Comfortable projects

Comfortable projects The X Baltic Triennial of International Art 2009 Urban stories——Contemporary Artists Explore the City of Vilnius, Lithuania 25.09 - 22.11.2009 ArtistGao Mingyan ,Jin Shan ,Li Mu ,Lu Jiawei ,Tang Dixin Project Curated by Jinshan We are interested in investigating the idea of ‘expiration’ within the context of a residential building. In this project we aimed to address social concerns within the intimate setting of a home. Around the early 1990’s, Lithuania experienced two distinct social structures – Socialism under the former Soviet Union and now the current Capitalist system. Compared with the present situation in Lithuania, Socialism under the former Soviet Union has ‘expired’, yet it was intriguing to find out that many Lithuanians wished to return to the former system, in which certain items and services were free. For this project, each artist explored theme of ‘expiration’ from their perspective. By creating different works in the context of an ordinary person’s home we aimed to extend the possibilities of artistic creation beyond the limitations inherent in a traditional exhibition space.


curated by Jin Shan

Transcript of Comfortable projects

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Comfortable projects

The X Baltic Triennial of International Art 2009Urban stories——Contemporary Artists Explore the City of Vilnius, Lithuania25.09 - 22.11.2009Artist:Gao Mingyan ,Jin Shan ,Li Mu ,Lu Jiawei ,Tang DixinProject Curated by Jinshan

We are interested in investigating the idea of ‘expiration’ within the context of a residential building. In this project we aimed to address social concerns within the intimate setting of a home. Around the early 1990’s, Lithuania experienced two distinct social structures – Socialism under the former Soviet Union and now the current Capitalist system. Compared with the present situation in Lithuania, Socialism under the former Soviet Union has ‘expired’, yet it was intriguing to find out that many Lithuanians wished to return to the former system, in which certain items and services were free. For this project, each artist explored theme of ‘expiration’ from their perspective. By creating different works in the context of an ordinary person’s home we aimed to extend the possibilities of artistic creation beyond the limitations inherent in a traditional exhibition space.

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The house secne

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Location 1Bathroom

Artist: Jin Shan Jin Shan’s work: The ar t is t replaced the bathroom light with old light fixtures from the second hand market. He then rewired the electricity to flicker on and off as if the electricity is not working properly.

Artist: Tang Di XinThe artist moved certain objects in the bathroom, and then placed dirt in a configuration around the objects that simulated the accumulation of dust that happens over time.

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Location 1Bathroom

Artist: Tang Di XinThe a r t i s t moved cer ta in objec ts in the bathroom, and t h e n p l a c e d d i r t in a configuration around the objects that simulated the accumulation of dust that happens over time.

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Location 1Bathroom

Artist: Jin Shan Jin Shan’s work: The artist replaced the bathroom light with old light fixtures from the second hand market. He then rewired the electricity to flicker on and off as if the electricity is not working properly.

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Artist: Jin Shan J i n S h a n ’ s work: The artist replaced all the room light with old light fixtures from the second h a n d m a r k e t . He then rewired the electricity to flicker on and off as if the electricity i s no t work ing properly.

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Location 2Main Door of the Dinner Room

Artist: Li MuT h e a r t i s t u s e d second hand books and configured them in a typical threshold f o r m f o u n d i n Chinese architecture. He then dripped wax from church candles over the top of the books.

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Location 3Dinner Room

Artist: Jin ShanThe a r t i s t bought cans of meat often e a t e n d u r i n g t h e Russian Communist period in Lithuania, and s tacked these c a n s i n s i d e t h e kitchen cabinets and drawers. He then put a machine in each cabinet and drawer, which automatically and con t inuous ly opened and closed the cabinets and drawers.

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Location 3Dinner Room

Artist: Jin ShanThe artist bought cans of meat often eaten during the Russian Communist period in Lithuania, and stacked these cans inside the kitchen cabinets and drawers. He then put a machine in each cabinet and drawer, which automatically a n d c o n t i n u o u s l y opened and closed the cabinets and drawers.

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Location 3Dinner Room

Artist: Jin ShanThe artist bought cans of meat often eaten during the Russian Communist period in Lithuania, and stacked these cans inside the kitchen cabinets and drawers. He then put a mach ine in each cabinet and drawer, which automatically a n d c o n t i n u o u s l y opened and closed the cabinets and drawers.

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Location 3Dinner Room

Artist: Jin ShanThe artist bought cans of meat often eaten during the Russian Communist period in Lithuania, and stacked these cans inside the kitchen cabinets and drawers. He then put a machine in each cabinet and drawer, which automatically and continuously opened and closed the cabinets and drawers.

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Location 3Dinner Room

Artist: Tang Di XinThe ar t is t moved cer ta in objec ts in the bathroom, and then placed dir t in a configurat ion around the objects that simulated the accumulation of dust that happens over time.

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Location 3Dinner Room

Artist: Tang Di XinT h e a r t i s t m o v e d cer ta in ob jec t s in the bathroom, and t h e n p l a c e d d i r t in a configurat ion around the objects that s imulated the accumulation of dust tha t happens over time.

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Location 3Dinner Room

Artist: Tang Di XinThe ar t is t moved certain objects in the bathroom, and then placed dirt in a configurat ion around the objects that simulated the accumulation of dust that happens over time.

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Location 3Dinner Room

Artist: Tang Di XinThe artist moved certain objects in the bathroom, and then placed dirt in a configuration around the objects that simulated the accumulation of dust that happens over time.

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Location 3Dinner Room

Artist: Gao Ming YenT h e a r t i s t b o u g h t second hand objects, reflective of daily life, and set them on a table surrounded by chairs. He then configured all of the objects, along wi th the t ab le and chairs to tilt one way, as if the set of things w e r e m o v i n g a n d suddenly stopped.

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Location 3Dinner Room

Artist: Gao Ming YenT h e a r t i s t b o u g h t second hand objects, reflective of daily life, and set them on a table surrounded by chairs. He then configured all of the objects, along w i t h t h e t a b l e a n d chairs to tilt one way, as if the set of things were moving and suddenly stopped.

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Location 3Dinner Room

Artist: Gao Ming YenThe artist also bought second hand books and then created small paper sculptures out of the book that reflect the title of the book.

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Location 4 Bedroom

Artists: Li MuThe artist made a video of himself knocking on window from the outside. He then projected this video onto the window in the inside of the house, thus making it look as if the artist was trying to get into the house.