAIIAN ISLANDS DKCKMP.KK 'M. iHwcllings :uit) iU;U estate. FOR SALE ! TIIK. IMIKMI-K- S IN l I AM VALI.KV, rr tl.,w .fru;n..d tv the undi r:ji.e.l. tenn. -e WJL aj.ply to U-- ( W. Uiiul'ALi:. Tl I.KT ! St TIIK STORE I.ATKI.V IN TIIEOCiT- - a:i.-- of Mr. W. A. Al in.!.. iu the Kire-.r.f- .f lilock. ot tiet n and Kaahumnnu Mret no Utter for busLuess III the City- - luilneiitale jMissessioli given. Apply to C. BREWER ir C., JoJ-t- f Market Wharf. TO LET. i, THE SIMXEK HOl'SE. IX RICH- - ARD str.-el- . now occupied by Mr. G B. C. Ingraham. MidL A cotiiforUible andcoiiveiiiei.t Uw.-lli-i- ;n a quiet ucib-lt.trii.H- Apply t the tenant on the premises, or to ojie-i- n J. I. DuWSElTg T LET ! y?A. THE FIRE-I'ROO- E STORE. ON FORT ' ;'' SlREET, :cupie.t by F. Spencer, Esq, as a Retail Fancy ti ls Store, which purpose it has no ulterior in point of security and locality. ALSO The I'l'PER STORY of the san.e building. Occupancy giveu iinn.-iliatc- Apply to .e;5-ir C. BREWER t CO., Market Wharf. HOl'SE TO LET. ft-i- .. THE OXX'EEEINO IltH'SE OX KUKl'I Street, in.- - occupie.1 by Capt. Saver, ith valley water and large fard nsjiii atiachevl. Possession given Nov. 14th. Apply to C. H. L EWERS. Lumber Merchant. King St. FOIt SALE OK RENT. THE PREMISES OX ALAKEA STREET, koowu as the Fr.-uc- Preiuises," at present occupied hv Captain .lame Green. II not of by the 'J'lth Septciubi-r- , the same will be of- fered nt Public Auction. Apply to -- .'4 If H. IIACKFEI.D Ar CO. Sugar Piaiitulion for Lease ! SITI'ATE ON IIILO RAX'. AT PRESENT iey? in the of Alku. For further particulars, enquire of W. II. PEASE. FOIt SALE Olt LEASE, lr- - A COl'XTRX" RESIHEXCE. FISH POND 5 .,,,.1 ,n.i-- t ,,f i:m.l nt Kwa. situated on Pearl River 'J.fl .. ..... . r ii l.,n W I. IIIIKIA. .1 1 '1 ' I iu V - v TO LET ! FIRE-FRO- F WAREHOUSE. REST. handiest and safest storert.m in town. The lire-pro- building in the re-i- r of Dr. McKihl.iu's store, containing a spacious cellar, first and second story, the w hole being the niot convenient and safest place for storage. Rent reasona- ble. Apply to (19.M0 T. C HECCK. TO LET! i7s THE LOTON MERCII ANT STREET, Farden's cooperage and J. H. Strauss. A ,'wxl building lot or place for storage. Apply to ej-t- f T. C. 1IEI CK. TO LET ! AT LAHAINA - THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL BL ILDINU, tcly occupie.1 by T. L. Merritt. JUiL given immediately. Rent reasonable. Ai.plv to I'll. C. HECCK, Agent for L. II. Antbon. Waikahalnlii Water Lots! rflHE INDERSIKNED II AX' IXC KEEN' K apiioiiited agent for the sale and lease of the XX'aikahiiliilu Lots! heirs to call the attent ion of Merchants. Ship Owners, Speculators and others to this finely situated tract of land which is now of- fered in lots at reduced rales and on liberal and convenient t erms. Plans may be seen and all particulars learned by application the undersigned at Koliert C. Janiou's Fire-pr-i- Buildings. jj. B. Early application Simula ne mane ior enmee ..13. W. L. GREEN, Agent for tho Sale of Waikahaluiu Lf.ts. Honolulu, Oct. 21, 1S5S. iai-t- f CoIIt'c llaiilalion Tor Sale ! THE CELEBRATED TITCOMU COFFEE PLANTATION, T 1HVAI.F.I. K ALTAI. Is offer-- d Tor sale. The Land of the Plantation comprises up- wards of 1050 Acres,, and him upon it JiO.OOO Cotlee Trees.. The land is well adapted to the cultivation of sugar he sold by ree is and will c ine The estate Simple Title. For full particulars and terms of sale, i"liire "f 109-- tf r- - LUMBER-- . LUMBER ! Halanf e of Cargo of Uarkentiiies JENNY FOKl an.l CONSTITUTION, .. ...... ..v l , niUtlilVIll MJIl SALC. 11 inc. t i" iiiwl i AT THE LOXVEST MARKET RATES. coiisistiiig of the following assortment of N. W. Lumber- - I inch tongued and grooved Flooring, II inch 1 inch Surfaced Boards, 1 inch Rough Boards, Scantling 'x3, 2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 3x4, 6x, 6x8, SxC, 2 inch Plank, inch do. 4 inch do. Battens, Pickets, Laths. Shingles, and While Pine Boards, 1 inch, U inch. 1 inch, U nch. 221-- lf H- - HACKFELD CO. NOTICE! GEORGE G. HOWE IVIM. CONTIME TO SII'I'LX' HIS Y Customers with Northwest Luml r at the smk prick as the InpoiirnRS. His assortment bow on hand consists of Northwest inch Boards. tongued and irronved li tards. Assorted 2 an 1 3 inch Plank. RedWotd inch Hoard., planed and rough toinrueil and gr.stve.1 " Shingles, " Fence posts. Pine Lnm't-- r. Doors, W indow sash. Blinds. Pickets, 4 and 5 feet. Laths. Nails, Paints. Oils, frc, c. p s. All orders Tilled by him, if not satisfactory, will e iiJt if male s- - M CHEAP FOR CASH ! SELL NORTH XV EST BOARDS 1WILL for Contrs per Foot I In small or large quantities, at the NEW UTIVTBER. YARD, O the Residence of C. R. Bishop, Esq., King street. X Ollire on Fort slrrrl. XX ri 210.3m ':. Just Iteeeived, M SHAVED XVII1TE EASTERN O.JrF shingles, warraittcu to cover 100 square feet to tile M. A new lot of the favorite ottairc siding thirds. Pine clapboards, 12 t and 7 inches wide extra thick ness. AL?0 A small lot of panelled ceiling boards, J inch, a very desirable article. XX' ith niinworlmriil of white a ml col'tl pninls. lK,..f For sale by C. II. LEW Kit 5. DOOUS, XVINDOXV SASH, LINIS. fX LATE ARRIVAL- S- lli jo, all and kinds. 200 Win low sa-- h. ail kinds, 1I0 pair all sir. . 12 Glass D..rsand Blinds, etc.. complete. For sale at the lowest market pnes, ley T IX xxx lo O X ! EX BARKENTINE "JENNY FORD!" AND FOR SALE HV G-co- . Howe. ONE INCH BOARDS. jO.OOOK;??. le--l lj men ooaru-s- , 7 5.1MKIK11 ineli olane-- boards. 1 -- .nn.l fe. t T. and G. lMn!s, 1 O.OOO feet 3 inch battens, 1 O.OOO f t 2o inch scantling, 1 O.IIOO 0 f- - t pickets. ON HAND, 2l0.f0 f -- . t assorted scantling, I 50.0IIO d w- -l shingles. 1 inch pine l.ards, r. 1 w.s siding, D- - rs. window ash and blinds. C. n ti'.iii k sales and small f ronts. 1 4-- tf NAILS. 6s. , i CASKS, assorted 'r.-s- . for sale ly fH f Vj: tf C. BREW ER CO., Market Wharf. ssWwVfttli Blcbnuifnl dill?. JOH3 L. E LAS DELL, HOl'SE IMRl'ENTEU & 1UTLDEK ! AT THE WELL KNOWN L1 STAXD. ark in KING Ml. EH', iq.-- s,t-- - the Store of liroend .V. son, where he is jir-- p in-1 to do all kiud of i k in h.s line as CH E A P AS Til E CHE A PES 1" 1 1" not :i little C '! tt-r- . SAIL LOFT ! SAIL LOFT! 4rrv. v. ii. VIOI-Si-:- v -- r lias a Sail .ft in the Building occupied hy Johnson .V Foster, tship Cir-i;t-rs- ) the tld Custom House, where he hop.-- by strict attention to his business, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. All orders entrusted to him will c executed in a workmanlike maimer, and on the nn-- "t reasonable terms. HENRY ALLEN, Carpenter. Joiner and I n.lertaker. Fort Slrrrl. ueor Corner of Hotel Street. .. i.i - "r 1 ' l ..II1MSTIIE I'llt- - KXX. lie that he is pr. quired to execute any work iu the j line, and Iiojh-- s t i merit a share of public patronage. Koa, Pine and Trimmed Collins always on hand and made to i order. ly Jobbing done on reasonable terms. Plans and specifica- tions drawn to order. "4""'- - HONOLULU I M.OA WORKSIj flUIE rXl)ERSI(JXEI) IS PREPARED TO 1 furnish IRON an.l BRASS CASTINGS, and all kinds of Machinery mid Smith's Work at the Shortest Notice and Cheapkst Rates. STEAM EXILES AM) BOILERS MADE TO ORDER. T-- j- CONSTANTLY ON HAND A supply or Anvils, Cart Boxes, Forie Backs, Chain Stops is. Sash Weights, Stove Plates no 1 Linings, Dumb Bells, &c, c, &c. ojj-f- m THOMAS HUGHES. LOCK AND 05-X- S 31 L T XrT. nBMIE l Nl)ERM(JNEI) 11 EG S LEAX ETO Ja state, that lie lias laK.-- ine sn p i oriueri, .pnu(oe.i .... O. Sid. rs, and is ready to execute all orders in his line with neatness and dispatch. j 1". S. Particular attention paid to rcpi-irin- sewing Machines j JAMES A. HOPPER, 2 1 Kaahiuiiauu street- - rAIXTEK, C'LAZIEK, ;ILIEK AX I) PAPER UAX(iEK. Shop in King street, next door to Puffin's Market. 215-24- 1 MANCFACTLRER AND HEALER IX Tin, Sheet Iron k Copper Ware, " K AA II U MAN l STREET, HONOLULU, H. I. Summer Bakers. Tin and Copper Pumps, Bathing Tubs, Foot and Shower Baths, Tin and Zinc Rooting, and a general assortment of Tin Ware, tfC. Slii XX'ork cxeetue.l willi Xrnlnrm nnd 20S-- ly lip;trU. u i: o u u 1: TSI O.H A, IVjl , s o xx . Vl'E' CALL THE ATTENTION OF V the public to his slock of materials, consisting of Hawaiian and American Lime, Bricks, Cement, Tire Clay, Fire Bricks, Plaster of Paris. California Sand, German Tiles, Try Pots. TRY WORKS repaired at lowest rates. COM POSITION and j GRAVEL ROOFINO put on l.Ull.llllgs aim wannimu v.,,..-X- X Orders to le left at the Lime House, or at the store of P C. Jones, jr., Fort street, between Merchant and King streets. oo:j-6i- n Coopering : JAMES A. BURDICK IN REM OX' INC IIISRCSINESS to his new ClHlPERAUE on the Esplanade, Fort stn-et- , takes this opportunity of return- ing his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general, for the supl.rt and patpm aire which they have Itcen pleased to grant him for the past ten years, and hopes that by attention to busi- ness and promptness in the execution of all orders intrusted to him, he will merit a continuance of their favors. He has on haud lr sale upwaresoi 1000 175-l- y of all sorts and sizes. hlill IS .fc AOItTON, Coopers and Gangers, Corner of liethel ami Kins Streets, A S D FORT ST., TWO DOORS BELOW DR. JI LJ'S DRX'Q STORE, ARE NO XX I R : I A tt f. 1 i r. a J- - ecute all irders in their line promptly and at sjjj"; reasonable rates. . r .i r. - ,.t...r,r.. tl.ev confidently relv UI.l. their iiiailKliO ."I ''iai l'o - - I.... old customers for a continuance of their favors, and trust their endeavors to please, and extreme low rates of charges, will insure to th--- a fair share of business in their line. ; ; Ww and second hand casks and sletoks always on hand, whi.'h they will sell at the lowest market rates. 197-8- C. 12. WI-flflAll- -S Calinet Maker and Turner. mIE OLD ST A XI), HOTEL-STREE- T, NEAR M the corner of Fort. Furniture of all kinds made and repaired. for sale, READY MADE Fl'RNITl RE, Koa Boards. Joist and Hank; Cedar, Black W alnut and Cherry Boards; Kosewoo.1 and Mahocany X A laru-- e as..rtment of Gilt Mouldim.-- , and large sized Ola-- s. and Children s f hairs. A variety of R."-ki- . DiniiiL-- , OtUce Polishcl Collins on hand and ma to order. 15vl" BLACKSMITH SHOP. ON" THE NEW ESPLANADE, es IS PREPARED TO DO WORK . - l-- -. of all kinds iu tirt rate style at prices to ;A. J n;-;.";- :;- CARRIAGE, and all other work in'this fine.'will be done with a neatness and dis patch not to be exc-'llei- jy n,,rs. shoeing, and all oth. i business 111 the Farrier s de partment, promptly' att.nde.Ito. ltf2'tf . MACHINE CARTEXTER'S SHOP. riMIE CNDERSIGNED XX'OCLD INFORM I his friends and the public that he has resumed his former business as a BUILDER AND HOUSE CARPENTER, t the stand hitherto by Messrs. Watson & Leonard, street. With every facility for on the Swinton Premises, Kitik- - doing ail branches of "77" oo cl "7x7" oris. tc the best advantage, he resiectrully solicits a share of public patronace. Having secured the service of a ffr't rat workman, h-- ; will also add Cabinet MuUiiiK, Turning " Cnr- -l in;;e XX'ork to his other business. Xj StutT sawed and planed by machinery for cartenicrs and ,'U";rS- - C. II. LEWER5. X B Oeneml lunitter business will le ef.nducte.1 as hereto- fore on the Fort Street Premises, where the Inst selected stock will he sold on the m. st reasonable terms. 166-t- f W M Th .WRIGHT, OF KOIOA, KAUAI, mVOl'LB RESI'ECTFCLLX- - INFORM THE public that h- - is prepared to Manufacture Turbine or any other l.iu.l of XX'aler Wheel, and warrant them, at reasonable rates. Orders for any kind of 3IillAvWsrlit Work solicited and promptly attended to. K..L.OA, Sept. 20, 160. 220-6- COOPERS ICN:ilING MACHINES. OOPERS' ITNCHIXG MACHINES, C Coopers' Truss Hoo For sale by C. BREWER i CO.. Market Wharf. l'.'7-t- f VARNISH ! C XSES (in 5 and 10 gallon cans)"flt-st(iual;t- var m 9 nish for furniture, carriages, kc. Just received p j 'svr-n.- " and for sal-- by 197 tf C. A. vll. F. Poor. FOR SALE. PRIVILEGE XX'ITII PIPE. VXX'XTER (2."5-lm- ) A. I. EVERETT. IIOESE PAPER. 4 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE m. patterns and iKtrdcr. rursaieo C. BREWER & CO., ly.T-- tf Market Wharf. MX !)!. 1. A IIS AN MM. )Vtl.. V. So.-il- . XV I1UI-.- No-23t. IV! . C. EVIONSARRAT & CO., O F.N K UAL COMMllON Ml'lU'Il ANTS, X'ictoritt, X" un co liver's Islaiitl. i'.c-'i- j 1ST '33 W COMMISSION MU PURCHASING "OT Diuine Si root, New York. ESTAHI.ISllEO HIMSELF AS HAVlXfi Coimioss ion and Purchasing Agent, would rcspectful'v inform the Mediant and Public generally of the Hawaiian Islands, that he is prepared to receive order for ant DhSCHirTioS P MkbchaSMSk. to which he will give personal and strict attention in promptly attending to at a very low com- mission. Having made arrangements with Dealer in New York, he is prepared to send orders, however small, consisting of Hardware, Pry and Fancy Hoods. Rocks. Music, Musical Instru- ments. Agricultural Implements. Machinery, Carriages. Harness, Furniture, io., 4c, at wholesale prices. received in Honolulu by W. II. Dimond, who will also receive and forward orders. Remittances should accompany all orders, persons sending orders will please stale the route by which they wish their good shipped ; also il they wu-- an insurance effected. REFERS TO A. P. Evkuktt, Honolulu, O. P. Ji nn, M. D., Honolulu, F. I.. Hanks V. Co., " H. M. Whitsky, E. O. Hall, B. Pitman, llilo, Hawaii. Oilice. Jo7 Duar.e Street, New York. 18--ly .13 r. JO U? A I. BiX . Tfi A TIM K , CO MM ISS IOX ME R C II AX T , ti (ineen'a I'lnce. Sy.lney. IT Reference to W. L. tJuKKS, Honolulu. S. 1. 104-6-ui a isb.7 v. woo aissi rr, II I PC II A NI1LER, STOREK EEI'ER AND S O't'.Vf.Vi.f. .411 EXT. Oooils bouirht nnd sold on com- mission. Ship and Family Stores put up at the shortest notice-Corn- er of Road and PittinoKR strelt, IIoiii;LonK. t--i- ltef. rs to Thomas Si-k- kr. A. J. Cartwrhjmt, J. C. SpaLDISU, Honolulu, Sanitwichlslanils. 104--ly Notice to Masters A. Owners of Whale Ships. THE END ERSKi NED II EC LEAVE to announce to masters ot whale ships, and the public .TVjt; j general, that they have suocecled in leasing from the French Government at Tahiti, the railway and heaving down premises, including storehouses, etc., etc., and are now prepared to execute repairs w ith dispatch and at lower rates than nt any other port in the Pacific OWEN & GOODING, lfJ-l- y Shipwrights. MOXGONU!, NEW ZEALAND. william"butler, GENERAL MERCHANT & CUSTOM HOUSE AGENT Mongoiiui, w w S M A D E A R R A NC EM EN TS TO K E EP B S constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of SALT PROVISIONS, BREAD, FLOUR, GROCERIES CLOTHING, SHIP CHANDLERY, and everything required for a complete outfit. XX Fresh supplies, jtotatoes, and firewood, all furnished at the shortest notice. Monitonui lies in the south-ea- st part of Lauristan or Doubtless Bay, aiid is in latitude 35 de. 6 min. S., and longitude 173 deg. 38 min. E lS'-M- f Hongkong Underwriter's Notice. riMiE UNDERSIGNED. IIAX'IN'G BEEX aniK.inted Surveyor for the " New York Board of I'nder writers," takes this method of informing ship-maste- rs that he is always ready at the shortest notice to attend to any business required of him in that capacity. S. C. WOODRCFF, Corner of Queen's Road and Pottingcr Street. Hongkong, November, 1859. 197-i- y GIN 6g J. C. SPALDING, SOLE AGENT FOR THE SANDWICH ISLANDS. J A3. PATRICK k CO., 213-6- m Sole Agents for California. STOVE AND If NSHOP ! The suhscrilH-- would inform all those in want of STOVES AND TIN WAEE ! That he has taken the store 1) tvK9i'. directly oppf site his old stand, on Kaahumanu street, where i he will carry on tl.e Tin, Sheet Iron AND Stove Business, in all its branches, and in greater variety than can 1 found elsewhere in the cite. Having worked at the business for a. any years he feels conlident that he can give satisfaction to all who 'may favor him with a call. He will keep constantly on hand a assortment of COOK STOVES, both for wood and coal. Tin nn.l Japanned wn re. consisting in part of cake boxes, tea and cue cans, knife trays, sugar box.-s- . spittoons, nurse cans, lanterns, lamps, candlesticks, 4 c. Britannia Tea nnl Coffee Pl. Zinc. Sheet Lou l. Tin i Copper, Hip Ualh. Uuwin, Gal- vanized nu.l E.ialih Sheet Iron, Lead lie. Children'- - Bath-.- . Tin Toy, of all kinds; and al kinds of goods usually kept in his business, all of which he will sell extremely low for en.ti, or approve.! r...t Tin Ware of every description made of tha best materials, and Job Work executed in the most workmanlike manner. Particular attention paid to Tin nnd Zinc Roofln,, an.l all kinds of Lead work done, both for vessels and houses. Among the stock of Cook Stoves, he would call particular at- tention to the CryMal Palace and Granite Slate, as Iveing two of the best stoves now iu u-- e, fitted un in a suirior manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. For a cheaper article, he keeps the Ocean Premium Stove, andhewill ad 1 to his sbick. as the trade may require. All those in want of anvthing in this line would do well tocall and examine his goods for themselves, before purchasing else- where, as he does not intend to be "but," either in pr.iCB or w o'.lKM xsh:p. IX Persons purchasing stoves at this establishment, can save an of four -- r five dollars, as Mr. S. will set them up in Honolulu guati.s. '227-"- .n 2S5) GEO. C. SIDEB3- - Lumber! Lumber! CNDERSIGNED WOCLD HEREBY TMIE notice to his customers, and the public generally, that he is prepared to ll every description of North W est lumtter in quantity, or hv small lots, as cheap or cheajter than any other person in the "market. In ot!:er words, he wants to ll and won't be beaten. (191-tf- ) J1 LEW Jt- - Doors. Window Sasli. Blinds. DOORS. ASSORTED SIZES, XX'ITII 3 """" mouldings and panel. 60 S:ish D'sjrs, a.ssorte.1 sires. COO pair Window Sash, assorted sizes. 250 pair Blinds, with and without swivels, ass d sizes. Selected expressly for this market, and r sale low by .tr ;eorge g. n.jWK. HAWAIIAN FLOUR ! TAROM THE XX AILCKC MILLS, SUPERIOtt TO AN V OTHER HAW AIIAN FL'A'U, Constantly received, tud for sale Chen hy ifj-'l BREWER ir CO. NMWlKttissSkMRl TO ADVEUTISEIiS AND Sl'P.sCRl HERN Obituaries, fumial inviUiti-.n- s and noti. r, ..r cicumtiicaliors inten.le. only to lwu.-fl- an individiiBl's li"ii.cs, ill lrlj.rg. d as advrrtiseiiM-nts- . Advertisement, displayed in l.trg. r tj e tnsn usual, are sut ject b hea. iei cliari.'. .. 17 Su s. ripto.o r .r tl.- Commercial A..v.-rti- r und Adrer s isr.i:t.niv ix .vx 1 No transient a lverii.-M-ineii-.-s ill In- - insetted mil. rait run. J r C from all parts of the Pacific will alw.J be very acceptable. COMMERCIAL I'RINTINU OFFICE PLAIN AND FANCY HOOK AND JOB PRINTING serii .s BOOKS. BII.lJiOF EXCHANGE, CATAI.O.51 ES. P.1I.I--O- F LADING. BILLHEADS. CoNst I.AU BLANKS, CIRCl LARS. BLANK DEEDS. Al CTION B1I.IS. HAND Ml LI.. PAMPHLKIS. SHOP BILI-- S XT VISITING. B1'SINFS AND ADDRESS CARDS prliit.4 or a " Yankee Card Press," in the hi;oe.t s'yle of the art. yortiqn (L;ubs. O. C. M Kt IK. 1. O- MVKHILL no 1: v 1: si sV u 1:1:3:11,1,, Coniinissioii IScieliiuils XI AroTio.i:i:ns. AGENTS OF THE Regular Di.ptttrh LineoT Honolulu Pnekels. IT AH freight arriving in trsnsitu Die Sandwich Islands, will te received and lorwanhsl by the Regular Disjtatch lane" VRKK l.V COMMISSION. Particular atteiuion paid to f 'rwanling and transhipment ol mere halt lise, of wlialcmcii's bills, and other exehanee. In surance of merchandise and Sx-ei- under open policies, suppv ing wlialeships, cluirtering ships, etc. 43 nuil 4 5 California aired. HKFKa Tel : Captain B. F. Ssow, f Messrs. C. Bkkw kk 4- c-- , Honolulu. A. P. EVKKKTT, KSQ . J B. Pitman, Esg. .... lido' 120 tf 0IIAS. WOLCOTT JIKOOkS, W. FKANK I API', kDWAUD F. HAM., ). CHAS. W. BROOKS & CO., SMITING AND Commission !ereliau(s 123 Sansonic Street, Sun Francisco, Cal. V RTICl ItAH ATTENTION C1X EN TO 1 the Purchase, Shipment and Sale of Merchandise ; to For- warding and Transhipment of Goods ; the Chartering and Sal of A'cssels ; the Supplying of Whuleships ( aini the Negotiation of Exchange. Exrhaniie on Honolulu in Soma to uit. ADVANCF MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. REFER TO B. F. Ssow, Esq , Honolulu. JAS. Ill KNKWU1.L, UostoD. C. Bkkw kk .V Co., " Hknrv A. Pkirck, u J S. Wai.kkr, " CHAS. BllKWkK, " II. Hackkki u k Co., " TliAVtU, Bkiuuam k FlKLD, Besj. Pitman, llilo. Boston. SlTTON 4; Co.. New York. 212-- tf Swift Js Ai.ikn, New Bedford. ROSS, DEMPSTER & Co., 113 Italtery Street. Sua Frnnriiwo. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SIT, AllS HICK. SYRUP BACON, TEAS PORK, COFFEE LAUD, CANDLES BUT1EU, For sale in lots to suit purchasers. Orders promptly filled on the most favorable terms. 2d2-li- n THOS. HOPE & Co's. CELEHRATED DlIRir J3UTTER. rvMIIS HAS LON'C BEEX KNOWN AS THE M best hraud brought to the San .rancisco market. Consignments receiveil via Isthmus ami Horn, and for sale ia lots to suit purchasers, by KOSS, DEM PSTEU & Co., 232-l- m 113 Battery street. THOS. HOPE &, Co.'s NEW ORLEANS SUGAR! The Genuine Unmixed New Orleans, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. SHALL RE IN CONSTANT RE ceipt of the aliove favorite article, which we offer In lot to suit. Orders promptly filled. HORS. DEMPSTER tf CO., 232-l- 112 Battery street. HOTEL I NTER NATIONAL, JACKSON STI.EET, A few doom above Msnlgomrrr Street, SAN FRANCISCO. FOSTER, PATTEN fc CO.. li'opi'ictor.s , (SUCCESSORS TO J. J. HALEY,) PERCH ASED 1 HE INTEREST nAX'INC iu this well-kno- the Subscriliers beg to say to the old patrons of the house and the public gen- erally, that they have made many alterations and improvements, and and renovated the house throughout In the most thorough manner, and have added an elegant Private Hall for the entrance of Ladies and are determined that in the future the house shall possess all the requisites of a A FIRST CLASS HOTEL IN EVERY PARTICULAR. Our Mr. Patten has been Rookkeeer of the house for the past two years, and Mr. Foster has been connected with the Ocean Steamers of this Coast for the past eight years as Purser, and cheerfully oOers his services to families an.l others in procuring steamer passage, in advance of their arrival here. XX No advance in patens. Coaches of the Hotel always in readiness. 232-3- m FOSTER, PATTEN tt CO. Ciftrcnt Republic, Wood Hope, TELEGRAPH. RETXARD. II. OCEAN and REPORTER : Fifty bales assorted Duck, 6- -0 10. Fifteen bales light and heavy Bear Iuck. Ten bales Flannels, assorted. Twelve cases Canton Flannels, brown and bleached. Ten cases Kentucky Jeans. Fifteen cases Twelve cases 2x2, 4x4 and 4x2 Apron Checks. Twen'y cases bleached Shirtings, all widths. Seventy-fiv- e cases favorite brands Prints. Tweuty cases Denims. Fifty cases Tickings." Twenty bales blue, red and ray Blankets. Also, a full assortment of IlouHi'-Furuiahi- nji Gooiln, Comprising Linen Table Damasks, bleached and brown ; super Table Covers , pjUow-cas- e Linens , Unen Sheetings ; Quilts, 10-- 4, 11-- 4, 12--4, assorted qualities ; Towellings, Napkins, Dia per. Doylies; white family Blankets; embossed velvet Table and Piano Covers ; bleached Sheetings, extra fine. Also, via Isthmus a full line Hosiery, Gloves, Delaines. Organdies, Lawns, Robes, Jackunetts, French Muslins, Cambrics, Irish Linens, etc. And a gem-ia- l assortment of FANCY and KTAPLK DRY GOODS, suit, i to the Spring Trade. Alw, ex Oracle, Eliia, Denmark. c., 4, c. Velvet Medallion Carpets , Brussels and Three-Pl-y Carpets: Ingrains. Hemps, English and Ameri can Druirgets, Table Oil Cloths Green Baires, Window Shade, and Hollands Brocatelle and Demasks. Palter Hangings and Borders. Asency of Jewett's celebrated s, g- -4 & 24-- 4. Invoices very low-pric- Flower Oil Cloths, now landing, and for sale, at low rates, hv FRANK BAKER, 110 and 112 Clay Street, 135 and 137 Merchant Stree 234-3- m San Francisco, California. a oRiFFirra morgas. C. S. HATFAWAV. U. V. 8T0IB MORGAN. STONE & CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, San Francisco, Cal References, T. S. Hathaway Fisq. Messrs. T. & A. K. Nye, & Swift ; Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Grinnell Mint urn k Co., New York, John M. Forbes Esq., Boston, Messrs. Per- kins k Smith, New Loudon, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon ..lulu. tf J . It . 1MI IV T Ii K , (I.ATK O'MRARA k PA1STKR,) Dralrr in TYPE, PRESSES, PRINTING MATE TER1AL, PAPER, CARDS, And Printer's Stock generally, 132 Clayt reel, near Snmom,S Fraaclae. I. I. ARTHUR A: SOaV, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. 1 IX OF WHICH WILL BE MH,U O the most reasons bin terms, and at the lowest prices. Warehouse, comer of Davis and W asmngton ts, San rrancisco XX Ordvt promptif erreutrd. J S REFER TO : A. J. CAIlTWRir.HT, Esg., HoDOlulU. SAX FKAXCISCO CO 11 WAGE FACTO II V. OF EVER! SIZEMAMlif rtORDAGE sortmentof MAX I LA A XI) HEMP ROPE, (all sixes). Bale Rope, Tow Line, Oakum, kc, for sale by TL BBS CO., 197-l- y I .) J, rmni circev, ou fiaut.iHM. AIsVAAIZIiI IKO. ! ARTICLE Casks Galvar.ised Spikes, asstd. sixes, Bars Galvanized Iron, assorted sixes. Received ex " ltailuga," and for sale by C. BREWER k CO. ooi,, New Bedford AVliale Boats 1 CMOOTII BOTTOM whale laU, Upbord do, lap S streak eived ir Syren, d 'R'y fc 0 Market Wlifcrf. 19-.- tr WHALE LINE. &c. HALE LINE. w Ratlin. Suunvarn. Marline, For sale by C. UUEWER & CO., 197-t- f Market Wbr' 1 !,TIJSB i i !: ? ! 5 rr

Transcript of Commercial HONOLULU. · iurnel. miui kti it there 1 die ; An.1 the wretch, in wtwe deceit prriahcl...

Til 12 1MCITICco1nini:ci.vt. advertise.!.

VI Ererr TlirJnjr Moruin"..Ib p

f.fwwarled tnfTei-mc..untr- ie will he f 7 SOperann..' V!T1 the American po-La-.-- and the expense .f f.trwanl- -

from the oificeof pu' Edition. Ail lap-rf.- r American'Vap!r--- port- -. ''' b"ve l - Istage tan.- - on th.-tn- ,

u rtT i;-- prevent anv .mTKn postage li:ig rollerte! ..nleiiverv . ForWgo prefer it,can havetheir

ZjLn through the mail.WHICH ADVKTI.SmiT WILL BE rRlpJ.lD.

n traasievit advertisement '.fi rt inerti.ti) line 10 ets.feuch subsequent do. " 5 rt.

drJ,. fn..t - S llnw.) per annum J5 .

(Korh additional line.) " " 50 eta.jj payable always in advance. J

. o sdvj., (wA exceeding 10 lines space,) first 0.' ' Each saoeietit insertion. .............. .60 cm.

Avmrn.KRJ will br charsl at tlx following fates,payable at U end of each quarter :

F w sue qaxre, (. th- - tw of 20 line.) jtrr quarter. . . $5 00ooe-ft-a- of a column, per iuarter $12 0

1w uoe-ha- tf of a o.lunn. it--r column i - 0erlumu, I- - r quarter ;7 lotit

Commercial Advertiser.1'itr the Com. Advertiser.

Tbr an airy rarden grewFVwers of every hapr and ha ;

Sweetest flowers, and flir to view.

uirt, hi ami briirlit ;Trembling lily. pioo-whit- e ;Rose, that blushed upon th sight ;

Aud ail the sisterboMl beside,lu charm f grace and Iteauty vi-- d ;

Mikiutf their own llie-- garden's pri le.

Vet no", uu.n these rare,la loveline-- ,, tyonjlittAinCil tii f:irr--t of tbt fair !

Ami a a t.trli-- r iion nrraThan tht prrlra lUr Uardvn V ;A It aayl on iu thr tfie of

la a ry uni-- r liAI , f"f rauty J:in?fr u power !

The traDK-- r aume. anl tuckol the Bowr.I'r-t- it uwler J torn ;To a rtUtarit mrioo mrIr iu l"t cumj aii. tiii mourn

IHr aluk, it twiu"! ruc!aiitel ;

Happy in the lt it frrvtti-'- l :

Lofe, It which It lfitfa llitte.l.M'rapiml in rl'twinif (' ray,

n the ttrwyfrr' brrt it lay,Ormiiin iu crt life awy.

But the tun-a- l wilt ev-- r aotMie-t- t Utle:Flr-uar- ilnun to of fontaaics made :

Anl the fculh of LftTe too oft Ur.iyl.

fnam, a tale of oitw tttllli iw, uo the Omm-t- a ollLay the otiletl, nce luvtlf, nusUII.iW, with f'ehle cia-It- . it clanT' an inCti.t Unl, that rarrfrom iu i 1VI auouic i

How tle Iieartlcit .air-y- .

With a curioos eye,iurnel. miui kti it there 1 die ;

An.1 the wretch, in wtwe deceitprriahcl ail of pore, anJ weet.

And kTcty, Int'jktd hi altame to meet ;

Awl a spirit npro, on the halm-Je- w of eren.Like a iwect estiaUtion of incense, to Heaven :

The betrayed waa forg'it, the betrayer forgiven.

Ito.4olu, lec 1SC0. Wn. S. HioH.s-j-.

rlcutw Ward &rm tUr Irinre f Wnlr.At Unt We hnj & interiew with the Prince, though

it pattj nigh coot me my allerble life. I cawt aglimps of him as be sot on the Piz irroof the hotel inSarnia, a.n-- elbowel myself thrvw a crowd of wim-mi-n,

children, aojers & Injan9 that waa hanpn roundthe tern. I was draw in near to the I'rince when ared fased man in Milliogtery close grahd holt of meand axed me where I was goin all so bold ?

To see Albert Edard the Prince of Wales," sez I;who be yon ?

He Bed he was Karnal of the Seventy Fust Regi-

ment, Her Majesty's troops. I told him I hoped theSetenty Onesters was in good health, and was pissinby when be ceased hold of me agin, and sed in a toneof indigent curprise :

What ? Impossible ! It kinnot be ! Blarst myiiie, sir, did 1 understaa' yu to say that you wasactooally (join into the presents of 'is Royal Iniss ?"

That's what's the matter with rue." I replied.Cut blarst my hize, iir, its onpresedentcd. It's

rfal. sir. Nothin like it hain't happened sins theGun Power Plot of Gay Forks. Owdashus man, whoair you?"

"Sir," sex I, drawin myself np & puttin on a de-

fiant air, " I me a Ameryean sitterzen. My name isWard. Ime a husband & the father of twins, whichIue happy to state they look like me. By perfeshunIme a exhibitor of wax works & sich."

-- Good God!" yelled the Karnal, " the idee of antxhibitor of wax figjers goin into the presents ofRoyalty ! The British Lion may well roar with rageat the thaw t !"

Sr I, " Ppeakin cf the British Lion. Karnal. I JeCke to make a barjrVin with you fur that be.t fur afew weeks to add to my show." I dideu't meennothin by this. I was only gettin orf a gonk. but youorter he seen the oil Kurnal jump up & howl. Heactoo-all- (ouied at the tnowth.

"This can't be real," he ahowteL " No. no. It'sa horrid dream. Sir, you air not a human beinyoo he no exi-ten- ts yure a Myth !"

"Wall." sex I. eld I1WS. yule find me a rutheronkomfortable .fyth ef you punch my inards in thatway aRin." I began to get a little riled, for whenhe caUed me a Myth he puncht roe purty hard. TheKarnal now comments showtin fur the Seventy Onest-

ers- I at fust thawt Ide stay and become a Marterto British Outraje. as etch a course mite git my nameipjcbet good advertisement for my show, but it oc-

curred to m that if any of the Seventy Onestersshould happen to insert a barronet into my stummick,it mite be nplea.unt, & I was on the pint of runninorf. when the Prince hisxelf kum up and axel roewhat the matter was. Sel I. " Albert Flar.l. is thatyu?" and he smilt & -,l it was. Sea I. "AlbertF,lar 1, hears my kerd. I cum to pay my rcpeckstothe fater Kinac of Inglan-- The Kurnal of theSeventy Onesters here is ruther sinawl pert tter- -, butof course you ain t blmie fur that. He puts on somany airs as tho he wur the Bully Boy witn the glasseje."- Never nilud." sex Albert Edur I. " Ime iflad tusee ja. MWfer Ward, at all events." & he tuk myhand so piesuut like & Lukd so swevt that 1 fell inlove with hiii to ont:t. He haudid me a segar JC weti,l down on the Izrro t c.nmenst suiokiu ritecheerful. -

-- Wall," hz I, "Albert Ed tr J. how's the old

" Her y .Si the Prince are well," he sed.Dux the otJ man take his liger beer regular I"

I inquired.The Prince Urfel &. intimate.1 that the eld nan

ds-r- let many k. gs of that beveridge spile in theellar in the coarse of a jere. We sot X taa kel thre3M time N)ut matter V things & binieby I ai.ed

him how he like I U-i- Priure as fur as he'd got." T f.1 .111, Mister Ward." he sed. " I don't

much Kke it. I'm sick of all this bowin & J

i crawlln & hurrain over a Uiy like me. I wihj.1

rv.her go threw the country quietly and enjoy myselfother and not to bein my own way. with the boys,

made a Show of to be gari.ed at by everybody. W I eithe people chn-- r me 1 feci pleased. for I know tLeymen it. but if these one boss oflishulscood know ho1

I st- - threw all their moves & understand exacklywhat they air after, i knowe-- J how I larft at eia in

ki-si- n bands & fawnin overprivate, tbayd stop mydo. But know Mister ard Iwe as tbey now you

e . help bein a Prince. & I must do all I km tofit myself fur the peraisbun I must sumtiuiekfpy."t,' t,w u--z I. sickness and the doctorswi.l carry the (iueen orf one of these dase. sure's j erborn."

The time heven arove fur me to take my departer,I rose up and sed : " Albert Edard. I must g... butprevis m doin so I will bsarve that you soot me.Your a g.xd feilcr. Albert Edard, tho Ime aginPrinces as a cineral thing. I must say I like the cutof yure Gib. When you git to be King try and be asgood a man as yure inuther has bin. Be just & beJenrus, espeshully to bowmen, who hev a'.lers binaboozed eius the days cf Noah, who was the fust manto go into the Menagery biznes. & f the daily papersof Lis time air to be bleeved. Noah's colleckshuii orlivin wild beests best ennything ever seen sins, tho I

make bold to dowt cf his snaiks was ahead of mine.Albert Edard. a Joo t" .

I tuk his hand which he shook warmly. & g,Thim a perpetual free pars to my show, & also parsesto take home for the Queen & Old Albert. I put onmy hat and walkt away.

Mrs. Ward," I solilerquized, as I walkt along," Mrs. Ward, ef you could see your husband now,jes; as he proudly goes from the presents of the futureKing cf Inzland, youl be sorry youd called him aBeest jest becawx he come home tired 1 nue andwanted to go to bed without taking oS biz boots.Youd be sorrv for tryin to deprive your husband ofthe priceless Bjom of liberty. Betsy Jane !"

A Wari.

BOUND VOLUMESTIIK COM.MKHCIAI. ADVERTISKR.OFfnta .. I. ta Vol. IV., iltclu--.vr-. Jfhii3 i.r t mw votunie- -. lor s .le II- - MlUTr.i.

il-3- u



Justness eTitrtis.


Utiu. II. 1.

J. I'. CdMll UN,

63-- tf Ka."vf4Uiii;i!iu tr-t- , ll .ii 'iala. ifctha.

HAXX'.tllXV FI.DL'K COMI'AXV,lf0-- tf A. I. KVtRCTT.TreusurrranJ A. nt.

. ii. li:xvi:ks,Lamber and building St. Honolulu. 105-t- f

n. ttiH'tsb. w. h. PiM'tn.II. I)I.U(IM) A SOX.


and deVr in, ,iU, .dU and senejal

MeC'01t:AX Ac CAUI'RKbb,MERCHANT TAII.OK.-- on K.ialnini.iii'1 Ptre.-t- , opposite

l;,hop' ll.tnW I'pilh. t"aiinfr-- andhsrul. atft elttthin m w- l- up in the lt-- yl- - J17-- ly

HEN'KY UOIIIs'SWin, ppint and Ciijar Ltre, Cirlton Wharf, Honolulu.lVJ-t- f


Von HOLT Ar IIKI'C'K,Coiniaii'-- Meridiant. Jloii-ilul- Oahu, S. I loO-t- f

AI.F.X. J. ( VUTXVItlfJHT,Coniraiioo c'tipping AK"'-L- , Honolulu,

h.hc, II. I. 1"L- -(;oi)i iti:v itiiom-.s-


W hotevale leVr in Wine and spirit. Ale and poru-r- . nearthe ft! lllliee. Il.rtiollllu. t 'f

ci.iiiiiii: iioxvk,Luiuber Mercliaul Yard on Cocar II tl iK S4taK. New E- -

pl:4llilc KJS-t- f

ii. iia:kfi:li ,v t.Cmimi.ion Aent, and Sfhip Chandler, Honolulu,

Oahu, S. I- - LUit' .E. O. II A I.I

Im;r.rUT an-- I ll.inlware. Iry G.-- l. I'aints, iN. andgetteral Merclian Iue, corner of r'ort and Kinit treei lOi-t- f

UKOKliE CLARK,Dealer In Iry a:iI Kan.-- y (i.t--1. street, one almve

the Odd Fellow' Hall, Honolulu, S. I- - 11-t- f

JO H X T H O M A S X V A T I : K 1 1 1 I : s i : ,ImiM)rter, Wh.-leal- e an.l Retail ltr in fJeucral Merchan.lise,

Honolulu, aiid litiaina, Maui. ii-l-f'

XX'. N. tAII,Importer and ler in IUkuwahk, Citlkkt, MH'njsici'

Tools an.1 AiiHIClLTtUAL IarLKMisSTS, Fort street. II.uio-ul-u.

10n-- tf

jamox, ;ui:i:. & .,Coinmiion Men hant Fiic-I'ro- Buil.hng, Vueeti Ktre.-i- .

H'tmtlulu, April 1. 1459. 105-t- f

x'. rise: ii Kit,Cabinet Maker and French polisher. Hotel Street, opposite the

Oovemment House. m a vs



Protest extended. Lesal Dtcum ntsN. B- - Averaire adjusted.exeeuted with neatri'K and dispatch; CommerciHl Io"kopened and clowl. and C'mtoin II .ue llr .kerHL'edone; Ac-

count made up an.l Collections faithfully atte-- . led to.107-3- m

J. II. XVOOII,Manufacturer, Importer and IN-a- l. r in Boo'. and Shoe of every

de rinli on. shoe FindinL i, I'uiup, Ki-'i- Harne,ami Patent U-al- r. Calf. U.t, lloj, an.l Buck SkinsTrunks, Valines, sp;irriiie tSloves. Foil, mid M:ik, tll:lck

IIU. ' ...., .ii.irxr. . . :. Kr. Brick shoe store,' corner ofFttrt and Merehaut Honolulu. H. I. tf


Honolulu. OwIim. II. I. 133-- tf

HZZ,as. jiossaas.JB.MOSS MAN V SON,

Baker. Or--o r and Dealer, in Dry Owls, Nuuanu slreet;Honolulu, Oahu, S. I- -

A. S. Ar M. S. fiKINIiAl M,i v ...i... .1.. ii.. it F isl.i .ii.ihle C'lot'iin'-- '. Hat

an.l variety of Gei.tlem. n iC.n.. Boot and Hi.-- , ev.-r- r Furnishing G n1s. Store, corner of F"..rt andMerchant streets, II .tiolnlu. Oalct. ll'J-t- f

KITSON Ac IIAItT,8ucceors to Mr. II. .irv Kol.insoii, Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants, H h olnlu, II. I , under the Kiu of A. J. t art--

wriirht and at the f.e.t of Kaahunianu str.n. ii tf

J. XVOItTII,Dealer in General Merchandise, Hil, Hawaii. Shi supplied

with recruits at the short.- -', notice, on reasonableKills of exchange wanted. V

IIOLLKS .V .,chip Chandlers and Commission Merchant and I" in

Ge,HrraI lhaina. Maui. Whalers fui bhetlwith recruit at the shortest notice, in exchange for .!

ai-- tfor Mil.

S. X. K.MKKSON,Waudua. Oahu. Ieler in G. ne-- al Merehandise. Country Pro

....i.'.. f..m tianaua. Butter. Eeir. c.duce

II. N. I'LITN K It.Coutiiiue hi ol.l I.u-i- ss ill the fireproof l.uildin? , Kaahuma-an- l

ru street.. . .,.1 l.v i,Im. rvatior.s of the un mmt III IT..----.- -

adjusted to tl.ewith a trao-- it aerurat-d-

lueridi tnof Honolulu. Particular attention irive,, to finek . s. vl .ot nn.l onadrant cla'se silvere.l

I ,.I,oh:.-- I. "chart and ikiiliteal instrument constantly44-- tf

on hand and f..r sale.

AMoS. . C KK.AM L- - S. sTl K.

CAST LI A: COtlKK,K- -t til dealers in General Mer- -

Imietrter. and Wholes .I- - a,d'. hamhse. at t! I stand, crn-- r of the Km.-- and sch.ed

str s t,. ,.. ar tie- - lar.--e St..,,.- - Church. Al; t the StoreI.. , .1 l,v I . II. s,,e;i. .s4,ri. in niuK s

the Seaman Cha I. Agents for Dr. Javnescine.

; I I.MAN Ar "0.,Sl,!n Chaudh r and Dealer in M rchandife,

LA II A ISA, MAC I, H . I.Phip supj.'1-- .l "ith I facilities f tr storace. Cas

&3-l- yf r hill of evch-nr-'-

A II EE,Agents Sn- - .r Plant..: io... of Aik-.- at Papak-.a- . arid Iwo

at lU.. H.l..; Who!....!- - and Retail D-- al-- er

in China ... : ' ,. hand, f r sale at their estahment on Kin,' street. Honolulu, and at Lahaina, Maui

T-- a. OcT-e- . and a large andSutar. Molas. s, syrup,varied ass..rtnient ..f geii.-ra- l merchandise

Honolulu, August Xi, ls57. J'yTIIOM AS S PENCE It,

. .... Merchaudiw.-- , a;:d t ommision- i II.. Tiwil. r itt lii llfTMl"

Merchant Honolulu. I., keeps constantly on hand

an extensive awuuciit of every description of ls

hv wh and "tt:- - rs. . .

Shipping furni-h- -i with all kin-J- of -. Ac,the shortest not at the very mark, t price.

XX Money advanced for Hhal. rs" tt.ili a: tl.e lowest rates.

II. V. S EX' E It A NC E,.... . . ii ... .1., ,, S T

Ship Chandler and Comiaissioii rtiiiim, -


Captain B. F. Snow, - - - Honolulu.Messrs. I. C. vatk::

Williams .V Haven, New lxtidon.A: Mrkkill. San Fraa.-ic-

M Hi kb Be.If.trd.SUT X ALLKN,Hknkv A. Pkibck. -

II. W. SEVERANCE ill continue the Ship Chandlery andCommissi-w- i Busin-s- s :it the Old Stand. Every description ol

Ship Chan-ller- and Merchandise re.,uire-- l hy shipping, will nc on hand and f T s;ile at low rites.



llilo. Ilnwmi.advanccl on Whalers Bols.N. B. Monej


shkkman pkck.

C. iniKXX EIt Ac CO.,Cominisition and Snipping Merchant. Honolulu, Oahu. II.


James HrMcwi:i.L, E-- p. t Boston.ClUBLKS ItKlWKR. Es,,., S

. M Rr:R A. Mkkkili , ) San Francisco.Ch,. W..L. ..TT Bllooks. Esq., (MBS.-B-4. WM. Jt Co.. - lb

HrtaiLL .t Manila.Me-sb- s. IVllk,

l'W-t- f . .

n o w l a M rsAllKKWTVri: .iAIiliUKV.

,.1111.' I'MIERSKiXEP would cllthe attention of. ... i...... ... ..ol tie to his Kf.nis. over tl.e

. .1 4 Iv.n.ser" Printing (nex the1 Willi .' e

Posttilfice) whe.e he is taking Pictures which, for elegance of

s...l, -- s of tme. canil' t e.-- . i:, u.Beini: in c- - ns'-an-t ipt of N-- w Stock. Chemicals kc. he is

pr- - pare.1 to take Picture with ail the latest improvement.rr Pi.ture--s taken "i. Ol ess. p i,K-r-

. Patent Leather, i!...iili.inn ,i.i, Ae an warranl-s- l 10 Cl.e emoe t .l.s- -

i K rite Publi - re invited tt c .U and examine sjiecimens.W. F. H.'W LAND tf




HONOLULU.Vlusincss (L'aris.

IK. J. .MOTT SMITH,-- f .rt and street. ITS-l- y

wiLMA.M 1 1 1 : --M pi i ii i : .' s ,Notary Iublir, E-- e at the Court H'ue. U t:urj. lo3-t-f


O.ce in Honolulu ll'iue. ovvr llie Post :?ire. 6i-t- f

L. McCTLLY,Atttni-- yt Law. rtice, with C. C. II irri. K- - nj-t- r

II. HOFFM ANN, M. !.,VUn a.M ,r ""0-'"- -

. .


Late New York City IiNie-nsar- I'hysiel.m. of theMe.l,e,,- - liirur'ical College and of the l'a:hol sieal Societyof New York.

Oilir.-a- l Dr. Ju ld" Iru Store, on Fort Street. Ueni.lence alley, oppi.iitc that of K. O. Hail. E. 'JJj-l- y


:has. r. f.riLLor, m. i ,Late Suri.'ein United Slate Navy, late Consular Physician to

American eiiineii an I ceiieral practitioner.Office, cone-- r Kaaliumaiiu and Merchant jlrects, and residence

at Dr. Woi.r M.tusioli. Hotel street.and Snr.'ical a.lvice in Etiiclish, French, Spaui-ih- and

Italian.0:5ce hours from 11 . . to 2 P. at otlter hour inquire at

hi residence. '"lfCHAS. RTulallorT M. A. ALDfcll ll

UISIIOF Ar CO.,Bankers, office in the east rorner of "Makec' lll.tck," on street, Honolulu.Draw Bills of Kxrhaui; on

Messrs. rtaivsKi.L. 1iti bn i: Co., New York.lli:s::r A. Pikcck, F.-- m , - Bo-to- n.

Messrs. M.iHi. an, SroNK a: Co., - Shu Francisco.Will receive deHs ts, discount nrst-clas- s husiues a r. and

attend to colieclin::. eic. 112-- tf

XX'. A. A 1,1) It I C II,Imp-rte- r and lleah r in General Merchandi : Commission

At'ent for the Sae of Sii-a- Mtd.isse and Coffee, and otherIsland Produce. Airent for the I.iiu k and 1ktcai.k Plan-tation. Consiininents of all kinds .f Island Produceolieit-- d. Order for Merchandise promptly attended to.

lOi-t- f

D7crVTiiiMAS. " '"',I. C. WATERMAN" &. CO..

COM VSSO.V MERCfljyTS.Estec:al Mtention paid to the interests of the XVhahns Fleet, hy

the furnishiti!! of, pun-has-e and sale of Kxchainre, Oil,

Bone, General Merclian.lis.-- , and the procuring of FreightHKFKKKNCKS.

Messrs. Isaac IIowi.anp, Jr., & Co., New BedfordW. G. K. Popk, Kso., do.Mokoas, SrosK A: Co., San Francisco.McKt-K- A: MtKRiLL, do 105-- tf

J. C. SPALDINCJ,Impirter and Coiiimission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, S. I.

Aeent for Wm. Tir.ving i Co.'s Boston and Sandwich IslandsPackets.

AGENT FORNtprrsK Co., -


" " "-BOSTOS" 44 - 44Washisctos .... -ALtlASCK

N. E. Mi-rr- 44 44

Sai.emMakink 44 44 - Salem.XT Store in Rohinsnn k Co.'s fire-iro- Mock. 175-t- f

XVII.COX, ItlCIIAItOS Ac CO.,Ship Chandlers, Dealers in General Merchandise, and Commis

siou Merchants, Honolulu, II. I.Keep constantly on hand a full supply of every description of

merchandise required by whale ships and others.Money advanced at the lowest rates.

References :

Messrs. Swift & Allks, - New Bedford.GntEON, Ai.i t:s A: Sos, "4

Wm. Wilcox, 44

Wm. Gikford. - - 44

Messrs. Thomas Ksowlks k Co., - "Wkstos How land, Esq., "FrtKiiKKirii Pahkkk, Esq., - 4

Messrs. Wm. Phillips Sons., - 44

llt.NKT A. PlKKCK. F:sq BoStijn.Messrs. Bi tlkii. sisk & Co., - "

Cn is. W. Brooks, - Pan Francisco.Messrs. MoKUAN, Stosk Jt Co., - "

Williams Havens, - New London.175-t- f C. A. Williams Ac Co., - Honolulu.


Janion's new h.-k- , Haeen street, Honolulu. II. I

REFERENCES.Messr. Sampson Tappas, --


E. D. Bkk.ham At Co.," BlTLEH. Ik;tii H'.LL,

Honolulu, July 1, 157. 95-- tf

A 1 Ii i: x v it i: it ii i ii ii ,SfCVESStiBs) TO


Will contin je the Oen.-ri- l Merchandise and Shipping huinesat tie; ahove .rt, wh-r- e they are prepared to furnish thejustly celebrated Kawaihae l'.ttat-s- , and such other re-

cruit a are required l.y wh ile ships at the shortest noticeand on the most reasonable terms. 215-0-


Mrrrhiiiil Slrrrl, Honolulu.AV ESTHI-IS1E- I MX"


the Commission Business in Honolulu, and trust Ishall le aide t kivc entire satisfaction to any parties who mayentrust their hu-i:i- es to my care.

C..nsii;.iiiie;it from the other islands, and orders Tor the pur-

chase of merchandise, retjtcctfiilly solicited.Smallest favors thankfully received

II Hio'.nlu. S pt mlter 1. lso. JU4-tf


F LO It i: N S ST A 1 E N 1 1 0 It ST,g. nt i an 1 Dr- - sden P. .ard of t'n lenvriter All

asaiii-s- ttie-sai- l ii.lerwrit- - rs, in

i.r alt-.u- t this Kiuc-dom- will have to lie ccrt-I'u-

A fi EXT FR THEXrw X'ori I tour. I of rudrrwrilrr

The nnd-rsii- rie d take lcae t Ship Masters,A.C., that he ha Wii duly aple-inte- as Agent for theNew Y ork Board of L'iiderrit--rs- .

13Itf ALEX. J.CAItTWIU.illT.


INSURANCE COMPANY.11IE rXDKRSKiXKII. Agents ol me aoove ura- -

pativ, are r. pared to insure ri?ks lire inaN.ut Honolulu.

For particular apply at the otticc.MELCHEUS A; CO.

Hon.. ulu. Oct. 11. 17. f.s-l- f

icws of Honolulu !

4 I'ERSOXS VISITIXC ) RK.slDIXf:on these Islands, should not fail to send as-to- f C. II.

IJiirr X"i- - of Honolulu M their tri. al l

as thev .villconv- v l.v far a i l a of theS.eii. ry. Ilalnts,Customs, etc.. .f this'place, than any works. r print pult- -

i:l,e,l. To he had of E. Ill P.i.hrlls-- tf Fort street.


X'OWCOMIXfi IX I'ROMTIIEHREWERPlantation, Makawao, East .Maui, and f--r sale by

--u C. BREW Eil CO.



Ex ' Ra.luga," and f--r sale byC. BREWER & CO.

Fur ramily I !

AI.K IIARREES CEEAIC PORK, quarterdo.II do. do. just received per "tyri'ti, and for sale byC. BREWER X CO.,

Market Wharf.


ZZifir For sale byK. . iv u r. r.i, av

CltAsTER boats:IEDAR AND OAK IIOATS Or X'ARIOCSsa "S, rxpresly seiiVU-.- ! for the coasting trade. Just re- -

ceivt u (t. r " s;. ren .r a. v)C. BREWER i CO..

lS'-- tf Market Wharf.

Fill SII COOl)!IX -- R VIH'fi A -- CHEESE. LA RD.

LJ Sa' Dr. ssmir,Vegetable Solip.

Case, sausac.-s- .

Caes Ore-- n Corn,C.i- - s II tin V.

fa-- , g ns-t.- l. Fruits,For sale l.v

, C. iiREW I.R k CO.



iHwcllings :uit) iU;U estate.


TIIK. IMIKMI-K- S IN l I AM VALI.KV,rr tl.,w .fru;n..d t v the undi r:ji.e.l. tenn. -e

WJL aj.ply to U-- ( W. Uiiul'ALi:.

Tl I.KT !


a:i.-- of Mr. W. A. Al in.!.. iu the Kire-.r.f- .f lilock.ot tiet n and Kaahumnnu Mret no Utter for busLuess III the City- - luilneiitale jMissessioli given.Apply to C. BREWER ir C.,

JoJ-t- f Market Wharf.


ARD str.-el- . now occupied by Mr. G B. C. Ingraham.MidL A cotiiforUible andcoiiveiiiei.t Uw.-lli-i- ;n a quiet ucib-lt.trii.H-

Apply t the tenant on the premises, or toojie-i- n J. I. DuWSElTg

T LET !y?A. THE FIRE-I'ROO- E STORE. ON FORT' ;'' SlREET, :cupie.t by F. Spencer, Esq, as a

Retail Fancy ti ls Store, which purpose it has noulterior in point of security and locality.

ALSOThe I'l'PER STORY of the san.e building. Occupancy giveu

iinn.-iliatc- Apply to.e;5-ir C. BREWER t CO., Market Wharf.


Street, in.- - occupie.1 by Capt. Saver, ith valley waterand large fard nsjiii atiachevl. Possession given Nov.

14th. Apply to C. H. L EWERS.Lumber Merchant. King St.


koowu as the Fr.-uc- Preiuises," at present occupiedhv Captain .lame Green.

II not of by the 'J'lth Septciubi-r- , the same will be of-

fered nt Public Auction. Apply to-- .'4 If H. IIACKFEI.D Ar CO.

Sugar Piaiitulion for Lease !

SITI'ATE ON IIILO RAX'. AT PRESENTiey? in the of Alku.

For further particulars, enquire of W. II. PEASE.


5 .,,,.1 ,n.i-- t ,,f i:m.l nt Kwa. situated on Pearl River'J.fl .. ..... . r ii l.,n W I. IIIIKIA..1 1 '1 ' I iu V - v

TO LET !FIRE-FRO- F WAREHOUSE. REST.handiest and safest storert.m in town. The lire-pro-

building in the re-i- r of Dr. McKihl.iu's store, containinga spacious cellar, first and second story, the w hole being theniot convenient and safest place for storage. Rent reasona-ble. Apply to (19.M0 T. C HECCK.


Farden's cooperage and J. H. Strauss. A,'wxl building lot or place for storage. Apply to

ej-t-f T. C. 1IEI CK.


AT LAHAINA - THE HAWAIIANHOTEL BL ILDINU, tcly occupie.1 by T. L. Merritt.

JUiL given immediately. Rent reasonable.Ai.plv to

I'll. C. HECCK, Agent for L. II. Antbon.

Waikahalnlii Water Lots!rflHE INDERSIKNED II AX' IXC KEEN'K apiioiiited agent for the sale and lease of the

XX'aikahiiliilu Lots!heirs to call the attent ion of Merchants. Ship Owners, Speculatorsand others to this finely situated tract of land which is now of-

fered in lots at reduced rales and on liberal and convenientt erms.

Plans may be seen and all particulars learned by applicationthe undersigned at Koliert C. Janiou's Fire-pr-i- Buildings.jj. B. Early application Simula ne mane ior enmee ..13.

W. L. GREEN,Agent for tho Sale of Waikahaluiu Lf.ts.

Honolulu, Oct. 21, 1S5S. iai-t- f

CoIIt'c llaiilalion Tor Sale !THE CELEBRATED


Is offer-- d Tor sale. The Land of the Plantation comprises up-

wards of 1050 Acres,, and him upon it JiO.OOO CotleeTrees.. The land is well adapted to the cultivation of sugar

he sold by reeis and willc ine The estateSimple Title. For full particulars and terms of sale, i"liire "f

109-- tfr- -



Halanf e of Cargo of UarkentiiiesJENNY FOKl an.l CONSTITUTION,

.. ...... ..v l , niUtlilVIllMJIl SALC. 11 inc. t i" iiiwl iAT THE LOXVEST MARKET RATES.

coiisistiiig of the following assortment of N. W. Lumber- -

I inch tongued and grooved Flooring,II inch1 inch Surfaced Boards,1 inch Rough Boards,Scantling 'x3, 2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 3x4, 6x, 6x8, SxC,

2 inch Plank,inch do.

4 inch do.Battens,Pickets,Laths.Shingles, andWhile Pine Boards, 1 inch, U inch. 1 inch, U nch.

221-- lfH- - HACKFELD CO.


IVIM. CONTIME TO SII'I'LX' HISY Customers with Northwest Luml r at the smk prick

as the InpoiirnRS. His assortment bow on hand consists of

Northwest inch Boards.tongued and irronved li tards.

Assorted 2 an 1 3 inch Plank.RedWotd inch Hoard., planed and rough

toinrueil and gr.stve.1" Shingles," Fence posts.

Pine Lnm't-- r.

Doors, W indow sash. Blinds.Pickets, 4 and 5 feet.Laths.Nails, Paints. Oils, frc, c.

p s. All orders Tilled by him, if not satisfactory, will eiiJt ifmale s- - M



Contrs per Foot IIn small or large quantities, at the

NEW UTIVTBER. YARD,O the Residence of C. R. Bishop, Esq., King street.

X Ollire on Fort slrrrl. XXr i210.3m ':.


O.JrF shingles, warraittcu to cover 100 square feet totile M.

A new lot of the favorite ottairc siding thirds.Pine clapboards, 12 t and 7 inches wide extra thick


A small lot of panelled ceiling boards, J inch, a verydesirable article.

XX' ith niinworlmriil of white a ml col'tl pninls.lK,..f For sale by C. II. LEW Kit 5.


200 Win low sa-- h. ail kinds,1I0 pair all sir. .

12 Glass D..rsand Blinds, etc.. complete.For sale at the lowest market pnes, ley



G-co-. Howe.ONE INCH BOARDS.jO.OOOK;??. le--l lj men ooaru-s- ,

7 5.1MKIK11 ineli olane-- boards.1 --.nn.l fe. t T. and G. lMn!s,1 O.OOO feet 3 inch battens,1 O.OOO f t 2o inch scantling,1 O.IIOO 0 f-- t pickets.


2l0.f0 f-- . t assorted scantling,I 50.0IIO d w- -l shingles.

1 inch pine l.ards, r. 1 w.s siding,D- - rs. window ash and blinds.

C. n ti'.iii k sales and small f ronts. 1 4-- tf


, i CASKS, assorted 'r.-s- . for sale lyfH f Vj: tf C. BREW ER CO., Market Wharf.


Blcbnuifnl dill?.


AT THE WELL KNOWN L1 STAXD.ark in KING Ml. EH', iq.-- s,t-- - the Store of liroend .V. son,where he is jir-- p in-1 to do all kiud of i k in h.s line asCH E A P AS Til E CHE A PES 1" 1 1" not :i little C '! tt-r- .

SAIL LOFT ! SAIL LOFT!4rrv. v. ii. VIOI-Si-:- v

--rlias a Sail .ft in the Building occupied hy Johnson .V

Foster, tship Cir-i;t-rs- ) the tld Custom House, wherehe hop.-- by strict attention to his business, to receive a liberalshare of public patronage.

All orders entrusted to him will c executed in a workmanlikemaimer, and on the nn-- "t reasonable terms.

HENRY ALLEN,Carpenter. Joiner and I n.lertaker.

Fort Slrrrl. ueor Corner of Hotel Street... i.i - "r 1 ' l ..II1MSTIIE I'llt- -

KXX. lie that he is pr. quired to execute any work iu the j line, and Iiojh-- s t i merit a share of public patronage.Koa, Pine and Trimmed Collins always on hand and made to i Jobbing done on reasonable terms. Plans and specifica-

tions drawn to order. "4""'--



Machinery mid Smith's Work at the Shortest Notice andCheapkst Rates.


T-- j- CONSTANTLY ON HAND A supply or Anvils, CartBoxes, Forie Backs, Chain Stops is. Sash Weights, Stove Platesno 1 Linings, Dumb Bells, &c, c, &c.


LOCK AND05-X- S 31 L T XrT.

nBMIE l Nl)ERM(JNEI) 11 EG S LEAX ETOJa state, that lie lias laK.-- ine sn p i oriueri, .pnu(oe.i ....

O. Sid. rs, and is ready to execute all orders in his line withneatness and dispatch. j

1". S. Particular attention paid to rcpi-irin- sewing Machines j

JAMES A. HOPPER,2 1 Kaahiuiiauu street- -


Shop in King street, next door to Puffin's Market. 215-24- 1


Tin, Sheet Iron k Copper Ware,"


Summer Bakers. Tin and Copper Pumps, Bathing Tubs, Footand Shower Baths, Tin and Zinc Rooting, and a

general assortment of Tin Ware, tfC.

Slii XX'ork cxeetue.l willi Xrnlnrm nnd20S-- ly lip;trU.

u i: o u u 1: TSI O.H A,IVjl , s o xx .

Vl'E' CALL THE ATTENTION OFV the public to his slock of materials, consisting of

Hawaiian and American Lime,Bricks,

Cement,Tire Clay,

Fire Bricks,Plaster of Paris.

California Sand,German Tiles,

Try Pots.TRY WORKS repaired at lowest rates. COM POSITION and j

GRAVEL ROOFINO put on l.Ull.llllgs aim wannimu v.,,..-X- X

Orders to le left at the Lime House, or at the store of PC. Jones, jr., Fort street, between Merchant and King streets.

oo:j-6i- n

Coopering :

JAMES A. BURDICKIN REM OX' INC IIISRCSINESSto his new ClHlPERAUE on the Esplanade,Fort stn-et- , takes this opportunity of return-ing his sincere thanks to his friends and thepublic in general, for the supl.rt and patpmaire which they have Itcen pleased to grant

him for the past ten years, and hopes that by attention to busi-

ness and promptness in the execution of all orders intrusted tohim, he will merit a continuance of their favors.

He has on haud lr sale upwaresoi 1000175-l- y

of all sorts and sizes.

hlill IS .fc AOItTON,Coopers and Gangers,

Corner of liethel ami Kins Streets,A S D


ARE NO XX I R : I A tt f. 1 i r. aJ--

ecute all irders in their line promptly and atsjjj"; reasonable rates.

. r .i r. - ,.t...r,r.. tl.ev confidently relv UI.l. theiriiiailKliO ."I ''iai l'o - - I....old customers for a continuance of their favors, and trust

their endeavors to please, and extreme low rates of charges, will

insure to th--- a fair share of business in their line.; ; Ww and second hand casks and sletoks always on

hand, whi.'h they will sell at the lowest market rates. 197-8-

C. 12. WI-flflAll- -S

Calinet Maker and Turner.mIE OLD ST A XI), HOTEL-STREE- T, NEAR

M the corner of Fort.Furniture of all kinds made and repaired.

for sale, READY MADE Fl'RNITl RE, Koa

Boards. Joist and Hank; Cedar, Black W alnut and CherryBoards; Kosewoo.1 and Mahocany X

A laru-- e as..rtment of Gilt Mouldim.-- , and large sized Ola-- s.

and Children s f hairs.A variety of R."-ki- . DiniiiL--, OtUcePolishcl Collins on hand and ma to order. 15vl"


es IS PREPARED TO DO WORK . -l-- -. of all kinds iu tirt rate style at prices to ;A. J

n;-;.";- :;-CARRIAGE, and all

other work in'this fine.'will be done with a neatness and dispatch not to be exc-'llei-

jy n,,rs. shoeing, and all oth. i business 111 the Farrier s department, promptly' att.nde.Ito. ltf2'tf



riMIE CNDERSIGNED XX'OCLD INFORMI his friends and the public that he has resumed his former


t the stand hitherto by Messrs. Watson & Leonard,street. With every facility foron the Swinton Premises, Kitik- -

doing ail branches of

"77" o o cl "7x7" the best advantage, he resiectrully solicits a share of publicpatronace.

Having secured the service of a ffr't rat workman, h-- ; will

also add Cabinet MuUiiiK, Turning " Cnr- -l

in;;e XX'ork to his other business.Xj StutT sawed and planed by machinery for cartenicrs and

,'U";rS- -C. II. LEWER5.

X B Oeneml lunitter business will le ef.nducte.1 as hereto-

fore on the Fort Street Premises, where the Inst selected stockwill he sold on the m. st reasonable terms. 166-t- f



public that h- - is prepared to Manufacture

Turbine or any other l.iu.l of XX'aler Wheel,and warrant them, at reasonable rates. Orders for any kind of

3IillAvWsrlit Worksolicited and promptly attended to.

K..L.OA, Sept. 20, 160. 220-6-


C. BREWER i CO..Market Wharf.l'.'7-t- f

VARNISH !C XSES (in 5 and 10 gallon cans)"flt-st(iual;t- var

m 9 nish for furniture, carriages, kc. Just received p j

'svr-n.- " and for sal-- by197 tf C. A. vll. F. Poor.


IIOESE PAPER.4 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICEm. patterns and iKtrdcr. rursaieo

C. BREWER & CO.,ly.T-- tf Market Wharf.

MX !)!. 1. A IIS AN MM.)Vtl.. V. So.-il-

. XV I1UI-.- No-23t.


X'ictoritt, X" un co liver's Islaiitl.i'.c-'i- j


"OT Diuine Si root, New York.

ESTAHI.ISllEO HIMSELF ASHAVlXfi Coimioss ion and Purchasing Agent, wouldrcspectful'v inform the Mediant and Public generally of theHawaiian Islands, that he is prepared to receive order for antDhSCHirTioS P MkbchaSMSk. to which he will give personaland strict attention in promptly attending to at a very low com-

mission. Having made arrangements with Dealer in New York,he is prepared to send orders, however small, consisting ofHardware, Pry and Fancy Hoods. Rocks. Music, Musical Instru-ments. Agricultural Implements. Machinery, Carriages. Harness,Furniture, io., 4c, at wholesale prices. received in Honolulu by W. II. Dimond, who will alsoreceive and forward orders.

Remittances should accompany all orders, persons sendingorders will please stale the route by which they wish their goodshipped ; also il they wu-- an insurance effected.


A. P. Evkuktt, Honolulu, O. P. Ji nn, M. D., Honolulu,F. I.. Hanks V. Co., " H. M. Whitsky,E. O. Hall, B. Pitman, llilo, Hawaii.

Oilice. Jo7 Duar.e Street, New York. 18--ly

.13 r. JO U ? A I. BiX . Tfi A TIM K ,C O MM ISS I O X M E R C II A X T ,

ti (ineen'a I'lnce. Sy.lney.IT Reference to W. L. tJuKKS, Honolulu. S. 1. 104-6-ui

a isb.7 v. woo aissi rr,II I PC II A NI1LER, STOREK EEI'ER ANDS O't'.Vf.Vi.f. .411 EXT. Oooils bouirht nnd sold on com-

mission. Ship and Family Stores put up at the shortest notice-Corn- er

of Road and PittinoKR strelt, IIoiii;LonK.t--i- ltef. rs to Thomas Si-k- kr. A. J. Cartwrhjmt, J. C.

SpaLDISU, Honolulu, Sanitwichlslanils. 104--ly

Notice to Masters A. Owners of WhaleShips.

THE END ERSKi NED II EC LEAVEto announce to masters ot whale ships, and the public

.TVjt; j general, that they have suocecled in leasing from theFrench Government at Tahiti, the railway and heaving downpremises, including storehouses, etc., etc., and are now preparedto execute repairs w ith dispatch and at lower rates than nt anyother port in the Pacific OWEN & GOODING,

lfJ-l- y Shipwrights.

MOXGONU!, NEW ZEALAND.william"butler,


w w S M A D E A R R A NC EM EN TS TO K E EPB S constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of




and everything required for a complete outfit.XX Fresh supplies, jtotatoes, and firewood, all furnished at

the shortest notice.Monitonui lies in the south-ea- st part of Lauristan or Doubtless

Bay, aiid is in latitude 35 de. 6 min. S., and longitude 173 deg.38 min. E lS'-M-


Hongkong Underwriter's Notice.

riMiE UNDERSIGNED. IIAX'IN'G BEEXaniK.inted Surveyor for the " New York Board of I'nder

writers," takes this method of informing ship-maste- rs that he isalways ready at the shortest notice to attend to any businessrequired of him in that capacity.

S. C. WOODRCFF,Corner of Queen's Road and Pottingcr Street.

Hongkong, November, 1859. 197-i- y

GIN 6g


J A3. PATRICK k CO.,213-6- m Sole Agents for California.


The suhscrilH-- would informall those in want of



That he has taken the store1)

tvK9i'. directly oppf site his old stand,on Kaahumanu street, where

ihe will carry on tl.e

Tin, Sheet IronAND

Stove Business,in all its branches, and in greater variety than can 1 foundelsewhere in the cite. Having worked at the business for a. anyyears he feels conlident that he can give satisfaction to all who'may favor him with a call. He will keep constantly on hand assortment of

COOK STOVES, both for wood and coal.Tin nn.l Japanned wn re. consisting in part of cake

boxes, tea and cue cans, knife trays, sugar box.-s- . spittoons,nurse cans, lanterns, lamps, candlesticks, 4 c.

Britannia Tea nnl Coffee Pl. Zinc. SheetLou l. Tin i Copper, Hip Ualh. Uuwin, Gal-

vanized nu.l E.ialih Sheet Iron, Lead lie.Children'- - Bath-.- . Tin Toy, of all kinds; and al

kinds of goods usually kept in his business, all of which he

will sell extremely low for en.ti, or approve.! r...tTin Ware of every description made of tha best materials, and

Job Work executed in the most workmanlike manner.

Particular attention paid to Tin nnd Zinc Roofln,,an.l all kinds of Lead work done, both for vessels and houses.

Among the stock of Cook Stoves, he would call particular at-

tention to the CryMal Palace and Granite Slate,as Iveing two of the best stoves now iu u-- e, fitted un in a suiriormanner, and warranted to give satisfaction. For a cheaperarticle, he keeps the Ocean Premium Stove, andhewillad 1 to his sbick. as the trade may require.

All those in want of anvthing in this line would do well tocalland examine his goods for themselves, before purchasing else-

where, as he does not intend to be "but," either in pr.iCB orw o'.lKM xsh:p.

IX Persons purchasing stoves at this establishment, can savean of four -- r five dollars, as Mr. S. will set them up in

Honolulu guati.s. '227-"- .n 2S5) GEO. C. SIDEB3- -

Lumber! Lumber!CNDERSIGNED WOCLD HEREBYTMIEnotice to his customers, and the public generally, that

he is prepared to ll every description of North W est lumtter inquantity, or hv small lots, as cheap or cheajter than any otherperson in the "market. In ot!:er words, he wants to ll andwon't be beaten. (191-tf- ) J1 LEWJt- -

Doors. Window Sasli. Blinds.DOORS. ASSORTED SIZES, XX'ITII

3 " " " " mouldings and panel.60 S:ish D'sjrs, a.ssorte.1 sires.

COO pair Window Sash, assorted sizes.250 pair Blinds, with and without swivels, ass d sizes.

Selected expressly for this market, and r sale low ;eorge g. n.jWK.



Constantly received, tud for sale Chen hyifj-'l BREWER ir CO.



Obituaries, fumial inviUiti-.n- s and noti. r, ..r cicumtiicaliorsinten.le. only to lwu.-fl- an individiiBl's li"ii.cs, ill lrlj.rg. das advrrtiseiiM-nts- .

Advertisement, displayed in l.trg. r tj e tnsn usual, are sutject b hea. iei cliari.'. ..

17 Su s. ripto.o r .r tl.- Commercial A..v.-rti- r und Adrers isr.i:t.niv ix .vx1 No transient a lverii.-M-ineii-.-s ill In- - insetted mil. rait

run.J r C from all parts of the Pacific will alw.J

be very acceptable.






XT VISITING. B1'SINFS AND ADDRESS CARDS prliit.4or a " Yankee Card Press," in the hi;oe.t s'yle of the art.

yortiqn (L;ubs.

O. C. M Kt IK. 1. O- MVKHILL

no 1: v 1: si sV u 1:1:3:11,1,,

Coniinissioii IScieliiuilsXI

AroTio.i:i:ns.AGENTS OF THE

Regular Di.ptttrh LineoT Honolulu Pnekels.IT AH freight arriving in trsnsitu Die Sandwich Islands,

will te received and lorwanhsl by the Regular Disjtatch lane"VRKK l.V COMMISSION.

Particular atteiuion paid to f 'rwanling and transhipment olmere halt lise, of wlialcmcii's bills, and other exehanee. Insurance of merchandise and Sx-ei- under open policies, suppving wlialeships, cluirtering ships, etc.

4 3 nuil 4 5 California aired.HKFKa Tel :

Captain B. F. Ssow, fMessrs. C. Bkkw kk 4- c-- , Honolulu.

A. P. EVKKKTT, KSQ . JB. Pitman, Esg. .... lido'




Commission !ereliau(s123 Sansonic Street, Sun Francisco, Cal.

V RTICl ItAH ATTENTION C1X EN TO1 the Purchase, Shipment and Sale of Merchandise ; to For-warding and Transhipment of Goods ; the Chartering and Salof A'cssels ; the Supplying of Whuleships ( aini the Negotiationof Exchange.

Exrhaniie on Honolulu in Soma to uit.ADVANCF MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS.

REFER TOB. F. Ssow, Esq , Honolulu. JAS. Ill KNKWU1.L, UostoD.C. Bkkw kk .V Co., " Hknrv A. Pkirck, uJ S. Wai.kkr, " CHAS. BllKWkK, "II. Hackkki u k Co., " TliAVtU, Bkiuuam k FlKLD,Besj. Pitman, llilo. Boston.

SlTTON 4; Co.. New York.212-- tf Swift Js Ai.ikn, New Bedford.

ROSS, DEMPSTER & Co.,113 Italtery Street. Sua Frnnriiwo.


For sale in lots to suit purchasers.Orders promptly filled on the most favorable terms.

2d2-li- n


DlIRir J3UTTER.rvMIIS HAS LON'C BEEX KNOWN AS THEM best hraud brought to the San .rancisco market.Consignments receiveil via Isthmus ami Horn, and for sale ia

lots to suit purchasers, by KOSS, DEM PSTEU & Co.,232-l- m 113 Battery street.


The Genuine Unmixed New Orleans,OF SUPERIOR QUALITY.

SHALL RE IN CONSTANT REceipt of the aliove favorite article, which we offer In lot

to suit. Orders promptly filled.HORS. DEMPSTER tf CO.,

232-l- 112 Battery street.


A few doom above Msnlgomrrr Street,SAN FRANCISCO.

FOSTER, PATTEN fc'opi'ictor.s ,

(SUCCESSORS TO J. J. HALEY,)PERCH ASED 1 HE INTERESTnAX'INC iu this well-kno- the Subscriliers

beg to say to the old patrons of the house and the public gen-

erally, that they have made many alterations and improvements,and and renovated the house throughout In themost thorough manner, and have added an elegant PrivateHall for the entrance of Ladies and are determined that in thefuture the house shall possess all the requisites of a

A FIRST CLASS HOTEL IN EVERY PARTICULAR.Our Mr. Patten has been Rookkeeer of the house for the past

two years, and Mr. Foster has been connected with the OceanSteamers of this Coast for the past eight years as Purser, andcheerfully oOers his services to families an.l others in procuringsteamer passage, in advance of their arrival here.

XX No advance in patens. Coaches of the Hotel alwaysin readiness.

232-3-m FOSTER, PATTEN tt CO.

Ciftrcnt Republic, Wood Hope,TELEGRAPH. RETXARD. II.OCEAN and REPORTER : Fifty bales assorted

Duck, 6- -0 10. Fifteen bales light and heavy Bear Iuck. Tenbales Flannels, assorted. Twelve cases Canton Flannels, brownand bleached. Ten cases Kentucky Jeans. Fifteen cases

Twelve cases 2x2, 4x4 and 4x2 Apron Checks.Twen'y cases bleached Shirtings, all widths. Seventy-fiv- e casesfavorite brands Prints. Tweuty cases Denims. Fifty casesTickings." Twenty bales blue, red and ray Blankets. Also, afull assortment of

IlouHi'-Furuiahi- nji Gooiln,Comprising Linen Table Damasks, bleached and brown ; superTable Covers , pjUow-cas- e Linens , Unen Sheetings ; Quilts,10-- 4, 11-- 4, 12--4, assorted qualities ; Towellings, Napkins, Diaper. Doylies; white family Blankets; embossed velvet Tableand Piano Covers ; bleached Sheetings, extra fine. Also, viaIsthmus a full line Hosiery, Gloves, Delaines. Organdies,Lawns, Robes, Jackunetts, French Muslins, Cambrics, IrishLinens, etc. And a gem-ia- l assortment of FANCY and KTAPLKDRY GOODS, suit, i to the Spring Trade. Alw, ex Oracle,Eliia, Denmark. c., 4, c. Velvet Medallion Carpets , Brusselsand Three-Pl-y Carpets: Ingrains. Hemps, English and American Druirgets, Table Oil Cloths Green Baires, Window Shade,and Hollands Brocatelle and Demasks. Palter Hangings andBorders.

Asency of Jewett's celebrated s, g- -4 & 24-- 4.

Invoices very low-pric- Flower Oil Cloths, now landing, andfor sale, at low rates, hv FRANK BAKER,

110 and 112 Clay Street, 135 and 137 Merchant Stree234-3- m San Francisco, California.

a oRiFFirra morgas. C. S. HATFAWAV. U. V. 8T0IB

MORGAN. STONE & CO.,Commission and Forwarding Merchants, San Francisco, Cal

References, T. S. Hathaway Fisq. Messrs. T. & A. K. Nye,& Swift ; Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Grinnell Mint urn kCo., New York, John M. Forbes Esq., Boston, Messrs. Per-kins k Smith, New Loudon, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon..lulu. tf

J . It . 1MI IV T Ii K ,(I.ATK O'MRARA k PA1STKR,)


TER1AL, PAPER, CARDS,And Printer's Stock generally,

132 Clayt reel, near Snmom,S Fraaclae.



the most reasons bin terms, and at the lowest prices.Warehouse, comer of Davis and W asmngton ts, San rrancisco

XX Ordvt promptif erreutrd. J SREFER TO :

A. J. CAIlTWRir.HT, Esg., HoDOlulU.


OF EVER! SIZEMAMlifrtORDAGEsortmentof MAX I LA A XI) HEMP ROPE, (all sixes). BaleRope, Tow Line, Oakum, kc, for sale by TL BBS CO.,

197-l- y I .) J, rmni circev, ou fiaut.iHM.


ARTICLE Casks Galvar.ised Spikes, asstd.sixes, Bars Galvanized Iron, assorted sixes.

Received ex " ltailuga," and for sale byC. BREWER k CO.ooi,,

New Bedford AVliale Boats 1

CMOOTII BOTTOM whale laU, Upbord do, lap

S streak eived ir Syren, d 'R'y fc 0Market Wlifcrf.

19-.- tr



For sale byC. UUEWER & CO.,

197-t- f Market Wbr'




! 5




coiyzivrz:nczAX..TIIVRSnAT, DECKMRIR 20.

Tut arrival of Use Tmhtt on Friday W placed us in tof OYe two malt-- rd. That f SoTrtnS-- r 1 tniml hut afew hour preriou t In The ad vie. by her repftno thanee in markr: uaotiti.ins. it be an iciprovera-n- t in

puts, il.ipanli of which, made by the I'an'rr. wre cP-w- -d at--vie T lb.

From the East, we Searn ?ht the baik OriaaOi wa nearlyloaded Cur thij port, and would soil early ia N .ipm'T. Herearro rixiijti principally 1 coal. Freight frf hifc.h both inNew York and Bostoo. averaging-- ahout ili r t. a.

Gruu 3ioVsurxT. The Azrt.t of the luvrinn GuanoCompany has b. en ei.deavorin t el.arv-- r a vet,.. ti t te Ues

pUce of the ftlrrr Shir, and 1 d at JmtU Island. Negotia-

tion an pending r the Siim, but do contract has yet (mathird. It the L irrureil, the brig Jjtrpkmt will sail in aday or two for a era se auor.jr the ptiano touching atJirrLi, Pho-ni- MK-aa- i', IlowUnd's ai.d Baker's Islands, anjwin probably be iconr eixt.t or ten ft. we ham t the j

t shin Oore !. daily e.peco-- J atSvr. Francisco when '

the left. i uii-- r charter to loatt ruano for the

Island Company, the would leave San Francisco by t!ie16ih December, to touch at il.toclulu.

Ia local trade we can only report a general didlnes. JjOberhare experienced a marked fail. rig off in country orders fem theotter Ulan-l- . particularly fnan ilax The greatly nsiuc-- l

crop of coffee has had some effect in producir.r this result on

that island, but there are other cause existing no doubt. Sincethe departure of the whaling fleet, the demand for coffee hafallen off considerably, we can only n port it dull at 20e.

Rti The rice imported from J i( n t.y the rftas chanje-- i hands at ahwt Sc. It mi a ma:i K til.v. r,d

we believe it ia the firt onipl '4 Jipww r.-- e 1t?. j

TViae wlto hare trinl 1:. fir. 1 it a x ry fl artu i.--, i- - iriy ei-i.i- !

when well cicane-l-, to t'arI:ra. j

T A tale of chkica O.bmtr, rz i'amlrr, ii n jjrul at oJ- - --. ;

Sr'.aa The fupply in uarket U n Uree. M.t f tiif plan--

tatiooo cr.mmrm Rrnwl n? th:. an.1 tf.e ir sixntli, j

acj ty fie firt of FrNruary the cr 1 ill in fr-- :y. j

The weather on U.e otl.-- r iiUi'li hs lt n v ry favrMe l- thegrowing cane, and the yi-- prii- - to he a' umlant. aiui theouality upeTKT. The markt-- t w pearly b:re of r.?r, an.lprice orxninaL

Exrn. VThaW' hii'4 an.1 prira&e draft on Sin FrancLcopar. Bank exchanr. 3 r cent, premium.

iktiOJU Sal.- - The Khorr Jrnnette H at aati-.-

00 atarday laat, r t:a, a.ii wa ogi.i i.y u.-- (r


Mirr VLr or Jaraa--e Ci!. The foJ..winn Litementri in the reult of the aay of Japanese o.ioi at the I'mtcdJitate branch mint sitahahed at PhiUl. Jphia, in ( rrsence of

the Japaaeaw AtDbaMad-r- , may tm of ie interest to ocrreader iat now when atu-r.tio- o : directeil to Japan. TheAwuy waa propo-- d by the Anba.Ior, with a view of lettlmcthe vexed q"tioa of curr-lx-- y, ar 1 now that t'n exact ctcp--ntio-

of the standard d-i- a U known, it u prlable that therelative value of United State and Japauete coin will be d,

and. poMlldy, an intrrchan ; of the two be allowed :

Tb Coi Jaras. Tie roin are of pl. silver. Irs,Cupper an-- irxi. The principal (told coin 1 ttie mh-im- ', ofwhicb we nave thrre uzr. ammUng t i.'k change which havebeen make within the paat ixty year. Thl coin 1 of ovalshape, very thin, ofU and wily bent : it i Ursly adoyed withilver, fcut the nlvrr beiuar taken out of the surface by a 4vet.t,

the coin hke fine gold, until it has hen a f'i deal worn.Thl aceounl for the very pale color ' f tlte Crat peciinen. and ofaaother, tn which we have scratched off part ot the surface In

how the true cotur.No. i mbaoc, auppoae.1 to be ft sixty years oil. It

weicrh rraiii ; it is two-thin- , one-Ui:- rl silver; or,a we cxprea by thooaaiMlth, it 1 io7 thoutand fitie. Itsvalue, ioclmlinr the salver, as $i Hi.

No. 2 cobanc. eoinr.1 wituin few year pat, wei-- 174rraina. It jpH, ami thre--veot- h ilver, vrynearly ; the exact llneneM ia thousandth brine MS. Thevalue inrlujiinf the silver, t i 4 44.

N-j- . 3 and 4. Cubsuiir. of ve. y recent date ; brought by tlieKinbKMrr for aatay Thee are exactly alike. excett one smallnark. The weight ia 13M rraina. Their finer- - 1 about iTl

thonaaodth, whitb precisely airventM, and appear tobe the definite kfal Maiwlard. The value, izsrliidinif the silver,la $d 47 ; without the silver, f-- 1 41.

No. A ami &, two small rectanrular coins, with a dd wrftce,which (by specide sravity) are a lout ooehird gold. Theweight b ii grain. Their name and place in the series areaot koowo to ua.

No. 7. rectanetuar coin, U Lalf the weight of the col anic No. 2,bat (by specific rravity) contains little mure than one-four- th

guid Ums rcSBaioder appears to be stiver. The piece, also, ifaot susjerstood.

No. a, alio reetanrular, called the yof ittrbu. is one-four-

the wetfht of Cobons; No. 2, and of the same fi Denes, veryaearly. Taloe. $1 II.

No. 9 sad 10, are the new ro4l Itxebw. brouirht by the Km-bas- ay

i assay-- , awl are oe-t-a- of the cooacg brought byUarm. Value, !H cents.

All the stiver coins are rectangular, and rather thick.No. 1 1, aa old kolf :Ai, dvrr. I one of the several pieces

which were riven u aa othrer of the 1. S. Exploring Fixpedition, ahout the yew I40, by some Japanese sailors, who taddrtfted far out into the Pacific Ocean, and were picked op andtakes car of. Afterward, by the wreck of one our veme!, allthe rotas were Vt except this one. It was our first specimenof Japanese coin. The weiprht is 41 grain, and, being near finesilver, is a little over 11 rents.

N. 12 Is a silver kzetm. coined some year since, weirhing1344. grains. B to 9vQ tboaaandths fine, and worth 36-- 9 cent.(?roe specimens are fully 37-- )

Nu. 13 Wcirbs grain, and appear also to be nearly fine ;value about S rent. Name not known.

No. 14. a new silver itxebo. brotiicht by the Embassy, (cut furasaav.) It weurhs the tame as the old itzeho, 1344 grain, batm &'J) thari.4an.lths fine, which is near our standard, (900.Taiue. 33 cents.

These lat silver Mxebaes are probably the same coins ofwhich a hire number were left here in Honolulu by th Embassydoris-- r their visit.


Srrsxf Daring the past week the market for sperm has beenvery oaief, ad the otdy sales are 21 brls at 1 So gallon ;and if do. heavy. up.i private terms. tock of sperm oil in thecountry Not. 1. brls.

Witu Whale oil has been in fair demand, with sale of&000 brls in this market, as follow : 1,145 brts Northern, in twoparcels, at M f gaUon ; 3J do. do., at Mc. 750 do. do. oponprivate terms ; lOuO brls Suth isra at aGc : loo do. from samecargo, brown, at Ute ; oO da. dark, 6uV do. humrark. and jOO

do. in parcels, dark and inferior. iin private terms the latterBm!er9tioi to be at fn-- 4K to 4oc Slock of whale oil in thecountry. Nor. l,O.0iO brt.

VI HaLiSoxr In whalebiie, the only rale is that of 1.43 !t.Orhotik. imported ly ship Hl-ic- ira. an 1 slightly ilamaK-.-- bywatrr. at auction . at G4c sr rh. jf'-- i Pony trprtx l or.

LATEST BATES, received al thiw Offlee.


New Yore, (papers) .. .Nor. 1 telegraphic... Oct. 25" teirgraphic Nov. 10 I llonirkonc Oct. 1

Taaiti. ..............Aug. Cj Sydney, N. f. W Aug. 1

Nkifsw Mail.foa 3s f aasctsco per sch Alert, on r altnt Saturday 22.1.Foa Lah acta per Kamthameha IV, to-d- ; per Kanioi, to

mcrrowWorn per Odd Fellow, about Satunlay.Foa alo.aa per Krkaalidi. FrsUy or Satur lay.Foa U:lo per Nettie Merrill, about Saturday.


Dec. 10 im bri; Joaephine, Stone. 9 day fra Jarvi Island,with paasrnmr and po'als fp.m the wreck of ship

Star. (Omitted la--4 week )It Am bark Yankee. Bailey, 17 .lay. frowsSan Francisco.14 slsa M.keike. Wetherbee, fiom Kahului. ofId Acamrr Kilaaea, BerriU. frcm windward ports, with

47 brl beef. 11 brls, 4 , 2 bulls.-k- .

4o heer, 4 baaT bullock's horns, 1 bundle dne.1beef. 2 ars h.ey, 11 funeii. 2 case nle, beft brt sweet putataar.. 2 baaaets ami 3 trunks nulsr,

I1 Asa wn h Brvtanza, Turuer. from sea, returned onaccount of iilnes of the captain.

13 Sh Ksmoi. W ilbar. from laahaina.1 SVh Kafnehamrha IV W hir.e. from Lahaina.1 Sch Odd Fellow, Cantlaste. rrom llanlci, Kokoa ami


DEPiRTl'RES.Pec. 13 Sch'.wahioc, Kaheana, for Nawiliwllu K.Joa ami

from Walinea. with 2 lore sTTtrrs an,J atoul 30 deck.13 Scb Marchaiit, fur Kona. Passencers

Paul Emmert and w 1f-elt SVh Lihohb-m- , A atone, for llika. Hawaii.It Am wh bark llarv-s-t. C harry, tn cruise.1 i Am wit siiip South Battn. Kanitolph, to cruise.Ii Sch Kamoi. Wilbur, ( r Lahaina.17 Am wh ship llarrusno, Wmd. to cruise Soot I-lls notAm wb ship Majestic, Chester, to cruise and hotn-s-.1 Maacr kluaue-a-, Hernil. Lahaina, Makee'a Land-tn-c.

Kuria and tntermcdiale ports.


H. B. V.'s straawr Ab-r- t, Peaasr.Aus fears- - Yankee. Bwlry.thaniah ship fr.too. Netbwra. desli nation unknown. atAa baa--k bhcrinit. Uuliat, havlui bar New Bed toed.Am ship Siam, Hire, mn for V Kran's laland.Ilaaovermo bark ILartmrs;, Thoovw-n- , np tor llorickonAss ber Joarphine, trtoaa.Am VUsiMonary Ims: M.wnin Star, Oek-t- t. laid np.Haw. bnf Mary EiK-s- j. sVnnrtt, Yirtna.Aa srhiaHsrr Asevt, traita, np foe 8a Francweo.liaw. brig- - Hero. Myers.

vaalias.Ship Arab, Orinaell IKirk Planet, Tahlman. (Old'

Benjamin Kush. Fi.h Brie irtawia. Iouiellrs;,Foily Morrsn. H hiteside j Wailua, Las..Orrfrrberr, Enberr. (&a) Kohola. l orarn

Eark Flnretacr. Spencer j A nulla, FehlbrrAmnor. Brunstrocn. ( Roa) Ak.ha. Mammen the

V la KapectesJ frwan Kwrricsi I'arla.Am. bark Comet, Smith, would sail from San Francisco f.T I

IloOiaulu about Decemher J to a0 due Lerc from the 12th i

to loth January. j

Am bark Oriental, . sailed from Btton. Nov. , withcarps of cuals ami sundries.

Am briar Contort. M will be due from Pacet Sound, with ' ofearro of rao-be- iu ail IVc-nile- r.

Am harkt. i nny Fd M.e, will be doe from l""u7t-- t Sour.d,with hirrber, early in January. (Cncertain.) i haveI lam. bria; Conntrdut, Cal.nblev, sailed fnn Bremerhaven 'April Id, with aaaorted cargo to Messrs. ll,r-.hlaer- er At crScapenhia-sf-. Vxtt ui to Ku in June for repair ; sailedattain lor this port Jaly 19. ;

I'ASSKNt-Klls- i.i

roaicir.. cent,From Sssj Faasttsen per Yankee, Tvc. 14 Mr E.I Il.-ff-


schlaeirer. Xrs Severance, J Nenlliam and wife. J Wilson, wife, billsa children and servant. Mr IxHir. wife an.1 son, .Mrs Smith, O '

Kobinsain. J t Iluxhea, W Ii Needham. W A Whitney, J Power, j

Capt Benedict, Jed Wilson, tiro 1'copl. s, J Leror. W Franklin. I near11 Thompsff.-- C A belt, f lioshen. M U UonLll-i- , A Henry,Steerage Mr M Ctn.key. J Winter.. A Johnso.i. T C Wilson, j andMr Lewis. W:a Matthews. Silas Allin, Sarar, Jrnr Brown, j

3 Chinamen.COiTWIs. j

from WutrtiD PetM KiUu.a. Dec lo Wiiwtf , otWhite. Mr K Bad. Mr Ay-m- ! and 47 de--k pei.;rrs. j v tB--- per r.nauea, iw. j Mrani .tin n ofanil sn. Mr and Mrs J Nerd ham, V G Needham, one other,aiel sbm-- t I Kl.lerk pa.wnger.


Iy bark 1'iairr, rrport lft fan Fraixri-io- j Nor.27; firt part of L- - paou.'e hJ 1.--J t ufVer'y wir! an.1

calm; LM-- r part, li.-h-t X.N.K. wind. TnJc the traJr fr-- h Ut. ' , which LktM t il the caciC .rt


Fk"W Fairia o fKB Yim..c, Ir . 14:Ale. th i) Si ; M.le, x-

iloo. ca-- ....... i ! Ni:L, ( :riui ; IH-- t and :rjrt, .. JT I !!. f. -

1 I JT.' . . k.. . ......t"ak'. tit. - 1 'yt r. r!'!-- :, v . . I if!!, lll. . . . .

f'hnir--. ra-,- . 1 i ! 1

l.i-e- . 1k lAI t'"--- . ....... O

rd.r. c".l. ....... 1 I IVi.ii. a.:d pipe 1

C rriT. tu. 4 I IU .!.. l.Xe 10Crani tar-- r, c. . . . i l'.i. , in;.:

lruf. c 1 Ku U 1 r:tii... pk.-..- . 1

lry c --J. 0 I Kul'i-.-- ? h"' . .. loKitrn.-t- . 'a- - 1 ! .1 I ! ry. pki:rai'y ca,. . . 1 I ?:ii' rilu. r 10Ki.-u- Ir 1 Jt I ?jliu..n. half hr.r 41Fl'.ur. cjr ?a ..... 4jJ I .Ii. t.rl 1

Fluid, i.un.ii.f. I' ,.. 1 I . 1

ia fixture, c, 4 I 1 pi "a. ch, 1

JlarJx'arf. C4,.....-- . 1 I Tea. 'jHats. ........... 7 j Tun. .p.. ciH. y, oa.e Uh.-i- y. hrUH . pr. ill iu. 3Ja;aii" M -- is, cs,. . irru Arc 1

I.uriiW. t. !!) F.lephaat, 1

I.iiiii!.r. H rI.tiiiilv-r- . ftin.'l-- , . .. Mnin

1 10Vala- - .17 o 7 0.

TreiAj-ur- , 4.0VU 00.Fn rn Japan p-- r i AVrt. ! 9 1 tmj- - f.'i, 150 c

fisri. -- o'- tuf or!, ii !.ui'-K-.- f.ti. ;.i ..'. Tie. . l'l r lis mattiinr.-- CJ" p"r..-iai- .!. m -- .., t. ;.. 2cad i - e iatuered ;

w .r. i ra--- . pk . aird ' 1... f--l- s.

From Jiii. t ;r J jphtne. ic ij .4' 1 old j

y rll .w m..t.l. ..1 t'ksi rtHi'.- -. aarr.i:-!- 1 liip" L.-e-i aixlc-- ar. 1 iron ru H- -r ... 1 t r. 1 i.a.r r . - i- .- H keirwi..t- - 1. a.i. 1: bru - -- f rk. i . 1.' .i-- v:.. 1 uiiate j (ur readers iuav svo what is said of us abroad,r.ri IlioI-- l 1 lo. 1I0. 01:. 1 l..if rrl 1 iron !rci pumji,j d-- . rn..-1-- 3 c p-- r an. . z t i oc- -, 1 ,n aii cha::., a anl the efforts which leing mad? t- - entice

1 ... 1 Mar.iia and 1 r..p !.a-- r. 1 :!. -- t tea. 1 cl.ain j

fleet tliltlier. II the choice liesthe whalingsto, ,r. 1 i n.-- 1 . 1... spur.yar:.. 1 pa.r... . . . . ...a a .1 I .1 H .Tl.a v t"J ' . .. i-- ni inuit 04

'.Iver Star.

THE PACIFICCommercial Advertiser.

Tin nsDA r, deckmukr --jlWk fres.-ii-t Ler with our annual review of

the North Pai-ifi- e VhaIing Flet-t- . .ls,

which were txjK-'-'.-- in, are rtiil out, huthave prolraMy gone S.uth to take their s'u'non the New Zealand groiinJ without ftoj jingto rea-rui- t at thex.-- islands.

Our list on the fourth pag, comprises 1G0

Test is which intiy le d as :

American, 1- -1

t rerx-- 4Hawaiian, ieriuan aiiil Kussian,. . .. 10 Total... !i0

The arrivals at thes.; during th pres-ent fall rHrasoti, and f-- r the two previous na-Ooii- s,

have Isti'ii as follows :

lt.VJ 1'iSAmerican, ...114 2o4French....... ... 4 5Hawaiian, lierriari aiil Kus:an ... 14 14 9

Total, X1 17 J1S

One Singular feature of the arrivals this yearWt the Mitire

-abs.-nc- e . T . whalers: In

Jyears gone hy large HUlulx-r- of Whalers.."rcoruittil Lore. In fact, previous to lsd. tliebuilt of our arrivals were of this class. Duringthe past year, not a single pTrm whaler hastouched here, these vessels ireferring to re-

cruit at the islands located in their cruis-

ing grounds, where their principal wants are asreadily supplied.

The above fleet of 132 vessels, which havearrived this fall, has brought into as thisecason's catch 20Uy IjarreLi f pt-r- ; C3,0o'Jbarrels whale oil, and S39,i00 pounds bone,giving an averag; to each vessel (after addingthe pperin and whale oil together) of oUO bar-rels oil and G3G0 pjunds lone. This shows acontinued decline from last year's figures.The falling off" in the nuinlier of in thefleet is not more inarkcl than the rapid de-

crease in the oil and bone taken. This will bebetter illustrated- - by the following table exhibit-ing the size of the fl---

ct and the catching forseveral years :

. .jr a x a a a x jc

S. E uale a i s ?i c

? 'I a . at

z - 10 i : c it 5.5 - V' i Z

1 i h 5. !' i- n --.

"I I I c

2, 1 uii 4

S- - till ' 'f-- H H ! -2 - c v c j s.

n . 5 I - - r -

- s; . -

BM i.iu.. i M m i; i r


. s:

i 3

-is - j - - "

3 : a-- z.'

2 S i C 'J z, z x j

? ri. 1r.

?- J t. !. O-- Z--

Six whalers of the North Pacific Fleet haveSm Francisco, during tho jist fall, all

which report gool catchings. If these ves-s- ds

are included in the general average, it willraisa-- from 500 barrels to olS lmrrels to

each vexel. At tlie best, li owever, it is a jioorreport, and must continue to have a depressingresult on the whaling bufim-ss- .

Over one-ha-lf of the fleet that lias cruisedNorth this is now homeward bound,numbering, as m-- ar as we can learn, abouteighty vessels', to bo withdrawn, including twolotst. Not more than thirty tussels are on theway out to replace these, so that the NorthPacific Fleet for 1341 , will numlT, in all pro-

bability less than one hundred vessels, of whichmore than eighty run lie depended on to

recruit at these islands.The only whalers lot are the Grorg Jf Nary,

Eldridge, f New lv.ndon, by !.-in- stove iu byice in the OchoLsk, and the tiurk Paulina,

Stet-n- , of New Iledford, which dragged ashoreLahaina. The season has n more free

from accidents during the Northern cruises,than any for several years lst, and the re-ja-irt

riNiiired here hae not Utn hetivy. Thehip Julian, early in th had consider-

able repairs, and the ship liaytJ was hovedown and

The full reports of the cruises of whalers,which we have given from week to week, show

weather in the Ichotsk to have leeu Worsethan usual, with heavier ice ; while in theArctic ajUie weather was this season K-s-s

than in previous years; the result ofwhich is that the Arctic has this year, and we

e for the first time, shown a higher catchoil than the Ochotsk.During the past season, supplies of all kinds

leen abundant and cheap probably chear- -'than at any other jort in the PaciGc. Tlie

reputation of our islandsupplic? has never leenbetter sustained than during; this fall. In theearly part of the season, exchange held at five per... It... TOoiscount, out so-.- rceae. to jmr. ine

drawn by whalers have b.t ti much small-

er than in any previous year, amounting;, asas we can estimate, t between s3oi,000

.400,lKX. Tiiis f.r a U.vt of Z1 vessels is asmall amount.

We have before referred to the raj id decreasthe Whaling laeot. and the entire Withdrawalthe once humorous sja rm whal. rs. An in

teresting rjiieMioii tivis. here how fir tie I.o-i- s-

tion of thi gwvornnint will uf?rt on the fu-

ture muveiui'iiw of the buiall tlcct uf riLt whal- -





its bought by gal- - S" ee'rv UUeX'el0D II manufactured and at13 n&t enJeavored t, on r--

jfljr the tru,cof

fifty pHUon nllJ beans are a I refer to of ship .rtcrop at Cents a bushel, Vu of Bay, when

while trial y??u"rth? .a as a. . enabled to obtainlearner. the of crew in this high-hande- d, c-- b, .k. i--.. i;rjzrxiz;!z .afefj

i ?rt an rr f7rr...ra i:i ii.. .s,

rua--ur- . t th M:alt-- r fvr our r y. l!utno uriTii;i-,- l miii., ufi'-- r witti'--i- r tl.o incrt-.u-- d

i it v of our rx-rt- f lurin thir iinnualirit, atpl tlio tanatiin in tr.i'l- -, unJ tlif

f tlie native duringtln ir a-s- . ntt, ;in ar.?e with such. Thre

1 1 t fii qu.-ti- on that the lia- n- in ourivil c'i.', which in various ways have inOT'as--

the bur.k-u- s .n our f jreign commerce, must of?-j r:tt-- - az iiiit tiif future virits tho NTt!i l'a--

... , , 1 1 -- 1 ' 1 . . .!:;. tia. rs, ari'l rrviucv irivir iiuiuj-i-- u a

J iu .iatv of what tlifv now arc; an-- it is not im--j .Uti'k' "the t!ito willj r that like whaU'r.i us fjr s ext-ensiv- recruiting stations.Should such result fallow and it is

levelof-in- it will show tue surroiuo folly of' t.lacin'' the administration of our national uf- -

lairs in the hands of iu n who are either igno-1- 0

j rant of the of the chang'-- s jr3s.--and carrieJ out by them, r Mind the real in- -

t'Tesw and prosj-erit- of th.e Hawaiian King- -

doin.In the Sin Francisco '.:((, w

find the following remarks on the whaling husi- -

rn-s- . negiveit, not te'aus' we 11

Purr,.vt or reliable in all its statements, but be--

au.' it h;is? always bvn uur rule t give both. , 1

- 1

M'l' 3 01 11 ,iin -- uoii uuuvi en.--. u-- i. .11 , uti


,,,,, .-- tlie two 1. aces,, lliere. can 1m? no

1 .jj juestioU that Honolulu will still le the favoritedejt.

San Fbaxcisco, Redout foh Wualers. Theadvantages of this port, as a resort for the whaling

j Sect ol the 1 acme ocean, are graluaiiy uec(ming ap--oreciatel by the commaulers of vessels and by owners at ttie Kastward. Thus far this fill, the Kiizu.lljms, ileueriil I Valiums, .W.isiiciuntt, Con-sres- s,

Jeaunette, and Jji i Ilm lau l have touchedhere and been cnablel to lay iu at low rates,to discharge an-- reship crews, and again proceed totheir cruising gruun ls, without encountering the dif-ficulties that those interested in retaining the busi-ness lor the Sandwich Islands represented as attending visit to this port. Ihe Captains, one an i all,alter an experience of its facilities, give San Fran- -Cisco the preference and announce their intention of

, makmg our harbor their permanent resort.(ither ve.-se- ls are expected, and throughout the sea- -

sen we shall be vi-it- Ly a sufficient number of shipsto refute the obj-ction- s that have been urged aga:nstus. and the communication of their experience

O . . . 1. ... .1... 11. n, ..., . I . . . ..... . t . . ... . . .

bu'k of the bu'iLt-- sThe prime ol j cti in that hitherto deterred whalers fp--

comnijr hen, have lt-- remove.l. lliere is not now either of losing crew and the inability to pr.-ur- e substitutes,

J are m.-.-t- - rs of veSseU any ni re liable 0 Ih; harassed by rexa- -lio-j- s brought by men here than under the Ila--waoan thor. In th.-cas- of the that have vis. us this

i fall, no jiiirtieularetlort was m ole t ret .in their crews on board.I Tie y Were allowed to follow their own llilllliatloll : S" Hie of thetllran away ouiriitht. th-- r were settled with, and in either cio.esfr--. h l.aiHls wereol-taitxt- l without ditlieulty. The Eliza Ji.,

, 9r., lrTtn n. r(ttyrr.t all,l new crew. . one day!ol. that the of a nuiubrrof whalers wnl

render the matter of a chauee of crews i.f les inoinent here

i.iJ T ' crewaof h i.s brin o, to th,s iK.'rtVJ":

from the targe ee. other than whalers, w,M facihtate dispatch,

l.lttl-- , if ai.y, aunoyanee isoffered through liti.-atio- Amoiii;the recent arrival one or two complaints were tiled, but tu sunswere instituted. The hauls evidently throucht it topr.ecute - Courts that rrc. the nitl.t of the master

Jectio... Gainst San,i, have been obviate,,, and the restof the argument entirely in her fav.

Provision, can be obtained e l much les ,..,,,.gVr TtXtXZ pIh";... .."iVt?

. . 1. . .. . . ,., . ' . ...." .,"V,. ' ."7. .2Sitf,i7J" ch...l--

rate.. In providing recruits we offer still greater advantages :

market atit.unds with vepetables, obtninal.le in (jre-.- t varietyat a trilluiK cost. We have shiped this season over 'J ,000 siu ksof potatoes to Ibmolulu, and they can only lie towhalers there at the necessary enhaiic-- c-- l for freiL'ht ami pro-C- t.

One of the Island journals in a lament at thepreieets i f business, remarked that "California, so

lar fr'.ni taking? iM.r Mtal.jes, still poorer onions, grains andHois, is actually supplying us with hay. oats, otalocs andoniot.s, cheajw-- r thau we can raise them." Ar other paper says,

the ships will 11. .t be aM-- toohtain all their provisions and out-

fits at as low rates as List fall.'' Truly the advantages, that we' iosc must I immense, when the very journals whose exist-- ei

cs. in a ereat depend Umiii business arising; from' the resort of whalers to Islands, are!edM aeknotvl-- I

e. lire the decline of tlioir facilities and the superiority of ours.Every whaler who has renewed his supplies of water at the

I Islands knows the arlu- - us labor inflicted upon his rrevr iahoisting out casks, rafiini; them to shore and back, hoistine in

j an.1 Here, he starts nothing: the watrr-l.a- tj ernes al .nusi. Ic and tills hi casks without ever callU K' ue.n

the ere to turn a hati.t to assist. Itore tlie e is Jcents icr bbi; here 15 cents the dilf. a mere I aati lieanyway, an when the LiIkt ;s considered, the vessel preutlythe (.'ain.-r-


In the matter of lixchansre uptjn disl urs. ments a In avy ilis-- c-

unl has always ruled nM.n the whalers' drafts at the Id.tii'ls.F rmerly this was much more onerous than of late; but evennow. at the last .(U. tatian of five p-- r cent., an ex-

ists in favor of this irt of iUite mat. rial consideration. Wha-lers' I ills brioL- - par in this market, ami would command asmall premium were they more rally o!Ter :1.

The bulk ot the oil and bone, transhipped during; anyat the camlwich Islands, is taken home by vessels from

The expense of the trip down to the Islands and theloss of time involved is uecssarily charged ujon the freight.As soon as whal. rs make this hariT their resort as th-- y evi-

dently intend to d- - transhipments will tv much morectf-ct- ed liere and ot ch ap. r rat than elsewh. re. LowerLohls 1 f.ll. d with so as t" secure the wet- -tinjr down," while our wn domestic priMiucts. which are nowlargely shipped to the Eastward, will command a n freightfor letweoii decks," ami in.-ur-e dispatch.

Communications on business with owners, and Correspond-ence with and fri.-u'l- can Ik- - r- - plied Oi in the briefspace of time that the continent is now traversed by the PonyExpress, and it will not lotijf before the wiil render


immediate intercourse with the same parties available. In fact,all the advantai.o-- 9 that San Francisco ir.w ossesses. as a re-

sort f.r the V hahni; th t, ore so preat as only to need the ex-

periment to convince those whose interest it is to make it. j

In Conclusion we cannot here omit expressing '

our obligations to the various shipmasters and!

ship chandlers, who have freely furnished uswith the latest reports, and other information


to whalers. Particularly, are we in- -

lebte.1 A. J. Cartwright, K-q- ., who has per- -

mittcJ us frejuent access to his record of arri- - .m,l lUpurtUn.8, urloMt Wo lvivo Inviri-ilil-

I. .una more correct than any kep: m tins piace.His records have in a great measure supplied uswith such data as in other ports are furnished bythe Merchants' Exchange. To Messrs. Oilman.v. Co., Capt. Stephen IJailey, and C. S. Bartow,K,., of Lahainti, we have also been laid underfrequent obligations for information regardingwhalers. j

CmcriT Cot rt. 2nd Judicial District of theHjwaiian Islands December Term, 1S'.0. Re-fo- re

Hon. Elisua H. Allen, Chief Justice of theSupreme Court, and Hon. F. W. HncuiNsox, Cir-- j

cuit Judge for the 2ud Judicial District. t

Civil Calendar. S. Kawaa, r.. Kabainapule,assumpsit on book account for the recovery of thesum of 8207.31 verdict for the Plaintiff for tlieamount claimed. Mr. Ilond, Counsel for the Plain-tiff. Mr. Kauwahi, Counsel f.r the Defeud.ant.

Criminal Calendar. The King rs. Keai, Ms-ho- e,

and Eli. The prisoners were indicted for an;

assault and battery and rubbery, upon one LebonPray, a aeamao, in Lahaina, on the l'.'th day ofNovember last. Fiia plea 1 guilty to Iotb the countsin the indictment and was sentenced ly the Court,to imprisonment, at hard lalor for two years anda fine of five dollars. Keai and Mahoe plead notguilty. The Jury after a short absence returned averdict of guilty against both the prisoners. Theywere sentenced by the Court three years impris-onment ut hard labor and a fine of five dollars.Mr. Bond, District Attorney for the Crown. Mr.Kauwahi, Counsel for the ptisioners.

The King, rs. Kimo. Larceny in the second degree. Prisoner plead guilty, and was sentenced bythe Court, imprisonment at hard labor flir twoyears, and fine of teu dollars.

The King, rs. Kimo, (the same.) Burglary andLarceny. Prisoner plead guilty, and sentenced by j

the Court to imprisonment at hard labor for threeyears, and a fine of ten dollars.

The King, rs. Frank Smith. Assault and Dattcrywith a dangerous weapon. Tlie prisoner plead notgu.ity. ihe Jury rcturnel verdict guntyagainst the prist ner, but recommended him to the to

mercy of the Court. Sentenced by the Court, toimprisonment hard labor fjr Jour months, and afine of five dollars. Mr. D.n,l, District Attorney forthe Crown, Mr Farwt'.l for the Pr':.ner.

There was an unusually large number c f appli-cations l.r d.vorce, before the Court this teriam.-i-

t of the petitions being based upon willful dc-se- r'i

ii, without cause, f,.r three -l- o'ce-ive yen .

jiOTKS OF TIIK WKKK.GovcKME.TAL BtisriEBS. We cannot undertake

to fullow up all tLe tluudcrs of the goernmtit orpin.wnicn apjr in it irvm t. n "JC

caue of remirk with those nbo soe the p'iper. I'ncein while, it undertakes to pcint cut in theCommercial, but, in o Join;:, t.nlr makes a ft I of

it?tif. In the lart iue of the Vy.eii'.i i. frwe reaj the fullcwicg :

" It i a sicirular .o of tlie workini; ( Ietno--'

ceatir u:aj .r.::- -. that t;.. if the li'st ttmt :iiy tl.a: arrei.let,t ha been ei.cttd T mi a: suiuie tniiortt.. thecouiiiry tl.n.u.;h, l.u: t.'iat hi very name l.a iK-e-

fri-n- the f f.:"'" Siairv"Now the t.ereit tyr in jiiiitical hit.rv knows the

. . rt 1 l. . ....contrary, .iuj the eiiivr 01 iuc oi iiici.'i wmtshis ignorance tco palpally to be overlooked. So farfrni this titg " firt tiuie," has been a fre- -ijUtnt occurrence in American politics, as will lseen by the foi:owi:i5 data

r..ik iln-i-- i tvir Clay at-- J Tir:.. y hy a iri. r.tyof il.S" T'lt'-f- .

14 Tayl.-- was over Ca.i ati-- Van llarvn by aminority ol

ISiO was over Fremont atid Fiduiore 'a ni.ui rity i.T7.ys-.- vote.

Lincoln's election will only be another instance of thesame occurrence, which can be no argument againsthis right to office. These data will show how iguo- -

rant the government corps are when tiny speak.

Again, in referring to our criticisms on its su- -

preme ignorance ia stating that exchange in Japanwas " one hundred per cent, discount," it apekgizesin its editorial columns, and owns that it was a blun- -der that crep t in ly oversight. Ytt its commercial

writer, with a pertinacity well illustrating the Cou- -


"T ,'fviv"t" T'w.'er'1US'adheres to his blunder, and a'ttemrts to illustratehis ignorance by s:iying that bills drawn for $.-- 00

' command only which, we are informed, is notthe ca-- e, but the facts were correctly given in ourlat issue. Olt sapient editors,

j Acain. referrine to the suits against Cant. Soule,we stated that another suit had been instituted

'against him, based on the same evidence. Instead ofcriminal, it should have read civil. Such a suit

; was then in progress, and its decision resuitiug in? doOO damages, was published in the Polynesian

i on the same page,

Castor Oil. Last week we referred to the factthat this oil was coming into u?e for lubricatingpurposes, and that it had beeu found very superior.i v,.,. vet- - rnner we find the following,

. . ... ...:., is hf.;r :.ed to' """" 1 r. - - -- -; it abroad. If the cultivation of the bean and man- -

ufacture of the oil can be commenced here andprofitably carried on, we shall not regret havingcalled attention to it

i Some practice, and good deal of reasoning fromanalogy, has proved that the very best oil for all ap- -plications to leather is the common castor oil, identi-- :c?al with that with which careful mothers sometimesnauseate their children. One of the reasons of itsvalue is that it has le-- s affinity for water than anyother oil, an.1 less tendency to harden or thicken theleather, as neatsfoot and other animal oils do. Leatherthat hat beeu frequently saturated with any kind ofanimal fat. and exposed '""'h ".ttowa a rA tiiwfu.i.l t.f ronol 1. ? IT rdnlfiie.and dry, losing its elasticity, and finally tecomilig

I britllc a ...I worthless: but that Which S Oiled With thej extract of the Pa!,na Christ Wan, and in a less de--gree with flaxseed t'll, appears to retain Its noroustoucrhness ft preat deal loneer. The oil is naturallyvl.;.l .slniinmi.m.ii.F vrhi.'h aci v. iIV4i VOU a.l aA 111 aw.Mv.aa-o.- . Miisti w.....w...-- .

a n,.tu.r purpose than animal Oil to exclude the Water,Which. When absorbed in leather, is the real Cause of




in ci'



the at Uuam in the of January, Ion drove him ami of

At Nanpasaki. in April, when the ship, he to. . . r .. I t. . .1... l .

if" tJnn shjp mtu

as lh is the Srt,ud: 3d August, in my

to lubricator 12 wasmajority the

,.f r rtrr .. ... - . .




V...' .



l creau-- r







I is

can Oil












VVIt, W aiv4 a w .u w IMA I Ilirj. IUCU IV I k Kilt 3 SOUI1 iKrSSH'lf HOtl

embracing of the most in the Jt, toami r her to tlie OA10, he to

world. a number j

The are the principal onand Besides theseed j tl)e miht more into13 the Celebrated elephant ALBLRT, is the but 1 the penenil outlines have

. ti svery unpreju.lice.1 at all acnuainte.lfirst of which ever been brought seafaring the motives which have promptedto islands. He is of the Which he "'J'ncat.on of and unjust charpes as those

in to mutinoustaken to California and of crew. Cwsciiais of my own inn.iceiice.exhibiting His mate, Victoria, died in

thit State. Hp is said to lie well trained, and his Der--

formauces truly wonderful. .No person should tail ofseeinsr this noble animal, the perhars the


last chance we shall have of seeing him.Connected tlie Circus is also the

"giant, Mous. Goshen, is 7--i feet high, and weighs

4o0 pounds, alone is a living wonder and a sightworth visiting. The greatest curiosity has been ex-

hibited among the natives as as foreigners to seethe giant and the elephant, and we doubt not the at-

tractions offered draw crowded houses.

Fiio.M Oregon. Iu September a reportreached Fort I'allas, a party of emigrants, 43in number, from the Eastern had beenoff by the Indians in the vicinity of Snake River.Capt. Dent was immediately dispatched with acom mand to ascertain the of the report. I3y

a private letter received per the Yankee, we learnCnpt. Dent succeeded in finding twelve of the

party, women and children, but in a state ofperfect nudity, having been stripped by the Indians,

left to perish. For the last ten days theysubsisted upon the dead bodies of their friends whohad been murdered. A Mrs. Chase badthe dea'l body of her husband."

Sasta Claus am Happt New Year. Mr. I.X. Flitner, has opened at his sales rooms, invoices

New Goods for the approaching Holidays, prettyenough to tempt the most economical papas andmamas to for the stockings of little ones.or the most considerate of young beaux, to purchasea ff(j?e J amour, in honor of les beaux yeux of somefl4-i-

r .lemoiselle of upperteudom. In the J.Cattenach, on Nunanu St., can hardly be surpassed,jp;3 gtore ; wort!, a by those looking outfor nick-nac- to fill empty stockings.

Personal. We are to notice thnt ourformer townsman, Mr. T. S. Seymocr, has becomeconnected, as proprietor, the Hudson Times, aweekly paper priuted in Hudson, Wisconsin. Wewish him every success in his new enterprise, andneed hardly assure him he may have learned,

the road to fame and fortune through printersink and is "a hard road to travel."

next Mail. Our next mail frcm San Fran- -cisco, (that Nov. 1 1.) will probably arrive aboutthe of January, by either the clipper ship Oa- -

born Iliu-es- , under charter for guano, or the South-

ern Cross, en foe Hong of whichvessels were expected to San Francisco fromthe loth to 20ih of Iecembcr.

Thanks. We are under obligations to J. W. Sul-- ;livan. Esq , and Messrs. M'Ruer ci Merrill, of SanFrancisco, aud Mr. Claxton, of the Yankee,latest California papers. Also, to the Director of thegovernment press, fr.r use of types on whichdecisions Capt. Soule's suits are printed on oursupplement.

I'.m'oundkd. On inquiry, we learn, that the re-

port current for the past few days on the street, ofremoval the Assistant Surveyor of the Port

for allowing the Elephant of Messrs. Wilson ac Co'sto bring his trunk ashore without a baggage

permit, is totally foundation.

Run. The wind hauled around to southwardon Monday, and early on Tuesday morning thebegan to descend in torrcuts, and has continued iuce.

For thk schooner will probablyget away on Saturday, and take a mail. She

followed by the Yankee, about first cf Jauu-- !.

Engine Chei-tfnin- o. Mechanic Engine Companya levee on Christmas day at 12 o'clock. What's

happen there on occasion, we can Utterafter ceremonies come o'F.

S!io!tTiT Days. To-di- y and are theshortest days of the year.

Children in Sv.n Francisco It is reporte thatthere are fifteen thousand fou: hundred children un-der 10 of age, iu that tf whom ninethousin l hundred an I ninety were born inCalif'-riii-i-

Krply ot t"upt. lr luthr Admiralty Courtl)rriou.HoxoLfLf, lVcemt-c- r 17:h, 1SC0

, Khlor f f. lhf fir c,m fr.rr;j7 ireriiser:m IB. rjje issue .f the IIi,ri,sijn newspaper ofthe loth instant, contained the decision of Chieftice Alien of the Suf-rem- Court of the Kingdom,cverruiing the Pretest of the States Consulagainst ihe jurisdiction of the uns of thee Islands,in the suits brought against me by one ManuelEaos, a seamen lately on board American wha'eship JXfontrtal, under my command, and also a de-

cision of Judce Robertson of same Court insuit, and Rnother decisivu f same juJgeinthesuit of Manuel Vievia, also a seaman ou board thesaid saip, casting ute in heavy damages. "ow I have leeri here with my family a little over

As these decisions have now gone before the a month, have pail an admission i:x of two dollarspublic through the columns of the press, and those each, and if the authorities have any other taxesof Judge lb. bertson, containing statements in oe, against me, I hope they will present thein for pay-th- at

a small amount testimony had been pre- - ment before I get rea !y tu leave, which I ed

on behalf of the respondent, but very meager the urseof the ensuing month. So much forand of little weight, while the respondent himself what I know in relation to the living.has been Content his written de-- j years I was a viit.r these islands, and had the rai- -

ship month while wasshore, the crew lelow took possession

vessel. I left..t

O.l, the Tiavsold

F- - ewma H tlie groWU statement would Jen.epan the

WCll worth the

give castor oil of P'hours. lie

tart .b;S.




theirvessels ted










vouiL-aii- i ,uvavaaaau lV 33some renowned actors iJi'h6ucl, vessel cauieCircus embraces of well-trai- n- the isiauds.

foreiroinjr events which recurredhorses, three ponies two mules. 1 eiai.nue fully panic-ther- e

which ul:'. "''"k I piven, will, ciently prove person

animal the kind has with a life, mustthese the Survivor tWO such horrible

me, onler extenuate the con-we- re

a year ago, have Since duct my officer and

been there.

first and

with renownedwho





States, cut




fed upon


invest their

candy line.

wei visit







route Kong; bothleave


the theof

the cf



East. The Alert,will


holdthe tell



years city,c ght

Jus-- :



the thatthe







. , , . - . , ,.. .

i'i'. iu oueiai ici 1115 ii-- c a;iegawei:s Oi lue iioei.' and has not availed himself of the opportunityfreely offered him to come upon the stand, and con- -tradict or explain, if he could, the testimony of allof the witnesses produced against him," and further,in another, that " the respondent filed no answeriu the cause, but suffered a default to be enteredagainst him" I feel it incumbent upon me tostate the reasons rny evidence was so meager in theone case, and why I filed no answer in the other, oroffered to come upon the stand to contradict or ex--

i P1:iin the t'"ny t'f the witnesses producediiut me. and in concltisitn to give a brief ac- -

Count of incidents in the sctison's vovage, during; which Messrs A ilfong, Lewis, tmith, and Perry,'to whom I attribute all the difficulties which have

j arisen on board of my ship and also at this port,; were under my command. It was my firm intention

when I first arrived here, to have commenced pro--ceelings before the U. S. Consul, against these menas mutineers, but I was overruled by the advice of

j mJ friends. The reasons why the testimony offeredhy me was so sparse, and that I did not appear upon

j tl,e s,anJ werc tliat 1 JlJ nut recognize the jurisdic- -tiou of the court, and was advised by my friends tokeep awav, and when led by curiosity to know whatwas going ou, to be present as a spectator, was sent

; for bv friends, an.1 told to absent myself, and wasi ...l l ,.. .t, ,r, .i.. i .1:1

..... rui v..:i u... r...v.., tu. oe. Ko. a.. .c..oc a

had waiting for three days to be taken iu the firstcase, was not called for, and my attorney said he didnot wish any evidence iu contradiction, and in the

j last case, my attorney merely entered the protest ofthe U. S. Consul against the court's jurisdiction, andleft the Court Room.

The following statement of incidents, with myjournal before me to refreshen my memory, I give asthat of my late ciuise :

, u.n Honolulu, NovemN-- r 4. 1859, in the whale vhip Von.trral. N. It., on a central whalinjr cruise, with tie... w. Wii- -i"i-'- . 1st oiiicer, Lewis La-mr- Frenchman, til officer. Chas.

! neelowrrrrea, Vn'me.. ... . . ca),....i i t.. w...i.t. u : i .1. a; i

men. From the period of my from these Islands, upK the time he left my ship, I was disap.-int- ed in my first

! ZZ'IZ is second cZZZZ' On "IITTrrMabsentthe

idner. His

'0,,jrct apparently was, to cripple mv Vessel, so as to cause her0. remain at Japam In the Japan. Sea. he endeavored to iu- -

ami reiyini; uion me moral supimn 01 inetnis, wno nave skk.iby me unwaveringly from the first I trust t to show that Ihave been the victim of a conspiracy, which, to use tlie lan- -puaee of the learned Ju.ljre, " the annals of criminal j urispru- -a,.lice 9carc,. contains" another which "in the exhilbitioii of"1 depravity surpasses iu"

Nathaniel W. Sowle,Late master ship Montreal, of New Bedford.

JTUIalC OTK'K. The I'ublic of Honolulu' are resect fully and cordially invited by " Mechanic Engine Co.

No. 2," to partake of a I.l'XCH at their House on the occasionof llouseinp their New Machine on the 25th of this month.

Time, from 12 to 2 o'clock. Per Order:J.SMITH IE?,

i Honolulu, Pec. 11, 1S60. 2S9-- Sec'y M. E. Co. No. 2.


A??Ta.X MEETING of Protection Hook and Ladder Co.

J2E22 No. 1, will Lie held at their hall on MONDAYE EN l.Noi, Oec. 24, at 7 o'clock.

At which all that are Hooks, are requested to attend.l'er Onler:

FKANZ BINPT,2o3-- lt Secret-ir- y 1'. 11. fr L. Co. No. 1.

ATTENTION ON ES I Mrmbrn ofHonolulu Engine Company No. 1, are herebynotified to apiear at their Koonis on Tuesday t

Dec. 25th, at 11 A. M.. in Uniform.Per Onler of the Foreman,

A. W. CARTEIt, Sec'y.

Fire Proof and Water Proof Roofiuic.fgIIE REST. CHEAPEST AM) MOST PI K- -

able R.ionnir that can lie ha.l for any Imildinfrs, is the

Manufactured by theN'EW ENGLAND ROOFI NG AX1) MAM'-F- A

CT V R I NG CtMPANV.This Reditu; is now in use in all parts of the Vniud States

and Canada, and has a reputation second to none.It is now in use on most of the public buildinp" on these Islan.Ii

and on several Susar Plantations, and c.ves entire satisfactionto all

A small lot of COMPOSITION and FELT for Patent I finsshortly txiiected from Boston.

DUDLEY C. BATES. Apent for Hawaiian Island.239-t- f For the N. E. Kooliui; and Manufacturing Co

.1. II. SlIITIB & Co.



RKONCIIIAL TROCHES.BROWN'S Colds, Couchs and Hoirseiiess,Balm of Thousand Flowers,Iba-p-r'- Cachons,Extra Tubinr for Enema Pumps,Thorn's Extract,Tooth Brush- - s.

For sale alo. larire variety ofPatent M.tlicines,


Perfumery, kc. kr.FAMILY I'ltUG STORE.

Corner Fort and Hotel sts.


MM Aaaorted Dishes,Assorted Plate- -.

A s .rte.1 Tureens,Assorted Pitchers,

Assorted Bowls,Assorted Cups and Saucers,

Assorted Chamber Sets, ofvarious patterns, kc, kc,

ALSOAssorted plat-- d Castors, cut gl.iss Tumblers,Cutglass Wine Glasses, cut-!a- Decanters, kc.Electro plated sje.ions, silverIvory l.andlel knives, plated Forks,Plated Mustard and Salt kc, kc.

By ci. F. PFLCGER,29-t- f Corner Ciueeti and Nuuanu sts.


aVOTICBTo l!ioe wiahiujj to procure ENGLISH or


TOTHEINCREASED EXPENSEOWING the importation of and thef.-- th-r- n. th-.- iiTi.ler!"le.l will im..rt bi.t few

boj's exc-pti- ng Standard Works and surli as may be exr-l- y

ordtrnl Oil pitrttt ii.t.'uny tim.An orii.-- w.ll f. rar'iei to Iio-o- n or:c. a month, f r ueV

riew itr oi 1 i Ijs p.s may .1. lrsi-n- wihin-- j topioctir- - books, wii! titer, re leive th-- ir or It-- , ai d the s..rr.ew:Il U- - prfa-ur.-- either by Express via Par.atr.a, -- r by sh s viaCajw Horn. Single copies of la.ks or'i-- r. .l to c .ne by Expresswill c ?t laid d-- in Honolulu al..utyirfv ;.rr rmt. or it trTtrf ; c by ships. ai...ut thtrtu ftr rnt.W here a lar.-..- - numler of h..ks arc ordered f r e.-- i. theCOST Wiil be le.--

Tii-- to g. t br.-k- by Ex ti ul be fr. in 4 to o; and bv ship, from 6 to s m t.ti.

.Vdrv:.s.II ci..! :!!. 1 !. Ji'- - fl ; WII1TNFV.

(, C. riv!-- . of the J'ac. C m. Advertiser )

Tain ou Mr linger- - : mn thr nrnil " athe living.

" intendir.g

filing answer, Four


Mr. Kpitok : An of the writer's ar-

rived here on the Jfdh ct July last, cn a visit to a

friend; was charged thrtv dollars for the privilege of

laudiuz; finds his frien I sick; goe to work by the

month to support himself and his sick friend ; and

list Monday wsi $nt I for a Ijx of .if-- Ulur, which

be had 10 paT, together with tut) i.7.j's cut. IVr- -

haps, if he hid been unable to raie the money he

would now le working it out in the ch aiu gang !

Previous to Uliig sued, he had engaged his passage

back to Dresri-- on the brig .V-ir- Kllen, t j next

i.rtuiie to lose a n. 1 rai.i i:ie o einei.-r- A.ia.iun. 01

their a cent, ti n .' ir f.r a of on which to bury him. This 1

thought reanaMe enouith. until on reiairi:ig P the grotfnd. afew wee k later. I folir.d t.'ie ue of the of to j'j-- t tu o ffrt by

i six. the jrn-un- on e;t!.er si io Lad l en cir paotiy rilled withj itraves like a - row i f in a paper." II..wever as the matteri could tu t th- - Ti le he!i-.l- , I put up a heavy, well (minted and

lettered platik. to mark the lot until such lime as I makei arraui nH-nt- for a ni. re ruoimnietit, and lett for thej States. :i ,i.y !it fall, after an as- - ik'o ( ) than

years. n.t a vestige rettiaiued to show where the crave was located.

Now it strikes me thut this Cemetery A. "eiatiiT," (whieliin Christian is k-- nerHily c nsi'li to l. l..i.ii totheclassid chantiihle institutions.) tr.ut he iiniiiens-i- riolt. or else havema.le bad use of their f.' f r alut tlie hrst para jraph in theVolynrsion that Cttc'-o-j- i my eye after larMiini: here, is a noticefr-.i- Mr. lamon. 10 the etl-i-- t that the " A iut ionhave no more uii'ccup?eil irnu:;d at their il.j--sal- ." If theydisis.seil of all their l.,t of two fet by six at u n dollars null,thev must inleed have irr.'Wn imuieuselv rah. I y a tax on theuV.'.'

' In all Si ri. usness. it d.K apl-ea- ti me 'hat there should liej ,,1 ,,r..vidod f--r the iuurment of Mranc-- with-i- t tlu""'u "f " I w.,uid not myself mind Purinelew acres. i (say 111 ( anil soutn 01 mnrni'mIliil. a more suitahie cation than the ireeiit.) if it could te cotut A f:0r for t! .r i.nriwt.. if 1 ili.l o,,f ff.r it wouhl besoul for tuxt as s"'U as 1 should leave.

Kespectfully, ic, G. E. CI.

There is too much truth, we fear, in the stricturesof our correspondent. It is by such petty charges onstrangers as that referred to in the commencement ofthe letter, that we merit the ill-w- ill of those whocome here in many instances simply as visitors. To

get all we can appears to be rule applied, without reflecting what results may follow our action.



Vsi ulcereBAILEY. Master, wiil sail for the above Port on orahout the 111

of January, 1S01. For freight or passace, apply to2ilJ-.- .t I'. C. WATERMAN A: Cc., Agents.


will be held next WEDNESDAY EVENING, 26th Iec., at 7o'clock, at the Court House, to receive Ihe aanual reports,elect officers for the ensuing yetr. etc.

Attemlatice is requested. ler Order:U McCVLLY,

239-- Secretary.



IP fr'.ui New-- York and San Francisco, now tieing opened, andfx sale by the undersigned, at reduced prices :

AValehesi nud Jewelry, of the latest and most fashion-able styles.

Silver Wis re of all descriptions, and desiirns the mostrecherche, suitable f .r presents either for ladies or pentlemen.

liolit-iiiiu- n and other cut-pla- ornaments for the Boudoirand dressinsr table.

O rui u I ii nud Torloinc Shell scent Bottles and PortMommies.

Ieurl ii ml Silver dessert and fruit Knives.Ivorv,

I'earl.Sandal Wood,

l'api- - r Mai'he, anilOutta IVreha Mourning,

Ladies' F'ans,Hair ornaments, a splendid ass't.

Fsiiiey Cianr Stands nud Cnsrm of the most uniqueand studied workmanship.

An.1 other articles of

HIJOUTKltTi: and VI'.HT 17 ,Too numerous to mention.

D. N. FLITNER.2'!0-l- Kaahun.aua street.

RECEIVED 11V EXPRESS VIAJCST fr-.- Boston and Philadelphia, an assortment of

HOOTS AM) SHOES !Latest styles f .r Ladies, Gents and Children.

RI'RRERS. ALL SIZES.A few pairs Misses' UCBBER, llm Ts ; suiail lot or Bunkert's

ll.its, for wet weather.XT Boots and Shoes ma.le an.1 repaired at short nitice by23'J-oi- ii J. II. WOOD.

Q! S:i:.VS HOSPITAL !rVVARI)S FCRMSM1NG THE 1IOSIM- -I TAL. tin-r- are n t furniture. Mosquito

N'ettinirs. Sh-et- Piliow Cases and Towels, and Ihe ExecutiveCommittee invite tend, rs f. r Furnishing

loti 4 4 Ui:bl. Cotton,Hit yds. 4 in.-- I'ubl. Cotton.ti'lo s.U.ire v Is. material suitable for nettings 3 ft.

ly 6 ft ."a.50 Blankets for do ,

4"0 yds. 64 inch Unbl. Cotton,oo Ewers and Basins,50 Tumblers.

Good durable article? are wanted, hut not expensive.Those desiring to fcrnir-- trie aNive, will please send samples

of the articles, with th-- name and prices attached, to Messrs.Von Holt X store. Fort street. 3 P. M. of Mon-day next, the 24th inst. By order of the Ex. Committee,

S. N. CASTLE, Chairman.Honolulu, Iec. V3, 23!.lt

Rice ! Rice HiceVifk 1 CHINA RICE, oil lb. HAGS11 LJ No. 1 Japan Rice, 6J an.1 lOO lb. baes.

F r sale by2.,0-t- f S SAIIDGE.

Cheese ! Cheese ! Cheese !

CALIFORNIA CREAM CHEESE4 C.ibfornia swis3 i."beese.

English Cheese, in small tins.For sale by

2.1s-t- f s. SA VIDGE.

Fruit ! Fruit ! Fruit !

I PKRIOR MALAGA RAISINS In boxes,sT hall an 1 quarter.

Currants, in small jars.For sale bv

209-t- f S. SA IDGE.

Spices ! Spices ! Spices !A LL KINDS SPICE- S-

lb. For sale byjy-t- f S. SA IDGE.

W" 4l' Vl TS' PI lal- - ERTS, JORa A N A LAIT O.N DJ. V.,T ,a .v .Jo-t- f A V IDGE

ill litiN. I.EMIO AND ORANGE PEEL. 't unary to.ns. k,,r s.ile I v

t:3-t- f SAVIDGE.

Teas ! Teas ! Teas !

SUPER. OOLONG. 7. li 1; lb. BOXES,Poucfiong, in 15 and o0 Ib.Vixes,Common Tea, in liaif chests.

For sale byS. SAVIDGE.

rfVA PICK . iu TINS- -Pearl l.i lit.s. F'or sale by


A LL KINDS OF PRESERVED FRCITS,ir tins. For -- ale I vii-J-t-


Magazines for November.HARPER'S MAGAZINES FOR do

E!eCf,s do do;'- - -1 rio

a. Urge c ion cf la;

French.Arn- ricr.ri. a:,d

1 anc j,;; p,.t. ,. r . 2 "S It II M WHITNEY.

t 1 It.j.i-- Tli." a', ft f.'.,-- I O- -

York, arrived at this pirt yesterday, hnvinjr ;t.ftHonolulu lec 31t, but got agro-ir,.- ! in coming- -

out of the harbor. She sailed again e day; butsprung a leak r.n 1 put into Sydney, N. S. vv jnMarch last, where she was discharge I and rtp.t:rejTen tons of the whalebone on board was m 1J at aucltion for 16.0n, to pay the expenses. 3.

agiin from Sydney, Juue 10th, ami put into Pernxiu,buco Sept. 1'Jih f. r water an.1 provision., sailin-- r tjj0next day for tliis port. She has on b--ar 1 r)U;te anumber of pasm-iiReis-

, including Mrs II. M. Wbit.ney an-- I chillrrn, wife of the publisher of tull.nolaiu t urn :nfciiti .1 irrutsrr, an 1 his motherWnO ri'is lift-- a iiiissiomiry :ii r.auai 1.. f,.r iiyears, and in Stybrook, Ct. .V If. Ex


. et-- tf - CtS - ' - r

DAN RICE'S44 J 4.1 I A M !M Aa W II I 1 Hi

This Mammoth Combination will commence exhibiting in this city

rxi-iT5- :ii:ii:rvxrvG',TImr.cI:iy. Dec. 20.

Or Soon a Ihe Weather Permits.

The Wonderful Performing Elephant

T, 13 3D R rr ! 99

Lian K ice's Comic Wonders, the Muk- -

PETE &. BAE2TEYThe hiphlv trained I'onie


CANDIMURRAH.A larpe and efficient Trouie of the

Be!t IVrlormers in tlie World !

In their Wondirful, Incomparable Oyninastic, Acroliic andEuestriau Feats.

Boxes tl 00

Pit, WJ. WILSON & Co., Proprietor.

Diaries for 1861.A I. RfJK COIXECTKIX OF FOCKKTj IH A K I ES and A LM A V A CS tor 1MH, received

bv the first packet direct from New York. For sale by" H. M. WHITNEY.


Confectionery! Confectionery!!EVS.RV TRIP I'ERUECEIVEO from San Francisco, chtace lot of

Regan eelebrnled Candieaand Cwareetiaaa.Also English Walnuts and soft shelled Almond.For sale by J . C ATI A N ACII,

2oS-0- m Nuusdu ist., one door from corner of Kicg it.


A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF ENGLISHj. and SCOTCH CON FKCTlON EB.Y, a small put up iofancy paper-- , very suitable for Christmas and New Year's pres-ents! Also A choice lot of Spanish LICoUICE, a pure articlefur rousrhs and colds. For sale by J. CATTAN AC11,

Nuuauu St., fine door fr-n- corner of Kinp t. .

FO R SALotT D V rYL N D E RSIG NED:HAVANA CIGARS.FINE Manila Cigars, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3,

likew ise, Superior Natural Lenf Chewingand Smoking Tobacco.

Also A choice lot of fancy German Pipes.J. CATTANACH.

2tlsl-6- Nuuanu st., one d.xir fnun corner of King t--


A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN ANDXA Fancy French Clay Pipe. For sale by

J. CATTANACH,23S-6- m Nuuiuiu st one door from corner of laine t--


ON HAND ANI I'OK SALT. HY Tilli;.NiEHsif.Ni:ir :


Superior enameled leather covered settees,Mahogany whatnots,

do center tables, new and neat style,do hair seat parlor chairs,do hair wat easy chairs,

l'a tent style BEliSFEA 1S.Oak cane seat arm chairs,Office chairs.

W. A. ALDRICH,2C9-2- Premises formerly occupied by tlie Hudson Hay Co.


1ST RECEIVED FROM KONA, HA- -J waii. a small lot of choice fresh

Honey in the Comb !

For sale by W. A. ALDRICH,2.IH-2-m Premiw-- formerly occupied by the Hudsou liny Ce

EWIS' SCPERIOR WHITE LEAD ASDL, .inc i'aiut. For sal- - I t-- 2m W. A. ALDRICH.


2oS 2m W. A. ALDRICH.


CASKS SHEET ZINC,Rouml C.nos,Solar Lamp, I Holies and Slwiiles,

Kille GunH.wder,fa.For sale I.y

2o-."j- ti W. A. .

MASON'S I A ST E ULACKING. tmall, mtdiaiasize l.xes, F'or ate bv



IF iijxes Cone Ink,Collins' Tomahawks,

Western Rim Locks,Broad Hatchets,

Charc.ihl Iron,F'or sale by


fMRTII WEIM1.I" Ilard-trame- a School SlaO-s- , 10 x I I. tt 12,CoUon and Worsted Saddle Girths,

Japanned Roller Buckl.-a- ,

For sale by238-S- W. A. ALDRICH.


FORKS.Butchei Knives,

For sale bvW. A. ALDRICH.

JpiRE-PFHt)- F PAINT,or si.le by

2o3-3- W. A. ALDKICU.

INAM EI. ED S A V C E P A N S. 2, Z, 4. i, 6, 7 a

Tea S wains.Nurse Lamjis.

Gun Flints,shoe nireail.

choe Brushes.Jews' Harps.

Tintieti Spor", -

For sale byiS-Sr- a W. A. ALDURJI.


choice assortment of Groceries, at the store ol taenn.lersiirmsl, viz.:Preserves, Summer savory.Fresh appkS, Curry powder,F'resh rjuinees. Groutul cassia,Fresh loaches, Grouiel Mack ipiar,Fresh Whole tlo do.KaspK-rr- j m. Pimento,Cranberry jam. Ground cloves.S'rawN-rr- jam, Ate, kc, kc. Ground cincer.Mince meats. Cream tartar,Sa ge, S. C.,Swert savory, Haxall flour.F'resh raisins. Fr-s-h currants, in tins.

Tins water crackers. Tins butter cracker.Tins sutrar crackers, Tins oyster crackers'

Tiiis s.m1;i cntckers, Tins wine crackers,F'resh oysters, Fresh lol sters.

Sardines, French capers.English pie fruits. Fitislish pickl.-s- .

English sauces. Fiiiclishniustanl.French mustard, emoke.1 hams

Smoked herriiiL's. Gre-- n corn,

Best O 'lolitr tea. Hop.Crushed and lK.f s.,ap, r

N. B Fre-- h Isl .tid an.1 ground coff.-- always on mim1.C Iv II M.I NT V KE


THE PACiriCCommercial Advertiser.




A: H o'clock A. If--, en Fri Ixj. the packetYnktt w! an-- at 1 I. M. her tu.Uwere lanlol ? tLe ttx.Si. She brought an unu-nt'- :j

Krj- - mViT. thoe from New York of O:-tiZ- tr

21 aa 1 Not. 1. Tae 5tter arrive! at SanfnaciCJ c' few hoar bekre tb SA.Iios of theierk. la f-- i1 J:alnl cxpre-s-lj to Iringijoa. Tli bws w interesting, but the details ofthe election are not so fall at 1 8ufaetonr as hvi

. been expeetel- - We gire cepwas extract froia carexchange :

Pacific Coast.The Cortex. This steamship, which brought up

the malls nl pascgers of Not. l.came very nearljbthg dest-oye- J bj 6re when off Cape St. Lucv, onfcer passage a?- - The fire ori flnitel near her fur-Bice- s,

anJ t.J put out by tbe ship's force pumr.Tue Vmilasck Sriw Alive VkT. Two motions

were argaeJ anJ sut.mitte 1 to--laj to the 12th Dis-

trict Court, ia the matter of tlie saits of lin .tl an JW. EI. Green against H". T. C.IeiiiAa. They weremotion! of the plaintiSd to reinstate &e causes onthe Ca'.en I ir, and to chao;e the place of triaL

LiblkaL- - The Scientific Prt$t and .Mining Aof San r'rancUco has the Cllowing : The

pubii-h- er of this journal is hereJy authorized to offertbe abote reward (2.5rt) to any persons who willplace in his ban-i- a Bjcce-ssfu- l tno-l- e or process forseparating the g from the su!phurets as foiin.1 intbe Ujiaes of this State. The reward will be paid incash at once, after the te-- ts and experiments shallhave been satisfactorily prove!."

Presidential Infection.From our various California exchanges, we find the

following to be tb result of the election held on thetin of Xove2ber, so far as the news bal been receivedat the Baiting of tbe Yuiikee. Tbe Majorities givenare only ftj proximate, and will be aiterel by the nextadvi'.-es- .

For Linrols aid llainlin.

Maiw. 8 20.000 .. JS llamplire, 5 not rep. .. '1lermotiL, 4 Tx.A r--i. .. 2Ui.'.ii'Ktu, .. U Oo.ovo ..Kblr IlanO,... 4 not rvp. ..JoanpctiCULr .... 4 Dot . . 2New ... . .. irconi'jrlvaiiu, ... '1 Oo.oW .. .tjnus 23 SO.ij-i- o .. 2Irvtiaoa,....... 1 2.J.UUO 1 1

Ilia., - 11 l.uuo .. 2WucoMia, ...... i la.uuO .. 2low........ 4 not . .. 2

1 nxurf ta, . . 4 out rep. 1 1

Michian..... 2J,i .. 2Cal.ixmn, 4 1 .. 1

Orrro 3 SW ..11..Total, Zir BreeUiaritte awd lm m.

lyUware. 3 l,70u 2Surtb Carotiut,.. 14 Uitt 2Gwrra. 1 5. 'AM 2Alaoia, 12.0-- y 2

? liuO 2Txa, .......... 4 out beard fm. 2MaryUnO, 8 wytlu 1 .. .. 1Sooth Carolina... 8 crmua 2rinnda.......... 3 not fta. 2Loauiana, 3.U0O 1 .. .. 1

lrtwiM, 4 not beard on. 2 .. ..Total, 79

Vmr Bell and EverrtUKentucky, ... ... 12alH.4 000 2Tenneaoee,.... ... 12 - l.OuO 2Virginia...... ... 15 Tery amall 2k cw Jcrry,. . ... 2 3,suo 1 1

Total,.. 41

Fmr I)w2 ''a wad Jalmaon.STissourS,... MO t


' To be elected hrf-r- Lurh 4th.We also ioclnde a table of the United States

Senate aa it will appear after March 4ib, or after theinauguration of President Lincoln. If Karsas is ad-

mitted, two more republicans will probably be elected,making that party 32 strong in the Senate, against37 Administration, DoUg'as Democrats and American,all of whom may unite in opposition to the Republicanadministration ; or tbe Douglas and American Sena-tors may organize themselves into a sort of balance ofpower party, and alternately help and anuoy twolarge divisions. The latter is their most probable

Liscols Pbetariso to Publish his Pbot.bamme.Tbe Washington correspondent of tbe St. Louis

Republican says :The programme cf Lincoln, as understood by the

Eepuhlican Executive Committee, is to deliver aspeech on the occasion of being serenaded (whichspeech is already prepared for publication) in whichbe will lay down elearly and emphatically the princi-ples on which be will administer the government andthese principles will be such as to meet a cordial en-

dorsement by every one, except, as I have before said,the ultras North and South. They will be mutuallydisappointed.

Spirit or thk Westers Perm ox LixroL.v. TheSt. Louis Republican (Douglas Dem.) is disposed togive Lincoln a fair trial, and says :

Let Mr. Lincoln go into tbe Presidential office. Lethim show his hand. Let him say whether, under thesolemn obligations which he must take in frontof theCapitol, on the 4tb of March, to support tbe Consti-tutio- n,

and see that the laws are faithfully executed,he will pledge himself to carry out the Fugitive SlaveLaw, and to respect the rights of all section of theUnion alike. And if he refu-e- s o do it. or should se-

lect such a Cabinet as would justify the belief that hed.s not intend to do it, then will be time enough toadopt measures looking to a dissoluton of the Union.

The Cincinnati Gjzfttt (Republican) says:There are already indications that the Secessionists

who have inflicted a, mtt serious injury on their ownsection without any evil effect elsewhere, hope toIrinp about a compromise. Alarmed at the personalruin impending over them (and which cannot nowbe averred by any device) these conspirators aresaid to be laying plans for a Convention of tbe seve-

ral States tor the purpose of patching up anothercompromise for the proposed object of keeping theUnion together by some Constitutional amendment.This can never be effected as proposed. The perfidi-ous repudiation of the Northern share of tbe Com-

promise of I9.!0, by an almost united Southern vote,aided by a few northern doughface, and the grossviolation of tae Peace Measures of IS-j- by the renew-

al of agitat on in 1J4. has rendered all furthertransaction in that line iir possible.


The correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat (Rep.)was at Spring5eld. IlL, on election Jay. He writes :

Lincoln himself voted at half past three, amid con-

siderable excitement. His friends almost lifted himoff the ground and would have carried him to thepolls but for interference. Each man was desir-

ous of having tbe privilege of banding Lincoln bisballot. One fellow yelled out. " You ought to vote

f,r Douglas, Uncle AU ! he has done all be couldfjf yoa !" and th cheers were perfectly deafening.

Old Abe," " Uncle Abe," " Honest Abe." " TheGi3nl Killer," and other remark abounded, and al-

together the scene was one of rare interes t--

Srra Caeolixa Fobcisi Fbee Neobom to Weara Came or DisTixcTios Exoi,rs To the Nobtu.A law has recently been passed in South Carolina re--

aii free otored persons to vnr a badge of3uiring This many of the cWel families livingia Charleston deemel aa indignity, and me haveleft the State in consequence of it They have come

North. It U stated that about families have ar-

rived in Philadelphia- - Most cf these have meanswhich places them above poverty. They are gener-ally mulatto, aud of various blades and lightness.

Tke Iwteret. tbe rlbiaw4 the (

Owe.The New York 11"or, of a ate date, discuws

with singular ability and rare goo temper, the ques-

tion cf a dissolution of the Union growing out of of Northern power ai l influence in theFederU Government, and the fears ind threats of theSouth on this account-- We quote s much of the ar-

ticle Since it cannotas seems specially otherwise than that the supertr weight f theNorth must, sooner or later, make tsclf felt in thepolitics of the country, we rcgar 1 has fortunate thatit does not get the control of all tie departments ofthe government at once. The shock riven to southernfiling woull be too violent, if Cotgress, the execu-

tive, and the judiciary were nil topas at the sametime under Northern control. It ia ortunate that theexperiment is first to be tried with tie executive, un-

supported by the other department) of the govern- -

n.rtt. A each housv ( CYr-jre- l.w n i.s!ute I

Beciute en t i'U rJ t7 th , ther. Mr. Lir.c In will... . m..t ...--- .- jrwt.on r ,be j.. ,ifiTe ,.f ,

i Lie except in wev.urw so aiifr:Ir fi r I

, .. lilej mefl lne upprotajr... .ia n; i fxiintn.rr.t n.ut a'.vpa--s the scrutiny rf the n.e U-l- v. In thi Mte ffacts it wou! 1 n t t f r the cmnv.g IVr Icr.t

imumr.-vuia-. eifn tr he h- - I ti... .1 -- p. s.ti.n ;ar. 1 ttiit klit a jj- cf hl C t V ollS'lt . f

, .i-.- -.. t . eery : f n fr :n ctrry S,.u::win ere ri ,v ntir t.i-- ni i f ititor- -

:;.e ren-sti- s which, c (very hv-rtt- ,

t: in to cxu't vtri. tic t rile; ill tr.e --ctS ai. 1 rr f tie Wi- -ti W- l- cu-o.,i- ir N t then: c ticr- - t.". r.i.i.v in the,pr. rf-r- -ry and Weil U.i.g of the S u:h. He arefru I of cir ..t;s on the I'ac Sc: me are""? xrn-- u,':-- ' in pening a railway to t!,e.r :

,CK-- f. anl when it i, e..:r.p:-ti- an 1 greit citiestf r i. up at it seTrra! W,! i. these eU

J fccesof iririty wi!J fi!l every patrk tic breat K t'? the mmt.t:is with intet.-- e ati?facti--Th. sarr.e ni:i, na! wi:i fin t lU i prat;5- -tin in the pr,.-per:- ty vf the South an 1 the develop- -merit of iti Latural resuivts. Dcsi K th'.s Kr t;S a- '

tion of national ftiinc the mutuilir Utirfici J c. m- -i

tnerce cf every icti..n of the country with every i

other, is valuable in pr portion to the wealth an i I

productiveness of the thatregions supplv the i v.i dit:es which it exehang.-s- . It is for the'Uin fit of theNrth thit the SJtt:h ?h juld pb.per; an 1 even if thej Constitution had int deprived us of any voice in It-,

teriuiuir--s the r of Southern iiisiituti..ii, en-- i

j Hghteced st!f-iiitcr- et would teach us that the Sv,utb j

j lttr ja Ige of what will promote its welfire th ini

J we, incur ign ranee of its heal circu:iitaiices. cm i

possibly I. We are e nfiient th will un- -: uVrstin I and appreciate eich other better four yearsj Lence, than they do

jImportant from i:iroKIr.vLT. AVe have some few details of the voting i

the annexation nuestkn. In the Citv ot Nar.k? l."4.- - -- vrvotes were cast for annexation. At Palermo

there were S.V--o- votes in favr of annexation to LJagainst.

j It is stated that the English Almiral Mundy, h i!'

left Naples foGieta, not to break the blockade, butto protect the flight of the King.

' Signor Farini h ivicg been ai pointed Extraorlina-- iry lioyal Commissioner at Naples, has been repl iedin his post of Minister of Interior by Sijiiu.r Ming-- Ibello ; an J Signor Montegemolo has been appointed

jConiioi-sion- er of Sicily.

j Tbe King of Sirdinia. in his reply to the Neapoli- -tun deputation, is reported to have said ; Austria

j continues to threaten tne. Not long since I re-ceived a note from her, through the Emperor of theFrench, which was full of passion. Austria is pre-- ;paring for next spring ; but then, with your assist-- :tance, I shall have 4'S,l.iu) men in arms. 1 shallperform my duty as King and soldier. Let us all do

jour duty as Italians. The Pope himself now writes

j to me with kindness. The Powers of Europe are dis-- !pleased, but none of them except Austria threaten.I am satisfied with Garibaldi. He may be a little

; capricious, but Italy has no nobler spirit or son. Ij have several times offered him artillery, but he has. r . I if .t i i - . . . . ..ii. ne nmerea nimsvil tnat ne could take; I apu t by a bayonet chirge." j

! The CjrresDondeut of the Dailu A i K S says, that j

i on the I'.'th the British Legion were under fire forthe first time. The Koyaiists came out in strong

j iuj ait a uic .uiisu nvic upjvrj oj iiiruj, anadrove them before them within the walls of Capua.Eight of the Legion were killed, and 3' wounded.

I The Journal ' Dtbats says : The British Legionj is immeliately attached to Garibaldi. Garibaldi re-- I

viewed the men. In the name cf Inly he thanked! England, in the perso n of her volunteers, for the

to uphold the cause af national independence, andconclude 1 by saying it was tbe proudest moment of



his life that he had under his command, and for hissupport, a legion of the free children of England."

Tbe entire French force in the Roman States doesnot yet much exceed l9,OX) men.

It was reported that efforts had been made to in-


Lamoriciere to accept the post of Papal Minis-to- rof War, but he declined.

The text of the Russian note to Sardinia, in which ;

the Russian Minister to Turia is ordered forthwith to '

demand Lis passports and quit Turin with all thepersonnel of the Legation, is published. In it PrinceGortscbakuff assumes a high tone towards Sardinia,

! and denouuees her actions. j

France. The Imperial decree had been issue-- J

raising tbe price of tobacco in France -- 5 per cent. i

Tbis measure caused great dissatisfaction in tbe low-


classes.The Emperor had held a Military Council at St.

Cloud, at which all the Marshals of France, with theexception of Bosquet, who is unwell, were in attea- -

: duce. It is sail that the Emperor wished to cou- -;

eult them on a new plan he had suggested for the formation of an army of reserve.

Considerable sensation had been caused in Pari9 bythe publication of an article in the Opinion J'atioi-a- it

in which it is asserted that the meeting of thej Soverc:gti3 at Warsaw is nothing else but a conpi-- ;

racy against France, and that England h is acted thepart of a " go between" in this reconstruction of the

' Holy Alliance. The article aCiru s that Austria, as- -j

surel of a certain amount of suppcrt from Russiaanl Prussia, will uo longer pause, but will endeav--Ior to occupy Mudeua, Florence and Bologna, aud

' then call for a Europe in Congress to her' in Italy. The Opinion .'ulionale denounces the; scheme, and calls on the Emperor N ipoieou to defeatit, by recognizing ictor L.:u inuel as King or Italy,an 1 espousing his cause.

The Royal Meeting at Warsaw. A Warsaw tel-

egram, of the 25th, annouc:es that on that day thethree princes and their Ministers held a conference ofan hour's duration. Nothing is said as to the resultof the proceedings, beyond a questionable statementto tbe following effect : " At Warsaw everythinggoes well. The principle of a European Congresshas been adopted. Communicate this iu properquarters."

Gbhat Bbitaix. Lord Palmerston was on a visitto Yorkshire, presiding at sundry educational andother meetings. Ilis speeches were devoid of politi-cal allusions. The Yorkshiresmen were very enthu-siastic in their reception of the Premier.

The supplementary Convention to the Anglo-Frenc- h

Commercial treaty is published in full. The newtariff 1 incudes ships, metals and mechanical instru-ments of every description.

The trial in the mysterisous murder of a wealthy'

old lady at Stepney, London, had resulted in theconviction of Muilins, the man who came forward nsaa informer, and charged an inuocent man with the j

commission of the Sentence cf death halbeen passed upon Muliins.

At sTKi. The Emperor of Austria was expectedto reach Vienna from Warsaw on Sunday, the llsthultimo, and the authorities at Vicuna were prepar-ing to give him a solemn reception.

It is asserted that the warlike preparations ofAustria, on the line of the Mir.cio, were becomingmore and more menacing.

Spaix. Spain havine protested again-- t the entryof the Sardinians into Roman and Near.politan ter-ritory, her Ambassador had received orders to quitTurin. The Charge .1ffiirrt would remain toconduct the business of the Legation.

The Prince is New Yore. The Revenue cutterIIrriet Lane, having the Prince of Wales, and aboutfifty invited guests on b.,ard. left Perth Am buy, at 'J

o'clock Thursdav morning and reached New York atI half past two. The landing and reception took place. accotding to programme, at Castle Girlen, which

was ornamented with a great display of bunting,i The Prince was welcomed by Mayor Wood and wm! received by General San fori and reviewed tbe mili-

tary brigade on the Bittery. The pression thenmarched up Broadway amid an immense crowd ofpeople, to the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Friday morning

j the prince visited tbe University, where the Chan-- !cellor made a tedious a l lress, an 1 other institutions ofthe city. As he was leaving the bote!, an 1 just a.1

! he wis preparing to enter the cirrije, an excitedin lividuil rushed wildly up, shaking his fist at thePrince, anl indulged iu various denunciatory re-- imark, declaring that his lordship should never of

Kinjt of England if be lived a hundred years, and' threatening to shoot him. The police s iz- -l the in- -j

divil-n- l anl hurried bim away. The grand ball in! the evening was not so completely succ-sfu- l as its

pr'jectors d.-ir-el. Very S'on after tbe Prince enttr-- !el the r ni, a portion of the fl s.r g ive way, and onaccount of the delay require-- to mike repairs, thed mcing could not begin until after midnight. Thecommittee cf arrangements male an error, too. inestimating the capacity of the house; the crowd was

! so great that it ws thought that m my mu't have' obtained admission l y fraul; but a count of tickets' proved tbt the number pre nt ws really witnewh itjes than the numl-e- r of tickets i tn-- 1.

The Prince b-f- t New York M-.- 1 ly morning f.rWest Point, where he sp-n- t the tiignt. He re iche 1

Albany Toes lay aftern.jon, and next d iy set out f.rj B.-t- on in a spsvial trtin.; FtsvciL View or the Pbik-e'- s Viitto Amirp-- .

i The New York IItoII estimates the expenses of' the Pr!tic of Walos and suite iu the vri'.us cit.-- s

rtirou-- h which they pa---- d as follows :

..r...t? tt.e-,-- . .oi

sr. L.,i. '":re:.t,.-it;- , loe.u li:.- - l a:! 1 ""

Pilt-'iur- ir lo.imiHurlur Jo'si H

'ii. u.rlu !ii.,j Cn- - ir.i t anlviit toi M ,ur.; Vi rr.-.- '' ". K', in. I i !n. ir ba'l ' "rl; Kal'imore o.,

Philad-lphi- a. trjc:u blur ij'-ra-, 1" "

N- - V rk . '"Wt P n.t '"AIb.1V lo..,Ilo-t-- .l, 4'1 OKI

rli inel i i.t l ball to ,!!.e, r of t'.- - ( 'eioKi-.'.-- in l'i.a-l- I ,Ooo oooV. ffi- of the Pi inre and voire, and iif t!.e ll- -i I,. . 1 O'o.irMi

ienral ayreir.te. .'.' IciO


Oin 1'u.lows: in the r..T: Sritrs. The f -

lowing statistics are iti irotu me reports e totke ll)itoj State r.nni I,...' of U Kcll ws. late! v

in ci.n at Nashville The nuttlvr of grar.d Kxlftesln ,ho l u .ttsj 1 ; number aimitted durii ?the ve-tr- , nuiuU r of deaths dur;ii the year.l.Tl""; h.le Lumber if memlrs, 17T.T11 ; wholenumVr ' h have received pecuniary reiief from therer, 1S.1C1 ; number i f i families, , li'.'T

aniooLt pij f r nl.ef. S''',,,.' 1" ; amount paidfv r relief f wid .we 1 frui:'..r. r'"1.4."3; amouut piiJt r e l icition of rp!iii.n, S13.J Til ; amouut paidtr burvirijj the dei I. v".',r'7 J amount of annualreceij t.--. 1I",.''J 0'.

lVrh:rs S'liif account cf her M ijesty Victoria'sk.t'Mien ec. t.. uiy may te in!eret'.nj to many realerscf the lea r.! le : The staJi f the K.yal Kilchtu

inclules a chief cook, three iiix-U- t fivk,two yc.'iuen of the kitchen, two ro ttim; cooks, andf.'ur appreuticvi I'here are, al.-o-, two lanierers andst rers, a ? I rekeeper, two green ctli.--e men, threek::ohen lii iiliacl two rn. u t j atteii 1 to the steamapparatus. The slary ot the chief cvk i S3,7' avoir that of the tn:er c..k a little less, with theall.ii.'Ql privi'.eg; of taking apprentices. Au ap-

prentice ConJucliti properly Las a chance of pro-motion to the d.guity of master or chief cook. This,we repullicans woull say, is rather extravagantfeeding, but Her M ijety's loyal subjects think

exjieuse, and are justly i rou l of theirQuevii.

I I 1 . I I . I" 1) A HI! A MAYAS.W'IATIOX. T!.i Ait:.Hi hl l l!.ir K.cuiar Mivtiiic..n sATl Rl)A V KVtM.So! . ( a ti w k, at Tj oYl.k, at on Ku. t.vft.

Tli ia l:wy uii.!',rir.'ii'1 a tlrt.ujU rerAii- -

irdli'n. Ttic juMir are iiiilU . A LEX. UOl sTKi:.JJ-l- f Secretary.

XOTU'K TO TIIK 11 1M.1C HonoluluTI tx-- i to inform the I'uMic that they arenow to Rive instruction in tiyinuasiic to tmy tetwernthe list's of m:vkn ami ?iTKfcS years, on Tu"l.iy eveianf: uf euchweek. For further!y to Mk. It. oklkkx.

IVror.icr: C. F. rt'Ll'li Kit,-Cni Secretary II. T. V.

MRS. WIVSLOW An Kxprrirurrd NuriM- -

an.l Female I'hy rici.i.i, has a Sthitii: syrup for ehil.livo teeth-i- u,

whieh cre;it;y facilitates the jinvess cf Uxlhintr.hy . f;ennjpu:ii3. n' luom; all iufl nuuulion will allay nil ain,anl l sun-t- o

the tniweli. l' uou it, mother?, it will civen-s- t to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. l

safe iu all cases. See ailverti.-eme- ut ill another Column.224-- ly

A. K. A. A. I. Lk 1'koukks dk L'Oceanih Iooik,No. 4. untler the juris-lielio- of the Supreme Council of the tiranJ Central Lxlije of France, working in

the ancient Scotch Kile, its rcpiiLtrmeetini; on the WeJ-rie- s

lay nearest the full nioon of each month, at the oM LoJi:eKoom, in Kins ir-t- . Visiiiii;: hrethreu rvsct fully iuvitcUto alien. 1.

August Is. IGO-- f P. C. JOXF.S, Secretary.

IIONOMLC KIKI.KS. A T T K N T I O I- -The MeciN rs of the aive Company are lierehy notilie

fit that, after this date, notic-- s will not be issued as hereto

fjf f.,re.f u, Pmu wi 1 1 helJ at the Armory of the Corpsp

,. the il and 4.h Friday evenincs of each month, at TJ

o'clock I. M. Ter order :

F. L. JOSKS, JUHX II. BROWN,orderly Serpeant. Captai-i-

Head Quarter Honolulu Uitles, 1

lecemlier 3. 1S59. J lST-t- f

IIKALTH.STRE.XiTII AMI IIAFl'IXKSSareohuiued hy c the blood of its impurities. Wood

is the w Life,'1 or at leastwe are told, on the hi(this: authority,the medium of Life to the Body ; and it is, we know, the (treat

feeder of every part ol the frame. Thus the blood is the (treat

channel of di-a- omsequently, a good or bad Ute of the

system, or constitution, is no more or less than a good or bad

state cf the bl'd. We have made the composition of the blood

our study, and are satisSed that two-thir- of all diseases are

Caused hy its impurities.IVlicvinc. the above facts, we made ourselves aciiuainted with

the blood chrmicallt with a view to a reliable medicinal

acent. that would correct all impurities of the blood, and at thesame time effectuallv cure all d.sea-e- s arising therefrom. Wehave pucceeded bvond our most sancuine expectations, asthousands can testify who have trie,! the virtues of the prepara- -

tion known ty all professional men asII ALL'S SAKS A PA KILL A, YKLLOW DOCK, AND


Beware of iftnorant imitators. The irenuiue is sold every whereby resictalle dealers, in preference to all others.

K. II ALL ir CO..Sole Iroi.rieUirs,

ll-o- m 143 and 15 Chiy street, San Francisco.


FOR THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA,At Honolulu, OUlce of I. C. Wotcrmau &. Co.


Tl'lNS. Acknimledcaients, and all other Instrumentof Writinir to lie u"'d in this Stale.

Honolulu, Dec. 3, T00. 2ST-C- m

j. j. su;tih-ati- : c:o.

Importers & Conuaiion .Merchants.BRICK FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE,


Messrs. B. Danbsos k Co., Bankers, San Francisco,Iusiel Oibb t Co, J

" C. A. L'W & Co., San Francisco.Cross Co.,

" E. HOKsoHLk.EB & STiPKNHORT, Honolulu.S'.S-G-

NOTICE !filVK XOTICK THAT I WILLIIIRRF.RV for, or pay any debts contracted in my

Damp, without a written onler Iroiu myseii.S. JAFFKK.

Honolulu. Oclotier, 1SJ. 2:'.S-2l- n

Xuiianii Itestaiiraiit.TIIK SI'BSfRIUKK HAVINGopened a B'tAKMNO HOl'SK and KE'S- -

T A I It A N X Nuuanu Str-e- t. a few d alwive the I moilHotel, he bets the continued favors of his friends and the pat-- irotm.'e of the public in general.

Hot meals can t had at all hours, and OYSTER STEWS in aw minutes notice.

N. It. Particular attention paid to Nicht Lunches.Adjoining are Li very Stables, where some of the best

o'ir-"-- s in town may be hired ou moderate terms.

OA liUAKUS AMI M'A.MI-l.M.- -liis-o- For sab' by . A. ali'kr ii.

II, A RPKTIXU FOR SAI.K 11 VW. A. Al.l'KIl II.'is--ia

ASKS KAM'V PKIXTS,Cases Canary Prints.

Cas. s Paliioh af HaH.Cases Uartlett's bleach'-- Cottons,

F'or sale bv2.".H.3m

" ALI'KICH.--1ASKS III. I K COTTON THREAD,J Ca-- s Women's and Men's Hosiery,

For sale by....rn W. A. ALDKICH.

U.KS IIROWX COTTON,i; Bal shetin k- -t Sinies,Bali's Panama Tieks.

Bales Tick", extra.For sale by


EX'S CALF HOOTS.31 Lait:e,' Kid aril Patent Gaiters,AssorleU Misses', Youths' nd Child s Sh'-S- ,

For sale byi;s.-C- m W. A. ALI'U'CH.

HSKS MIKHOKS.2I x I I,20x 12. Its IO,1 t. lo x s. s x .'.

Casks Oaarded bras topi-d-,

tor sal oyW. A. ALIiKICH.


l ily api-.ino- d A liuinistrat. r with toe Will armrx-.- l.

the Ktat-o- f Jami-- s Paris, late of Honolulu,tfire nol.r lo all haviiir deuiands aiiitinst the said

to present th' au.ei and all irsiis ind-H- t il to the .aidare li- - ri-- l y notit!-- d lo make in.nnibate payment.

JAMKs, Ailu.oiistrator,With Hie Will ai.n. xel, i.t the K'.ate i f

I..i.-.:u:u- c. Ii lsi)i. o t Jvrii--" Davis.

.YotM'C.tVING ISMSKI OF Mi HI SINKSSII nit- - n t at lb lo to Th is, si- - iin r, K-- , I have to U

U. it all parties baVili' d- - :ii ri l lue, w.ll pr . it thesame 1 II ll.u kf- 1 .V "o , II .iioluln. or to mjn If at Hilo, f..riimii. pavniTit. and all parte s to in- -, are

4 to in ike paytieriit as a ove. B. 1'ITM N.liil-i- c. I, lvi. i;,.),., IMo, Hawaii.

Dissolution of Co-Part- m rsiij.rVK CO-- I' It TN KltsH II' II Kit IT"K '11 K K- -

i tie UTi.l' r..'Tii-1- , iin-- r the until andt)le I i .V Co . m llo day .li..o-- ' ll. ltllal e.,l.i-.t- .

The business of the firm will lieilos.-- by li. 1 Oilrnau.i. Ii. S.

iiK'. IlKAVr.iN.N'.v. 21. 1 vM.



.'"stinilvit up ia a and H trail .ri liV" Alo, a f bl. Is. of the "inie.I ..r ...le by IlKMt KK ( o.


. HliK A N l V A It I Kl ssoitT.M K NT,m -- I M, For sale by M. SKiiEK.l;ii'. Vl uirnn a r'tr'-- i t.


M ll IN s F. KH'S,III. Msioijkea Mni-I- .

o jfrtiscr.if nts.


ERICANVT 1 uNSl L K K. ofTers f r al uuj rvcedcutisiI. w rales tti nier-- t the ' of the limes.

lirsrrien,p Ch"dry,i:..t. Urocaa.

II..! s w ire.Cr s'k- ry wan.'.


il!iss w ire.Cor r. A,-- ., Av.

: j t Paint !

lo Marki-- ,:

4 Mencil "M !.:l.'i Uru s. cit; .l.S- - ru'i bru-!- .. . Tar Pru!ifS,

i l tr. rv ari;v 'f Bruins e i.ih. F .r Mle bv11 W SK KRANCK.

Nautical Almanacs 1801. 1862.A I' Kit AXD LOG Fit sale bv


TO SCIIOOM'.RS, SHIPS. Sl.OOPS,1IU1CS, It ARKS V STi: A Mil Its includtul

OFF F.R F.VKKV VARIKTV tiF H KM I.I nn.l V Mi. la I'iTiU;". CI. audi, iv aud Mi:p aud CabinM .res. at we( rates iu il.e p.-r- l .1 11. ii. iu'.u. All received bjlaieamva.s i.-- n H. . SEVER NCK.


1 V 4 Ireu pat- 1. 1 V .n.lias-- . Fi r s.. e ch ap t V


(iiTcn Corn and Pnervfd ..I cats.AXS till KKN CORN.

Cans 1'nsriol Meats,Cans Prtsrvtl Fruits,

Px .si irn. E r sale by II. W. SKV KR ANCK.o-- ii


TWIN E. Ex i.uii. For sale by11. W. KV FRANCE

Rv T NAILS, TIMJIF.R NAILS.K itiHT N A I I.S, 11 1 ll.s.

.f every size. Fir sale byII. W. SEVERANCE.'1



VARNISH.GALLONS Kl' KN ITI' RE VARNISH.4() in o gal. tins, at a bargain.

is-- i 11. VV. SEVERANCE.


white Iron-ston- e Ware, per Triton. For sale by11. W. SE FRANCE.

EST W I II T E I I N N E It S ETS, TEA SETSil and Chaiulier s of Iixn-stou- e Ware, jht ship Triton.For sale by (if-,,- ) II. W . ER A.M'L

CI T (1I.VSS Tr.nill.KRS.tyd DO.S. SI' P. EMJLIMl CI T i;iiASj TuniOlers. 'Jo larce pn-xi- l lilass Tumblers.

R.xeived lsir shin Triton, tor sale byH. VV.SKVERANCR

s.vrci: pans! sAi t i: pans t

i ENAMELLED ENGLISH SAUCEIrL PANS of assor'xil sies.loO tinned Enelish Sauce Pans, assorted sites.

Fer sale at prices which defy compi'tilioii. Just banded perTrttun. For sale by (i,,., H. W. SE ERANCE.


X. low rates, lcr Stain. For sale bylIo5-- j 11. W. SEVERANCE.

California Pickles and Vinegar.Ok IO GAL. KEGS PICKLES,

J 20 5 pal. kegs Pickles,10 bbls. Cider Vinegar.

Received per t racers Palmer. For sale byZii- - . II. W. SEVERANCE.


2o-- q 11. V. SEVERANCE.


4 W heiiiuluuhi For sale byII. W. SEVERANCE.


L Cheap, will burn well and give the best hcht.For sale by (J38-.,- ) II. W. SEVERANCE.



TIN'S JENNY LIX1) CAKES,500 20 case? Ovters,10 cases yuahuugs

To be Sold cheap by II. XV. SEVERANCE.2oS-- q

-- nf LHS. l'l'TTV, IN TINS AND IN BLADPERS,J tr at low rates. Fur sale by


HOI LED LINSEED OIL,ENGLISH Pure Uad,French .inc Paint,

Cheaiicr than ever by H. VV. SEVERANCE.23S--

Choice IVrlaiiiiery,A S. CLEG HORN HEGS TO IN FORM

the ladies of lloiiolulu. that he has just received directfrom Ixmdon, a irci.uine assortment of PI ESSE A; LL BINS'celebrated perfumery, amonn which are

Extracts of Fraucipatiiii,Lotus Flower.


JiiStiiiue, .VNoodViolt,

White Rose,Moss RofC,

Urangc Flower,and many other fine perfumes.

The Soaps,Tooth Powdi.r,

Aromatic X"inej.-:ir- ,

and preparations for the hair, are also of the most choice des-

cription and worthy the attention of the ladies.Honolulu, lec. ., IsoO. ,;7-ii- n A. S. CLEG HORN.

f i it tiu;i:s !

TBMIOSE WISHING TREES OR PLANTSordered from California, can pr.icure them through the

subscrils r, who w ill forward an order by the hark Yankee,"almut Jan. 1. Trees or Plants especially ordennl for parties,will be at thi ir (tu n ri.ik. thoiiirh eery precaution will be takenb ensure safe and speedy delivery. Address

2:;7-- 4t H. M. WHITNEY.

iL,A.vr tb:i:s:s !FIXE PEACH TREESFor sale at the R. II. A. S JCIETY'S GART1EN.

famTly drug" STORE !

BY J. M. SMITH & CO.,Comer Hott'l mill Frt S- -t reel

SMITH i: CO., HAVINO SKCIREI) AJM. and reliable Clerk, offer to the public a gene-ral assortment of

Druiis,CwnfVrlionur y. nntlI'rrfiiiiirrir.

RECEIVED, EX UADUGA,"A larg stock, to be sold at prices to suit the

times.F'rexh Candies, Hteam-re6iie-

Gum lirops and Jujute Paste,Seidliti, Fluid Magnesia,

Tolu Amslyne, Coutrh Remedy,Essence Jainaiea Gincer,

Cuinmir-L'.- Toilh Vall,T.mth Pow

Flavoring Kxtraets,Arnica Pla-ter- s,

Kuss.a Salve,Itch Ointment,

Wrurht's, Lee's, II .lloway's, kc.Ualley's Pain Extractor,

Iiavis' Pain Killer,llaby Powder,

Kennedy's Medical Piscovery,Cherry Petoral,

Ha sum Wild Cherry,J l. t.l. K-

Bav Rum,Windsor Sonp,

Extr'ts alerian,Saraparill .s Tnwnsetid's and Sands',

Knerna Ptimi of all ''s Flea Pow lers.

Castor-oi- l Capsules, &c.ALSO

PERKI'MKRIKS l.ubin's Kxtraets, superior Colocnes,and Florida Waters, Handkerchief Extracts. H"vle'

llvienan, Fih Hair It. sirat.v. , Trie.. ph. rou-- , llurnetfsand Kalli-to- n, a in-- preparation for the hair.

1 r Orlrrw Iron. Hie other i.liimU promptlyllltral. Tin- - Pub!. an- init-- to cive a i vim. rail. 1H0 .'lin

Just Hc( ( x Comet.Case. Ir-v-h Cal.f ri.ia PKA HKS.

, ,i il. .'ntVWIlEURliy,do do II Ai It OV.--I ERS.1.) .1.. V lt Powder".,o .lo orec m Smoked Hams,,1 , , , lo do lla.-- . hi,

r.-l-- For Sal. by SAM. MMIxiK.SI G A tS.

ALP DHLS. K. BOSTON No. I CKI'SII- -2 3 e.1 Suc:ir.

Half '.bl.. Kit Host. in Graiiiiliited Sucar.Iloxrs'- ar r..r sale by

i; tf .S: Co., M irk it Wharf.


1 1 'NT UKCKIVKD lit G KOIIG K CI. It K.I F ll t. i II m I. eted i rl .1 of I K H I. . "

PEI.VI K1 PERFI .M Fit IKS, wlnt li l.avi- b. i li pur. ha-e- d ata I..MT t'o'ur.-- , all. I Will e.j.l.M.I v Ih .11 it i l.n- lo ib-- i ..inp.tltioll. R. pllt.ltioli ,f p. x "V i tiiiiii ar so wi 11 Uriowiifor t le ir ii ri. ril y vi r nil i llnis. the siii.H. i il r thinks it

Ri for I. in tos iv one wool in n i iniiiin ndatcri of thrm.

i l if

rr IM



ll:irliii.C. TIIOMSEN, Masier,

W ill sail for tbe .rt on or alssitInli i?tl.F.r Frrifclit i"r Pas:e, havu.jt accsiimodase'tis,ai ply to H. IIACKl'KLB A Co.

For lOi:TI.A-B- , . T.,VIA


lUivy VAlviuN. T PKNNETT, M.v--t. r.

Will .vt.l f,.r Portland, ria V icloria. ou or als ut the UOih iust.For Fr.ijthi or Passat, apply ta

-"-- it J. S. WALKER.

von -- i:v iu:efoki.oTHE FAST SAILING CLIPPER BARK

wr-- . Itlioriii.Gil LI ATT, M aster.

The RIIKRING has made her i!ir-- e last passa.s from thisPerl to New Bedford inside of loo days, and has always deliver-ed her caro in 'od onl.T-

Fer Freight or Pasaj;et apply to-;- ;"-ot B. F. SNOW.

i on ui:i:iii: iiii:b: r :


G. C. EN BERG, Master,Will hare quick dispatch for the above Port. For Freight or

Passage, apply too-St 11. HACKFEl.D t CO.


iZ ka.t1i:iia.tii:iia iv.,Will leave Honolulu EVERY TI ESPAY for Molokai, Lahaina,'

K.'.lcpolep. aud Makee's Landing.F'reightji taken at reaso: ante rates. F'or freight or passare

iia-li- u Apply to CAIT. A. WHITE.


IVcittic art?iiillWill leave HONOLC I. V for HILO regularly every week

Cabin Passage to or from 11. lo,.. $5jM-- tf A. K. CLARK.


CLASS SHIPSWill be despatched quarterly from Commercial Wharf,

Il.ston, in the mouths of M iirrb. Mar or June,Srpleiuber nail December.For further particulars see special advertisements in daily

paiiors of :he alwve mouths.i'or freight or passage to, or drafts on Honolulu, apply to

HENRY A. PIERCE,Sandwich Island Packet Office,

67 Commercial Wharf, Boston.AGENTS.

B. F. Snow, - - HonoluluSutton & Co. - - New York.Cook A; Suow, - - New Bedford.

64 tt

WELLS, FAKGO &CO.'Se v i i: i. s s... ;


AND SAN FRANCISCO,For the ipeedy and safe conveyance of Merchandise, Coin, Let;

ters and valuable parcels, to all parts of theUNITED STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE.

The Agents at Honolulu sell Bills of Exchange in sums to suiton Wells Fargo & Co., San F'rancisco or New York. AlsoWells, Fargo & Co.'s franked U. S. Gover lincnt enveloes,which pass free over the California and coast routes, aud overthe Atlantic route from San Francisco to New York.

Commissions aud collections promptly attended to.Oct. 1. lS06-t- r. E. P. ADAMS, Agent.

Freeman fc Co'stkeasuke, freight, package jt letter

323 J3 X-- O 5 ,On the 5th and 20tli of each Month,


i.t Cuile.I Sinlm, South A nierieu,C.I'"l'l d Cnnailns nntl En rope,



DFST.COIX AXI HCLLIOX FOR"GOLD ami insured on Ojien Policies, held from the bestInsurance Companies in New York anil London. -

Packages, Parcels and Letters forwarded Semi-monthl- y, viaPanama und Nicaragua, in charge of Seeial Messengers.

A Special Express is made up by us for Panama, Callao, Lima,Valparaiso, and all the principal mrts of the west coast of SouthAmerica, which is promptly forwarded b the laij-'liK- SteamersIcavinf; Panama ou the 14ih and J'Jth of each month.

XT Collections made, and all orders pertiiininRtoa legitimateForwarding aud Express business, attended to with dispatch.

Principal OtUce.A. P. EVERETT, - - - - Honolulu.124 Montgomery street, San Francisco.

93-- tf


n&Hcrsrriaxi: TVIJTE OF


I XT l!2 ! 9

W. HERRI LL. Jlnnli r,For the month of DECEMBER, I860,

Commencing on Tuesday, the 11th.

tramcr 44gUaufaMLEAVES I'oNOLl'LV Fur Lnhaina, Kalrjioepo, AuAee'

Ixinm.itj, Hunoipu, h'awaihae, K ailua und K calaktkuaevery Tu.-sda- Afternoon, at 4 o'clock.

LEAVES LAHAINA Fur halepulrpit, Mnket's landing,Honuipu, Ktiwmhae, Kaiua and Ktaiiktkua, everyWednesday Morning? at rt o'clock.

LEA V ES LA 11 AIN A F ot Honolulu every Saturday, at 7 PMLEAVES KALKPoLKl'i.i For Makci's Landiny. Honoiiu,

Kawiihne, Kaiua and healakrkua, every Wednesday,at 11 A. M.

LEA VEX KALKPOLKPO For Isihainn and Honolulu, everySaturday, at noon.

LEAVES MAKEK'S LANDING For Honoipu, Kau-aihae- ,

h'aiua and Kenlakekun. every Wednesday, at 1 P. M.LEAVES MAKEE'S LAN PINO For Kalrpolepo, Lahain

and onoww, every Saturday, at 8 A. M.LEAVES HONIUPC For AaicaiA'ie, Kailua and Kralake- -

kua. every Wednesday, at H P. M.LEA VF.S HoNolPI' Tor Maker' Isindimj Kaltpolrpo, 1st

haina and Honolulu, evry Friday, at 6 P. M.LF:AVKS KAWAIHAK t or Kailua and K ealakrkua, every v, at 11 P. M.LEAVES KAWAI1IAE For Honoipu, Makee's Landing,

Kalrpnttpa, Lahnina and H motulu, every Friday, at2 P. M.

LEAVES KAILUA For AauArAua, every Thursday, at 8A. M.

LF:AVF:s KAILUA For Kau-aihae- , Honoipu, Makee'sbinding, kalepolrpo, iMhaina, and Honolulu, every

Thursday, at 6 P. M.LEA V KS K KALAK KK t'A For Kailua. Kawaihae, Honoipu,

Makee's .anding, Knlepolrpo, lihaina and Honolulu,every Thursday, at 1 P. M.

irr The "KALAM.V," Capt. Henry, will connect with theSteamer at Kau-mha- takini; Freight and Passengers round toHilo. liupaMor hoe and Kaupnkara, establishing a KkuilirWkiki.v CosinrxiCATiiiS between those places aud Honolulu.

Ilntos of X" goBetween Honolulu and I.ibaina, either way $ fi

4 ami Mke's !.anilin, either way,.. . 7Honolulu to Honoipu. Kawaihae, Kailua or Kealakekua 10Honoipu, Kawaihae, Kailttai.r Kealakekua to Honolulu H

Honolulu to l.aiipahi-hoe- Kaupakaea or Hilo, mtSteamer and Kalauia 10

Hilo, l.atipahoehoe or Kaupakaea to Honolulu, perSteamer and Kalama, 8

Rfti r Tii'Kits available f..r one month, and not transferable, as :

Between Honolulu and Lahaina $ P

" " Makee's i- o Kawaihae. Kailua or

Kealakekua 1l Iiupah.H-hiM-- Kaupakaea or

Hilo, p r Steamer and Ka-lauia IS

JANIuN, tiRKKN Co,Agent for the Hawaiian St. am Navigalion Ci.i.siny.

Honolulu, Nov. 07, lsc.ii. .t'.-lm


WHALESHIPS,And the Shipping in General.

1 ir 1 31 iY" is iz 1: 1.I1EEF IMChK.I) 111 K. HRI'LL.I1KIMK KEAI.IA, K A I A 1 .

ill burn-I- nfjul b, each, for sale lij the lllider-iciii- l.

The ttrst shipiiienl of the a'Nive fine nrtiele, favorably knownuln a. I) ani'iciR the shipping, h.lsjuit come to hand, mid fn shHiippli.-- ill now regularly arrive. Pur. li au rs will l.n. I to tle irown mil-res- l. xaiiune this liratid buying Newle re, a.we a .up.-rio- arlii al 11 pre e.

von IP. IT Ai HEI i'R,-- 'J -- in Confer Fo-- l an I Men haul Is.

'I lie Im'nI I'lieifiei of'llie Itlood !

II ATjXi'SS11 ran l.n r illn , 1 rllow Hock. 11 ml Iodide of

'.Ml lini Politaa.


(eneral Mere handisc.

TI'i:sDAY. It-- . at IO o'clock, A.M.At Sales K ssn, ill Is- - s.1.1.

Dry l.ooils,V lut lemen'a Slops,



ALl cvr POirriiH !

And a u"iicriI Assoi tmeiit of .Xlerchaiidisc.



11 V

4iliii:ni A: Co.,Ami which isi the Wst Wntion for gt'ncral liusinms inthe town i.f l.iliaina. lVssossiou given Jan. 1, 1S61.

Lahaina, Main, November, Im'iO.


accounts iiiiine.liaL ly with the un.lersigu-.l- , as he intend, leav-ing the Kingdom al an curly date.

J. HARDISTY.Honolulu, Nov. 2fi. Im'sJ. 'ilO-t- t

TilcoiiihN iwoldon NyrupX HK.t I'G I IT. AT THE FAMILY GROC-

ERYO and Feed Store, Fort Street, near Hotel Street.ofi liu A. I. CAKTVTK1UIIT.

Superior Iolsir Oil !X DRAUGHT. AT THE FAMILY GRO.CKRV and Feed Store, Fort Street, near Hotel Street.

iki-l- A. D CART WRIGHT.

Iu re C'itlei !X DIM I'G II T. AT THE FA.M1I.V GROC-ERYCI and Feed Store, Fort Street, near lintel Street.


Collec ! Collee ! !RO ASTED AXD G RO V X I COFFERIRESH on hand at the Family Uroi-er- and F'eed Store,

F. t Strevt, near Hotel Mreet.oati lm A. I). CAIVTWRIOHT.

xVew od fi.llOR SALE AT RETAIL AT THE FAMILYL Orocery an.l Feed Store Fort Street, near IbHol Street.

ilG-li- n A. D. CARTWRIU1IT.

iVe.v IVo, I Itlsiekcrelillt Vll l( A T 12 V?T ft I - t Ml I'VMC KITI L.....l.r t :.v...,.. u,l .a k nit raiuui vnwi-i-i t4. a v v x a. i v.

::i6-li- n A. D. CARTWRIGIIT.

lresli HIsi Isi si It nisi us !flX 1- -4 AXD 1- -2 ROXES, AT THE FAMILY

t.rocery and F'eed Store.old, 1 in A. D. CARTWRIGIIT.

Fresli I-ii-llei !

RDM JOXES MOLOKAI DA1RV AXD171 Holt's Oahu Dairy, at the F'amily Urocerj and Feed Store,Fort Street, uear Hotel Street.

236-l- m A. D. CARTWRIGIIT.

l i esli Corn Ac Wheat MealOR SALE AT RETAIL, AXD IX 25 lb.F sacks, at the Family Grocery aud Feed Store, Fort street.

near Hotel Street.'il8-l- A. D. CARTWRIOHT.

Potatoes, Onions and Turnips !CALIFORNIA "MISSION'"FRESH Onions aud Turnips, just received r FRANCES

PALMER, and for sale at retail or per bag, at tbe Family Gro-cery and Feed Store, Fort Street, near Hotel Street.



which is unsurpassed in quality of Table, furnish-ing, and commodious pleasantness of room, is now

under the superintendence of A. J. McDutTee, whosen capacity as Caterer for the Public in this line is A

sure guarantee of satisfaction to those who may favor thisplace with their patronage.

The stock of Wines and Liquors furnished for this Saloon arethe choicest the market affords. 222-6- m

iYOTICE !COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORETMIE under the name and style of C. P. Sanising k Co.,

expires this day. The business will, in future, be conducted byCiiusiiHoos, one of the late partners, generally known asA boon, to whom all persons indebted to the firm of C. P. Sam-sin- g

k Co., are requested to make payment.C. P. SAMSINQ & CO.

Honolulu, Oct. SI, 1S00.

The undersigned begs to announce to his Friends and thePublic that he will hereafter conduct the business, heretoforeknown as belonging to C. P. Sainsing k Co., solely in his ownname, and for his own account. CHUNGUOON.

Honolulu, Oct. 31, 1S60. 230-l-


Ex "Radiiga," and other Lute Arrivals.DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE,


Howe's Extra Patent Spring Beds,A superior lot of Men's, Boys' and Y'outh'g Oxford Ties,A small lotif Best English Candies,

ALSOA fresh arrival of

Dr. Jayne's Celebrated Medicines.F'or sale bv

226-3- m CASTLE & COOKE.



Canal Barrows,Cart Spokes,

Y ellow .Metal Sheathing,Nests Trunks,

Barrels Salt," fire-pro- of paint.


CHAIN CABLES,3- -1 inch, 7-- S inch, 13-1- 6 inch.

220-- q And n varirly of oilier Mrrebnndia



KnuTisli haiiini Itoaion rrorkrra,Sup. cure.1 lloiton hams , Wafer hrejoi,Iregnn smoked hams. Water crackers.

Mess pork, Butter crackers.Fn-- lard. in 101b tins, Oyster crackers,Kits No. 1 Mackerel. 'Oinger snaps,Kits tongues and sounds, Jenny Lind Cakes,English cheese, small tins, Ioaf sugar.Knglishdairy cheese, 'Crushed sugarFresh coil fish. Brown sugar,No. 1 Carolina rice, China rice.Fresh dried apples, Pearl sago, split peas,Assorted meats and soups, Scotch oalmral,Fri-s- salmon, Arniwroit, venuacilli,Fresh oysters. Maccaroni,Fresh lusters. iAssorteil spices,Fresh clams, j Assorted herbs,S.illa.l cream. French capers,Assorted English fruits, French mustard,Ass-irte- American fruits. ' French olives,Assorted English jams. j French prunes,Assorted American jams, jWhite wine vinegar, English jellies. 'Cider vinegar,-IChocolute-


Assorted American jellies.Assorted English pickles. iCurry powder,Assorted Kughh sauces, jCixyenne peppier,French green Yeast powder,American green tteas. 'Table salt in Nixes,Fresh preen corn. Tal'le salt in jars.Fresh in syrup. ;Talile salt iu bags,Fresh quince in syrup, iSaleratus,Fresh pears in syrup, .Carlsmate soda.Frisih mince pie meat, Cream Tarter,Fn sh preserved ginger. 'Robinson's barley,Fresh apples. ; Robinson's grouts.Fresh aehes, Fresh corn stareh,E'p-s- sardines, 1 tins. Fn-- Island beant,Fresh sardines, 4 tins. lliirnett's flavoring extracts,Fresh Durham mustard, Itlark H'pper,Fn'sh salad oil, Indigo blue,W orc.-sti- sallee. Hath bnek.True lenioti syrup, Polar oil.


'I'HRAXTS lit .litre.Citron, Orange, and Lemon IVfl,

RAISINS in half ami whole Ikhpsi,Kino O.iltnio; Tea, for fitiuilv ms,,tt 1 trllno; Mack TV.i, fur Iii jm iisk.

FLOUR, &C.KKSM MILL H.dl K.I r'nuli liist Maui h'lunr,

(iraliam Klmir,l'rc.--li (rn Meal.


Fo-sa- by S SAV IDGE.j;h :.m Odd Fellow. Hall, Port street

'.Vi.1 I.i.j i&awn .'Muunau



The silo of Sundries, to Class ( nigninent, ftdver-tisc- J

for Tacsilay. the IStb inst., will take rUce


Till RSDA V, ike IO O'Clork, .4. !..At Sales IUin.

EVENING SiLL2S;itunlay Eienlu Dtceinbrr 22d,

At ? o'clock, at Sales Room, will be weld, a flow


Just received ex l .slo.

Real Estate on Merchant streetI'OK SALK !

PREMISES KNOWN AS TIIKMTHE Head," sit.i.'rd on Mereliant .HTs t. tie.ra baek entraitce fnmi Nuu uiu street. The

building is two stones, with a Hue cellar and water from the(roreruiuent all iu first rate order. Title fee simple.

For terms, Ac, apply to.HI A. P. KVr.UKTT



X.VTV lRAXCISCOClothing Emporium!


Are offereil at gr ally reduced prices, in order to cbiee out.r All s having claims against the undersigned Will

please prineut tin m. And all who are indebted to the same willplease make immediate payment, as we shall eoou leave thisKingdom.

ojS o,,, A. S. & M. 8. tlRINHAUM.

Jut received per " Svreji !"0T BOARDS, Choice W.

15 OARS E lected sites.BLOCKS Double and singlM AST IPX IPS x ariuu. siaea.BLACKSMITH'S BELLOWS, Large siae.IRON PlOW S lUusotne's patent.O R I N DSTON F--H M iMSnte.1.WII KKLH ARROWS Painted anil varnished.PAINTED BUCKETS, Usual style.NF.STS TUBS Extra hooped.

For sale byC. BKKWER k CO.,

198-t- f Market W harf.

kkcs, ki:;s.g dgi 5 AND 8 GALLON EMPTeM Hllf keira. suitable for sugar. For sale by


feet long, 1 feet beam, for sale byC. BREWER A CO.,

197-t- f Market Wharf


IVimLK AXD SIXGLE REED, MAN'UMJ factured by 8. D. k II. W . Smith. For sale by

ill-l- q C. BREWER k CO.


197-t- f Market Wharf.

FOR SALE!fAft M X 2 HAVANA SHAPE CI0AR9,.ia F vF In Jierfect order.

ALSO100 Barrel! Eel Hirer Salmon, just received, aud

For alev217-2- m C. DREW Eta. CO.

IROX SPIKES. WIRE. Ar.IROX SPIKES. ASSORTED SIZES,CAST iron wire, do Norway shapes. Jo.t received per

Syren" for sale by C. BREWER CO.,Itf6-- tf Market Wharf.


tree aud Chains. Fur aale bym-l- q C. BREWER k CO.

YELLOW METAL, COMPOSITIO .X ' A I L..(IMt'ASEH YKLLOW M ETA L, aseorted sitet3 J 30 boxes cmnpesitioD nailsj

&0 kegs do do.For sale by C. BREWER k CO.,

197-- tf Market Wha r



196-t- f Market Wharf.

MANILA CORDAGE.d d COILS, assorted sixes, made to order, for saleVF f-- VF by V. BRiW t:K CO.,

197-- tf Market Wharf.

IROX, ic.BOILER AXD SH EET IROX. for sale by

C. BREWER A CO.,196-t- f Market W harf.

RAGS I RAGS I It-- d BALES GUXXY BAGS.O Vf aooO Burlap Bags, per " Kaduga,'

For sale by226-- lq C. BREWER 4 CO.



226-- lq C. BREWER h CO.



Ship Lailders,And other new articles, ex " Radaga,"

For sale by226-- ln C. BREWER k CO.

SHOOKS.d BA RRELS OIL S HOOKS for sale by1-- fJ 9 VT V. BREW ER k CO.,

196-t- f Market W harf.


LIGHT WAGOX IX COMPLETE OR.1 der. also,1 Ox Cart, strongly Ironed throughout. Just received per

" Svren" for sale by C. BREWER CO.,196--tf Market Wharf.


C. BREWER A CO.,197- - tf Market W hart


C. BREWER k CO..197-- tf Market Wharf- -



O KEGS EXTRA POWDER. FORMJvsaleby (ill-lq- ) C. BREWER k CO.


AXD FOR SALE BY B. F. SNOW,2. 1 Holmes' Anchor, 4,130 IfiS.,1 Iron Stock Anchor, 2U4 lbs.,1 li irh Chain Cable,1 1 1 inch Chain Cable,4 Sniooth-U.Uo- Whale Boats,Casks Blacksmiths' Coal. 21S-- tf

DltUGSTOItE!.THE I NDERSIGNED. HAVINGrecrive.1 by the latest arrivals from the I'm tedStates and Europe, a Dew and large aasortmeot ofDrags. Mf-diriac- 4 1 wilrt Artt-rlr- a.

now offer tiietn for aale. Being suppliedfrom the best source, first rate article) will beold at leu price than heretofore.

Physician and others will have Utcir orderpromptly filled at satisfactory prior.

Prescriptions made up accurately and from the best materials,particularly from Thayer's celebrated fluid extract, a great lm.provemetit on Tincture.

M EDICIN E Cil ESTS refilled at the cheapest rates, accordingas voyage ly different countries require.

The following comprise a few of the article contained to theassortment, vn.iAlum, arnica plaster. Kidder's diarrhra and dyseo-- IAnise seed, arvnlc, alcohoi. tcry cunlial.Ant jioison, bay rum, borax, Liquorice, liniaienl, at'd,Balaam-pector- bitters, Mucilage, lip aalva,Castile iap. cream of tartar, 'Nurse l.xtles,Camphor, cherry pectoral. Hi'.s of bercasao and lewioo,Celebrated copahlne, IVwdrr taoies, pills, asst'd.Co.1 liver oil, diamond cement. Sands and Towntend' aarsa- -Extracts of sarsaparilla and gin-


ilTTi-hnin- Sisla,Extract of valerian, Syringes, asst'd, salts.Emery iwder,erasive salts, Toilet .wdcr, to. let aiirron,Flav.iriiig extracts. To.4h-pK'- tweeser.Fluid niagfM-ia- , putu arabic. Thorn's extract, trusse.tiel.uine. Henry, magnesia, teething rings, tooth pi'W Jrrs,llairdves. IbUlnwav'soinlment, v il. assorted.Indelible n arking ink. W hue aud yellow wax.

Also, Direct from Paris,MFRIN'S Cl'LKHHATKI) EXTRA (TR

Comprising 24 different kind.quality JKN M ARIK FARINA COLOONK,

Sandal w.ssl extract, cansbes. jujulie paite,Burnett's c.soanie and .irieulal Usih wash.Orange tree and tortoise shell t.voth-pirk- .,

Toiletl.' .uiis an.l bmshe., infant hair brushc,scurf brushes, (patent.) tricuiihcrous,

Herliui fluid, hair ihIs, assorts.!.COST A RS RAT POISON.

New supply ol

It. It. 1?.Hr'srs .. KurrMdTir jcrwrnr.

TwIh Anwslyne, I'niirrMtl ( g k, KrttrlyA liw -- Grwfenbx-rg Mrdirisioo,

217 m Mi '., IMrrMANN. M P.





I f 2 lUjVrw Cr-a- - z - EkMAii.iL?.v - - -

i - J;i rp w&ikx-- .

i'fja iaiT M at ' A l. .... Xa, ic. Arr at - - - tu: ' --vt . era aii irXJ-w- ir njtem - .r-- .r, t IsjT F ii ..." 3ft 7 sm Jju t i it jct li i :'!. 12. -r' l!aes,lrert

JLi. aa . aW WC jci k f- - Jc' :iu I.t kl b 1 1! ; .'4 I- -r 1 : ' Cii fiwv " rarer if "J it k fMia trtwt. 4 6iUj til-- f ia4llt mmmr irHuo 'OVh.- - ' i !'Mj i Irr i; ii.jbuu. NAa-- rr aVyaa K.T "

r 1T l- - Jt mk, At at ll wmm,? --ri J . C t X IT to rr-.-. A

Aa- -. M- -e Ki-- a . ti k .... J trr at ll jt.j a 11Arcte fh J-- i4.", i V.. 4n ll. ir: . ItJ J U-r'- i I L I, t. ?Aral. il lOU tfrtie 1" 1'J 3Xil- - Arr at U , iiuiJi f'fcr , aj i I.t u H N - ! iixrrn ai I"ciT Mifr v-- n a jw i.. Irrt: ii, . 1 : S ii -- . I r 4

(uirrtbtii.CWk I5 !Are--' " JTv ij .irr . J.V.r ::!r tin fari F aa ll..o's li 1 't lAf'i Arr at ii r a I- -e 4Bra-rao- . Taraer li-- me -- . si l'J iMj irr i: J. .;.u ; .': ! U .. rCaiVao f a3--r l- -- S B ..-- - . 1 II At a: Ii.r, ...-- II . s 1 fr-- II S v. cr.-- -

C.rai . f ; 7S i .'4 Ti i l- -r ll &. li . . i ,r f r. r--

Caa r- - S B tns"ii ! ltji v. lw. irr : U.r, S r : :" J fa U a Ie li : - irr-- . f W.

fmm .Irt-rJL-xr Kst X B .r" T 1j TA T.v irrUl. 'rt ',5; '! Ii'-r- . jr.?. . -- .. 'jr:CntiD Jl B vj jum i4 Ojt irr H.'. 'r--. IT . ' 4 1 b ' f i"'.' r'.CiA--er-- rt . Lat wi X Htt b h-- i i 1W 1 . Arr s I i - - ijrt 1J ; ." J i li --z.. '."--t 4 sr Z

Ca.l.T r;i II r'octl l?i" If ..r. ! i i Arr i H i ,t i . .' i e 1 cr.jtC. W. Mv(u Hbj l- - B li 'vj j --r i jc- - i.j N "! Nvri, rr-- r

IMU.U cnxo ;0 . k .. T' rr:La.:a"S'.-- . i. lil!f ' tCoioet ('Vliv W -- aa ! far- -a .!." J l Arr H o .u v ; 1 i J.r

.?t H je' .... .... fi . --r n H , - a urt 14 . . - ' tCiir "itT - L . .- B plj rl' At i t Lm. -- uct li ; 1 f il-- --rt .4 fjr Z

Carrma l !rk2r ldi' B vrft V .'.J .... T-r- i N t Z

CjTilt-- A iJury 11 ArrU. , - - - - .... Jj s.k Arr l iic--- - JL , . J .,t IT ! C ii. C-- -i

Mnn ty 1S i. .vtj-- i. MM .... 4-- S. Arr u I! fl-;:-- a il : "!Xiiit.. tteCnM . CJe Wix'a i . ...1'a .... 4'j Arr ti ii x.w. a ,.rt l . i, :'.cio:. cr;:!tt.

E. F. Muca . iT 5 B oc,- - 57" .; tTn t,':1'-- : i: i! ! X ,t 13 t:.- - t i.tKcs-f- t Bra 15 ?S L ri.-- i SJ Vr A- -t II t c tIjf

KU&A!b Toci 1C: H i'-- . ....4:u .... Arrfc:?-- - n-- . ; i.'i ' t 14 : crx.4KSkf Vxpa Wi.irtoie V B r!' .... 4j .... "J lr::lit.i.j 1 iEn . Jrrr-- r - ' 5 .... Tj Arr : t:.t 1J : te H c. i'xi ? r S rB,tTtir:- -t B 'jri"U ' 9 1 Arr ; L.-- - N . , : Tni i! r . .r.. er: --r

Bor.p Mntr l0T .).--arf J .... ! A.--r ll t -- .'a J ; i N - '--j ci r & a

latrui . IV-r-r 5iT B Arrt-- c J f 4i 1- - Irf J II w : . 1.1 J cra. ttibia "$CLib !iT t M Vfc"k 3 . - Arr ii s --t j :'S X ii to cr'e X tscf ror-vr-. fcartc 1.T ll c i , .... JW ij rr HJ ol i .': !a li t N- i ; cr't t cfarli .ticn ' r. r-- i Ij. i A i' t

fontM . Fi IwS B .Ait---i ' iw '.'S"j Arr : i a "At 1 ; 5 t.r CC

jVnaee c. ....l.u .... Im 1aO A rr i 1J-- i--a uct a6

Om. rrt Uvula :jr H k i 1 "'....

liir1 B .jc-- -

I'iz ' b .. : .4 :" L ' Vi II

B : . Zjju ....1- -it 'rta irw - X ....ljt Br-- ci Ar-tj- C

iT B .." j ....ft pn, tr Mooter J?3T N 8 fi lA Tv

B K --it ' IT irC. ....GrtwkrBfr; KnVrj liT Kia ;fc ".,

N V .c'k ; JU 1 j

I1tt ijciTt j.-.--li ....

Rkthoo Wtl Isi X B ,.iclk- -j I ...

Euan; -- K!y tjrn r Aretjc 3"J ...liirmc. ttc CVarry liT r II I' TW . ..liarmt XAacesrr ii B ...Ii-- tocrr.bk 5Ty

Itcira Mar . '"jrii li Arrt , 1 ...Hea. KKaad Ky . l?a-- X B 4ri -1 !'

W. twa - Aim liT B Ar r: -- "J ...HtJNmav tir NTS B ei"a ! -- T'AHr-mar- i UcJe liT S B

. '.c. a ...Iok Gvhi tor?f '! r. h A V IV. 5vlmbtBet Torar Iw 5 B ; Arrtic

' ... liu ...!

Arrt.cJ feoa B Mi.'k. : 1' -- --

Hct WT nrr riit IITCr'WaW 144 B r!' j "V. '

.HastiBJ :5T- - H K .1A ; H IT J

j.Jti RkuiI WtrH-r- a X B :' J5 ....J AaVtiJi . Wdlir 1&T JS B hc : ....J: ir B ;rt i JV ju ....Jaim W- - X B K-- t .

" 4Jmw ILommrf X B lrh"(i 12"J V. TVwr Crf la X B K "a If 1- - - -

J. P. r-- ;bjTiakfr liX B .itsV i ia.Corwn 1W fIro j Am ....1C: 10v

B ''rh'V " ...-Lm9caYMrk JrarAn ftl 1T X B !iri ' 1aai ....lva .Invr IxiT X I: -; IjOI'aXi ....

l)i;S U vA"a I -- U?Ai'' '

Xax-.- & i MaiawHirr F II -- ,! -

Xartib rttf CoratU litXB i 4"Ai

Martha XI lly B Arrti' li4 . ...CW-KV- -r IaSTXB I TS ....

JAart twa.-a- n 14T X B tAretici iivilIhrnM SodU fV rual i:.S B i . TiManaTkcTwas C liTX B .Art--

, i 4i Twm. iilawawrf awii liaJy lNx..l ( Vi22iw.

MawaarA ireml B Are- -. 11' t


a: r;J

;m Irr 4 ; il J v f bx otw.'-.i. ne a- - a tail uui aii'l j w I"I- - i rm. ia ; j.i not arr. ' f'"- - d

r-- ; ui r.r I t- -ir e

a.) Arr as "art 14 : T4 J tr & tel with dirt, and I.i- - Irm ClUHered with Tr. ..r.. r...l.l. trua iv.-x- r- - ' I'iii. i i i ai- - -'.

4c.j 'Ml jt 11 X 5: Xo 24 rn..r .V. J".Ar at 22 .l Xo --.! 111 re d- -

JJ liju a: I! xnj.a 'rt y n V. cro. c.. uni, .,-.- 5 iviua cI.lV iUI l'- - li ol'n-- e SU- r- rru.ts Ht. gjrt.iM .ajO. a: 11 ojJala Kt 14 --fd Xc It to i t.- - I ItT I iaoe V) obtain a l.rtiM of .r tl... (..' ..f BravSy

Uahaca 3 1 rWrr ... IMtaccca nlM.I

tfWaxa Tiik.- -r

Moaarswaa wcaaUnarm .AnuM-- y

5tT .EaUa4 H'mpasoJ

'a3 . DuklAUw . termUnaip

. RiTOtti- Cnci-- r Cuciina

namOwa u hjLWm

IhtWK bAt FuwMT

ucwarl .

uw Lvai--f

Fsi9 .It.laflfai:.BA


rw . IbararrFtaurt (OUrm.) Diuaoaa

RafI .'frrwttrytblj . -- JcTB4ja. i:tu ILawrfc.M. T'Jta

E.lwant w,.tK.An 21 !an

ia irrB.Ub lluulSK. Omri Prwthmi witSalatXU IU.-x- i. ( h9r04wrj . f

Oxfanrinr LualXnlia

TaAfrteair WirntwTav9tOt) -Tiwcut Xya IWlry

t"rw Lace

Terser fUilrrTictorta. wi-i-

,- XmrW-n- s

Tiaryari Caswell

wrhift,ieibrif LaM

W XyewiaslHV(Fr) upcri


o ' ti '

H Luau . p-- t man. iLjru. j.KT fjur-- t into tears. r...-'- a

'though old. Hi- - w t..rn, ?rir-- e and 1,-.-- 1 kt t '.u'anv I cuM .Ij

ZifJ Arr Lai. : n. . : 1 Cai. .i!irilim fVrr.iir.v I l Jr!r,.v.r sriw 1 - la.--tITV Hco tan . - S X Z. t , 'V'- - U hr 'k;n fragment j t Cnr.rri-s- . Jo.Arr : . .1 ! A !, i( o.---c. mum. reawt.I.sT r,re : a ir.Arr ; trj-- r move-- view hi ., ..f rlr fra.-- .


. Sorm




Lit: rr;rpi m Ur M Uj U X 1 if..... II . " , ....... .. i' , . , , ,1. . i 1 (ri- - irrnij-.-I.- .it rr.14 -a .in- at U'wJaA N- -r 11 I- -c 11 hem . i,. .cc. ... rJ)1 -.i , n, , warmtii I r it;.4 I., arts o: r.iujs-..- i ana WKe : Spraca.:i.

Iw -- Arr it M Frvo. ',t 3 jthen, Covering his lace With his hands, he sank Ar:l ho-.- I had l and loved that man! Itr-- c.' r. Arr at "t 15 : l n if v r inii I . , .. f ! 1 n:.



.- -





C ?



; ,

1 jri.-- .e a..;

IS4T X B Arcti 1X .... ou at .a.t 20 : X 2i f T X-- w Blf.i ;"

4- - J.i.- - , .- -- I .... . , - , " ...u. . v... . . ,

B 1 2.i,. .vit, sjt 11. --Xj f- c- .y-i'... . itJo.ui..ri:i viciauu-.- , sri- - ; are. m- re than f.of-- 1 I tie Wuuil ;

1A5TX B 'Arrr --At 14-A- Arr at Il'y .u.u .at 2T ; X ii to ct-j- a- k Loce : ing forward. N il " . .v.-- l.d a-- I -- Z i hi- - wif.' -- J

i5 1 15:::: J:2 SSatiLtiSrK.1 iY7,d i :' I,!- -J I -- ting. .ing, true, ani i, fui.Vve. i

Othai Til: S. rAj Art at U,&aiaa cut CI 1 J X 24 t r Cai a-a- t! i.h h-- al nna Ca- -t UJvn Iiie U such I j;, the midst of living death I TruVed more i

I I.1 iljX B ArrC-- e1- - 224? 1C 224

ilrh'k ! lJd' 4rJ14 X L JCh'a i 110 4A ........

B 'Arrue I 5 1 ....14? H ' Amie I ....

Si H ar..t-- a i 11 lia1S4T Eirar 1 Arrue! A--4 J-o . IwjolilTX B ' "5 SvJm .... ?

liX B .jci. j 1vai-jl- a i'JliT Eirar Arctic 2T.JU . ... T'--


ltitF Ii Mctk I 140 X O;X B octal ww T90. SO 3T-- J

.!l B .jch'a !S .... I1

11 Kh'U 112J louMMX rh"A ! ITj Jc-- Oj OX)X B j 5w 1V iw

ny B 'Vha- ' lcJ 21'- .... l'iitx b (Arrtie-'

-- u lTSw' ....ivaS l ch I 6o i

IiT X L ! .Jrb'k j .... 2P;.... ii". X B ',tch"k I 22 ilJ

lvW Br-i- a ; 'Aci."a ... Jti. 4J0I

l- - VJ X B ;vhit to iyj . f..1 Brta i Arctic

iT r n .. ll'XliT N B!AT 44 ;Arrrc. J Vf

iT X B !iich"k 12o ?' Sj 15iT X B trh"k fM .... 2rJ

14 Mjtuc Orhlt i 50 ii l JiI I !

145T X B Orfk ' 2i 11M VJ F 11 i A rrtjc , 22a SJ . . . T

ls F II Jct'k j la'!... 6iui4s: r u lArrr! 230 1 TOO ... "A

Bas .jl.-- k I 1H ...1


! S B ;BEay illM . 120X L Arcrir : 32TM . ajO

IsST X B h'a 2Tu" .illIvlT X B Orh-- i 1 TS0 twI

li X L ihk f TOO

lirj 1I' 13 .... 4i-3

1X B I


liiT X B Orh"a ! 120 24" .V)

Am- - ! . ... luVl ..liT X B Airtii: j 1J3 2cir .. T'3

Ii lUrre Ujch"k! t I I


VTOODOFsrPERIOR QUA LIT V CAN;TT be LaJ t KoL4. at . rr-- ih B- -f at 4c.

prr ! t Sheep, at J ir t.r-a- ana &t at 1 5U a fci. 3A'9o, Fraua aud Trrrtar4es vt arvx. kinds eaa Nr jcarel at tola abwe aamoi purt.

f r W.wl alvar "i harvi at th-- s ha.--h in rair--i-.- to a tr4-c-f .iWJKlifc CIIAIiW AN. a


r.PT.US III' WIIA LEX 1 1 1 IS AX122 a otr-r- arr antilM that krnr. Vx fxjCc- - aach a



I'lHLTRY,Ac, Arr.

Caa aiwmja be at arx-- t notice. ari very (arcrabScat

Waimea. Kauai.A Fvnst t !raa at tin ?urt Bay be bad frccn tb r : H

Ge'eral or tbe rt Kot-s- .

Wasaica. Kaoai. sevteaster.


To Ciiptain ol" Wlialchip. j

THE I'XIJERSHiXED. LATE OK Wr- -'t:njrtMk'a I.ti1. K l"rauai ustc.: at .irArt- - :

aa TCItTLE. Col A N IT?. !. FOWL.Bilttis, ctr, etc., to eachare Ur Tra.1 ur Can.


s.I I 1 I I I I I



mHErVDERIilCXEIl hREtDl Tll FURf , n ...I t t ... r . ....... . .

ry ssrniv artalr, EvfL'A L To THE KlVt I'iP'jKTEli I

SALT. aa4 aa a Ui lirfj i'niartltia 1 F r u.s iapp;y U AMfcL io TO-j- ERV,

H-t- T Salt Wcrka. .


T --V zv 0 1Z l it v :

AXU OFFICERS OFCtARTAIXS cbr tracwsM as .a l i. rectoir-o- sa(pjea am ta-- aharjri Kait Lk4., M.ccaai s;..r-.:A-


01 tw aA aaU ccmt4y pll wa tL ym art.-- at tbeature ef the aoderarani. o.ik Ca!u-b'- , Aufti.4. ru.

tontnj. Oct-- 11. li-'- jjittim Uoll REY RHoi Ej.

The Standard of the AENGLISH LANGUAGE!

WORCESTETa "r--iVEW ILLUSTRATE! QUARTO I1IC-- Illa.'V IIoXERV. nuce than IdCt) .uatratwcta. trj.s

For a:e byf. C. JOXE. Ja .

J jrt for a&..r.OEST FIREWOOD !

ri'T4XTliV OX IIAXO Mid..s IIoLT 4j HEt CK. t

jr.M- Arr i)rt 1

K -- 1 . k - 1 - m L a




. .



; .



Wrcrl in ir? kt ib -t

j tJ"; Arr v: li o :ia 5v 5 : 'i I c 4 to rru- - &

im:l.':r.-- . Jsms i ! cri 1 b.c1 H" Arr a: K-- ci 3 t li ; :"d lcc J t. trj.-- t

'x'" An u II ri-- o t 1 ; .'-- l Itc I -i k t:- -

"0 2T.- irruIlo.aX.f 4: S"trf'.''-rrt.,.'- M

4- - Arr L-- -S li ; a.M - 4 for Ci-tr-t-i ct3" . Arr a: II N .tA Arr a: licsa a ' 1 : X- -x 5 to --n- ff

i-- Arr a: u. a ct 1 ; . J i 3 to era se Su:!i4--i ij Arr at II Xvt 1? ; i'J ! IT to crj

"! Arr a: Ii u.a '- - 1 ; t.'J 1 t CL C--

Cj Arr at 1 j ; .'J c Ii u crs:- --

s Arr . t J. Ira lie N --t --T. crV-- --tihT'X 'jij Arr al tei li ; :" 1 i f ca:i, Arr ms Lci.-- i 1 j : uff rrw Ervif.rJ'ft Arr a: li ija t ; v. ' r ."ai. o-- tTaw :' ArrXa-- r I' . :'4 "ra Ii CT3.r 1. tre

ij'.j."j Arr ai 1! r4a:a 3 : s.'J I - t'j ct.- - V1A 1 Arr at Iji.u. ."rt : ll t.r Z so: lrC

!j ."A; Arr a: X"C: "S ! J trcli Arr ai L-- .: i.t: li ; fc'l N t Call.' r'a C:a.

- o irj Jr on An tr. 1

j'. Arr at II;xj 's - . -- 1 H c N " Z tr Ci! outArr a li i .t i--j ; c i : cri.r & i. t!

Jjt- Arr a; It'-;- a: Ii : " i ctu1 ir.J tA.t at II (At lv : . i I; cr.c v L.Jc.

li." J'. . --Arr s: l.-v-f j t il! jr.i Arr at ll-.-- : i 4 t 15 ; 2.K. mi X h'ffiT a Arr at v : i. 1 12. 11 .;u.u irc u v ctu.j3A Art :ii.3. tl: wJ(.ct J,ljirr'xiD.NZiL.c

-- r. arc rj . 1

i Arr at livt- - -.a ' t : ! X. 5 t- trt & !t4j" Arr at H'r.tiJa X .t s ; ifi L- --c 4 tj cr

a1j Arr at Ilv-!a:- rt IISot Arr at Lai-a.r-- -a r 2' ; X.t 2j r cru:fiij Arr at I: a X.. 4 ; s.'a I c u is r l b--

4-- 4--. Arr At Il-- o. Jfr 14 . J N . 11 ? X lr".'rl c r-- rt

Arr at IfcavJola (t 22. and sa.VrJ rcr Jaj t--r X Z4cjU Arr at lt 4a:a X i ; n'J X 24 u. cruic & trAut

etrat. Arr at llxjotula Xot 1 : ai'J , Sri tucruise6oOj Arr at Lai. Oct 31; at'd, fm Hvo. X 21. X Z fc 1xl

T1- - Arr at Hoor4ara ict 14 ; !M I- -c " t-- r Er-m- rt d.rctArr at t 14 . .'. X t Cal. clljj ..rr at ili; .! I jt J--

.,rr-ar- e t

-- JiAj Arr at Laf.a.ta .."ct : J Xc 12. crui-- at-- i tic- Arr at U!.i.f- - X 6 : fra ll ia

Irr al H MLa it : U. Ur.h cru: Jt

1ai Arr at H.k. 1 . II r oil X'-- IT : !' 1 Ivc 4Arr at Lia.r. Xot T : X-- i 2 r .'a!. c:: Arr at II jr.lula t IT ; N'.f 24 U CI. --


1XO Arr ai Lai Hctl'.: frtr. II xi X r 1. N I Jt hc.T Arr at II xa.a Oct 22 ; -- .'J X-- - II, ctu --c Ac

l2w Arr at Uo-ioi- d Xc 2 ; ."4-- c 5 fvr Mil a.t1 V Arr IS : :! ?L3 I! ,n X .r T f r Ca! r--t

Arr at Lai-in- - a -t .5 ; r--ar l f 15.:U!jias;,.a ll.l Ia. -

Arr at H 1 iu'a r: r:"J X 24 rr:e 4-- h- tr.Arr Lah Oct li ; s.'J fra Ii Nv. i cric ct X Z

5vJ Arr at 1! X-- 11

t ' T 1 L. U aF U ! I C U t-r- .'j T I- -"t:" 1 ::- - V.;. r' "Arr at ll r.; srt 21 1 ..t IT torrjjeArr L.h'ra art 2i ; ." i !m ll.-- X-- . 24 f r Cal. cii:

2i Arr at II jy4uia X.-- 5: 1 X 2-- f- r X 7. tr ca2"c-- Arr at ll.xaia X.. 11 ; .M I'f 1 t ere ? h

Jlj-- j Arr at Lai.a .a X t ; : 1 fta Ilvi la Itc 2

Mi Arr at Hotk ia'a -t 13 ; .1 Oet t-- rn a:.! Vice11 Arr Uh ttct li ; .' 'ro Hon ,r 25 4 h rr.

6"i Arr at Il- Xv :!! I"- -e I rrri.-- e w -t

Arr LTi c; li ; .! fra lioo. Xc IT, cast 4,

srA.aea r--t T.3 l r:s

! Arr ai Laha-r- Tat 5 : fd fra H .1o 23. f.f N Z'cjuo Arr at II .'til-- Oct 13 : s'.'.l Sot 10 to era- h. cT Arr at Lr:r-- oct J ; torniM a:i L xoe

Arr at Lala Sot 5 , tV 1 S iifrNZul kce?4-OtrIl- .tl

1 4X Arr at llc-oiai- i.vt 20S;- - km on .Arct ia A 10 whales

. ''. A- -r at H fi. N it : rj I c 1 f..r Xew lValJ rlArr a: l!o..--'a:-a .ic--t 20

iJiajO Imw1 t H :!a-t 5 : 1M ict ZXtr X Z A f.- trt j

?f Arr a: i.ct 23 : si'J X- t 12 t cruw:





inECS'LElVE TO IVniRM II IS OLDCfHu--n a;,l t.-- Ha'. :n tit t is

tarsi,:-- ! tVta wi:, ti Z"A s:i ar. r r . f ,


in th rrt, ij at i:.e tarWct rrice f th

X. X. A!! t5- r. ar-- th w:'.' t a:t!-i- lwith j

T2 WAILcKt" MILL. EAST M All." mm m rL.,a.n i

ii , as. m- -m mm w w , i

isiPoiiTiiu .vi i" j

C I (i A US! j


Music Teacher ! i



C'lVES LEV-OX- 4 OX THE PIA.XO. SlXC- i-a-- rx-Ki-.

I'ax rarefies-rjtt:r-l- A!I 'r !r -!t at t.V p.- -t rffi-- r.j

a X .. IS. i 5i:f.t!y a:tr..:e.i t .j




riMic i'mikkmcxed hav oieei his" 1 1 :

v V' ; . . V'.- - .7' ' '; ' i

c;-- ti tur A. V. ui.tu 4 1' M--ica JOS O. C A RTEK. Ti C

Butter ! Knttrr !i

THE IMIEKMI1VEI) IIEKE- - jttvjTII 'A3 fjrrr-i-e. -i s.aa:: t ar--

KKALlABTKrttiTraa TtrVUIl j

;. iUr tre taatjd-- . r? rr- - to furai-- h c.a

tnt:y ti.., artM.-- t Jll-L- f, T SJosjMAX k s-j-j

Frt-v- h .Molok.ii Cutter! i

ijrfll MVEIJV DAIRY! .

R'CMlarly rrrritrd SilsW raaalaallr fr ulr by ,

il- - J. stEWAhi. Orr. HXci u.--t.I

Soda Water I'oiuilain !

SOIA WATER FllRKt A rfn-- i,

l. r. 1a4. t j.i wt tt l"r--- 'Svw- -. crr.-- r I! e! a l F rt stc j.


ntRIIEK'i I'll AIR-LATE- LY IMPORTED 'tr mi Sa4i ir.-- ia i. sMI -- II. Nr .


.iitLKX. r. r i.l ru:-e- jr Lja -- ., :aca; tc.-.- y t y a f- -r; :..- - ITjw. ,l k: t.JoNAiilAN s. oliEr.N".

Twlii.4 ur.-4.-. scrr.i: it ':.. ... s. ; t lju. li: ad impi: 1

fXKIN' I'l SII'S. FORCE I'fMI'j.. r i v

i c. i.M n i ii .

THE PACIFICCommercial Advertiser.

Tlr Ms hi JkUrr Chrwtiaai.

j tr.t u tj & tn-ri- . 1 : r U.--t tear. It a.i! rc rv-- h us ut.l Jkiuvrj-- . oj we ri

i it f.r j jt'..CA:.a tj-J- ij. .V. 1'. t'snr. ir Ji;.! 'Tv i r. .: Vr Ct rT.:i, :! ttrruct li. tcsc,

TV ? t- r.' cr.j r ;-

-. - . wu iti J t'.rr.; TV-- t : i - t n r

M ' . t c a; i Lje Lc.- -

I n i t.: i .--. r. cues?- - ca.

A1 Ntx7 iu ri-- r ?xr r-r- .c ii;v

: I f- - c r.r J lt L.:ur"j I lr raL 1. . a' T . r-- 'r ' . cr-- A ii.rv w : L- - l: Lr-i-.

I je LL-- i.ii--t Lie rrTT-- l vJcAr'j ?i.

' jr Lit . -- jc foJ ;li.Tr'i - wi if jrar.If Lue lr rxct, ..; SraT,

f r '. :..: tA i rrr d '--J is to i.

1 a Ej- - c-- i: t.m U.'. Lit

' N ri. 1-- ; i liE o..--,! Ai Cu:.i. hi Cr-r- . ii (. mV ttt u.t,

-- r i.--.

o i.u ft,ra.-- err- - r o( u.- -t t ; Vj cj tw.

A -- i 't; & ii.i srcl - :r

r i': j ; Li tf.rr. rz I t Itvr?

X j fxt.! a-.- -; u.-- ?

lir tTi'j tii u-- e to ; st r j.-- .x. Uica.Ar.1 t Uti f j. Lalf f. :ird u:i.II cr.-i.- i V.. ae-- i lAe a.--f il Lj fairli otf i rrjr.He trr- -a fcr a f rt.-:.--:.: cr j.A1 "rarl cn i-- c:a uit as ll sr.w.Bit c:.; thc;r ic.'i :a iits; cf lci?.,Azl dr .L i.. watc.'i !r c L s a.:ct4: lt-'ati- i

Ii fr.t cf taci. i Mtxj -- acb lUe t;'yMi?t ;t r.i rrt he :f':xn - .4 Umt m: cf i"j.rI on u.1 c.ubty, p.ii.;, iler l.'.'.x e'..

.: a -. ti eje Lto 1 ;.y.r car lrii.S n rav to I h.l t.x.-..r.i-f t- iirra.1.

lie c. la'i Uit wot t;r..-L:w- to wcri,j Ar-- J iycl a.". :irr rr?: tr rs a7rlc.i AaJ a.! d.rrr:: s wi..:-- : I ti t r

i H t iii-L- l L j cv: : frjCj hj c!.r ar.j TVri, ia Lj rr ie -- U! Jxip a wLitn-- ,

! A:.l Ji.i iii.rl JT a if pricks! I y aj Bat ti.? V jcaj: eicla rt-- i tr Lc crcv- - .ji of .iLt.i Tiry -- .: ty r..0-t- : 5ci s:?'.!

Down Hill A True Life Picture.Not lor tine I Lad ox-a?i-

. n to vjVit one of ourj Court.", un-- i while corivrrsinr with a l frit-r.i-

I I i th-- ; naii.e . f John Aii'l-.-r- - n44 'lh-.r-- i is a har-- i cu-.-,- " r- - ruarkol u;v IricnJ.

I I l'jk'-i- i uj.jn the man in th- - jI f u-..-j i..iir... .. .1 I . ? ...C!. . V.. .

ni.,i j f.c.i v j i.ic u iui

: that my tongue w;stioJ at onee.I lheti he ."..iTed his fac- aMin.

i my comjini-.- u trie j ris- - ner r.acii couns-.!-. Jl- - sitiU no. 1 t'H.J hna t-- d a.J ia! power for the fellow's --enctt. and I would

ay him. He promi--d- . and I I Could n--

j remain and e thai nan tri- - d : tear came to myyes as I I.-k.-- uj-j- i. him. and it was not ur.t;I I

latd gair.e'J the Street, ar.l Walke-- J distancethat I chilli Ir.-at- h fr-e!- y.

i J .hn Ariders-.- ! Al.vs ! he wa to lci known as his mother's sjn. That was n-- t hisreal but you shall know him by n-- j other.

: I will call him by the naOii t!iat st-n- ds uj.n thereo .rl c f ii.-.- - court.

j i n .ii.ierxn was my an-- i it w.i3laanv Years u2T j not c.-.- twentv that w.

left oar au.demv ; he to return j thej If Aa- - of wc-al:- .'


y jarents I to sit down for a fewi I 1 -

sin tne uiagy Kasictu-a- i .. a i.e'Asjaper zi.j ana ineii wanaer oa acpis- - me a wasgjr.e four years. a:;u wh n I returnvl Il.uni J din a married man. His father ad and bad h-- his oiily n af rineely f- rtune.

44 An i. U ." he ;i!d to me as he met m atthe railroad station, 44 you siiali s.e what a birdI have. cag-.-- l. My Elieii is a lark, a j rincf-- ? ofall lirJs that ewr looked or sang swerrt- -

He was enthusiasrie, but not mistaken ; f.-- r If jur.-- i his wife all that he had sai 1 simply omit-ting the f...-try-

. And sj too so lovingan i kind. Ay.?, she so that she r.allyloVe-- J all his friends. What a lucky fellow tofind such a wife, and w hat a lucky Woman to findsuch a husband. John Anderson was as hand- -sme as she tall, straight, manly, high browed.with rich chestnut earls, and a taee as fan' tlesc'vnoble and as artist ever c-'- t ioi. Andhe was good, too ; and kind, and true.

1 .... 1. .. . V .1 ! f 1 Mi sj-n- i a w.-- m laeui. a:ia 1 :iaj y anthe while. J jhn's moth-- r lived with ti.eiii. a fine

j old Udy, as ever lived, and making hcr-e- ;: cn- -stant joy by doting on her 44 darling l....y,"as shealways culled him. I cave her an amount of myadventures by sea and land, in foreign c times',and she kiss-.-- i me. Wau-.- ? I loved her darling.

I did not r-- -e John again for four years. Ihis house in the evening. He was not

ju ; hut hi wile ac l m :n.-- r we re r ri."-r.- . and two cuny-h-ad- ci.I. ys w.-r-

a!...ut Kib-n'- s chair. I knew at once they weremy friend's c!iildr-n- . Everythingant until the little ? were in and a.--h-

and then I Coull S..-- that Eii-.-- n Was troubled.he trl-.-- i to hide it, but a f.ce so us-- l to the sun- -

i ..1 1 I 3snine ui sm.i-.-- s o.un not a Cioua.At length John c;m- -. His face wa.s fiu-h- od

and his 1 ..ked intlataeJ. lie grasj-- l mvhand with a happy hiugh, called me - old

oil d..g." said I must come and live withhim. and n.anv other estrtva-j-.- t things. Hiswife tri-- d to iii !e her tears, while his mothersi.. k her h.-a-- i ar.d s;id :

Ile'.l i.i- - wild oats jua ; my darling cannev-.-- r b--? a liad man."

i 1 it." I thought to my.-I- ; and Ikn.-- that the mmi trtyer was u-- .i Ei!-n- 's lijs.

It was late uhe;i ue retired, and we mlht t.C--t

have done - even then, had n Z John fallena-- ! in his j

1 'a the foli-- . wing laornin I walk- -I out withmy :n-r- . l. I sat i t was s rry t e nun a--1 saw j

hixa the r.igh:- ih." said he. w it'r. a i:n:gh. 4,oh. that wa-- :

n.. thing ,.n!v a little wii,e rr'v. We had agl rioi.- time. I w h you had there." !

At Cr- -t 1 t I w .uid sty ii. ni .re, butwas it n- - n.y duy? I knew his n iturethan he kn-.- it himself. I knew how kind anlgei..-r..- a he wa. a ht.-- '. to-- kind. t- -

44 o.uid you hae --- Ellen's la--tevening y..u would hae trembk-i- . Can y.umake her unh:tpT-V?-

il -- toj pJ me" with. 44 H n't bo a fool Whyshe br unhapy?"

I- -. j.U5e .!.' f-.-ir- v .ii are i.-tc- i ha'l '"I him.

Hll she ay he asked, with a 2ashe--J i

larr.44 No. I re-a-d it in h-.- r i - k-- ." I tid.44 Perhaps a ju f y .ur own thought--,-"

he sugg-stc-- J.44 1 tll when hola-.,-Sar-.-l- ught j YoU Came

Irili-j.-"Ne-.- - r .in I f .rg- t th- - 1 - .k h sravf me then,

s- - f oil ' r j r - .f. of sisrj ri.--.--. of j m in.44 C . 1 forgive Vou. f. r I know vra to


r;.l ; h-i- t i that. Ig : wn r.i.i . 1 ..i aii'.w cann-- - r i know mv own Tjw r. and I kn-.--

iny wants. My m ti er kn..-- i.'.e than j

"E.l-- n 1

Ah '. had tiiat m th- - r ! n a ic- - a- - -- r e wa j

v iiig. : v ali hae ti. it th - a 11 1 oats" i

whi..h her n was would gr. w up andri j - to fori -h f r r .wi:g Iiit sh- - i

luvr-- I Lira luved Lid il..: t:-- j w-l- i, :r I .


liut I culi sit Thj more 1 '.t Traye-- J that :

him. - jr t rr-r- T't. i Ttr-n-

T;.r ru-.r- fw?-ii- . Curir. Ki-Iv-

Ar.-i-r- - :t wrjts w iu- - i.: or. . j t:. .i.tii.anjvffi.-.-- r : tat a: tLr cr-- cf :ht tiaf his

two wLcl I iTiin fjnttd ii hi?tiv vvrn. It wi '.riv in tLt ::rrri h;..h I

1 Lai oishri ti.j ..-i 'Aiil !..wr.!n la ;

fr ,f th- - ;. .:-- !. v.;i I sw a .-r! rr .x 'I

t--i th- - .i.ri h s- -. tj- -

Mr,. r.

a ffiiL: ir j i: J -- f : :' it v.--

iftf?" I vv-tur- -j.

X..." h- - s.ii. i- - his n .:i'.-.r,"- " r. i ci; L--r

1.-'- u.t this h- - turn-.-- i ; V a: a jrr.:IrraanLvr?.k".i.:i it I'n--

--.1 up zY.k thera-.'- .

; v he 1 with a --;

--'I'll vvu kn.w; Ar. irr-- n?i

" If-- ? Wij JiiV ch .--. .illitrr ITi Ij-j-

fri-.- l ia v..u::..'" I t- - Ii hiLL;.

Hr thvn ir's M-r- . ar.j r.k-- r f I! i5I'.--. r Jhn ' He wa? the rri ie i f the town

. I i . T F. i . . . - . . . I 1 . I.'.w;a- - rut

J hn T ; a:ur.v t.l t:.t:i.the sav-je- t

the v. ur,-- i th--; .t vf the Tiirtv. i. rail f r n -- rlv ail .! th us. 'Ih-.-- a he

ari t-- j U.vtn hi.l. at tin.-- , truefrier.-- ! have j rs hi a t- . tut his

a were .. f sh-.r- : 'iar-ti:-- c. A ?h- r: f

saaahiae w.juli uj-.-- n h's ar.J thvathe r iht cau- - i;i".re d--rk an i dreanr aij he wouIJ l- - v-- .t t irunk aain. but stilihe Foui 1 tase a vr c f wine wi; rimd !

That z'a.--s f win was hut the gate that let iath f. Ls Years aj j he was w . rth sixty thou-sand dollars.

h- - the sura f :v dol-lars to i j his iii- - tiirT's funeral

ra.'tiier up as l.n a sh-- r culd. hesaw her s.-- her darllcr as she alwayscall-ri- i h:ra brought drunk many tim.And he ev.-- bre LI-jw- fr-- . ia him ! llatnowshe rv-n-s. Ilc--r cLirling" wore h- - r life away, andbrought h'-- r jrey hairs in tj the grave!Oh ! I In. this l.inj."

Iiat his?- - 1 d.

Hrr heavenly 1 ve was held up thus far, cutshe is only the shadow of the wife she was sixyears ago."" he returned.

My informant wasu-.-erl- affevted, and so wasI ; I ask..---l no more. i

I luring the remain der cf the afternoon I dc!a:-te- d

with myself whether to call u.-.-- n John at ail.But finally" I to gj. thou-z- I wait-- l tillafter tea." I found John and his wife alone.TLev had l?u w-- r ing, though i e i

at a glalK-- e t.hat Kii-n- "s face was breathing with j

j noT-- e anl liuto.i : slie wi-- cnang-- ii rt!iifuliy . They w.-r- g'.a-- to se-- ? me, and my


hand was warmly. :

j - De:tr 4" . don't say a w. r 4 of the fast." i

; John urg.-l- , shaking my ha:, i a ;! i time, !;

j I know you spoke the truth tie years ago. I ;

: was goiiiir down hiii. But I hae g ne as lr as1 en :.ere 1 stop at ti.e f.t. Kvc-rythin-g is I

gone but my wife. I have sw-.r- and my oath .

siili : kept Kilca and I are g ing to be haj jy J


! thar I ev- -r travirl that HAI w.juld hold hiin ur- lead him back to ttie top ofi j.i.i.

Ia the laoriiifi I saw the children zfown toI tWo intelli'el.t anu though t!)'-- l .kedhal, W:.n. Ve : th v smil-.-- and .i haf jywhen their fath-.- r k.s..--d them. When I went

! away, Jha t.-j- k li.e by ;he hand and the last j

Words h-- f said w.-r- : I

i ' Trust me. v? ie now. I will be a j

j man henceforth, while life la-i-- ."''

j A little over tWj y.-a- had pis-- d when I d ;

i in a the of Eli-.- AndT.-"- n. Irte-- l f.r t: wn wi:-r- thev i.a-- livt-- J. as n

thinking I mi 'ht heir s .me one !

j j j....-ss.-.- my m.i.d !

Where is John Ar.dc-rs.- was mv frstjue-tio- n.

' D .n't know. He's b.-- g ne threem.-nth- . His wife dic--i in the mad house lastWe..k."

44 Anl e chi!ir. n?""oh, th-- y ), .::. di.. b- -f .re she did."

I sm-re- d Uick and hurri- -i from t'ae laee.I hardly knew which way I went, but instinctled me to the church yard I f.ur.d fur graves,which hai male in three, . Theino'.h. r, wife, and tw chii Jr-- n sl-p- t in thtui.

An 1 what has d n- this ?" I asked myself.And a Voice answer --J frota their Lw.-- rentingr iacy-- s :

The demon of the wine-tab!..'- ."

But this was not ail the w..rk. No ! no ! The' neit I saw oh. G-rl- . was far more terrible ! Isaw it ia the city court-r-oi- n. But it was the

j last."I I saw my legal friend n the day f theI trial. He sail John Anders n w;cs in prison. Ij

ha-ten-ed to s him. The turnkey c. .tidu.-t'-i- i meit) his cell. The key turned in the large lock,the d with creakf.nder-u- or a sharp swurgUj:, its hing-- s. and I saw a d..-a-- l bdy d-

j .y t:.e n.-c- from a grating window"! I 'l ..k- -j e-- i u'p.n the horrible fa-x-- ; I s-- e nothing ofJ,.,hn Anders- - n there, but the face I hud in

j the court-r.- m w;ts si.ff :U nt to connect the,i I knew t;.,.u thL-- was all that remained of

i him whom I had s-- l..ved.i And this was the hc--t the w .rk tbe

1 .. . :., .1 . v v, ..... ... .

gj arkk-- ot the re-- i wine it had i.i n d wn. down,,:jWr, 1 until the f,t of the hill had been Cnallv

When I turned away fr m the cell and ono:wai'.-- l am ng tr;e M.c-io- sa...ns ana

rev- -i ha 1 jri'-....i rr .r n.r v f.:. T..urer r.

thunder the life story of which I had Un-- n a vit-m--r-

into the ears of all living m.-- !


s THE I " X l E K 1 f X E n IIASOI'EV- -I It. -- la Col FEE '. UEFi.UMEXT S A - N .j Vfft.'. '3a. F r-:. : - i F-- :' V I!

r.- re i e w

re i t .

lj-- v- --: Oyc-- r Mew- - r t'hocelrttr r - 1 ita t,:.ts t. j.-- ,r k . W . L' ' l. E.


tc cr: .w r.-:- . ,r u. :.. t.,,.r,i- tr.!

rr every -- m c.!..,r..-.-r!..---- .

.:.! s:---- ?. :l" l aTi ?u. -- . v- - :a-

:. r t..r.-r- .t i c-- .ar.uare f :.

r, ' re vr.1.


T s -- n ti. Pea.-- i l: jj : W r... '- - r, c-- . y :i;..ti t.; a.r a: :!r i. : rite. A Ka- -

i' . .n cci.:,:;- s.t. i - rr i a:: -. V. IL'.'.'V. KIc llAt:'.- - ar

JiT-C- Vi--- : :r :- -

flour: flour:THE HAWAllAX FLOl'R CO.'S1lllM tr.e

iii:st i Tin: .tiakkiit:- :: :. tJ.rJ a.-r-i f r hy

A. I". EV FUETT. Ar-r- :.


Ifauaiian Flar (o.' Dak cry.II A XT A XT FOR SALE BYOX j..... i.i a. r e Ei;t A.-r- -

DUCK !I'lLfiT IHTK.5 --i:a V r. 1

. a i .x-- F

r a ! ri". I I.EV,K:; ,v c


s- -e fT sterttl.- - r A tr ' rSl'f.n. l II..

4 'l . 4 .

-- - -

Larirost Stock in Town.

-- C1 N.




IX PtRriHKI) A fiRElTM'.M.ITAV ; ''.rr -i2 ? At :zt fckt:i




Ieecl Store !FORT St. NEAR HOTEL St.

SI BCRIBER WOI LD R lPKCTTMIF. ::.f- .. l. sal ic:-:- :ythat "- r- iatcn! krj..ri ia r.i'. r..--- w.t h-- t FEKD basw.a rirK rUss FAMIliV oK 'CKciV sT"Kt. ani wocil refprtt- -

its :c trt f.C-.w:- ; :

Cruh-- ! 'if:ir, S-- i- t itL. af

rr, ir. j:s j ts an i .i,x . cir - rs. Io x ui.i s. u;-- .

LATtrr K'i;t.. j r 2 Uij fr- -i

ox. 4f :. Jo ai 'r kr.Krsi Liri. j IN. nr. X x-ors.

CU. ve. ah- it a..'. i jriaaa,,r".v' ' A.Uj-;..-r- . u

Mi.n ,ry in j - ; it,.L.J--:-r- . 2 ;i.. --ac-,yy i ! .CUir.. 'J u s.ii cj ci. ::i j ?.

2 i ). Ia. ircara-r-.

Ciii. kn. 2 : jc Wfcii.- :Lr T::.jir, in p.rit.MiiCarv:. I J. il o . tloa.j.

U.. , S'arv crarliUC!:f- rr..a c:a?ri. i t--. ' ;: a- -. l j t. :.:.

.anitl. ia t r.s. 14 tinur-- cjr.t. in 2 ir.. tr. i. ja.s it i jt;:.c-- ,

L.. I ar,i 2 ; Car.ei ctrvr.--.rari-.- a rcr. lj 1 frl.X-- w 1 c'.-.-- ) jEr.eiitrj fra.. currarj-- j ia 14 ib tics.

s-- -- v. s;j. rfcrjrun;.r..'-- v. t

r a ta. o. T ar.J lb roxe,s..i CTrim in qaarv.

Ne E.xlJ tr..d.!:.- !r--l c:.!:riowr.-- .It ! i r..:.Sir!ir;r-s- . j aril j t.

.i.r:ri.-.-- -r rar.,I'"r ;r u.T.:j a- -: i. ca t-- n.


Ea.i Maui .Mill Co. Flour.Fresh coramcal, in 25 lb. sacks,

Do oatmeal, do do.Do buckwheat rlour, '2o ic 10 lb. sacks,D hominy, in 10 lb. sacks,Do rice rlour, do do,Do farina, do do,Do California Bodega potatoes,Do Kawaihae do.

Kxpectetl per "Comet!"Cal. Onl liny. Cal. O.H- -.

C'nl. Ii iriry. Cn!. lurnip..Cal. Oniun- -.

CD li a ii d,C.000 lbs. Island beans.Chile Bayos beans, wheat.Shorts, corn, ba'el native hav,Bran, etc., wto., etc.aa A 1'. CAUTWRTGirr.


Undersigned, tin Bond.)4 f CASES VERV sn'KRIOR IIOXEV- -

lc- 'j.rv-- r lirai-.r.- .h-r- r .4 'r-.- :ri-- i - c ck f jrr H:.t.---- . j - rs-!- y k.)

J. i . Mart.. t ra ly. I

2J W...r- - ?r.55 Lr: rs ,r ja.4.: hi-T- ,

U half I arr - wl.:rv.IT Co-,- W. Wi,!,;ir.-- ! L r'.r a . .- -' .rt:,!y.11 r: '. .h nn 1 1 qr. l'i:.c-t- (.'ast-Ilur- j 4 CV-.'-

10 irx--- a.- - h.4. .n ra.'r. j urr J .i. j. ,' ran..

s .jSirtrr ars-- T ti.-.l- ,ri-- i P. R:vi-.r- r I raiily.

Malt Liq.itfrt. in lgrr, duly paid.2i" ! J. JrTr--T Jt Co. iV,- K. I'., hya- -' - -5 J. W. hV; ,z't - -

oc - I:ya ar. 1 V t. !.,rs farter.2 rac J'iu-e- D 4r ' cli..rr;-r.- .

2?3 - c: -r.

2 ' a t'r. c i: i -. ;I" M 1 ' ..13'.:.:;:ri. i ! r

Cuai'-- wi:-.- n--! . ',.1 rc

li-- s t- rt ,vc. LOWEST MARKET RATES :

;i-- -) J. r. SPALI I.nvj.


SEVER DEBILITATES.IT ll romponnrtrd entirely from Garni, aolrejii.-- aa eLc.Hau iact, a Hvir Ji. a

ar. 1 apr-TT-- J by ali ua: U-- f tv-- i it ir.ij s . r- -a.x-.-el to ii, J i.. i cjeaiea fcr cut :la r.v-r.- '- ie-i- . CS

It ts e li:sanl S 'wVi'-- i ti 'j two yeanwirj ta-- i r-e- aU . rl re. r naajercua

1 " d.ja m'.i&t be viaorjct aT"-- :e.rerArrr.t of 09.t.-r it. aoi &- -. jc) tj is jcA c.-

- .; ea aa ua:; -y o lr. haw a. t

Lei ti ccxm of yyir' rrnx: era n JijofiLIVERlV H .VICUKATOR,ad!twCt- - LlTtr Com- - U plalntJ, Lililoa At-tacks. JOyapepala, JJ C hronic Ularrttoea. !

Hammer Com - M plalnta, Oyaente-r- y,

ErropiJ-- , Soar --tomath.IUIiitcalCwtlrrntii, Choi- - Ic. Cholera, ( hole-raIor- lo,

Cholera b Infantum, Flata-lene- e, Female Weaknesse-s). ar.1 may be uael roe-- i iceaa'tiy as aa Ordina-ry Family Meal- - CS cine. It u care SICKHEADACHE, (u ry rjocsaaia caa :..'-.- ) Intwtntf mlnntei.lf P two or three Tea- -spoonfuls are talk- -, r ert at crrr-.ecce-e- ot cf

Ail who use It are their teauaccyta .--. aTor.


Price One Dollar per Bottle.ALSO.


CATHARTIC PILLS,coid or ed Facst

Pare Vearetable Extracts, and pat ap titGLASS CASES, Air Tight, and wUl keepIn any climate.

Tie Family Ca- -' t hartle PILI, li a ren-te tret aecre Carrs JJ2 rra e-rl m praeoe ojrei ,j Iran twecte yar.

Tie eccjcaat.r ; i--J CraatJ Trr. ta whobael.Dciae4-i- e PILLsj J a&i tie sasafar-ac-o wiieaa..ei;r-.ire.-arl!.5C- ie:r ase, has ae4 a a ioaWets wtcnrti to reaes nf aU. I

T a w-- .l Aaow j iat illOrest Cathartica actCO -- ret r,nwrjU via, r"l r:wa- -

Tie FAMILY CA- - THARTIC PILLua wi re -i euus aoi ua weu esuCaSKa frota a' f--S t.---.t of tie pareat Ts.ia-:- e Erjvna winch ae 5 . ei pa--- n of daartnary eaal. ani are H good aid aafe ui i eaa--wher-- a Caiia.--e ta. CJ tececl. ajra aa Ie- -ran (r,e me n ta . Siomseli. Mt.-- . uc- K . oa t afc aoa uinl,fottlrenti,, PilnlH and Soreness owsrthe whole sodr, s2 Zrxnl a:-:e- teal, waiea

fr--O iSUT. if - 4 j 1 er4 m a ; rwx .er Loss of Appe -- JJ t Ite. a C reepl nt ea- -

..iranoiioin owei t--i tbelxwty."' i,1'"!1 '""' JZl "H weight I., the heid.IJI.ease.. Worms aChildren or Ad;. I.' sS Hhramatlsm. a rreatPartner cfti Blinda r. t-- ' vy Vj rcecaJo ia - "Tr r iar.eet. Oo.r. ltnlPRICE THREE DIMES.Th Liver Inrlcnratnr and Kamilwth artle HI 11a are retaiXl ty tiaJ.j, aawa .wa.e ty tie Trade m aU the Lc--v K,wia.

S. T. W. SAX FOUL. 1- - I..Broadway. Xew Yorat.

S- - I by th eTerrwher. ari hyPARK Ac WITITE, Soe Ajr tve Pa, Coati 132 vraeior.frtca Stret, Baa









32000 No. 2 Manila CigamTwist tn-- i c-- l""4-'- ' arra

the ill th-- r liiarkvt.

AL'.Fine Manila Cigars of older wdatcs.


F1RK TKmuF EMIMKILM.Uf-war-l- of

300.000 Yards.PKINTS, COTTONS, and Ml'SLIN'S.









tii ISnl4 Gxxwwy I3is.OX SALE AT


Very superior large size '






50 Piiaa i)resses,Just ianded.



About 4,000PAIRS BOOTS 8c SHOES,

Assorted women's and children's.

ALsOA great variety of



HATS! HATS!! HATS!!!A great variety

AT J. T. WATERHOUSE'Sfire rax-- r emp-.kiu- i.



R- -il ail overHOnsKix enc;lisii saddles.

rJ" 11 QUICK!Whol.vsiile Custom-T- S arrlv'

. the undersigned; for CHEAP RAROAINS



Ship .llastei's iV AgentsriAO 'llIF; LARGE AM) CHOICE STOC K

W ty t:,e LATE ARRIVALS fr ia Orfr I .iteviof

Beef. Flour, Pork.Pilot. ay and Medium Bread,

.Cordage, Duck, Shooks,j W II A ICEBOATS,j Paints, Oils, Turpentine,

Tar, Pitch,YELLOW METAL SN EATHIXC.Boat Boards. Oars, Pine iieaJiiii,

j PIlESEIiVES.Vegetables, bleats. Fruits.

; And !t sreat variety of other nece-ari- e.

i--'- -1 FOR SIlII's.


:--V r i eel. j. r r.,rc - .;,.-;..-. ,:e J. C. Si'AL: is.;


rtl K s. WIaSLO AV,


mix- - --"- 7 rac.-- - 13 c' vth-rf- tr k.I( ti. .-

aU rr,a,-i-,-at- AZg. PAIN aaj icxita&d aSURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS

Ia?J cra iv :i t t ret lo wk'tm. ajRELIEF AND HEALTH TO YCL'R INFANTS.

W. pet ? ant 4 lis MTiei, fc, ,T.T Wo rr, vl CAWAT, IN" CXrVFTL'ESCE AND TRTTTH rf it -- tat M. v..'.:. a nr ofcT r j.--IV- Kl HAS IT FAILED IN A

BIN GUt INSTaNCE. TO EFFECT A CCRE, ntl fm..yffrwrnr dai - fa.-- - u cf i m: xraet. a t y Ob li a:: ar. --- J, it, ratifa trrra uf eocirjvriaSiv; of :u inr.-a-l ,fK acj mt:;W, teak 2 aj Eauer - WHAT WE I") K VOW," afWr ua TM'

rp.-- -.. avx pi.EriE oca f.epttat:o- - r.-- tks fuuFliiMENT Or WHAT WE HERE I.ECLAP.E. Ia a;:,! .a -"- - U iriaiLt J aij.r: frca pajs acl . -- .

ta Sorsal ia iUa cr t.:y eim aUr th yrx aoan.aj.Tia a;ua prt.i. s ta pr rrrjiiio sf cee of li. IX.aM SKIliy UL a N.w Eijazi aavi r. b- -w

wad w th MTES Fa:UVG SrCCESS ia

THOUSANDS OF CASES.It:t r:.T. ti th.'M fnei "eavjr tala. bel rari-..rv- . i.sad a a-- arj r vac and o., to i. M

I turn aat;:; -- :: GrUpr.V.J rV THE B0WEL5.a'D WTVE) OOLiC, aad rrr-r- f rxrs . . rj, if a. ared-.- i

.od ia 4a. W. r... . BE?T AVDSC11EST RtVET T IN THE.

ra aJ m c' r TEVTTP.T AVD IMAil-FlK'X- A

l.V CHnX.p.EV. .:.Mr :l ari-- . fr.ea c.- - j, fr yW. oci a7 l .Try raoct.r who --jm . ti-.- cAratraarj ic; of Ih. fcefo r eocrj'ra IO N'OT LET TOCR FRE- -jcd:cxs, a tke FRZjrt-rcx- of others, vt-- o

yae ea4 Jtw .-- i r" .1. . i r.r' thai ill b. S L REABSOLCTEX-- SL'EE- -a fclt.w ti. ea. ef tia --nlei, if tja:y

U draetca fce car; J! each boci.., No.faacis. tm th. rs o' CCHTIS A PEEaU V5, N.w Tort, mli. a it -- ;. ! It urocjioct ti. marli 13 Cedar Street, K- - TPA It la A. WHITE, sol acistsro tbi pc;r:c CoaT,132 Waaaiiur.011 San Francisccv Cal

Book and Job Printins.

Commercial bbcrtiscr


T AfcLUUM t.ST .a r rCy Uj its rr. 'w h! iM,L--- " IMf&KD OjMClXATi'ixHtlXT IX'i mKws. carf K '.'-r--f"" tNorl it,prr rir, Jr.i-t-3 J taiJiJ .".- aay kirnl. tt Kturn tg.


.; h cxa ww v- - 1 in a Kj 14 atmrpfttM

cit a;l rm-i- j. 1:.-- f n f- ard At VowrT

iiatiV . t it a traacu ra.;wrwrtiMia IK oo-aa-

Tb o?!'.-- r i ? f E--l with oi of ti --rttar

! t:i xe.u-- i t- - m.'Utfl a.:a..rXjKi r4 aa-at- auC

both tfar Irr.i-r- ri u live Jt(M Aatbaaad't.i dcr.. tijrr.r t j.t Lrr stj Marci. U, z'--a c.irso-txi- l t0' atrly fuc.: :t t. awl c BariM tfjeir artiu to

taaV jf aI our t!yrr t.T ti tofcirmaboo' cf li to.fT"' f' Japan.

F rai-- j fn..jtfrl w.-.- i oca cf

Adam4, Imperial Book Prfssfs,o wtich Jut Hv-ftr- i IUumin:t4 Pkttruu

Bible u atl wticn m rapalwr cf th tontr. kryjwn. Ia t.i InKarf'jar ttu.on w are prrparrd

u f iwrul a.1 w llb avay tx tftrrtd. ia Hawaiian, Eag.Int. T y

iaj-.r-- ti kywcK trrou.F- -r ail oc.Vrr Iii!1j 'f wcrk. tTl.rary ani ertraordaiarr.

from lii ma;t drvr.t"f U.r-'-A v. .b e.: "aunt, uu. ,1pndiort thai may taaal !rn ti. 4i U u FonairSxe. w LATe tf rct atl ect c of Pniit-i- ij

ciit,r.., cer cfcTtU :o ttl ti feat work.w r (,irjd r jL-r-- - ia tii Pac;c ucr-aa- .

T j r brrf. w hare rrorLt:y aii-1- . at cdraU nmwerer tfty iariet.-- rjrw tyf- - to already extrcaire evlrt.tiacc ax--i a Ury I Urn ao4 fy w!.ir:.r, rnui-t--a

as-- l cfjrr carl a:i nt ifr. r.h cbax cap,bJi-fj-- i. fcrtv-- r a&i Cvb- -r r;r, of ail .e aud cctiri. !arra.-x-l auian. aid are tha at tr aVrurat rx.c arid catte l.rtt trn. to j.r.t.1 t aca ersrytiCjEj ttat Buy hwatiieil. wartfir

aLI-REs- CAP.r ?.BLalXlse CaRI'?.



alltiox h:?ter..fcl rlXl-i- KieTKRS,

C.AR"H PTrTtl'.S.-- HI Y aM ScH'V'NEil PCTERS,



To Purchasers of Stationery.

fAIE lI)ERICEn II AS RECEIVEDM. fcy wrTrrrst irr.iin. tr f aj. r.itKrr.t of Scalioo.

ery. l.e w.uil rrs,fci'y rali attiniti .n:Setts f.:; anrt c 1 t H cri ami fat parT welrLt,

6 Heir?. EniB:eiJ vajJTTK aCil colon,A ;..rriil ef rc-.- raiao cc4n,

V.. . ai-- i a. ir:. wira 4 wic!Hjt lorai,Tra tc-e- a -- i. cvt-r- variety, biak-- ca- - arxi wallet! ofls-- z r k- -. sUi ts. !! ':M jr.1 firrlr,UkU arjj orW cap II:r. PWU iea-li- . atate- pcrjcila,

Wt-- r fir. silJ? wax. eTrral rarktin,j 1.2 i n pa:-- r hocij-- i ar.1 fat aoj ru-U.--

arjil tarr-.a- fc;;l iaf-e- r. rurrt,1.1 ar,l white U..-C- jc? V ixrr. LrUr ciij. il. pilt 4 UarJ,

c. earti'-- Jpr ao-- 1 r :ax.k rrccipl bookt,Leral cap ;iprr, l.--- ., rrvd catrrklara,Koi raJ T.n c:'rr.l.rawit - several t:r.J. N.r:al !

Lrttr cof yisi bocks. wkl hoxp.Ick. tea. bi-a- . r.-- t. cartci., Tc; pi-r- r all ccIdtj,

c and irj.i-i.ti- -r. Itysicurj' .:Urt Itsu.S:-- -! petJ. irjc'a.Lrr Htr.t'i, Paic.t ink arJ rual irraMrt,

H n.. Vt:a. iji.K. Xr. Pvt ni'nai-r-. a ramrty,T"i. aiil Bartiarl" ce firs. Sioroecw ciar ci,ca:. i... ani a iarv-- ran- - u.r:.r- -i La' 5. l

ety ri( new :yri, Markicc Gi,Brl:f4 boarrl. trrrj rarwly, -- , a rrrat raj-sec- 4 cfHy Uk. ctacj iirub,Wafrrs. fancy arjd c!raon. Cirro ls jicteJ,IVtj3ir. a preat rcty, Fta: c tyiit bn aiiea,

JW ccVts. SL f l.fra.Cs c.athiru.tical ic'tratrrrats. Nautical ahraivaca. ISoO-- l.It&tj 4r haouicvi eraser. Thorax sxvrs U ranric anea,Rel rr. IltI jl rabc.r taolf t.r BlinjLir.-- arl cEf twj--- f. jar.-r- .

Irory k.:?jrr ttuc. Soi.l 4-- cecal wafrr ftasJ,IbirjCMl lawyer's .'. V 1A tnatebs and UmltS.

sIeiirfkl steel pla:e blark arl eacrtpe,Co; pvr aril ITT i'. . cn. '. r r i tr.t,

f- B:a?.o. e4a trays arJ bcxes,rV lTv.i a&l f Us srrew u p tuiala,F.-- t t--

U a&l irop t p . r ari. s.a:re arii concave,1 i i:ir -i till t rcf. do,;- s r:r.t jr. ti' ..;.r. r--c? aaJ bltk rx:! wax,I2i. tEJu:"5 ey4t-.- r r act eyJts,Iu.ert:u-:- brnh. sheets crk-- fpT.

Arl a larr trf artk-.e-s o. de. rumrtnr. to mnDer-oa- stf. t..r:i-rurAr-.i- fiT-- 3 II.



AC sa;-- !y ar y I tr.e k. .:. w.i, Aaier.-a- a ajil EU.iirh flrarl rr.Acj r.- -s at k w- -r than tLy can r procured frany xh--- r eittwr ia Ca! t Xcw Ycrfc. Nitrribrrswiii receire u-- f ca tL arriTii i4 each marl frvaitr:e I StAte. ial f r in a4rary-r- . Tbe ft'llowriigprkre-- " o.r-- r O.e ArrricaB ai-- 1 Er.tiah pwtates onth Ml.Tr abCTi-!ivn- i fiiiitl a.'iroc-- r ta aJtrc.XI

maOazixhs.Per oaaaa.

H .rj-- r'f M.ri:y Mapulae. $ MA:.-:- iC Mocaa.y - - - --


i - y ' La.ys 44 - 400l !at-i-: of FaKkl. - - - --

Hu.-:"s40060UMafaiine, - - --

ri ". " a r r ! . . . r: T .... iOiEoec-t.i- r 6 CO

Lrttel's Lier--r Apr, 'weei!T' .... 700'? .Virujo?, rttirir'h) -- 00

s:.! the 4 Br-.:;- i vTiarxrlies.-iir

laUttfLhe4 1 r: -- 1. yir-tfr- a s, : uo

EXI..I.ISH NEWsPAPEES.Legion I..iir-..te-a Xe S. (Weekly ) - - - SHOO

l"ct.:r.c M .! El:tkn the: I lrt.) - csoo

44 launch, 'yteily) - newis(4;c;i. - ..... lc uo

The F.acii:ieT. ...... 13 WFVil's Lj :a Ur..U n. HOD

li.r: M k!y Tin:--- . - 10 IW

Li J .i"s V . .;- - Sr.f:i-- , ... lowl'rtih 4 ta: I ... 700

AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS.Xc w Y.t liertci i. k.v , .... $5 00

" -- ' 4"irr:!u:.e. - - - -" Tv---i. - ... 4 W

1.V-t- I"u-:r:i- -i; Nri.j r. i 00Ilurj-r- ", Wte.iY, ...... i 00

Sat. I .trH . . li 00r-- 00A:-- . C...:". r..;a, --



toor r r1 "i. r J. urr..-.l- . . - . --

N.A wi

k I:. U : ... 4lWia Sr. rrtui.c I'.:, ) - t 00

New .r.i . ..... 4 00

Sti:i Lit. 4 00The "N-i- t ;..t i r.- -. the 4 r!ri!ih ani American

J. r..'.,o?.l ar! a il! he at.-lie- j t) nuLfcril-er- hereat tr,-- r;! :.:.e,-- l t.. ich pen Allt'ie alx' are

y vr.. .a.-4--, rtrii n; trse I rit"l htaus, arl

t1 -- i c.r; a j J.o,:. "ie uri..-r-v:'- mil uru rly ur;iA.. jv.--

. r i;. : v. l.l whoiuay ijesirs

!- thr a - rr. f. :.. w,r 'T' rnn n!aTS 1 l.a-- eu t're in t kcS Hi... I :

St. I a- Kr;.'j? : j, N. Y. lol.'.-r- ,

1- - ;.e J . N.Y. C, n:ury,1 ,- ,-

- " r IV J .llri.a1,Viriry F . r. r .r!.r',N. v ri-;-. I''...' n rajrrr,V.w .Ti. .:-- W:s, ..

A:.--i rai v i .Nr. t .- to ;'r:fy.- :f H. m. WH1TXEY

NEW SCHOGIi BOOKSWIIOX4s I'ROlF.llS. lt. 2J. 3d-4- ls

KEAl-- U5. T: i a w an I -l-- r seHets .f chvl Alt . j.J lK.n-c- i .!!.! w,U le recX'irtul:.rtly.


Srv.:hN li-.- r t-- .- S--

:..r aii Key.,t Ue

ui ii. m. wiirrNET.

Fnprr axitl ionrry,1UST PER LITE ARRIVALS,

j: y wrtcr.-- jvr. o rr- - ns.i.g uverr.i titi ji;r.-- s

1:-- a tii;c t'.ue cx -t.

a.. - :;er j .si r.ic , . -.

''!t ! ::t r i- i rr t- - rTr.-i- i a.Y.4:;ii r- : .t:i u. r -r.

1 i.t - a.,.iKci jc:: i a j .; - r.

A l.t1.XV mv. !..-- .-. . r .u nt. ! ::. r. :t:..J r4e sUo. cf a!! colorajJ tiun'Ttir- -

IT Ail orJer- - u;.nil. at ss I .w a ttrare a ran re hafl intin ro..r,.-t- . A.fy t. Ii. M. WHITAEV.


.AI'rwit. z

Sci, ..jI'r- - i- - 'SI'SioeIv.'ry-j.jv- IVu-.l- .

T:'..tB xi t ri.i a;-,- .,

Ar:.M- - l' . :.e.Cjri-ii:,- rs lUctanj lic i. IVri. ;.?s.

F. r l.v'ia 1!. M. WHITNEL

WiiHiiaU Boats !

t.l l.ll HI Svr.i-.".-n- f.r le''FJ 1 . .KI. t a a "1 -- rf. .

n T3 ua r TSTSfcmi! isi pit km i:

Manckl Enoss vs. X

H1TISI rfSi 7?; t3 fif.1 B- - 33 2 jq I'M

'amim (k JU--

THE PACiriCCouimcreial Advertiser.

In Admiral! y.W. Sow I.E.


Allex, Cnttr Jistice. This is a libel f.r a marinetrespass, r v.i:x " e lecnnicai language of ad-miralty called a cause of damage, brought by the libel-iant for cert lin rn and" injuries alleged by him tohave te-e-n inflicted by the lilellee.

The lil alleges that liMUnt is a native of theV'estern Isles ; that being at New Bedford, in Ameri-ca, in NocmJr, 1.j7, h shipped as cabin boy ontear J of the Mmtrml, Nathaniel W.S.wle master ; thatsoon sailing the said Sowle attempts I t. commit.jkrLiny ujorj hitn, which he resisted; thatupon the arrival of the ship on the coast of California,te rn away frt.m lier ; that bein at Lah.ain a. islandof Maui, the s .i I Sowl? caused him to I brought barken board the aid ship, in which he sailed again on acruise to the North, during which the siid Sowl- - suc-ceeded by threats and hi physical power in committingthe crime of sodomy ; that on arriving at Honolulu fromthat cruise Iibell ant again deserted 1'roni theand ecped on board of the iVromo, in which he saiiedVt N ingfai in Japan, where he was again retaken bySowle aiid forcibly carried back on board the Mmtrfii,and wtr.t North, for another cruise, during which hewas again compiled by Sowle to submit to his unnatu-ral embraced and desires.

Protesting against the jurisdiction of the Court, ananwr is filed which denies the material allegation otwrong and injury to hi person, and the case proceed- -

to trial, subsequently to which the Consul of the L'nitedStates files a protest against the jurisdiction of theCourt, Ur the following caue :

1st. Libeliant and libellee are citiwes of the UnitedStates, and the vessel, under command of the Utter, isowned ly citizens of the Unitel States, an I bears theflag of that country.

god-- That the alleged causes of action, if any therebe. arose on sail vessel. and while on the high wis. ai. lbeyond the jurisdiction of his Hawaiian Majesty'sCourts.

o-- lu.if u nas not oeen usual tor i ourls otin caei of this kind, and under these i ircurnstan- -

ts, to entertain jurisdiction without the ronent of theRepresentative of tlie f. reign Gove.nment to which thepirties belong ; and that iu this c.ise n nuchh is bn zivtn ; on the the uuid Consul Ii ihi en bv the Iiiplotnatic liepresent itive ofthe United States accredit.! near t:ie Court of his Ha-waiian M.ijrsfy, to respectfully enter a protest aginstt'i- - l.'oort taking jurisdiction in the case.

4th. That by the Twenty-fir- st Article of the TreiryU tween his Hawaiian Mj"ty anl his Imperial Ma-

jesty the Emperor of France, rjtifte'l on ttie iIjthlS-5- it is provided that Consul shall h vc

the txJivticr chsrpc of the internal ord-- r on lO.ird oft.i - merchant veaeU of their nation, al the raid cou-sti!- s

are abiim autliorize-- l to take cognizance of al.climes, misdemeanors, and other matters of d:jfyrrcin re'ation to said internal ordr, which may superveneUtwren the master, the officers and crew, and thej i l.clil authorities are not to inrcrfcre unle;- - ly ttieaj.jri.val or consent of the consuls.

5th. That by fi e parity clause of the Treatythe I'nited States and this iof eminent, the citizi-n- s ofthe United Ma! are entitle-- I to the same advantagesa are iven to the citizens of Fraucu by virtue of theTreaty with tha: Kinpire.

We have given the csiuscs of tlie rrtest our i:iotnnd careful consideration. This was due to the

ilisiing'ii-he- J source from which it emanated, as well asto important principles which it involves, and the riglitsof the p.irtie-- .

I'arsuu-'- . nu eminent American jurist, iu his wurk onMaritime Law. !il vol., p. iti'-i-, says : It Mtnn to bewell e'tiel, after oine controversy, that an admiraltycourt h full jari.sdiction over feints be tween foreigners,if the subject matter of the controver-- y is of a iiiaritimcnature. It is however a question of discretion in any

and the court will not take cognizance of the cause,if justice would be n well done by remitting the par'iesto their home forum." He further says that " It is ineases of seamen's wnges that the pjwer of the court ismoat fteijuently invoke, and it is well settled that cog-

nizance of a suit will be taken when justice demandsthat it iH"ui l be done, as when the voyage is broken upat a port of this country, or th- - seaman is compelled todesert on account of cruel treatment, or is entitled tobe discharged on account of a deviation. ' I will a Jvertt some of the authorities referred to by the learnedauthor, as well as to some otheis. In the case of Tay-o-r

vs. Carry 1, 20 Howard's Kep. Oil, the learnelChief Ju.-tk- -e of the Supreme Court of the United statessays : It is true, that it is not in every case obligatorynpon our courts of admiralty t enforce it (a li-- inthe case of foreign ihip9, nn 1 the riht or duty of do-

ing so m Ktmetimes regulateil with particular nationsly treaty. Bat a a general rule, where tber? is notreaty regulation, and no law of Congress to the con-

trary, the admiralty courts have always enforced thelit--n "where it was given by the law of the State or na-

tion to which the vessel ! lunged. In this respect theadmiralty courts act as international courts, and eufjr ethe lien upon principles of comity. There may be. andstnetinics Lave been, cases in which the court, underspecial circumstances, baa refuel to interfere betweenthe foreign seaman an J ship owner ; but that is alwaysa question of sound judicial discretion, and d-- s nota!f;ct the jurisdiction of the court." In Ellison vs.Shin Bcliona, Bee 11- -, tlie Court say that, Courtsof admiralty have a general juris liction in cauv-s- , civiland maritime. The f sexmens' wage-- i eo'i.eswithin the description of causes ; and this jurisdictionh k b-- vn uniformly exeruis 1 by me, as reg rds f.r-eim- rs

generally." In l'ugh vs. tiillau. 1 Calif. 4"-- .

where the plaintiff was a British subject, ship; ed ontime, an I was discharge.! by the master Some days

th time expireil. beause the vessel was alxjut tos til cn a long voyage . it ra held that he could sue inour courts, though the ve-s- el and captain were Kng'.i-- h.

In the cae of Iivn vs. Le-h- e, Aobott's Ad. Be. lol.the Court say : That the foreign lilted ant is regardedas not ent tied to invoke the iwer of the curt as m it-t- rr

of absolute right ; yei where the court is sain-fie-

that justice requires its interposition in his fivor, thosepowers may be. ami will be exercised in his behalf."The authorities, both English and Arneriran. fullyvu-ta- in the doctrine of the power cf the Admiraltyfurt to entertain suits between foreigners ; while, .t

the same time, its exercise is discretionary wi:h theCourt. If it is a case of special nece;ty to prevent afailure of justice, the duty is imposed toecercise the

The Courtenay," Elw.A dm:r. by K. 2 .'..The " Wilheim Frederic." 1 Hozg Admiralty U. B

Willendson vs. The " Torvmet." I IVter's Admir-.It-

R. 1. In the "Jerusalem." '1 Gall. K-- 11. li.eAuroi ." 1 Wheat. n In the cast of hr.svn vs

Llbltan. I Cower.. .l. whic'.i was an a-- ti. n by a f"im inagint master, both f rfigner. f.-- r asmir and bat-

tery, o.mmitfe.l on sMp loard, ti.e Surreme ''ourt o:

the Srate of New Vol k su-- t ii:el the j iri-- . Ectw n. Theysay, our courts may take txguiz-inc- of torts eoinir.ii-te- d

on the hiah sea on board a fbieign ve-- st I ; but i npnnc;pie of omity. as we'd as to prevent the rr jitciitar. I stri.-u- s injuries that vvuul i rcsiiit. they h ive evreised a found in eii'crt-iiniti-g jui is-l'- ti- - n ort)., aorordiirg f circuniitancts."

In the case ot the Bark II tvann a." it a;.p arc 1 thehip was owned bv a British snbjett. living in St. John,

New BrunswVk. an I a cremtor t l:;s who was a!so ajBritish subject and residing in the same place. u- j

ted a suit agv.ns: him iu the Courts of r:, j

an 1 attached the vessel, then lying in the poit of B- u- j

ton. and afterwards recovered judgment and out j

an execufion. by virtue of whicli the ve-s- cl s.- - .

and purcha-e-- J by the execution creditor ; whereupon j

the master libelled the vessel for his wag-s- . by virtue,of the Statute of IT and 1 Vict uia. which a ben .

t. a master on lis ship, for hi wages; and Ju Ige .

SpraTue. eminent ul of loiigexpericiie' in Admiralty, j

r.'.'.d ik it the !istrirt Court m .v. but is bound to i

txcrci-- e juris lictioii inforif a British ?utj-c- t lin-- t '

a Briti-- h vessel. and that the lien so t;ive:i may e

enfjrc" l iu the Admiralty. ourts of the Lnite l Stat.vol. I.iw Reporter l"o T h; le.iri.e-- Jul'e alls,;

lht while the court will exervl--e f r thepurposes of just'ce. it will dj so the m-.r-

.bjeeti.n is made by the Consul of the nre i..,.y i !

itioii to whichthe vessel llons. i hi is the ru.e vy wiucii tins;Court intends to b? governe.1. For the purj.- .- s of ;

j'l-ti- o? and to preveut its failure, we deem it . n imper- -

ativedu'yto ex rcise jurl-licti- on between f rei4t!"r,repon-ibl- e and Ubcrious though that duty may j

of deep regret to the Court to l.lit is a! wars a m irterimpe!!e.l by thc-- e coni Jeruions to entert a?n j in-d-.- c-


tion. when the representative of the country to winch,the party belongs protests against it. la the ord.nry j

cases which an luMween master and seamen ot thesame nation, very little difficul-- is likely ari-- e. but j

when ther dtTcr in nationality, the questkn of comityis more d'iOicu'--t to decide, fjr the representatives t f tuedifferent nations may entertain eitftrent op:ni. n. anJmake tvlverse rennests. and we tinst then devi b? the

i t t i.z ri'.itiirf i

uuestion whether or nor in pui-s-.- j- - 4

the exercise of the jurisdiction. But the libel now under con siderat ion contains alltga ions of such peculiarr. . iniii-- T. not Iiiore destruct- -

ive to the hedth than to the moal that to tleny j

it m.;.ir-.tin- would be. as we should regird it, adereliction ordaty to the Lws of .he sea. as well as to

the laws of nations and of nature.Is there a necessity in this case to jurisdic-

tion to prevent a failure of justice U is not contends I

that the powers of the Consul are idcjuve for reJre-- s.

Then the only remedy is to appeal to the home forum,or to the Courts of this country. If we decline juris-diction the only remedy is to folio? the ve-- el to its.Wmrmn whl-- h is a distant coartry after cruisingwe know not how Ion?, or in what teas and nu I i

defenceless the youth arrives at thi home port or thevessel and seeks redretM in tlie couts. with what pro-

bable success would he seek for his wituesses ? T hosewho have been examine", are from different countriesand different races, and many have already been dis-

charged from the vessel, and knoahrjras we do the cus-

tom and uige of shipping and dw.h irging men in

tie voyis of several year diati.-n- . and of thet'r.,--,- . . t...,n I' ..,;,: . - e"'tld it U- - S l

impos-ibilit- y ever to procure the testimony at hetribunal, nt least without an Amount of expa nse

homei r. I l i

lor th a this libeliant Could never command, nn 1 theiit would t in an entire failure of justice. To

remit him, young ami p-- or as he undoabtediy is, wouldbe dee lanng that he must do what we think w.,uM Leiuir,s.-il.'- e. if not crueliy absurd. It would b--; a virtu-al denial of justice. The contir.gifncies are too numer-ous to make th- - propositl.ti rea nable. een if he Ladwealth to prosecute the suit. The deteu iant is masterof a whaleship ; when he intends to retur.i t hiscju:i-tr- y

doe not appear. Mauy of the material witnes-e- sior the lilielUnt have len arid enteied theservice of other shiiKj ; ethers may do the same beforetie- - r.iij, leicnes name. lieu Woui-- l ttiere t.-- j anyM.naoie proi.abilitv that the hi-to- ry ot tue tr iCtlotlcuiiM be proveJ ?

I'ars-.n- s say, : If ju-tic- e would as we'd le done byemitting the pirtii-- s to the.r b'jiue forum," it is Lot

incumbent to exerc:.s the juris liction. We do not feedit our duty to exercise the jui at all - iuases even of this character ; but only i:i ti-e- s where

from tlie j lace of ti e trui; action in these distant sea-- .

from the a'm'.t entire impossibility of procuring tuetestimony, and then iif.t without an expense tar beyendthe ability of seamen, there woul 1 be an utter failure ofjustice, if we declined the jurisdiction. Our s.tualionis insular and fir removed from the great marts of com-merce and navigation, of the Atlantic side of the UnitedSt-ite- s an 1 Europe. Caes the of theservice are a-e- nt from home the

and heir crews are con-- case orstantlv chan; :nj


so that not eu- -tire new are at t'ne i.orts cf the

f.r the a.. n to t'.e, with s

ul ition to be at the ofis true at the ports these lhe







tlieships wha'.ing request representative

Usuaily tnre-- rnment libeliant exhibityears, sometimes linger. such ueculiar hard-hi- n. iniasiice. iniurv.

iin'resjuently almostcrews fchif-ne- ditiereul

rac-.tic- , nort!jt-r-

discharged place shipment,emphatically islands.

tip-ih- is

ma-te- rataman uii domiciled It would lxs--u the r.f thp

strange in 8j1u of thoe ca-e-s t.'urt should feel iiaa Consul, any other accredited agentjudicial ent- - ernment in country, held the

It exercise, fa Court must original over theneces. ity Lot of or w.ll, but sitrn yxi nutter, or it hold at all, tlie

The visit these are foreign consul confer juris- -most nation, shou.d we upon court Hay

do our duty these person, in accordance with theprinciples usages which govern Courts of

the great maritime Slates, would not thoseSi-ii- have right by the law of to declarethi we hive recognized your

have received you into of nations,have pi iced your Sovereign on an quality with theSovereigns ot other and we have right to de-

mand of you nn exercise of judicial power andwhich sh save our citizens and subjects wli may

visit your Kingdom, from failure of justice This isthe view we entertain of our judici-- l duty.

It will be seen how ditTerent ur situation is from thatof ports on the Atlantic, either of Europe or America.Th re parties can be remitted to home forum with

ca:e, few days or few weeks onlyspent in making the voyage. But from this King-

dom to auy of those fKrts several months must pass erethe vessels their home iorts, and in the case of

sometimes years transpire.that America!, and

will iuvestig .tionof this at present greater

number of ships whici visit have those posses-sions t-- r their destination.

have reasoned thus on general

af-ons-. The Consul United States infirst objection to exercise saysthat parties American citizens and ship andowners American. The declaration that libeliant isan American is traverse!, swears that bornat Western is Azores,under d.rniii of Kingdom L'ortuiial,Portuguese parents residin on said idaud, thatnever been in States space





Frenchetiioi-c- e








fjreu' order,


is ,







and andnn 1 they npply anin ot

intercourse nndpersons f r:ght

, to cation wherehart protection " f their Thejuri-d- i tion f courts them is com; lete, exce;whfti bv

Judgr say. ise Klosk-ge- tAMtt's 4uS. respect, inleel,

courts show greaterthese courts Britain,

irre-pecti- ve be-

halfwhilst Eng!i-- h shallprocured thefurther that this

courts United 1 ju-risdiction irily exercised voyage isterminated. parties belong different

country noat this Court.

Court exer- -cise jurisJicti.-- there istive I O

i Justice Minor. WallaceC Y!ien ibes


withoutt.ov thev reouire

1 j a



likelyraise a, it iu

favor on suchKob.

appeared under protest, stating suitj consent R w

e of by

a of duty rtain Lushington thutjuris-lictiou- . is discr-tion- . governed j possess jurisdiction sub-b- y

a iegd could none f .rduty. who islands or minister never

of and and to j diction a British


a nations toGovernment, independ-

ence, family wei

nations, ajurisdic-

tion, U

a r

comparative a a willI














Bloomer," Mass., IS-3'J- ,

Judge Sprague usual courselibel foreign to

clerk to inform Governmentof suit, that

tice as thinks proj-er- .

in case, courtagainst foreign

for-- !Government the country where belonged.'

Curtis, ot Court otoverruled a an consul

court, in herean citizen, had been hired

registered withfrom Jago back to

port the Thedischarged Boston. action

audtiled the

We hope the the and j forth that vessel British vessel compossessions in the l'acific aff rd some relief to the uiander " thatexercise jurisdiction, but the


e far theof Admiralty jurisdiction, the control of treatystipul the his

the the jurisdiction,the arc the

thelie he was

St. Geoo'T, one thethe the of;

he hasUnited except for the



consul,tore-ig- n




Kepreseuta- -



strong circumstancesvessel,


voyage vessel,master, Boston

States. voyage

Consul jurisdiction,Courts

me uam.ageiu- - stioii official and conduct British functiou- -

iu British which respon

It from that Courts willinsist,

will entertain jurisdiction,to

unless fromparties is suit

uidess acquiesces desiresexercise ot jurisdiction. cases is appa

allegations libel that Consulto party

five in ntiis, is a citizen of United States, j been necessary to approval orIt is admitted deteii'lant sent, or when it is mauitestly necessary to prevent .tive those islands, an failure this that would

that Consul in making this declaration only evitable reasons aire .dy given. If allegationsto sny that on an libel true, contract hiring is dissolved

imHirt tl to him rights and privileges ot citizen- - wrongful master. Shouldship. The Consul further declares whatever have an opportunity seeking redress before au

cause: action may it arose on sa. l vessel. Admiralty or should put onhile and l.eyoud the jurisdiction j res-el at risk of being subjected to same inhu-hi- s

Majesty's Coui and 21st wrongs and many months more ? Is it aTreaty with is cognizable inour ; and UsUil .' it more imperative claimsthat lights and privileges ; jurisdiction than any other hich present-sai- d

to France also grauted United e,jt there is alleged wrong and injury unredrese-State- s.

parity clause their Treaty with j e, aud to same andKingdom. j injury future r illustration, it may well

The Article French Treaty referred very to reverse case. ane'e-.- r in terms declaring that laws Ter- - youth on board Portuguese vessel, and filed

shall obtain matter police jjttl making the same allegations, and Court shouldi oi lading discharging vessel, s fe- - j we hear your case, you seek your

merchandise, property and goods. This is merely remedy at home forum, which is Portugal ; there-declarato- ry

principle acknowledged every where. fure aboard your although sub-B-ut

Coiiul with internal order on jeeted to repetition same disgusting life, andboard, au shall take cognizance crimes, inisde- - when you arrive in Portugl, rnnyless and friendless,meaiiors, ni.d other matters difference to I you your there. The responsibilitysaid iiiternal order, contending exercising jurisdiction rests finally uponexclusively or Hawaiian subjects, and local It must that Courts wouldauth-riti- shall t unless approval prefer to avoid responsibility labor, if

consent Consul, or in cases where pub.ic could patties to their home forum, thereis C.u any mguage tins a reasonable probability that fully

tide clearer than that already Used? Iu and presented there, and that accused party wouldsimple terms it means this, that loCul laws sh.dl ; left with facilities perpetrate again same

in police f mid acts as tho.--e complainedlading and discharging vessels. ; j it an imperative judi-- a

any difficulty occurs between captain, efiicers j cn duty to entertain jurisdiction, therefore thecrew, in to internal order of protest ConsulConsul shall take cogniz unle-- s their conduct

peace If article referred Mam el K.nos vs. N order on high sea, could breach The following is judgment :

there di-tu- rb 'er public peice and trau-- I Boukrtson, JtTHt. evidence inm an Port Islands? Before support allegations in libel is very lengthy,

date Treaty, juris liction crimes and much it which renders inexpe.-- he hish excl isively to country dient us to recipitulate brietly. iu giving a

veel and under whose ig must But it is ne-sdli- -l;

when within jurisdiction another that we hou! so. testimony is quite.ountry. crimes or : fresh in reeollecti n who heard and U

enf-rcin- " discipline ..nd coirniiible has len referred detail and commented upon inCourt- - that country, and accused could fullest manner counsel on both sides,

e tried in any juris li tion, utile- - Treaty ' who have argued with gieat ability. T

Treaty we yielded jurisdiction timony having been in form of depositions,to this extent, jurisdiction crimes n.-- i presence court, have had

marine torts advantage watching demeanorcommitted high sea as wed ass.m.t . t r i ' t at. ' t hiuji 3 ki i , ani v uiui I'au

for..correctness: of this c instruction we

a d .ubt. were it it will seriou-l- y

that and and lifensiveembrae-es- , made capt on fo.-I-he

purpose or is designed to promote'litem d order l ; and were Consul con-

versant with testimory in such un-

natural iiffcnccs. would probably taketo any matters difference in

relation to internal order vessel. thtn.itis a onncct. I having no relation toth ru il order of e--- I . it will ti t come within

purview stipulation French Treaty,hatever Co tion m iv be extent of

Itin other e-'-t

is ii 1 th itservice on Arrvricaii shii

foreigners whoAmerican citizc..s.

If is .t does b.l o.v th it so uith-i- n

purvi w t f this Treaty. This n-.- t

and intuit Treaty. The language is th it con-

tending must exclusively or Hawa.i-i.- n

S tint if a ma-t- er eomtnitte 1 aon a Hiwa.ian iu attempting to

th iurisdiction of Couit w.. suriendere 1, m

i:ied or curtailcl, it remains same asTreaty nn But if coiistru ;t.oii of Unit

St lie Consul obtains, 11 ins who ship on ah veel Lee.,m u' jvt of France, an 1 tiieref-r-

th provision ..f a'y which contemplates thatthere m iv French jeot-- and Hawaiian subj.xts in

service of same ves-e- l, an impossibility, American ves-- el OMryU-l- y i American. Il'thi

is nt i uction given Am.-iL-i- tos. ipm-ii- t, of which wc lefruin from giving nn opini n.tins hi-r- prerogative citizenship in given

o: France or Uvvs King ;

mere su ipnient on ve-- s and therefore ,

lieitv nrist ! according to tortus. It,w is intended that if Frenchniau ' aII iA iiiin in a I'r.-nc- port Hiwaiiiu mi terin t i it Hawaii should l--

j vt nc t. Cotis al in country ; neither!i- - it tint if a H.awiiiin shoul 1 be

a Fi ea in in any j.rt this King ! on , l'renoiiC shoul 1 uVii? ti'e cognizuicc crime ; on

contrary, this v. languigc un lout teliy in- -

- to "liird iuris-licti.-- to this extent, so that ifilla Ilawaihm commit crime on a French ship.

have 1. is tri.d this j and simeri nn 1 i.iivil --- e is n.utuil. meaning andintent of Treaty liU-Hv-i- an American,: ;

and therefore 'jn-u- l exclusive t. have perpetrated u: on him

mister, eveu hi 1 it ari-e- n from matter tf dif-- .

c in to d mi lan-gun-

the Treaty contending partis must iFrench or subjects ; if they are

of nationality juris liction remains in fjilforce.

The rctn.initiz cause of protest that it n--- t be-c-

Usui! admiralty in s 1, and i

tinder these ciicumst mces, entertain jirisiictionwithout consent representative f.reign :

to which parties belong ; and more es- -

xi illy after lias entered. Mr. Bene-- ;ciict. iu Ad. Treatise, p. 1 Sec lf-- i- There ;

have been attempt Engl in 1 au 1 in this country '

establish uu exemption jurisJiction) in f iv. rforeign merchant ships. It ha. I

place! on ground comity of nations; '

the fancied ground that vessel is part ofnation to be longs ; s me-ti- .

on that there I no jurisdictioncases without or other

diplomatic representative nation to whiciT

seiiuan or vessel belongs whichno such comity nations

within a nation is j Fi-

ction, and a government grantor destu.y jurisdiction

an e-- I 1 v C i'uti'.n. otnr-b-


otn ly the established immemorialusage nation', to peisous 1

prcj-ert- ei g ig'd oiditir.ry pursuitsIn pi ser.t stife of internat'mi il

ait in time peace, hav thert the tribunal of the they

to bo, for the rights."m

c over tit exclu-lo-- treity."

Belts i:i the c of BicVtr vsJ. Rep. one

the a favor to seamen, incases, the Greit

proceed, any interference onof tlie seaman by Lis consul or other national

the courts would seem stiilto the sinctiou an otttcer

unless nitureof forbids."siy precautionary condition re- -

juirel in of the an thatwill ordin if

this casecountries, but libeliant lias

If there was, WjuMbe as Sirong a re.piest tlie to

i by tlie: the American vernmerit.

Mr. (.irier. iu (ionzales vs. 2C. ;4".. Sivs. ciurt enrprt-ii- Much

Many the the of tlieto







to sutl'ered without such interference, as wouldthe beciu-- e is fact

conferring a foreign State."'the case of the Oolubchu-k,- " 1 W. 113.

the that thebecomes alien. commenced without

if the thatstrong sense to the Ir.

caprice consentseamen cf could

a. every race fill of vs.







i Brig U. S. l. C. March,said, The iu the of

j a a seaman ag-'ins- t his is di-

rect the consul of thej of the pendency the may take such no- -'

it he and unless there werethe the would

proceed in a without the as-- !sent the commercial here theeign of she

Mr. Jutice Supreme theUnited States, of Englishto the jurisdiction the a w the li-

beliant, American in Bostona in sn English an

English to St. and ain United was performed,

and tlie in An wasin a cause of damaze, the

English a protest to settingof British tlie a the

I a British s :bject ; also, nii.eoi onege.1 causes oi must IU

of aj ary regard to su'.jects, is

sible i nly to iiovernmtnf.ii) cars the authorities

iu some cases, on the approval the foreign re-presentative before they andin cases direct notice hiai of pen-dency the suit, it is apparent the state-ment of the that cognizant of tliepeudiuii, or tlie defendant in orthe where it

lrom in the theh "3 the power rive redress, it has

and not the deemed insist on his con- -by throauscl tor the tiiat tne

n of 1 be further justice. In case effect in-

states the the inintended his American ves- - the are tlie of bysel fe the act of the the party

that the of foralleged be, Court here, he be board thew on the high of the the

is, the Article of the injuriesFrance Courts Is not in f.r

whatever grunted by case w beTreaty were to tiie the

by the in this exposure the wrongthe Eor be

iu the is the Suppose there Americanits in the of a he his

ritoiy in all touching the of thethe t, the and of tlie g.iy to him can't mustty of the

of a go of vessel, you may bethe is charged the I a of the

l ofof iu relation can prosecute case

provide I the parties ! of the theFxench the Court. be apparent much

n interfere, by the the and theyor of the the remit the when

eiisturbed. 1 make Ar- - the case can bedirect the

the go- - be the to thevern all matters touching the the'he of &c. but far jn this case the Court regards

the the andand relation the the vessel, the i overruled.the nee.

the of the ort. the i (Igxacio) athamil AY.

the internal the a of; theend the lhe introducedt r m

v iu the Sanlwich of the thethe of tin- - the of all on of of a character it

belonged the to evenwhich the H she decision which be public. not

but the of cess iry 1 do for thealthough committed the of those it,

in order, were to inbv the .,f the the by the learnednot bv the case he

Bv this the theal-ifw- . and the of but rv. in of the we the

on the of of the and appearance ofH n.ti..M itni(rr.J rpm ;n ai mil.

Of thebut imt not

coiitentel sodomy unnaturalby the lin any of his men

of theof the vess. the

the the case ofhe not the ground

that ofthe of the If.

tort r.nlii:t tiie v

the of tic of theto

r.p re;further all f.r

this s... 'heythe th- - Meaning

cf the theparties be I'ri nch


this notbut lhe the

was le. the the --

el in-ii-:

l'r. nthe Ti

le salthe

nthe by law the act of

of not by by the i t!ii by the

act of Is. thecoti-trui-- d its

not a was kid d nves-e-- 1 by a

enf rcing the ina!, his t

led ki!!,l lyInn of

i!-- ul cf thethe ry was

rte-- th- -he sh

t;.e-- hts In the

the the nottlie !ia- - u.t eog ozi

of the tf'it bt--

by the arelation the intern. f.r

of theHawaiian not

tlie the

hasfor courts of of this kin

the of the of thethe

a protest3',


the of tensometimes the of thesometimes on athe territory of the which she

the ground canin the c cf th- -

cf thethe the all of are

There of nothingthe territory of without the ori- -.

no of canthe of our courts. ex-

emptions i!.Ji-h- e rif

treaty,of do not






do of f.r theof

in-i- -t of 'ocase lie

notthe States

beInthe of


oflor two will




a not






remof of


of case


meucommenced personal


ii.s- canacts

for heliis


other be given theof


Inrent the

not the not

of befor



by ni:lnot case its

were canforfor be past,

forto, was







for it,sensmade

othernot given

riot be



the its








th-- .


I . ... ... ..: .1 . I .i . .siaveii.eiiis as il'eu iu iiie.i vnn w .1 1 1 , nu a.tiaiiuk;

rntrri.iiii i which is of creat value in a case of this nature. The


libvll nit's witnesses have been subjected to a searching'

n on the pirt of coun-e- l, and; of thcui have been interrogate! by tlie Court, as to' points calculated to test their credibility. A smallamount of testimony has been presented on behalf ofthe re-p- lent, but it is very meagre and of little weight,while the respondent himself has been cotiUnt with filinghis written iinwer, denying in general terms the allc-- ;gifions ot the libel, and has not availed himself of theopportunity freely otlered him to come upon the standand contr idi.-- t or explain, if lie could, the testimony ofany or all of the vvineses produce 1 agiiiist him.

After mature cn-- i leratioii of the cviJence before u.s,and weighing all the f icts and circumstances of tlie case,w v arc of the opinion th it the theory of defence so inge-- !nioiislv urged by counsel, that this is a plot or conspirary goitcn up for the purpose of ruining the rej-.tident-

is without foundation in fact ; and we are driven to the' unwelcome concl.:i ui th- -t theallegatioiis c, the !'.!elareclearly proved. We have no reis..n to doubt that thelilella-it- , who i still a youth of tender v. cars and fragileframe, lias at vario i t;mes, sim... he left New Bedford

i. on board '.f the ' Montr al," thre-- e years ; o, beensubjectcl t. treitmcnt the mest t'.ul and unnatural, atthe han Is of i lie respondent. A in. .re glaring violationof the d.ity which the respondent owed to the libeliantcannot b- imagined. A r instance of oppressionand persistent abuse never came to our cognizance ; andthe annals of criminal jurispru b'nee .scarce contain ac e which in the exhil Uioii ot moral depravity surpass-es th- - present.

It becomes our duty, there-lore- , as u curt exercisinga bcr.ftie'! t juri-dictio- n, ve-t- el i:i us bv the Constitu-tion of this Kingdom, and by the gon.-ra- l maritime lawof th'? world, to declare the contract entered into by theliU-llati- f serve on loird of the ship Montred," nsno longer binding upon him ; ari l to mite out to the

such a measure of ju-ti- ce as shall secure areasonable amount of j ecuniary rpiratic n to the libel-!i:- it,

f..r the injury he h is sustain.: I. an 1 serve to markour reprobatiou of the re-- p n loot's m luct, which we-

ll .w do ly protn uneing iu fivor of the lii.e'.lmt for thesum e.f two thousinl five hundred eb.llars damages, an--

the eosts of suit Ix--t decree be entered accordingly.Me-sr- s. Harris an 1 Montgomery f.r the Libeliant.Mr. Bi?e f.r the Kep.n lent.

Hotiolul j, I'everr.lsrr lltii, 1 J.

Man: tL Vikirv vs. Natuanw l W. Sow i.r.In Admiralty. Bet' ire Justiee U..j;t.i.To..

T! is is a libel in a cause of damige, tiled by Man-uel Vieira, a native of Pico, Western Islands, nst

Nathaniel W. Sowle, master of the-- Amfri.-v- i whale-h:- p

M.jutirn!, claiming damages for ::llig d personalinjuries.

The l.beilant allege, in suh-t- m cc, that he shippeda cabin l..-- on board of the Minfru!, at Il moluiu,i:i tlie inontli cf November, IS "'., and sailed in s.iidv. sscl to (luaiii, Nan isuki, the Jipm ea, andNorthern Seas n a, and retorted t.11 il t iat mouth ; and that do: in g uc:i cruiethe respondent, by lorce and threat-.- , soecee devl intreating the ill eliant in nn untititural manner,

committing upon him the a t ol sodomv.and eompe'llim; him to submit to other uiiuatural

which cauci Lini much pain and suf-fering.

The Consul of the United States, at Honolulu, lif'i'.Cv! a prot. .t ag.dii the court taking jurisdictionin tli.- - ea-- e, iijkjii same grounds that he protestedagainst the jurisdiction in the recent e ase of ManuelEnos ( Igtiaci..) rj. N.W. Sowle, which was a suit bae--d

u; o:i tho same cause of action. In that case thejrotest vva overruled by the full court, for reasonsHons assigned at len-t- h in their decision. d be protestin this is likewise overruled, upon the groundthat tlie lillhmt did net, by having shipped tor ser- -vice on of r.u Americua sliip, loe bis 1'g ieto j, and become a iticu of the I'nited

l' I ' i.V .! . i. i.. i"- -



Fur tm

ve of t"..e 211 Arti-l- e of 'litTrtaYv w.-.- h France : That the cause of acu-rt- i is pot

thr ship . wit'r.iaor.


ir.aiJ Trei:r ; ar.i that the r.3 a

Attach! ti the ship .Umov. r.or toa.-- v -- rviV-e. or ui-"rc- : to any catt-ity- th rrU:i.T.. l-- li is here a: jrce:.: is a sub-K- :-

- :: i'crf-zi- l. tt vrir:-- y rt&-v- nt

trithua thi air. 2-- --" uairrj hve t'.'l.lciv:! i--

.s icvu::.: :e rtr--::-e:.- t - .....action csa cr. be tr.tcrcairtea neie ty tse iocl .n-bu-- .al

I have tre tars-- vera.-r- w'-ais ai i:-- -- I recall d:-- t o:

Lxve c: To -- cs:.-::.

W.-.- a" d- -e rer.-c-.- : :j tr.e teTra: ti frier. iiv tiiUin. ar.der v.h-- e au:.-.or.:- y --

rro::"U rreer.tei. I iu-- s: say the a:uF:i. tr.a:the Cr-s- il c: the L"--

::ei States has ar.y power toobW:o the :srisi:.-- i of the ootir: is. th.s case, or. ". zi.ze this controversy rim-i- . tyvirtue of a:.y treaty stirulauons to vr.:.h Ii.j ir.

Ma"estv : party, sierr.s to :r.o s5 u::tr.a.ei i.:t to air : cf i:.";"'-- D;:'::. ca-- v ca-e- s

.t-,- t- tr.e crew, ii .ne ::..e...a. .rae;- - I cf shivs. ia hua tie local a:

thrr.tie have r.D riht to -r-- .. -- .

of the CVr.s-a'.s.'t- til is r.ct one of thise cases.Tre r.j ar.s er ia the cause, but

entered L:a. where --

uror,.tirferel a derau': O be

ia c.TUtr with Adnuralty pra.;u-e- t..eib'elwas crJc-re- i ts be taker. pn n:sc. as- - taelibelant was perruitteU to support is t.v

r rrv-.:--.

The eviier.ce. in my opin.or.. xs cos:;x-- .. Thesame un'awtV. ar.i una itural treat-e- r.t. upon whichthe court hai occasion to animadvert in the Cise of

1jv;: Ens. Iztia-i- 1 was tracuced ap-r- s MaaaeiViriri. bevonl a dcubt. TbVouirb the Uiiy pro-pe- n

cf the re-to- u ier.t, the i:beliar.t r. as been. r:: o: curse ci aruse, o

ir:ure vi debase hira phyioaliy. mentally, andir.Dral'.v, for which taoney can never make tu.ismcni. Of somewhat n.ore mature ae, and ct

stron'r frame, however, thaa Manuel Enos. r.e hasrcbiolv eaiured far less act jal paia and surTer-.r.- ? :

r.-- r ha-"h- e, Lke hira. beer, subjected to years cf rr-"ec'uti-

: and the court wil-- according'. y award a

less of dr.ares in this cae trn wis a

in the foriuer.1: a decree be tntere-- i in favor of the l.btdlar.t

.r the sura of hundred dollars, and the costscf suit.

Ms;rs. Harris and Montgomery fr the Lte.lar.t.Mr. Bat for rvt ;adent.

DrcenxNrr li. If :i


. HAVINGfr.-- thtf

brns. M-ii- f ie and lilet Articlc.'n cirri f:-- r si.e- - Ee.r. fjpr.r--i

lKij.-;.-v f. Ihy-- c:fJol tai extracts, a fratI T.zctur-- .

VEMCIXK CH bTi rrf.'.'.ed it lie ciajst r.M..x.-r- .

Tic ; a f of t! ii-i-- s c- r,.-- r?. c t

Act t sy r--. t-- rii.


Kv.raoi T:ri.Ejtj f.wifr.rra


p. crr: -

::vr c:l. i.--a "1 Cf saadof aid


a: v. .-

- ,

j .


. .

z- - a


dvs- -

.vat--, a'J,V.1 cf Nrata--- t Ve-i'-a-

rr...i.rv h ni .

oirr. lo-- tu.rr-crs-.

HiTT.rrtiJic-'- .cua i irs--li:-

r!-- -d n:artf.4. -:,

H--- rr s saraeaia. r:n-.t- xh j. iVrf,!h.r ivrt. Hi:;j' -- :trnt. a...I.nd-iit- -; aiarkit? iak. w - ana ye--i


C d 'rrer.t ;&.!.


saala. i txtrari. eaa-ii- jaia- t- pa.fcarr:--.- :" c..-Cia-:- ar.i cttc-j- J t'xh ih.Oras tre ad ta tooth-f.s- i. aaap a&i fcrcsh, infaal ta.r h,Ccct-i- briii.-- . 'jatc-tt..- . tr.c:jKvpri.-- tiir



Tlu Aaodfur. Inirrral CaK Remedy.All Crsfeabrrs Medicine.


- WlA 5 AND S CALLOX EMPTT1 IIUU k'R. fce iugar.- r iisnri'R t r.211-l- q





C. Co.,.

Ol'BLE AXD SINGLE REED. MAXE- -ct t. U.t H. W. cmiOi. F:r ;?




100 Birr?! Ec'. ji-- i received, andr a f y



" i;e C. EF.EWER C

lt Markn Whrf.

:r-?- 5 and For i. TJil-l- c,


Ctiairi.C. EREWEE k


ij k's d c 3.C. ERETVEK t CO .


C. i


1 I J If fr .f i) C. E.tEWEP.







MANILA CORDAGE.wl 1 1- -. - ? r fa:

C. LKEW1 .7-.- f .'iaxi": r.r-- .




tr..!- - 'Ti-r- .



! ! !

B A LES (i C XXV B ICS,.ju" fccr'ap p--r

C. A- CO.


HALF I'F.IEDF faie r y

2&-l- r, C. 4 CO.

(;OODS !



1 itpjr.i!;f r



i - f y

Li";u-'' .


5 : ;





li.--rt -- i.

faciirti !


F- -

4-- ..







BAGS HAGS-- rUdu;:,"








LadiTi-i- .And .tr.r artici, i " F--i

I' .r a rrC. BREWER CO.


l.;f Market

express wagon:light wagon in completeOx Cart,

Strn"' ry

liT-'.- f





or.?d t. Ja-- t rec-?-.--'i prr

BREW KR i CO...Market Wtirf.

CCTTING FALLS.riiHREE 5 I- -l CCTTING FALLS, f. r aa: ryI C. BP.EWER, s Cj.,

1 :-- :.











Mars't r.arf

C. EREWER & " .Mar-- t vyrf- -






C. i


Jut rcceiud per " Syren !"M A T EOAEDS Ci.o:ce k- -

1 OAR? VT1

M A ?T h'.'PS Var-.'Xi- s Jx.L'C K.SMITH S BELLOWS Lar? s r- -.

.it N Rau-.- : pat-E- t.

RINtTONESWHEELBARROW ? Pa.terf ad vini.i.POINTED BUCKETS tV--al style.NE1 ICES Extra L:-prd-

i :r aa! r v .C. BREWER A Co..

. Marki t WLarf .


Ht.f Ea-- t tfra.-.i-i-.c- r.

r - I r r- -i ' v



Assortment ofJMerchandisef.

lrV ;00d. ..rn vSK OTIS DEXIMS. BAL

e.v c--rt irr.Groceries.

Ticrw !:3;- -

cb. ;a u::.0j t tii.Ca. ch-- es ia ta t -- 1

cr.w--d f ir. t :"J-j-iC- iclove. tTT

Cae carry pciT. 4c oi;v.Cas ma corn S5J io tmi.

Caii I tr-J- t. 1 ti-Ca dairy aa-- t ; i ta1.

s :a.rc-.- .

Cisrt a rci.


Krc- -11:? tr"j saic-a- rt bop

Sundrie. . .L..1 y..---- .

Ei--r-r rarr:.-.- .


Pa.k- - pasriy

Cratt- Lreed

cavs - .v- - - 'ir-s- . rr'.-- 2 ch

h-- .roil. a. o



j.' - ' '. bca

1.) ha. ?aP aai fea:.r. tcp I- -r.f- - ...wi-r. oi:.--f- - ha!yr.s.

Ud n large Rr!mfl fChoice Family yA(:216-1- 1 J .1-- !


OFFERS RATE?. :K i,U,:rt axtofrVfi w T:wt.i-- c.

ij;r.irr.Eise fcizt-r-s- ,

RAVEN? rrcK,tr.u--u Castn.

S"J CrjcTT Ware

Ci-Atc-H CroclLcry WareEv Sci: La-:T- -i. t-- i u'jji?,

" Cookins SItc.(X'LON'i

TEA,rriri Ap; O.ia F. . F--e.


Extra Prime Park.LOAF 51G AF-- . CRC5HED SCGaR. SaVT EF.EAD, HAMS

Gri Pe;O ; Mc-'.3- ri.

Wmirr Crac.erj,Mt".'p;ri Crfc'Ti.rts

, u.r.f-- r rrif-- .Lc;oc Caka.


Poekrf Kv-- . Jack Kf,. tai t- N'x Sirr'B;:tJ. !ak.-.--. X'--P.


R..;: II e-

I'iii.-k- .

I ck Ai-i- .

Cirpt Tick.Arvl F;ir.

Irou Bedtlrad. One Cabin Table.Large CctcAe. Ccpfr C- IXx Mai.



B'.:k P.:.Gr-e- Pilut,

Liali i Brt-.her'- s r are WL't? Leal,PaciSc Co. Extra. White Leil.Ke"s Lewis & Brc:her"s Phi!, pure Zinc Paict,

; Cans Lewis Brother's PhiL pure Zinc Paint.Too 5 '..

F.reSTr.s:iiddir.e 5" ANCHORS axo CHAINS.


. On s- -r. Piir: f.r-- r??. i t.s::r. Car. a: Cba.ra,Mc , I Li-:.-- ? 'j:vr.Brir., I Asc-- . SJ.J KarJware.

Ersriri WtIir? Gm..I Lano.

Oo BnV Wtalxs Gaa and I.--n.. c.e wrap Frri ovutoss.with Jaer..a. rrwJl p.acbea,

Lrc-- N-- w WtaSHu. FmiOIL C EptrryjQ.


Oik PU.-.-i, 1:. "i lj isch.

Larse as-ortr- a't Manila and HempSfiir.J '.

Cwlll-- ff FI'.i.Whal- - Um.

Trr V.'.uC cpTSiticn Sha:hirc Na,

C'3?r.p::),:.s Nail.Kcs Co: Nail.

MARZETTrS I"")R.TKR. SALTS EURTON ALE.qu&rvj ar.i pir.:. qur--s nd pit.s

FETLEY-- S ALE. pi:!. j EALES II A IE.' IrJiaa a!rev-)- BUters. Esiw W,Tal.i Ch'rrv, SturBtor's BaM.

H: Ur'.i, EsDce Pepirniiru.Palro-loa- f Hit'.

W.vtr Straw II is.Brown Siraw Hat.It.p ctr Il-- ti,

CL-iir- Hal?.A SKILL ISTO!--


jivr itrx i:ivi:i :

PER "SAMI EL ROBERTSON,"NO FOR SALE BV B. F. SNOW,4 1 H An. t.4.1.' tr-- .

1 Iron St--- AwVt. i.441 lj ich Ch;r. Cat -.

1 1 iscii Ci.a:n CaK".o.

4 S:axh-Ntt.:r- .i WLa B- -

C.i B'.ackt:ti.r" ZlT- -ii





coss.M;r.; ctDry ;ood.

Ba! pKm, oi. caUa. d i. air.:r.r. wi: aa-- r'axed.Bai-- 4 iri'.'.i, V;ct- - r.a iL5.fjrj z.ri:;-- z. ii. c d

Ea ilasiL. do. ur.: a c:at.s.Cvt Cros chci. do. d j-

Ba.ra taf5try cirpt. oa '.1 clvti, j. tlr:-ai-.

Fancy fiood.Ca eaabric taadiierchirfa, TC:rtts. .:;.

ct ai fafy r.r-- - r.. r t- -.

Cartaia frlnees. :v-- ry ar.i ?a;- - cn:v.Par.a fans, lad; no4a.r5. Pars p.vt55sa..

ac.-.-rJ.r- ra is-

Clothin?.Cji-- h pn:ak.:r.s. c:a. r.'.ei t . i"ry s'r.'.rt.'.BaK- bii' r.- - ralf crey i-r- r; iL:rt.

m:te ciliro V?-.-t- t..r.?, ci?r-- s

Cifes :n izi'-n.'us-

Cutlery.Car f r,f a&i ka;v. ci- - Lr.

Hardware.Ci'is .h'. C4--- 1 5':.---t a::. ca- - h" ard ttib!ej.Ca iron tjaated ajjact. ta.::s tit;.

laware.C- i- w.ol-- '4.i. dc. tur.-rs- d-- . ca-t.:- r.

Ca- - wine ar.i 'vriry r'.A-,-- r. i. ct 'aij w.z t.

Ship Chandlery.C""i iJ:an frii.-!-. buad": Sir ar.d :c ;

Bi is. ojai ar.d zr.

Ca. p frxts. d-- . p:cVr. l v a'Uri.Ciif ;sni? ir, i r X" Cir. :.- -. rv-- ' sar-l.r-- f .

- L.Trp.-"- yr'.Vw - r. S".t ct-- -",

Cai hats. N: r ra : r.. jar f.rrvr.t.Haf t:-"- . froir--i ad i a; fir. a atj. car.i:.Tir. ch"o:".atr. cir jo. t t c: era.riilf bt-- ctvra - a . Tuaa. a'j3--.i.J-

Spirit. Wine and Ale.Cii Holland v cirv ca?a claret.htii. aic, Eas and Bya5.

Sadd Iery.Ci .c:'ta-.;.- n mJ2. i-- . . ck:c al! cvfr.

Furniture.Mah chti of iraw-r- ?. timu. do.

Paint and Oil.Ca.--V wi:? pa.r.t. i ". cr.r.-cr- grr:.Caas Par er. ra: Uiled Ur..-- d c.1.Patit wt.::e z:z.

Sundries.Box-- tcatci.e. bai-- ff-r.-: ppr p ir.Boxes cecrit. ri k. tarrtLj,Livorp" - salt. p- - rk.

Aujt- li. 2:1-- 0 H . KACKFF.LD A Co.

Wool. Goat Hides,Tallow. Composition.



x SaleBY TliE VM'ERsI'5NEI.

The Carrof of the IIritih Bark

it u m p i in i: v x i: i ).vAm. " KATHLEEN,"


V-c- ta, im i:y-- J ca.tkj-- n. trax-- l tc-i- i..

r.n mnd Ucct .&.

V ueacxrf tar5-aerctxr-

Tir-- i

y nil dr-- .,


: d- -. a ri-i- . iUait-iia-pu- .

j a&J aca--- t V ra, c a! ai&ata m a,-i- to a"--


' ?i-t- d twu ar.i. tacrei, .a.f

Hardware.fc aalVr. rxxr.i :r--- . aairf. Cat tr .aa.

t t-- .. t . cr-- ct! - taaJ do,

Tetf aal ktr a-- jth.



Irtc " rdU. 5 ft V.r,r. i 4 cpr-.t,- i al 4 ivra tart,

br- - trti"-Lj-"Cat u.a, a-- tJ

Natal Store.Mi - r t"""1 r"f'Tarr-- d r -

V. tika. rat- - - awd pa:su.

Esn iy.-- d ra ;m rft-"

S-- l caaiu. VL. tArrJBarrel. f o.-t, r. f paa..B- -. vai as--1 ;pt.I- -c aa.i tTa vrr fa.u iT'ta.

;iest f jCa tr '7Pr 5 -

firoeerie.ClM Brr- - f - barr-.- . d i j. o C Wiure cWe,r frs.t. " arrf ;. a-l- -

Sa-- . w rr.'. c arl. tr.

r:'a i-'-xS rvjeta"-.'- . ta- - anw;l!o, t;vva. aj-- I 7 " "j-- p79i cr.t t--jyzszj: --j . y asia.. i--. 'tj. a- -i,

Cu ur: i-- a. - rat ii'. -


f.. o --ra. O.f T fcf wn CjjiiiPa Ovr--- a. fa! Al rav C.-et- .

aLZ aSiHita razi1 a. Y'Jir' Ai

Saedriet.Wt.t aatwa-- r wr. rtr7- - ,wirf. avi !- -.

Crv.'-- i aa.rti vtwt war.ILua ar.; t:uArl -- :

Ir r r. cj. ti pia.t..w tr. Hir u wje,. : rr-a-ii. L!rpwrl aaM,

Eif- - c txt oti.1 a: a trrit' coal,

:uaa coal,Grtcn pair.L

SUGAR PAN? AND COOLERS.' tnr. I caae rr;r- - a-- ti caifry,


Rwred rr SEA X Y M P H. &"a i,


'i-- .i" rr lark GOMELZA. Tc Lvcitrv, as aaaortskruof ENGLLrH GKOCE&IL?.

A- -i i tV r eocyaice !r-r-. Iijl'A atr tirf litNELS 'N. a.r ' tJ it--T w- - late, a ban-tt.-':

as.jrtn:: U ENGLISH I HINTS, iaflaitf pk aadr;;-w- . ard cr.T fc.'--r

-- y-

Tt d: f lV tT-.t- aa wC as t tiper nif l"T N " are y iw. ai c--" cajed orOrr-w--a troa lie oii d.: t: r.TLatc ry


CattiM rtaia M:r,r.r.rAccbcn, e B-.- f rd

VSKS SIIOtKS.'Hlr:. Ciaabe.TT.aci,







23x-l- t "G-ltECIAN- !"


a NnEORSALEBVTIIECNDERSIGXED,-- . CaMf as.jrtd M ty : do Jo px--k,

(uq arrtd jai. do do .aiPe. do d pf.Cut- - c4:t, p fra.t. cx'i"."3tTT. tar 1.B:a. T.r-rira- ciori oai:a:. c-rr-w f 9 irr.Markic i. ctl.i p:. w 3ro?-v- T a:- -

Prime Yobs Ham. ILhi.. ErKTOs A1.1,MaRzrrrrs Ale in l--,MaRZETTi's Ale, Doue.le Diajiond do-- ,

Scpfrior Dast BsaM'V, (MaarEZ-L's,- )

Cases Post Wine, lxi Geneva, r--o Sheef,Cases veet Scperioe Champagne, Ac

Samples now ready for Inspection.2ia-o-ci JANImN. GREEN A CO.

j FRESH GROCERIES.SALE, BV RECENT ARRI VALS.THEOX cl.'sht .t c Grwr.-.- t. at ti K. of U

nlr:rtie'i. rixi Preserves.( Freti apples.






aaTcryCarry p W.Grcui ca;-a-.

W bcU; lio da.

StrswtmT 4?.. ke., GraaiJ rr,

I M nice laeats. CYrata tartar,Sar, I?- - C. ia.Stt taTory, HaxaU Sc-ar-

' Frvh ra-.- Frh corracta. iz. tic.T:rj water crackr- - T:ra hcrar eraoLera.

TiE sifar trvkn. T.r- - cyaijrr crackfr.r.c loda crackcra, T:rj w.&e cnackna,

I'rh PTiiera, Fr--b V. tXCTa.farii. I rrort--. tapta.

Eneta pie fraita. Ki -- fc pc ,' Ec"ja aaacea. Eirteli mintard., Freixrh cuitard. Smd aatc"

SiX'-ao- i iKrrirpa. octro,i B Oct ia U?p,' Crtiabied ao-- i tai fcrar. S4.p. ci S. B Fre- -t IslarJ better aid crcarl a aayaot handj lT-l- y H. RE.



FRE?ER ES. cccsuzf



Crr.t-r-r- .'rvach.

Frar.C rab A pi le.

PtmoH. kcEr sa tr

irr-- i II. W. SEVERANCE.







' HAIR SOFAS frwl riaci wain-jt- .

' 11 AIR LOrXGES cxdiUtoo.II AIR ROCKERS walrat.





I 3 d t cntccsoc cr.a r, d a. w;i oSre cla rs,10 " tar-irx- ' JO cic armCar. cap-i- roctit chair. laa rxi.:z.f cta-- r,

Cl.Jdrer.' - - Car-e- at aioiaImitation Oak Chamber Set,

Baby Wapon.Baby Cab.

Baby Jumper,Tapetry Ottouan,

.Manila .Mat,Coir

I VelTft Mmt

l-- tf

Ji J jr Radaaa, il f r u byC. BREWER CO.



cnoi? xogo :




Hides.(.'oat Skins.


Old Copper,Old Composition.


k rales, by:s:-t- f



C RRliiftR A CO..Market Wthzt- -



AMiitehall Boats!II ST RECHVED r--r STivr." ar.d fx b