Com480 final project2

How Sports Can Help Save Journalism?



Transcript of Com480 final project2

  • 1. How Sports Can Help Save Journalism?

2. The Purpose of Sports
Financial Revenue
Five Major Sports
Generate Fans
3. How Does Sports Connect With Saving Journalism
Elevator Pitch
The Plan
Help Solve Crisis
in Journalism
Help Serve
Journalistic Values
How to Make Money
Create Public Discourse
4. Elevator Pitch
Tired of all the tabloids and drama in sports?
Come to
and get the real and latest reports on your favorite athletes.
5. Athletes Affected by Tabloids
I wish my personal life wasnt affected by all of these tabloids. Its about the game not my sex life.
6. Athletes Affected by Tabloids (continued)
Hey this is Tiger Why did I
leave my name on the voicemail?
Ugh I hate these tabloids!!
7. Resurrecting the Career of Michael Vick
From this
To Playing Football and being a success story once again
8. Solution to Tabloids
Say no to tabloids; its not journalism!
Tabloids violate the ninth rule of journalism, which is keep morals.
It also manipulates the first rule, which is the obligation to the truth
Journalists are supposed to find the story
but now tabloids are becoming the new trend.
9. Target Audience (for website)
Working Men
Working Women
10. Reactions from Fans on the Website
Look Bob! Real Sports Articles! No Gossip! This is Awesome
Feeling of Satisfaction
Finally! A place to enjoy sports without the hassle of tabloids!
11. Ultimate Target
12. 13. Time for Questions and Answers